path: root/doc/man/man3/tqstyle.3qt
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diff --git a/doc/man/man3/tqstyle.3qt b/doc/man/man3/tqstyle.3qt
index 40c4fd206..6d1d18a8b 100644
--- a/doc/man/man3/tqstyle.3qt
+++ b/doc/man/man3/tqstyle.3qt
@@ -30,10 +30,10 @@ Inherited by TQCommonStyle.
.BI "virtual void \fBunPolish\fR ( TQWidget * )"
.ti -1c
-.BI "virtual void \fBpolish\fR ( QApplication * )"
+.BI "virtual void \fBpolish\fR ( TQApplication * )"
.ti -1c
-.BI "virtual void \fBunPolish\fR ( QApplication * )"
+.BI "virtual void \fBunPolish\fR ( TQApplication * )"
.ti -1c
.BI "virtual void \fBpolish\fR ( TQPalette & )"
@@ -953,10 +953,10 @@ Reasonable actions in this function might be to call TQWidget::setBackgroundMode
The TQWidget::inherits() function may provide enough information to allow class-specific customizations. But be careful not to hard-code things too much because new TQStyle subclasses are expected to work reasonably with all current and \fIfuture\fR widgets.
See also unPolish().
-.SH "void TQStyle::polish ( QApplication * )\fC [virtual]\fR"
+.SH "void TQStyle::polish ( TQApplication * )\fC [virtual]\fR"
This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It behaves essentially like the above function.
-Late initialization of the QApplication object.
+Late initialization of the TQApplication object.
See also unPolish().
.SH "void TQStyle::polish ( TQPalette & )\fC [virtual]\fR"
@@ -964,7 +964,7 @@ This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It behaves esse
The style may have certain requirements for color palettes. In this function it has the chance to change the palette according to these requirements.
-See also TQPalette and QApplication::setPalette().
+See also TQPalette and TQApplication::setPalette().
.SH "void TQStyle::polishPopupMenu ( TQPopupMenu * )\fC [pure virtual]\fR"
Polishes the popup menu according to the GUI style. This usually means setting the mouse tracking (TQPopupMenu::setMouseTracking()) and whether the menu is checkable by default (TQPopupMenu::setCheckable()).
.SH "SubControl TQStyle::querySubControl ( ComplexControl control, const TQWidget * widget, const TQPoint & pos, const TQStyleOption & opt = TQStyleOption::Default ) const\fC [pure virtual]\fR"
@@ -1046,7 +1046,7 @@ Undoes the initialization of a widget's appearance.
This function is the counterpart to polish. It is called for every polished widget when the style is dynamically changed. The former style has to unpolish its settings before the new style can polish them again.
See also polish().
-.SH "void TQStyle::unPolish ( QApplication * )\fC [virtual]\fR"
+.SH "void TQStyle::unPolish ( TQApplication * )\fC [virtual]\fR"
This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It behaves essentially like the above function.
Undoes the application polish.
@@ -1055,13 +1055,13 @@ See also polish().
.SH "TQRect TQStyle::visualRect ( const TQRect & logical, const TQWidget * w )\fC [static]\fR"
Returns the rect \fIlogical\fR in screen coordinates. The bounding rect for widget \fIw\fR is used to perform the translation. This function is provided to aid style implementors in supporting right-to-left mode.
-See also QApplication::reverseLayout().
+See also TQApplication::reverseLayout().
.SH "TQRect TQStyle::visualRect ( const TQRect & logical, const TQRect & bounding )\fC [static]\fR"
This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It behaves essentially like the above function.
Returns the rect \fIlogical\fR in screen coordinates. The rect \fIbounding\fR is used to perform the translation. This function is provided to aid style implementors in supporting right-to-left mode.
-See also QApplication::reverseLayout().
+See also TQApplication::reverseLayout().