path: root/tools/qvfb/qvfbview.cpp
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1 files changed, 0 insertions, 615 deletions
diff --git a/tools/qvfb/qvfbview.cpp b/tools/qvfb/qvfbview.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 15e5ca53e..000000000
--- a/tools/qvfb/qvfbview.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,615 +0,0 @@
-** Copyright (C) 1992-2008 Trolltech ASA. All rights reserved.
-** This file is part of TQt/Embedded virtual framebuffer.
-** This file may be used under the terms of the GNU General
-** Public License versions 2.0 or 3.0 as published by the Free
-** Software Foundation and appearing in the files LICENSE.GPL2
-** and LICENSE.GPL3 included in the packaging of this file.
-** Alternatively you may (at your option) use any later version
-** of the GNU General Public License if such license has been
-** publicly approved by Trolltech ASA (or its successors, if any)
-** and the KDE Free TQt Foundation.
-** Please review the following information to ensure GNU General
-** Public Licensing requirements will be met:
-** If you are unsure which license is appropriate for your use, please
-** review the following information:
-** or contact the sales department at [email protected].
-** Licensees holding valid TQt Commercial licenses may use this file in
-** accordance with the TQt Commercial License Agreement provided with
-** the Software.
-** This file is provided "AS IS" with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND,
-** A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Trolltech reserves all rights not granted
-** herein.
-#include "ntqglobal.h"
-#if !defined( Q_WS_QWS ) || defined( QT_NO_QWS_MULTIPROCESS )
-#define TQLock TQWSSemaphore
-#include "../../src/kernel/qlock.cpp"
-#include "qlock_p.h"
-#include "qvfbview.h"
-#include "ntqvfbhdr.h"
-#define TQTE_PIPE "TQtEmbedded-%1"
-#include <ntqapplication.h>
-#include <ntqimage.h>
-#include <ntqbitmap.h>
-#include <ntqtimer.h>
-#include <ntqwmatrix.h>
-#include <ntqpainter.h>
-#include "qanimationwriter.h"
-#include <unistd.h>
-#include <sys/ipc.h>
-#include <sys/types.h>
-#include <sys/shm.h>
-#include <sys/stat.h>
-#include <fcntl.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <errno.h>
-#include <math.h>
-TQVFbView::TQVFbView( int display_id, int w, int h, int d, TQWidget *parent,
- const char *name, uint flags )
- : TQScrollView( parent, name, flags ), emulateTouchscreen(FALSE), qwslock(NULL)
- displayid = display_id;
- viewport()->setMouseTracking( TRUE );
- viewport()->setFocusPolicy( StrongFocus );
- zm = 1;
- animation = 0;
- int actualdepth=d;
- switch ( d ) {
- case 12:
- actualdepth=16;
- break;
- case 1:
- case 4:
- case 8:
- case 16:
- case 32:
- break;
- default:
- tqFatal( "Unsupported bit depth %d\n", d );
- }
- mousePipe = TQString(QT_VFB_MOUSE_PIPE).arg(display_id);
- keyboardPipe = TQString(QT_VFB_KEYBOARD_PIPE).arg(display_id);
- unlink( mousePipe.latin1() );
- mkfifo( mousePipe.latin1(), 0666 );
- mouseFd = open( mousePipe.latin1(), O_RDWR | O_NDELAY );
- if ( mouseFd == -1 ) {
- tqFatal( "Cannot open mouse pipe" );
- }
- unlink( keyboardPipe );
- mkfifo( keyboardPipe, 0666 );
- keyboardFd = open( keyboardPipe, O_RDWR | O_NDELAY );
