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<td align="right" valign="center"><img src="logo32.png" align="right" width="64" height="32" border="0"></td></tr></table><h1 align=center>Line Edits</h1>

This example shows how to work with single lineedit widgets, and
how to use different echo modes and validators.
<p> <hr>
<p> Header file:
<p> <pre>/****************************************************************************
** $Id: qt/lineedits.h   3.3.8   edited Jan 11 14:37 $
** Copyright (C) 1992-2007 Trolltech ASA.  All rights reserved.
** This file is part of an example program for TQt.  This example
** program may be used, distributed and modified without limitation.

#ifndef LINEDITS_H
#define LINEDITS_H

#include &lt;<a href="qgroupbox-h.html">ntqgroupbox.h</a>&gt;

class TQLineEdit;
class TQComboBox;

class LineEdits : public <a href="ntqgroupbox.html">TQGroupBox</a>
    <a href="metaobjects.html#TQ_OBJECT">TQ_OBJECT</a>

    LineEdits( <a href="ntqwidget.html">TQWidget</a> *parent = 0, const char *name = 0 );

    <a href="ntqlineedit.html">TQLineEdit</a> *lined1, *lined2, *lined3, *lined4, *lined5;
    <a href="ntqcombobox.html">TQComboBox</a> *combo1, *combo2, *combo3, *combo4, *combo5;

protected slots:
    void slotEchoChanged( int );
    void slotValidatorChanged( int );
    void slotAlignmentChanged( int );
    void slotInputMaskChanged( int );
    void slotReadOnlyChanged( int );


<p> <hr>
<p> Implementation:
<p> <pre>/****************************************************************************
** $Id: qt/lineedits.cpp   3.3.8   edited Jan 11 14:37 $
** Copyright (C) 1992-2007 Trolltech ASA.  All rights reserved.
** This file is part of an example program for TQt.  This example
** program may be used, distributed and modified without limitation.

#include "lineedits.h"

#include &lt;<a href="qlineedit-h.html">ntqlineedit.h</a>&gt;
#include &lt;<a href="qcombobox-h.html">ntqcombobox.h</a>&gt;
#include &lt;<a href="qframe-h.html">ntqframe.h</a>&gt;
#include &lt;<a href="qvalidator-h.html">ntqvalidator.h</a>&gt;
#include &lt;<a href="qlabel-h.html">ntqlabel.h</a>&gt;
#include &lt;<a href="qlayout-h.html">ntqlayout.h</a>&gt;
#include &lt;<a href="qhbox-h.html">ntqhbox.h</a>&gt;

 * Constructor
 * Creates child widgets of the LineEdits widget

<a name="f219"></a>LineEdits::LineEdits( <a href="ntqwidget.html">TQWidget</a> *parent, const char *name )
    : <a href="ntqgroupbox.html">TQGroupBox</a>( 0, Horizontal, "Line edits", parent, name )
    <a href="ntqframe.html#setMargin">setMargin</a>( 10 );

    <a href="qvboxlayout.html">TQVBoxLayout</a>* box = new <a href="qvboxlayout.html">TQVBoxLayout</a>( <a href="ntqwidget.html#layout">layout</a>() );

    <a href="qhboxlayout.html">TQHBoxLayout</a> *row1 = new <a href="qhboxlayout.html">TQHBoxLayout</a>( box );
<a name="x173"></a>    row1-&gt;<a href="ntqlayout.html#setMargin">setMargin</a>( 5 );

    // Create a Label
    <a href="ntqlabel.html">TQLabel</a>* label = new <a href="ntqlabel.html">TQLabel</a>( "Echo Mode: ", this);
<a name="x169"></a>    row1-&gt;<a href="qboxlayout.html#addWidget">addWidget</a>( label );

    // Create a Combobox with three items...
    combo1 = new <a href="ntqcombobox.html">TQComboBox</a>( FALSE, this );
    row1-&gt;<a href="qboxlayout.html#addWidget">addWidget</a>( combo1 );
<a name="x171"></a>    combo1-&gt;<a href="ntqcombobox.html#insertItem">insertItem</a>( "Normal" );
    combo1-&gt;<a href="ntqcombobox.html#insertItem">insertItem</a>( "Password" );
    combo1-&gt;<a href="ntqcombobox.html#insertItem">insertItem</a>( "No Echo" );
    // ...and connect the activated() SIGNAL with the slotEchoChanged() SLOT to be able
    // to react when an item is selected
<a name="x170"></a>    <a href="ntqobject.html#connect">connect</a>( combo1, SIGNAL( <a href="ntqcombobox.html#activated">activated</a>( int ) ), this, SLOT( slotEchoChanged( int ) ) );

