** Implementation of TQHeader widget class (table header)
** Created : 961105
** Copyright (C) 1992-2008 Trolltech ASA.  All rights reserved.
** This file is part of the widgets module of the TQt GUI Toolkit.
** This file may be used under the terms of the GNU General
** Public License versions 2.0 or 3.0 as published by the Free
** Software Foundation and appearing in the files LICENSE.GPL2
** and LICENSE.GPL3 included in the packaging of this file.
** Alternatively you may (at your option) use any later version
** of the GNU General Public License if such license has been
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#include "ntqheader.h"
#ifndef QT_NO_HEADER
#include "ntqpainter.h"
#include "ntqdrawutil.h"
#include "ntqpixmap.h"
#include "ntqbitarray.h"
#include "ntqptrvector.h"
#include "ntqapplication.h"
#include "ntqstyle.h"

class TQHeaderData
    TQHeaderData(int n)
	count = n;
	labels.setAutoDelete( TRUE );
	iconsets.setAutoDelete( TRUE );
	if ( int( iconsets.size() ) < n )
	    iconsets.resize( n );
	int p =0;
	for ( int i = 0; i < n; i ++ ) {
	    sizes[i] = 88;
	    i2s[i] = i;
	    s2i[i] = i;
	    positions[i] = p;
	    p += sizes[i];
	clicks_default = TRUE;
	resize_default = TRUE;
	clicks.fill( clicks_default );
	resize.fill( resize_default );
	move = TRUE;
	sortSection = -1;
	sortDirection = TRUE;
	positionsDirty = TRUE;
	lastPos = 0;
	fullSize = -2;
	pos_dirty = FALSE;
	is_a_table_header = FALSE;
	focusIdx = 0;

    TQMemArray<TQCOORD>	sizes;
    int height; // we abuse the heights as widths for vertical layout
    bool heightDirty;
    TQMemArray<TQCOORD>	positions; // sorted by index
    TQPtrVector<TQString>	labels;
    TQPtrVector<TQIconSet> iconsets;
    TQMemArray<int>	        i2s;
    TQMemArray<int>	        s2i;

    TQBitArray           clicks;
    TQBitArray           resize;
    uint move : 1;
    uint clicks_default : 1; // default value for new clicks bits
    uint resize_default : 1; // default value for new resize bits
    uint pos_dirty : 1;
    uint is_a_table_header : 1;
    bool sortDirection;
    bool positionsDirty;
    int sortSection;
    int count;
    int lastPos;
    int fullSize;
    int focusIdx;
    int pressDelta;

    int sectionAt( int pos ) {
	// positions is sorted by index, not by section
	if ( !count )
	    return -1;
	int l = 0;
	int r = count - 1;
	int i = ( (l+r+1) / 2 );
	while ( r - l ) {
	    if ( positions[i] > pos )
		r = i -1;
		l = i;
	    i = ( (l+r+1) / 2 );
	if ( positions[i] <= pos && pos <= positions[i] + sizes[ i2s[i] ] )
	    return i2s[i];
	return -1;

    \class TQHeader ntqheader.h
    \brief The TQHeader class provides a header row or column, e.g. for
    tables and listviews.

    \ingroup advanced

    This class provides a header, e.g. a vertical header to display
    row labels, or a horizontal header to display column labels. It is
    used by TQTable and TQListView for example.

    A header is composed of one or more \e sections, each of which can
    display a text label and an \link TQIconSet iconset\endlink. A sort
    indicator (an arrow) can also be displayed using

    Sections are added with addLabel() and removed with removeLabel().
    The label and iconset are set in addLabel() and can be changed
    later with setLabel(). Use count() to retrieve the number of
    sections in the header.

    The orientation of the header is set with setOrientation(). If
    setStretchEnabled() is TRUE, the sections will expand to take up
    the full width (height for vertical headers) of the header. The
    user can resize the sections manually if setResizeEnabled() is
    TRUE. Call adjustHeaderSize() to have the sections resize to
    occupy the full width (or height).

    A section can be moved with moveSection(). If setMovingEnabled()
    is TRUE (the default)the user may drag a section from one position
    to another. If a section is moved, the index positions at which
    sections were added (with addLabel()), may not be the same after the
    move. You don't have to worry about this in practice because the
    TQHeader API works in terms of section numbers, so it doesn't matter
    where a particular section has been moved to.

    If you want the current index position of a section call
    mapToIndex() giving it the section number. (This is the number
    returned by the addLabel() call which created the section.) If you
    want to get the section number of a section at a particular index
    position call mapToSection() giving it the index number.

    Here's an example to clarify mapToSection() and mapToIndex():

    \header \i41 Index positions
    \row \i 0 \i 1 \i 2 \i 3
    \header \i41 Original section ordering
    \row \i Sect 0 \i Sect 1 \i Sect 2 \i Sect 3
    \header \i41 Ordering after the user moves a section
    \row \i Sect 0 \i Sect 2 \i Sect 3 \i Sect 1

    \header \i \e k \i mapToSection(\e k) \i mapToIndex(\e k)
    \row \i 0 \i 0 \i 0
    \row \i 1 \i 2 \i 3
    \row \i 2 \i 3 \i 1
    \row \i 3 \i 1 \i 2

    In the example above, if we wanted to find out which section is at
    index position 3 we'd call mapToSection(3) and get a section
    number of 1 since section 1 was moved. Similarly, if we wanted to
    know which index position section 2 occupied we'd call
    mapToIndex(2) and get an index of 1.

    TQHeader provides the clicked(), pressed() and released() signals.
    If the user changes the size of a section, the sizeChange() signal
    is emitted. If you want to have a sizeChange() signal emitted
    continuously whilst the user is resizing (rather than just after
    the resizing is finished), use setTracking(). If the user moves a
    section the indexChange() signal is emitted.

    <img src=qheader-m.png> <img src=qheader-w.png>

    \sa TQListView TQTable

    Constructs a horizontal header called \a name, with parent \a

TQHeader::TQHeader( TQWidget *parent, const char *name )
    : TQWidget( parent, name, WStaticContents )
    orient = Horizontal;
    init( 0 );

    Constructs a horizontal header called \a name, with \a n sections
    and parent \a parent.

TQHeader::TQHeader( int n,  TQWidget *parent, const char *name )
    : TQWidget( parent, name, WStaticContents )
    orient = Horizontal;
    init( n );

    Destroys the header and all its sections.

    delete d;
    d = 0;

/*! \reimp

void TQHeader::showEvent( TQShowEvent *e )
    TQWidget::showEvent( e );

    \fn void TQHeader::sizeChange( int section, int oldSize, int newSize )

    This signal is emitted when the user has changed the size of a \a
    section from \a oldSize to \a newSize. This signal is typically
    connected to a slot that repaints the table or list that contains
    the header.

    \fn void TQHeader::clicked( int section )

    If isClickEnabled() is TRUE, this signal is emitted when the user
    clicks section \a section.

