Feature: WORKSPACE Section: Widgets Requires: SCROLLBAR VBOX TITLEBAR RESIZEHANDLER POPUPMENU LABEL TOOLBUTTON MAINWINDOW TOOLBAR MENUBAR Name: TQWorkspace SeeAlso: ??? Feature: WHEELEVENT Section: Kernel Requires: Name: Wheel-mouse events SeeAlso: ??? Feature: WMATRIX Section: Data structures Requires: Name: TQWMatrix SeeAlso: ??? Feature: STL Section: Data structures Requires: Name: Standard template library compatiblity SeeAlso: ??? Feature: CANVAS Section: Widgets Requires: SCROLLVIEW BEZIER Name: TQCanvas SeeAlso: ??? Feature: TOOLBOX Section: Widgets Requires: ICONSET SCROLLVIEW TOOLTIP LAYOUT TOOLBUTTON Name: Tool box SeeAlso: ??? Feature: TABLE Section: Widgets Requires: COMBOBOX HEADER CHECKBOX Name: TQTable SeeAlso: ??? Feature: XML Section: Data structures Requires: TEXTSTREAM TEXTCODEC REGEXP_CAPTURE Name: XML SeeAlso: ??? Feature: SQL Section: Database Requires: STRINGLIST REGEXP_CAPTURE VARIANT SPRINTF DATESTRING Name: SQL classes SeeAlso: ??? Feature: SQL_FORM Section: Database Requires: SQL PROPERTIES Name: TQSqlForm SeeAlso: ??? Feature: SQL_EDIT_WIDGETS Section: Database Requires: SQL SPINBOX COMBOBOX CHECKBOX DATETIMEEDIT Name: SQL value editor widgets SeeAlso: ??? Feature: SQL_VIEW_WIDGETS Section: Database Requires: SQL_FORM SQL_EDIT_WIDGETS TABLE Name: SQL table widgets SeeAlso: ??? Feature: STRINGLIST Section: Data structures Requires: Name: TQStringList SeeAlso: ??? Feature: REGEXP Section: Data structures Requires: Name: Regular expression capture SeeAlso: ??? Feature: REGEXP_CAPTURE Section: Data structures Requires: REGEXP STRINGLIST Name: Regular expression capture SeeAlso: ??? Feature: TEMPLATE_VARIANT Section: Data structures Requires: VARIANT STRINGLIST Name: Template classes in TQVariant SeeAlso: ??? Feature: VARIANT Section: Data structures Requires: Name: TQVariant SeeAlso: ??? Feature: REGEXP_OPTIM Section: Data structures Requires: REGEXP Name: Regular expression optimization SeeAlso: ??? Feature: REGEXP_LOOKAHEAD Section: Data structures Requires: REGEXP Name: Regular expression lookahead SeeAlso: ??? Feature: REGEXP_INTERVAL Section: Data structures Requires: REGEXP Name: Regular expression interval SeeAlso: ??? Feature: REGEXP_ESCAPE Section: Data structures Requires: REGEXP Name: Regular expression escape SeeAlso: ??? Feature: REGEXP_CCLASS Section: Data structures Requires: REGEXP Name: Regular expression character-class SeeAlso: ??? Feature: REGEXP_BACKREF Section: Data structures Requires: REGEXP Name: Regular expression back-reference SeeAlso: ??? Feature: REGEXP_ANCHOR_ALT Section: Data structures Requires: REGEXP Name: Regular expression anchors SeeAlso: ??? Feature: REGEXP_WILDCARD Section: Data structures Requires: REGEXP Name: Regular expression wildcard SeeAlso: ??? Feature: SPRINTF Section: Data structures Requires: REGEXP Name: TQString::sprintf() SeeAlso: ??? Feature: QUUID_STRING Section: Data structures Requires: STRINGLIST Name: Convert UUID to/from string SeeAlso: ??? Feature: TEXTDATE Section: Data structures Requires: STRINGLIST DATESTRING Name: Month