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The Movies example displays MNG and animated GIF files using the TQMovie and TQLabel classes.
The movies will only read an animated GIF if GIF reading was enabled when TQt was built.
/**************************************************************************** ** $Id: qt/main.cpp 3.3.8 edited Jan 11 14:37 $ ** ** Copyright (C) 1992-2007 Trolltech ASA. All rights reserved. ** ** This file is part of an example program for TQt. This example ** program may be used, distributed and modified without limitation. ** *****************************************************************************/ #include <qapplication.h> #include <qfiledialog.h> #include <qpushbutton.h> #include <qlabel.h> #include <qpainter.h> #include <qmessagebox.h> #include <qmovie.h> #include <qvbox.h> class MovieScreen : public TQFrame { Q_OBJECT TQMovie movie; TQString filename; TQSize sh; public: MovieScreen(const char* fname, TQMovie m, TQWidget* p=0, const char* name=0, WFlags f=0) : TQFrame(p, name, f), sh(100,100) { setCaption(fname); filename = fname; movie = m; // Set a frame around the movie. setFrameStyle(TQFrame::WinPanel|TQFrame::Sunken); // No background needed, since we draw on the whole widget. movie.setBackgroundColor(backgroundColor()); setBackgroundMode(NoBackground); // Get the movie to tell use when interesting things happen. movie.connectUpdate(this, SLOT(movieUpdated(const TQRect&))); movie.connectResize(this, SLOT(movieResized(const TQSize&))); movie.connectStatus(this, SLOT(movieStatus(int))); setSizePolicy(TQSizePolicy(TQSizePolicy::Expanding,TQSizePolicy::Expanding)); } TQSize sizeHint() const { return sh; } protected: // Draw the contents of the TQFrame - the movie and on-screen-display void drawContents(TQPainter* p) { // Get the current movie frame. TQPixmap pm = movie.framePixmap(); // Get the area we have to draw in. TQRect r = contentsRect(); if ( !pm.isNull() ) { // Only rescale is we need to - it can take CPU! if ( r.size() != pm.size() ) { TQWMatrix m; m.scale((double)r.width()/pm.width(), (double)r.height()/pm.height()); pm = pm.xForm(m); } // Draw the [possibly scaled] frame. movieUpdated() below calls // repaint with only the changed area, so clipping will ensure we // only do the minimum amount of rendering. // p->drawPixmap(r.x(), r.y(), pm); } // The on-screen display const char* message = 0; if (movie.paused()) { message = "PAUSED"; } else if (movie.finished()) { message = "THE END"; } else if (movie.steps() > 0) { message = "FF >>"; } if (message) { // Find a good font size... p->setFont(TQFont("Helvetica", 24)); TQFontMetrics fm = p->fontMetrics(); if ( fm.width(message) > r.width()-10 ) p->setFont(TQFont("Helvetica", 18)); fm = p->fontMetrics(); if ( fm.width(message) > r.width()-10 ) p->setFont(TQFont("Helvetica", 14)); fm = p->fontMetrics(); if ( fm.width(message) > r.width()-10 ) p->setFont(TQFont("Helvetica", 12)); fm = p->fontMetrics(); if ( fm.width(message) > r.width()-10 ) p->setFont(TQFont("Helvetica", 10)); // "Shadow" effect. p->setPen(black); p->drawText(1, 1, width()-1, height()-1, AlignCenter, message); p->setPen(white); p->drawText(0, 0, width()-1, height()-1, AlignCenter, message); } } public slots: void restart() { movie.restart(); repaint(); } void togglePause() { if ( movie.paused() ) movie.unpause(); else movie.pause(); repaint(); } void step() { movie.step(); repaint(); } void step10() { movie.step(10); repaint(); } private slots: void movieUpdated(const TQRect& area) { if (!isVisible()) show(); // The given area of the movie has changed. TQRect r = contentsRect(); if ( r.size() != movie.framePixmap().size() ) { // Need to scale - redraw whole frame. repaint( r ); } else { // Only redraw the changed area of the frame repaint( area.x()+r.x(), area.y()+r.x(), area.width(), area.height() ); } } void movieResized(const TQSize& size) { // The movie changed size, probably from its initial zero size. int fw = frameWidth(); sh = TQSize( size.width() + fw*2, size.height() + fw*2 ); updateGeometry(); if ( parentWidget() && parentWidget()->isHidden() ) parentWidget()->show(); } void movieStatus(int status) { // The movie has sent us a status message. if (status < 0) { TQString msg; msg.sprintf("Could not play movie \"%s\"", (const char*)filename); TQMessageBox::warning(this, "movies", msg); parentWidget()->close(); } else if (status == TQMovie::Paused || status == TQMovie::EndOfMovie) { repaint(); // Ensure status text is displayed } } }; class MoviePlayer : public TQVBox { MovieScreen* movie; public: MoviePlayer(const char* fname, TQMovie m, TQWidget* p=0, const char* name=0, WFlags f=0) : TQVBox(p,name,f) { movie = new MovieScreen(fname, m, this); TQHBox* hb = new TQHBox(this); TQPushButton* btn; btn = new TQPushButton("<<", hb); connect(btn, SIGNAL(clicked()), movie, SLOT(restart())); btn = new TQPushButton("||", hb); connect(btn, SIGNAL(clicked()), movie, SLOT(togglePause())); btn = new TQPushButton(">|", hb); connect(btn, SIGNAL(clicked()), movie, SLOT(step())); btn = new TQPushButton(">>|", hb); connect(btn, SIGNAL(clicked()), movie, SLOT(step10())); } }; // A TQFileDialog that chooses movies. // class MovieStarter: public TQFileDialog { Q_OBJECT public: MovieStarter(const char *dir); public slots: void startMovie(const TQString& filename); // TQDialog's method - normally closes the file dialog. // We want it left open, and we want Cancel to tquit everything. void done( int r ); }; MovieStarter::MovieStarter(const char *dir) : TQFileDialog(dir, "*.gif *.mng") { //behave as in getOpenFilename setMode( ExistingFile ); // When a file is selected, show it as a movie. connect(this, SIGNAL(fileSelected(const TQString&)), this, SLOT(startMovie(const TQString&))); } void MovieStarter::startMovie(const TQString& filename) { if ( filename ) // Start a new movie - have it delete when closed. (new MoviePlayer( filename, TQMovie(filename), 0, 0, WDestructiveClose))->show(); } void MovieStarter::done( int r ) { if (r != Accepted) qApp->tquit(); // end on Cancel setResult( r ); // And don't hide. } int main(int argc, char **argv) { TQApplication a(argc, argv); if (argc > 1) { // Commandline mode - show movies given on the command line // bool gui=TRUE; for (int arg=1; arg<argc; arg++) { if ( TQString(argv[arg]) == "-i" ) gui = !gui; else if ( gui ) (void)new MoviePlayer(argv[arg], TQMovie(argv[arg]), 0, 0, TQt::WDestructiveClose); else (void)new MovieScreen(argv[arg], TQMovie(argv[arg]), 0, 0, TQt::WDestructiveClose); } TQObject::connect(qApp, SIGNAL(lastWindowClosed()), qApp, SLOT(tquit())); } else { // "GUI" mode - open a chooser for movies // MovieStarter* fd = new MovieStarter("."); fd->show(); } // Go! return a.exec(); } #include "main.moc"
See also Examples.
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