    \sa pressed(), released()

    \fn void TQHeader::pressed( int section )

    This signal is emitted when the user presses section \a section

    \sa released()

    \fn void TQHeader::released( int section )

    This signal is emitted when section \a section is released.

    \sa pressed()

    \fn void TQHeader::indexChange( int section, int fromIndex, int toIndex )

    This signal is emitted when the user moves section \a section from
    index position \a fromIndex, to index position \a toIndex.

  \fn void TQHeader::moved( int fromIndex, int toIndex )

  Use indexChange() instead.

  This signal is emitted when the user has moved the section which
  is displayed at the index \a fromIndex to the index \a toIndex.

  \fn void TQHeader::sectionClicked( int index )

  Use clicked() instead.

  This signal is emitted when a part of the header is clicked. \a
  index is the index at which the section is displayed.

  In a list view this signal would typically be connected to a slot
  that sorts the specified column (or row).

/*! \fn int TQHeader::cellSize( int ) const

  Use sectionSize() instead.

  Returns the size in pixels of the section that is displayed at
  the index \a i.

    \fn void TQHeader::sectionHandleDoubleClicked( int section )

    This signal is emitted when the user doubleclicks on the edge
    (handle) of section \a section.


  Use sectionPos() instead.

  Returns the position in pixels of the section that is displayed at the
  index \a i. The  position is measured from the start of the header.

int TQHeader::cellPos( int i ) const
    if ( i == count() && i > 0 )
	return  d->positions[i-1] + d->sizes[d->i2s[i-1]]; // compatibility
    return sectionPos( mapToSection(i) );

    \property TQHeader::count
    \brief the number of sections in the header

int TQHeader::count() const
    return d->count;

    \property TQHeader::tracking
    \brief whether the sizeChange() signal is emitted continuously

    If tracking is on, the sizeChange() signal is emitted continuously
    while the mouse is moved (i.e. when the header is resized),
    otherwise it is only emitted when the mouse button is released at
    the end of resizing.

    Tracking defaults to FALSE.

    Initializes with \a n columns.
void TQHeader::init( int n )
    state = Idle;
    cachedPos = 0; // unused
    d = new TQHeaderData( n );
    d->height = 0;
    d->heightDirty = TRUE;
    offs = 0;
    if( reverse() )
	offs = d->lastPos - width();
    oldHandleIdx = oldHIdxSize = handleIdx = 0;

    setMouseTracking( TRUE );
    trackingIsOn = FALSE;
    setBackgroundMode( PaletteButton );
    setSizePolicy( TQSizePolicy( TQSizePolicy::Preferred, TQSizePolicy::Fixed ) );

    \property TQHeader::orientation
    \brief the header's orientation

    The orientation is either \c Vertical or \c Horizontal (the

    Call setOrientation() before adding labels if you don't provide a
    size parameter otherwise the sizes will be incorrect.

void TQHeader::setOrientation( Orientation orientation )
    if ( orient == orientation )
    orient = orientation;
    if ( orient == Horizontal )
	setSizePolicy( TQSizePolicy( TQSizePolicy::Preferred, TQSizePolicy::Fixed ) );
	setSizePolicy( TQSizePolicy( TQSizePolicy::Fixed, TQSizePolicy::Preferred ) );

    Paints a rectangle starting at \a p, with length \s.
void TQHeader::paintRect( int p, int s )
    TQPainter paint( this );
    paint.setPen( TQPen( black, 1, DotLine ) );
    if ( reverse() )
	paint.drawRect( p - s, 3, s, height() - 5 );
    else if ( orient == Horizontal )
	paint.drawRect( p, 3, s, height() - 5 );
	paint.drawRect( 3, p, height() - 5, s );

  Marks the division line at \a idx.
void TQHeader::markLine( int idx )
    TQPainter paint( this );
    paint.setPen( TQPen( black, 1, DotLine ) );
    int MARKSIZE = style().pixelMetric( TQStyle::PM_HeaderMarkSize );
    int p = pPos( idx );
    int x = p - MARKSIZE/2;
    int y = 2;
    int x2 = p + MARKSIZE/2;
    int y2 = height() - 3;
    if ( orient == Vertical ) {
	int t = x; x = y; y = t;
	t = x2; x2 = y2; y2 = t;

    paint.drawLine( x, y, x2, y );
    paint.drawLine( x, y+1, x2, y+1 );

    paint.drawLine( x, y2, x2, y2 );
    paint.drawLine( x, y2-1, x2, y2-1 );

    paint.drawLine( x, y, x, y2 );
    paint.drawLine( x+1, y, x+1, y2 );

    paint.drawLine( x2, y, x2, y2 );
    paint.drawLine( x2-1, y, x2-1, y2 );

  Removes the mark at the division line at \a idx.
void TQHeader::unMarkLine( int idx )
    if ( idx < 0 )
    int MARKSIZE = style().pixelMetric( TQStyle::PM_HeaderMarkSize );
    int p = pPos( idx );
    int x = p - MARKSIZE/2;
    int y = 2;
    int x2 = p + MARKSIZE/2;
    int y2 = height() - 3;
    if ( orient == Vertical ) {
	int t = x; x = y; y = t;
	t = x2; x2 = y2; y2 = t;
    repaint( x, y, x2-x+1, y2-y+1 );

/*! \fn int TQHeader::cellAt( int ) const

  Use sectionAt() instead.

  Returns the index at which the section is displayed, which contains
  \a pos in widget coordinates, or -1 if \a pos is outside the header

  Tries to find a line that is not a neighbor of  \c handleIdx.
int TQHeader::findLine( int c )
    int i = 0;
    if ( c > d->lastPos || (reverse() && c < 0 )) {
	return d->count;
    } else {
	int section = sectionAt( c );
	if ( section < 0 )
	    return handleIdx;
	i = d->s2i[section];
    int MARKSIZE = style().pixelMetric( TQStyle::PM_HeaderMarkSize );
    if ( i == handleIdx )
	return i;
    if ( i == handleIdx - 1 &&  pPos( handleIdx ) - c > MARKSIZE/2 )
	return i;
    if ( i == handleIdx + 1 && c - pPos( i ) > MARKSIZE/2 )
	return i + 1;
    if ( c - pPos( i ) > pSize( i ) / 2 )
	return i + 1;
	return i;

    Returns the handle at position \a p, or -1 if there is no handle at \a p.
int TQHeader::handleAt(int p)
    int section = d->sectionAt( p );
    if ( section >= 0 ) {
	int GripMargin = (bool)d->resize[ section ] ?
	    style().pixelMetric( TQStyle::PM_HeaderGripMargin ) : 0;
	int index = d->s2i[section];
	if ( (index > 0 && p < d->positions[index] + GripMargin) ||
	    (p > d->positions[index] + d->sizes[section] - GripMargin) ) {
	    if ( index > 0 && p < d->positions[index]  + GripMargin )
		section = d->i2s[--index];
	    // dont show icon if streaching is enabled it is at the end of the last section
	    if ( d->resize.testBit(section) && (d->fullSize == -2 || index != count() - 1)) {
		return section;

    return -1;


  Use moveSection() instead.