and day names in dates SeeAlso: ??? Feature: DATESTRING Section: Data structures Requires: Name: TQDate/TQTime/TQDateTime toString() and fromString() SeeAlso: ??? Feature: ICONSET Section: Images Requires: IMAGEIO IMAGE_SMOOTHSCALE PALETTE IMAGE_HEURISTIC_MASK Name: TQIconSet SeeAlso: ??? Feature: DIR Section: File I/O Requires: STRINGLIST REGEXP Name: TQDir SeeAlso: ??? Feature: PALETTE Section: Kernel Requires: Name: Palettes SeeAlso: ??? Feature: TEXTSTREAM Section: File I/O Requires: Name: TQTextStream SeeAlso: ??? Feature: DATASTREAM Section: File I/O Requires: Name: TQDataStream SeeAlso: ??? Feature: LIBRARY Section: File I/O Requires: REGEXP Name: Shared library wrapper SeeAlso: ??? Feature: COMPONENT Section: File I/O Requires: QUUID_STRING SETTINGS SPRINTF LIBRARY DATESTRING Name: Dynamic module linking SeeAlso: ??? Feature: SETTINGS Section: File I/O Requires: DIR TEXTSTREAM REGEXP_CAPTURE Name: Persistent application settings SeeAlso: ??? Feature: SIGNALMAPPER Section: Widgets Requires: Name: TQSignalMapper SeeAlso: ??? Feature: IMAGEIO Section: Images Requires: REGEXP Name: Image formats SeeAlso: ??? Feature: IMAGEIO_BMP Section: Images Requires: IMAGEIO DATASTREAM Name: BMP image I/O SeeAlso: ??? Feature: IMAGEIO_PPM Section: Images Requires: IMAGEIO Name: PPM image I/O SeeAlso: ??? Feature: IMAGEIO_XBM Section: Images Requires: IMAGEIO Name: XBM image I/O SeeAlso: ??? Feature: IMAGEIO_XPM Section: Images Requires: IMAGEIO SPRINTF TEXTSTREAM Name: XPM image I/O SeeAlso: ??? Feature: IMAGEIO_PNG Section: Images Requires: IMAGEIO Name: PNG image I/O SeeAlso: ??? Feature: IMAGEIO_MNG Section: Images Requires: IMAGEIO Name: MNG image I/O SeeAlso: ??? Feature: IMAGEIO_JPEG Section: Images Requires: IMAGEIO Name: JPEG image I/O SeeAlso: ??? Feature: ASYNC_IO Section: Images Requires: Name: Asynchronous I/O SeeAlso: ??? Feature: ASYNC_IMAGE_IO Section: Images Requires: IMAGEIO Name: Asynchronous image I/O SeeAlso: ??? Feature: MOVIE Section: Images Requires: ASYNC_IO ASYNC_IMAGE_IO Name: Animated images SeeAlso: ??? Feature: FREETYPE Section: Fonts Requires: Name: Freetype font engine SeeAlso: ??? Feature: BDF Section: Fonts Requires: TEXTSTREAM STRINGLIST Name: BDF font files SeeAlso: ??? Feature: FONTDATABASE Section: Fonts Requires: STRINGLIST Name: TQFontDatabase SeeAlso: ??? Feature: TRANSLATION Section: Internationalization Requires: DATASTREAM Name: Translations via TQObject::tr() SeeAlso: ??? Feature: TRANSLATION_UTF8 Section: Internationalization Requires: TRANSLATION TEXTCODEC Name: Translations via TQObject::trUtf8() SeeAlso: ??? Feature: TEXTCODEC Section: Internationalization Requires: Name: Character set conversions SeeAlso: ??? Feature: CODECS Section: Internationalization Requires: TEXTCODEC Name: Non-Unicode text conversions SeeAlso: ??? Feature: BIG_CODECS Section: Internationalization Requires: CODEC_HEBREW Name: Big Codecs (eg. CJK) SeeAlso: ??? Feature: CODEC_HEBREW Section: Internationalization Requires: CODECS COMPLEXTEXT Name: Hebrew Codec SeeAlso: ??? Feature: UNICODETABLES Section: