path: root/src/widgets/qtabwidget.cpp
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diff --git a/src/widgets/qtabwidget.cpp b/src/widgets/qtabwidget.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..2c85a611a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/widgets/qtabwidget.cpp
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+** Implementation of TQTabWidget class
+** Created : 990318
+** Copyright (C) 1992-2008 Trolltech ASA. All rights reserved.
+** This file is part of the widgets module of the TQt GUI Toolkit.
+** This file may be used under the terms of the GNU General
+** Public License versions 2.0 or 3.0 as published by the Free
+** Software Foundation and appearing in the files LICENSE.GPL2
+** and LICENSE.GPL3 included in the packaging of this file.
+** Alternatively you may (at your option) use any later version
+** of the GNU General Public License if such license has been
+** publicly approved by Trolltech ASA (or its successors, if any)
+** and the KDE Free TQt Foundation.
+** Please review the following information to ensure GNU General
+** Public Licensing retquirements will be met:
+** If you are unsure which license is appropriate for your use, please
+** review the following information:
+** or contact the sales department at [email protected].
+** This file may be used under the terms of the Q Public License as
+** defined by Trolltech ASA and appearing in the file LICENSE.TQPL
+** included in the packaging of this file. Licensees holding valid TQt
+** Commercial licenses may use this file in accordance with the TQt
+** Commercial License Agreement provided with the Software.
+** This file is provided "AS IS" with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND,
+** A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Trolltech reserves all rights not granted
+** herein.
+#include "qtabwidget.h"
+#include "qobjectlist.h"
+#include "qtabbar.h"
+#include "qapplication.h"
+#include "qwidgetstack.h"
+#include "qbitmap.h"
+#include "qaccel.h"
+#include "qstyle.h"
+#include "qpainter.h"
+#include "qtoolbutton.h"
+#ifdef Q_OS_MACX
+#include <qmacstyle_mac.h>
+ \class TQTabWidget qtabwidget.h
+ \brief The TQTabWidget class provides a stack of tabbed widgets.
+ \ingroup organizers
+ \ingroup advanced
+ \mainclass
+ A tab widget provides a tab bar of tabs and a `page area' below
+ (or above, see \l{TabPosition}) the tabs. Each tab is associated
+ with a different widget (called a `page'). Only the current tab's
+ page is shown in the page area; all the other tabs' pages are
+ hidden. The user can show a different page by clicking on its tab
+ or by pressing its Alt+\e{letter} accelerator if it has one.
+ The normal way to use TQTabWidget is to do the following in the
+ constructor:
+ \list 1
+ \i Create a TQTabWidget.
+ \i Create a TQWidget for each of the pages in the tab dialog,
+ insert children into it, set up geometry management for it and use
+ addTab() (or insertTab()) to set up a tab and keyboard accelerator
+ for it.
+ \i Connect to the signals and slots.
+ \endlist
+ The position of the tabs is set with setTabPosition(), their shape
+ with setTabShape(), and their margin with setMargin().
+ If you don't call addTab() and the TQTabWidget is already visible,
+ then the page you have created will not be visible. Don't
+ confuse the object name you supply to the TQWidget constructor and
+ the tab label you supply to addTab(). addTab() takes a name which
+ indicates an accelerator and is meaningful and descriptive to the
+ user, whereas the widget name is used primarily for debugging.
+ The signal currentChanged() is emitted when the user selects a
+ page.
+ The current page is available as an index position with
+ currentPageIndex() or as a wiget pointer with currentPage(). You
+ can retrieve a pointer to a page with a given index using page(),
+ and can find the index position of a page with indexOf(). Use
+ setCurrentPage() to show a particular page by index, or showPage()
+ to show a page by widget pointer.
+ You can change a tab's label and iconset using changeTab() or
+ setTabLabel() and setTabIconSet(). A tab page can be removed with
+ removePage().
+ Each tab is either enabled or disabled at any given time (see
+ setTabEnabled()). If a tab is enabled, the tab text is drawn
+ normally and the user can select that tab. If it is disabled, the
+ tab is drawn in a different way and the user cannot select that
+ tab. Note that even if a tab is disabled, the page can still be
+ visible, for example if all of the tabs happen to be disabled.