    // insert the first LineEdit
    lined1 = new <a href="ntqlineedit.html">TQLineEdit</a>( this );
    box-&gt;<a href="qboxlayout.html#addWidget">addWidget</a>( lined1 );

    // another widget which is used for layouting
    <a href="qhboxlayout.html">TQHBoxLayout</a> *row2 = new <a href="qhboxlayout.html">TQHBoxLayout</a>( box );
    row2-&gt;<a href="ntqlayout.html#setMargin">setMargin</a>( 5 );

    // and the second label
    label = new <a href="ntqlabel.html">TQLabel</a>( "Validator: ", this );
    row2-&gt;<a href="qboxlayout.html#addWidget">addWidget</a>( label );

    // A second Combobox with again three items...
    combo2 = new <a href="ntqcombobox.html">TQComboBox</a>( FALSE, this );
    row2-&gt;<a href="qboxlayout.html#addWidget">addWidget</a>( combo2 );
    combo2-&gt;<a href="ntqcombobox.html#insertItem">insertItem</a>( "No Validator" );
    combo2-&gt;<a href="ntqcombobox.html#insertItem">insertItem</a>( "Integer Validator" );
    combo2-&gt;<a href="ntqcombobox.html#insertItem">insertItem</a>( "Double Validator" );
    // ...and again the activated() SIGNAL gets connected with a SLOT
    <a href="ntqobject.html#connect">connect</a>( combo2, SIGNAL( <a href="ntqcombobox.html#activated">activated</a>( int ) ), this, SLOT( slotValidatorChanged( int ) ) );

    // and the second LineEdit
    lined2 = new <a href="ntqlineedit.html">TQLineEdit</a>( this );
    box-&gt;<a href="qboxlayout.html#addWidget">addWidget</a>( lined2 );

    // yet another widget which is used for layouting
    <a href="qhboxlayout.html">TQHBoxLayout</a> *row3 = new <a href="qhboxlayout.html">TQHBoxLayout</a>( box );
    row3-&gt;<a href="ntqlayout.html#setMargin">setMargin</a>( 5 );

    // we need a label for this too
    label = new <a href="ntqlabel.html">TQLabel</a>( "Alignment: ", this );
    row3-&gt;<a href="qboxlayout.html#addWidget">addWidget</a>( label );

    // A combo box for setting alignment
    combo3 = new <a href="ntqcombobox.html">TQComboBox</a>( FALSE, this );
    row3-&gt;<a href="qboxlayout.html#addWidget">addWidget</a>( combo3 );
    combo3-&gt;<a href="ntqcombobox.html#insertItem">insertItem</a>( "Left" );
    combo3-&gt;<a href="ntqcombobox.html#insertItem">insertItem</a>( "Centered" );
    combo3-&gt;<a href="ntqcombobox.html#insertItem">insertItem</a>( "Right" );
    // ...and again the activated() SIGNAL gets connected with a SLOT
    <a href="ntqobject.html#connect">connect</a>( combo3, SIGNAL( <a href="ntqcombobox.html#activated">activated</a>( int ) ), this, SLOT( slotAlignmentChanged( int ) ) );

    // and the third lineedit
    lined3 = new <a href="ntqlineedit.html">TQLineEdit</a>( this );
    box-&gt;<a href="qboxlayout.html#addWidget">addWidget</a>( lined3 );

    // exactly the same for the fourth
    <a href="qhboxlayout.html">TQHBoxLayout</a> *row4 = new <a href="qhboxlayout.html">TQHBoxLayout</a>( box );
    row4-&gt;<a href="ntqlayout.html#setMargin">setMargin</a>( 5 );

    // we need a label for this too
    label = new <a href="ntqlabel.html">TQLabel</a>( "Input mask: ", this );
    row4-&gt;<a href="qboxlayout.html#addWidget">addWidget</a>( label );

