path: root/src/tools/qlocale.h
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/tools/qlocale.h')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 494 deletions
diff --git a/src/tools/qlocale.h b/src/tools/qlocale.h
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index 955669c9e..000000000
--- a/src/tools/qlocale.h
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-** Declaration of the TQLocale class
-** Copyright (C) 1992-2008 Trolltech ASA. All rights reserved.
-** This file is part of the tools module of the TQt GUI Toolkit.
-** This file may be used under the terms of the GNU General
-** Public License versions 2.0 or 3.0 as published by the Free
-** Software Foundation and appearing in the files LICENSE.GPL2
-** and LICENSE.GPL3 included in the packaging of this file.
-** Alternatively you may (at your option) use any later version
-** of the GNU General Public License if such license has been
-** publicly approved by Trolltech ASA (or its successors, if any)
-** and the KDE Free TQt Foundation.
-** Please review the following information to ensure GNU General
-** Public Licensing requirements will be met:
-** If you are unsure which license is appropriate for your use, please
-** review the following information:
-** or contact the sales department at [email protected].
-** This file may be used under the terms of the Q Public License as
-** defined by Trolltech ASA and appearing in the file LICENSE.TQPL
-** included in the packaging of this file. Licensees holding valid TQt
-** Commercial licenses may use this file in accordance with the TQt
-** Commercial License Agreement provided with the Software.
-** This file is provided "AS IS" with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND,
-** A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Trolltech reserves all rights not granted
-** herein.
-#ifndef TQLOCALE_H
-#define TQLOCALE_H
-#include "qstring.h"
-struct TQLocalePrivate;
-class Q_EXPORT TQLocale
- friend class TQString;
- enum Language {
- C = 1,
- Abkhazian = 2,
- Afan = 3,
- Afar = 4,
- Afrikaans = 5,
- Albanian = 6,
- Amharic = 7,
- Arabic = 8,
- Armenian = 9,
- Assamese = 10,
- Aymara = 11,
- Azerbaijani = 12,
- Bashkir = 13,
- Basque = 14,
- Bengali = 15,
- Bhutani = 16,
- Bihari = 17,
- Bislama = 18,
- Breton = 19,
- Bulgarian = 20,
- Burmese = 21,
- Byelorussian = 22,
- Cambodian = 23,
- Catalan = 24,
- Chinese = 25,
- Corsican = 26,
- Croatian = 27,
- Czech = 28,
- Danish = 29,
- Dutch = 30,
- English = 31,
- Esperanto = 32,
- Estonian = 33,
- Faroese = 34,
- FijiLanguage = 35,
- Finnish = 36,
- French = 37,
- Frisian = 38,
- Gaelic = 39,
- Galician = 40,
- Georgian = 41,
- German = 42,
- Greek = 43,
- Greenlandic = 44,
- Guarani = 45,
- Gujarati = 46,
- Hausa = 47,
- Hebrew = 48,
- Hindi = 49,
- Hungarian = 50,
- Icelandic = 51,
- Indonesian = 52,
- Interlingua = 53,
- Interlingue = 54,
- Inuktitut = 55,
- Inupiak = 56,
- Irish = 57,
- Italian = 58,
- Japanese = 59,
- Javanese = 60,
- Kannada = 61,
- Kashmiri = 62,
- Kazakh = 63,
- Kinyarwanda = 64,
- Kirghiz = 65,
- Korean = 66,
- Kurdish = 67,
- Kurundi = 68,
- Laothian = 69,
- Latin = 70,
- Latvian = 71,
- Lingala = 72,
- Lithuanian = 73,
- Macedonian = 74,
- Malagasy = 75,
- Malay = 76,
- Malayalam = 77,
- Maltese = 78,
- Maori = 79,
- Marathi = 80,
- Moldavian = 81,
- Mongolian = 82,
- NauruLanguage = 83,
- Nepali = 84,
- Norwegian = 85,
- Occitan = 86,
- Oriya = 87,
- Pashto = 88,
- Persian = 89,
- Polish = 90,
- Portuguese = 91,
- Punjabi = 92,
- Quechua = 93,
- RhaetoRomance = 94,
- Romanian = 95,
- Russian = 96,
- Samoan = 97,
- Sangho = 98,
- Sanskrit = 99,
