** Implementation of TQLayout functionality
** Created : 981231
** Copyright (C) 1998-2008 Trolltech ASA.  All rights reserved.
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#include "ntqlayout.h"
#include "private/qlayoutengine_p.h"


static inline int toFixed( int i ) { return i * 256; }
static inline int fRound( int i ) {
    return ( i % 256 < 128 ) ? i / 256 : 1 + i / 256;

  This is the main workhorse of the TQGridLayout. It portions out
  available space to the chain's children.

  The calculation is done in fixed point: "fixed" variables are
  scaled by a factor of 256.

  If the layout runs "backwards" (i.e. RightToLeft or Up) the layout
  is computed mirror-reversed, and it's the caller's responsibility
  do reverse the values before use.

  chain contains input and output parameters describing the geometry.
  count is the count of items in the chain; pos and space give the
  interval (relative to parentWidget topLeft).
Q_EXPORT void qGeomCalc( TQMemArray<TQLayoutStruct> &chain, int start, int count,
			 int pos, int space, int spacer )
    typedef int fixed;
    int cHint = 0;
    int cMin = 0;
    int cMax = 0;
    int sumStretch = 0;
    int spacerCount = 0;

    bool wannaGrow = FALSE; // anyone who really wants to grow?
    //    bool canShrink = FALSE; // anyone who could be persuaded to shrink?

    int i;
    for ( i = start; i < start + count; i++ ) {
	chain[i].done = FALSE;
	cHint += chain[i].smartSizeHint();
	cMin += chain[i].minimumSize;
	cMax += chain[i].maximumSize;
	sumStretch += chain[i].stretch;
	if ( !chain[i].empty )
	wannaGrow = wannaGrow || chain[i].expansive || chain[i].stretch > 0;

    int extraspace = 0;
    if ( spacerCount )
	spacerCount--; // only spacers between things
    if ( space < cMin + spacerCount * spacer ) {
	for ( i = start; i < start+count; i++ ) {
	    chain[i].size = chain[i].minimumSize;
	    chain[i].done = TRUE;
    } else if ( space < cHint + spacerCount*spacer ) {
	  Less space than smartSizeHint(), but more than minimumSize.
	  Currently take space equally from each, as in TQt 2.x.
	  Commented-out lines will give more space to stretchier
	int n = count;
	int space_left = space - spacerCount*spacer;
	int overdraft = cHint - space_left;

	// first give to the fixed ones:
	for ( i = start; i < start + count; i++ ) {
	    if ( !chain[i].done
		 && chain[i].minimumSize >= chain[i].smartSizeHint() ) {
		chain[i].size = chain[i].smartSizeHint();
		chain[i].done = TRUE;
		space_left -= chain[i].smartSizeHint();
		// sumStretch -= chain[i].stretch;
	bool finished = n == 0;
	while ( !finished ) {
	    finished = TRUE;
	    fixed fp_over = toFixed( overdraft );
	    fixed fp_w = 0;

	    for ( i = start; i < start+count; i++ ) {
		if ( chain[i].done )
		// if ( sumStretch <= 0 )
		fp_w += fp_over / n;
		// else
		//    fp_w += (fp_over * chain[i].stretch) / sumStretch;
		int w = fRound( fp_w );
		chain[i].size = chain[i].smartSizeHint() - w;
		fp_w -= toFixed( w ); // give the difference to the next
		if ( chain[i].size < chain[i].minimumSize ) {
		    chain[i].done = TRUE;
		    chain[i].size = chain[i].minimumSize;
		    finished = FALSE;
		    overdraft -= ( chain[i].smartSizeHint()
				   - chain[i].minimumSize );
		    // sumStretch -= chain[i].stretch;
    } else { // extra space
	int n = count;
	int space_left = space - spacerCount*spacer;
	// first give to the fixed ones, and handle non-expansiveness
	for ( i = start; i < start + count; i++ ) {
	    if ( !chain[i].done
		 && (chain[i].maximumSize <= chain[i].smartSizeHint()
		     || (wannaGrow && !chain[i].expansive && chain[i].stretch == 0)) ) {
		chain[i].size = chain[i].smartSizeHint();
		chain[i].done = TRUE;
		space_left -= chain[i].smartSizeHint();
		sumStretch -= chain[i].stretch;
	extraspace = space_left;

	  Do a trial distribution and calculate how much it is off.
	  If there are more deficit pixels than surplus pixels, give
	  the minimum size items what they need, and repeat.
	  Otherwise give to the maximum size items, and repeat.

