path: root/doc/man/man3/qsizegrip.3qt
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diff --git a/doc/man/man3/qsizegrip.3qt b/doc/man/man3/qsizegrip.3qt
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-'\" t
-.TH QSizeGrip 3qt "2 February 2007" "Trolltech AS" \" -*- nroff -*-
-.\" Copyright 1992-2007 Trolltech ASA. All rights reserved. See the
-.\" license file included in the distribution for a complete license
-.\" statement.
-.\" l
-QSizeGrip \- Corner-grip for resizing a top-level window
-\fC#include <ntqsizegrip.h>\fR
-Inherits QWidget.
-.SS "Public Members" +1c
-.ti -1c
-.BI "\fBQSizeGrip\fR ( QWidget * parent, const char * name = 0 )"
-.ti -1c
-.BI "\fB~QSizeGrip\fR ()"
-.ti -1c
-.BI "virtual QSize \fBsizeHint\fR () const" -1c
-.SS "Protected Members" +1c
-.ti -1c
-.BI "virtual void \fBpaintEvent\fR ( QPaintEvent * e )"
-.ti -1c
-.BI "virtual void \fBmousePressEvent\fR ( QMouseEvent * e )"
-.ti -1c
-.BI "virtual void \fBmouseMoveEvent\fR ( QMouseEvent * e )" -1c
-The QSizeGrip class provides a corner-grip for resizing a top-level window.
-This widget works like the standard Windows resize handle. In the X11 version this resize handle generally works differently from the one provided by the system; we hope to reduce this difference in the future.
-Put this widget anywhere in a widget tree and the user can use it to resize the top-level window. Generally, this should be in the lower right-hand corner. Note that QStatusBar already uses this widget, so if you have a status bar (e.g. you are using QMainWindow), then you don't need to use this widget explicitly.
-.ce 1
-.B "[Image Omitted]"
-.ce 1
-.B "[Image Omitted]"
-See also QStatusBar, Widget Appearance and Style, Main Window and Related Classes, and Basic Widgets.
-.SH "QSizeGrip::QSizeGrip ( QWidget * parent, const char * name = 0 )"
-Constructs a resize corner called \fIname\fR, as a child widget of \fIparent\fR.
-.SH "QSizeGrip::~QSizeGrip ()"
-Destroys the size grip.
-.SH "void QSizeGrip::mouseMoveEvent ( QMouseEvent * e )\fC [virtual protected]\fR"
-Resizes the top-level widget containing this widget. The event is in \fIe\fR.
-Reimplemented from QWidget.
-.SH "void QSizeGrip::mousePressEvent ( QMouseEvent * e )\fC [virtual protected]\fR"
-Primes the resize operation. The event is in \fIe\fR.
-Reimplemented from QWidget.
-.SH "void QSizeGrip::paintEvent ( QPaintEvent * e )\fC [virtual protected]\fR"
-Paints the resize grip. Resize grips are usually rendered as small diagonal textured lines in the lower-right corner. The event is in \fIe\fR.
-Reimplemented from QWidget.
-.SH "QSize QSizeGrip::sizeHint () const\fC [virtual]\fR"
-Returns the size grip's size hint; this is a small size.
-Reimplemented from QWidget.
-Copyright 1992-2007 Trolltech ASA, See the
-license file included in the distribution for a complete license
-Generated automatically from the source code.
-If you find a bug in Qt, please report it as described in
-.BR .
-Good bug reports help us to help you. Thank you.
-The definitive Qt documentation is provided in HTML format; it is
-located at $QTDIR/doc/html and can be read using Qt Assistant or with
-a web browser. This man page is provided as a convenience for those
-users who prefer man pages, although this format is not officially
-supported by Trolltech.
-If you find errors in this manual page, please report them to
-Please include the name of the manual page (qsizegrip.3qt) and the Qt
-version (3.3.8).