- if ( keyboardFd == -1 ) {
- tqFatal( "Cannot open keyboard pipe" );
- }
- key_t key = ftok( mousePipe.latin1(), 'b' );
- int bpl;
- if ( d == 1 )
- bpl = (w*d+7)/8;
- else
- bpl = ((w*actualdepth+31)/32)*4;
- int dataSize = bpl * h + sizeof( TQVFbHeader );
- shmId = shmget( key, dataSize, IPC_CREAT|0666);
- if ( shmId != -1 )
- data = (unsigned char *)shmat( shmId, 0, 0 );
- else {
- struct shmid_ds shm;
- shmctl( shmId, IPC_RMID, &shm );
- shmId = shmget( key, dataSize, IPC_CREAT|0666);
- data = (unsigned char *)shmat( shmId, 0, 0 );
- }
- if ( (long)data == -1 )
- tqFatal( "Cannot attach to shared memory" );
- hdr = (TQVFbHeader *)data;
- hdr->width = w;
- hdr->height = h;
- viewdepth = d;
- hdr->depth = actualdepth;
- hdr->linestep = bpl;
- hdr->numcols = 0;
- hdr->dataoffset = sizeof( TQVFbHeader );
- hdr->update = TQRect();
- resizeContents( w, h );
- timer = new TQTimer( this );
- connect( timer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(timeout()) );
- gammatable=0;
- setGamma(1.0,1.0,1.0);
- setRate( 30 );
- stopAnimation();
- sendKeyboardData( 0, 0, 0, TRUE, FALSE ); // magic die key
- delete qwslock;
- struct shmid_ds shm;
- shmdt( (char*)data );
- shmctl( shmId, IPC_RMID, &shm );
- ::close( mouseFd );
- ::close( keyboardFd );
- unlink( mousePipe );
- unlink( keyboardPipe );
-TQSize TQVFbView::sizeHint() const
- int f = 2 * frameWidth();
- return TQSize( contentsWidth() + f, contentsHeight() + f );
-void TQVFbView::setGamma(double gr, double gg, double gb)
- if ( viewdepth < 12 )
- return; // not implemented
- gred=gr; ggreen=gg; gblue=gb;
- switch ( viewdepth ) {
- case 12:
- rsh = 12;
- gsh = 7;
- bsh = 1;
- rmax = 15;
- gmax = 15;
- bmax = 15;
- break;
- case 16:
- rsh = 11;
- gsh = 5;
- bsh = 0;
- rmax = 31;
- gmax = 63;
- bmax = 31;
- break;
- case 32:
- rsh = 16;
- gsh = 8;
- bsh = 0;
- rmax = 255;
- gmax = 255;
- bmax = 255;
- }
- int mm = TQMAX(rmax,TQMAX(gmax,bmax))+1;
- if ( gammatable )
- delete [] gammatable;
- gammatable = new TQRgb[mm];
- for (int i=0; i<mm; i++) {
- int r = int(pow(i,gr)*255/rmax);
- int g = int(pow(i,gg)*255/gmax);
- int b = int(pow(i,gb)*255/bmax);
- if ( r > 255 ) r = 255;
- if ( g > 255 ) g = 255;
- if ( b > 255 ) b = 255;
- gammatable[i] = tqRgb(r,g,b);
-//tqDebug("%d: %d,%d,%d",i,r,g,b);
- }
- setDirty(rect());
-void TQVFbView::getGamma(int i, TQRgb& rgb)
- if ( i > 255 ) i = 255;
- if ( i < 0 ) i = 0;
- rgb = tqRgb(tqRed(gammatable[i*rmax/255]),
- tqGreen(gammatable[i*rmax/255]),
- tqBlue(gammatable[i*rmax/255]));
-int TQVFbView::displayId() const
- return displayid;
-int TQVFbView::displayWidth() const
- return hdr->width;
-int TQVFbView::displayHeight() const
- return hdr->height;
-int TQVFbView::displayDepth() const
- return viewdepth;
-void TQVFbView::setZoom( double z )
- if ( zm != z ) {
- zm = z;
- setDirty(TQRect(0,0,hdr->width,hdr->height));
- resizeContents( int(hdr->width*z), int(hdr->height*z) );
- updateGeometry();
- tqApp->sendPostedEvents();
- topLevelWidget()->adjustSize();
- drawScreen();
- }
-void TQVFbView::setRate( int r )
- refreshRate = r;
- timer->start( 1000/r );
-#ifndef Q_WS_QWS
-// Get the name of the directory where TQt/Embedded temporary data should
-// live.
