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+** ...
+** Copyright (C) 1992-2008 Trolltech ASA. All rights reserved.
+** This file is part of the Qt GUI Toolkit.
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+** Public License versions 2.0 or 3.0 as published by the Free
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+** Alternatively you may (at your option) use any later version
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+\page plugins-howto.html
+\title Qt Plugins HOWTO
+Qt provides a simple plugin interface which makes it easy to create
+custom database drivers, image formats, text codecs, styles and
+widgets as stand-alone components.
+\footnote Qt 3.0.5 introduces changes into some aspects of plugins, in
+particular regarding loading, path handling and library versions. As
+a result of this change, <b>\e{no}</b> plugins compiled with Qt 3.0.4 and
+earlier will work with Qt 3.0.5 and later: they must be recompiled.
+Writing a plugin is achieved by subclassing the appropriate plugin
+base clase, implementing a few functions, and adding a macro.
+There are five plugin base classes. Derived plugins are stored
+by default in the standard plugin directory.
+\i Base Class
+\i Default Path
+\i \l QImageFormatPlugin
+\i \c{pluginsbase/imageformats} <sup>*</sup>
+\i \l QSqlDriverPlugin
+\i \c{pluginsbase/sqldrivers} <sup>*</sup>
+\i \l QStylePlugin
+\i \c{pluginsbase/styles} <sup>*</sup>
+\i \l QTextCodecPlugin
+\i \c{pluginsbase/codecs} <sup>*</sup>
+\i \l QWidgetPlugin
+\i \c{pluginsbase/designer} <sup>*</sup>
+But where is the \c{pluginsbase} directory? When the application is
+run, Qt will first treat the application's executable directory as the
+\c{pluginsbase}. For example if the application is in \c{C:\Program
+Files\MyApp} and has a style plugin, Qt will look in \c{C:\Program
+Files\MyApp\styles}. (See \l{QApplication::applicationDirPath()} for
+how to find out where the application's executable is.) Qt will also
+look in the directory given by \c{qInstallPathPlugins()}. If you want
+Qt to look in additional places you can add as many paths as you need
+with calls to \c{QApplication::addLibraryPath()}. And if you want to
+set your own path or paths you can use
+Suppose that you have a new style class called 'MyStyle' that you want
+to make available as a plugin. The retquired code is straightforward:
+ class MyStylePlugin : public QStylePlugin
+ {
+ public:
+ MyStylePlugin() {}
+ ~MyStylePlugin() {}
+ QStringList keys() const {
+ return QStringList() << "mystyle";
+ }
+ QStyle* create( const QString& key ) {
+ if ( key == "mystyle" )
+ return new MyStyle;
+ return 0;
+ }
+ };
+ Q_EXPORT_PLUGIN( MyStylePlugin )
+(Note that QStyleFactory is case-insensitive, and the lower case
+version of the key is used; other factories, e.g. QWidgetFactory, are
+case sensitive.)
+The constructor and destructor do not need to do anything, so are left
+empty. There are only two virtual functions that must be implemented.
+The first is keys() which returns a string list of the classes
+implemented in the plugin. (We've just implemented one class in the
+example above.) The second is a function that returns an object of the
+retquired class (or 0 if the plugin is asked to create an object of a
+class that it doesn't implement). For QStylePlugin, this second
+function is called create().
+It is possible to implement any number of plugin subclasses in a
+single plugin, providing they are all derived from the same base
+class, e.g. QStylePlugin.
+For database drivers, image formats, custom widgets and text codecs,
+no explicit object creation is retquired. Qt will find and create them
+as retquired. Styles are an exception, since you might want to set a
+style explicitly in code. To apply a style, use code like this:
+ QApplication::setStyle( QStyleFactory::create( "MyStyle" ) );
+Some plugin classes retquire additional functions to be implemented.
+See the \link Qt Designer manual's\endlink,
+'Creating Custom Widgets' section in the 'Creating Custom Widgets'
+chapter, for a complete example of a QWidgetPlugin, which implements
+extra functions to integrate the plugin into \e{Qt Designer}. The
+\l QWidgetFactory class provides additional information on
+See the class documentation for details of the virtual functions that
+must be reimplemented for each type of plugin.
+Qt applications automatically know which plugins are available,
+because plugins are stored in the standard plugin subdirectories.
+Because of this applications don't retquire any code to find and load
+plugins, since Qt handles them automatically.
+The default directory for plugins is \c{QTDIR/plugins}<sup>*</sup>,
+with each type of plugin in a subdirectory for that type, e.g. \c
+styles. If you want your applications to use plugins and you don't
+want to use the standard plugins path, have your installation process
+determine the path you want to use for the plugins, and save the path,
+e.g. using QSettings, for the application to read when it runs. The
+application can then call QApplication::addLibraryPath() with this
+path and your plugins will be available to the application. Note that
+the final part of the path, i.e. \c styles, \c widgets, etc., cannot
+be changed.
