path: root/doc/moc.doc
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authorTimothy Pearson <[email protected]>2011-11-08 12:31:36 -0600
committerTimothy Pearson <[email protected]>2011-11-08 12:31:36 -0600
commitd796c9dd933ab96ec83b9a634feedd5d32e1ba3f (patch)
tree6e3dcca4f77e20ec8966c666aac7c35bd4704053 /doc/moc.doc
Test conversion to TQt3 from Qt3 8c6fc1f8e35fd264dd01c582ca5e7549b32ab731
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1 files changed, 513 insertions, 0 deletions
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+** Moc usage, expanded from the manual page
+** Copyright (C) 1992-2008 Trolltech ASA. All rights reserved.
+** This file is part of the Qt GUI Toolkit.
+** This file may be used under the terms of the GNU General
+** Public License versions 2.0 or 3.0 as published by the Free
+** Software Foundation and appearing in the files LICENSE.GPL2
+** and LICENSE.GPL3 included in the packaging of this file.
+** Alternatively you may (at your option) use any later version
+** of the GNU General Public License if such license has been
+** publicly approved by Trolltech ASA (or its successors, if any)
+** and the KDE Free Qt Foundation.
+** Please review the following information to ensure GNU General
+** Public Licensing retquirements will be met:
+** If you are unsure which license is appropriate for your use, please
+** review the following information:
+** or contact the sales department at [email protected].
+** This file may be used under the terms of the Q Public License as
+** defined by Trolltech ASA and appearing in the file LICENSE.QPL
+** included in the packaging of this file. Licensees holding valid Qt
+** Commercial licenses may use this file in accordance with the Qt
+** Commercial License Agreement provided with the Software.
+** This file is provided "AS IS" with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND,
+** A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Trolltech reserves all rights not granted
+** herein.
+// Note: Text in this file must also be copied to the moc man page:
+// src/moc/moc.1
+\page moc.html
+\title Using the Meta Object Compiler
+\keyword moc
+The Meta Object Compiler, moc among friends, is the program which
+handles Qt's \link metaobjects.html C++ extensions.\endlink
+The moc reads a C++ source file. If it finds one or more class
+declarations that contain the Q_OBJECT macro, it produces another
+C++ source file which contains the meta object code for the classes
+that use the Q_OBJECT macro. Among other things, meta object code is
+retquired for the signal/slot mechanism, runtime type information and
+the dynamic property system.
+The C++ source file generated by the moc must be compiled and linked
+with the implementation of the class (or it can be #included into the
+class's source file).
+If you use \link qmake\endlink to create your
+Makefiles, build rules will be included that call the moc when
+retquired, so you will not need to use the moc directly. For more
+background information on moc, see \link templates.html Why doesn't Qt
+use templates for signals and slots?\endlink.
+\section1 Usage
+The moc is typically used with an input file containing class declarations
+like this:
+ class MyClass : public QObject
+ {
+ public:
+ MyClass( QObject * parent=0, const char * name=0 );
+ ~MyClass();
+ signals:
+ void mySignal();
+ public slots:
+ void mySlot();
+ };
+In addition to the signals and slots shown above, the moc also
+implements object properties as in the next example. The Q_PROPERTY
+macro declares an object property, while Q_ENUMS declares a list of
+enumeration types within the class to be usable inside the
+\link properties.html property system\endlink. In this particular
+case we declare a property of the enumeration type \c Priority that is
+also called "priority" and has a get function \c priority() and a set
+function \c setPriority().
+ class MyClass : public QObject
+ {
+ Q_PROPERTY( Priority priority READ priority WRITE setPriority )
+ Q_ENUMS( Priority )
+ public:
+ MyClass( QObject * parent=0, const char * name=0 );
+ ~MyClass();
+ enum Priority { High, Low, VeryHigh, VeryLow };
+ void setPriority( Priority );
+ Priority priority() const;
+ };
+Properties can be modified in subclasses with the Q_OVERRIDE
+macro. The Q_SETS macro declares enums that are to be used as
+sets, i.e. OR'ed together. Another macro, Q_CLASSINFO, can be used to
+attach additional name/value-pairs to the class' meta object:
+ class MyClass : public QObject
+ {
+ Q_CLASSINFO( "Author", "Oscar Peterson")
+ Q_CLASSINFO( "Status", "Active")
+ public:
+ MyClass( QObject * parent=0, const char * name=0 );
+ ~MyClass();
+ };
+The three concepts, signals and slots, properties and class
+meta-data, can be combined.