-static TQString qws_dataDir()
- TQString username = "unknown";
- const char *logname = getenv("LOGNAME");
- if ( logname )
- username = logname;
- TQString dataDir = "/tmp/qtembedded-" + username;
- if ( mkdir( dataDir.latin1(), 0700 ) ) {
- if ( errno != EEXIST ) {
- tqFatal( "Cannot create TQt/Embedded data directory: %s",
- dataDir.latin1() );
- }
- }
- struct stat buf;
- if ( lstat( dataDir.latin1(), &buf ) )
- tqFatal( "stat failed for TQt/Embedded data directory: %s",
- dataDir.latin1() );
- if ( !S_ISDIR( buf.st_mode ) )
- tqFatal( "%s is not a directory", dataDir.latin1() );
- if ( buf.st_uid != getuid() )
- tqFatal( "TQt/Embedded data directory is not owned by user %u",
- getuid() );
- if ( (buf.st_mode & 0677) != 0600 )
- tqFatal( "TQt/Embedded data directory has incorrect permissions: %s",
- dataDir.latin1() );
- dataDir += "/";
- return dataDir;
-void TQVFbView::initLock()
- TQString username = "unknown";
- const char *logname = getenv("LOGNAME");
- if ( logname )
- username = logname;
- qwslock = new TQLock(qws_dataDir() + TQString( TQTE_PIPE ).arg( displayid ),
- 'd', TRUE);
-void TQVFbView::lock()
- if ( !qwslock )
- initLock();
- qwslock->lock(TQLock::Read);
-void TQVFbView::unlock()
- if ( qwslock )
- qwslock->unlock();
-void TQVFbView::sendMouseData( const TQPoint &pos, int buttons )
- write( mouseFd, &pos, sizeof( TQPoint ) );
- write( mouseFd, &buttons, sizeof( int ) );
-void TQVFbView::sendKeyboardData( int unicode, int keycode, int modifiers,
- bool press, bool repeat )
- TQVFbKeyData kd;
- kd.unicode = unicode | (keycode << 16);
- kd.modifiers = modifiers;
- = press;
- kd.repeat = repeat;
- write( keyboardFd, &kd, sizeof( TQVFbKeyData ) );
-void TQVFbView::timeout()
- lock();
- if ( animation ) {
- TQRect r( hdr->update );
- r = r.intersect( TQRect(0, 0, hdr->width, hdr->height ) );
- if ( r.isEmpty() ) {
- animation->appendBlankFrame();
- } else {
- int l;
- TQImage img = getBuffer( r, l );
- animation->appendFrame(img,TQPoint(r.x(),r.y()));
- }
- }
- if ( hdr->dirty ) {
- drawScreen();
- }
- unlock();
-TQImage TQVFbView::getBuffer( const TQRect &r, int &leading ) const
- switch ( viewdepth ) {
- case 12:
- case 16: {
- static unsigned char *imgData = 0;
- if ( !imgData ) {
- int bpl = ((hdr->width*32+31)/32)*4;
- imgData = new unsigned char [ bpl * hdr->height ];
- }
- TQImage img( imgData, r.width(), r.height(), 32, 0, 0, TQImage::IgnoreEndian );
- const int rsh = viewdepth == 12 ? 12 : 11;
- const int gsh = viewdepth == 12 ? 7 : 5;
- const int bsh = viewdepth == 12 ? 1 : 0;
- const int rmax = viewdepth == 12 ? 15 : 31;
- const int gmax = viewdepth == 12 ? 15 : 63;
- const int bmax = viewdepth == 12 ? 15 : 31;
- for ( int row = 0; row < r.height(); row++ ) {
