path: root/src/styles/qcompactstyle.cpp
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authorTimothy Pearson <[email protected]>2011-11-08 12:31:36 -0600
committerTimothy Pearson <[email protected]>2011-11-08 12:31:36 -0600
commitd796c9dd933ab96ec83b9a634feedd5d32e1ba3f (patch)
tree6e3dcca4f77e20ec8966c666aac7c35bd4704053 /src/styles/qcompactstyle.cpp
Test conversion to TQt3 from Qt3 8c6fc1f8e35fd264dd01c582ca5e7549b32ab731
Diffstat (limited to 'src/styles/qcompactstyle.cpp')
1 files changed, 321 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/styles/qcompactstyle.cpp b/src/styles/qcompactstyle.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e65645c34
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/styles/qcompactstyle.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,321 @@
+** Implementation of compact style class
+** Created : 006231
+** Copyright (C) 2005-2008 Trolltech ASA. All rights reserved.
+** This file is part of the widgets module of the TQt GUI Toolkit.
+** This file may be used under the terms of the GNU General
+** Public License versions 2.0 or 3.0 as published by the Free
+** Software Foundation and appearing in the files LICENSE.GPL2
+** and LICENSE.GPL3 included in the packaging of this file.
+** Alternatively you may (at your option) use any later version
+** of the GNU General Public License if such license has been
+** publicly approved by Trolltech ASA (or its successors, if any)
+** and the KDE Free TQt Foundation.
+** Please review the following information to ensure GNU General
+** Public Licensing retquirements will be met:
+** If you are unsure which license is appropriate for your use, please
+** review the following information:
+** or contact the sales department at [email protected].
+** This file may be used under the terms of the Q Public License as
+** defined by Trolltech ASA and appearing in the file LICENSE.TQPL
+** included in the packaging of this file. Licensees holding valid TQt
+** Commercial licenses may use this file in accordance with the TQt
+** Commercial License Agreement provided with the Software.
+** This file is provided "AS IS" with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND,
+** A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Trolltech reserves all rights not granted
+** herein.
+#include "qcompactstyle.h"
+#if !defined(QT_NO_STYLE_COMPACT) || defined(QT_PLUGIN)
+#include "qfontmetrics.h"
+#include "qpalette.h"
+#include "qpainter.h"
+#include "qdrawutil.h"
+#include "qmenudata.h"
+#include "qpopupmenu.h"
+: TQWindowsStyle()
+/*! \reimp */
+int TQCompactStyle::pixelMetric( PixelMetric metric, const TQWidget *widget )
+ int ret;
+ switch ( metric ) {
+ case PM_ButtonMargin:
+ ret = 2;
+ break;
+ // tws - I added this in to stop this "Windows Scroll behaivor." Remove it
+ // if you don't want it.
+ case PM_MaximumDragDistance:
+ ret = -1;
+ break;
+ default:
+ ret = TQWindowsStyle::pixelMetric( metric, widget );
+ break;
+ }
+ return ret;
+static const int motifItemFrame = 0; // menu item frame width
+static const int motifSepHeight = 2; // separator item height
+static const int motifItemHMargin = 1; // menu item hor text margin
+static const int motifItemVMargin = 2; // menu item ver text margin
+static const int motifArrowHMargin = 0; // arrow horizontal margin
+static const int motifTabSpacing = 4; // space between text and tab
+static const int motifCheckMarkHMargin = 1; // horiz. margins of check mark
+static const int windowsRightBorder = 8; // right border on windows
+static const int windowsCheckMarkWidth = 2; // checkmarks width on windows
+static int extraPopupMenuItemWidth( bool checkable, int maxpmw, TQMenuItem* mi, const TQFontMetrics& /*fm*/ )
+ int w = 2*motifItemHMargin + 2*motifItemFrame; // a little bit of border can never harm
+ if ( mi->isSeparator() )
+ return 10; // arbitrary