+ Although tab widgets can be a very good way to split up a complex
+ dialog, it's also very easy to get into a mess. See TQTabDialog for
+ some design hints. An alternative is to use a TQWidgetStack for
+ which you provide some means of navigating between pages, for
+ example, a TQToolBar or a TQListBox.
+ Most of the functionality in TQTabWidget is provided by a TQTabBar
+ (at the top, providing the tabs) and a TQWidgetStack (most of the
+ area, organizing the individual pages).
+ <img src=qtabwidget-m.png> <img src=qtabwidget-w.png>
+ \sa TQTabDialog, TQToolBox
+ \enum TQt::Corner
+ This enum type specifies a corner in a rectangle:
+ \value TopLeft top left corner
+ \value TopRight top right corner
+ \value BottomLeft bottom left corner
+ \value BottomRight bottom right corner
+ \enum TQTabWidget::TabPosition
+ This enum type defines where TQTabWidget draws the tab row:
+ \value Top above the pages
+ \value Bottom below the pages
+ \enum TQTabWidget::TabShape
+ This enum type defines the shape of the tabs:
+ \value Rounded rounded look (normal)
+ \value Triangular triangular look (very unusual, included for completeness)
+/* undocumented now
+ \obsolete
+ \fn void TQTabWidget::selected( const TQString &tabLabel );
+ This signal is emitted whenever a tab is selected (raised),
+ including during the first show().
+ \sa raise()
+ \fn void TQTabWidget::currentChanged( TQWidget* );
+ This signal is emitted whenever the current page changes. The
+ parameter is the new current page.
+ \sa currentPage(), showPage(), tabLabel()
+class TQTabBarBase : public TQWidget
+ TQTabBarBase( TQTabWidget* parent=0, const char* name=0 )
+ : TQWidget( parent, name ) {};
+ void paintEvent( TQPaintEvent * )
+ {
+ TQObject * obj = parent();
+ if( obj ){
+ TQTabWidget * t = (TQTabWidget *) obj;
+ TQPainter p( this );
+ TQStyle::SFlags flags = TQStyle::Style_Default;
+ if ( t->tabPosition() == TQTabWidget::Top )
+ flags |= TQStyle::Style_Top;
+ if ( t->tabPosition() == TQTabWidget::Bottom )
+ flags |= TQStyle::Style_Bottom;
+ if(parentWidget()->isEnabled())
+ flags |= TQStyle::Style_Enabled;
+ style().drawPrimitive( TQStyle::PE_TabBarBase, &p, rect(),
+ colorGroup(), flags );
+ }
+ }
+class TQTabWidgetData
+ TQTabWidgetData()
+ : tabs(0), tabBase(0), stack(0), dirty( TRUE ),
+ pos( TQTabWidget::Top ), shape( TQTabWidget::Rounded ),
+ leftCornerWidget(0), rightCornerWidget(0) {};
+ ~TQTabWidgetData(){};
+ TQTabBar* tabs;
+ TQTabBarBase* tabBase;
+ TQWidgetStack* stack;
+ bool dirty;
+ TQTabWidget::TabPosition pos;
+ TQTabWidget::TabShape shape;
+ int alignment;
+ TQWidget* leftCornerWidget;
+ TQWidget* rightCornerWidget;
+ Constructs a tabbed widget called \a name with parent \a parent,
+ and widget flags \a f.
+TQTabWidget::TQTabWidget( TQWidget *parent, const char *name, WFlags f )
+ : TQWidget( parent, name, f )
+ d = new TQTabWidgetData;
+ d->stack = new TQWidgetStack( this, "tab pages" );
+ d->stack->installEventFilter( this );
+ d->tabBase = new TQTabBarBase( this, "tab base" );
+ d->tabBase->resize( 1, 1 );
+ setTabBar( new TQTabBar( this, "tab control" ) );
+ d->stack->setFrameStyle( TQFrame::TabWidgetPanel | TQFrame::Raised );
+#ifdef Q_OS_TEMP
+ d->pos = Bottom;
+ setSizePolicy( TQSizePolicy( TQSizePolicy::Expanding, TQSizePolicy::Expanding ) );
+ setFocusPolicy( TabFocus );
+ setFocusProxy( d->tabs );
+ installEventFilter( this );
+#ifdef Q_OS_MACX
+ if (::qt_cast<TQMacStyle*>(&style()))
+ setMargin(10); // According to HIGuidelines at least.
