/**************************************************************************** ** ** Copyright (C) 1992-2008 Trolltech ASA. All rights reserved. ** ** This file is part of an example program for TQt. This example ** program may be used, distributed and modified without limitation. ** *****************************************************************************/ #include <ntqsqldatabase.h> #include "connection.h" bool createConnections() { // create the default database connection TQSqlDatabase *defaultDB = TQSqlDatabase::addDatabase( DB_BOOKS_DRIVER ); defaultDB->setDatabaseName( DB_BOOKS ); defaultDB->setUserName( DB_BOOKS_USER ); defaultDB->setPassword( DB_BOOKS_PASSWD ); defaultDB->setHostName( DB_BOOKS_HOST ); if ( ! defaultDB->open() ) { tqWarning( "Failed to open books database: " + defaultDB->lastError().driverText() ); tqWarning( defaultDB->lastError().databaseText() ); return FALSE; } TQSqlQuery q(TQString::null, defaultDB); q.exec("CREATE TABLE author ( id integer primary key, " "forename varchar(40), surname varchar(40) )"); q.exec("CREATE TABLE book ( id integer primary key, " "title varchar(40), price numeric(10,2), authorid integer, notes varchar(255) )"); q.exec("CREATE TABLE sequence ( tablename varchar(10), sequence numeric)"); q.exec("INSERT INTO author VALUES ( 0, 'Philip K', 'Dick' )"); q.exec("INSERT INTO author VALUES ( 1, 'Robert', 'Heinlein' )"); q.exec("INSERT INTO author VALUES ( 2, 'Sarah', 'Paretsky' )"); q.exec("INSERT INTO book VALUES (0, 'The Man Who Japed', 6.99, 0, 'A good book' )"); q.exec("INSERT INTO book VALUES (1, 'The Man in the High Castle', 9.99, 0, 'Worth reading' )"); q.exec("INSERT INTO book VALUES ( 2, 'The Number of the Beast', 8.99, 1, 'Get this!' )"); q.exec("INSERT INTO book VALUES ( 3, 'Indemnity Only', 9.99, 2, 'Cool' )"); q.exec("INSERT INTO book VALUES ( 4, 'Burn Marks', 9.99, 2, 'Need to make notes' )"); q.exec("INSERT INTO book VALUES ( 5, 'Deadlock', 9.99, 2, 'Hmmm..' )"); q.exec("INSERT INTO sequence VALUES ( 'author', 2 )"); q.exec("INSERT INTO sequence VALUES ( 'book', 5 )"); return TRUE; }