  Moves the section that is currently displayed at index \a fromIdx
  to index \a toIdx.

void TQHeader::moveCell( int fromIdx, int toIdx )
    moveSection( mapToSection(fromIdx), toIdx );

  Move and signal and repaint.

void TQHeader::handleColumnMove( int fromIdx, int toIdx )
    int s = d->i2s[fromIdx];
    if ( fromIdx < toIdx )
	toIdx++; //Convert to
    TQRect r = sRect( fromIdx );
    r |= sRect( toIdx );
    moveSection( s, toIdx );
    update( r );
    emit moved( fromIdx, toIdx );
    emit indexChange( s, fromIdx, toIdx );

void TQHeader::keyPressEvent( TQKeyEvent *e )
    int i = d->focusIdx;
    if ( e->key() == Key_Space ) {
	//don't do it if we're doing something with the mouse
	if ( state == Idle && d->clicks[ d->i2s[d->focusIdx]  ] ) {
	    handleIdx = i;
	    state = Pressed;
	    repaint( sRect( handleIdx ) );
	    emit pressed( d->i2s[i] );
    } else if ( ( orientation() == Horizontal &&
		(e->key() == Key_Right || e->key() == Key_Left) )
		|| ( orientation() == Vertical &&
		(e->key() == Key_Up || e->key() == Key_Down) ) ) {
	int dir = e->key() == Key_Right || e->key() == Key_Down ? 1 : -1;
	int s = d->i2s[i];
	if ( e->state() & ControlButton  && d->resize[s] ) {
	    int step = e->state() & ShiftButton ? dir : 10*dir;
	    int c = d->positions[i] + d->sizes[s] +  step;
	    handleColumnResize( i, c, TRUE );
	} else 	if ( e->state() & (AltButton|MetaButton) && d->move ) {
	    //move section
	    int i2 = ( i + count() + dir ) % count();
	    d->focusIdx = i2;
	    handleColumnMove( i, i2 );
	} else {
	    //focus on different section
	    TQRect r = sRect( d->focusIdx );
	    d->focusIdx = (d->focusIdx + count() + dir) % count();
	    r |= sRect( d->focusIdx );
	    update( r );
    } else {

void TQHeader::keyReleaseEvent( TQKeyEvent *e )
    switch ( e->key() ) {
    case Key_Space:
	//double check that this wasn't started with the mouse
	if ( state == Pressed && handleIdx == d->focusIdx ) {
	    repaint(sRect( handleIdx ), FALSE);
	    int section = d->i2s[d->focusIdx];
	    emit released( section );
	    emit sectionClicked( handleIdx );
	    emit clicked( section );
	    state = Idle;
	    handleIdx = -1;

void TQHeader::mousePressEvent( TQMouseEvent *e )
    if ( e->button() != LeftButton || state != Idle )
    oldHIdxSize = handleIdx;
    handleIdx = 0;
    int c = orient == Horizontal ? e->pos().x() : e->pos().y();
    c += offset();
    if ( reverse() )
	c = d->lastPos - c;

    int section = d->sectionAt( c );
    if ( section < 0 )
    int GripMargin = (bool)d->resize[ section ] ?
	style().pixelMetric( TQStyle::PM_HeaderGripMargin ) : 0;
    int index = d->s2i[section];

    if ( (index > 0 && c < d->positions[index] + GripMargin) ||
	 (c > d->positions[index] + d->sizes[section] - GripMargin) ) {
	if ( c < d->positions[index] + GripMargin )
	    handleIdx = index-1;
	    handleIdx = index;
	if ( d->lastPos <= ( orient == Horizontal ? width() :
			     height() ) && d->fullSize != -2 && handleIdx == count() - 1 ) {
	    handleIdx = -1;
	oldHIdxSize = d->sizes[ d->i2s[handleIdx] ];
	state = d->resize[ d->i2s[handleIdx]  ] ? Sliding : Blocked;
    } else if ( index >= 0 ) {
	oldHandleIdx = handleIdx = index;
	moveToIdx = -1;
	state = d->clicks[ d->i2s[handleIdx]  ] ? Pressed : Blocked;
	clickPos = c;
	repaint( sRect( handleIdx ) );
	if(oldHandleIdx != handleIdx)
	    repaint( sRect( oldHandleIdx ) );
	emit pressed( section );

    d->pressDelta = c - ( d->positions[handleIdx] + d->sizes[ d->i2s[handleIdx] ] );

void TQHeader::mouseReleaseEvent( TQMouseEvent *e )
    if ( e->button() != LeftButton )
    int oldOldHandleIdx = oldHandleIdx;
    State oldState = state;
    state = Idle;
    switch ( oldState ) {
    case Pressed: {
	int section = d->i2s[handleIdx];
	emit released( section );
	if ( sRect( handleIdx ).contains( e->pos() ) ) {
	    oldHandleIdx = handleIdx;
	    emit sectionClicked( handleIdx );
	    emit clicked( section );
	} else {
	    handleIdx = oldHandleIdx;
	repaint(sRect( handleIdx ), FALSE);
	if ( oldOldHandleIdx != handleIdx )
	    repaint(sRect(oldOldHandleIdx ), FALSE );
	} break;
    case Sliding: {
	int c = orient == Horizontal ? e->pos().x() : e->pos().y();
	c += offset();
	if ( reverse() )
	    c = d->lastPos - c;
	handleColumnResize( handleIdx, c - d->pressDelta, TRUE );
    } break;
    case Moving: {
#ifndef QT_NO_CURSOR
	int section = d->i2s[handleIdx];
	if ( handleIdx != moveToIdx && moveToIdx != -1 ) {
	    moveSection( section, moveToIdx );
	    handleIdx = oldHandleIdx;
	    emit moved( handleIdx, moveToIdx );
	    emit indexChange( section, handleIdx, moveToIdx );
	    emit released( section );
	    repaint(); // a bit overkill, but removes the handle as well
	} else {
	    if ( sRect( handleIdx).contains( e->pos() ) ) {
		oldHandleIdx = handleIdx;
		emit released( section );
		emit sectionClicked( handleIdx );
		emit clicked( section );
	    } else {
		handleIdx = oldHandleIdx;
	    repaint(sRect( handleIdx ), FALSE );
	    if(oldOldHandleIdx != handleIdx)
		repaint(sRect(oldOldHandleIdx ), FALSE );
    case Blocked:
	// empty, probably.  Idle, at any rate.