+ \reimp
+ delete d;
+ Adds another tab and page to the tab view.
+ The new page is \a child; the tab's label is \a label. Note the
+ difference between the widget name (which you supply to widget
+ constructors and to setTabEnabled(), for example) and the tab
+ label. The name is internal to the program and invariant, whereas
+ the label is shown on-screen and may vary according to language
+ and other factors.
+ If the tab's \a label contains an ampersand, the letter following
+ the ampersand is used as an accelerator for the tab, e.g. if the
+ label is "Bro\&wse" then Alt+W becomes an accelerator which will
+ move the focus to this tab.
+ If you call addTab() after show() the screen will flicker and the
+ user may be confused.
+ Adding the same child twice will have undefined behavior.
+ \sa insertTab()
+void TQTabWidget::addTab( TQWidget *child, const TQString &label)
+ insertTab( child, label );
+ \overload
+ Adds another tab and page to the tab view.
+ This function is the same as addTab(), but with an additional \a
+ iconset.
+void TQTabWidget::addTab( TQWidget *child, const TQIconSet& iconset, const TQString &label )
+ insertTab( child, iconset, label );
+ \overload
+ This is a low-level function for adding tabs. It is useful if you
+ are using setTabBar() to set a TQTabBar subclass with an overridden
+ TQTabBar::paint() function for a subclass of TQTab. The \a child is
+ the new page and \a tab is the tab to put the \a child on.
+void TQTabWidget::addTab( TQWidget *child, TQTab* tab )
+ insertTab( child, tab );
+ Inserts another tab and page to the tab view.
+ The new page is \a child; the tab's label is \a label. Note the
+ difference between the widget name (which you supply to widget
+ constructors and to setTabEnabled(), for example) and the tab
+ label. The name is internal to the program and invariant, whereas
+ the label is shown on-screen and may vary according to language
+ and other factors.
+ If the tab's \a label contains an ampersand, the letter following
+ the ampersand is used as an accelerator for the tab, e.g. if the
+ label is "Bro\&wse" then Alt+W becomes an accelerator which will
+ move the focus to this tab.
+ If \a index is not specified, the tab is simply appended.
+ Otherwise it is inserted at the specified position.
+ If you call insertTab() after show(), the screen will flicker and
+ the user may be confused.
+ \sa addTab()
+void TQTabWidget::insertTab( TQWidget *child, const TQString &label, int index)
+ TQTab * t = new TQTab();
+ Q_CHECK_PTR( t );
+ t->label = label;
+ insertTab( child, t, index );
+ \overload
+ Inserts another tab and page to the tab view.
+ This function is the same as insertTab(), but with an additional
+ \a iconset.
+void TQTabWidget::insertTab( TQWidget *child, const TQIconSet& iconset, const TQString &label, int index )
+ TQTab * t = new TQTab();
+ Q_CHECK_PTR( t );
+ t->label = label;
+ t->iconset = new TQIconSet( iconset );
+ insertTab( child, t, index );
+ \overload
+ This is a lower-level method for inserting tabs, similar to the
+ other insertTab() method. It is useful if you are using
+ setTabBar() to set a TQTabBar subclass with an overridden
+ TQTabBar::paint() function for a subclass of TQTab. The \a child is
+ the new page, \a tab is the tab to put the \a child on and \a
+ index is the position in the tab bar that this page should occupy.
+void TQTabWidget::insertTab( TQWidget *child, TQTab* tab, int index)
+ tab->enabled = TRUE;
+ int id = d->tabs->insertTab( tab, index );
+ d->stack->addWidget( child, id );
+ if ( d->stack->frameStyle() != ( TQFrame::TabWidgetPanel | TQFrame::Raised ) )
+ d->stack->setFrameStyle( TQFrame::TabWidgetPanel | TQFrame::Raised );
+ setUpLayout();
+ Defines a new \a label for page \a{w}'s tab.
