/*! \page customlayout-example.html

  \ingroup examples
  \title Customized Layoutmanager

  This examples demonstrates how to write customized layout (geometry) managers
  like card layouts, border layout and flow layouts.

  See also: <a href="layout.html">Documentation of Geometry Management</a>.


  Header file of the flow layout:

  \include customlayout/flow.h


  Implementation of the flow layout:

  \include customlayout/flow.cpp


  Header file of the border layout:

  \include customlayout/border.h


  Implementation of the border layout:

  \include customlayout/border.cpp


  Header file of the card layout:

  \include customlayout/card.h


  Implementation of the card layout:

  \include customlayout/card.cpp



  \include customlayout/main.cpp