** Implementation of TQPicture class
** Created : 940802
** Copyright (C) 1992-2008 Trolltech ASA.  All rights reserved.
** This file is part of the kernel module of the TQt GUI Toolkit.
** This file may be used under the terms of the GNU General
** Public License versions 2.0 or 3.0 as published by the Free
** Software Foundation and appearing in the files LICENSE.GPL2
** and LICENSE.GPL3 included in the packaging of this file.
** Alternatively you may (at your option) use any later version
** of the GNU General Public License if such license has been
** publicly approved by Trolltech ASA (or its successors, if any)
** and the KDE Free TQt Foundation.
** Please review the following information to ensure GNU General
** Public Licensing requirements will be met:
** http://trolltech.com/products/qt/licenses/licensing/opensource/.
** If you are unsure which license is appropriate for your use, please
** review the following information:
** http://trolltech.com/products/qt/licenses/licensing/licensingoverview
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** This file may be used under the terms of the Q Public License as
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** This file is provided "AS IS" with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND,
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** herein.

#include "qpicture.h"


#include "qpainter.h"
#include "qpixmap.h"
#include "qimage.h"
#include "qfile.h"
#include "qdatastream.h"
#include "qpaintdevicemetrics.h"

#ifndef QT_NO_SVG
#include "private/qsvgdevice_p.h"

    \class TQPicture qpicture.h
    \brief The TQPicture class is a paint device that records and
    replays TQPainter commands.

    \ingroup graphics
    \ingroup images
    \ingroup shared

    A picture serializes painter commands to an IO device in a
    platform-independent format. For example, a picture created under
    Windows can be read on a Sun SPARC.

    Pictures are called meta-files on some platforms.

    TQt pictures use a proprietary binary format. Unlike native picture
    (meta-file) formats on many window systems, TQt pictures have no
    limitations regarding their contents. Everything that can be
    painted can also be stored in a picture, e.g. fonts, pixmaps,
    regions, transformed graphics, etc.

    TQPicture is an \link shclass.html implicitly shared\endlink class.

    Example of how to record a picture:
    TQPicture  pic;
    TQPainter  p;
    p.begin( &pic );               // paint in picture
    p.drawEllipse( 10,20, 80,70 ); // draw an ellipse
    p.end();                       // painting done
    pic.save( "drawing.pic" );     // save picture

    Example of how to replay a picture:
    TQPicture  pic;
    pic.load( "drawing.pic" );     // load picture
    TQPainter  p;
    p.begin( &myWidget );          // paint in myWidget
    p.drawPicture( pic );          // draw the picture
    p.end();                       // painting done

    Pictures can also be drawn using play(). Some basic data about a
    picture is available, for example, size(), isNull() and


static const char  *mfhdr_tag = "TQPIC";		// header tag
static const Q_UINT16 mfhdr_maj = 5;		// major version #
static const Q_UINT16 mfhdr_min = 0;		// minor version #

    Constructs an empty picture.

    The \a formatVersion parameter may be used to \e create a TQPicture
    that can be read by applications that are compiled with earlier
    versions of TQt.
    \i \a formatVersion == 1 is binary compatible with TQt 1.x and later.
    \i \a formatVersion == 2 is binary compatible with TQt 2.0.x and later.
    \i \a formatVersion == 3 is binary compatible with TQt 2.1.x and later.
    \i \a formatVersion == 4 is binary compatible with TQt 3.0.x and later.
    \i \a formatVersion == 5 is binary compatible with TQt 3.1.

    Note that the default formatVersion is -1 which signifies the
    current release, i.e. for TQt 3.1 a formatVersion of 5 is the same
    as the default formatVersion of -1.

    Reading pictures generated by earlier versions of TQt is supported
    and needs no special coding; the format is automatically detected.

TQPicture::TQPicture( int formatVersion )
    : TQPaintDevice( TQInternal::Picture | TQInternal::ExternalDevice )
    // set device type
    d = new TQPicturePrivate;

#if defined(QT_CHECK_RANGE)
    if ( formatVersion == 0 )
	qWarning( "TQPicture: invalid format version 0" );

    // still accept the 0 default from before TQt 3.0.
    if ( formatVersion > 0 && formatVersion != (int)mfhdr_maj ) {
	d->formatMajor = formatVersion;
	d->formatMinor = 0;
	d->formatOk = FALSE;
    else {

    Constructs a \link shclass.html shallow copy\endlink of \a pic.