+void TQTabWidget::changeTab( TQWidget *w, const TQString &label)
+ int id = d->stack->id( w );
+ if ( id < 0 )
+ return;
+ TQTab* t = d->tabs->tab( id );
+ if ( !t )
+ return;
+ // this will update the accelerators
+ t->setText( label );
+ d->tabs->layoutTabs();
+ d->tabs->update();
+ setUpLayout();
+ \overload
+ Defines a new \a iconset and a new \a label for page \a{w}'s tab.
+void TQTabWidget::changeTab( TQWidget *w, const TQIconSet& iconset, const TQString &label)
+ int id = d->stack->id( w );
+ if ( id < 0 )
+ return;
+ TQTab* t = d->tabs->tab( id );
+ if ( !t )
+ return;
+ if ( t->iconset ) {
+ delete t->iconset;
+ t->iconset = 0;
+ }
+ // this will update the accelerators
+ t->iconset = new TQIconSet( iconset );
+ t->setText( label );
+ d->tabs->layoutTabs();
+ d->tabs->update();
+ setUpLayout();
+ Returns TRUE if the page \a w is enabled; otherwise returns FALSE.
+ \sa setTabEnabled(), TQWidget::isEnabled()
+bool TQTabWidget::isTabEnabled( TQWidget* w ) const
+ int id = d->stack->id( w );
+ if ( id >= 0 )
+ return w->isEnabled();
+ else
+ return FALSE;
+ If \a enable is TRUE, page \a w is enabled; otherwise page \a w is
+ disabled. The page's tab is redrawn appropriately.
+ TQTabWidget uses TQWidget::setEnabled() internally, rather than
+ keeping a separate flag.
+ Note that even a disabled tab/page may be visible. If the page is
+ visible already, TQTabWidget will not hide it; if all the pages are
+ disabled, TQTabWidget will show one of them.
+ \sa isTabEnabled(), TQWidget::setEnabled()
+void TQTabWidget::setTabEnabled( TQWidget* w, bool enable)
+ int id = d->stack->id( w );
+ if ( id >= 0 ) {
+ w->setEnabled( enable );
+ d->tabs->setTabEnabled( id, enable );
+ }
+ Sets widget \a w to be the shown in the specified \a corner of the
+ tab widget.
+ Only the horizontal element of the \a corner will be used.
+ \sa cornerWidget(), setTabPosition()
+void TQTabWidget::setCornerWidget( TQWidget * w, TQt::Corner corner )
+ if ( !w )
+ return;
+ if ( (uint)corner & 1 )
+ d->rightCornerWidget = w;
+ else
+ d->leftCornerWidget = w;
+ Returns the widget shown in the \a corner of the tab widget or 0.
+TQWidget * TQTabWidget::cornerWidget( TQt::Corner corner ) const
+ if ( (uint)corner & 1 )
+ return d->rightCornerWidget;
+ return d->leftCornerWidget;
+ Ensures that page \a w is shown. This is useful mainly for
+ accelerators.
+ \warning Used carelessly, this function can easily surprise or
+ confuse the user.
+ \sa TQTabBar::setCurrentTab()
+void TQTabWidget::showPage( TQWidget * w)
+ int id = d->stack->id( w );
+ if ( id >= 0 ) {
+ d->stack->raiseWidget( w );
+ d->tabs->setCurrentTab( id );
+ // ### why overwrite the frame style?
+ if ( d->stack->frameStyle() != ( TQFrame::TabWidgetPanel |TQFrame::Raised ) )
+ d->stack->setFrameStyle( TQFrame::TabWidgetPanel | TQFrame::Raised );
+ }
+ Removes page \a w from this stack of widgets. Does not delete \a
+ w.
