<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN"> <!-- /home/espenr/tmp/qt-3.3.8-espenr-2499/qt-x11-free-3.3.8/src/dialogs/qprogressdialog.cpp:99 --> <html> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1"> <title>TQProgressDialog Class</title> <style type="text/css"><!-- fn { margin-left: 1cm; text-indent: -1cm; } a:link { color: #004faf; text-decoration: none } a:visited { color: #672967; text-decoration: none } body { background: #ffffff; color: black; } --></style> </head> <body> <table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="100%"> <tr bgcolor="#E5E5E5"> <td valign=center> <a href="index.html"> <font color="#004faf">Home</font></a> | <a href="classes.html"> <font color="#004faf">All Classes</font></a> | <a href="mainclasses.html"> <font color="#004faf">Main Classes</font></a> | <a href="annotated.html"> <font color="#004faf">Annotated</font></a> | <a href="groups.html"> <font color="#004faf">Grouped Classes</font></a> | <a href="functions.html"> <font color="#004faf">Functions</font></a> </td> <td align="right" valign="center"><img src="logo32.png" align="right" width="64" height="32" border="0"></td></tr></table><h1 align=center>TQProgressDialog Class Reference</h1> <p>The TQProgressDialog class provides feedback on the progress of a slow operation. <a href="#details">More...</a> <p><tt>#include <<a href="qprogressdialog-h.html">ntqprogressdialog.h</a>></tt> <p>Inherits <a href="ntqdialog.html">TQDialog</a>. <p><a href="qprogressdialog-members.html">List of all member functions.</a> <h2>Public Members</h2> <ul> <li class=fn><a href="#TQProgressDialog"><b>TQProgressDialog</b></a> ( TQWidget * creator = 0, const char * name = 0, bool modal = FALSE, WFlags f = 0 )</li> <li class=fn><a href="#TQProgressDialog-2"><b>TQProgressDialog</b></a> ( const TQString & labelText, const TQString & cancelButtonText, int totalSteps, TQWidget * creator = 0, const char * name = 0, bool modal = FALSE, WFlags f = 0 )</li> <li class=fn><a href="#~TQProgressDialog"><b>~TQProgressDialog</b></a> ()</li> <li class=fn>void <a href="#setLabel"><b>setLabel</b></a> ( TQLabel * label )</li> <li class=fn>void <a href="#setCancelButton"><b>setCancelButton</b></a> ( TQPushButton * cancelButton )</li> <li class=fn>void <a href="#setBar"><b>setBar</b></a> ( TQProgressBar * bar )</li> <li class=fn>bool wasCancelled () const <em>(obsolete)</em></li> <li class=fn>bool <a href="#wasCanceled"><b>wasCanceled</b></a> () const</li> <li class=fn>int <a href="#totalSteps"><b>totalSteps</b></a> () const</li> <li class=fn>int <a href="#progress"><b>progress</b></a> () const</li> <li class=fn>virtual TQSize <a href="#sizeHint"><b>sizeHint</b></a> () const</li> <li class=fn>TQString <a href="#labelText"><b>labelText</b></a> () const</li> <li class=fn>void <a href="#setAutoReset"><b>setAutoReset</b></a> ( bool b )</li> <li class=fn>bool <a href="#autoReset"><b>autoReset</b></a> () const</li> <li class=fn>void <a href="#setAutoClose"><b>setAutoClose</b></a> ( bool b )</li> <li class=fn>bool <a href="#autoClose"><b>autoClose</b></a> () const</li> <li class=fn>int <a href="#minimumDuration"><b>minimumDuration</b></a> () const</li> </ul> <h2>Public Slots</h2> <ul> <li class=fn>void <a href="#cancel"><b>cancel</b></a> ()</li> <li class=fn>void <a href="#reset"><b>reset</b></a> ()</li> <li class=fn>void <a href="#setTotalSteps"><b>setTotalSteps</b></a> ( int totalSteps )</li> <li class=fn>void <a href="#setProgress"><b>setProgress</b></a> ( int progress )</li> <li class=fn>void <a href="#setProgress-2"><b>setProgress</b></a> ( int progress, int