path: root/doc/man/man3/qaccessible.3qt
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-'\" t
-.TH QAccessible 3qt "2 February 2007" "Trolltech AS" \" -*- nroff -*-
-.\" Copyright 1992-2007 Trolltech ASA. All rights reserved. See the
-.\" license file included in the distribution for a complete license
-.\" statement.
-.\" l
-QAccessible \- Enums and static functions relating to accessibility
-\fC#include <ntqaccessible.h>\fR
-Inherited by QAccessibleInterface.
-.SS "Public Members" +1c
-.ti -1c
-.BI "enum \fBEvent\fR { SoundPlayed = 0x0001, Alert = 0x0002, ForegroundChanged = 0x0003, MenuStart = 0x0004, MenuEnd = 0x0005, PopupMenuStart = 0x0006, PopupMenuEnd = 0x0007, ContextHelpStart = 0x000C, ContextHelpEnd = 0x000D, DragDropStart = 0x000E, DragDropEnd = 0x000F, DialogStart = 0x0010, DialogEnd = 0x0011, ScrollingStart = 0x0012, ScrollingEnd = 0x0013, MenuCommand = 0x0018, ObjectCreated = 0x8000, ObjectDestroyed = 0x8001, ObjectShow = 0x8002, ObjectHide = 0x8003, ObjectReorder = 0x8004, Focus = 0x8005, Selection = 0x8006, SelectionAdd = 0x8007, SelectionRemove = 0x8008, SelectionWithin = 0x8009, StateChanged = 0x800A, LocationChanged = 0x800B, NameChanged = 0x800C, DescriptionChanged = 0x800D, ValueChanged = 0x800E, ParentChanged = 0x800F, HelpChanged = 0x80A0, DefaultActionChanged = 0x80B0, AcceleratorChanged = 0x80C0 }"
-.ti -1c
-.BI "enum \fBState\fR { Normal = 0x00000000, Unavailable = 0x00000001, Selected = 0x00000002, Focused = 0x00000004, Pressed = 0x00000008, Checked = 0x00000010, Mixed = 0x00000020, ReadOnly = 0x00000040, HotTracked = 0x00000080, Default = 0x00000100, Expanded = 0x00000200, Collapsed = 0x00000400, Busy = 0x00000800, Floating = 0x00001000, Marqueed = 0x00002000, Animated = 0x00004000, Invisible = 0x00008000, Offscreen = 0x00010000, Sizeable = 0x00020000, Moveable = 0x00040000, SelfVoicing = 0x00080000, Focusable = 0x00100000, Selectable = 0x00200000, Linked = 0x00400000, Traversed = 0x00800000, MultiSelectable = 0x01000000, ExtSelectable = 0x02000000, AlertLow = 0x04000000, AlertMedium = 0x08000000, AlertHigh = 0x10000000, Protected = 0x20000000, Valid = 0x3fffffff }"
-.ti -1c
-.BI "enum \fBRole\fR { NoRole = 0x00000000, TitleBar = 0x00000001, MenuBar = 0x00000002, ScrollBar = 0x00000003, Grip = 0x00000004, Sound = 0x00000005, Cursor = 0x00000006, Caret = 0x00000007, AlertMessage = 0x00000008, Window = 0x00000009, Client = 0x0000000A, PopupMenu = 0x0000000B, MenuItem = 0x0000000C, ToolTip = 0x0000000D, Application = 0x0000000E, Document = 0x0000000F, Pane = 0x00000010, Chart = 0x00000011, Dialog = 0x00000012, Border = 0x00000013, Grouping = 0x00000014, Separator = 0x00000015, ToolBar = 0x00000016, StatusBar = 0x00000017, Table = 0x00000018, ColumnHeader = 0x00000019, RowHeader = 0x0000001A, Column = 0x0000001B, Row = 0x0000001C, Cell = 0x0000001D, Link = 0x0000001E, HelpBalloon = 0x0000001F, Character = 0x00000020, List = 0x00000021, ListItem = 0x00000022, Outline = 0x00000023, OutlineItem = 0x00000024, PageTab = 0x00000025, PropertyPage = 0x00000026, Indicator = 0x00000027, Graphic = 0x00000028, StaticText = 0x00000029, EditableText = 0x0000002A, PushButton = 0x0000002B, CheckBox = 0x0000002C, RadioButton = 0x0000002D, ComboBox = 0x0000002E, DropLest = 0x0000002F, ProgressBar = 0x00000030, Dial = 0x00000031, HotkeyField = 0x00000032, Slider = 0x00000033, SpinBox = 0x00000034, Diagram = 0x00000035, Animation = 0x00000036, Equation = 0x00000037, ButtonDropDown = 0x00000038, ButtonMenu = 0x00000039, ButtonDropGrid = 0x0000003A, Whitespace = 0x0000003B, PageTabList = 0x0000003C, Clock = 0x0000003D }"
-.ti -1c
-.BI "enum \fBNavDirection\fR { NavUp = 0x00000001, NavDown = 0x00000002, NavLeft = 0x00000003, NavRight = 0x00000004, NavNext = 0x00000005, NavPrevious = 0x00000006, NavFirstChild = 0x00000007, NavLastChild = 0x00000008, NavFocusChild = 0x00000009 }"
-.ti -1c
-.BI "enum \fBText\fR { Name = 0, Description, Value, Help, Accelerator, DefaultAction }" -1c
-.SS "Static Public Members" +1c
-.ti -1c
-.BI "QRESULT \fBqueryAccessibleInterface\fR ( QObject * object, QAccessibleInterface ** iface )"
-.ti -1c
-.BI "void \fBupdateAccessibility\fR ( QObject * object, int control, Event reason )"
-.ti -1c
-.BI "bool \fBisActive\fR ()" -1c
-The QAccessible class provides enums and static functions relating to accessibility.