+ \sa addTab(), showPage(), TQWidgetStack::removeWidget()
+void TQTabWidget::removePage( TQWidget * w )
+ int id = d->stack->id( w );
+ if ( id >= 0 ) {
+ int oldId = d->stack->id(currentPage());
+ bool fixCurrentTab = oldId == id;
+ //switches to the next enabled tab
+ d->tabs->setTabEnabled( id, FALSE );
+ //if no next enabled page we fix the current page
+ fixCurrentTab = fixCurrentTab && oldId == d->stack->id(currentPage());
+ d->stack->removeWidget( w );
+ d->tabs->removeTab( d->tabs->tab(id) );
+ if ( fixCurrentTab )
+ showTab( d->tabs->currentTab() );
+ setUpLayout();
+ if ( d->tabs->count() == 0 )
+ d->stack->setFrameStyle( TQFrame::NoFrame );
+ }
+ Returns the label text for the tab on page \a w.
+TQString TQTabWidget::tabLabel( TQWidget * w ) const
+ TQTab * t = d->tabs->tab( d->stack->id( w ) );
+ return t ? t->label : TQString::null;
+ Sets the tab label for page \a w to \a l
+void TQTabWidget::setTabLabel( TQWidget * w, const TQString &l )
+ TQTab * t = d->tabs->tab( d->stack->id( w ) );
+ if ( t )
+ t->label = l;
+ d->tabs->layoutTabs();
+ d->tabs->update();
+ setUpLayout();
+ Returns a pointer to the page currently being displayed by the tab
+ dialog. The tab dialog does its best to make sure that this value
+ is never 0 (but if you try hard enough, it can be).
+TQWidget * TQTabWidget::currentPage() const
+ return page( currentPageIndex() );
+ \property TQTabWidget::autoMask
+ \brief whether the tab widget is automatically masked
+ \sa TQWidget::setAutoMask()
+ \property TQTabWidget::currentPage
+ \brief the index position of the current tab page
+ \sa TQTabBar::currentTab()
+int TQTabWidget::currentPageIndex() const
+ return d->tabs->indexOf( d->tabs->currentTab() );
+void TQTabWidget::setCurrentPage( int index )
+ d->tabs->setCurrentTab( d->tabs->tabAt( index ) );
+ showTab( d->tabs->currentTab() );
+ Returns the index position of page \a w, or -1 if the widget
+ cannot be found.
+int TQTabWidget::indexOf( TQWidget* w ) const
+ return d->tabs->indexOf( d->stack->id( w ) );
+ \reimp
+void TQTabWidget::resizeEvent( TQResizeEvent *e )
+ TQWidget::resizeEvent( e );
+ setUpLayout();
+ Replaces the dialog's TQTabBar heading with the tab bar \a tb. Note
+ that this must be called \e before any tabs have been added, or
+ the behavior is undefined.
+ \sa tabBar()
+void TQTabWidget::setTabBar( TQTabBar* tb)
+ if ( tb->parentWidget() != this )
+ tb->reparent( this, TQPoint(0,0), TRUE );
+ delete d->tabs;
+ d->tabs = tb;
+ setFocusProxy( d->tabs );
+ connect( d->tabs, SIGNAL(selected(int)),
+ this, SLOT(showTab(int)) );
+ setUpLayout();
+ Returns the current TQTabBar.
+ \sa setTabBar()
+TQTabBar* TQTabWidget::tabBar() const
+ return d->tabs;
+ Ensures that the selected tab's page is visible and appropriately
+ sized.
+void TQTabWidget::showTab( int i )
+ if ( d->stack->widget( i ) ) {
+ d->stack->raiseWidget( i );
+ emit selected( d->tabs->tab( i )->label );
+ emit currentChanged( d->stack->widget( i ) );
+ }
+ Set up the layout.