+The output produced by the moc must be compiled and linked, just like
+the other C++ code in your program; otherwise the build will fail in
+the final link phase. By convention, this is done in one of the
+following two ways:
+<dt><b>Method A: The class declaration is found in a header
+(\e .h) file</b>
+<dd>If the class declaration above is found in the file
+\e myclass.h, the moc output should be put in a file called
+\e moc_myclass.cpp. This file should then be compiled as
+usual, resulting in an object file \e moc_myclass.o (on Unix)
+or \e moc_myclass.obj (on Windows). This object should then be
+included in the list of object files that are linked together in the
+final building phase of the program.
+<dt><b>Method B: The class declaration is found in an implementation
+(\e .cpp) file</b>
+<dd>If the class declaration above is found in the file
+\e myclass.cpp, the moc output should be put in a file called
+\e myclass.moc. This file should be #included in the
+implementation file, i.e. \e myclass.cpp should contain the
+ #include "myclass.moc"
+at the end. This will cause the moc-generated code to be compiled and
+linked together with the normal class definition in \e myclass.cpp, so
+it is not necessary to compile and link it separately, as in Method A.
+Method A is the normal method. Method B can be used in cases where you
+want the implementation file to be self-contained, or in cases where
+the Q_OBJECT class is implementation-internal and thus should not be
+visible in the header file.
+\section1 Automating moc Usage with Makefiles
+For anything but the simplest test programs, it is recommended that
+you automate running the moc. By adding some rules to your program's
+Makefile, \e make can take care of running moc when necessary and
+handling the moc output.
+We recommend using Trolltech's free makefile generation tool, \link qmake\endlink, for building your Makefiles. This tool
+recognizes both Method A and B style source files, and generates a
+Makefile that does all the necessary moc handling.
+If you want to create your Makefiles yourself, here are some tips on
+how to include moc handling.
+For Q_OBJECT class declarations in header files, here is a useful
+makefile rule if you only use GNU make:
+ moc_%.cpp: %.h
+ moc $< -o $@
+If you want to write portably, you can use individual rules with the
+following form:
+ moc_NAME.cpp: NAME.h
+ moc $< -o $@
+You must also remember to add \e moc_NAME.cpp to your SOURCES
+(substitute your favorite name) variable and \e moc_NAME.o or
+\e moc_NAME.obj to your OBJECTS variable.
+(While we prefer to name our C++ source files .cpp, the moc doesn't
+care, so you can use .C, .cc, .CC, .cxx or even .c++ if you
+For Q_OBJECT class declarations in implementation (.cpp) files, we
+suggest a makefile rule like this:
+ NAME.o: NAME.moc
+ NAME.moc: NAME.cpp
+ moc -i $< -o $@
+This guarantees that make will run the moc before it compiles
+\e NAME.cpp. You can then put
+ #include "NAME.moc"
+at the end of \e NAME.cpp, where all the classes declared in
+that file are fully known.
+\section1 Invoking moc
+Here are the command-line options supported by the moc:
+\header \i Option \i Meaning
+\i -o \e file
+\i Write output to \e file rather than to stdout.
+\i -f
+\i Force the generation of an #include statement in the
+output. This is the default for files whose name matches the regular
+expression \.[hH][^.]* (i.e. the extension starts with H or h). This
+option is only useful if you have header files that do not follow the
+standard naming conventions.
+\i -i
+\i Do not generate an #include statement in the output.
+This may be used to run the moc on on a C++ file containing one or
+more class declarations. You should then #include the meta object
+code in the .cpp
+file. If both -i and -f are present, the last one wins.
+\i -nw
+\i Do not generate any warnings. Not recommended.
+\i -ldbg
+\i Write a flood of lex debug information to stdout.
+\i -p \e path
+\i Makes the moc prepend \e {path}/ to
+the file name in the generated #include statement (if one is
+\i -q \e path
+\i Makes the moc prepend \e {path}/ to
+the file name of qt #include files in the generated code.
+You can explicitly tell the moc not to parse parts of a header
+file. It recognizes any C++ comment (//) that contains the substrings
+MOC_SKIP_BEGIN or MOC_SKIP_END. They work as you would expect and you
+can have several levels of them. The net result as seen by the moc is
+as if you had removed all lines between a MOC_SKIP_BEGIN and a
+\section1 Diagnostics
+The moc will warn you about a number of dangerous or illegal
+constructs in the Q_OBJECT class declarations.
+If you get linkage errors in the final building phase of your
+program, saying that YourClass::className() is undefined or that
+YourClass lacks a vtbl, something has been done wrong. Most often,
+you have forgotten to compile or #include the moc-generated C++ code, or
+(in the former case) include that object file in the link command.
+\section1 Limitations
+The moc does not expand #include or #define, it simply skips any
+preprocessor directives it encounters. This is regrettable, but is
+not usually a problem in practice.
+The moc does not handle all of C++. The main problem is that class
+templates cannot have signals or slots. Here is an example:
+ class SomeTemplate<int> : public QFrame {
+ ...