Internationalization Requires: Name: Unicode property tables SeeAlso: ??? Feature: MIME Section: File I/O Requires: DIR IMAGEIO TEXTCODEC Name: MIME SeeAlso: ??? Feature: RICHTEXT Section: Widgets Requires: STYLE LAYOUT STRINGLIST TEXTSTREAM Name: RichText (HTML) display SeeAlso: ??? Feature: TEXTCUSTOMITEM Section: Widgets Requires: RICHTEXT MIME Name: RichText (HTML) tables and images SeeAlso: ??? Feature: COMPLEXTEXT Section: Internationalization Requires: RICHTEXT Name: Complex scripts (eg. BiDi) SeeAlso: ??? Feature: DOM Section: File I/O Requires: XML MIME Name: Document Object Model SeeAlso: ??? Feature: SOUND Section: Kernel Requires: Name: Playing sounds SeeAlso: ??? Feature: PROPERTIES Section: Kernel Requires: VARIANT STRINGLIST ICONSET Name: Properties SeeAlso: ??? Feature: NETWORK Section: Networking Requires: Name: Networking SeeAlso: ??? Feature: DNS Section: Networking Requires: NETWORK STRINGLIST TEXTSTREAM SPRINTF Name: DNS SeeAlso: ??? Feature: URL Section: Networking Requires: DIR Name: URL parser SeeAlso: ??? Feature: NETWORKPROTOCOL Section: Networking Requires: TEXTCODEC URL Name: Network file access SeeAlso: ??? Feature: NETWORKPROTOCOL_FTP Section: Networking Requires: NETWORKPROTOCOL DNS TEXTDATE Name: FTP file access SeeAlso: ??? Feature: NETWORKPROTOCOL_HTTP Section: Networking Requires: NETWORKPROTOCOL DNS Name: HTTP file access SeeAlso: ??? Feature: PROCESS Section: File I/O Requires: STRINGLIST REGEXP Name: External process invocation. SeeAlso: ??? Feature: CLIPBOARD Section: Kernel Requires: MIME Name: Cut and paste SeeAlso: ??? Feature: DRAGANDDROP Section: Kernel Requires: MIME IMAGEIO_XPM Name: Drag and drop SeeAlso: ??? Feature: MIMECLIPBOARD Section: Kernel Requires: CLIPBOARD Name: Cut and paste non-text SeeAlso: ??? Feature: DRAWUTIL Section: Kernel Requires: SPRINTF PALETTE Name: Drawing utility functions SeeAlso: ??? Feature: IMAGE_TRUECOLOR Section: Images Requires: Name: TrueColor TQImage SeeAlso: ??? Feature: IMAGE_SMOOTHSCALE Section: Images Requires: Name: Smooth TQImage scaling SeeAlso: ??? Feature: IMAGE_DITHER_TO_1 Section: Images Requires: Name: Dither TQImage to 1-bit image SeeAlso: ??? Feature: IMAGE_HEURISTIC_MASK Section: Images Requires: Name: TQImage::createHeuristicMask() SeeAlso: ??? Feature: IMAGE_MIRROR Section: Images Requires: Name: TQImage mirroring SeeAlso: ??? Feature: IMAGE_TEXT Section: Images Requires: STRINGLIST Name: Image file text strings SeeAlso: ??? Feature: CURSOR Section: Kernel Requires: Name: Cursors SeeAlso: ??? Feature: COLORNAMES Section: Painting Requires: Name: Named colors SeeAlso: ??? Feature: TRANSFORMATIONS Section: Painting Requires: WMATRIX Name: Scaling and rotation SeeAlso: ??? Feature: PIXMAP_TRANSFORMATION Section: Painting Requires: WMATRIX Name: Pixmap transformations SeeAlso: ??? Feature: IMAGE_TRANSFORMATION Section: Painting Requires: PIXMAP_TRANSFORMATION Name: Image transformations SeeAlso: ??? Feature: SVG Section: Painting Requires: DOM TRANSFORMATIONS SPRINTF Name: Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) SeeAlso: ??? Feature: BEZIER Section: Painting Requires: Name: Bezier curves SeeAlso: ??? Feature: PRINTER Section: Painting Requires: TEXTSTREAM SPRINTF FONTDATABASE DATESTRING REGEXP_CAPTURE Name: Printing SeeAlso: ??? Feature: PICTURE Section: Painting Requires: DATASTREAM IMAGEIO Name: TQPicture SeeAlso: ??? Feature: LAYOUT Section: Kernel Requires: Name: Automatic widget layout SeeAlso: ??? Feature: STYLE Section: Widgets Requires: DRAWUTIL Name: TQStyle SeeAlso: ??? Feature: WIDGET_TOPEXTRA Section: Kernel Requires: IMAGE_HEURISTIC_MASK Name: Window icon and caption SeeAlso: ??? Feature: DIALOG Section: Widgets Requires: Name: Dialogs SeeAlso: ??? Feature: FRAME Section: Widgets Requires: STYLE Name: Framed widgets SeeAlso: ??? Feature: EFFECTS Section: Kernel Requires: Name: Special widget effects (fading, scrolling) SeeAlso: ??? Feature: LABEL Section: Widgets Requires: FRAME Name: TQLabel SeeAlso: ??? Feature: TOOLBAR Section: Widgets Requires: MAINWINDOW Name: Toolbars SeeAlso: ??? Feature: BUTTON Section: Widgets Requires: Name: Buttons SeeAlso: ??? Feature: CHECKBOX Section: Widgets Requires: BUTTON STYLE Name: Check-boxes SeeAlso: ??? Feature: RADIOBUTTON Section: Widgets Requires: BUTTON STYLE Name: Radio-buttons SeeAlso: ??? Feature: TOOLBUTTON Section: Widgets Requires: BUTTON ICONSET STYLE Name: Tool-buttons SeeAlso: ??? Feature: GRID Section: Widgets Requires: LAYOUT FRAME Name: Grid layout widgets SeeAlso: ??? Feature: GROUPBOX Section: Widgets Requires: FRAME LAYOUT Name: Group boxes SeeAlso: ??? Feature: BUTTONGROUP Section: Widgets Requires: GROUPBOX BUTTON RADIOBUTTON Name: Button groups SeeAlso: ??? Feature: HGROUPBOX Section: Widgets Requires: GROUPBOX Name: Horizontal group boxes SeeAlso: ??? Feature: VGROUPBOX Section: Widgets Requires: HGROUPBOX Name: Vertical group boxes SeeAlso: ??? Feature: HBUTTONGROUP Section: Widgets Requires: BUTTONGROUP Name: Horizontal button groups SeeAlso: ??? Feature: VBUTTONGROUP Section: Widgets Requires: HBUTTONGROUP Name: Vertical button groups SeeAlso: ??? Feature: HBOX Section: Widgets Requires: LAYOUT FRAME Name: Horizontal box layout widgets SeeAlso: ??? Feature: VBOX Section: Widgets Requires: HBOX Name: Vertical box layout widgets SeeAlso: ??? Feature: MAINWINDOW Section: Widgets Requires: STRINGLIST POPUPMENU TITLEBAR RESIZEHANDLER TOOLBUTTON STATUSBAR Name: Main-windows SeeAlso: ??? Feature: RESIZEHANDLER Section: Widgets Requires: FRAME Name: Internal resize handler SeeAlso: ??? Feature: MENUDATA Section: Widgets Requires: ICONSET VARIANT Name: Menu-oriented widgets SeeAlso: ??? Feature: POPUPMENU Section: Widgets Requires: MENUDATA FRAME Name: Popup-menus SeeAlso: ??? Feature: MENUBAR Section: Widgets Requires: POPUPMENU Name: Menu bars SeeAlso: ??? Feature: PUSHBUTTON Section: Widgets Requires: BUTTON STYLE Name: Push-buttons SeeAlso: ??? Feature: PROGRESSBAR Section: Widgets Requires: FRAME Name: Progress bars SeeAlso: ??? Feature: RANGECONTROL Section: Widgets Requires: Name: Range-control widgets SeeAlso: ??? Feature: SCROLLBAR