void TQHeader::mouseMoveEvent( TQMouseEvent *e )
    int c = orient == Horizontal ? e->pos().x() : e->pos().y();
    c += offset();

    int pos = c;
    if( reverse() )
	c = d->lastPos - c;

    switch( state ) {
    case Idle:
#ifndef QT_NO_CURSOR
	if ( handleAt(c) < 0 )
	else if ( orient == Horizontal )
	    setCursor( splitHCursor );
	    setCursor( splitVCursor );
    case Blocked:
    case Pressed:
	if ( TQABS( c - clickPos ) > 4 && d->move ) {
	    state = Moving;
	    moveToIdx = -1;
#ifndef QT_NO_CURSOR
	    if ( orient == Horizontal )
		setCursor( sizeHorCursor );
		setCursor( sizeVerCursor );
    case Sliding:
	handleColumnResize( handleIdx, c, FALSE, FALSE );
    case Moving: {
	int newPos = findLine( pos );
	if ( newPos != moveToIdx ) {
	    if ( moveToIdx == handleIdx || moveToIdx == handleIdx + 1 )
		repaint( sRect(handleIdx) );
		unMarkLine( moveToIdx );
	    moveToIdx = newPos;
	    if ( moveToIdx == handleIdx || moveToIdx == handleIdx + 1 )
		paintRect( pPos( handleIdx ), pSize( handleIdx ) );
		markLine( moveToIdx );
	tqWarning( "TQHeader::mouseMoveEvent: (%s) unknown state", name() );

/*! \reimp */

void TQHeader::mouseDoubleClickEvent( TQMouseEvent *e )
    int p = orient == Horizontal ? e->pos().x() : e->pos().y();
    p += offset();
    if( reverse() )
	p = d->lastPos - p;

    int header = handleAt(p);
    if (header >= 0)
	emit sectionHandleDoubleClicked( header );

  Handles resizing of sections. This means it redraws the relevant parts
  of the header.

void TQHeader::handleColumnResize( int index, int c, bool final, bool recalcAll )
    int section = d->i2s[index];
    int GripMargin = (bool)d->resize[ section ] ?
	style().pixelMetric( TQStyle::PM_HeaderGripMargin ) : 0;
    int lim = d->positions[index] + 2*GripMargin;
    if ( c == lim )
    if ( c < lim )
	c = lim;
    int oldSize = d->sizes[section];
    int newSize = c - d->positions[index];
    d->sizes[section] = newSize;

    calculatePositions( !recalcAll, !recalcAll ? section : 0 );

    int pos = d->positions[index]-offset();
    if( reverse() ) // repaint the whole thing. Could be optimized (lars)
	repaint( 0, 0, width(), height() );
    else if ( orient == Horizontal )
	repaint( pos, 0, width() - pos, height() );
	repaint( 0, pos, width(), height() - pos );

    int os = 0, ns = 0;
    if ( tracking() && oldSize != newSize ) {
	os = oldSize;
	ns = newSize;
	emit sizeChange( section, oldSize, newSize );
    } else if ( !tracking() && final && oldHIdxSize != newSize ) {
	os = oldHIdxSize;
	ns = newSize;
	emit sizeChange( section, oldHIdxSize, newSize );

    if ( os != ns ) {
	if ( d->fullSize == -1 ) {
	    d->fullSize = count() - 1;
	    d->fullSize = -1;
	} else if ( d->fullSize >= 0 ) {
	    int old = d->fullSize;
	    d->fullSize = count() - 1;
	    d->fullSize = old;

    Returns the rectangle covered by the section at index \a index.

TQRect TQHeader::sRect( int index )

    int section = mapToSection( index );
    if ( count() > 0 && index >= count() ) {
	int s = d->positions[count() - 1] - offset() +
		d->sizes[mapToSection(count() - 1)];
	if ( orient == Horizontal )
	    return TQRect( s, 0, width() - s + 10, height() );
	    return TQRect( 0, s, width(), height() - s + 10 );
    if ( section < 0 )
	return rect(); // ### eeeeevil

    if ( reverse() )
	return TQRect(  d->lastPos - d->positions[index] - d->sizes[section] -offset(),
		       0, d->sizes[section], height() );
    else if ( orient == Horizontal )
	return TQRect(  d->positions[index]-offset(), 0, d->sizes[section], height() );
	return TQRect( 0, d->positions[index]-offset(), width(), d->sizes[section] );

    Returns the rectangle covered by section \a section.

TQRect TQHeader::sectionRect( int section ) const
    int index = mapToIndex( section );
    if ( section < 0 )
	return rect(); // ### eeeeevil

    if ( reverse() )
	return TQRect(  d->lastPos - d->positions[index] - d->sizes[section] -offset(),
		       0, d->sizes[section], height() );
    else if ( orient == Horizontal )
	return TQRect(  d->positions[index]-offset(), 0, d->sizes[section], height() );
	return TQRect( 0, d->positions[index]-offset(), width(), d->sizes[section] );


    Sets the icon for section \a section to \a iconset and the text to
    \a s. The section's width is set to \a size if \a size \>= 0;
    otherwise it is left unchanged.

    If the section does not exist, nothing happens.

void TQHeader::setLabel( int section, const TQIconSet& iconset,
			const TQString &s, int size )
    if ( section < 0 || section >= count() )
    d->iconsets.insert( section, new TQIconSet( iconset ) );
    setLabel( section, s, size );

    Sets the text of section \a section to \a s. The section's width
    is set to \a size if \a size \>= 0; otherwise it is left
    unchanged. Any icon set that has been set for this section remains

    If the section does not exist, nothing happens.
void TQHeader::setLabel( int section, const TQString &s, int size )
    if ( section < 0 || section >= count() )
    if ( s.isNull() )
	d->labels.remove( section );
	d->labels.insert( section, new TQString( s ) );

    setSectionSizeAndHeight( section, size );

    if ( isUpdatesEnabled() ) {

bool tqt_qheader_label_return_null_strings = FALSE;
    Returns the text for section \a section. If the section does not
    exist, a TQString::null is returned.
TQString TQHeader::label( int section ) const
    if ( section < 0 || section >= count() )
	return TQString::null;
    if ( d->labels[ section ] )
	return *( d->labels[ section ] );
    else if ( tqt_qheader_label_return_null_strings )
	return TQString::null;
	return TQString::number( section + 1 );

    Returns the icon set for section \a section. If the section does
    not exist, 0 is returned.