TQPicture::TQPicture( const TQPicture &pic )
    : TQPaintDevice( TQInternal::Picture | TQInternal::ExternalDevice )
    d = pic.d;

    Destroys the picture.
    if ( d->deref() )
	delete d;

    \fn bool TQPicture::isNull() const

    Returns TRUE if the picture contains no data; otherwise returns

    \fn uint TQPicture::size() const

    Returns the size of the picture data.

    \sa data()

    \fn const char* TQPicture::data() const

    Returns a pointer to the picture data. The pointer is only valid
    until the next non-const function is called on this picture. The
    returned pointer is 0 if the picture contains no data.

    \sa size(), isNull()

    Sets the picture data directly from \a data and \a size. This
    function copies the input data.

    \sa data(), size()

void TQPicture::setData( const char* data, uint size )
    TQByteArray a( size );
    memcpy( a.data(), data, size );
    d->pictb.setBuffer( a );			// set byte array in buffer
    d->resetFormat();				// we'll have to check

    Loads a picture from the file specified by \a fileName and returns
    TRUE if successful; otherwise returns FALSE.

    By default, the file will be interpreted as being in the native
    TQPicture format. Specifying the \a format string is optional and
    is only needed for importing picture data stored in a different

    Currently, the only external format supported is the \link
    http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/ W3C SVG \endlink format which
    requires the \link xml.html TQt XML module \endlink. The
    corresponding \a format string is "svg".

    \sa save()

bool TQPicture::load( const TQString &fileName, const char *format )
    TQFile f( fileName );
    if ( !f.open(IO_ReadOnly) )
	return FALSE;
    return load( &f, format );


    \a dev is the device to use for loading.

bool TQPicture::load( TQIODevice *dev, const char *format )
#ifndef QT_NO_SVG
    if ( qstrcmp( format, "svg" ) == 0 ) {
	TQSvgDevice svg;
	if ( !svg.load( dev ) )
	    return FALSE;
 	TQPainter p( this );
	bool b = svg.play( &p );
	d->brect = svg.boundingRect();
	return b;
    if ( format ) {
	qWarning( "TQPicture::load: No such picture format: %s", format );
	return FALSE;

    TQByteArray a = dev->readAll();
    d->pictb.setBuffer( a );			// set byte array in buffer
    return d->checkFormat();

    Saves a picture to the file specified by \a fileName and returns
    TRUE if successful; otherwise returns FALSE.

    Specifying the file \a format string is optional. It's not
    recommended unless you intend to export the picture data for
    use by a third party reader. By default the data will be saved in
    the native TQPicture file format.

    Currently, the only external format supported is the \link
    http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/ W3C SVG \endlink format which
    requires the \link xml.html TQt XML module \endlink. The
    corresponding \a format string is "svg".

    \sa load()

bool TQPicture::save( const TQString &fileName, const char *format )
    if ( paintingActive() ) {
#if defined(QT_CHECK_STATE)
	qWarning( "TQPicture::save: still being painted on. "
		  "Call TQPainter::end() first" );
	return FALSE;

#ifndef QT_NO_SVG
    // identical to TQIODevice* code below but the file name
    // makes a difference when it comes to saving pixmaps
    if ( qstricmp( format, "svg" ) == 0 ) {
	TQSvgDevice svg;
	TQPainter p( &svg );
	if ( !play( &p ) )
	    return FALSE;
	svg.setBoundingRect( boundingRect() );
	return svg.save( fileName );

    TQFile f( fileName );
    if ( !f.open(IO_WriteOnly) )
	return FALSE;
    return save( &f, format );


    \a dev is the device to use for saving.

bool TQPicture::save( TQIODevice *dev, const char *format )
    if ( paintingActive() ) {
#if defined(QT_CHECK_STATE)
	qWarning( "TQPicture::save: still being painted on. "
		  "Call TQPainter::end() first" );
	return FALSE;