+The normal way to include a plugin with an application is either to
+compile it in with the application, or to compile it into a \c DLL (or
+\c so or other platform specific library type) and use it like any
+other library. If you want the plugin to be loadable then one approach
+is to create a subdirectory under the application, e.g. \c
+appdir/plugins/designer, and place the plugin in that directory.
+For \link Qt Designer\endlink, you may need to
+call QApplication::addLibraryPath("QTDIR/plugins/designer") to load
+your \link Qt Designer\endlink plugins.
+<sup>*</sup><small> All references to \c{QTDIR} refer to the path
+where Qt was installed. </small>
+\section1 Loading and Verifying Plugins
+When loading plugins, the Qt library does some sanity checking to
+determine whether or not the plugin can be loaded and used. This
+provides the ability to have multiple versions and configurations of
+the Qt library installed side by side.
+\i Plugins linked with a Qt library that has a higher major and/or
+ minor version number will not be loaded by a library with a lower
+ major and/or minor version number.
+ \e Rationale:
+ A plugin linked against a newer Qt library may use new
+ features that are not available in older versions. Trolltech
+ has a policy of adding new features and APIs only between minor
+ releases, which is why this test only looks at the major and minor
+ version numbers, and not at the patchlevel version number.
+\i Plugins linked against a Qt library \e with thread support can only be
+ loaded by libraries that are built \e with thread support.
+ \e Rationale:
+ The threaded and non-threaded Qt libraries have different names.
+ A library \e with thread support that loads a plugin linked against a
+ Qt library \e without thread support will cause two versions of the same
+ library to be in memory at the same time. On UNIX systems, this
+ causes the non-threaded Qt library to be loaded. When this
+ happens, the constructors for all static objects in the Qt library
+ will be called a second time, but they will operate on the objects
+ already in memory. There is no way to work around this, as this is
+ a feature of the object binary format: the static symbols already
+ defined by the threaded Qt library cannot be replaced or copied
+ when the non-threaded Qt library is loaded.
+\i Plugins linked against a Qt library \e without thread support can only
+ be loaded by libraries that are built \e without thread support.
+ \e Rationale:
+ See the Rationale above.
+\i Starting with Qt 3.0.5, both the Qt library and all plugins are
+ built using a \e {build key}. The build key in the Qt library is
+ examined against the build key in the plugin, and if they match,
+ the plugin is loaded. If the build keys do not match, then the Qt
+ library refuses to load the plugin.
+ \e Rationale:
+ See the Rationale for the build key below.
+\section1 The Build Key
+The build key contains the following information:
+\i Architecture, operating system and compiler.
+ \e Rationale:
+ In cases where different versions of the same compiler do not
+ produce binary compatible code, the version of the compiler is
+ also present in the build key.
+\i Configuration of the Qt library. The configuration is a list
+ of the missing features that affect the available API in the
+ library.
+ \e Rationale:
+ Two different configurations of the same version of
+ the Qt library are not binary compatible. The Qt library that
+ loads the plugin uses the list of (missing) features to
+ determine if the plugin is binary compatible.
+ \e Note: There are cases where a plugin can use features that are
+ available in two different configurations. However, the
+ developer writing plugins would need to know which features are
+ in use, both in their plugin and internally by the utility
+ classes in Qt. The Qt library would retquire complex feature
+ and dependency queries and verification when loading plugins.
+ Retquiring this would place an unnecessary burden on the developer, and
+ increase the overhead of loading a plugin. To reduce both
+ development time and application runtime costs, a simple string
+ comparision of the build keys is used.
+\i Optionally, an extra string may be specified on the configure
+ script command line.
+ \e Rationale:
+ When distributing binaries of the Qt library with an
+ application, this provides a way for developers to write
+ plugins that can only be loaded by the library with which the
+ plugins were linked.
+\section1 Plugins and Threaded Applications
+If you want to build a plugin which you want to use with a threaded Qt
+library (whether or not the plugin itself uses threads) you must use a
+threaded environment. Specifically, you must link the plugin with a
+threaded Qt library, and you must build \link Qt
+Designer\endlink with that library. Your \c{.pro} file for your plugin
+must include the line:
+ CONFIG += thread
+\warning Do not mix the normal Qt library and the threaded Qt library in
+an application. If your application uses the threaded Qt library, you
+should not link your plugin with the normal Qt library. Nor should you
+dynamically load the normal Qt library or dynamically load another library,
+e.g. a plugin, that depends on the normal Qt library. On some systems,
+mixing threaded and non-threaded libraries or plugins will corrupt the
+static data used in the Qt library.