path: root/src/sql/qdataview.cpp
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diff --git a/src/sql/qdataview.cpp b/src/sql/qdataview.cpp
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+** Implementation of TQDataView class
+** Created : 2000-11-03
+** Copyright (C) 2005-2008 Trolltech ASA. All rights reserved.
+** This file is part of the sql module of the TQt GUI Toolkit.
+** This file may be used under the terms of the GNU General
+** Public License versions 2.0 or 3.0 as published by the Free
+** Software Foundation and appearing in the files LICENSE.GPL2
+** and LICENSE.GPL3 included in the packaging of this file.
+** Alternatively you may (at your option) use any later version
+** of the GNU General Public License if such license has been
+** publicly approved by Trolltech ASA (or its successors, if any)
+** and the KDE Free TQt Foundation.
+** Please review the following information to ensure GNU General
+** Public Licensing retquirements will be met:
+** If you are unsure which license is appropriate for your use, please
+** review the following information:
+** or contact the sales department at [email protected].
+** This file may be used under the terms of the Q Public License as
+** defined by Trolltech ASA and appearing in the file LICENSE.TQPL
+** included in the packaging of this file. Licensees holding valid TQt
+** Commercial licenses may use this file in accordance with the TQt
+** Commercial License Agreement provided with the Software.
+** This file is provided "AS IS" with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND,
+** A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Trolltech reserves all rights not granted
+** herein.
+#include "qdataview.h"
+#include "qsqlmanager_p.h"
+class TQDataViewPrivate
+ TQDataViewPrivate() {}
+ TQSqlFormManager frm;
+ \class TQDataView qdataview.h
+ \brief The TQDataView class provides read-only SQL forms.
+ \ingroup database
+ \mainclass
+ \module sql
+ This class provides a form which displays SQL field data from a
+ record buffer. Because TQDataView does not support editing it uses
+ less resources than a TQDataBrowser. This class is well suited for
+ displaying read-only data from a SQL database.
+ If you want a to present your data in an editable form use
+ TQDataBrowser; if you want a table-based presentation of your data
+ use TQDataTable.
+ The form is associated with the data view with setForm() and the
+ record is associated with setRecord(). You can also pass a
+ TQSqlRecord to the refresh() function which will set the record to
+ the given record and read the record's fields into the form.
+ Constructs a data view which is a child of \a parent, called \a
+ name, and with widget flags \a fl.
+TQDataView::TQDataView( TQWidget *parent, const char *name, WFlags fl )
+ : TQWidget( parent, name, fl )
+ d = new TQDataViewPrivate();
+ Destroys the object and frees any allocated resources.
+ delete d;
+ Clears the default form's values. If there is no default form,
+ nothing happens. All the values are set to their 'zero state',
+ e.g. 0 for numeric fields, "" for string fields.
+void TQDataView::clearValues()
+ d->frm.clearValues();
+ Sets the form used by the data view to \a form. If a record has
+ already been assigned to the data view, the form will display that
+ record's data.
+ \sa form()
+void TQDataView::setForm( TQSqlForm* form )
+ d->frm.setForm( form );
+ Returns the default form used by the data view, or 0 if there is
+ none.
+ \sa setForm()
+TQSqlForm* TQDataView::form()
+ return d->frm.form();
+ Sets the record used by the data view to \a record. If a form has
+ already been assigned to the data view, the form will display the
+ data from \a record in that form.
+ \sa record()
+void TQDataView::setRecord( TQSqlRecord* record )
+ d->frm.setRecord( record );
+ Returns the default record used by the data view, or 0 if there is
+ none.
+ \sa setRecord()
+TQSqlRecord* TQDataView::record()
+ return d->frm.record();
+ Causes the default form to read its fields from the record buffer.
+ If there is no default form, or no record, nothing happens.
+ \sa setForm()
+void TQDataView::readFields()
+ d->frm.readFields();
+ Causes the default form to write its fields to the record buffer.
+ If there is no default form, or no record, nothing happens.
+ \sa setForm()
+void TQDataView::writeFields()
+ d->frm.writeFields();
+ Causes the default form to display the contents of \a buf. If
+ there is no default form, nothing happens.The \a buf also becomes
+ the default record for all subsequent calls to readFields() and
+ writefields(). This slot is equivalant to calling:
+ \code
+ myView.setRecord( record );
+ myView.readFields();
+ \endcode
+ \sa setRecord() readFields()
+void TQDataView::refresh( TQSqlRecord* buf )
+ if ( buf && buf != record() )
+ setRecord( buf );
+ readFields();