TQIconSet *TQHeader::iconSet( int section ) const
    if ( section < 0 || section >= count() )
	return 0;
    return d->iconsets[ section ];


    Adds a new section with iconset \a iconset and label text \a s.
    Returns the index position where the section was added (at the
    right for horizontal headers, at the bottom for vertical headers).
    The section's width is set to \a size, unless size is negative in
    which case the size is calculated taking account of the size of
    the text.
int TQHeader::addLabel( const TQIconSet& iconset, const TQString &s, int size )
    int n = count() + 1;
    d->iconsets.resize( n + 1 );
    d->iconsets.insert( n - 1, new TQIconSet( iconset ) );
    return addLabel( s, size );

    Removes section \a section. If the section does not exist, nothing
void TQHeader::removeLabel( int section )
    if ( section < 0 || section > count() - 1 )

    int index = d->s2i[section];
    int n = --d->count;
    int i;
    for ( i = section; i < n; ++i ) {
	d->sizes[i] = d->sizes[i+1];
	d->labels.insert( i, d->labels.take( i + 1 ) );
	d->iconsets.insert( i, d->iconsets.take( i + 1 ) );

    d->sizes.resize( n );
    d->positions.resize( n );
    d->labels.resize( n );
    d->iconsets.resize( n );

    for ( i = section; i < n; ++i )
	d->s2i[i] = d->s2i[i+1];
    d->s2i.resize( n );

    if ( isUpdatesEnabled() ) {
	for ( i = 0; i < n; ++i )
	    if ( d->s2i[i] > index )

    for ( i = index; i < n; ++i )
	d->i2s[i] = d->i2s[i+1];
    d->i2s.resize( n );

    if ( isUpdatesEnabled() ) {
	for ( i = 0; i < n; ++i )
	    if ( d->i2s[i] > section )

    if ( isUpdatesEnabled() ) {

TQSize TQHeader::sectionSizeHint( int section, const TQFontMetrics& fm ) const
    int iw = 0;
    int ih = 0;
    if ( d->iconsets[section] != 0 ) {
	TQSize isize = d->iconsets[section]->pixmap( TQIconSet::Small,
						    TQIconSet::Normal ).size();
	iw = isize.width() + 2;
	ih = isize.height();

    TQRect bound;
    TQString *label = d->labels[section];
    if ( label ) {
	int lines = label->contains( '\n' ) + 1;
	int w = 0;
        if (lines > 1) {
            bound.setHeight(fm.height() + fm.lineSpacing() * (lines - 1));
            TQStringList list = TQStringList::split('\n', *label);
            for (int i=0; i <(int)list.count(); ++i) {
                int tmpw = fm.width(*(list.at(i)));
                w = TQMAX(w, tmpw);
        } else {
            w = fm.width(*label);
	bound.setWidth( w );
    int arrowWidth = 0;
    if ( d->sortSection == section )
	arrowWidth = ( ( orient == TQt::Horizontal ? height() : width() ) / 2 ) + 8;
    int height = TQMAX( bound.height() + 2, ih ) + 4;
    int width = bound.width() + style().pixelMetric( TQStyle::PM_HeaderMargin ) * 4
	+ iw + arrowWidth;
    return TQSize( width, height );

    Sets d->sizes[\a section] to a bounding rect based on its size
    hint and font metrics, but constrained by \a size. It also updates
void TQHeader::setSectionSizeAndHeight( int section, int size )
    TQSize sz = sectionSizeHint( section, fontMetrics() );

    if ( size < 0 ) {
	if ( d->sizes[section] < 0 )
	    d->sizes[section] = ( orient == Horizontal ) ? sz.width()
							 : sz.height();
    } else {
	d->sizes[section] = size;

    int newHeight = ( orient == Horizontal ) ? sz.height() : sz.width();
    if ( newHeight > d->height ) {
	d->height = newHeight;
    } else if ( newHeight < d->height ) {
	  We could be smarter, but we aren't. This makes a difference
	  only for users with many columns and '\n's in their headers
	  at the same time.
	d->heightDirty = TRUE;

    Adds a new section with label text \a s. Returns the index
    position where the section was added (at the right for horizontal
    headers, at the bottom for vertical headers). The section's width
    is set to \a size. If \a size \< 0, an appropriate size for the
    text \a s is chosen.
int TQHeader::addLabel( const TQString &s, int size )
    int n = ++d->count;
    if ( (int)d->iconsets.size() < n  )
	d->iconsets.resize( n );
    if ( (int)d->sizes.size() < n  ) {
	d->labels.resize( n );
	d->sizes.resize( n );
	d->positions.resize( n );
	d->i2s.resize( n );
	d->s2i.resize( n );
	d->clicks.resize( n );
	d->resize.resize( n );
    int section = d->count - 1;
    if ( !d->is_a_table_header || !s.isNull() )
	d->labels.insert( section, new TQString( s ) );

    if ( size >= 0 && s.isNull() && d->is_a_table_header ) {
	d->sizes[section] = size;
    } else {
	d->sizes[section] = -1;
	setSectionSizeAndHeight( section, size );

    int index = section;
    d->positions[index] = d->lastPos;

    d->s2i[section] = index;
    d->i2s[index] = section;
    d->clicks.setBit( section, d->clicks_default );
    d->resize.setBit( section, d->resize_default );

    if ( isUpdatesEnabled() ) {
    return index;

void TQHeader::resizeArrays( int size )
    d->iconsets.resize( size );
    d->labels.resize( size );
    d->sizes.resize( size );
    d->positions.resize( size );
    d->i2s.resize( size );
    d->s2i.resize( size );
    d->clicks.resize( size );
    d->resize.resize( size );

void TQHeader::setIsATableHeader( bool b )
    d->is_a_table_header = b;

/*! \reimp */
TQSize TQHeader::sizeHint() const
    int width;
    int height;

    TQFontMetrics fm = fontMetrics();

    if ( d->heightDirty ) {
	d->height = fm.lineSpacing() + 6;
	for ( int i = 0; i < count(); i++ ) {
	    int h = orient == Horizontal ?
		    sectionSizeHint( i, fm ).height() : sectionSizeHint( i, fm ).width();
	    d->height = TQMAX( d->height, h );
	d->heightDirty = FALSE;

    if ( orient == Horizontal ) {
	height = fm.lineSpacing() + 6;
	width = 0;
	height = TQMAX( height, d->height );
	for ( int i = 0; i < count(); i++ )
	    width += d->sizes[i];
    } else {
	width = fm.width( ' ' );
	height = 0;
	width = TQMAX( width, d->height );
	for ( int i = 0; i < count(); i++ )
	    height += d->sizes[i];
    return (style().sizeFromContents(TQStyle::CT_Header, this,
				     TQSize(width, height)).expandedTo(TQApplication::globalStrut()));

    \property TQHeader::offset
    \brief the header's left-most (or top-most) visible pixel

    Setting this property will scroll the header so that \e offset
    becomes the left-most (or top-most for vertical headers) visible
int TQHeader::offset() const
    if ( reverse() )
	return d->lastPos - width() - offs;
    return offs;

void TQHeader::setOffset( int x )
    int oldOff = offset();
    offs = x;
    if( d->lastPos < ( orient == Horizontal ? width() : height() ) )
	offs = 0;
    else if ( reverse() )
	offs = d->lastPos - width() - x;
    if ( orient == Horizontal )
	scroll( oldOff-offset(), 0 );
	scroll( 0, oldOff-offset());

  Returns the position of actual division line \a i in widget
  coordinates. May return a position outside the widget.

