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All rights reserved. ** ** This file is part of an example program for TQt. This example ** program may be used, distributed and modified without limitation. ** *****************************************************************************/ #ifndef FOREVER_H #define FOREVER_H #include <<a href="tqwidget-h.html">tqwidget.h</a>> const int numColors = 120; class Forever : public <a href="tqwidget.html">TQWidget</a> { <a href="metaobjects.html#TQ_OBJECT">TQ_OBJECT</a> public: Forever( <a href="tqwidget.html">TQWidget</a> *parent=0, const char *name=0 ); protected: void paintEvent( <a href="tqpaintevent.html">TQPaintEvent</a> * ); void timerEvent( <a href="tqtimerevent.html">TQTimerEvent</a> * ); private slots: void updateCaption(); private: int rectangles; TQColor colors[numColors]; }; #endif </pre> <p> <hr> <p> Implementation: <p> <pre>/**************************************************************************** ** $Id: qt/forever.cpp 3.3.8 edited Jan 11 14:37 $ ** ** Copyright (C) 1992-2007 Trolltech ASA. All rights reserved. ** ** This file is part of an example program for TQt. This example ** program may be used, distributed and modified without limitation. ** *****************************************************************************/ #include <<a href="tqtimer-h.html">tqtimer.h</a>> #include <<a href="tqpainter-h.html">tqpainter.h</a>> #include <<a href="tqapplication-h.html">tqapplication.h</a>> #include <stdlib.h> // defines rand() function #include "forever.h" // // Forever - a widget that draws rectangles forever. // // // Constructs a Forever widget. // <a name="f365"></a>Forever::Forever( <a href="tqwidget.html">TQWidget</a> *parent, const char *name ) : <a href="tqwidget.html">TQWidget</a>( parent, name ) { for (int a=0; a<numColors; a++) { colors[a] = TQColor( rand()&255, rand()&255, rand()&255 ); } rectangles = 0; <a href="tqobject.html#startTimer">startTimer</a>( 0 ); // run continuous timer <a href="tqtimer.html">TQTimer</a> * counter = new <a href="tqtimer.html">TQTimer</a>( this ); <a name="x1054"></a> <a href="tqobject.html#connect">connect</a>( counter, TQ_SIGNAL(<a href="tqtimer.html#timeout">timeout</a>()), this, TQ_SLOT(updateCaption()) ); <a name="x1053"></a> counter-><a href="tqtimer.html#start">start</a>( 1000 ); } void <a name="f366"></a>Forever::updateCaption() { <a href="tqstring.html">TQString</a> s; <a name="x1052"></a> s.<a href="tqstring.html#sprintf">sprintf</a>( "TQt Example - Forever - %d rectangles/second", rectangles ); rectangles = 0; <a href="tqwidget.html#setCaption">setCaption</a>( s ); } // // Handles paint events for the Forever widget. // <a name="x1055"></a>void Forever::<a href="tqwidget.html#paintEvent">paintEvent</a>( <a href="tqpaintevent.html">TQPaintEvent</a> * ) { <a href="tqpainter.html">TQPainter</a> paint( this ); // painter object int w = <a href="tqwidget.html#width">width</a>(); int h = <a href="tqwidget.html#height">height</a>(); if(w <= 0 || h <= 0) return; paint.<a href="tqpainter.html#setPen">setPen</a>( NoPen ); // do not draw outline paint.<a href="tqpainter.html#setBrush">setBrush</a>( colors[rand() % numColors]);// set random brush color <a href="tqpoint.html">TQPoint</a> p1( rand()%w, rand()%h ); // p1 = top left <a href="tqpoint.html">TQPoint</a> p2( rand()%w, rand()%h ); // p2 = bottom right <a href="tqrect.html">TQRect</a> r( p1, p2 ); paint.<a href="tqpainter.html#drawRect">drawRect</a>( r ); // draw filled rectangle } // // Handles timer events for the Forever widget. // <a name="x1048"></a>void Forever::<a href="tqobject.html#timerEvent">timerEvent</a>( <a href="tqtimerevent.html">TQTimerEvent</a> * ) { for ( int i=0; i<100; i++ ) { <a href="tqwidget.html#repaint">repaint</a>( FALSE ); // repaint, don't erase rectangles++; } } // // Create and display Forever widget. // int main( int argc, char **argv ) { <a href="tqapplication.html">TQApplication</a> a( argc, argv ); // create application object Forever always; // create widget always.<a href="tqwidget.html#resize">resize</a>( 400, 250 ); // start up with size 400x250 a.<a href="tqapplication.html#setMainWidget">setMainWidget</a>( &always ); // set as main widget always.<a href="tqwidget.html#setCaption">setCaption</a>("TQt Example - Forever"); always.<a href="tqwidget.html#show">show</a>(); // show widget return a.<a href="tqapplication.html#exec">exec</a>(); // run event loop } </pre> <p>See also <a href="examples.html">Examples</a>. <!-- eof --> <p><address><hr><div align=center> <table width=100% cellspacing=0 border=0><tr> <td>Copyright © 2007 <a href="troll.html">Trolltech</a><td align=center><a href="trademarks.html">Trademarks</a> <td align=right><div align=right>TQt 3.3.8</div> </table></div></address></body> </html>