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<td align="right" valign="center"><img src="logo32.png" align="right" width="64" height="32" border="0"></td></tr></table><h1 align=center>qaxscript.h</h1>

<p>This is the verbatim text of the qaxscript.h include file. It is provided only for illustration; the copyright remains with Trolltech.
** $Id: qt/qaxscript.h   3.3.8   edited Jan 11 14:46 $
** Declaration of the TQAxScriptEngine, TQAxScript and TQAxScriptManager classes
** Copyright (C) 2002-2007 Trolltech ASA.  All rights reserved.
** This file is part of the Active TQt integration.
** Licensees holding valid TQt Enterprise Edition
** licenses for Windows may use this file in accordance with the TQt Commercial
** License Agreement provided with the Software.
** This file is not available for use under any other license without
** express written permission from the copyright holder.
** This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE
** See http://www.trolltech.com/pricing.html or email sales@trolltech.com for
**   information about TQt Commercial License Agreements.
** Contact info@trolltech.com if any conditions of this licensing are
** not clear to you.


#include &lt;qaxobject.h&gt;

class TQAxBase;
class TQAxScript;
class TQAxScriptSite;
class TQAxScriptEngine;
class TQAxScriptManager;
class TQAxScriptManagerPrivate;
struct IActiveScript;

class TQAxScriptEngine : public TQAxObject
    enum State {
	Uninitialized = 0,
	Initialized = 5,
	Started = 1,
	Connected = 2,
	Disconnected = 3,
	Closed = 4

    TQAxScriptEngine(const TQString &amp;language, TQAxScript *script);

    bool isValid() const;
    bool hasIntrospection() const;

    TQString scriptLanguage() const;

    State state() const;
    void setState(State st);

    void addItem(const TQString &amp;name);

    long queryInterface( const TQUuid &amp;, void** ) const;

    bool initialize(IUnknown** ptr);

    TQAxScript *script_code;
    IActiveScript *engine;

    TQString script_language;

class TQAxScript : public TQObject

    enum FunctionFlags {
	FunctionNames = 0,

    TQAxScript(const TQString &amp;name, TQAxScriptManager *manager);

    bool load(const TQString &amp;code, const TQString &amp;language = TQString::null);

    TQStringList functions(FunctionFlags = FunctionNames) const;

    TQString scriptCode() const;
    TQString scriptName() const;
    TQAxScriptEngine *scriptEngine() const;

    TQVariant call(const TQString &amp;function, const TQVariant &amp;v1 = TQVariant(), 
					   const TQVariant &amp;v2 = TQVariant(),
					   const TQVariant &amp;v3 = TQVariant(),
					   const TQVariant &amp;v4 = TQVariant(),
					   const TQVariant &amp;v5 = TQVariant(),
					   const TQVariant &amp;v6 = TQVariant(),
					   const TQVariant &amp;v7 = TQVariant(),
					   const TQVariant &amp;v8 = TQVariant());
    TQVariant call(const TQString &amp;function, TQValueList&lt;TQVariant&gt; &amp;arguments);

    void entered();
    void finished();
    void finished(const TQVariant &amp;result);
    void finished(int code, const TQString &amp;source,const TQString &amp;description, const TQString &amp;help);
    void stateChanged(int state);
    void error(int code, const TQString &amp;description, int sourcePosition, const TQString &amp;sourceText);

    friend class TQAxScriptSite;
    friend class TQAxScriptEngine;

    void updateObjects();
    TQAxBase *findObject(const TQString &amp;name);

    TQString script_name;
    TQString script_code;
    TQAxScriptManager *script_manager;
    TQAxScriptEngine *script_engine;
    TQAxScriptSite *script_site;

class TQAxScriptManager : public TQObject

    TQAxScriptManager( TQObject *parent = 0, const char *name = 0 );

    void addObject(TQAxBase *object);
    void addObject(TQObject *object);

    TQStringList functions(TQAxScript::FunctionFlags = TQAxScript::FunctionNames) const;
    TQStringList scriptNames() const;
    TQAxScript *script(const TQString &amp;name) const;

    TQAxScript* load(const TQString &amp;code, const TQString &amp;name, const TQString &amp;language);
    TQAxScript* load(const TQString &amp;file, const TQString &amp;name);

    TQVariant call(const TQString &amp;function, const TQVariant &amp;v1 = TQVariant(), 
					   const TQVariant &amp;v2 = TQVariant(),
					   const TQVariant &amp;v3 = TQVariant(),
					   const TQVariant &amp;v4 = TQVariant(),
					   const TQVariant &amp;v5 = TQVariant(),
					   const TQVariant &amp;v6 = TQVariant(),
					   const TQVariant &amp;v7 = TQVariant(),
					   const TQVariant &amp;v8 = TQVariant());
    TQVariant call(const TQString &amp;function, TQValueList&lt;TQVariant&gt; &amp;arguments);

    static bool registerEngine(const TQString &amp;name, const TQString &amp;extension, const TQString &amp;code = TQString());
    static TQString scriptFileFilter();

    void error(TQAxScript *script, int code, const TQString &amp;description, int sourcePosition, const TQString &amp;sourceText);

private slots:
    void objectDestroyed(TQObject *o);
    void scriptError(int code, const TQString &amp;description, int sourcePosition, const TQString &amp;sourceText);

    friend class TQAxScript;
    TQAxScriptManagerPrivate *d;

    void updateScript(TQAxScript*);
    TQAxScript *scriptForFunction(const TQString &amp;function) const;

// TQAxScript inlines

inline TQString TQAxScript::scriptCode() const
    return script_code;

inline TQString TQAxScript::scriptName() const
    return script_name;

inline TQAxScriptEngine *TQAxScript::scriptEngine() const
    return script_engine;

// TQAxScriptEngine inlines

inline bool TQAxScriptEngine::isValid() const
    return engine != 0;

inline TQString TQAxScriptEngine::scriptLanguage() const
    return script_language;

// TQAxScriptManager inlines

inline void TQAxScriptManager::addObject(TQObject *object)
    extern TQAxBase *qax_create_object_wrapper(TQObject*);
    TQAxBase *wrapper = qax_create_object_wrapper(object);

#endif // TQAXSCRIPT_H
<!-- eof -->
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