  Note that the last division line is numbered count(). (There is one
  more line than the number of sections).
int TQHeader::pPos( int i ) const
    int pos;
    if ( i == count() )
	pos = d->lastPos;
	pos = d->positions[i];
    if ( reverse() )
	pos = d->lastPos - pos;
    return pos - offset();

  Returns the size of the section at index position \a i.
int TQHeader::pSize( int i ) const
    return d->sizes[ d->i2s[i] ];


  Use mapToSection() instead.

  Translates from actual index \a a (index at which the section is displayed)  to
  logical index of the section.  Returns -1 if \a a is outside the legal range.

  \sa mapToActual()

int TQHeader::mapToLogical( int a ) const
    return mapToSection( a );


  Use mapToIndex() instead.

  Translates from logical index \a l to actual index (index at which the section \a l is displayed) .
  Returns -1 if \a l is outside the legal range.

  \sa mapToLogical()

int TQHeader::mapToActual( int l ) const
    return mapToIndex( l );


  Use resizeSection() instead.

  Sets the size of the section \a section to \a s pixels.

  \warning does not repaint or send out signals

void TQHeader::setCellSize( int section, int s )
    if ( section < 0 || section >= count() )
    d->sizes[ section ] = s;
    if ( isUpdatesEnabled() )

    If \a enable is TRUE the user may resize section \a section;
    otherwise the section may not be manually resized.

    If \a section is negative (the default) then the \a enable value
    is set for all existing sections and will be applied to any new
    sections that are added.
    // Allow resizing of all current and future sections
    // Disable resizing of section 3, (the fourth section added)
    header->setResizeEnabled(FALSE, 3);

    If the user resizes a section, a sizeChange() signal is emitted.

    \sa setMovingEnabled() setClickEnabled() setTracking()

void TQHeader::setResizeEnabled( bool enable, int section )
    if ( section < 0 ) {
	d->resize.fill( enable );
	// and future ones...
	d->resize_default = enable;
    } else if ( section < count() ) {
	d->resize[ section ] = enable;

    \property TQHeader::moving
    \brief whether the header sections can be moved

    If this property is TRUE (the default) the user can move sections.
    If the user moves a section the indexChange() signal is emitted.

    \sa setClickEnabled(), setResizeEnabled()

void TQHeader::setMovingEnabled( bool enable )
    d->move = enable;

    If \a enable is TRUE, any clicks on section \a section will result
    in clicked() signals being emitted; otherwise the section will
    ignore clicks.

    If \a section is -1 (the default) then the \a enable value is set
    for all existing sections and will be applied to any new sections
    that are added.

    \sa setMovingEnabled(), setResizeEnabled()

void TQHeader::setClickEnabled( bool enable, int section )
    if ( section < 0 ) {
	d->clicks.fill( enable );
	// and future ones...
	d->clicks_default = enable;
    } else if ( section < count() ) {
	d->clicks[ section ] = enable;

    Paints the section at position \a index, inside rectangle \a fr
    (which uses widget coordinates) using painter \a p.

    Calls paintSectionLabel().

void TQHeader::paintSection( TQPainter *p, int index, const TQRect& fr )
    int section = mapToSection( index );

    if ( section < 0 ) {
	style().drawPrimitive( TQStyle::PE_HeaderSection, p, fr,
			       colorGroup(), TQStyle::Style_Raised |
			       (isEnabled() ? TQStyle::Style_Enabled : 0) |
			       ( orient == Horizontal ? TQStyle::Style_Horizontal : 0 ),
			       TQStyleOption( this ) );

    if ( sectionSize( section ) <= 0 )

    TQStyle::SFlags flags = (orient == Horizontal ? TQStyle::Style_Horizontal : TQStyle::Style_Default);
    //pass in some hint about the sort indicator if it is used
    if(d->sortSection != section)
	flags |= TQStyle::Style_Off;
    else if(!d->sortDirection)
	flags |= TQStyle::Style_Up;
	flags |= TQStyle::Style_Enabled;
    if(isClickEnabled(section)) {
	if(section == d->sortSection)
	    flags |= TQStyle::Style_Sunken; //currently selected
	if((state == Pressed || state == Moving) && index == handleIdx)
	    flags |= TQStyle::Style_Down; //currently pressed

    if(!(flags & TQStyle::Style_Down))
	flags |= TQStyle::Style_Raised;
    p->setBrushOrigin( fr.topLeft() );
    if ( d->clicks[section] ) {
	style().drawPrimitive( TQStyle::PE_HeaderSection, p, fr,
			       colorGroup(), flags,
			       TQStyleOption( this ) );
    } else {
	p->setClipRect( fr ); // hack to keep styles working
	if ( orientation() == Horizontal ) {
	    style().drawPrimitive( TQStyle::PE_HeaderSection, p,
				   TQRect(fr.x() - 2, fr.y() - 2, fr.width() + 4, fr.height() + 4),
				   colorGroup(), flags,
				   TQStyleOption( this ) );

	    p->setPen( colorGroup().color( TQColorGroup::Mid ) );
	    p->drawLine( fr.x(), fr.y() + fr.height() - 1,
			 fr.x() + fr.width() - 1, fr.y() + fr.height() - 1 );
	    p->drawLine( fr.x() + fr.width() - 1, fr.y(),
			 fr.x() + fr.width() - 1, fr.y() + fr.height() - 1 );
	    p->setPen( colorGroup().color( TQColorGroup::Light ) );
	    if ( index > 0 )
		p->drawLine( fr.x(), fr.y(), fr.x(), fr.y() + fr.height() - 1 );
	    if ( index == count() - 1 ) {
		p->drawLine( fr.x() + fr.width() - 1, fr.y(),
			     fr.x() + fr.width() - 1, fr.y() + fr.height() - 1 );
		p->setPen( colorGroup().color( TQColorGroup::Mid ) );
		p->drawLine( fr.x() + fr.width() - 2, fr.y(),
			     fr.x() + fr.width() - 2, fr.y() + fr.height() - 1 );
	} else {
	    style().drawPrimitive( TQStyle::PE_HeaderSection, p,
				   TQRect(fr.x() - 2, fr.y() - 2, fr.width() + 4, fr.height() + 4),
				   colorGroup(), flags,
				   TQStyleOption( this ) );

	    p->setPen( colorGroup().color( TQColorGroup::Mid ) );
	    p->drawLine( fr.x() + width() - 1, fr.y(),
			 fr.x() + fr.width() - 1, fr.y() + fr.height() - 1 );
	    p->drawLine( fr.x(), fr.y() + fr.height() - 1,
			 fr.x() + fr.width() - 1, fr.y() + fr.height() - 1 );
	    p->setPen( colorGroup().color( TQColorGroup::Light ) );
	    if ( index > 0 )
		p->drawLine( fr.x(), fr.y(), fr.x() + fr.width() - 1, fr.y() );
	    if ( index == count() - 1 ) {
		p->drawLine( fr.x(), fr.y() + fr.height() - 1,
			     fr.x() + fr.width() - 1, fr.y() + fr.height() - 1 );
		p->setPen( colorGroup().color( TQColorGroup::Mid ) );
		p->drawLine( fr.x(), fr.y() + fr.height() - 2,
			     fr.x() + fr.width() - 1, fr.y() + fr.height() - 2 );

    paintSectionLabel( p, index, fr );

