/**************************************************************************** ** ** Copyright (C) 1992-2008 Trolltech ASA. All rights reserved. ** ** This file is part of an example program for TQt. This example ** program may be used, distributed and modified without limitation. ** *****************************************************************************/ #include <tqapplication.h> #include <tqfiledialog.h> #include <tqpushbutton.h> #include <tqlabel.h> #include <tqpainter.h> #include <tqmessagebox.h> #include <tqmovie.h> #include <tqvbox.h> class MovieScreen : public TQFrame { TQ_OBJECT TQMovie movie; TQString filename; TQSize sh; public: MovieScreen(const char* fname, TQMovie m, TQWidget* p=0, const char* name=0, WFlags f=0) : TQFrame(p, name, f), sh(100,100) { setCaption(fname); filename = fname; movie = m; // Set a frame around the movie. setFrameStyle(TQFrame::WinPanel|TQFrame::Sunken); // No background needed, since we draw on the whole widget. movie.setBackgroundColor(backgroundColor()); setBackgroundMode(NoBackground); // Get the movie to tell use when interesting things happen. movie.connectUpdate(this, TQ_SLOT(movieUpdated(const TQRect&))); movie.connectResize(this, TQ_SLOT(movieResized(const TQSize&))); movie.connectStatus(this, TQ_SLOT(movieStatus(int))); setSizePolicy(TQSizePolicy(TQSizePolicy::Expanding,TQSizePolicy::Expanding)); } TQSize sizeHint() const { return sh; } protected: // Draw the contents of the TQFrame - the movie and on-screen-display void drawContents(TQPainter* p) { // Get the current movie frame. TQPixmap pm = movie.framePixmap(); // Get the area we have to draw in. TQRect r = contentsRect(); if ( !pm.isNull() ) { // Only rescale is we need to - it can take CPU! if ( r.size() != pm.size() ) { TQWMatrix m; m.scale((double)r.width()/pm.width(), (double)r.height()/pm.height()); pm = pm.xForm(m); } // Draw the [possibly scaled] frame. movieUpdated() below calls // repaint with only the changed area, so clipping will ensure we // only do the minimum amount of rendering. // p->drawPixmap(r.x(), r.y(), pm); } // The on-screen display const char* message = 0; if (movie.paused()) { message = "PAUSED"; } else if (movie.finished()) { message = "THE END"; } else if (movie.steps() > 0) { message = "FF >>"; } if (message) { // Find a good font size... p->setFont(TQFont("Helvetica", 24)); TQFontMetrics fm = p->fontMetrics(); if ( fm.width(message) > r.width()-10 ) p->setFont(TQFont("Helvetica", 18)); fm = p->fontMetrics(); if ( fm.width(message) > r.width()-10 ) p->setFont(TQFont("Helvetica", 14)); fm = p->fontMetrics(); if ( fm.width(message) > r.width()-10 ) p->setFont(TQFont("Helvetica", 12)); fm = p->fontMetrics(); if ( fm.width(message) > r.width()-10 ) p->setFont(TQFont("Helvetica", 10)); // "Shadow" effect. p->setPen(black); p->drawText(1, 1, width()-1, height()-1, AlignCenter, message); p->setPen(white); p->drawText(0, 0, width()-1, height()-1, AlignCenter, message); } } public slots: void restart() { movie.restart(); repaint(); } void togglePause() { if ( movie.paused() ) movie.unpause(); else movie.pause(); repaint(); } void step() { movie.step(); repaint(); } void step10() { movie.step(10); repaint(); } private slots: void movieUpdated(const TQRect& area) { if (!isVisible()) show(); // The given area of the movie has changed. TQRect r = contentsRect(); if ( r.size() != movie.framePixmap().size() ) { // Need to scale - redraw whole frame. repaint( r ); } else { // Only redraw the changed area of the frame repaint( area.x()+r.x(), area.y()+r.x(), area.width(), area.height() ); } } void movieResized(const TQSize& size) { // The movie changed size, probably from its initial zero size. int fw = frameWidth(); sh = TQSize( size.width() + fw*2, size.height() + fw*2 ); updateGeometry(); if ( parentWidget() && parentWidget()->isHidden() ) parentWidget()->show(); } void movieStatus(int status) { // The movie has sent us a status message. if (status < 0) { TQString msg; msg.sprintf("Could not play movie \"%s\"", (const char*)filename); TQMessageBox::warning(this, "movies", msg); parentWidget()->close(); } else if (status == TQMovie::Paused || status == TQMovie::EndOfMovie) { repaint(); // Ensure status text is displayed } } }; class MoviePlayer : public TQVBox { MovieScreen* movie; public: MoviePlayer(const char* fname, TQMovie m, TQWidget* p=0, const char* name=0, WFlags f=0) : TQVBox(p,name,f) { movie = new MovieScreen(fname, m, this); TQHBox* hb = new TQHBox(this); TQPushButton* btn; btn = new TQPushButton("<<", hb); connect(btn, TQ_SIGNAL(clicked()), movie, TQ_SLOT(restart())); btn = new TQPushButton("||", hb); connect(btn, TQ_SIGNAL(clicked()), movie, TQ_SLOT(togglePause())); btn = new TQPushButton(">|", hb); connect(btn, TQ_SIGNAL(clicked()), movie, TQ_SLOT(step())); btn = new TQPushButton(">>|", hb); connect(btn, TQ_SIGNAL(clicked()), movie, TQ_SLOT(step10())); } }; // A TQFileDialog that chooses movies. // class MovieStarter: public TQFileDialog { TQ_OBJECT public: MovieStarter(const char *dir); public slots: void startMovie(const TQString& filename); // TQDialog's method - normally closes the file dialog. // We want it left open, and we want Cancel to quit everything. void done( int r ); }; MovieStarter::MovieStarter(const char *dir) : TQFileDialog(dir, "*.gif *.mng") { //behave as in getOpenFilename setMode( ExistingFile ); // When a file is selected, show it as a movie. connect(this, TQ_SIGNAL(fileSelected(const TQString&)), this, TQ_SLOT(startMovie(const TQString&))); } void MovieStarter::startMovie(const TQString& filename) { if ( filename ) // Start a new movie - have it delete when closed. (new MoviePlayer( filename, TQMovie(filename), 0, 0, WDestructiveClose))->show(); } void MovieStarter::done( int r ) { if (r != Accepted) tqApp->quit(); // end on Cancel setResult( r ); // And don't hide. } int main(int argc, char **argv) { TQApplication a(argc, argv); if (argc > 1) { // Commandline mode - show movies given on the command line // bool gui=TRUE; for (int arg=1; arg<argc; arg++) { if ( TQString(argv[arg]) == "-i" ) gui = !gui; else if ( gui ) (void)new MoviePlayer(argv[arg], TQMovie(argv[arg]), 0, 0, TQt::WDestructiveClose); else (void)new MovieScreen(argv[arg], TQMovie(argv[arg]), 0, 0, TQt::WDestructiveClose); } TQObject::connect(tqApp, TQ_SIGNAL(lastWindowClosed()), tqApp, TQ_SLOT(quit())); } else { // "GUI" mode - open a chooser for movies // MovieStarter* fd = new MovieStarter("."); fd->show(); } // Go! return a.exec(); } #include "main.moc"