#ifndef QT_NO_SVG
    if ( qstricmp( format, "svg" ) == 0 ) {
	TQSvgDevice svg;
	TQPainter p( &svg );
	if ( !play( &p ) )
	    return FALSE;
	svg.setBoundingRect( boundingRect() );
	return svg.save( dev );
    if ( format ) {
	qWarning( "TQPicture::save: No such picture format: %s", format );
	return FALSE;

    dev->writeBlock( d->pictb.buffer().data(), d->pictb.buffer().size() );
    return TRUE;

    Returns the picture's bounding rectangle or an invalid rectangle
    if the picture contains no data.

TQRect TQPicture::boundingRect() const
    if ( !d->formatOk )
    return d->brect;

    Sets the picture's bounding rectangle to \a r. The automatically
    calculated value is overriden.

void TQPicture::setBoundingRect( const TQRect &r )
    if ( !d->formatOk )
    d->brect = r;

    Replays the picture using \a painter, and returns TRUE if
    successful; otherwise returns FALSE.

    This function does exactly the same as TQPainter::drawPicture()
    with (x, y) = (0, 0).

bool TQPicture::play( TQPainter *painter )
    if ( d->pictb.size() == 0 )			// nothing recorded
	return TRUE;

    if ( !d->formatOk && !d->checkFormat() )
	return FALSE;

    d->pictb.open( IO_ReadOnly );		// open buffer device
    TQDataStream s;
    s.setDevice( &d->pictb );			// attach data stream to buffer
    s.device()->at( 10 );			// go directly to the data
    s.setVersion( d->formatMajor == 4 ? 3 : d->formatMajor );

    Q_UINT8  c, clen;
    Q_UINT32 nrecords;
    s >> c >> clen;
    Q_ASSERT( c == PdcBegin );
    // bounding rect was introduced in ver 4. Read in checkFormat().
    if ( d->formatMajor >= 4 ) {
	Q_INT32 dummy;
	s >> dummy >> dummy >> dummy >> dummy;
    s >> nrecords;
    if ( !exec( painter, s, nrecords ) ) {
#if defined(QT_CHECK_RANGE)
	qWarning( "TQPicture::play: Format error" );
	return FALSE;
    return TRUE;				// no end-command

  Iterates over the internal picture data and draws the picture using
  \a painter.

bool TQPicture::exec( TQPainter *painter, TQDataStream &s, int nrecords )
#if defined(QT_DEBUG)
    int		strm_pos;
    Q_UINT8	c;				// command id
    Q_UINT8	tiny_len;			// 8-bit length descriptor
    Q_INT32	len;				// 32-bit length descriptor
    Q_INT16	i_16, i1_16, i2_16;		// parameters...
    Q_INT8	i_8;
    Q_UINT32	ul;
    TQCString	str1;
    TQString	str;
    TQPoint	p, p1, p2;
    TQRect	r;
    TQPointArray a;
    TQColor	color;
    TQFont	font;
    TQPen	pen;
    TQBrush	brush;
    TQRegion	rgn;
    TQWMatrix	matrix;