+void TQTabWidget::setUpLayout( bool onlyCheck )
+ if ( onlyCheck && !d->dirty )
+ return; // nothing to do
+ if ( !isVisible() ) {
+ d->dirty = TRUE;
+ return; // we'll do it later
+ }
+ TQSize t( 0, d->stack->frameWidth() );
+ if ( d->tabs->isVisibleTo(this) )
+ t = d->tabs->sizeHint();
+ int lcw = 0;
+ if ( d->leftCornerWidget && d->leftCornerWidget->isVisible() ) {
+ TQSize sz = d->leftCornerWidget->sizeHint();
+ d->leftCornerWidget->resize(sz);
+ lcw = sz.width();
+ if ( t.height() > lcw )
+ lcw = t.height();
+ }
+ int rcw = 0;
+ if ( d->rightCornerWidget && d->rightCornerWidget->isVisible() ) {
+ TQSize sz = d->rightCornerWidget->sizeHint();
+ d->rightCornerWidget->resize(sz);
+ rcw = sz.width();
+ if ( t.height() > rcw )
+ rcw = t.height();
+ }
+ int tw = width() - lcw - rcw;
+ if ( t.width() > tw )
+ t.setWidth( tw );
+ int lw = d->stack->lineWidth();
+ bool reverse = TQApplication::reverseLayout();
+ int tabx, taby, stacky, exty, exth, overlap;
+ exth = style().pixelMetric( TQStyle::PM_TabBarBaseHeight, this );
+ overlap = style().pixelMetric( TQStyle::PM_TabBarBaseOverlap, this );
+ if ( d->pos == Bottom ) {
+ taby = height() - t.height() - lw;
+ stacky = 0;
+ exty = taby - (exth - overlap);
+ } else { // Top
+ taby = 0;
+ stacky = t.height()-lw + (exth - overlap);
+ exty = taby + t.height() - overlap;
+ }
+ int lhs = (TQMAX( 0, lw - 2 ) + lcw);
+ int alignment = style().styleHint( TQStyle::SH_TabBar_Alignment, this );
+ if ( alignment == AlignHCenter && t.width() < width() )
+ tabx = lhs + ((width()-(lcw+rcw))/2 - t.width()/2);
+ else if(reverse || alignment == AlignRight)
+ tabx = TQMIN( width() - t.width(), width() - t.width() - lw + 2 ) - lcw;
+ else
+ tabx = lhs;
+ d->tabs->setGeometry( tabx, taby, t.width(), t.height() );
+ d->tabBase->setGeometry( 0, exty, width(), exth );
+ if ( exth == 0 )
+ d->tabBase->hide();
+ else
+ d->tabBase->show();
+ d->stack->setGeometry( 0, stacky, width(), height() - (exth-overlap) -
+ t.height()+TQMAX(0, lw-2));
+ d->dirty = FALSE;
+ // move cornerwidgets
+ if ( d->leftCornerWidget ) {
+ int y = ( t.height() / 2 ) - ( d->leftCornerWidget->height() / 2 );
+ int x = ( reverse ? width() - lcw + y : y );
+ d->leftCornerWidget->move( x, y + taby );
+ }
+ if ( d->rightCornerWidget ) {
+ int y = ( t.height() / 2 ) - ( d->rightCornerWidget->height() / 2 );
+ int x = ( reverse ? y : width() - rcw + y );
+ d->rightCornerWidget->move( x, y + taby );
+ }
+ if ( !onlyCheck )
+ update();
+ updateGeometry();
+ if ( autoMask() )
+ updateMask();
+ \reimp
+TQSize TQTabWidget::sizeHint() const
+ TQSize lc(0, 0), rc(0, 0);
+ if (d->leftCornerWidget)
+ lc = d->leftCornerWidget->sizeHint();
+ if(d->rightCornerWidget)
+ rc = d->rightCornerWidget->sizeHint();
+ if ( !d->dirty ) {
+ TQTabWidget *that = (TQTabWidget*)this;
+ that->setUpLayout( TRUE );
+ }
+ TQSize s( d->stack->sizeHint() );
+ TQSize t( d->tabs->sizeHint() );
+ if(!style().styleHint(TQStyle::SH_TabBar_PreferNoArrows, d->tabs))
+ t = t.boundedTo( TQSize(200,200) );
+ else
+ t = t.boundedTo( TQApplication::desktop()->size() );
+ TQSize sz( TQMAX( s.width(), t.width() + rc.width() + lc.width() ),
+ s.height() + (TQMAX( rc.height(), TQMAX(lc.height(), t.height()))) + ( d->tabBase->isVisible() ? d->tabBase->height() : 0 ) );
+ return style().sizeFromContents(TQStyle::CT_TabWidget, this, sz).expandedTo(TQApplication::globalStrut());
+ \reimp
+ Returns a suitable minimum size for the tab widget.
