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+** Documentation for creating custom styles with QStyle
+** Copyright (C) 1992-2008 Trolltech ASA. All rights reserved.
+** This file is part of the Qt GUI Toolkit.
+** This file may be used under the terms of the GNU General
+** Public License versions 2.0 or 3.0 as published by the Free
+** Software Foundation and appearing in the files LICENSE.GPL2
+** and LICENSE.GPL3 included in the packaging of this file.
+** Alternatively you may (at your option) use any later version
+** of the GNU General Public License if such license has been
+** publicly approved by Trolltech ASA (or its successors, if any)
+** and the KDE Free Qt Foundation.
+** Please review the following information to ensure GNU General
+** Public Licensing retquirements will be met:
+** If you are unsure which license is appropriate for your use, please
+** review the following information:
+** or contact the sales department at [email protected].
+** This file may be used under the terms of the Q Public License as
+** defined by Trolltech ASA and appearing in the file LICENSE.QPL
+** included in the packaging of this file. Licensees holding valid Qt
+** Commercial licenses may use this file in accordance with the Qt
+** Commercial License Agreement provided with the Software.
+** This file is provided "AS IS" with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND,
+** A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Trolltech reserves all rights not granted
+** herein.
+\page customstyles.html
+\title Style overview
+A style in Qt implements the look and feel found in a GUI for a
+particular platform. For example, Windows platforms may use the
+Windows or Windows-XP style, Unix platforms may use the Motif style,
+and so on.
+This is a short guide that describes the steps that are necessary to
+get started creating and using custom styles with the Qt 3.x style
+API. First, we go through the steps necessary to create a style:
+\list 1
+\i Pick a base style to inherit from.
+\i Re-implement the necessary functions in the derived class.
+Then we explain how to use the new style from within your own
+applications, or as a plugin that can be used by existing Qt
+\section1 Creating a custom style
+\section2 1. Pick a base style to inherit from.
+The first step is to pick one of the base styles provided with Qt to
+build your custom style from. The choice will depend on what look and
+feel you are trying to achieve. We recommend that you choose from the
+QWindowsStyle derived classes or the QMotifStyle derived classes.
+These are the two base look and feel classes in the Qt style engine.
+Inheriting directly from QCommonStyle is also an option if you want to
+start almost from scratch when implementing your style. In this simple
+example we will inherit from QWindowsStyle.
+\section2 2. Re-implement the necessary functions in your derived class.
+Depending on which parts of the base style you want to change, you
+must re-implement the functions that are used to draw those parts
+of the interface. If you take a look at the \l{QStyle} documentation,
+you will find a list of the different primitives, controls and complex
+controls. In this example we will first change the look of the
+standard arrows that are used in the QWindowsStyle. The arrows are
+PrimitiveElements that are drawn by the drawPrimitive() function,
+so we need to re-implement that function. We need the following class
+#include <qwindowsstyle.h>
+class CustomStyle : public QWindowsStyle {
+ CustomStyle();
+ ~CustomStyle();
+ void drawPrimitive( PrimitiveElement pe,
+ QPainter *p,
+ const QRect & r,
+ const QColorGroup & cg,
+ SFlags flags = Style_Default,
+ const QStyleOption & = QStyleOption::Default ) const;
+ // Disabled copy constructor and operator=
+ CustomStyle( const CustomStyle & );
+ CustomStyle& operator=( const CustomStyle & );
+Note that we disable the copy constructor and the '=' operator for our
+style. QObject is the base class for all style classes in Qt, and a
+QObject inherently cannot be copied since there are some aspects of it
+that are not copyable.
+From the QStyle docs we see that \c PE_ArrowUp, \c PE_ArrowDown, \c
+PE_ArrowLeft and \c PE_ArrowRight are the primitives we need to do
+something with. We get the following in our drawPrimitive() function:
+void CustomStyle::drawPrimitive( PrimitiveElement pe,
+ QPainter * p,
+ const QRect & r,
+ const QColorGroup & cg,
+ SFlags flags,
+ const QStyleOption & opt ) const
+ // we are only interested in the arrows
+ if (pe >= PE_ArrowUp && pe <= PE_ArrowLeft) {
+ QPointArray pa( 3 );
+ // make the arrow cover half the area it is supposed to be
+ // painted on
+ int x = r.x();
+ int y = r.y();
+ int w = r.width() / 2;
+ int h = r.height() / 2;
+ x += (r.width() - w) / 2;
+ y += (r.height() - h) /2;
+ switch( pe ) {
+ case PE_ArrowDown:
+ pa.setPoint( 0, x, y );
+ pa.setPoint( 1, x + w, y );
+ pa.setPoint( 2, x + w / 2, y + h );
+ break;
+ case PE_ArrowUp:
+ pa.setPoint( 0, x, y + h );
+ pa.setPoint( 1, x + w, y + h );
+ pa.setPoint( 2, x + w / 2, y );
+ break;
+ case PE_ArrowLeft:
+ pa.setPoint( 0, x + w, y );
+ pa.setPoint( 1, x + w, y + h );
+ pa.setPoint( 2, x, y + h / 2 );
+ break;
+ case PE_ArrowRight:
+ pa.setPoint( 0, x, y );
+ pa.setPoint( 1, x, y + h );
+ pa.setPoint( 2, x + w, y + h / 2 );
+ break;
+ default: break;
+ }
+ // use different colors to indicate that the arrow is
+ // enabled/disabled
+ if ( flags & Style_Enabled ) {
+ p->setPen( cg.mid() );
+ p->setBrush( cg.brush( QColorGroup::ButtonText ) );
+ } else {
+ p->setPen( cg.buttonText() );
+ p->setBrush( cg.brush( QColorGroup::Mid ) );
+ }
+ p->drawPolygon( pa );
+ } else {
+ // let the base style handle the other primitives
+ QWindowsStyle::drawPrimitive( pe, p, r, cg, flags, data );
+ }
+\section2 Using a custom style
+There are several ways of using a custom style in a Qt application.
+The simplest way is to include the following lines of code in the
+application's main() function:
+#include "customstyle.h"
+int main( int argc, char ** argv )
+ QApplication::setStyle( new CustomStyle() );
+ // do the usual routine on creating your QApplication object etc.
+Note that you must also include the \c customstyle.h and \c
+customstyle.cpp files in your project.
+2. Creating and using a pluggable style
+You may want to make your style available for use in other
+applications, some of which may not be yours and are not available for
+you to recompile. The Qt Plugin system makes it possible to create
+styles as plugins. Styles created as plugins are loaded as shared
+objects at runtime by Qt itself. Please refer to the \link
+plugins-howto.html Qt Plugin\endlink documentation for more
+information on how to go about creating a style plugin.
+Compile your plugin and put it into $QTDIR/plugins/styles. We now have
+a pluggable style that Qt can load automatically. To use your new
+style with existing applications, simply start the application with
+the following argument:
+./application -style custom
+The application will use the look and feel from the custom style you