    while ( nrecords-- && !s.eof() ) {
	s >> c;					// read cmd
	s >> tiny_len;				// read param length
	if ( tiny_len == 255 )			// longer than 254 bytes
	    s >> len;
	    len = tiny_len;
#if defined(QT_DEBUG)
	strm_pos = s.device()->at();
	switch ( c ) {				// exec cmd
	    case PdcNOP:
	    case PdcDrawPoint:
		s >> p;
		painter->drawPoint( p );
	    case PdcMoveTo:
		s >> p;
		painter->moveTo( p );
	    case PdcLineTo:
		s >> p;
		painter->lineTo( p );
	    case PdcDrawLine:
		s >> p1 >> p2;
		painter->drawLine( p1, p2 );
	    case PdcDrawRect:
		s >> r;
		painter->drawRect( r );
	    case PdcDrawRoundRect:
		s >> r >> i1_16 >> i2_16;
		painter->drawRoundRect( r, i1_16, i2_16 );
	    case PdcDrawEllipse:
		s >> r;
		painter->drawEllipse( r );
	    case PdcDrawArc:
		s >> r >> i1_16 >> i2_16;
		painter->drawArc( r, i1_16, i2_16 );
	    case PdcDrawPie:
		s >> r >> i1_16 >> i2_16;
		painter->drawPie( r, i1_16, i2_16 );
	    case PdcDrawChord:
		s >> r >> i1_16 >> i2_16;
		painter->drawChord( r, i1_16, i2_16 );
	    case PdcDrawLineSegments:
		s >> a;
		painter->drawLineSegments( a );
	    case PdcDrawPolyline:
		s >> a;
		painter->drawPolyline( a );
	    case PdcDrawPolygon:
		s >> a >> i_8;
		painter->drawPolygon( a, i_8 );
	    case PdcDrawCubicBezier:
		s >> a;
#ifndef QT_NO_BEZIER
		painter->drawCubicBezier( a );
	    case PdcDrawText:
		s >> p >> str1;
		painter->drawText( p, str1 );
	    case PdcDrawTextFormatted:
		s >> r >> i_16 >> str1;
		painter->drawText( r, i_16, str1 );
	    case PdcDrawText2:
		s >> p >> str;
		painter->drawText( p, str );
	    case PdcDrawText2Formatted:
		s >> r >> i_16 >> str;
		painter->drawText( r, i_16, str );
	    case PdcDrawPixmap: {
		TQPixmap pixmap;
		if ( d->formatMajor < 4 ) {
		    s >> p >> pixmap;
		    painter->drawPixmap( p, pixmap );
		} else {
		    s >> r >> pixmap;
		    painter->drawPixmap( r, pixmap );
	    case PdcDrawImage: {
		TQImage image;
		if ( d->formatMajor < 4 ) {
		    s >> p >> image;
		    painter->drawImage( p, image );
		} else {
		    s >> r >> image;
		    painter->drawImage( r, image );
	    case PdcBegin:
		s >> ul;			// number of records
		if ( !exec( painter, s, ul ) )
		    return FALSE;
	    case PdcEnd:
		if ( nrecords == 0 )
		    return TRUE;
	    case PdcSave:
	    case PdcRestore:
	    case PdcSetBkColor:
		s >> color;
		painter->setBackgroundColor( color );
	    case PdcSetBkMode:
		s >> i_8;
		painter->setBackgroundMode( (TQt::BGMode)i_8 );
	    case PdcSetROP:
		s >> i_8;
		painter->setRasterOp( (TQt::RasterOp)i_8 );
	    case PdcSetBrushOrigin:
		s >> p;
		painter->setBrushOrigin( p );
	    case PdcSetFont:
		s >> font;
		painter->setFont( font );
	    case PdcSetPen:
		s >> pen;
		painter->setPen( pen );
	    case PdcSetBrush:
		s >> brush;
		painter->setBrush( brush );
	    case PdcSetTabStops:
		s >> i_16;
		painter->setTabStops( i_16 );
	    case PdcSetTabArray:
		s >> i_16;
		if ( i_16 == 0 ) {
		    painter->setTabArray( 0 );
		} else {
		    int *ta = new int[i_16];
		    Q_CHECK_PTR( ta );
		    for ( int i=0; i<i_16; i++ ) {
			s >> i1_16;
			ta[i] = i1_16;
		    painter->setTabArray( ta );
		    delete [] ta;
	    case PdcSetVXform:
		s >> i_8;
		painter->setViewXForm( i_8 );
	    case PdcSetWindow:
		s >> r;
		painter->setWindow( r );
	    case PdcSetViewport:
		s >> r;
		painter->setViewport( r );
	    case PdcSetWXform:
		s >> i_8;
		painter->setWorldXForm( i_8 );
	    case PdcSetWMatrix:
#ifndef QT_NO_TRANSFORMATIONS	// #### fix me!
		s >> matrix >> i_8;
		painter->setWorldMatrix( matrix, i_8 );
	    case PdcSaveWMatrix:
	    case PdcRestoreWMatrix:
	    case PdcSetClip:
		s >> i_8;
		painter->setClipping( i_8 );
	    case PdcSetClipRegion:
		s >> rgn >> i_8;
		painter->setClipRegion( rgn, (TQPainter::CoordinateMode)i_8 );
#if defined(QT_CHECK_RANGE)
		qWarning( "TQPicture::play: Invalid command %d", c );
		if ( len )			// skip unknown command
		    s.device()->at( s.device()->at()+len );
#if defined(QT_DEBUG)
	//qDebug( "device->at(): %i, strm_pos: %i len: %i", s.device()->at(), strm_pos, len );
	Q_ASSERT( Q_INT32(s.device()->at() - strm_pos) == len );
    return FALSE;