    // A combo box for choosing an input mask
    combo4 = new <a href="ntqcombobox.html">TQComboBox</a>( FALSE, this );
    row4-&gt;<a href="qboxlayout.html#addWidget">addWidget</a>( combo4 );
    combo4-&gt;<a href="ntqcombobox.html#insertItem">insertItem</a>( "No mask" );
    combo4-&gt;<a href="ntqcombobox.html#insertItem">insertItem</a>( "Phone number" );
    combo4-&gt;<a href="ntqcombobox.html#insertItem">insertItem</a>( "ISO date" );
    combo4-&gt;<a href="ntqcombobox.html#insertItem">insertItem</a>( "License key" );

    // ...this time we use the activated( const <a href="ntqstring.html">TQString</a> &amp; ) signal
    <a href="ntqobject.html#connect">connect</a>( combo4, SIGNAL( <a href="ntqcombobox.html#activated">activated</a>( int ) ),
             this, SLOT( slotInputMaskChanged( int ) ) );

    // and the fourth lineedit
    lined4 = new <a href="ntqlineedit.html">TQLineEdit</a>( this );
    box-&gt;<a href="qboxlayout.html#addWidget">addWidget</a>( lined4 );

    // last widget used for layouting
    <a href="ntqhbox.html">TQHBox</a> *row5 = new <a href="ntqhbox.html">TQHBox</a>( this );
    box-&gt;<a href="qboxlayout.html#addWidget">addWidget</a>( row5 );
    row5-&gt;<a href="ntqframe.html#setMargin">setMargin</a>( 5 );

    // last label
    (void)new <a href="ntqlabel.html">TQLabel</a>( "Read-Only: ", row5 );

    // A combo box for setting alignment
    combo5 = new <a href="ntqcombobox.html">TQComboBox</a>( FALSE, row5 );
    combo5-&gt;<a href="ntqcombobox.html#insertItem">insertItem</a>( "False" );
    combo5-&gt;<a href="ntqcombobox.html#insertItem">insertItem</a>( "True" );
    // ...and again the activated() SIGNAL gets connected with a SLOT
    <a href="ntqobject.html#connect">connect</a>( combo5, SIGNAL( <a href="ntqcombobox.html#activated">activated</a>( int ) ), this, SLOT( slotReadOnlyChanged( int ) ) );

    // and the last lineedit
    lined5 = new <a href="ntqlineedit.html">TQLineEdit</a>( this );
    box-&gt;<a href="qboxlayout.html#addWidget">addWidget</a>( lined5 );

    // give the first LineEdit the focus at the beginning
<a name="x181"></a>    lined1-&gt;<a href="ntqwidget.html#setFocus">setFocus</a>();

 * SLOT slotEchoChanged( int i )
 * i contains the number of the item which the user has been chosen in the
 * first Combobox. According to this value, we set the Echo-Mode for the
 * first LineEdit.

void <a name="f220"></a>LineEdits::slotEchoChanged( int i )
    switch ( i ) {
    case 0:
<a name="x176"></a>        lined1-&gt;<a href="ntqlineedit.html#setEchoMode">setEchoMode</a>( TQLineEdit::Normal );
    case 1:
        lined1-&gt;<a href="ntqlineedit.html#setEchoMode">setEchoMode</a>( TQLineEdit::Password );
    case 2:
        lined1-&gt;<a href="ntqlineedit.html#setEchoMode">setEchoMode</a>( TQLineEdit::NoEcho );

    lined1-&gt;<a href="ntqwidget.html#setFocus">setFocus</a>();

 * SLOT slotValidatorChanged( int i )
 * i contains the number of the item which the user has been chosen in the
 * second Combobox. According to this value, we set a validator for the
 * second LineEdit. A validator checks in a LineEdit each character which
 * the user enters and accepts it if it is valid, else the character gets
 * ignored and not inserted into the lineedit.

void <a name="f221"></a>LineEdits::slotValidatorChanged( int i )
    switch ( i ) {
    case 0:
<a name="x180"></a>        lined2-&gt;<a href="ntqlineedit.html#setValidator">setValidator</a>( 0 );
    case 1:
        lined2-&gt;<a href="ntqlineedit.html#setValidator">setValidator</a>( new <a href="qintvalidator.html">TQIntValidator</a>( lined2 ) );
    case 2:
        lined2-&gt;<a href="ntqlineedit.html#setValidator">setValidator</a>( new <a href="qdoublevalidator.html">TQDoubleValidator</a>( -999.0, 999.0, 2,
                                                    lined2 ) );

