path: root/doc/opengl-x11-overlays.doc
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authorTimothy Pearson <[email protected]>2011-11-08 12:31:36 -0600
committerTimothy Pearson <[email protected]>2011-11-08 12:31:36 -0600
commitd796c9dd933ab96ec83b9a634feedd5d32e1ba3f (patch)
tree6e3dcca4f77e20ec8966c666aac7c35bd4704053 /doc/opengl-x11-overlays.doc
Test conversion to TQt3 from Qt3 8c6fc1f8e35fd264dd01c582ca5e7549b32ab731
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+** ...
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+ \page opengl-x11-overlays.html
+ \title How to use X11 overlays with the Qt OpenGL extension
+X11 overlays are a powerful mechanism for drawing
+annotations etc., on top of an image without destroying it, thus saving
+a great deal of image rendering time. For more information, consult the highly
+recommended book \e{OpenGL Programming for the X Window System} (Mark
+Kilgard, Addison Wesley Developers Press 1996).
+\warning From version 5.0 onwards, the Qt OpenGL Extension includes
+direct support for the use of OpenGL overlays. For many uses of
+overlays, this makes the technique described below redundant. See the
+\link opengl-overlay-example.html overlay\endlink example program. The
+following is a discussion on how to use non-QGL widgets in overlay
+In the typical case, X11 overlays can easily be used together with the
+current version of Qt and the Qt OpenGL Extension. The following
+retquirements apply:
+\list 1
+\i Your X server and graphics card/hardware must support overlays.
+ For many X servers, overlay support can be turned on with
+ a configuration option; consult your X server installation
+ documentation.
+\i Your X server must (be configured to) use an overlay visual as the
+ default visual. Most modern X servers do this, since this has the
+ added advantage that pop-up menus, overlapping windows etc., will
+ \e not destroy underlying images in the main plane, thereby
+ avoiding expensive redraws.
+\i The best (deepest) visual for OpenGL rendering is in the main
+ plane. This is the normal case. Typically, X servers that support
+ overlays provide a 24 bit deep TrueColor visual in the main plane,
+ and an 8 bit PseudoColor (default) visual in the overlay plane.
+The provided example program \link opengl-overlay-example.html X11
+overlay\endlink will check for these and report if anything is wrong.
+See \link #x11visuals About X11 Visuals\endlink, below for more
+\section1 How it works
+Given the above, a QGLWidget will by default use the main plane
+visual, while all other widgets will use the overlay visual. Thus, we
+can place a normal widget on top of the QGLWidget, and do drawing on
+it, without destroying the image in the OpenGL window. In other words,
+we can use all the drawing capabilities of QPainter to draw the
+annotations, rubberbands, etc. For the typical use of overlays,
+this is much easier than using OpenGL for rendering the annotations.
+An overlay plane has a specific color called the transparent
+color. Pixels drawn in this color will not be visible; instead the
+underlying OpenGL image will show through. In the example program
+\link opengl-overlay-example.html X11 overlay\endlink, the file
+\c main.cpp contains a routine that returns a QColor containing the
+transparent color. For the overlay widget, you will typically want to
+set the background color to the transparent color, so that the OpenGL
+image shows through except where explicitly overpainted.
+Note: to use this technique, you must not use the "ManyColor" or
+"TrueColor" ColorSpec for QApplication, because this will force
+the normal Qt widgets to use a TrueColor visual, which will typically
+be in the main plane, not in the overlay plane as desired.
+\target x11visuals
+\section1 About X11 visuals
+The utilities directory contains two small programs that can help you
+determine the capabilities of your X server. These programs are from
+the OpenGL book mentioned above, see utilities/NOTICE for copyright
+information. The full set of example programs from this book is
+available at \l{}.
+\c glxvisuals will list all the GL-capable visuals the X server
+provides, together with the depth and other GL-specific information
+for each. Note especially the column "lvl"; a number in this column
+means the visual is in an overlay plane.
+\c sovinfo will list all available visuals, and provides special
+transparency information for overlay visuals.
+The \link opengl-overlay-example.html X11 overlay\endlink example
+program will output what visual is used for the normal Qt widgets, and
+what visual is used by the QGLWidget.