-Accessibility clients use implementations of the QAccessibleInterface to read the information an accessible object exposes, or to call functions to manipulate the accessible object.
-See the plugin documentation for more details about how to redistribute Qt plugins.
-See also Miscellaneous Classes.
-.SS "Member Type Documentation"
-.SH "QAccessible::Event"
-This enum type defines event types when the state of the accessible object has changed. The event types are:
-.SH "QAccessible::NavDirection"
-This enum specifies which item to move to when navigating.
-\fCQAccessible::NavUp\fR - sibling above
-\fCQAccessible::NavDown\fR - sibling below
-\fCQAccessible::NavLeft\fR - left sibling
-\fCQAccessible::NavRight\fR - right sibling
-\fCQAccessible::NavNext\fR - next sibling
-\fCQAccessible::NavPrevious\fR - previous sibling
-\fCQAccessible::NavFirstChild\fR - first child
-\fCQAccessible::NavLastChild\fR - last child
-\fCQAccessible::NavFocusChild\fR - child with focus
-.SH "QAccessible::Role"
-This enum defines a number of roles an accessible object can have. The roles are:
-.SH "QAccessible::State"
-This enum type defines bitflags that can be combined to indicate the state of the accessible object. The values are:
-.SH "QAccessible::Text"
-This enum specifies string information that an accessible object returns.
-\fCQAccessible::Name\fR - The name of the object
-\fCQAccessible::Description\fR - A short text describing the object
-\fCQAccessible::Value\fR - The value of the object
-\fCQAccessible::Help\fR - A longer text giving information about how to use the object
-\fCQAccessible::DefaultAction\fR - The default method to interact with the object
-\fCQAccessible::Accelerator\fR - The keyboard shortcut that executes the default action
-.SH "bool QAccessible::isActive ()\fC [static]\fR"
-Returns TRUE if an accessibility implementation has been requested, during the runtime of the application, otherwise returns FALSE.
-Use this function to prevent potentially expensive notifications via updateAccessibility().
-.SH "QRESULT QAccessible::queryAccessibleInterface ( QObject * object, QAccessibleInterface ** iface )\fC [static]\fR"
-Sets \fIiface\fR to point to the implementation of the QAccessibleInterface for \fIobject\fR, and returns \fCQS_OK\fR if successfull, or sets \fIiface\fR to 0 and returns \fCQE_NOCOMPONENT\fR if no accessibility implementation for \fIobject\fR exists.
-The function uses the classname of \fIobject\fR to find a suitable implementation. If no implementation for the object's class is available the function tries to find an implementation for the object's parent class.
-This function is called to answer an accessibility client's request for object information. You should never need to call this function yourself.
-.SH "void QAccessible::updateAccessibility ( QObject * object, int control, Event reason )\fC [static]\fR"
-Notifies accessibility clients about a change in \fIobject\fR's accessibility information.
-\fIreason\fR specifies the cause of the change, for example, ValueChange when the position of a slider has been changed. \fIcontrol\fR is the ID of the child element that has changed. When \fIcontrol\fR is 0, the object itself has changed.
-Call this function whenever the state of your accessible object or one of it's sub-elements has been changed either programmatically (e.g. by calling QLabel::setText()) or by user interaction.
-If there are no accessibility tools listening to this event, the
-performance penalty for calling this function is minor, but if determining
-the parameters of the call is expensive you can use isActive() to
-avoid unnecessary performance penalties if no client is listening.
-Copyright 1992-2007 Trolltech ASA, See the
-license file included in the distribution for a complete license
-Generated automatically from the source code.
-If you find a bug in Qt, please report it as described in
-.BR .
-Good bug reports help us to help you. Thank you.
-The definitive Qt documentation is provided in HTML format; it is
-located at $QTDIR/doc/html and can be read using Qt Assistant or with
-a web browser. This man page is provided as a convenience for those
-users who prefer man pages, although this format is not officially
-supported by Trolltech.
-If you find errors in this manual page, please report them to
-Please include the name of the manual page (qaccessible.3qt) and the Qt
-version (3.3.8).