totalSteps )</li> <li class=fn>void <a href="#setLabelText"><b>setLabelText</b></a> ( const TQString & )</li> <li class=fn>void <a href="#setCancelButtonText"><b>setCancelButtonText</b></a> ( const TQString & cancelButtonText )</li> <li class=fn>void <a href="#setMinimumDuration"><b>setMinimumDuration</b></a> ( int ms )</li> </ul> <h2>Signals</h2> <ul> <li class=fn>void cancelled () <em>(obsolete)</em></li> <li class=fn>void <a href="#canceled"><b>canceled</b></a> ()</li> </ul> <h2>Properties</h2> <ul> <li class=fn>bool <a href="#autoClose-prop"><b>autoClose</b></a> - whether the dialog gets hidden by reset()</li> <li class=fn>bool <a href="#autoReset-prop"><b>autoReset</b></a> - whether the progress dialog calls reset() as soon as progress() equals totalSteps()</li> <li class=fn>TQString <a href="#labelText-prop"><b>labelText</b></a> - the label's text</li> <li class=fn>int <a href="#minimumDuration-prop"><b>minimumDuration</b></a> - the time that must pass before the dialog appears</li> <li class=fn>int <a href="#progress-prop"><b>progress</b></a> - the current amount of progress made</li> <li class=fn>int <a href="#totalSteps-prop"><b>totalSteps</b></a> - the total number of steps</li> <li class=fn>bool <a href="#wasCanceled-prop"><b>wasCanceled</b></a> - whether the dialog was canceled <em>(read only)</em></li> <li class=fn>bool wasCancelled - whether the dialog was canceled <em>(read only)</em> <em>(obsolete)</em></li> </ul> <h2>Protected Slots</h2> <ul> <li class=fn>void <a href="#forceShow"><b>forceShow</b></a> ()</li> </ul> <hr><a name="details"></a><h2>Detailed Description</h2> The TQProgressDialog class provides feedback on the progress of a slow operation. <p> A progress dialog is used to give the user an indication of how long an operation is going to take, and to demonstrate that the application has not frozen. It can also give the user an opportunity to abort the operation. <p> A common problem with progress dialogs is that it is difficult to know when to use them; operations take different amounts of time on different hardware. TQProgressDialog offers a solution to this problem: it estimates the time the operation will take (based on time for steps), and only shows itself if that estimate is beyond <a href="#minimumDuration">minimumDuration</a>() (4 seconds by default). <p> Use <a href="#setTotalSteps">setTotalSteps</a>() (or the constructor) to set the number of "steps" in the operation and call <a href="#setProgress">setProgress</a>() as the operation progresses. The step value can be chosen arbitrarily. It can be the number of files copied, the number of bytes received, the number of iterations through the main loop of your algorithm, or some other suitable unit. Progress starts at 0, and the progress dialog shows that the operation has finished when you call setProgress() with <a href="#totalSteps">totalSteps</a>() as its argument. <p> The dialog automatically resets and hides itself at the end of the operation. Use <a href="#setAutoReset">setAutoReset</a>() and <a href="#setAutoClose">setAutoClose</a>() to change this behavior. <p> There are two ways of using TQProgressDialog: modal and modeless. <p> Using a modal TQProgressDialog is simpler for the programmer, but you must call <a href="ntqapplication.html#processEvents">TQApplication::processEvents</a>() or <a href="ntqeventloop.html#processEvents">TQEventLoop::processEvents</a>(ExcludeUserInput) to keep the event loop running to ensure that the application doesn't freeze. Do the operation in a loop, call <a href="#setProgress">setProgress</a>() at