  Records painter commands and stores them in the pictb buffer.

bool TQPicture::cmd( int c, TQPainter *pt, TQPDevCmdParam *p )
    return d->cmd( c, pt, p );

  Implementation of the function forwarded above to the internal data struct.

bool TQPicture::TQPicturePrivate::cmd( int c, TQPainter *pt, TQPDevCmdParam *p )
    TQDataStream s;
    s.setDevice( &pictb );
    // when moving up to 4 the TQDataStream version remained at 3
    s.setVersion( formatMajor != 4 ? formatMajor : 3 );
    if ( c ==  PdcBegin ) {			// begin; write header
	TQByteArray empty( 0 );
	pictb.setBuffer( empty );		// reset byte array in buffer
	pictb.open( IO_WriteOnly );
	s.writeRawBytes( mfhdr_tag, 4 );
	s << (Q_UINT16)0 << (Q_UINT16)formatMajor << (Q_UINT16)formatMinor;
	s << (Q_UINT8)c << (Q_UINT8)sizeof(Q_INT32);
	brect = TQRect();
	if ( formatMajor >= 4 ) {
	    s << (Q_INT32)brect.left() << (Q_INT32)brect.top()
	      << (Q_INT32)brect.width() << (Q_INT32)brect.height();
	trecs = 0;
	s << (Q_UINT32)trecs;			// total number of records
	formatOk = FALSE;
	return TRUE;
    } else if ( c == PdcEnd ) {		// end; calc checksum and close
	s << (Q_UINT8)c << (Q_UINT8)0;
	TQByteArray buf = pictb.buffer();
	int cs_start = sizeof(Q_UINT32);		// pos of checksum word
	int data_start = cs_start + sizeof(Q_UINT16);
	int brect_start = data_start + 2*sizeof(Q_INT16) + 2*sizeof(Q_UINT8);
	int pos = pictb.at();
	pictb.at( brect_start );
	if ( formatMajor >= 4 ) { // bounding rectangle
	    s << (Q_INT32)brect.left() << (Q_INT32)brect.top()
	      << (Q_INT32)brect.width() << (Q_INT32)brect.height();
	s << (Q_UINT32)trecs;			// write number of records
	pictb.at( cs_start );
	Q_UINT16 cs = (Q_UINT16)qChecksum( buf.data()+data_start, pos-data_start );
	s << cs;				// write checksum
	return TRUE;
    s << (Q_UINT8)c;				// write cmd to stream
    s << (Q_UINT8)0;				// write dummy length info
    int pos = (int)pictb.at();			// save position
    TQRect br;					// bounding rect addition
    bool corr = FALSE;				// correction for pen width

