** Implementation of TQEditorFactory class
** Created : 2000-11-17
** Copyright (C) 2005-2008 Trolltech ASA.  All rights reserved.
** This file is part of the sql module of the TQt GUI Toolkit.
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#include "ntqcleanuphandler.h"
#include "ntqlabel.h"
#include "ntqlineedit.h"
#include "ntqspinbox.h"
#include "ntqcombobox.h"

#include "ntqeditorfactory.h"
#include "ntqdatetimeedit.h"


    \class TQEditorFactory ntqeditorfactory.h
    \brief The TQEditorFactory class is used to create editor widgets
    for TQVariant data types.

    \ingroup database
    \module sql

    Each editor factory provides the createEditor() function which
    given a TQVariant will create and return a TQWidget that can edit
    that TQVariant. For example if you have a TQVariant::String type, a
    TQLineEdit would be the default editor returned, whereas a
    TQVariant::Int's default editor would be a TQSpinBox.

    If you want to create different editors for fields with the same
    data type, subclass TQEditorFactory and reimplement the
    createEditor() function.

    Constructs an editor factory with parent \a parent, called \a name.

TQEditorFactory::TQEditorFactory ( TQObject * parent, const char * name )
    : TQObject( parent, name )


    Destroys the object and frees any allocated resources.



static TQEditorFactory * defaultfactory = 0;
static TQCleanupHandler< TQEditorFactory > q_cleanup_editor_factory;

    Returns an instance of a default editor factory.

TQEditorFactory * TQEditorFactory::defaultFactory()
    if( defaultfactory == 0 ){
	defaultfactory = new TQEditorFactory();
	q_cleanup_editor_factory.add( &defaultfactory );

    return defaultfactory;

    Replaces the default editor factory with \a factory.
    \e{TQEditorFactory takes ownership of factory, and destroys it
    when it is no longer needed.}

void TQEditorFactory::installDefaultFactory( TQEditorFactory * factory )
    if( factory == 0 || factory == defaultfactory ) return;

    if( defaultfactory != 0 ){
	q_cleanup_editor_factory.remove( &defaultfactory );
	delete defaultfactory;
    defaultfactory = factory;
    q_cleanup_editor_factory.add( &defaultfactory );

    Creates and returns the appropriate editor for the TQVariant \a v.
    If the TQVariant is invalid, 0 is returned. The \a parent is passed
    to the appropriate editor's constructor.

TQWidget * TQEditorFactory::createEditor( TQWidget * parent, const TQVariant & v )
    TQWidget * w = 0;
    switch( v.type() ){
	case TQVariant::Invalid:
	    w = 0;
	case TQVariant::Bool:
	    w = new TQComboBox( parent, "qt_editor_bool" );
	    ((TQComboBox *) w)->insertItem( "False" );
	    ((TQComboBox *) w)->insertItem( "True" );
	case TQVariant::UInt:
	    w = new TQSpinBox( 0, 999999, 1, parent, "qt_editor_spinbox" );
	case TQVariant::Int:
	    w = new TQSpinBox( -999999, 999999, 1, parent, "qt_editor_int" );
	case TQVariant::String:
	case TQVariant::CString:
	case TQVariant::Double:
	    w = new TQLineEdit( parent, "qt_editor_double" );
	    ((TQLineEdit*)w)->setFrame( FALSE );
	case TQVariant::Date:
	    w = new TQDateEdit( parent, "qt_editor_date" );
	case TQVariant::Time:
	    w = new TQTimeEdit( parent, "qt_editor_time" );
	case TQVariant::DateTime:
	    w = new TQDateTimeEdit( parent, "qt_editor_datetime" );
#ifndef QT_NO_LABEL
	case TQVariant::Pixmap:
	    w = new TQLabel( parent, "qt_editor_pixmap" );
	case TQVariant::Palette:
	case TQVariant::ColorGroup:
	case TQVariant::Color:
	case TQVariant::Font:
	case TQVariant::Brush:
	case TQVariant::Bitmap:
	case TQVariant::Cursor:
	case TQVariant::Map:
	case TQVariant::StringList:
	case TQVariant::Rect:
	case TQVariant::Size:
	case TQVariant::IconSet:
	case TQVariant::Point:
	case TQVariant::PointArray:
	case TQVariant::Region:
	case TQVariant::SizePolicy:
	case TQVariant::ByteArray:
	    w = new TQWidget( parent, "qt_editor_default" );
    return w;
#endif // QT_NO_SQL