intervals, and check for cancellation with <a href="#wasCanceled">wasCanceled</a>(). For example: <pre> TQProgressDialog progress( "Copying files...", "Abort Copy", numFiles, this, "progress", TRUE ); for ( int i = 0; i < numFiles; i++ ) { progress.setProgress( i ); tqApp-><a href="ntqapplication.html#processEvents">processEvents</a>(); if ( progress.wasCanceled() ) break; //... copy one file } progress.setProgress( numFiles ); </pre> <p> A modeless progress dialog is suitable for operations that take place in the background, where the user is able to interact with the application. Such operations are typically based on <a href="ntqtimer.html">TQTimer</a> (or <a href="ntqobject.html#timerEvent">TQObject::timerEvent</a>()), <a href="ntqsocketnotifier.html">TQSocketNotifier</a>, or <a href="ntqurloperator.html">TQUrlOperator</a>; or performed in a separate thread. A <a href="ntqprogressbar.html">TQProgressBar</a> in the status bar of your main window is often an alternative to a modeless progress dialog. <p> You need to have an event loop to be running, connect the <a href="#canceled">canceled</a>() signal to a slot that stops the operation, and call <a href="#setProgress">setProgress</a>() at intervals. For example: <pre> Operation::Operation( <a href="ntqobject.html">TQObject</a> *parent = 0 ) : <a href="ntqobject.html">TQObject</a>( parent ), steps( 0 ) { pd = new TQProgressDialog( "Operation in progress.", "Cancel", 100 ); <a href="ntqobject.html#connect">connect</a>( pd, SIGNAL(<a href="#canceled">canceled</a>()), this, SLOT(<a href="#cancel">cancel</a>()) ); t = new <a href="ntqtimer.html">TQTimer</a>( this ); <a href="ntqobject.html#connect">connect</a>( t, SIGNAL(<a href="ntqtimer.html#timeout">timeout</a>()), this, SLOT(perform()) ); t-><a href="ntqtimer.html#start">start</a>( 0 ); } void Operation::perform() { pd-><a href="#setProgress">setProgress</a>( steps ); //... perform one percent of the operation steps++; if ( steps > pd-><a href="#totalSteps">totalSteps</a>() ) t-><a href="ntqtimer.html#stop">stop</a>(); } void Operation::cancel() { t-><a href="ntqtimer.html#stop">stop</a>(); //... cleanup } </pre> <p> In both modes the progress dialog may be customized by replacing the child widgets with custom widgets by using <a href="#setLabel">setLabel</a>(), <a href="#setBar">setBar</a>(), and <a href="#setCancelButton">setCancelButton</a>(). The functions <a href="#setLabelText">setLabelText</a>() and <a href="#setCancelButtonText">setCancelButtonText</a>() set the texts shown. <p> <img src=qprogdlg-m.png> <img src=qprogdlg-w.png> <p> <p>See also <a href="ntqdialog.html">TQDialog</a>, <a href="ntqprogressbar.html">TQProgressBar</a>, <a href="guibooks.html#fowler">GUI Design Handbook: Progress Indicator</a>, and <a href="dialogs.html">Dialog Classes</a>. <hr><h2>Member Function Documentation</h2> <h3 class=fn><a name="TQProgressDialog"></a>TQProgressDialog::TQProgressDialog ( <a href="ntqwidget.html">TQWidget</a> * creator = 0, const char * name = 0, bool modal = FALSE, WFlags f = 0 ) </h3> Constructs a progress dialog. <p> Default settings: <ul> <li> The label text is empty. <li> The cancel button text is (translated) "Cancel". <li> The total number of steps is 100. </ul> <p> The <em>creator</em> argument is the widget to use as the dialog's parent. The <em>name</em>, <em>modal</em>, and the widget flags, <em>f</em>, are passed to the <a href="ntqdialog.html#TQDialog">TQDialog::TQDialog</a>() constructor. If <em>modal</em> is FALSE (the default), you must have an event loop proceeding for any redrawing of the dialog