+TQSize TQTabWidget::minimumSizeHint() const
+ TQSize lc(0, 0), rc(0, 0);
+ if(d->leftCornerWidget)
+ lc = d->leftCornerWidget->minimumSizeHint();
+ if(d->rightCornerWidget)
+ rc = d->rightCornerWidget->minimumSizeHint();
+ if ( !d->dirty ) {
+ TQTabWidget *that = (TQTabWidget*)this;
+ that->setUpLayout( TRUE );
+ }
+ TQSize s( d->stack->minimumSizeHint() );
+ TQSize t( d->tabs->minimumSizeHint() );
+ TQSize sz( TQMAX( s.width(), t.width() + rc.width() + lc.width() ),
+ s.height() + (TQMAX( rc.height(), TQMAX(lc.height(), t.height()))) + ( d->tabBase->isVisible() ? d->tabBase->height() : 0 ) );
+ return style().sizeFromContents(TQStyle::CT_TabWidget, this, sz).expandedTo(TQApplication::globalStrut());
+ \reimp
+ */
+void TQTabWidget::showEvent( TQShowEvent * )
+ setUpLayout();
+ \property TQTabWidget::tabPosition
+ \brief the position of the tabs in this tab widget
+ Possible values for this property are \c TQTabWidget::Top and \c
+ TQTabWidget::Bottom.
+ \sa TabPosition
+TQTabWidget::TabPosition TQTabWidget::tabPosition() const
+ return d->pos;
+void TQTabWidget::setTabPosition( TabPosition pos)
+ if (d->pos == pos)
+ return;
+ d->pos = pos;
+ if (d->tabs->shape() == TQTabBar::TriangularAbove || d->tabs->shape() == TQTabBar::TriangularBelow ) {
+ if ( pos == Bottom )
+ d->tabs->setShape( TQTabBar::TriangularBelow );
+ else
+ d->tabs->setShape( TQTabBar::TriangularAbove );
+ }
+ else {
+ if ( pos == Bottom )
+ d->tabs->setShape( TQTabBar::RoundedBelow );
+ else
+ d->tabs->setShape( TQTabBar::RoundedAbove );
+ }
+ d->tabs->layoutTabs();
+ setUpLayout();
+ \property TQTabWidget::tabShape
+ \brief the shape of the tabs in this tab widget
+ Possible values for this property are \c TQTabWidget::Rounded
+ (default) or \c TQTabWidget::Triangular.
+ \sa TabShape
+TQTabWidget::TabShape TQTabWidget::tabShape() const
+ return d->shape;
+void TQTabWidget::setTabShape( TabShape s )
+ if ( d->shape == s )
+ return;
+ d->shape = s;
+ if ( d->pos == Top ) {
+ if ( s == Rounded )
+ d->tabs->setShape( TQTabBar::RoundedAbove );
+ else
+ d->tabs->setShape( TQTabBar::TriangularAbove );
+ } else {
+ if ( s == Rounded )
+ d->tabs->setShape( TQTabBar::RoundedBelow );
+ else
+ d->tabs->setShape( TQTabBar::TriangularBelow );
+ }
+ d->tabs->layoutTabs();
+ setUpLayout();
+ \property TQTabWidget::margin
+ \brief the margin in this tab widget
+ The margin is the distance between the innermost pixel of the
+ frame and the outermost pixel of the pages.