    switch ( c ) {
	case PdcDrawPoint:
	case PdcMoveTo:
	case PdcLineTo:
	case PdcSetBrushOrigin:
	    s << *p[0].point;
	    br = TQRect( *p[0].point, TQSize( 1, 1 ) );
	    corr = TRUE;
	case PdcDrawLine:
	    s << *p[0].point << *p[1].point;
	    br = TQRect( *p[0].point, *p[1].point ).normalize();
	    corr = TRUE;
	case PdcDrawRect:
	case PdcDrawEllipse:
	    s << *p[0].rect;
	    br = *p[0].rect;
	    corr = TRUE;
	case PdcDrawRoundRect:
	case PdcDrawArc:
	case PdcDrawPie:
	case PdcDrawChord:
	    s << *p[0].rect << (Q_INT16)p[1].ival << (Q_INT16)p[2].ival;
	    br = *p[0].rect;
	    corr = TRUE;
	case PdcDrawLineSegments:
	case PdcDrawPolyline:
	    s << *p[0].ptarr;
	    br = p[0].ptarr->boundingRect();
	    corr = TRUE;
#ifndef QT_NO_BEZIER
	case PdcDrawCubicBezier:
	    s << *p[0].ptarr;
	    br = p[0].ptarr->cubicBezier().boundingRect();
	    corr = TRUE;
	case PdcDrawPolygon:
	    s << *p[0].ptarr << (Q_INT8)p[1].ival;
	    br = p[0].ptarr->boundingRect();
	    corr = TRUE;
	case PdcDrawText2:
	    if ( formatMajor == 1 ) {
		pictb.at( pos - 2 );
		s << (Q_UINT8)PdcDrawText << (Q_UINT8)0;
		TQCString str1( (*p[1].str).latin1() );
		s << *p[0].point << str1;
	    else {
		s << *p[0].point << *p[1].str;
	    br = pt->fontMetrics().boundingRect( *p[1].str );
	    br.moveBy( p[0].point->x(), p[0].point->y() );
	case PdcDrawText2Formatted:
	    if ( formatMajor == 1 ) {
		pictb.at( pos - 2 );
		s << (Q_UINT8)PdcDrawTextFormatted << (Q_UINT8)0;
		TQCString str1( (*p[2].str).latin1() );
		s << *p[0].rect << (Q_INT16)p[1].ival << str1;
	    else {
		s << *p[0].rect << (Q_INT16)p[1].ival << *p[2].str;
	    br = *p[0].rect;
	case PdcDrawPixmap:
	    if ( formatMajor < 4 ) {
		s << *p[0].point;
		s << *p[1].pixmap;
		br = TQRect( *p[0].point, p[1].pixmap->size() );
	    } else {
		s << *p[0].rect;
		s << *p[1].pixmap;
		br = *p[0].rect;
	case PdcDrawImage:
	    if ( formatMajor < 4 ) {
		TQPoint pt( p[0].point->x(), p[0].point->y() );
		s << pt;
		s << *p[1].image;
		br = TQRect( *p[0].point, p[1].image->size() );
	    } else {
		s << *p[0].rect;
		s << *p[1].image;
		br = *p[0].rect;
	case PdcSave:
	case PdcRestore:
	case PdcSetBkColor:
	    s << *p[0].color;
	case PdcSetBkMode:
	case PdcSetROP:
	    s << (Q_INT8)p[0].ival;
        case PdcSetFont: {
            TQFont fnt = *p[0].font;
            if (fnt.pointSize() > 0)
                // we have to store pixels to get correct replay.
                // the resolution is 72 dpi, so points == pixels
	    s << fnt;
	case PdcSetPen:
	    s << *p[0].pen;
	case PdcSetBrush:
	    s << *p[0].brush;
	case PdcSetTabStops:
	    s << (Q_INT16)p[0].ival;
	case PdcSetTabArray:
	    s << (Q_INT16)p[0].ival;
	    if ( p[0].ival ) {
		int *ta = p[1].ivec;
		for ( int i=0; i<p[0].ival; i++ )
		    s << (Q_INT16)ta[i];
	case PdcSetUnit:
	case PdcSetVXform:
	case PdcSetWXform:
	case PdcSetClip:
	    s << (Q_INT8)p[0].ival;
	case PdcSetWindow:
	case PdcSetViewport:
	    s << *p[0].rect;
	case PdcSetWMatrix:
	    s << *p[0].matrix << (Q_INT8)p[1].ival;
	case PdcSetClipRegion:
	    s << *p[0].rgn;
	    s << (Q_INT8)p[1].ival;
#if defined(QT_CHECK_RANGE)
	    qWarning( "TQPicture::cmd: Command %d not recognized", c );
    int newpos = (int)pictb.at();		// new position
    int length = newpos - pos;
    if ( length < 255 ) {			// write 8-bit length
	pictb.at(pos - 1);			// position to right index
	s << (Q_UINT8)length;
    } else {					// write 32-bit length
	s << (Q_UINT32)0;				// extend the buffer
	pictb.at(pos - 1);			// position to right index
	s << (Q_UINT8)255;			// indicate 32-bit length
	char *p = pictb.buffer().data();
	memmove( p+pos+4, p+pos, length );	// make room for 4 byte
	s << (Q_UINT32)length;
	newpos += 4;
    pictb.at( newpos );				// set to new position