- TQRgb *dptr = (TQRgb*)img.scanLine( row );
- ushort *sptr = (ushort*)(data + hdr->dataoffset + (r.y()+row)*hdr->linestep);
- sptr += r.x();
- for ( int col=0; col < r.width()/2; col++ ) {
- for ( int col=0; col < r.width(); col++ ) {
- ushort s = *sptr++;
- ushort s2 = *sptr++;
- *dptr++ = tqRgb(tqRed(gammatable[(s2>>rsh)&rmax]),tqGreen(gammatable[(s2>>gsh)&gmax]),tqBlue(gammatable[(s2>>bsh)&bmax]));
- *dptr++ = tqRgb(tqRed(gammatable[(s>>rsh)&rmax]),tqGreen(gammatable[(s>>gsh)&gmax]),tqBlue(gammatable[(s>>bsh)&bmax]));
- //*dptr++ = tqRgb(((s>>rsh)&rmax)*255/rmax,((s>>gsh)&gmax)*255/gmax,((s>>bsh)&bmax)*255/bmax);
- }
- }
- leading = 0;
- return img;
- }
- case 4: {
- static unsigned char *imgData = 0;
- if ( !imgData ) {
- int bpl = ((hdr->width*8+31)/32)*4;
- imgData = new unsigned char [ bpl * hdr->height ];
- }
- TQImage img( imgData, r.width(), r.height(), 8, hdr->clut, 16,
- TQImage::IgnoreEndian );
- for ( int row = 0; row < r.height(); row++ ) {
- unsigned char *dptr = img.scanLine( row );
- unsigned char *sptr = data + hdr->dataoffset + (r.y()+row)*hdr->linestep;
- sptr += r.x()/2;
- int col = 0;
- if ( r.x() & 1 ) {
- *dptr++ = *sptr++ & 0x0f;
- col++;
- }
- for ( ; col < r.width()-1; col+=2 ) {
- unsigned char s = *sptr++;
- *dptr++ = s >> 4;
- *dptr++ = s & 0x0f;
- }
- if ( !(r.right() & 1) )
- *dptr = *sptr >> 4;
- if ( r.x() & 1 ) {
- *dptr++ = *sptr++ >> 4;
- col++;
- }
- for ( ; col < r.width()-1; col+=2 ) {
- unsigned char s = *sptr++;
- *dptr++ = s & 0x0f;
- *dptr++ = s >> 4;
- }
- if ( !(r.right() & 1) )
- *dptr = *sptr & 0x0f;
- }
- leading = 0;
- return img;
- }
- case 32: {
- leading = r.x();
- return TQImage( data + hdr->dataoffset + r.y() * hdr->linestep,
- hdr->width, r.height(), hdr->depth, 0,
- 0, TQImage::LittleEndian );
- }
- case 8: {
- leading = r.x();
- return TQImage( data + hdr->dataoffset + r.y() * hdr->linestep,
- hdr->width, r.height(), hdr->depth, hdr->clut,
- 256, TQImage::LittleEndian );
- }
- case 1: {
- leading = r.x();
- return TQImage( data + hdr->dataoffset + r.y() * hdr->linestep,
- hdr->width, r.height(), hdr->depth, hdr->clut,
- 0, TQImage::LittleEndian );
- 0, TQImage::BigEndian );
- }
- }
- return TQImage();
-void TQVFbView::drawScreen()
- TQPainter p( viewport() );
- p.translate( -contentsX(), -contentsY() );
- lock();
- TQRect r( hdr->update );
- hdr->dirty = FALSE;
- hdr->update = TQRect();
- // tqDebug( "update %d, %d, %dx%d", r.y(), r.x(), r.width(), r.height() );
- r = r.intersect( TQRect(0, 0, hdr->width, hdr->height ) );
- if ( !r.isEmpty() ) {
- if ( int(zm) != zm ) {
- r.rLeft() = int(int(r.left()*zm)/zm);
- r.rTop() = int(int(*zm)/zm);
- r.rRight() = int(int(r.right()*zm+zm+0.0000001)/zm+1.9999);
