** Definition of TQPtrStack pointer based template class
** Created : 920917
** Copyright (C) 1992-2008 Trolltech ASA.  All rights reserved.
** This file is part of the tools module of the TQt GUI Toolkit.
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#ifndef QT_H
#include "ntqglist.h"
#endif // QT_H

template<class type>
class TQPtrStack : protected TQGList
    TQPtrStack()				{ }
    TQPtrStack( const TQPtrStack<type> &s ) : TQGList( s ) { }
    ~TQPtrStack()			{ clear(); }
    TQPtrStack<type> &operator=(const TQPtrStack<type> &s)
			{ return (TQPtrStack<type>&)TQGList::operator=(s); }
    bool  autoDelete() const		{ return TQPtrCollection::autoDelete(); }
    void  setAutoDelete( bool del )	{ TQPtrCollection::setAutoDelete(del); }
    uint  count()   const		{ return TQGList::count(); }
    bool  isEmpty() const		{ return TQGList::count() == 0; }
    void  push( const type *d )		{ TQGList::insertAt(0,Item(d)); }
    type *pop()				{ return (type *)TQGList::takeFirst(); }
    bool  remove()			{ return TQGList::removeFirst(); }
    void  clear()			{ TQGList::clear(); }
    type *top()	    const		{ return (type *)TQGList::cfirst(); }
	  operator type *() const	{ return (type *)TQGList::cfirst(); }
    type *current() const		{ return (type *)TQGList::cfirst(); }

#ifdef Q_QDOC
    virtual TQDataStream& read( TQDataStream&, TQPtrCollection::Item& );
    virtual TQDataStream& write( TQDataStream&, TQPtrCollection::Item ) const;

    void  deleteItem( Item d );

template<> inline void TQPtrStack<void>::deleteItem( TQPtrCollection::Item )

template<class type> inline void TQPtrStack<type>::deleteItem( TQPtrCollection::Item d )
    if ( del_item ) delete (type *)d;

#ifndef QT_NO_COMPAT
#define TQStack TQPtrStack

#endif // TQPTRSTACK_H