Section: Widgets Requires: RANGECONTROL STYLE Name: Scroll bars SeeAlso: ??? Feature: SLIDER Section: Widgets Requires: RANGECONTROL STYLE Name: Sliders SeeAlso: ??? Feature: DIAL Section: Widgets Requires: RANGECONTROL STYLE Name: Dials SeeAlso: ??? Feature: SPINWIDGET Section: Widgets Requires: FRAME Name: Spinbox control widget SeeAlso: ??? Feature: SCROLLVIEW Section: Widgets Requires: SCROLLBAR FRAME Name: Scrollable view widgets SeeAlso: ??? Feature: ICONVIEW Section: Widgets Requires: SCROLLVIEW IMAGEIO_XPM IMAGE_HEURISTIC_MASK Name: TQIconView SeeAlso: ??? Feature: GRIDVIEW Section: Widgets Requires: SCROLLVIEW Name: TQGridView SeeAlso: ??? Feature: TEXTVIEW Section: Widgets Requires: TEXTEDIT Name: TQTextView SeeAlso: ??? Feature: TEXTEDIT Section: Widgets Requires: RICHTEXT SCROLLVIEW Name: Rich text edit SeeAlso: ??? Feature: SYNTAXHIGHLIGHTER Section: Widgets Requires: TEXTEDIT Name: Rich text syntax highlighting SeeAlso: ??? Feature: SPLASHSCREEN Section: Widgets Requires: IMAGEIO Name: Splash screen widget SeeAlso: ??? Feature: TABLEVIEW Section: Widgets Requires: SCROLLBAR Name: Table-like widgets SeeAlso: ??? Feature: LINEEDIT Section: Widgets Requires: FRAME Name: Single-line edits SeeAlso: ??? Feature: MULTILINEEDIT Section: Widgets Requires: TEXTEDIT Name: Multi-line edits SeeAlso: ??? Feature: SPINBOX Section: Widgets Requires: RANGECONTROL SPINWIDGET LINEEDIT VALIDATOR Name: Spin boxes SeeAlso: ??? Feature: SPLITTER Section: Widgets Requires: FRAME LAYOUT Name: Splitters SeeAlso: ??? Feature: STATUSBAR Section: Widgets Requires: LAYOUT STYLE Name: Status bars SeeAlso: ??? Feature: TABBAR Section: Widgets Requires: TOOLBUTTON Name: Tab-bars SeeAlso: ??? Feature: TABWIDGET Section: Widgets Requires: TABBAR WIDGETSTACK Name: Tab widgets SeeAlso: ??? Feature: TOOLTIP Section: Widgets Requires: LABEL Name: Tool tips SeeAlso: ??? Feature: VALIDATOR Section: Widgets Requires: Name: Input validators SeeAlso: ??? Feature: WHATSTHIS Section: Widgets Requires: TOOLTIP TOOLBUTTON Name: "What's this" help SeeAlso: ??? Feature: WIDGETSTACK Section: Widgets Requires: FRAME Name: Widget stacks SeeAlso: ??? Feature: TEXTBROWSER Section: Widgets Requires: TEXTVIEW MIME Name: TQTextBrowser SeeAlso: ??? Feature: LISTBOX Section: Widgets Requires: SCROLLVIEW STRINGLIST Name: TQListBox SeeAlso: ??? Feature: ACCEL Section: Kernel Requires: SPRINTF Name: Keyboard accelerators and shortcuts SeeAlso: ??? Feature: SIZEGRIP Section: Widgets Requires: STYLE Name: TQSizeGrip SeeAlso: ??? Feature: HEADER Section: Widgets Requires: STYLE ICONSET Name: TQHeader SeeAlso: ??? Feature: TITLEBAR Section: Kernel Requires: STYLE Name: Internal titlebar widget SeeAlso: ??? Feature: LCDNUMBER Section: Widgets Requires: FRAME Name: TQLCDNumber SeeAlso: ??? Feature: ACTION Section: Kernel Requires: TOOLBUTTON COMBOBOX Name: TQAction SeeAlso: ??? Feature: COMBOBOX Section: Widgets Requires: LISTBOX LINEEDIT POPUPMENU Name: TQComboBox SeeAlso: ??? Feature: LISTVIEW Section: Widgets Requires: SCROLLVIEW HEADER LINEEDIT Name: TQListView