to occur. If <em>modal</em> is TRUE, the dialog ensures that events are processed when needed. <p> <p>See also <a href="#labelText-prop">labelText</a>, <a href="#setLabel">setLabel</a>(), <a href="#setCancelButtonText">setCancelButtonText</a>(), <a href="#setCancelButton">setCancelButton</a>(), and <a href="#totalSteps-prop">totalSteps</a>. <h3 class=fn><a name="TQProgressDialog-2"></a>TQProgressDialog::TQProgressDialog ( const <a href="ntqstring.html">TQString</a> & labelText, const <a href="ntqstring.html">TQString</a> & cancelButtonText, int totalSteps, <a href="ntqwidget.html">TQWidget</a> * creator = 0, const char * name = 0, bool modal = FALSE, WFlags f = 0 ) </h3> Constructs a progress dialog. <p> The <em>labelText</em> is text used to remind the user what is progressing. <p> The <em>cancelButtonText</em> is the text to display on the cancel button, or 0 if no cancel button is to be shown. <p> The <em>totalSteps</em> is the total number of steps in the operation for which this progress dialog shows progress. For example, if the operation is to examine 50 files, this value would be 50. Before examining the first file, call <a href="#setProgress">setProgress</a>(0). As each file is processed call setProgress(1), setProgress(2), etc., finally calling setProgress(50) after examining the last file. <p> The <em>creator</em> argument is the widget to use as the dialog's parent. The <em>name</em>, <em>modal</em>, and widget flags, <em>f</em>, are passed to the <a href="ntqdialog.html#TQDialog">TQDialog::TQDialog</a>() constructor. If <em>modal</em> is FALSE (the default), you will must have an event loop proceeding for any redrawing of the dialog to occur. If <em>modal</em> is TRUE, the dialog ensures that events are processed when needed. <p> <p>See also <a href="#labelText-prop">labelText</a>, <a href="#setLabel">setLabel</a>(), <a href="#setCancelButtonText">setCancelButtonText</a>(), <a href="#setCancelButton">setCancelButton</a>(), and <a href="#totalSteps-prop">totalSteps</a>. <h3 class=fn><a name="~TQProgressDialog"></a>TQProgressDialog::~TQProgressDialog () </h3> Destroys the progress dialog. <h3 class=fn>bool <a name="autoClose"></a>TQProgressDialog::autoClose () const </h3><p>Returns TRUE if the dialog gets hidden by <a href="#reset">reset</a>(); otherwise returns FALSE. See the <a href="ntqprogressdialog.html#autoClose-prop">"autoClose"</a> property for details. <h3 class=fn>bool <a name="autoReset"></a>TQProgressDialog::autoReset () const </h3><p>Returns TRUE if the progress dialog calls <a href="#reset">reset</a>() as soon as <a href="#progress">progress</a>() equals <a href="#totalSteps">totalSteps</a>(); otherwise returns FALSE. See the <a href="ntqprogressdialog.html#autoReset-prop">"autoReset"</a> property for details. <h3 class=fn>void <a name="cancel"></a>TQProgressDialog::cancel ()<tt> [slot]</tt> </h3> Resets the progress dialog. <a href="#wasCanceled">wasCanceled</a>() becomes TRUE until the progress dialog is reset. The progress dialog becomes hidden. <h3 class=fn>void <a name="canceled"></a>TQProgressDialog::canceled ()<tt> [signal]</tt> </h3> <p> This signal is emitted when the cancel button is clicked. It is connected to the <a href="#cancel">cancel</a>() slot by default. <p> <p>See also <a href="#wasCanceled-prop">wasCanceled</a>. <h3 class=fn>void <a name="cancelled"></a>TQProgressDialog::cancelled ()<tt> [signal]</tt> </h3> <p> <b>This function is obsolete.