    if ( br.isValid() ) {
	if ( corr ) {				// widen bounding rect
	    int w2 = pt->pen().width() / 2;
	    br.setCoords( br.left() - w2, br.top() - w2,
			  br.right() + w2, br.bottom() + w2 );
	br = pt->worldMatrix().map( br );
	if ( pt->hasClipping() ) {
	    TQRect cr = pt->clipRegion().boundingRect();
	    br &= cr;
	if ( br.isValid() )
	    brect |= br;		     	// merge with existing rect

    return TRUE;

    Internal implementation of the virtual TQPaintDevice::metric()

    Use the TQPaintDeviceMetrics class instead.

    A picture has the following hard-coded values: dpi=72,
    numcolors=16777216 and depth=24.

    \a m is the metric to get.

int TQPicture::metric( int m ) const
    int val;
    switch ( m ) {
	// ### hard coded dpi and color depth values !
	case TQPaintDeviceMetrics::PdmWidth:
	    val = d->brect.width();
	case TQPaintDeviceMetrics::PdmHeight:
	    val = d->brect.height();
	case TQPaintDeviceMetrics::PdmWidthMM:
	    val = int(25.4/72.0*d->brect.width());
	case TQPaintDeviceMetrics::PdmHeightMM:
	    val = int(25.4/72.0*d->brect.height());
	case TQPaintDeviceMetrics::PdmDpiX:
	case TQPaintDeviceMetrics::PdmPhysicalDpiX:
	    val = 72;
	case TQPaintDeviceMetrics::PdmDpiY:
	case TQPaintDeviceMetrics::PdmPhysicalDpiY:
	    val = 72;
	case TQPaintDeviceMetrics::PdmNumColors:
	    val = 16777216;
	case TQPaintDeviceMetrics::PdmDepth:
	    val = 24;
	    val = 0;
#if defined(QT_CHECK_RANGE)
	    qWarning( "TQPicture::metric: Invalid metric command" );
    return val;

    Detaches from shared picture data and makes sure that this picture
    is the only one referring to the data.

    If multiple pictures share common data, this picture makes a copy
    of the data and detaches itself from the sharing mechanism.
    Nothing is done if there is just a single reference.

void TQPicture::detach()
    if ( d->count != 1 )
	*this = copy();

    Returns a \link shclass.html deep copy\endlink of the picture.

TQPicture TQPicture::copy() const
    TQPicture p;
    TQByteArray a( size() );
    memcpy( a.data(), data(), size() );
    p.d->pictb.setBuffer( a );			// set byte array in buffer
    if ( d->pictb.isOpen() ) {			// copy buffer state
	p.d->pictb.open( d->pictb.mode() );
	p.d->pictb.at( d->pictb.at() );
    p.d->trecs = d->trecs;
    p.d->formatOk = d->formatOk;
    p.d->formatMinor = d->formatMajor;
    p.d->brect = boundingRect();
    return p;

  TQPainter member functions

    Replays the picture \a pic translated by (\a x, \a y).

    This function does exactly the same as TQPicture::play() when
    called with (\a x, \a y) = (0, 0).

void TQPainter::drawPicture( int x, int y, const TQPicture &pic )
    translate( x, y );
    ((TQPicture*)&pic)->play( (TQPainter*)this );

    \overload void TQPainter::drawPicture( const TQPoint &p, const TQPicture &pic )

    Draws picture \a pic at point \a p.

void TQPainter::drawPicture( const TQPoint &p, const TQPicture &pic )
    drawPicture( p.x(), p.y(), pic );


  Use one of the other TQPainter::drawPicture() functions with a (0, 0)
  offset instead.

void TQPainter::drawPicture( const TQPicture &pic )
    drawPicture( 0, 0, pic );

    Assigns a \link shclass.html shallow copy\endlink of \a p to this
    picture and returns a reference to this picture.