+ else if ( mi->pixmap() )
+ w += mi->pixmap()->width(); // pixmap only
+ if ( !mi->text().isNull() ) {
+ if ( mi->text().find('\t') >= 0 ) // string contains tab
+ w += motifTabSpacing;
+ }
+ if ( maxpmw ) { // we have iconsets
+ w += maxpmw;
+ w += 6; // add a little extra border around the iconset
+ }
+ if ( checkable && maxpmw < windowsCheckMarkWidth ) {
+ w += windowsCheckMarkWidth - maxpmw; // space for the checkmarks
+ }
+ if ( maxpmw > 0 || checkable ) // we have a check-column ( iconsets or checkmarks)
+ w += motifCheckMarkHMargin; // add space to separate the columns
+ w += windowsRightBorder; // windows has a strange wide border on the right side
+ return w;
+static int popupMenuItemHeight( bool /*checkable*/, TQMenuItem* mi, const TQFontMetrics& fm )
+ int h = 0;
+ if ( mi->isSeparator() ) // separator height
+ h = motifSepHeight;
+ else if ( mi->pixmap() ) // pixmap height
+ h = mi->pixmap()->height() + 2*motifItemFrame;
+ else // text height
+ h = fm.height() + 2*motifItemVMargin + 2*motifItemFrame - 1;
+ if ( !mi->isSeparator() && mi->iconSet() != 0 ) {
+ h = TQMAX( h, mi->iconSet()->pixmap( TQIconSet::Small, TQIconSet::Normal ).height() + 2*motifItemFrame );
+ }
+ if ( mi->custom() )
+ h = TQMAX( h, mi->custom()->sizeHint().height() + 2*motifItemVMargin + 2*motifItemFrame ) - 1;
+ return h;
+void drawPopupMenuItem( TQPainter* p, bool checkable,
+ int maxpmw, int tab, TQMenuItem* mi,
+ const TQPalette& pal, bool act,
+ bool enabled,
+ int x, int y, int w, int h)
+/*! \reimp */
+void TQCompactStyle::drawControl( ControlElement element, TQPainter *p, const TQWidget *widget, const TQRect &r,
+ const TQColorGroup &g, SFlags flags, const TQStyleOption& opt )
+ switch ( element ) {
+ case CE_PopupMenuItem:
+ {
+ if (! widget || opt.isDefault())
+ break;
+ const TQPopupMenu *popupmenu = (const TQPopupMenu *) widget;
+ TQMenuItem *mi = opt.menuItem();
+ if ( !mi )
+ break;
+ int tab = opt.tabWidth();
+ int maxpmw = opt.maxIconWidth();
+ bool dis = !(flags & Style_Enabled);
+ bool checkable = popupmenu->isCheckable();
+ bool act = flags & Style_Active;
+ int x, y, w, h;
+ r.rect( &x, &y, &w, &h );
+ TQColorGroup itemg = g;
+ if ( checkable )
+ maxpmw = TQMAX( maxpmw, 8 ); // space for the checkmarks
+ int checkcol = maxpmw;
+ if ( mi && mi->isSeparator() ) { // draw separator
+ p->setPen( g.dark() );
+ p->drawLine( x, y, x+w, y );
+ p->setPen( g.light() );
+ p->drawLine( x, y+1, x+w, y+1 );
+ return;
+ }
+ TQBrush fill = act? g.brush( TQColorGroup::Highlight ) :
+ g.brush( TQColorGroup::Button );
+ p->fillRect( x, y, w, h, fill);
+ if ( !mi )
+ return;
+ if ( mi->isChecked() ) {
+ if ( act && !dis ) {
+ qDrawShadePanel( p, x, y, checkcol, h,
+ g, TRUE, 1, &g.brush( TQColorGroup::Button ) );
+ } else {
+ qDrawShadePanel( p, x, y, checkcol, h,
+ g, TRUE, 1, &g.brush( TQColorGroup::Midlight ) );
+ }
+ } else if ( !act ) {
+ p->fillRect(x, y, checkcol , h,
+ g.brush( TQColorGroup::Button ));
+ }
+ if ( mi->iconSet() ) { // draw iconset
+ TQIconSet::Mode mode = dis ? TQIconSet::Disabled : TQIconSet::Normal;
+ if (act && !dis )
+ mode = TQIconSet::Active;
+ TQPixmap pixmap;
+ if ( checkable && mi->isChecked() )
+ pixmap = mi->iconSet()->pixmap( TQIconSet::Small, mode, TQIconSet::On );
+ else
+ pixmap = mi->iconSet()->pixmap( TQIconSet::Small, mode );
+ int pixw = pixmap.width();
+ int pixh = pixmap.height();
+ if ( act && !dis ) {
+ if ( !mi->isChecked() )
+ qDrawShadePanel( p, x, y, checkcol, h, g, FALSE, 1, &g.brush( TQColorGroup::Button ) );
+ }
+ TQRect cr( x, y, checkcol, h );
+ TQRect pmr( 0, 0, pixw, pixh );
+ pmr.moveCenter( );
+ p->setPen( itemg.text() );
+ p->drawPixmap( pmr.topLeft(), pixmap );
+ TQBrush fill = act? g.brush( TQColorGroup::Highlight ) :
+ g.brush( TQColorGroup::Button );
+ p->fillRect( x+checkcol + 1, y, w - checkcol - 1, h, fill);
+ } else if ( checkable ) { // just "checking"...
