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<title>How to create a large, sparse TQTable</title>
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<td align="right" valign="center"><img src="logo32.png" align="right" width="64" height="32" border="0"></td></tr></table><h1 align=center>How to create a large, sparse TQTable</h1>

<p> This example shows a sparse table implementation using a <a href="ntqintdict.html">TQIntDict</a> to
keep track of the cells that are actually in use.
<p> <hr>
<p> Implementation:
<p> <pre>/****************************************************************************
** $Id: qt/main.cpp   3.3.8   edited Jan 11 14:37 $
** Copyright (C) 1992-2007 Trolltech ASA.  All rights reserved.
** This file is part of an example program for TQt.  This example
** program may be used, distributed and modified without limitation.

#include &lt;<a href="qapplication-h.html">ntqapplication.h</a>&gt;
#include &lt;<a href="qtable-h.html">ntqtable.h</a>&gt;

// Table size

const int numRows = 1000000;
const int numCols = 1000000;

class MyTable : public <a href="ntqtable.html">TQTable</a>
    MyTable( int r, int c ) : <a href="ntqtable.html">TQTable</a>( r, c ) {
<a name="x1291"></a>        items.<a href="ntqptrcollection.html#setAutoDelete">setAutoDelete</a>( TRUE );
        widgets.<a href="ntqptrcollection.html#setAutoDelete">setAutoDelete</a>( TRUE );
        setCaption( tr( "A 1 Million x 1 Million Cell Table" ) );
        setLeftMargin( fontMetrics().width( "W999999W" ) );

    void resizeData( int ) {}
<a name="x1286"></a>    <a href="qtableitem.html">TQTableItem</a> *item( int r, int c ) const { return items.<a href="ntqintdict.html#find">find</a>( indexOf( r, c ) ); }
<a name="x1288"></a>    void setItem( int r, int c, TQTableItem *i ) { items.<a href="ntqintdict.html#replace">replace</a>( indexOf( r, c ), i ); }
<a name="x1287"></a>    void clearCell( int r, int c ) { items.<a href="ntqintdict.html#remove">remove</a>( indexOf( r, c ) ); }
    void takeItem( <a href="qtableitem.html">TQTableItem</a> *item )
        items.<a href="ntqptrcollection.html#setAutoDelete">setAutoDelete</a>( FALSE );
<a name="x1294"></a><a name="x1293"></a>        items.<a href="ntqintdict.html#remove">remove</a>( indexOf( item-&gt;<a href="qtableitem.html#row">row</a>(), item-&gt;<a href="qtableitem.html#col">col</a>() ) );
        items.<a href="ntqptrcollection.html#setAutoDelete">setAutoDelete</a>( TRUE );
    void insertWidget( int r, int c, TQWidget *w ) { widgets.<a href="ntqintdict.html#replace">replace</a>( indexOf( r, c ), w );  }
    <a href="ntqwidget.html">TQWidget</a> *cellWidget( int r, int c ) const { return widgets.<a href="ntqintdict.html#find">find</a>( indexOf( r, c ) ); }
    void clearCellWidget( int r, int c )
<a name="x1289"></a>        <a href="ntqwidget.html">TQWidget</a> *w = widgets.<a href="ntqintdict.html#take">take</a>( indexOf( r, c ) );
        if ( w )
<a name="x1290"></a>            w-&gt;<a href="ntqobject.html#deleteLater">deleteLater</a>();

    <a href="ntqintdict.html">TQIntDict</a>&lt;TQTableItem&gt; items;
    <a href="ntqintdict.html">TQIntDict</a>&lt;TQWidget&gt; widgets;


// The program starts here.

int main( int argc, char **argv )
    <a href="ntqapplication.html">TQApplication</a> app( argc, argv );

    MyTable table( numRows, numCols );
    app.<a href="ntqapplication.html#setMainWidget">setMainWidget</a>( &amp;table );
<a name="x1292"></a>    table.<a href="ntqwidget.html#show">show</a>();
    return app.<a href="ntqapplication.html#exec">exec</a>();

<p> <p>See also <a href="table-examples.html">Table Examples</a>.

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