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To use a hardware accelerator for a PCI or AGP driver, you must perform the following steps: <p> <ol type=1> <li> Define an accelerated descendant of TQLinuxFbScreen. <p> This should implement <tt>TQVoodooScreen::connect()</tt> to map its registers. Use <tt>qt_probe_bus</tt> to get a pointer to the PCI config space. This is where you should check that you're being pointed to the right device (using the PCI device/manufacturer ID information). Then use PCI config space to locate your device's accelerator registers in physical memory and mmap the appropriate region from <tt>/dev/mem</tt>. There is no need to map the framebuffer, <tt>TQLinuxFbScreen</tt> will do this for you. Return <tt>FALSE</tt> if a problem occurs at any point. <tt>TQVoodooScreen::initDevice()</tt> will be called only by the TQWS server and is guaranteed to be called before any drawing is done (and so is a good place to set registers to known states). <tt>connect()</tt> will be called by every connecting client. <p> <li> Define an accelerated descendant of TQGfxRaster. <p> This is where the actual drawing code goes. Anything not implemented in hardware can be passed back to <tt>TQGfxRaster</tt> to do in software. Use the optype variable to make sure that accelerated and unaccelerated operations are synchronised (if you start drawing via software into an area where the hardware accelerator is still drawing then your drawing operations will appear to be in the wrong order). optype is stored in shared memory and is set to 0 by unaccelerated operations; accelerated operations should set it to 1. When a software graphics operation is requested and optype is 1, <tt>TQGfxRaster::sync()</tt> is called; you should provide your own implementation of this that waits for the graphics engine to go idle. lastop is also available for optimisation and is stored in the shared space: this will not be set by the software-only <tt>TQGfx</tt> and can be used to store the type of your last operation (e.g. drawing a rectangle) so that part of the setup for the next operation can be avoided when many of the same operations are performed in sequence. <p> All drawing operations should be protected via a <tt>TQWSDisplay::grab()</tt> before any registers, lastop or optype are accessed, and <tt>ungrabbed()</tt> at the end. This prevents two applications trying to access the accelerator at once and possibly locking up the machine. It's possible that your source data is not on the graphics card so you should check in such cases and fall back to software if necessary. Note that <tt>TQGfxRaster</tt> supports some features not directly supported by <a href="ntqpainter.html">TQPainter</a> (for instance, alpha channels in 32-bit data and stretchBlt's). These features are used by TQt; stretchBlt speeds up <a href="ntqpixmap.html#xForm">TQPixmap::xForm</a>() and <tt>drawPixmap()</tt> into a transformed <a href="ntqpainter.html">TQPainter</a>, alpha channel acceleration is supported for 32-bit pixmaps. <p> <li> If you wish, define an accelerated descendant of <tt>TQScreenCursor</tt>. <tt>restoreUnder()</tt>, <tt>saveUnder()</tt>, <tt>drawCursor()</tt> and <tt>draw()</tt> should be defined as null operations. Implement <tt>set()</tt>, <tt>move()</tt>, <tt>show()</tt> and <tt>hide()</tt>. 4KB is left for your cursor at the end of the visible part of the framebuffer (i.e. at (width*height*depth)/8 ) <p> <li> Implement <tt>initCursor()</tt> and <tt>createGfx()</tt> in your <a href="qscreen.html">TQScreen</a> descendant. Implement <tt>useOffscreen()</tt> and return <tt>TRUE</tt> if you can make use of offscreen graphics memory. <p> <li> Implement a small function <tt>qt_get_screen_mychip()</tt>, which simply returns a new <tt>TQMychipScreen</tt> <p> <li> Add your driver to the DriverTable table in <tt>qgfxraster_qws.cpp</tt>, e.g. <pre> { "MyChip", qt_get_screen_mychip,1 }, </pre> <p> The first parameter is the name used with TQWS_DISPLAY to request your accelerated driver. <p> <li> To run with your new driver, <pre> export TQWS_DISPLAY=MyChip </pre> (optionally MyChip:/dev/fb<n> to request a different Linux framebuffer than <tt>/dev/fb0</tt>), then run the program <p> </ol> <p> If your driver is not PCI or AGP you'll need to inherit <a href="qscreen.html">TQScreen</a> instead of <tt>TQLinuxFbScreen</tt> and implement similar functionality to <tt>TQLinuxFbScreen</tt>, but otherwise the process should be similar. The most complete example driver is <tt>qgfxmach64_qws.cpp</tt>; <tt>qgfxvoodoo_qws.cpp</tt> may provide a smaller and easier-to-understand driver. <p> <!-- eof --> <p><address><hr><div align=center> <table width=100% cellspacing=0 border=0><tr> <td>Copyright © 2007 <a href="troll.html">Trolltech</a><td align=center><a href="trademarks.html">Trademarks</a> <td align=right><div align=right>TQt 3.3.8</div> </table></div></address></body> </html>