TQPicture& TQPicture::operator= (const TQPicture& p)
    p.d->ref();				// avoid 'x = x'
    if ( d->deref() )
	delete d;
    d = p.d;
    return *this;


  Sets formatOk to FALSE and resets the format version numbers to default

void TQPicture::TQPicturePrivate::resetFormat()
    formatOk = FALSE;
    formatMajor = mfhdr_maj;
    formatMinor = mfhdr_min;


  Checks data integrity and format version number. Set formatOk to TRUE
  on success, to FALSE otherwise. Returns the resulting formatOk value.

bool TQPicture::TQPicturePrivate::checkFormat()

    // can't check anything in an empty buffer
    if ( pictb.size() == 0 )
	return FALSE;

    pictb.open( IO_ReadOnly );			// open buffer device
    TQDataStream s;
    s.setDevice( &pictb );			// attach data stream to buffer

    char mf_id[4];				// picture header tag
    s.readRawBytes( mf_id, 4 );			// read actual tag
    if ( memcmp(mf_id, mfhdr_tag, 4) != 0 ) { 	// wrong header id
#if defined(QT_CHECK_RANGE)
	qWarning( "TQPicture::checkFormat: Incorrect header" );
	return FALSE;

    int cs_start = sizeof(Q_UINT32);		// pos of checksum word
    int data_start = cs_start + sizeof(Q_UINT16);
    Q_UINT16 cs,ccs;
    TQByteArray buf = pictb.buffer();	// pointer to data
    s >> cs;				// read checksum
    ccs = qChecksum( buf.data() + data_start, buf.size() - data_start );
    if ( ccs != cs ) {
#if defined(QT_CHECK_STATE)
	qWarning( "TQPicture::checkFormat: Invalid checksum %x, %x expected",
		  ccs, cs );
	return FALSE;

    Q_UINT16 major, minor;
    s >> major >> minor;			// read version number
    if ( major > mfhdr_maj ) {		// new, incompatible version
#if defined(QT_CHECK_RANGE)
	qWarning( "TQPicture::checkFormat: Incompatible version %d.%d",
		  major, minor);
	return FALSE;
    s.setVersion( major != 4 ? major : 3 );

    Q_UINT8  c, clen;
    s >> c >> clen;
    if ( c == PdcBegin ) {
	if ( !( major >= 1 && major <= 3 )) {
	    Q_INT32 l, t, w, h;
	    s >> l >> t >> w >> h;
	    brect = TQRect( l, t, w, h );
    } else {
#if defined(QT_CHECK_RANGE)
	qWarning( "TQPicture::checkFormat: Format error" );
	return FALSE;

    formatOk = TRUE;			// picture seems to be ok
    formatMajor = major;
    formatMinor = minor;
    return TRUE;

  TQPicture stream functions

    \relates TQPicture

    Writes picture \a r to the stream \a s and returns a reference to
    the stream.

TQDataStream &operator<<( TQDataStream &s, const TQPicture &r )
    Q_UINT32 size = r.d->pictb.buffer().size();
    s << size;
    // null picture ?
    if ( size == 0 )
	return s;
    // just write the whole buffer to the stream
    return s.writeRawBytes ( r.d->pictb.buffer().data(),
			     r.d->pictb.buffer().size() );

    \relates TQPicture

    Reads a picture from the stream \a s into picture \a r and returns
    a reference to the stream.

TQDataStream &operator>>( TQDataStream &s, TQPicture &r )
    TQDataStream sr;

    // "init"; this code is similar to the beginning of TQPicture::cmd()
    sr.setDevice( &r.d->pictb );
    sr.setVersion( r.d->formatMajor );
    Q_UINT32 len;
    s >> len;
    TQByteArray data( len );
    if ( len > 0 )
	s.readRawBytes( data.data(), len );

    r.d->pictb.setBuffer( data );

    return s;

#endif // QT_NO_PICTURE