    Paints the label of the section at position \a index, inside
    rectangle \a fr (which uses widget coordinates) using painter \a

    Called by paintSection()
void TQHeader::paintSectionLabel( TQPainter *p, int index, const TQRect& fr )
    int section = mapToSection( index );
    if ( section < 0 )

    int dx = 0, dy = 0;
    TQStyle::SFlags flags = TQStyle::Style_Default;
    if ( index == handleIdx && ( state == Pressed || state == Moving ) ) {
	dx = style().pixelMetric( TQStyle::PM_ButtonShiftHorizontal, this );
	dy = style().pixelMetric( TQStyle::PM_ButtonShiftVertical, this );
	flags |= TQStyle::Style_Sunken;
    if ( isEnabled() )
	flags |= TQStyle::Style_Enabled;

    TQRect r( fr.x() + style().pixelMetric( TQStyle::PM_HeaderMargin ) + dx, fr.y() + 2 + dy,
	     fr.width() - 6, fr.height() - 4 );

    style().drawControl( TQStyle::CE_HeaderLabel, p, this, r, colorGroup(), flags,
			 TQStyleOption( section ) );

    int arrowWidth = ( orient == TQt::Horizontal ? height() : width() ) / 2;
    int arrowHeight = fr.height() - 6;
    TQSize ssh = sectionSizeHint( section, p->fontMetrics() );
    int tw = ( orient == TQt::Horizontal ? ssh.width() : ssh.height() );
    int ew = 0;

    if ( style().styleHint( TQStyle::SH_Header_ArrowAlignment, this ) & AlignRight )
	ew = fr.width() - tw - 8;
    if ( d->sortSection == section && tw <= fr.width() ) {
	if ( reverse() ) {
	    tw = fr.width() - tw;
	    ew = fr.width() - ew - tw;
	TQStyle::SFlags flags = TQStyle::Style_Default;
	if ( isEnabled() )
	    flags |= TQStyle::Style_Enabled;
	if ( d->sortDirection )
	    flags |= TQStyle::Style_Down;
	    flags |= TQStyle::Style_Up;
        TQRect ar(fr.x() + tw - arrowWidth - 6 + ew, 4, arrowWidth, arrowHeight);
        if (label(section).isRightToLeft())
            ar.moveBy( 2*(fr.right() - ar.right()) + ar.width() - fr.width(), 0 );
	style().drawPrimitive( TQStyle::PE_HeaderArrow, p,
			       ar, colorGroup(), flags, TQStyleOption( this ) );

/*! \reimp */
void TQHeader::paintEvent( TQPaintEvent *e )
    TQPainter p( this );
    p.setPen( colorGroup().buttonText() );
    int pos = orient == Horizontal ? e->rect().left() : e->rect().top();
    int id = mapToIndex( sectionAt( pos + offset() ) );
    if ( id < 0 ) {
	if ( pos > 0 )
	    id = d->count;
	else if ( reverse() )
	    id = d->count - 1;
	    id = 0;
    if ( reverse() ) {
	for ( int i = id; i >= 0; i-- ) {
	    TQRect r = sRect( i );
	    paintSection( &p, i, r );
	    if ( r.right() >= e->rect().right() )
    } else {
	if ( count() > 0 ) {
	    for ( int i = id; i <= count(); i++ ) {
		TQRect r = sRect( i );
		  If the last section is clickable (and thus is
		  painted raised), draw the virtual section count()
		  as well. Otherwise it looks ugly.
		if ( i < count() || d->clicks[ mapToSection( count() - 1 ) ] )
		    paintSection( &p, i, r );
		if ( hasFocus() && d->focusIdx == i ) {
		    TQRect fr( r.x()+2, r.y()+2, r.width()-4, r.height()-4 );
		    style().drawPrimitive( TQStyle::PE_FocusRect, &p, fr,
					   colorGroup() );
		if ( ( orient == Horizontal && r. right() >= e->rect().right() ) ||
		     ( orient == Vertical && r. bottom() >= e->rect().bottom() ) )

/*! \overload
  Use the other overload instead.

void TQHeader::setSortIndicator( int section, bool ascending )
    d->sortSection = section;
    if ( section != -1 )
 	oldHandleIdx = section;
    d->sortDirection = ascending;

  \fn void TQHeader::setSortIndicator(int section, SortOrder order)

  Sets a sort indicator onto the specified \a section. The indicator's
  \a order is either Ascending or Descending.

  Only one section can show a sort indicator at any one time. If you
  don't want any section to show a sort indicator pass a \a section
  number of -1.

  \sa sortIndicatorSection(), sortIndicatorOrder()

    Returns the section showing the sort indicator or -1 if there is no sort indicator.

    \sa setSortIndicator(), sortIndicatorOrder()

int TQHeader::sortIndicatorSection() const
    return d->sortSection;

    Returns the implied sort order of the TQHeaders sort indicator.

    \sa setSortIndicator(), sortIndicatorSection()

TQt::SortOrder TQHeader::sortIndicatorOrder() const
    return d->sortDirection ? Ascending : Descending;

    Resizes section \a section to \a s pixels wide (or high).

void TQHeader::resizeSection( int section, int s )
    setCellSize( section, s );

    Returns the width (or height) of the \a section in pixels.

int TQHeader::sectionSize( int section ) const
    if ( section < 0 || section >= count() )
	return 0;
    return d->sizes[section];

    Returns the position (in pixels) at which the \a section starts.

    \sa offset()

int TQHeader::sectionPos( int section ) const
    if ( d->positionsDirty )
	((TQHeader *)this)->calculatePositions();
    if ( section < 0 || section >= count()  )
	return 0;
    return d->positions[ d->s2i[section] ];

    Returns the index of the section which contains the position \a
    pos given in pixels from the left (or top).

    \sa offset()

int TQHeader::sectionAt( int pos ) const
    if ( reverse() )
	pos = d->lastPos - pos;
    return d->sectionAt( pos );

    Returns the number of the section that corresponds to the specified \a index.

    \warning If TQTable is used to move header sections as a result of user
    interaction, the mapping exposed by this function will not reflect the
    order of the headers in the table; i.e., TQTable does not call moveSection()
    to move sections but handles move operations internally.

    \sa mapToIndex()

int TQHeader::mapToSection( int index ) const
    return ( index >= 0 && index < count() ) ? d->i2s[ index ] : -1;

    Returns the index position corresponding to the specified \a section number.

    \warning If TQTable is used to move header sections as a result of user
    interaction, the mapping exposed by this function will not reflect the
    order of the headers in the table; i.e., TQTable does not call moveSection()
    to move sections but handles move operations internally.

