QextScintillaMacro Class Reference

The QextScintillaMacro class represents a sequence of recordable editor commands. More...

#include <qextscintillamacro.h>

List of all members.

Public Slots

Public Member Functions


Detailed Description

The QextScintillaMacro class represents a sequence of recordable editor commands.

Methods are provided to convert convert a macro to and from a textual representation so that they can be easily written to and read from permanent storage.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

QextScintillaMacro::QextScintillaMacro ( QextScintilla parent,
const char *  name = 0 

Construct a QextScintillaMacro with parent parent and name name.

QextScintillaMacro::QextScintillaMacro ( const QCString &  asc,
QextScintilla parent,
const char *  name = 0 

Construct a QextScintillaMacro from the printable ASCII representation asc, with parent parent and name name.

virtual QextScintillaMacro::~QextScintillaMacro (  )  [virtual]

Destroy the QextScintillaMacro instance.

Member Function Documentation

void QextScintillaMacro::clear (  ) 

Clear the contents of the macro.

bool QextScintillaMacro::load ( const QCString &  asc  ) 

Load the macro from the printable ASCII representation asc. Returns TRUE if there was no error.

See also:

QCString QextScintillaMacro::save (  )  const

Return a printable ASCII representation of the macro. It is guaranteed that only printable ASCII characters are used and that double quote characters will not be used.

See also:

virtual void QextScintillaMacro::play (  )  [virtual, slot]

Play the macro.

virtual void QextScintillaMacro::startRecording (  )  [virtual, slot]

Start recording user commands and add them to the macro.

virtual void QextScintillaMacro::endRecording (  )  [virtual, slot]

Stop recording user commands.

Generated on Thu Nov 30 09:32:31 2006 for QScintilla by  doxygen 1.4.7