+int TQTabWidget::margin() const
+ return d->stack->margin();
+void TQTabWidget::setMargin( int w )
+ d->stack->setMargin( w );
+ setUpLayout();
+ \reimp
+ */
+void TQTabWidget::styleChange( TQStyle& old )
+ TQWidget::styleChange( old );
+ setUpLayout();
+ \reimp
+ */
+void TQTabWidget::updateMask()
+ if ( !autoMask() )
+ return;
+ TQRect r;
+ TQRegion reg( r );
+ reg += TQRegion( d->tabs->geometry() );
+ reg += TQRegion( d->stack->geometry() );
+ setMask( reg );
+ \reimp
+ */
+bool TQTabWidget::eventFilter( TQObject *o, TQEvent * e)
+ if ( o == this ) {
+ if ( e->type() == TQEvent::LanguageChange || e->type() == TQEvent::LayoutHint ) {
+ d->dirty = TRUE;
+ setUpLayout();
+ updateGeometry();
+ } else if ( e->type() == TQEvent::KeyPress ) {
+ TQKeyEvent *ke = (TQKeyEvent*) e;
+ if ( ( ke->key() == TQt::Key_Tab || ke->key() == TQt::Key_Backtab ) &&
+ count() > 1 &&
+ ke->state() & TQt::ControlButton ) {
+ int page = currentPageIndex();
+ if ( ke->key() == TQt::Key_Backtab || ke->state() & TQt::ShiftButton ) {
+ page--;
+ if ( page < 0 )
+ page = count() - 1;
+ } else {
+ page++;
+ if ( page >= count() )
+ page = 0;
+ }
+ setCurrentPage( page );
+ if ( !qApp->focusWidget() )
+ d->tabs->setFocus();
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ }
+ } else if ( o == d->stack ) {
+ if ( e->type() == TQEvent::ChildRemoved
+ && ( (TQChildEvent*)e )->child()->isWidgetType() ) {
+ removePage( (TQWidget*) ( (TQChildEvent*)e )->child() );
+ return TRUE;
+ } else if ( e->type() == TQEvent::LayoutHint ) {
+ updateGeometry();
+ }
+ }
+ return FALSE;
+ Returns the tab page at index position \a index or 0 if the \a
+ index is out of range.
+TQWidget *TQTabWidget::page( int index ) const
+ TQTab *t = d->tabs->tabAt(index);
+ if ( t )
+ return d->stack->widget( t->id );
+ // else
+ return 0;
+ Returns the label of the tab at index position \a index or
+ TQString::null if the \a index is out of range.
+TQString TQTabWidget::label( int index ) const
+ TQTab *t = d->tabs->tabAt( index );
+ if ( t )
+ return t->label;
+ // else
+ return TQString::null;
+ \property TQTabWidget::count
+ \brief the number of tabs in the tab bar
+int TQTabWidget::count() const
+ return d->tabs->count();
+ Returns the iconset of page \a w or a \link TQIconSet::TQIconSet()
+ null iconset\endlink if \a w is not a tab page or does not have an
+ iconset.
+TQIconSet TQTabWidget::tabIconSet( TQWidget * w ) const
+ int id = d->stack->id( w );
+ if ( id < 0 )
+ return TQIconSet();
+ TQTab* t = d->tabs->tab( id );
+ if ( !t )
+ return TQIconSet();
+ if ( t->iconset )
+ return TQIconSet( *t->iconset );
+ else
+ return TQIconSet();
+ Sets the iconset for page \a w to \a iconset.
+void TQTabWidget::setTabIconSet( TQWidget * w, const TQIconSet & iconset )
+ int id = d->stack->id( w );
+ if ( id < 0 )
+ return;
+ TQTab* t = d->tabs->tab( id );
+ if ( !t )
+ return;
+ if ( t->iconset )
+ delete t->iconset;
+ t->iconset = new TQIconSet( iconset );
+ d->tabs->layoutTabs();
+ d->tabs->update();
+ setUpLayout();
+ Sets the tab tool tip for page \a w to \a tip.
+ \sa removeTabToolTip(), tabToolTip()
+void TQTabWidget::setTabToolTip( TQWidget * w, const TQString & tip )
+ int index = d->tabs->indexOf( d->stack->id( w ) );
+ if ( index < 0 )
+ return;
+ d->tabs->setToolTip( index, tip );
+ Returns the tab tool tip for page \a w or TQString::null if no tool
+ tip has been set.
+ \sa setTabToolTip(), removeTabToolTip()
+TQString TQTabWidget::tabToolTip( TQWidget * w ) const
+ int index = d->tabs->indexOf( d->stack->id( w ) );
+ if ( index < 0 )
+ return TQString();
+ return d->tabs->toolTip( index );
+ Removes the tab tool tip for page \a w. If the page does not have
+ a tip, nothing happens.
+ \sa setTabToolTip(), tabToolTip()
+void TQTabWidget::removeTabToolTip( TQWidget * w )
+ int index = d->tabs->indexOf( d->stack->id( w ) );
+ if ( index < 0 )
+ return;
+ d->tabs->removeToolTip( index );