From d796c9dd933ab96ec83b9a634feedd5d32e1ba3f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Timothy Pearson Date: Tue, 8 Nov 2011 12:31:36 -0600 Subject: Test conversion to TQt3 from Qt3 8c6fc1f8e35fd264dd01c582ca5e7549b32ab731 --- doc/man/man3/qpalette.3qt | 293 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 1 file changed, 293 insertions(+) create mode 100644 doc/man/man3/qpalette.3qt (limited to 'doc/man/man3/qpalette.3qt') diff --git a/doc/man/man3/qpalette.3qt b/doc/man/man3/qpalette.3qt new file mode 100644 index 000000000..6fdf794f7 --- /dev/null +++ b/doc/man/man3/qpalette.3qt @@ -0,0 +1,293 @@ +'\" t +.TH QPalette 3qt "2 February 2007" "Trolltech AS" \" -*- nroff -*- +.\" Copyright 1992-2007 Trolltech ASA. All rights reserved. See the +.\" license file included in the distribution for a complete license +.\" statement. +.\" l +.nh +.SH NAME +QPalette \- Color groups for each widget state +.SH SYNOPSIS +\fC#include \fR +.PP +.SS "Public Members" +1c +.ti -1c +.BI "\fBQPalette\fR ()" +.ti -1c +.BI "QPalette ( const QColor & button ) \fI(obsolete)\fR" +.ti -1c +.BI "\fBQPalette\fR ( const QColor & button, const QColor & background )" +.ti -1c +.BI "\fBQPalette\fR ( const QColorGroup & active, const QColorGroup & disabled, const QColorGroup & inactive )" +.ti -1c +.BI "\fBQPalette\fR ( const QPalette & p )" +.ti -1c +.BI "\fB~QPalette\fR ()" +.ti -1c +.BI "QPalette & \fBoperator=\fR ( const QPalette & p )" +.ti -1c +.BI "enum \fBColorGroup\fR { Disabled, Active, Inactive, NColorGroups, Normal = Active }" +.ti -1c +.BI "const QColor & \fBcolor\fR ( ColorGroup gr, QColorGroup::ColorRole r ) const" +.ti -1c +.BI "const QBrush & \fBbrush\fR ( ColorGroup gr, QColorGroup::ColorRole r ) const" +.ti -1c +.BI "void \fBsetColor\fR ( ColorGroup gr, QColorGroup::ColorRole r, const QColor & c )" +.ti -1c +.BI "void \fBsetBrush\fR ( ColorGroup gr, QColorGroup::ColorRole r, const QBrush & b )" +.ti -1c +.BI "void \fBsetColor\fR ( QColorGroup::ColorRole r, const QColor & c )" +.ti -1c +.BI "void \fBsetBrush\fR ( QColorGroup::ColorRole r, const QBrush & b )" +.ti -1c +.BI "QPalette \fBcopy\fR () const" +.ti -1c +.BI "const QColorGroup & \fBactive\fR () const" +.ti -1c +.BI "const QColorGroup & \fBdisabled\fR () const" +.ti -1c +.BI "const QColorGroup & \fBinactive\fR () const" +.ti -1c +.BI "const QColorGroup & normal () const \fI(obsolete)\fR" +.ti -1c +.BI "void \fBsetActive\fR ( const QColorGroup & g )" +.ti -1c +.BI "void \fBsetDisabled\fR ( const QColorGroup & g )" +.ti -1c +.BI "void \fBsetInactive\fR ( const QColorGroup & g )" +.ti -1c +.BI "void setNormal ( const QColorGroup & cg ) \fI(obsolete)\fR" +.ti -1c +.BI "bool \fBoperator==\fR ( const QPalette & p ) const" +.ti -1c +.BI "bool \fBoperator!=\fR ( const QPalette & p ) const" +.ti -1c +.BI "bool \fBisCopyOf\fR ( const QPalette & p )" +.ti -1c +.BI "int \fBserialNumber\fR () const" -1c +.SH RELATED FUNCTION DOCUMENTATION +1c +.ti -1c +.BI "QDataStream & \fBoperator<<\fR ( QDataStream & s, const QPalette & p )" +.ti -1c +.BI "QDataStream & \fBoperator>>\fR ( QDataStream & s, QPalette & p )" -1c +.SH DESCRIPTION +The QPalette class contains color groups for each widget state. +.PP +A palette consists of three color groups: \fIactive\fR, \fIdisabled\fR, and \fIinactive\fR. All widgets contain a palette, and all widgets in Qt use their palette to draw themselves. This makes the user interface easily configurable and easier to keep consistent. +.PP +If you create a new widget we strongly recommend that you use the colors in the palette rather than hard-coding specific colors. +.PP +The color groups: +.TP +The active() group is used for the window that has keyboard focus. +.TP +The inactive() group is used for other windows. +.TP +The disabled() group is used for widgets (not windows) that are disabled for some reason. +.PP +Both active and inactive windows can contain disabled widgets. (Disabled widgets are often called \fIinaccessible\fR or \fIgrayed out\fR.) +.PP +In Motif style, active() and inactive() look the same. In Windows 2000 style and Macintosh Platinum style, the two styles look slightly different. +.PP +There are setActive(), setInactive(), and