** Definition of the TQChar class, and related Unicode functions.
** Created : 920609
** Copyright (C) 2015 Timothy Pearson. All rights reserved.
** Copyright (C) 1992-2008 Trolltech ASA.  All rights reserved.
** This file is part of the tools module of the TQt GUI Toolkit.
** This file may be used under the terms of the GNU General
** Public License versions 2.0 or 3.0 as published by the Free
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** and LICENSE.GPL3 included in the packaging of this file.
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#ifndef TQCHAR_H
#define TQCHAR_H

#ifndef QT_H
#include "tqglobal.h"
#endif // QT_H

class TQString;

class TQ_EXPORT TQChar
    TQChar( char c );
    TQChar( uchar c );
    TQChar( uchar c, uchar r );
    TQChar( const TQChar& c ); // ### remove in 4.0 to allow compiler optimization
    TQChar( ushort rc );
    TQChar( short rc );
    TQChar( uint rc );
    TQChar( int rc );

    static const TQChar null;            // 0000
    static const TQChar replacement;     // FFFD
    static const TQChar byteOrderMark;     // FEFF
    static const TQChar byteOrderSwapped;     // FFFE
    static const TQChar nbsp;            // 00A0

    // Unicode information

    enum Category

        Mark_NonSpacing,          //   Mn
        Mark_SpacingCombining,    //   Mc
        Mark_Enclosing,           //   Me

        Number_DecimalDigit,      //   Nd
        Number_Letter,            //   Nl
        Number_Other,             //   No

        Separator_Space,          //   Zs
        Separator_Line,           //   Zl
        Separator_Paragraph,      //   Zp

        Other_Control,            //   Cc
        Other_Format,             //   Cf
        Other_Surrogate,          //   Cs
        Other_PrivateUse,         //   Co
        Other_NotAssigned,        //   Cn

        Letter_Uppercase,         //   Lu
        Letter_Lowercase,         //   Ll
        Letter_Titlecase,         //   Lt
        Letter_Modifier,          //   Lm
        Letter_Other,             //   Lo

        Punctuation_Connector,    //   Pc
        Punctuation_Dash,         //   Pd
        Punctuation_Dask = Punctuation_Dash, // oops
        Punctuation_Open,         //   Ps
        Punctuation_Close,        //   Pe
        Punctuation_InitialQuote, //   Pi
        Punctuation_FinalQuote,   //   Pf
        Punctuation_Other,        //   Po

        Symbol_Math,              //   Sm
        Symbol_Currency,          //   Sc
        Symbol_Modifier,          //   Sk
        Symbol_Other              //   So

    enum Direction
        DirL, DirR, DirEN, DirES, DirET, DirAN, DirCS, DirB, DirS, DirWS, DirON,
        DirLRE, DirLRO, DirAL, DirRLE, DirRLO, DirPDF, DirNSM, DirBN

    enum Decomposition
        Single, Canonical, Font, NoBreak, Initial, Medial,
        Final, Isolated, Circle, Super, Sub, Vertical,
        Wide, Narrow, Small, Square, Compat, Fraction

    enum Joining
        OtherJoining, Dual, Right, Center

    enum CombiningClass
        Combining_BelowLeftAttached       = 200,
        Combining_BelowAttached           = 202,
        Combining_BelowRightAttached      = 204,
        Combining_LeftAttached            = 208,
        Combining_RightAttached           = 210,
        Combining_AboveLeftAttached       = 212,
        Combining_AboveAttached           = 214,
        Combining_AboveRightAttached      = 216,

        Combining_BelowLeft               = 218,
        Combining_Below                   = 220,
        Combining_BelowRight              = 222,
        Combining_Left                    = 224,
        Combining_Right                   = 226,
        Combining_AboveLeft               = 228,
        Combining_Above                   = 230,
        Combining_AboveRight              = 232,

        Combining_DoubleBelow             = 233,
        Combining_DoubleAbove             = 234,
        Combining_IotaSubscript           = 240


    int digitValue() const;
    TQChar lower() const;
    TQChar upper() const;

    Category category() const;
    Direction direction() const;
    Joining joining() const;
    bool mirrored() const;
    TQChar mirroredChar() const;
    const TQString &decomposition() const; // ### return just TQString in 4.0
    Decomposition decompositionTag() const;
    unsigned char combiningClass() const;

    char latin1() const { return ucs > 0xff ? 0 : (char) ucs; }
    ushort unicode() const { return ucs; }
    ushort &unicode() { return *((ushort*)&ucs); }
    ushort &unicode() { return ucs; }
    // like all ifdef'd code this is undocumented
    operator char() const { return latin1(); }

    bool isNull() const { return unicode()==0; }
    bool isPrint() const;
    bool isPunct() const;
    bool isSpace() const;
    bool isMark() const;
    bool isLetter() const;
    bool isNumber() const;
    bool isLetterOrNumber() const;
    bool isDigit() const;
    bool isSymbol() const;