- Serbian = 100,
- SerboCroatian = 101,
- Sesotho = 102,
- Setswana = 103,
- Shona = 104,
- Sindhi = 105,
- Singhalese = 106,
- Siswati = 107,
- Slovak = 108,
- Slovenian = 109,
- Somali = 110,
- Spanish = 111,
- Sundanese = 112,
- Swahili = 113,
- Swedish = 114,
- Tagalog = 115,
- Tajik = 116,
- Tamil = 117,
- Tatar = 118,
- Telugu = 119,
- Thai = 120,
- Tibetan = 121,
- Tigrinya = 122,
- TongaLanguage = 123,
- Tsonga = 124,
- Turkish = 125,
- Turkmen = 126,
- Twi = 127,
- Uigur = 128,
- Ukrainian = 129,
- Urdu = 130,
- Uzbek = 131,
- Vietnamese = 132,
- Volapuk = 133,
- Welsh = 134,
- Wolof = 135,
- Xhosa = 136,
- Yiddish = 137,
- Yoruba = 138,
- Zhuang = 139,
- Zulu = 140,
- LastLanguage = Zulu
- };
- enum Country {
- AnyCountry = 0,
- Afghanistan = 1,
- Albania = 2,
- Algeria = 3,
- AmericanSamoa = 4,
- Andorra = 5,
- Angola = 6,
- Anguilla = 7,
- Antarctica = 8,
- AntiguaAndBarbuda = 9,
- Argentina = 10,
- Armenia = 11,
- Aruba = 12,
- Australia = 13,
- Austria = 14,
- Azerbaijan = 15,
- Bahamas = 16,
- Bahrain = 17,
- Bangladesh = 18,
- Barbados = 19,
- Belarus = 20,
- Belgium = 21,
- Belize = 22,
- Benin = 23,
- Bermuda = 24,
- Bhutan = 25,
- Bolivia = 26,
- BosniaAndHerzegowina = 27,
- Botswana = 28,
- BouvetIsland = 29,
- Brazil = 30,
- BritishIndianOceanTerritory = 31,
- BruneiDarussalam = 32,
- Bulgaria = 33,
- BurkinaFaso = 34,
- Burundi = 35,
- Cambodia = 36,
- Cameroon = 37,
- Canada = 38,
- CapeVerde = 39,
- CaymanIslands = 40,
- CentralAfricanRepublic = 41,
- Chad = 42,
- Chile = 43,
- China = 44,
- ChristmasIsland = 45,
- CocosIslands = 46,
- Colombia = 47,
- Comoros = 48,
- DemocraticRepublicOfCongo = 49,
- PeoplesRepublicOfCongo = 50,
- CookIslands = 51,
- CostaRica = 52,
- IvoryCoast = 53,
- Croatia = 54,
- Cuba = 55,
- Cyprus = 56,
- CzechRepublic = 57,
- Denmark = 58,
- Djibouti = 59,
- Dominica = 60,
- DominicanRepublic = 61,
- EastTimor = 62,
- Ecuador = 63,
- Egypt = 64,
- ElSalvador = 65,
- EquatorialGuinea = 66,
- Eritrea = 67,
- Estonia = 68,
- Ethiopia = 69,
- FalklandIslands = 70,
- FaroeIslands = 71,
- FijiCountry = 72,
- Finland = 73,
- France = 74,
- MetropolitanFrance = 75,
- FrenchGuiana = 76,
- FrenchPolynesia = 77,
- FrenchSouthernTerritories = 78,
- Gabon = 79,
- Gambia = 80,
- Georgia = 81,
- Germany = 82,
- Ghana = 83,
- Gibraltar = 84,
- Greece = 85,
- Greenland = 86,
- Grenada = 87,
- Guadeloupe = 88,
- Guam = 89,
- Guatemala = 90,
- Guinea = 91,
- GuineaBissau = 92,
- Guyana = 93,
- Haiti = 94,
- HeardAndMcDonaldIslands = 95,
- Honduras = 96,
- HongKong = 97,
- Hungary = 98,
- Iceland = 99,
- India = 100,
- Indonesia = 101,
- Iran = 102,
- Iraq = 103,
- Ireland = 104,
- Israel = 105,
- Italy = 106,
- Jamaica = 107,
- Japan = 108,
- Jordan = 109,
- Kazakhstan = 110,
- Kenya = 111,
- Kiribati = 112,
- DemocraticRepublicOfKorea = 113,
- RepublicOfKorea = 114,
- Kuwait = 115,
- Kyrgyzstan = 116,
- Lao = 117,
- Latvia = 118,
- Lebanon = 119,
- Lesotho = 120,
- Liberia = 121,
- LibyanArabJamahiriya = 122,
- Liechtenstein = 123,
- Lithuania = 124,
- Luxembourg = 125,
- Macau = 126,
- Macedonia = 127,
- Madagascar = 128,
- Malawi = 129,
- Malaysia = 130,
- Maldives = 131,
- Mali = 132,
- Malta = 133,
- MarshallIslands = 134,
- Martinique = 135,
- Mauritania = 136,
- Mauritius = 137,
- Mayotte = 138,
- Mexico = 139,
- Micronesia = 140,
- Moldova = 141,
- Monaco = 142,
- Mongolia = 143,
- Montserrat = 144,
- Morocco = 145,
- Mozambique = 146,
- Myanmar = 147,
- Namibia = 148,
- NauruCountry = 149,
- Nepal = 150,
- Netherlands = 151,
- NetherlandsAntilles = 152,
- NewCaledonia = 153,
- NewZealand = 154,
- Nicaragua = 155,
- Niger = 156,