- r.rBottom() = int(int(r.bottom()*zm+zm+0.0000001)/zm+1.9999);
- r.rRight() = TQMIN(r.right(),hdr->width-1);
- r.rBottom() = TQMIN(r.bottom(),hdr->height-1);
- }
- int leading;
- TQImage img( getBuffer( r, leading ) );
- TQPixmap pm;
- if ( zm == 1 ) {
- pm.convertFromImage( img );
- } else if ( int(zm) == zm ) {
- TQWMatrix m;
- m.scale(zm,zm);
- pm.convertFromImage( img );
- pm = pm.xForm(m);
- } else {
- pm.convertFromImage( img.smoothScale(int(img.width()*zm),int(img.height()*zm)) );
- }
- unlock();
- p.setPen( black );
- p.setBrush( white );
- p.drawPixmap( int(r.x()*zm), int(r.y()*zm), pm,
- int(leading*zm), 0, pm.width(), pm.height() );
- } else {
- unlock();
- }
-bool TQVFbView::eventFilter( TQObject *obj, TQEvent *e )
- if ( obj == viewport() &&
- (e->type() == TQEvent::FocusIn || e->type() == TQEvent::FocusOut) )
- return TRUE;
- return TQScrollView::eventFilter( obj, e );
-void TQVFbView::viewportPaintEvent( TQPaintEvent *pe )
- TQRect r( pe->rect() );
- r.moveBy( contentsX(), contentsY() );
- r = TQRect(int(r.x()/zm),int(r.y()/zm),
- int(r.width()/zm)+1,int(r.height()/zm)+1);
- setDirty(r);
- drawScreen();
-void TQVFbView::setDirty( const TQRect& r )
- lock();
- hdr->update |= r;
- hdr->dirty = TRUE;
- unlock();
-void TQVFbView::contentsMousePressEvent( TQMouseEvent *e )
- sendMouseData( e->pos()/zm, e->stateAfter() );
-void TQVFbView::contentsMouseDoubleClickEvent( TQMouseEvent *e )
- sendMouseData( e->pos()/zm, e->stateAfter() );
-void TQVFbView::contentsMouseReleaseEvent( TQMouseEvent *e )
- sendMouseData( e->pos()/zm, e->stateAfter() );
-void TQVFbView::contentsMouseMoveEvent( TQMouseEvent *e )
- if ( !emulateTouchscreen || (e->state() & MouseButtonMask ) )
- sendMouseData( e->pos()/zm, e->state() );
-void TQVFbView::keyPressEvent( TQKeyEvent *e )
- sendKeyboardData(e->text()[0].unicode(), e->key(),
- e->stateAfter()&(ShiftButton|ControlButton|AltButton),
- TRUE, e->isAutoRepeat());
-void TQVFbView::keyReleaseEvent( TQKeyEvent *e )
- sendKeyboardData(e->ascii(), e->key(),
- e->stateAfter()&(ShiftButton|ControlButton|AltButton),
- FALSE, e->isAutoRepeat());
-TQImage TQVFbView::image() const
- ((TQVFbView*)this)->lock();
- int l;
- TQImage r = getBuffer( TQRect(0, 0, hdr->width, hdr->height), l ).copy();
- ((TQVFbView*)this)->unlock();
- return r;
-void TQVFbView::startAnimation( const TQString& filename )
- delete animation;
- animation = new TQAnimationWriter(filename,"MNG");
- animation->setFrameRate(refreshRate);
- animation->appendFrame(TQImage(data + hdr->dataoffset,
- hdr->width, hdr->height, hdr->depth, hdr->clut,
- 256, TQImage::LittleEndian));
-void TQVFbView::stopAnimation()
- delete animation;
- animation = 0;
-void TQVFbView::setTouchscreenEmulation( bool b )
- emulateTouchscreen = b;