path: root/doc/html/qtable.html
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authorTimothy Pearson <[email protected]>2011-12-05 22:04:08 -0600
committerTimothy Pearson <[email protected]>2011-12-05 22:04:08 -0600
commite02e31c8b9d854cd62cbe9799228f6e08e882773 (patch)
tree53303c981d0b20e03c5a2fc8e959fa74adcb90d1 /doc/html/qtable.html
parent143f194af098d44bf0dd1ebb29e59f30ce48d523 (diff)
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Diffstat (limited to 'doc/html/qtable.html')
1 files changed, 4 insertions, 4 deletions
diff --git a/doc/html/qtable.html b/doc/html/qtable.html
index c077e5267..7031ac029 100644
--- a/doc/html/qtable.html
+++ b/doc/html/qtable.html
@@ -302,19 +302,19 @@ identifying a particular cell.
<p> There are two approaches to populating the table's cells. The
first and simplest approach is to use TQTableItems or <a href="qtableitem.html">TQTableItem</a>
subclasses. The second approach doesn't use TQTableItems at all
-which is useful for very large sparse tables but retquires you to
+which is useful for very large sparse tables but requires you to
reimplement a number of functions. We'll look at each approach in
<p> To put a string in a cell use <a href="#setText">setText</a>(). This function will create
a new TQTableItem for the cell if one doesn't already exist, and
displays the text in it. By default the table item's widget will
be a <a href="qlineedit.html">TQLineEdit</a>. A pixmap may be put in a cell with <a href="#setPixmap">setPixmap</a>(),
-which also creates a table item if retquired. A cell may contain <em>both</em> a pixmap and text; the pixmap is displayed to the left of the
+which also creates a table item if required. A cell may contain <em>both</em> a pixmap and text; the pixmap is displayed to the left of the
text. Another approach is to construct a TQTableItem or TQTableItem
subclass, set its properties, then insert it into a cell with
<a href="#setItem">setItem</a>().
<p> If you want cells which contain comboboxes use the <a href="qcombotableitem.html">TQComboTableItem</a>
-class. Similarly if you retquire cells containing checkboxes use
+class. Similarly if you require cells containing checkboxes use
the <a href="qchecktableitem.html">TQCheckTableItem</a> class. These table items look and behave just
like the combobox or checkbox widgets but consume far less memory.
@@ -350,7 +350,7 @@ approach. The cell's widget (if there is one) can be removed with
<a name="1-2-1"></a><p> For large, sparse, tables using TQTableItems or other widgets is
inefficient. The solution is to <em>draw</em> the cell as it should
appear and to create and destroy cell editors on demand.
-<p> This approach retquires that you reimplement various functions.
+<p> This approach requires that you reimplement various functions.
Reimplement <a href="#paintCell">paintCell</a>() to display your data, and <a href="#createEditor">createEditor</a>()
and <a href="#setCellContentFromEditor">setCellContentFromEditor</a>() to support in-place editing. It
is very important to reimplement <a href="#resizeData">resizeData</a>() to have no