    // Surrogate pairs support
    bool isHighSurrogate() const;
    bool isLowSurrogate() const;
    static bool requiresSurrogates(uint ucs4);
    static ushort highSurrogate(uint ucs4);
    static ushort lowSurrogate(uint ucs4);
    static uint surrogateToUcs4(const TQChar &high, const TQChar &low);

    uchar cell() const { return ((uchar) ucs & 0xff); }
    uchar row() const { return ((uchar) (ucs>>8)&0xff); }
    void setCell( uchar cell ) { ucs = (ucs & 0xff00) + cell; }
    void setRow( uchar row ) { ucs = (((ushort) row)<<8) + (ucs&0xff); }

    static bool networkOrdered() {
	int wordSize;
	bool bigEndian = FALSE;
	tqSysInfo( &wordSize, &bigEndian );
	return bigEndian;

    friend inline bool operator==( char ch, TQChar c );
    friend inline bool operator==( TQChar c, char ch );
    friend inline bool operator==( TQChar c1, TQChar c2 );
    friend inline bool operator!=( TQChar c1, TQChar c2 );
    friend inline bool operator!=( char ch, TQChar c );
    friend inline bool operator!=( TQChar c, char ch );
    friend inline bool operator<=( TQChar c, char ch );
    friend inline bool operator<=( char ch, TQChar c );
    friend inline bool operator<=( TQChar c1, TQChar c2 );

#if defined(__cplusplus) && __cplusplus >= 201103L
    // Explicit declarations to suppress warnings
    // This could be removed when TQChar( const TQChar& c ) is removed
    TQChar& operator=(const TQChar& other) = default;
    ~TQChar() = default;
    ushort ucs;

inline TQChar::TQChar() : ucs( 0 )

inline TQChar::TQChar( char c ) : ucs( (uchar)c )

inline TQChar::TQChar( uchar c ) : ucs( c )

inline TQChar::TQChar( uchar c, uchar r ) : ucs( (r << 8) | c )

inline TQChar::TQChar( const TQChar& c ) : ucs( c.ucs )

inline TQChar::TQChar( ushort rc ) : ucs( rc )

inline TQChar::TQChar( short rc ) : ucs( (ushort) rc )

inline TQChar::TQChar( uint rc ) : ucs( (ushort) ( rc )

inline TQChar::TQChar( int rc ) : ucs( (ushort) ( rc ) )

inline bool TQChar::isHighSurrogate() const
    return ((ucs & 0xfc00) == 0xd800);

inline bool TQChar::isLowSurrogate() const
    return ((ucs & 0xfc00) == 0xdc00);

inline bool TQChar::requiresSurrogates(uint ucs4)
    return (ucs4 >= 0x10000);

inline ushort TQChar::highSurrogate(uint ucs4)
    return ushort(((ucs4 - 0x10000) >> 10)) | 0xd800;

inline ushort TQChar::lowSurrogate(uint ucs4)
    return ushort(ucs4 & 0x03FF) | 0xdc00;

inline uint TQChar::surrogateToUcs4(const TQChar &high, const TQChar &low)
    return (uint(high.ucs & 0x03FF) << 10) | (low.ucs & 0x03FF) | 0x10000;

inline bool operator==( char ch, TQChar c )
    return ((uchar) ch) == c.ucs;

inline bool operator==( TQChar c, char ch )
    return ((uchar) ch) == c.ucs;

inline bool operator==( TQChar c1, TQChar c2 )
    return c1.ucs == c2.ucs;

inline bool operator!=( TQChar c1, TQChar c2 )
    return c1.ucs != c2.ucs;

inline bool operator!=( char ch, TQChar c )
    return ((uchar)ch) != c.ucs;

inline bool operator!=( TQChar c, char ch )
    return ((uchar) ch) != c.ucs;

inline bool operator<=( TQChar c, char ch )
    return c.ucs <= ((uchar) ch);

inline bool operator<=( char ch, TQChar c )
    return ((uchar) ch) <= c.ucs;

inline bool operator<=( TQChar c1, TQChar c2 )
    return c1.ucs <= c2.ucs;

inline bool operator>=( TQChar c, char ch ) { return ch <= c; }
inline bool operator>=( char ch, TQChar c ) { return c <= ch; }
inline bool operator>=( TQChar c1, TQChar c2 ) { return c2 <= c1; }
inline bool operator<( TQChar c, char ch ) { return !(ch<=c); }
inline bool operator<( char ch, TQChar c ) { return !(c<=ch); }
inline bool operator<( TQChar c1, TQChar c2 ) { return !(c2<=c1); }
inline bool operator>( TQChar c, char ch ) { return !(ch>=c); }
inline bool operator>( char ch, TQChar c ) { return !(c>=ch); }
inline bool operator>( TQChar c1, TQChar c2 ) { return !(c2>=c1); }

#endif // TQCHAR_H