/********************************************************************** ** Copyright (C) 2000-2008 Trolltech ASA. All rights reserved. ** ** This file is part of the TQt Assistant. ** ** This file may be used under the terms of the GNU General ** Public License versions 2.0 or 3.0 as published by the Free ** Software Foundation and appearing in the files LICENSE.GPL2 ** and LICENSE.GPL3 included in the packaging of this file. ** Alternatively you may (at your option) use any later version ** of the GNU General Public License if such license has been ** publicly approved by Trolltech ASA (or its successors, if any) ** and the KDE Free TQt Foundation. ** ** Please review the following information to ensure GNU General ** Public Licensing requirements will be met: ** http://trolltech.com/products/qt/licenses/licensing/opensource/. ** If you are unsure which license is appropriate for your use, please ** review the following information: ** http://trolltech.com/products/qt/licenses/licensing/licensingoverview ** or contact the sales department at sales@trolltech.com. ** ** Licensees holding valid TQt Commercial licenses may use this file in ** accordance with the TQt Commercial License Agreement provided with ** the Software. ** ** This file is provided "AS IS" with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, ** INCLUDING THE WARRANTIES OF DESIGN, MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR ** A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Trolltech reserves all rights not granted ** herein. ** **********************************************************************/ #include "config.h" #include "profile.h" #include "docuparser.h" #include <ntqapplication.h> #include <ntqdir.h> #include <ntqfile.h> #include <ntqfileinfo.h> #include <ntqsettings.h> #include <ntqxml.h> static Config *static_configuration = 0; inline TQString getVersionString() { return TQString::number( (TQT_VERSION >> 16) & 0xff ) + "." + TQString::number( (TQT_VERSION >> 8) & 0xff ); } Config::Config() : hideSidebar( FALSE ), profil( 0 ), maximized(FALSE) { fontSiz = tqApp->font().pointSize(); if( !static_configuration ) { static_configuration = this; } else { tqWarning( "Multiple configurations not allowed!" ); } } Config *Config::loadConfig(const TQString &profileFileName) { Config *config = new Config(); if (profileFileName.isEmpty()) { // no profile config->profil = Profile::createDefaultProfile(); config->load(); config->loadDefaultProfile(); return config; } TQFile file(profileFileName); if (!file.exists()) { tqWarning( "File does not exist: " + profileFileName ); return 0; } DocuParser *parser = DocuParser::createParser( profileFileName ); if (!parser) { tqWarning( "Failed to create parser for file: " + profileFileName ); return 0; } if (parser->parserVersion() < DocuParser::TQt320) { tqWarning( "File does not contain profile information" ); return 0; } DocuParser320 *profileParser = static_cast<DocuParser320*>(parser); parser->parse(&file); config->profil = profileParser->profile(); if (!config->profil) { tqWarning( "Config::loadConfig(), no profile in: " + profileFileName ); return 0; } config->profil->setProfileType(Profile::UserProfile); config->profil->setDocuParser(profileParser); config->load(); return config; } Config *Config::configuration() { Q_ASSERT( static_configuration ); return static_configuration; } void Config::load() { const TQString key = "/TQt Assistant/" + getVersionString() + "/"; const TQString profkey = key + "Profile/" + profil->props["name"] + "/"; TQSettings settings; settings.insertSearchPath( TQSettings::Windows, "/Trolltech" ); webBrows = settings.readEntry( key + "Webbrowser" ); home = settings.readEntry( profkey + "Homepage" ); pdfApp = settings.readEntry( key + "PDFApplication" ); linkUnder = settings.readBoolEntry( key + "LinkUnderline", TRUE ); linkCol = settings.readEntry( key + "LinkColor", "#0000FF" ); src = settings.readListEntry( profkey + "Source" ); sideBar = settings.readNumEntry( key + "SideBarPage" ); if (tqApp->type() != TQApplication::Tty) { fontFam = settings.readEntry( key + "Family", tqApp->font().family() ); fontFix = settings.readEntry( key + "FixedFamily", "courier" ); fontSiz = settings.readNumEntry( key + "Size", -1 ); if ( fontSiz < 4 ) { fontSiz = tqApp->font().pointSize(); } geom.setRect( settings.readNumEntry( key + "GeometryX", TQApplication::desktop()->availableGeometry().x() ), settings.readNumEntry( key + "GeometryY", TQApplication::desktop()->availableGeometry().y() ), settings.readNumEntry( key + "GeometryWidth", 800 ), settings.readNumEntry( key + "GeometryHeight", 600 ) ); maximized = settings.readBoolEntry( key + "GeometryMaximized", FALSE ); } mainWinLayout = settings.readEntry( key + "MainwindowLayout" ); rebuildDocs = settings.readBoolEntry( key + "RebuildDocDB", TRUE ); profileNames = settings.entryList( key + "Profile" ); } void Config::save() { saveSettings(); saveProfile( profil ); } void Config::saveSettings() { const TQString key = "/TQt Assistant/" + getVersionString() + "/"; const TQString profkey = key + "Profile/" + profil->props["name"] + "/"; TQSettings settings; settings.insertSearchPath( TQSettings::Windows, "/Trolltech" ); settings.writeEntry( key + "Webbrowser", webBrows ); settings.writeEntry( profkey + "Homepage", home ); settings.writeEntry( key + "PDFApplication", pdfApp ); settings.writeEntry( key + "LinkUnderline", linkUnder ); settings.writeEntry( key + "LinkColor", linkCol ); settings.writeEntry( profkey + "Source", src ); settings.writeEntry( key + "SideBarPage", sideBarPage() ); if (tqApp->type() != TQApplication::Tty) { settings.writeEntry( key + "GeometryX", geom.x() ); settings.writeEntry( key + "GeometryY", geom.y() ); settings.writeEntry( key + "GeometryWidth", geom.width() ); settings.writeEntry( key + "GeometryHeight", geom.height() ); settings.writeEntry( key + "GeometryMaximized", maximized ); settings.writeEntry( key + "Family", fontFam ); settings.writeEntry( key + "Size", fontSiz < 4 ? tqApp->font().pointSize() : fontSiz ); settings.writeEntry( key + "FixedFamily", fontFix ); } if ( !hideSidebar ) settings.writeEntry( key + "MainwindowLayout", mainWinLayout ); settings.writeEntry( key + "RebuildDocDB", rebuildDocs ); } #ifdef ASSISTANT_DEBUG static void dumpmap( const TQMap<TQString,TQString> &m, const TQString &header ) { tqDebug( header ); TQMap<TQString,TQString>::ConstIterator it = m.begin(); while (it != m.end()) { tqDebug( " " + it.key() + ":\t\t" + *it ); ++it; } } #endif void Config::loadDefaultProfile() { TQSettings settings; settings.insertSearchPath( TQSettings::Windows, "/Trolltech" ); const TQString key = "/TQt Assistant/" + TQString(TQT_VERSION_STR) + "/Profile"; const TQString profKey = key + "/default/"; if( settings.entryList( key + "/default" ).count() == 0 ) { return; } // Override the defaults with settings in registry. profil->icons.clear(); profil->indexPages.clear(); profil->imageDirs.clear(); profil->docs.clear(); profil->dcfTitles.clear(); TQStringList titles = settings.readListEntry( profKey + "Titles" ); TQStringList iconLst = settings.readListEntry( profKey + "DocIcons" ); TQStringList indexLst = settings.readListEntry( profKey + "IndexPages" ); TQStringList imgDirLst = settings.readListEntry( profKey + "ImageDirs" ); TQStringList dcfs = settings.readListEntry( profKey + "DocFiles" ); TQStringList::ConstIterator it = titles.begin(); TQValueListConstIterator<TQString> iconIt = iconLst.begin(); TQValueListConstIterator<TQString> indexIt = indexLst.begin(); TQValueListConstIterator<TQString> imageIt = imgDirLst.begin(); TQValueListConstIterator<TQString> dcfIt = dcfs.begin(); for( ; it != titles.end(); ++it, ++iconIt, ++indexIt, ++imageIt, ++dcfIt ) { profil->addDCFIcon( *it, *iconIt ); profil->addDCFIndexPage( *it, *indexIt ); profil->addDCFImageDir( *it, *imageIt ); profil->addDCFTitle( *dcfIt, *it ); } #if ASSISTANT_DEBUG dumpmap( profil->icons, "Icons" ); dumpmap( profil->indexPages, "IndexPages" ); dumpmap( profil->imageDirs, "ImageDirs" ); dumpmap( profil->dcfTitles, "dcfTitles" ); tqDebug( "Docfiles: \n " + profil->docs.join( "\n " ) ); #endif } void Config::saveProfile( Profile *profile ) { if (profil && profil->profileType() == Profile::UserProfile) return; TQSettings settings; settings.insertSearchPath( TQSettings::Windows, "/Trolltech" ); TQString versionString = (profile->props["name"] == "default") ? TQString(TQT_VERSION_STR) : getVersionString(); const TQString key = "/TQt Assistant/" + versionString + "/"; const TQString profKey = key + "Profile/" + profile->props["name"] + "/"; TQStringList indexes, icons, imgDirs, dcfs; TQValueList<TQString> titles = profile->dcfTitles.keys(); TQValueListConstIterator<TQString> it = titles.begin(); for ( ; it != titles.end(); ++it ) { indexes << profile->indexPages[*it]; icons << profile->icons[*it]; imgDirs << profile->imageDirs[*it]; dcfs << profile->dcfTitles[*it]; } settings.writeEntry( profKey + "Titles", titles ); settings.writeEntry( profKey + "DocFiles", dcfs ); settings.writeEntry( profKey + "IndexPages", indexes ); settings.writeEntry( profKey + "DocIcons", icons ); settings.writeEntry( profKey + "ImageDirs", imgDirs ); #if ASSISTANT_DEBUG tqDebug( "Titles:\n - " + ( (TQStringList*) &titles )->join( "\n - " ) ); tqDebug( "Docfiles:\n - " + dcfs.join( "\n - " ) ); tqDebug( "IndexPages:\n - " + indexes.join( "\n - " ) ); tqDebug( "DocIcons:\n - " + icons.join( "\n - " ) ); tqDebug( "ImageDirs:\n - " + imgDirs.join( "\n - " ) ); #endif } TQStringList Config::mimePaths() { static TQStringList lst; if( lst.count() > 0 ) return lst; for (TQMap<TQString,TQString>::ConstIterator it = profil->dcfTitles.begin(); it != profil->dcfTitles.end(); ++it ) { // Mime source for .dcf file path TQFileInfo info( *it ); TQString dcfPath = info.dirPath(TRUE); if (lst.contains(dcfPath) == 0) lst << dcfPath; // Image dir for .dcf TQString imgDir = TQDir::convertSeparators( dcfPath + TQDir::separator() + profil->imageDirs[it.key()] ); if (lst.contains(imgDir) == 0) lst << imgDir; } return lst; } TQStringList Config::profiles() const { return profileNames; } TQString Config::title() const { return profil->props[ "title" ]; } TQString Config::aboutApplicationMenuText() const { return profil->props[ "aboutmenutext" ]; } TQString Config::aboutURL() const { return profil->props[ "abouturl" ]; } TQString Config::homePage() const { return home.isEmpty() ? profil->props["startpage"] : home; } TQStringList Config::source() const { return src.size() == 0 ? TQStringList(profil->props["startpage"]) : src; } TQStringList Config::docFiles() const { return profil->docs; } TQPixmap Config::docIcon( const TQString &title ) const { // ### To allow qdoc generated dcf files to reference the doc icons from qmake_image_col if (!TQFile::exists(profil->icons[title])) return TQPixmap::fromMimeSource( TQFileInfo(profil->icons[title]).fileName() ); return TQPixmap::fromMimeSource( profil->icons[title] ); } TQPixmap Config::applicationIcon() const { return TQPixmap::fromMimeSource( profil->props["applicationicon"] ); } TQStringList Config::docTitles() const { return TQStringList(profil->indexPages.keys()); } TQString Config::docImageDir( const TQString &docfile ) const { return profil->imageDirs[docfile]; } TQString Config::indexPage( const TQString &title ) const { return profil->indexPages [title]; } void Config::hideSideBar( bool b ) { hideSidebar = b; } bool Config::sideBarHidden() const { return hideSidebar; } TQString Config::assistantDocPath() const { return profil->props["assistantdocs"].isEmpty() ? TQString( tqInstallPathDocs() ) + "/html" : profil->props["assistantdocs"]; }