    \sa mapToSection()

int TQHeader::mapToIndex( int section ) const
    return ( section >= 0 && section < count() ) ? d->s2i[ section ] : -1;

    Moves section \a section to index position \a toIndex.

void TQHeader::moveSection( int section, int toIndex )
    int fromIndex = mapToIndex( section );
    if ( fromIndex == toIndex ||
	 fromIndex < 0 || fromIndex > count() ||
	 toIndex < 0 || toIndex > count() )
    int i;
    int idx = d->i2s[fromIndex];
    if ( fromIndex < toIndex ) {
	for ( i = fromIndex; i < toIndex - 1; i++ ) {
	    int t;
	    d->i2s[i] = t = d->i2s[i+1];
	    d->s2i[t] = i;
	d->i2s[toIndex-1] = idx;
	d->s2i[idx] = toIndex-1;
    } else {
	for ( i = fromIndex; i > toIndex; i-- ) {
	    int t;
	    d->i2s[i] = t = d->i2s[i-1];
	    d->s2i[t] = i;
	d->i2s[toIndex] = idx;
	d->s2i[idx] = toIndex;

    Returns TRUE if section \a section is clickable; otherwise returns

    If \a section is out of range (negative or larger than count() -
    1): returns TRUE if all sections are clickable; otherwise returns

    \sa setClickEnabled()

bool TQHeader::isClickEnabled( int section ) const
    if ( section >= 0 && section < count() ) {
	return (bool)d->clicks[ section ];

    for ( int i = 0; i < count(); ++i ) {
	if ( !d->clicks[ i ] )
	    return FALSE;
    return TRUE;

    Returns TRUE if section \a section is resizeable; otherwise
    returns FALSE.

    If \a section is -1 then this function applies to all sections,
    i.e. returns TRUE if all sections are resizeable; otherwise
    returns FALSE.

    \sa setResizeEnabled()

bool TQHeader::isResizeEnabled( int section ) const
    if ( section >= 0 && section < count() ) {
	return (bool)d->resize[ section ];

    for ( int i = 0; i < count();++i ) {
	if ( !d->resize[ i ] )
	    return FALSE;
    return TRUE;

bool TQHeader::isMovingEnabled() const
    return d->move;

/*! \reimp */

void TQHeader::setUpdatesEnabled( bool enable )
    if ( enable )
    TQWidget::setUpdatesEnabled( enable );

bool TQHeader::reverse () const
#if 0
    return ( orient == TQt::Horizontal && TQApplication::reverseLayout() );
    return FALSE;

/*! \reimp */
void TQHeader::resizeEvent( TQResizeEvent *e )
    if ( e )
	TQWidget::resizeEvent( e );

    if( d->lastPos < width() ) {
	    offs = 0;

    if ( e ) {
	adjustHeaderSize( orientation() == Horizontal ?
			  width() - e->oldSize().width() : height() - e->oldSize().height() );
	if ( (orientation() == Horizontal && height() != e->oldSize().height())
	     || (orientation() == Vertical && width() != e->oldSize().width()) )
    } else

    \fn void TQHeader::adjustHeaderSize()

    Adjusts the size of the sections to fit the size of the header as
    completely as possible. Only sections for which isStretchEnabled()
    is TRUE will be resized.

void TQHeader::adjustHeaderSize( int diff )
    if ( !count() )

    // we skip the adjustHeaderSize when trying to resize the last column which is set to stretchable
    if ( d->fullSize == (count() -1) &&
	 (d->lastPos - d->sizes[count() -1]) > ( orient == Horizontal ? width() : height() ) )

    if ( d->fullSize >= 0 ) {
	int sec = mapToSection( d->fullSize );
	int lsec = mapToSection( count() - 1 );
	int ns = sectionSize( sec ) +
		 ( orientation() == Horizontal ?
		   width() : height() ) - ( sectionPos( lsec ) + sectionSize( lsec ) );
	int os = sectionSize( sec );
	if ( ns < 20 )
	    ns = 20;
	setCellSize( sec, ns );
	repaint( FALSE );
	emit sizeChange( sec, os, ns );
    } else if ( d->fullSize == -1 ) {
	int df = diff / count();
	int part = orientation() == Horizontal ? width() / count() : height() / count();
	for ( int i = 0; i < count() - 1; ++i ) {
	    int sec = mapToIndex( i );
	    int os = sectionSize( sec );
	    int ns = diff != -1 ? os + df : part;
	    if ( ns < 20 )
		ns = 20;
	    setCellSize( sec, ns );
	    emit sizeChange( sec, os, ns );
	int sec = mapToIndex( count() - 1 );
	int ns = ( orientation() == Horizontal ? width() : height() ) - sectionPos( sec );
	int os = sectionSize( sec );
	if ( ns < 20 )
	    ns = 20;
	setCellSize( sec, ns );
	repaint( FALSE );
	emit sizeChange( sec, os, ns );

    Returns the total width of all the header columns.
int TQHeader::headerWidth() const
    if ( d->pos_dirty ) {
	( (TQHeader*)this )->calculatePositions();
	d->pos_dirty = FALSE;
    return d->lastPos;

void TQHeader::calculatePositions( bool onlyVisible, int start )
    d->positionsDirty = FALSE;
    d->lastPos = count() > 0 ? d->positions[start] : 0;
    for ( int i = start; i < count(); i++ ) {
  	d->positions[i] = d->lastPos;
	d->lastPos += d->sizes[d->i2s[i]];
 	if ( onlyVisible && d->lastPos > offset() +
	     ( orientation() == Horizontal ? width() : height() ) )
    d->pos_dirty = onlyVisible;

    \property TQHeader::stretching
    \brief whether the header sections always take up the full width
    (or height) of the header

    If \a b is TRUE, section \a section will be resized when the
    header is resized, so that the sections take up the full width (or
    height for vertical headers) of the header; otherwise section \a
    section will be set to be unstretchable and will not resize when
    the header is resized.

    If \a section is -1, and if \a b is TRUE, then all sections will
    be resized equally when the header is resized so that they take up
    the full width (or height for vertical headers) of the header;
    otherwise all the sections will be set to be unstretchable and
    will not resize when the header is resized.

    \sa adjustHeaderSize()

void TQHeader::setStretchEnabled( bool b, int section )
    if ( b )
	d->fullSize = section;
	d->fullSize = -2;

bool TQHeader::isStretchEnabled() const
    return d->fullSize == -1;


    Returns TRUE if section \a section will resize to take up the full
    width (or height) of the header; otherwise returns FALSE. If at
    least one section has stretch enabled the sections will always
    take up the full width of the header.

    \sa setStretchEnabled()

bool TQHeader::isStretchEnabled( int section ) const
    return d->fullSize == section;

void TQHeader::fontChange( const TQFont &oldFont )
    TQFontMetrics fm = fontMetrics();
    d->height = ( orient == Horizontal ) ? fm.lineSpacing() + 6 : fm.width( ' ' );
    TQWidget::fontChange( oldFont );

#endif // QT_NO_HEADER