</b> It is provided to keep old source working. We strongly advise against using it in new code. <p> Use <a href="#canceled">canceled</a>() instead. <p>Examples: <a href="ftpclient-example.html#x768">network/ftpclient/ftpmainwindow.ui.h</a> and <a href="progress-example.html#x82">progress/progress.cpp</a>. <h3 class=fn>void <a name="forceShow"></a>TQProgressDialog::forceShow ()<tt> [protected slot]</tt> </h3> Shows the dialog if it is still hidden after the algorithm has been started and minimumDuration milliseconds have passed. <p> <p>See also <a href="#minimumDuration-prop">minimumDuration</a>. <h3 class=fn><a href="ntqstring.html">TQString</a> <a name="labelText"></a>TQProgressDialog::labelText () const </h3><p>Returns the label's text. See the <a href="ntqprogressdialog.html#labelText-prop">"labelText"</a> property for details. <h3 class=fn>int <a name="minimumDuration"></a>TQProgressDialog::minimumDuration () const </h3><p>Returns the time that must pass before the dialog appears. See the <a href="ntqprogressdialog.html#minimumDuration-prop">"minimumDuration"</a> property for details. <h3 class=fn>int <a name="progress"></a>TQProgressDialog::progress () const </h3><p>Returns the current amount of progress made. See the <a href="ntqprogressdialog.html#progress-prop">"progress"</a> property for details. <h3 class=fn>void <a name="reset"></a>TQProgressDialog::reset ()<tt> [slot]</tt> </h3> Resets the progress dialog. The progress dialog becomes hidden if <a href="#autoClose">autoClose</a>() is TRUE. <p> <p>See also <a href="#autoClose-prop">autoClose</a> and <a href="#autoReset-prop">autoReset</a>. <p>Example: <a href="ftpclient-example.html#x769">network/ftpclient/ftpmainwindow.ui.h</a>. <h3 class=fn>void <a name="setAutoClose"></a>TQProgressDialog::setAutoClose ( bool b ) </h3><p>Sets whether the dialog gets hidden by <a href="#reset">reset</a>() to <em>b</em>. See the <a href="ntqprogressdialog.html#autoClose-prop">"autoClose"</a> property for details. <h3 class=fn>void <a name="setAutoReset"></a>TQProgressDialog::setAutoReset ( bool b ) </h3><p>Sets whether the progress dialog calls <a href="#reset">reset</a>() as soon as <a href="#progress">progress</a>() equals <a href="#totalSteps">totalSteps</a>() to <em>b</em>. See the <a href="ntqprogressdialog.html#autoReset-prop">"autoReset"</a> property for details. <h3 class=fn>void <a name="setBar"></a>TQProgressDialog::setBar ( <a href="ntqprogressbar.html">TQProgressBar</a> * bar ) </h3> Sets the progress bar widget to <em>bar</em>. The progress dialog resizes to fit. The progress dialog takes ownership of the progress <em>bar</em> which will be deleted when necessary, so do not use a progress bar allocated on the stack. <h3 class=fn>void <a name="setCancelButton"></a>TQProgressDialog::setCancelButton ( <a href="ntqpushbutton.html">TQPushButton</a> * cancelButton ) </h3> Sets the cancel button to the push button, <em>cancelButton</em>. The progress dialog takes ownership of this button which will be deleted when necessary, so do not pass the address of an object that is on the stack, i.e. use new() to create the button. <p> <p>See also <a href="#setCancelButtonText">setCancelButtonText</a>(). <h3 class=fn>void <a name="setCancelButtonText"></a>TQProgressDialog::setCancelButtonText ( const <a href="ntqstring.html">TQString</a> & cancelButtonText )<tt> [slot]</tt> </h3> Sets the cancel button's text to <em>cancelButtonText</em>. <p>See also <a href="#setCancelButton">setCancelButton</a>(). <h3 class=fn>void <a name="setLabel"></a>TQProgressDialog::setLabel ( <a href="ntqlabel.html">TQLabel</a> * label ) </h3> Sets the label to <em>label</em>. The progress dialog resizes to fit. The label becomes owned by the