setDisabled() functions to modify the palette. (Qt also supports a normal() group; this is an obsolete alias for active(), supported for backwards compatibility.) +.PP +Colors and brushes can be set for particular roles in any of a palette's color groups with setColor() and setBrush(). +.PP +You can copy a palette using the copy constructor and test to see if two palettes are \fIidentical\fR using isCopyOf(). +.PP +See also QApplication::setPalette(), QWidget::palette, QColorGroup, QColor, Widget Appearance and Style, Graphics Classes, Image Processing Classes, and Implicitly and Explicitly Shared Classes. +.SS "Member Type Documentation" +.SH "QPalette::ColorGroup" +.TP +\fCQPalette::Disabled\fR +.TP +\fCQPalette::Active\fR +.TP +\fCQPalette::Inactive\fR +.TP +\fCQPalette::NColorGroups\fR +.TP +\fCQPalette::Normal\fR - synonym for Active +.SH MEMBER FUNCTION DOCUMENTATION +.SH "QPalette::QPalette ()" +Constructs a palette that consists of color groups with only black colors. +.SH "QPalette::QPalette ( const QColor & button )" +\fBThis function is obsolete.\fR It is provided to keep old source working. We strongly advise against using it in new code. +.PP +Constructs a palette from the \fIbutton\fR color. The other colors are automatically calculated, based on this color. Background will be the button color as well. +.SH "QPalette::QPalette ( const QColor & button, const QColor & background )" +Constructs a palette from a \fIbutton\fR color and a \fIbackground\fR. The other colors are automatically calculated, based on these colors. +.SH "QPalette::QPalette ( const QColorGroup & active, const QColorGroup & disabled, const QColorGroup & inactive )" +Constructs a palette that consists of the three color groups \fIactive\fR, \fIdisabled\fR and \fIinactive\fR. See the Detailed Description for definitions of the color groups and QColorGroup::ColorRole for definitions of each color role in the three groups. +.PP +See also QColorGroup and QColorGroup::ColorRole. +.SH "QPalette::QPalette ( const QPalette & p )" +Constructs a copy of \fIp\fR. +.PP +This constructor is fast (it uses copy-on-write). +.SH "QPalette::~QPalette ()" +Destroys the palette. +.SH "const QColorGroup & QPalette::active () const" +Returns the active color group of this palette. +.PP +See also QColorGroup, setActive(), inactive(), and disabled(). +.PP +Examples: +.)l themes/metal.cpp and themes/wood.cpp. +.SH "const QBrush & QPalette::brush ( ColorGroup gr, QColorGroup::ColorRole r ) const" +Returns the brush in color group \fIgr\fR, used for color role \fIr\fR. +.PP +See also color(), setBrush(), and QColorGroup::ColorRole. +.SH "const QColor & QPalette::color ( ColorGroup gr, QColorGroup::ColorRole r ) const" +Returns the color in color group \fIgr\fR, used for color role \fIr\fR. +.PP +See also brush(), setColor(), and QColorGroup::ColorRole. +.SH "QPalette QPalette::copy () const" +Returns a deep copy of this palette. +.PP +\fBWarning:\fR This is slower than the copy constructor and assignment operator and offers no benefits. +.SH "const QColorGroup & QPalette::disabled () const" +Returns the disabled color group of this palette. +.PP +See also QColorGroup, setDisabled(), active(), and inactive(). +.PP +Examples: +.)l themes/metal.cpp and themes/wood.cpp. +.SH "const QColorGroup & QPalette::inactive () const" +Returns the inactive color group of this palette. +.PP +See also QColorGroup, setInactive(), active(), and disabled(). +.SH "bool QPalette::isCopyOf ( const QPalette & p )" +Returns TRUE if this palette and \fIp\fR are copies of each other, i.e. one of them was created as a copy of the other and neither was subsequently modified; otherwise returns FALSE. This is much stricter than equality. +.PP +See also operator=() and operator==(). +.SH "const QColorGroup & QPalette::normal () const" +\fBThis function is obsolete.\fR It is provided to keep old source working. We strongly advise against using it in new code. +.PP +Returns the active color group. Use active() instead. +.PP +See also setActive() and active(). +.SH "bool QPalette::operator!