	  Paul Olav Tvete has a wonderful mathematical proof of the
	  correctness of this principle, but unfortunately this
	  comment is too small to contain it.
	int surplus, deficit;
	do {
	    surplus = deficit = 0;
	    fixed fp_space = toFixed( space_left );
	    fixed fp_w = 0;
	    for ( i = start; i < start+count; i++ ) {
		if ( chain[i].done )
		extraspace = 0;
		if ( sumStretch <= 0 )
		    fp_w += fp_space / n;
		    fp_w += (fp_space * chain[i].stretch) / sumStretch;
		int w = fRound( fp_w );
		chain[i].size = w;
		fp_w -= toFixed( w ); // give the difference to the next
		if ( w < chain[i].smartSizeHint() ) {
		    deficit +=  chain[i].smartSizeHint() - w;
		} else if ( w > chain[i].maximumSize ) {
		    surplus += w - chain[i].maximumSize;
	    if ( deficit > 0 && surplus <= deficit ) {
		// give to the ones that have too little
		for ( i = start; i < start+count; i++ ) {
		    if ( !chain[i].done &&
			 chain[i].size < chain[i].smartSizeHint() ) {
			chain[i].size = chain[i].smartSizeHint();
			chain[i].done = TRUE;
			space_left -= chain[i].smartSizeHint();
			sumStretch -= chain[i].stretch;
	    if ( surplus > 0 && surplus >= deficit ) {
		// take from the ones that have too much
		for ( i = start; i < start+count; i++ ) {
		    if ( !chain[i].done &&
			 chain[i].size > chain[i].maximumSize ) {
			chain[i].size = chain[i].maximumSize;
			chain[i].done = TRUE;
			space_left -= chain[i].maximumSize;
			sumStretch -= chain[i].stretch;
	} while ( n > 0 && surplus != deficit );
	if ( n == 0 )
	    extraspace = space_left;

      As a last resort, we distribute the unwanted space equally
      among the spacers (counting the start and end of the chain). We
      could, but don't, attempt a sub-pixel allocation of the extra
    int extra = extraspace / ( spacerCount + 2 );
    int p = pos + extra;
    for ( i = start; i < start+count; i++ ) {
	chain[i].pos = p;
	p = p + chain[i].size;
	if ( !chain[i].empty )
	    p += spacer+extra;

Q_EXPORT TQSize qSmartMinSize( const TQWidgetItem *i )
    TQWidget *w = ((TQWidgetItem *)i)->widget();

    TQSize s( 0, 0 );
    if ( w->layout() ) {
	s = w->layout()->totalMinimumSize();
    } else {
	TQSize sh;

	if ( w->sizePolicy().horData() != TQSizePolicy::Ignored ) {
	    if ( w->sizePolicy().mayShrinkHorizontally() ) {
		s.setWidth( w->minimumSizeHint().width() );
	    } else {
		sh = w->sizeHint();
		s.setWidth( sh.width() );

	if ( w->sizePolicy().verData() != TQSizePolicy::Ignored ) {
	    if ( w->sizePolicy().mayShrinkVertically() ) {
		s.setHeight( w->minimumSizeHint().height() );
	    } else {
		s.setHeight( sh.isValid() ? sh.height()
			     : w->sizeHint().height() );
    s = s.boundedTo( w->maximumSize() );
    TQSize min = w->minimumSize();
    if ( min.width() > 0 )
	s.setWidth( min.width() );
    if ( min.height() > 0 )
	s.setHeight( min.height() );

    if ( i->hasHeightForWidth() && min.height() == 0 && min.width() > 0 )
	s.setHeight( i->heightForWidth(s.width()) );

    s = s.expandedTo( TQSize(1, 1) );
    return s;

Q_EXPORT TQSize qSmartMinSize( TQWidget *w )
    TQWidgetItem item( w );
    return qSmartMinSize( &item );

Q_EXPORT TQSize qSmartMaxSize( const TQWidgetItem *i, int align )
    TQWidget *w = ( (TQWidgetItem*)i )->widget();
    if ( align & TQt::AlignHorizontal_Mask && align & TQt::AlignVertical_Mask )
    TQSize s = w->maximumSize();
    if ( s.width() == TQWIDGETSIZE_MAX && !(align & TQt::AlignHorizontal_Mask) )
	if ( !w->sizePolicy().mayGrowHorizontally() )
	    s.setWidth( w->sizeHint().width() );

    if ( s.height() == TQWIDGETSIZE_MAX && !(align & TQt::AlignVertical_Mask) )
	if ( !w->sizePolicy().mayGrowVertically() )
	    s.setHeight( w->sizeHint().height() );

    s = s.expandedTo( w->minimumSize() );

    if ( align & TQt::AlignHorizontal_Mask )
	s.setWidth( TQLAYOUTSIZE_MAX );
    if ( align & TQt::AlignVertical_Mask )
	s.setHeight( TQLAYOUTSIZE_MAX );
    return s;

Q_EXPORT TQSize qSmartMaxSize( TQWidget *w, int align )
    TQWidgetItem item( w );
    return qSmartMaxSize( &item, align );

#endif // TQT_NO_LAYOUT