+ int mw = checkcol + motifItemFrame;
+ int mh = h - 2*motifItemFrame;
+ if ( mi->isChecked() ) {
+ SFlags cflags = Style_Default;
+ if (! dis)
+ cflags |= Style_Enabled;
+ if (act)
+ cflags |= Style_On;
+ drawPrimitive( PE_CheckMark, p, TQRect(x + motifItemFrame + 2, y + motifItemFrame,
+ mw, mh), itemg, cflags, opt );
+ }
+ }
+ p->setPen( act ? g.highlightedText() : g.buttonText() );
+ TQColor discol;
+ if ( dis ) {
+ discol = itemg.text();
+ p->setPen( discol );
+ }
+ int xm = motifItemFrame + checkcol + motifItemHMargin;
+ if ( mi->custom() ) {
+ int m = motifItemVMargin;
+ p->save();
+ if ( dis && !act ) {
+ p->setPen( g.light() );
+ mi->custom()->paint( p, itemg, act, !dis,
+ x+xm+1, y+m+1, w-xm-tab+1, h-2*m );
+ p->setPen( discol );
+ }
+ mi->custom()->paint( p, itemg, act, !dis,
+ x+xm, y+m, w-xm-tab+1, h-2*m );
+ p->restore();
+ }
+ TQString s = mi->text();
+ if ( !s.isNull() ) { // draw text
+ int t = s.find( '\t' );
+ int m = motifItemVMargin;
+ const int text_flags = AlignVCenter|ShowPrefix | DontClip | SingleLine;
+ if ( t >= 0 ) { // draw tab text
+ if ( dis && !act ) {
+ p->setPen( g.light() );
+ p->drawText( x+w-tab-windowsRightBorder-motifItemHMargin-motifItemFrame+1,
+ y+m+1, tab, h-2*m, text_flags, s.mid( t+1 ));
+ p->setPen( discol );
+ }
+ p->drawText( x+w-tab-windowsRightBorder-motifItemHMargin-motifItemFrame,
+ y+m, tab, h-2*m, text_flags, s.mid( t+1 ) );
+ s = s.left( t );
+ }
+ if ( dis && !act ) {
+ p->setPen( g.light() );
+ p->drawText( x+xm+1, y+m+1, w-xm+1, h-2*m, text_flags, s, t );
+ p->setPen( discol );
+ }
+ p->drawText( x+xm, y+m, w-xm-tab+1, h-2*m, text_flags, s, t );
+ } else if ( mi->pixmap() ) { // draw pixmap
+ TQPixmap *pixmap = mi->pixmap();
+ if ( pixmap->depth() == 1 )
+ p->setBackgroundMode( OpaqueMode );
+ p->drawPixmap( x+xm, y+motifItemFrame, *pixmap );
+ if ( pixmap->depth() == 1 )
+ p->setBackgroundMode( TransparentMode );
+ }
+ if ( mi->popup() ) { // draw sub menu arrow
+ int dim = (h-2*motifItemFrame) / 2;
+ if ( act ) {
+ if ( !dis )
+ discol = white;
+ TQColorGroup g2( discol, g.highlight(),
+ white, white,
+ dis ? discol : white,
+ discol, white );
+ drawPrimitive(PE_ArrowRight, p, TQRect(x+w - motifArrowHMargin - motifItemFrame - dim, y + h / 2 - dim / 2, dim, dim),
+ g2, Style_Enabled);
+ } else {
+ drawPrimitive(PE_ArrowRight, p, TQRect(x+w - motifArrowHMargin - motifItemFrame - dim, y + h / 2 - dim / 2, dim, dim),
+ g, !dis ? Style_Enabled : Style_Default);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ TQWindowsStyle::drawControl( element, p, widget, r, g, flags, opt );
+ break;
+ }