progress dialog and will be deleted when necessary, so do not pass the address of an object on the stack. <p> <p>See also <a href="#labelText-prop">labelText</a>. <p>Example: <a href="progress-example.html#x83">progress/progress.cpp</a>. <h3 class=fn>void <a name="setLabelText"></a>TQProgressDialog::setLabelText ( const <a href="ntqstring.html">TQString</a> & )<tt> [slot]</tt> </h3><p>Sets the label's text. See the <a href="ntqprogressdialog.html#labelText-prop">"labelText"</a> property for details. <h3 class=fn>void <a name="setMinimumDuration"></a>TQProgressDialog::setMinimumDuration ( int ms )<tt> [slot]</tt> </h3><p>Sets the time that must pass before the dialog appears to <em>ms</em>. See the <a href="ntqprogressdialog.html#minimumDuration-prop">"minimumDuration"</a> property for details. <h3 class=fn>void <a name="setProgress"></a>TQProgressDialog::setProgress ( int progress )<tt> [slot]</tt> </h3><p>Sets the current amount of progress made to <em>progress</em>. See the <a href="ntqprogressdialog.html#progress-prop">"progress"</a> property for details. <h3 class=fn>void <a name="setProgress-2"></a>TQProgressDialog::setProgress ( int progress, int totalSteps )<tt> [slot]</tt> </h3> This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It behaves essentially like the above function. <p> Sets the current amount of progress to <em>progress</em> and the total number of steps to <em>totalSteps</em>. <p> <p>See also <a href="#totalSteps-prop">totalSteps</a>. <h3 class=fn>void <a name="setTotalSteps"></a>TQProgressDialog::setTotalSteps ( int totalSteps )<tt> [slot]</tt> </h3><p>Sets the total number of steps to <em>totalSteps</em>. See the <a href="ntqprogressdialog.html#totalSteps-prop">"totalSteps"</a> property for details. <h3 class=fn><a href="ntqsize.html">TQSize</a> <a name="sizeHint"></a>TQProgressDialog::sizeHint () const<tt> [virtual]</tt> </h3> Returns a size that fits the contents of the progress dialog. The progress dialog resizes itself as required, so you should not need to call this yourself. <h3 class=fn>int <a name="totalSteps"></a>TQProgressDialog::totalSteps () const </h3><p>Returns the total number of steps. See the <a href="ntqprogressdialog.html#totalSteps-prop">"totalSteps"</a> property for details. <h3 class=fn>bool <a name="wasCanceled"></a>TQProgressDialog::wasCanceled () const </h3><p>Returns TRUE if the dialog was canceled; otherwise returns FALSE. See the <a href="ntqprogressdialog.html#wasCanceled-prop">"wasCanceled"</a> property for details. <h3 class=fn>bool <a name="wasCancelled"></a>TQProgressDialog::wasCancelled () const </h3><p>Returns TRUE if the dialog was canceled; otherwise returns FALSE. See the <a href="ntqprogressdialog.html#wasCancelled-prop">"wasCancelled"</a> property for details. <hr><h2>Property Documentation</h2> <h3 class=fn>bool <a name="autoClose-prop"></a>autoClose</h3> <p>This property holds whether the dialog gets hidden by <a href="#reset">reset</a>(). <p>The default is TRUE. <p> <p>See also <a href="#autoReset-prop">autoReset</a>. <p>Set this property's value with <a href="#setAutoClose">setAutoClose</a>() and get this property's value with <a href="#autoClose">autoClose</a>(). <h3 class=fn>bool <a name="autoReset-prop"></a>autoReset</h3> <p>This property holds whether the progress dialog calls <a href="#reset">reset</a>() as soon as <a href="#progress">progress</a>() equals <a href="#totalSteps">totalSteps</a>(). <p>The default is TRUE. <p> <p>See also <a href="#autoClose-prop">autoClose</a>. <p>Set this property's value with <a href="#setAutoReset">setAutoReset</a>() and