SeeAlso: ??? Feature: STYLE_WINDOWS Section: Widgets Requires: STYLE Name: Windows style SeeAlso: ??? Feature: STYLE_MOTIF Section: Widgets Requires: STYLE Name: Motif style SeeAlso: ??? Feature: STYLE_INTERLACE Section: Widgets Requires: STYLE_MOTIF Name: Interlace-friendly style SeeAlso: ??? Feature: STYLE_COMPACT Section: Widgets Requires: STYLE_WINDOWS Name: Compact Windows style SeeAlso: ??? Feature: STYLE_PLATINUM Section: Widgets Requires: STYLE_WINDOWS Name: Platinum style SeeAlso: ??? Feature: STYLE_AQUA Section: Widgets Requires: STYLE_WINDOWS IMAGE_TRANSFORMATION Name: Aqua style SeeAlso: ??? Feature: STYLE_CDE Section: Widgets Requires: STYLE_MOTIF TRANSFORMATIONS Name: CDE style SeeAlso: ??? Feature: STYLE_SGI Section: Widgets Requires: STYLE_MOTIF TRANSFORMATIONS BUTTON SCROLLBAR SLIDER LINEEDIT MENUBAR Name: SGI style SeeAlso: ??? Feature: STYLE_MOTIFPLUS Section: Widgets Requires: STYLE_MOTIF TRANSFORMATIONS BUTTON SCROLLBAR SLIDER Name: Motif-plus style SeeAlso: ??? Feature: COLORDIALOG Section: Widgets Requires: DIALOG LABEL PUSHBUTTON LINEEDIT VALIDATOR GRIDVIEW LAYOUT Name: TQColorDialog SeeAlso: ??? Feature: MESSAGEBOX Section: Widgets Requires: DIALOG PUSHBUTTON LABEL Name: TQMessageBox SeeAlso: ??? Feature: TABDIALOG Section: Widgets Requires: DIALOG PUSHBUTTON LAYOUT TABWIDGET Name: TQTabDialog SeeAlso: ??? Feature: WIZARD Section: Widgets Requires: DIALOG WIDGETSTACK PUSHBUTTON LAYOUT LABEL Name: TQWizard SeeAlso: ??? Feature: FILEDIALOG Section: Widgets Requires: MESSAGEBOX LISTVIEW NETWORKPROTOCOL COMBOBOX DIALOG REGEXP_CAPTURE TOOLBUTTON BUTTONGROUP VBOX SPLITTER PROGRESSBAR WIDGETSTACK DATESTRING Name: TQFileDialog SeeAlso: ??? Feature: FONTDIALOG Section: Widgets Requires: DIALOG FONTDATABASE COMBOBOX LABEL CHECKBOX PUSHBUTTON VGROUPBOX VALIDATOR Name: TQFontDialog SeeAlso: ??? Feature: PRINTDIALOG Section: Widgets Requires: DIALOG LISTVIEW PRINTER COMBOBOX LABEL BUTTONGROUP SPINBOX RADIOBUTTON PUSHBUTTON DIR Name: TQPrintDialog SeeAlso: ??? Feature: PROGRESSDIALOG Section: Widgets Requires: DIALOG LABEL PUSHBUTTON PROGRESSBAR Name: TQProgressDialog SeeAlso: ??? Feature: INPUTDIALOG Section: Widgets Requires: DIALOG COMBOBOX LABEL PUSHBUTTON SPINBOX WIDGETSTACK LAYOUT Name: TQInputDialog SeeAlso: ??? Feature: ERRORMESSAGE Section: Widgets Requires: DIALOG PUSHBUTTON LABEL CHECKBOX TEXTVIEW Name: TQErrorMessage SeeAlso: ??? Feature: SESSIONMANAGER Section: Kernel Requires: STRINGLIST Name: Session management SeeAlso: ??? Feature: DATETIMEEDIT Section: Widgets Requires: RICHTEXT SPINWIDGET DATESTRING Name: TQDateTimeEdit SeeAlso: ??? Feature: TEXTCODECPLUGIN Section: Internationalization Requires: COMPONENT TEXTCODEC Name: TQTextCodecPlugin SeeAlso: ??? Feature: IMAGEFORMATPLUGIN Section: Images Requires: COMPONENT IMAGEIO Name: TQImageFormatPlugin SeeAlso: ??? Feature: WIDGETPLUGIN Section: Widgets Requires: COMPONENT ICONSET Name: TQWidgetPlugin SeeAlso: ??? Feature: DIALOGBUTTONS Section: Widgets Requires: LAYOUT STYLE PUSHBUTTON Name: Experimental internal class SeeAlso: ???