= ( const QPalette & p ) const" +Returns TRUE (slowly) if this palette is different from \fIp\fR; otherwise returns FALSE (usually tquickly). +.SH "QPalette & QPalette::operator= ( const QPalette & p )" +Assigns \fIp\fR to this palette and returns a reference to this palette. +.PP +This is fast (it uses copy-on-write). +.PP +See also copy(). +.SH "bool QPalette::operator== ( const QPalette & p ) const" +Returns TRUE (usually tquickly) if this palette is equal to \fIp\fR; otherwise returns FALSE (slowly). +.SH "int QPalette::serialNumber () const" +Returns a number that uniquely identifies this QPalette object. The serial number is intended for caching. Its value may not be used for anything other than equality testing. +.PP +Note that QPalette uses copy-on-write, and the serial number changes during the lazy copy operation (detach()), not during a shallow copy (copy constructor or assignment). +.PP +See also QPixmap, QPixmapCache, and QCache. +.SH "void QPalette::setActive ( const QColorGroup & g )" +Sets the Active color group to \fIg\fR. +.PP +See also active(), setDisabled(), setInactive(), and QColorGroup. +.SH "void QPalette::setBrush ( ColorGroup gr, QColorGroup::ColorRole r, const QBrush & b )" +Sets the brush in color group \fIgr\fR, used for color role \fIr\fR, to \fIb\fR. +.PP +See also brush(), setColor(), and QColorGroup::ColorRole. +.SH "void QPalette::setBrush ( QColorGroup::ColorRole r, const QBrush & b )" +This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It behaves essentially like the above function. +.PP +Sets the brush in for color role \fIr\fR in all three color groups to \fIb\fR. +.PP +See also brush(), setColor(), QColorGroup::ColorRole, active(), inactive(), and disabled(). +.SH "void QPalette::setColor ( ColorGroup gr, QColorGroup::ColorRole r, const QColor & c )" +Sets the brush in color group \fIgr\fR, used for color role \fIr\fR, to the solid color \fIc\fR. +.PP +See also setBrush(), color(), and QColorGroup::ColorRole. +.PP +Example: themes/themes.cpp. +.SH "void QPalette::setColor ( QColorGroup::ColorRole r, const QColor & c )" +This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It behaves essentially like the above function. +.PP +Sets the brush color used for color role \fIr\fR to color \fIc\fR in all three color groups. +.PP +See also color(), setBrush(), and QColorGroup::ColorRole. +.SH "void QPalette::setDisabled ( const QColorGroup & g )" +Sets the Disabled color group to \fIg\fR. +.PP +See also disabled(), setActive(), and setInactive(). +.SH "void QPalette::setInactive ( const QColorGroup & g )" +Sets the Inactive color group to \fIg\fR. +.PP +See also active(), setDisabled(), setActive(), and QColorGroup. +.SH "void QPalette::setNormal ( const QColorGroup & cg )" +\fBThis function is obsolete.\fR It is provided to keep old source working. We strongly advise against using it in new code. +.PP +Sets the active color group to \fIcg\fR. Use setActive() instead. +.PP +See also setActive() and active(). +.SH RELATED FUNCTION DOCUMENTATION +.SH "QDataStream & operator<< ( QDataStream & s, const QPalette & p )" +Writes the palette, \fIp\fR to the stream \fIs\fR and returns a reference to the stream. +.PP +See also Format of the QDataStream operators. +.SH "QDataStream & operator>> ( QDataStream & s, QPalette & p )" +Reads a palette from the stream, \fIs\fR into the palette \fIp\fR, and returns a reference to the stream. +.PP +See also Format of the QDataStream operators. + +.SH "SEE ALSO" +.BR +.BR +.SH COPYRIGHT +Copyright 1992-2007 Trolltech ASA, See the +license file included in the distribution for a complete license +statement. +.SH AUTHOR +Generated automatically from the source code. +.SH BUGS +If you find a bug in Qt, please report it as described in +.BR . +Good bug reports help us to help you. Thank you. +.P +The definitive Qt documentation is provided in HTML format; it is +located at $QTDIR/doc/html and can be read using Qt Assistant or with +a web browser. This man page is provided as a convenience for those +users who prefer man pages, although this format is not officially +supported by Trolltech. +.P +If you find errors in this manual page, please report them to +.BR . +Please include the name of the manual page (qpalette.3qt) and the Qt +version (3.3.8). -- cgit v1.2.1