get this property's value with <a href="#autoReset">autoReset</a>(). <h3 class=fn><a href="ntqstring.html">TQString</a> <a name="labelText-prop"></a>labelText</h3> <p>This property holds the label's text. <p>The default text is <a href="ntqstring.html#TQString-null">TQString::null</a>. <p>Set this property's value with <a href="#setLabelText">setLabelText</a>() and get this property's value with <a href="#labelText">labelText</a>(). <h3 class=fn>int <a name="minimumDuration-prop"></a>minimumDuration</h3> <p>This property holds the time that must pass before the dialog appears. <p>If the expected duration of the task is less than the minimumDuration, the dialog will not appear at all. This prevents the dialog popping up for tasks that are quickly over. For tasks that are expected to exceed the minimumDuration, the dialog will pop up after the minimumDuration time or as soon as any progress is set. <p> If set to 0, the dialog is always shown as soon as any progress is set. The default is 4000 milliseconds. <p>Set this property's value with <a href="#setMinimumDuration">setMinimumDuration</a>() and get this property's value with <a href="#minimumDuration">minimumDuration</a>(). <h3 class=fn>int <a name="progress-prop"></a>progress</h3> <p>This property holds the current amount of progress made. <p>For the progress dialog to work as expected, you should initially set this property to 0 and finally set it to <a href="#totalSteps">TQProgressDialog::totalSteps</a>(); you can call <a href="#setProgress">setProgress</a>() any number of times in-between. <p> <b>Warning:</b> If the progress dialog is modal (see <a href="#TQProgressDialog">TQProgressDialog::TQProgressDialog</a>()), this function calls <a href="ntqapplication.html#processEvents">TQApplication::processEvents</a>(), so take care that this does not cause undesirable re-entrancy in your code. For example, don't use a TQProgressDialog inside a <a href="ntqwidget.html#paintEvent">paintEvent</a>()! <p> <p>See also <a href="#totalSteps-prop">totalSteps</a>. <p>Set this property's value with <a href="#setProgress">setProgress</a>() and get this property's value with <a href="#progress">progress</a>(). <h3 class=fn>int <a name="totalSteps-prop"></a>totalSteps</h3> <p>This property holds the total number of steps. <p>The default is 0. <p>Set this property's value with <a href="#setTotalSteps">setTotalSteps</a>() and get this property's value with <a href="#totalSteps">totalSteps</a>(). <h3 class=fn>bool <a name="wasCanceled-prop"></a>wasCanceled</h3> <p>This property holds whether the dialog was canceled. <p>Get this property's value with <a href="#wasCanceled">wasCanceled</a>(). <p><p>See also <a href="#progress-prop">progress</a>. <h3 class=fn>bool <a name="wasCancelled-prop"></a>wasCancelled</h3> <p>This property holds whether the dialog was canceled. <p><b>This property is obsolete.</b> It is provided to keep old source working. We strongly advise against using it in new code. <p> Use <a href="#wasCanceled-prop">wasCanceled</a> instead. <p>Get this property's value with <a href="#wasCancelled">wasCancelled</a>(). <!-- eof --> <hr><p> This file is part of the <a href="index.html">TQt toolkit</a>. Copyright © 1995-2007 <a href="http://www.trolltech.com/">Trolltech</a>. All Rights Reserved.<p><address><hr><div align=center> <table width=100% cellspacing=0 border=0><tr> <td>Copyright © 2007 <a href="troll.html">Trolltech</a><td align=center><a href="trademarks.html">Trademarks</a> <td align=right><div align=right>TQt 3.3.8</div> </table></div></address></body> </html>