** Implementation of TQSqlError class
** Created : 2000-11-03
** Copyright (C) 2005-2008 Trolltech ASA.  All rights reserved.
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#include "ntqsqlerror.h"
#include <ntqmessagebox.h>

#ifndef TQT_NO_SQL

    \class TQSqlError ntqsqlerror.h
    \brief The TQSqlError class provides SQL database error information.

    \ingroup database
    \module sql

    This class is used to report database-specific errors. An error
    description and (if appropriate) a database-specific error number
    can be obtained using this class.

    \enum TQSqlError::Type

    This enum type describes the type of SQL error that occurred.

    \value None  no error occurred
    \value Connection  connection error
    \value Statement  SQL statement syntax error
    \value Transaction  transaction failed error
    \value Unknown  unknown error

    Constructs an error containing the driver error text \a
    driverText, the database-specific error text \a databaseText, the
    type \a type and the optional error number \a number.

TQSqlError::TQSqlError(  const TQString& driverText,
    		const TQString& databaseText,
		int type,
		int number )
: driverError(driverText),

    Creates a copy of \a other.

TQSqlError::TQSqlError( const TQSqlError& other )
: driverError(other.driverError),

    Sets the error equal to \a other.

TQSqlError& TQSqlError::operator=( const TQSqlError& other )
    driverError = other.driverError;
    databaseError = other.databaseError;
    errorType = other.errorType;
    errorNumber = other.errorNumber;
    return *this;

    Destroys the object and frees any allocated resources.


    Returns the text of the error as reported by the driver. This may
    contain database-specific descriptions.
TQString TQSqlError::driverText() const
    return driverError;

    Sets the driver error text to the value of \a driverText.

void TQSqlError::setDriverText( const TQString& driverText )
    driverError = driverText;

    Returns the text of the error as reported by the database. This
    may contain database-specific descriptions.

TQString TQSqlError::databaseText() const
    return databaseError;

    Sets the database error text to the value of \a databaseText.

void TQSqlError::setDatabaseText( const TQString& databaseText )
    databaseError = databaseText;

    Returns the error type, or -1 if the type cannot be determined.

    \sa TQSqlError::Type.

int TQSqlError::type() const
    return errorType;

    Sets the error type to the value of \a type.

void TQSqlError::setType( int type )
    errorType = type;

    Returns the database-specific error number, or -1 if it cannot be

int TQSqlError::number() const
    return errorNumber;

    Sets the database-specific error number to \a number.

void TQSqlError::setNumber( int number )
    errorNumber = number;

    This is a convenience function that returns databaseText() and
    driverText() concatenated into a single string.

    \sa showMessage(), driverText(), databaseText()

TQString TQSqlError::text() const
    if ( databaseError.endsWith("\n") )
	return databaseError + driverError;
	return databaseError + " " + driverError;

    This is a convenience function that pops up a TQMessageBox
    containing the message returned by text(). An additional string
    can be passed in via the \a msg parameter, which will be
    concatenated with the text() message.

    \sa text(), driverText(), databaseText()
void TQSqlError::showMessage( const TQString& msg ) const
    TQMessageBox::warning( NULL, "SQL Error", msg + text(), 
			  TQMessageBox::Ok, TQMessageBox::NoButton ); 
#endif // TQT_NO_SQL