+ signals:
+ void bugInMocDetected( int );
+ };
+Less importantly, the following constructs are illegal. All of them
+have alternatives which we think are usually better, so removing these
+limitations is not a high priority for us.
+\section2 Multiple inheritance retquires QObject to be first
+If you are using multiple inheritance, moc assumes that the \e first
+inherited class is a subclass of QObject. Also, be sure that \e only
+the first inherited class is a QObject.
+ class SomeClass : public QObject, public OtherClass {
+ ...
+ };
+(This limitation is almost impossible to remove; since the moc does not expand
+#include or #define, it cannot find out which one of the base classes
+is a QObject.)
+\section2 Function pointers cannot be arguments to signals or slots
+In most cases where you would consider using function pointers as
+signal/slot arguments, we think inheritance is a better alternative.
+Here is an example of illegal syntax:
+ class SomeClass : public QObject {
+ ...
+ public slots:
+ // illegal
+ void apply( void (*apply)(List *, void *), char * );
+ };
+You can work around this restriction like this:
+ typedef void (*ApplyFunctionType)( List *, void * );
+ class SomeClass : public QObject {
+ ...
+ public slots:
+ void apply( ApplyFunctionType, char * );
+ };
+It may sometimes be even better to replace the function pointer with
+inheritance and virtual functions, signals or slots.
+\section2 Friend declarations cannot be placed in signals or slots sections
+Sometimes it will work, but in general, friend declarations cannot be
+placed in signals or slots sections. Put them in the private,
+protected or public sections instead. Here is an example of the
+illegal syntax:
+ class SomeClass : public QObject {
+ ...
+ signals:
+ friend class ClassTemplate<char>; // WRONG
+ };
+\section2 Signals and slots cannot be upgraded
+The C++ feature of upgrading an inherited member function to
+public status is not extended to cover signals and slots. Here is an
+illegal example:
+ class Whatever : public QButtonGroup {
+ ...
+ public slots:
+ QButtonGroup::buttonPressed; // WRONG
+ ...
+ };
+The QButtonGroup::buttonPressed() slot is protected.
+C++ tquiz: What happens if you try to upgrade a protected member
+function which is overloaded?
+\list 1
+\i All the functions are overloaded.
+\i That is not legal C++.
+C++ ARM, section r.11.3
+\section2 Type macros cannot be used for signal and slot parameters
+Since the moc does not expand #define, type macros that take an argument
+will not work in signals and slots. Here is an illegal example:
+ #ifdef ultrix
+ #define SIGNEDNESS(a) unsigned a
+ #else
+ #define SIGNEDNESS(a) a
+ #endif
+ class Whatever : public QObject {
+ ...
+ signals:
+ void someSignal( SIGNEDNESS(int) );
+ ...
+ };
+A #define without parameters will work as expected.
+\section2 Nested classes cannot be in the signals or slots sections nor have
+signals or slots
+Here's an example:
+ class A {
+ public:
+ class B {
+ public slots: // WRONG
+ void b();
+ ...
+ };
+ signals:
+ class B { // WRONG
+ void b();
+ ...
+ }:
+ };
+\section2 Constructors cannot be used in signals or slots sections
+It is a mystery to us why anyone would put a constructor in
+either the signals or slots sections. You can't anyway (except
+that it happens to work in some cases). Put them in private,
+protected or public sections, where they belong. Here is an example
+of the illegal syntax:
+ class SomeClass : public QObject {
+ public slots:
+ SomeClass( QObject *parent, const char *name )
+ : QObject( parent, name ) { } // WRONG
+ ...
+ };
+\section2 Properties need to be declared before the public section that
+contains the respective get and set functions
+Declaring the first property within or after the public section that
+contains the type definition and the respective get and set functions
+does not work as expected. The moc will complain that it can neither
+find the functions nor resolve the type. Here is an example of the
+illegal syntax:
+ class SomeClass : public QObject {
+ public:
+ ...
+ Q_PROPERTY( Priority priority READ priority WRITE setPriority ) // WRONG
+ Q_ENUMS( Priority ) // WRONG
+ enum Priority { High, Low, VeryHigh, VeryLow };
+ void setPriority( Priority );
+ Priority priority() const;
+ ...
+ };
+Work around this limitation by declaring all properties at the
+beginning of the class declaration, right after Q_OBJECT:
+ class SomeClass : public QObject {
+ Q_PROPERTY( Priority priority READ priority WRITE setPriority )
+ Q_ENUMS( Priority )
+ public:
+ ...
+ enum Priority { High, Low, VeryHigh, VeryLow };
+ void setPriority( Priority );
+ Priority priority() const;
+ ...
+ };