- Nigeria = 157,
- Niue = 158,
- NorfolkIsland = 159,
- NorthernMarianaIslands = 160,
- Norway = 161,
- Oman = 162,
- Pakistan = 163,
- Palau = 164,
- PalestinianTerritory = 165,
- Panama = 166,
- PapuaNewGuinea = 167,
- Paraguay = 168,
- Peru = 169,
- Philippines = 170,
- Pitcairn = 171,
- Poland = 172,
- Portugal = 173,
- PuertoRico = 174,
- Qatar = 175,
- Reunion = 176,
- Romania = 177,
- RussianFederation = 178,
- Rwanda = 179,
- SaintKittsAndNevis = 180,
- StLucia = 181,
- StVincentAndTheGrenadines = 182,
- Samoa = 183,
- SanMarino = 184,
- SaoTomeAndPrincipe = 185,
- SaudiArabia = 186,
- Senegal = 187,
- Seychelles = 188,
- SierraLeone = 189,
- Singapore = 190,
- Slovakia = 191,
- Slovenia = 192,
- SolomonIslands = 193,
- Somalia = 194,
- SouthAfrica = 195,
- SouthGeorgiaAndTheSouthSandwichIslands = 196,
- Spain = 197,
- SriLanka = 198,
- StHelena = 199,
- StPierreAndMiquelon = 200,
- Sudan = 201,
- Suriname = 202,
- SvalbardAndJanMayenIslands = 203,
- Swaziland = 204,
- Sweden = 205,
- Switzerland = 206,
- SyrianArabRepublic = 207,
- Taiwan = 208,
- Tajikistan = 209,
- Tanzania = 210,
- Thailand = 211,
- Togo = 212,
- Tokelau = 213,
- TongaCountry = 214,
- TrinidadAndTobago = 215,
- Tunisia = 216,
- Turkey = 217,
- Turkmenistan = 218,
- TurksAndCaicosIslands = 219,
- Tuvalu = 220,
- Uganda = 221,
- Ukraine = 222,
- UnitedArabEmirates = 223,
- UnitedKingdom = 224,
- UnitedStates = 225,
- UnitedStatesMinorOutlyingIslands = 226,
- Uruguay = 227,
- Uzbekistan = 228,
- Vanuatu = 229,
- VaticanCityState = 230,
- Venezuela = 231,
- VietNam = 232,
- BritishVirginIslands = 233,
- USVirginIslands = 234,
- WallisAndFutunaIslands = 235,
- WesternSahara = 236,
- Yemen = 237,
- Yugoslavia = 238,
- Zambia = 239,
- Zimbabwe = 240,
- LastCountry = Zimbabwe
- };
- TQLocale();
- TQLocale(const TQString &name);
- TQLocale(Language language, Country country = AnyCountry);
- TQLocale(const TQLocale &other);
- TQLocale &operator=(const TQLocale &other);
- Language language() const;
- Country country() const;
- TQString name() const;
- short toShort(const TQString &s, bool *ok = 0) const;
- ushort toUShort(const TQString &s, bool *ok = 0) const;
- int toInt(const TQString &s, bool *ok = 0) const;
- uint toUInt(const TQString &s, bool *ok = 0) const;
- Q_LONG toLong(const TQString &s, bool *ok = 0) const;
- Q_ULONG toULong(const TQString &s, bool *ok = 0) const;
- Q_LLONG toLongLong(const TQString &s, bool *ok = 0) const;
- Q_ULLONG toULongLong(const TQString &s, bool *ok = 0) const;
- float toFloat(const TQString &s, bool *ok = 0) const;
- double toDouble(const TQString &s, bool *ok = 0) const;
- TQString toString(short i) const
- { return toString((Q_LLONG)i); }
- TQString toString(ushort i) const
- { return toString((Q_ULLONG)i); }
- TQString toString(int i) const
- { return toString((Q_LLONG)i); }
- TQString toString(uint i) const
- { return toString((Q_ULLONG)i); }
-#if !defined(Q_OS_WIN64)
- TQString toString(Q_LONG i) const
- { return toString((Q_LLONG)i); }
- TQString toString(Q_ULONG i) const
- { return toString((Q_ULLONG)i); }
- TQString toString(Q_LLONG i) const;
- TQString toString(Q_ULLONG i) const;
- TQString toString(float i, char f = 'g', int prec = 6) const
- { return toString((double) i, f, prec); }
- TQString toString(double i, char f = 'g', int prec = 6) const;
- static TQString languageToString(Language language);
- static TQString countryToString(Country country);
- static void setDefault(const TQLocale &locale);
- static TQLocale c() { return TQLocale(C); }
- static TQLocale system();
- const TQLocalePrivate *d;
- static const TQLocalePrivate *default_d;