** Copyright (C) 1992-2008 Trolltech ASA.  All rights reserved.
** This file is part of an example program for TQt.  This example
** program may be used, distributed and modified without limitation.

#include "imagefip.h"
#include <ntqimage.h>

/* XPM */
static const char *image_xpm[] = {
"17 15 9 1",
"	c #7F7F7F",
".	c #FFFFFF",
"X	c #00B6FF",
"o	c #BFBFBF",
"O	c #FF6C00",
"+	c #000000",
"@	c #0000FF",
"#	c #6CFF00",
"$	c #FFB691",
"             ..XX",
" ........o   .XXX",
" .OOOOOOOo.  XXX+",
" .O@@@@@@+++XXX++",
" .O@@@@@@O.XXX+++",
" .O@@@@@@OXXX+++.",
" .O######XXX++...",
" .O#####XXX++....",
" .O##$#$XX+o+....",
" .O#$$$$$+.o+....",
" .O##$$##O.o+....",
" .OOOOOOOO.o+....",
" ..........o+....",
" ooooooooooo+....",

ImageIconProvider::ImageIconProvider( TQWidget *parent, const char *name ) :
    TQFileIconProvider( parent, name ),
    fmts = TQImage::inputFormats();


const TQPixmap * ImageIconProvider::pixmap( const TQFileInfo &fi )
    TQString ext = fi.extension().upper();
    if ( fmts.contains(ext) ) {
	return &imagepm;
    } else {
	return TQFileIconProvider::pixmap(fi);