<a name="x179"></a>    lined2-&gt;<a href="ntqlineedit.html#setText">setText</a>( "" );
    lined2-&gt;<a href="ntqwidget.html#setFocus">setFocus</a>();

 * SLOT slotAlignmentChanged( int i )
 * i contains the number of the item which the user has been chosen in
 * the third Combobox.  According to this value, we set an alignment
 * third LineEdit.

void <a name="f222"></a>LineEdits::slotAlignmentChanged( int i )
    switch ( i ) {
    case 0:
<a name="x174"></a>        lined3-&gt;<a href="ntqlineedit.html#setAlignment">setAlignment</a>( TQLineEdit::AlignLeft );
    case 1:
        lined3-&gt;<a href="ntqlineedit.html#setAlignment">setAlignment</a>( TQLineEdit::AlignCenter );
    case 2:
        lined3-&gt;<a href="ntqlineedit.html#setAlignment">setAlignment</a>( TQLineEdit::AlignRight );

    lined3-&gt;<a href="ntqwidget.html#setFocus">setFocus</a>();

 * SLOT slotInputMaskChanged( const <a href="ntqstring.html">TQString</a> &amp;mask )
 * i contains the number of the item which the user has been chosen in
 * the third Combobox.  According to this value, we set an input mask on
 * third LineEdit.

void <a name="f223"></a>LineEdits::slotInputMaskChanged( int i )
    switch( i ) {
    case 0:
<a name="x177"></a>        lined4-&gt;<a href="ntqlineedit.html#setInputMask">setInputMask</a>( <a href="ntqstring.html#TQString-null">TQString::null</a> );
    case 1:
        lined4-&gt;<a href="ntqlineedit.html#setInputMask">setInputMask</a>( "+99 99 99 99 99;_" );
    case 2:
        lined4-&gt;<a href="ntqlineedit.html#setInputMask">setInputMask</a>( "0000-00-00" );
        lined4-&gt;<a href="ntqlineedit.html#setText">setText</a>( "00000000" );
<a name="x175"></a>        lined4-&gt;<a href="ntqlineedit.html#setCursorPosition">setCursorPosition</a>( 0 );
    case 3:
        lined4-&gt;<a href="ntqlineedit.html#setInputMask">setInputMask</a>( "&gt;AAAAA-AAAAA-AAAAA-AAAAA-AAAAA;#" );
    lined4-&gt;<a href="ntqwidget.html#setFocus">setFocus</a>();

 * SLOT slotReadOnlyChanged( int i )
 * i contains the number of the item which the user has been chosen in
 * the fourth Combobox.  According to this value, we toggle read-only.

void <a name="f224"></a>LineEdits::slotReadOnlyChanged( int i )
    switch ( i ) {
    case 0:
<a name="x178"></a>        lined5-&gt;<a href="ntqlineedit.html#setReadOnly">setReadOnly</a>( FALSE );
    case 1:
        lined5-&gt;<a href="ntqlineedit.html#setReadOnly">setReadOnly</a>( TRUE );

    lined5-&gt;<a href="ntqwidget.html#setFocus">setFocus</a>();


<p> <hr>
<p> Main:
<p> <pre>/****************************************************************************
** $Id: qt/main.cpp   3.3.8   edited Jan 11 14:37 $
** Copyright (C) 1992-2007 Trolltech ASA.  All rights reserved.
** This file is part of an example program for TQt.  This example
** program may be used, distributed and modified without limitation.

#include "lineedits.h"
#include &lt;<a href="qapplication-h.html">ntqapplication.h</a>&gt;

int main( int argc, char **argv )
    <a href="ntqapplication.html">TQApplication</a> a( argc, argv );

    LineEdits lineedits;
    lineedits.<a href="ntqwidget.html#setCaption">setCaption</a>( "TQt Example - Lineedits" );
    a.<a href="ntqapplication.html#setMainWidget">setMainWidget</a>( &amp;lineedits );
    lineedits.<a href="ntqwidget.html#show">show</a>();

    return a.<a href="ntqapplication.html#exec">exec</a>();

<p>See also <a href="examples.html">Examples</a>.

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