/**************************************************************************** ** ui.h extension file, included from the tquic-generated form implementation. ** ** If you wish to add, delete or rename functions use TQt Designer which will ** update this file, preserving your code. Create an init() function in place ** of a constructor, and a destroy() function in place of a destructor. *****************************************************************************/ const int CLIP_AS_HEX = 0; const int CLIP_AS_NAME = 1; const int CLIP_AS_RGB = 2; const int COL_NAME = 0; const int COL_HEX = 1; const int COL_WEB = 2; const TQString WINDOWS_REGISTRY = "/TQtExamples"; const TQString APP_KEY = "/ColorTool/"; void MainForm::init() { clipboard = TQApplication::clipboard(); if ( clipboard->supportsSelection() ) clipboard->setSelectionMode( TRUE ); findForm = 0; loadSettings(); m_filename = ""; m_changed = FALSE; m_table_dirty = TRUE; m_icons_dirty = TRUE; clearData( TRUE ); } void MainForm::clearData( bool fillWithDefaults ) { setCaption( "Color Tool" ); m_colors.clear(); m_comments.clear(); if ( fillWithDefaults ) { m_colors["black"] = TQt::black; m_colors["blue"] = TQt::blue; m_colors["cyan"] = TQt::cyan; m_colors["darkblue"] = TQt::darkBlue; m_colors["darkcyan"] = TQt::darkCyan; m_colors["darkgray"] = TQt::darkGray; m_colors["darkgreen"] = TQt::darkGreen; m_colors["darkmagenta"] = TQt::darkMagenta; m_colors["darkred"] = TQt::darkRed; m_colors["darkyellow"] = TQt::darkYellow; m_colors["gray"] = TQt::gray; m_colors["green"] = TQt::green; m_colors["lightgray"] = TQt::lightGray; m_colors["magenta"] = TQt::magenta; m_colors["red"] = TQt::red; m_colors["white"] = TQt::white; m_colors["yellow"] = TQt::yellow; } populate(); } void MainForm::populate() { if ( m_table_dirty ) { for ( int r = 0; r < colorTable->numRows(); ++r ) { for ( int c = 0; c < colorTable->numCols(); ++c ) { colorTable->clearCell( r, c ); } } colorTable->setNumRows( m_colors.count() ); if ( ! m_colors.isEmpty() ) { TQPixmap pixmap( 22, 22 ); int row = 0; TQMap::ConstIterator it; for ( it = m_colors.constBegin(); it != m_colors.constEnd(); ++it ) { TQColor color = it.data(); pixmap.fill( color ); colorTable->setText( row, COL_NAME, it.key() ); colorTable->setPixmap( row, COL_NAME, pixmap ); colorTable->setText( row, COL_HEX, color.name().upper() ); if ( m_show_web ) { TQCheckTableItem *item = new TQCheckTableItem( colorTable, "" ); item->setChecked( isWebColor( color ) ); colorTable->setItem( row, COL_WEB, item ); } row++; } colorTable->setCurrentCell( 0, 0 ); } colorTable->adjustColumn( COL_NAME ); colorTable->adjustColumn( COL_HEX ); if ( m_show_web ) { colorTable->showColumn( COL_WEB ); colorTable->adjustColumn( COL_WEB ); } else colorTable->hideColumn( COL_WEB ); m_table_dirty = FALSE; } if ( m_icons_dirty ) { colorIconView->clear(); TQMap::ConstIterator it; for ( it = m_colors.constBegin(); it != m_colors.constEnd(); ++it ) (void) new TQIconViewItem( colorIconView, it.key(), colorSwatch( it.data() ) ); m_icons_dirty = FALSE; } } TQPixmap MainForm::colorSwatch( const TQColor color ) { TQPixmap pixmap( 80, 80 ); pixmap.fill( white ); TQPainter painter; painter.begin( &pixmap ); painter.setPen( NoPen ); painter.setBrush( color ); painter.drawEllipse( 0, 0, 80, 80 ); painter.end(); return pixmap; } void MainForm::fileNew() { if ( okToClear() ) { m_filename = ""; m_changed = FALSE; m_table_dirty = TRUE; m_icons_dirty = TRUE; clearData( FALSE ); } } void MainForm::fileOpen() { if ( ! okToClear() ) return; TQString filename = TQFileDialog::getOpenFileName( TQString::null, "Colors (*.txt)", this, "file open", "Color Tool -- File Open" ); if ( ! filename.isEmpty() ) load( filename ); else statusBar()->message( "File Open abandoned", 2000 ); } void MainForm::fileSave() { if ( m_filename.isEmpty() ) { fileSaveAs(); return; } TQFile file( m_filename ); if ( file.open( IO_WriteOnly ) ) { TQTextStream stream( &file ); if ( ! m_comments.isEmpty() ) stream << m_comments.join( "\n" ) << "\n"; TQMap::ConstIterator it; for ( it = m_colors.constBegin(); it != m_colors.constEnd(); ++it ) { TQColor color = it.data(); stream << TQString( "%1 %2 %3\t\t%4" ). arg( color.red(), 3 ). arg( color.green(), 3 ). arg( color.blue(), 3 ). arg( it.key() ) << "\n"; } file.close(); setCaption( TQString( "Color Tool -- %1" ).arg( m_filename ) ); statusBar()->message( TQString( "Saved %1 colors to '%2'" ). arg( m_colors.count() ). arg( m_filename ), 3000 ); m_changed = FALSE; } else statusBar()->message( TQString( "Failed to save '%1'" ). arg( m_filename ), 3000 ); } void MainForm::fileSaveAs() { TQString filename = TQFileDialog::getSaveFileName( TQString::null, "Colors (*.txt)", this, "file save as", "Color Tool -- File Save As" ); if ( ! filename.isEmpty() ) { int ans = 0; if ( TQFile::exists( filename ) ) ans = TQMessageBox::warning( this, "Color Tool -- Overwrite File", TQString( "Overwrite\n'%1'?" ). arg( filename ), "&Yes", "&No", TQString::null, 1, 1 ); if ( ans == 0 ) { m_filename = filename; fileSave(); return; } } statusBar()->message( "Saving abandoned", 2000 ); } void MainForm::load( const TQString& filename ) { clearData( FALSE ); m_filename = filename; TQRegExp regex( "^\\s*(\\d+)\\s+(\\d+)\\s+(\\d+)\\s+(\\S+.*)$" ); TQFile file( filename ); if ( file.open( IO_ReadOnly ) ) { statusBar()->message( TQString( "Loading '%1'..." ). arg( filename ) ); TQTextStream stream( &file ); TQString line; while ( ! stream.eof() ) { line = stream.readLine(); if ( regex.search( line ) == -1 ) m_comments += line; else m_colors[regex.cap( 4 )] = TQColor( regex.cap( 1 ).toInt(), regex.cap( 2 ).toInt(), regex.cap( 3 ).toInt() ); } file.close(); m_filename = filename; setCaption( TQString( "Color Tool -- %1" ).arg( m_filename ) ); statusBar()->message( TQString( "Loaded '%1'" ). arg( m_filename ), 3000 ); TQWidget *visible = colorWidgetStack->visibleWidget(); m_icons_dirty = ! ( m_table_dirty = ( visible == tablePage ) ); populate(); m_icons_dirty = ! ( m_table_dirty = ( visible != tablePage ) ); m_changed = FALSE; } else statusBar()->message( TQString( "Failed to load '%1'" ). arg( m_filename ), 3000 ); } bool MainForm::okToClear() { if ( m_changed ) { TQString msg; if ( m_filename.isEmpty() ) msg = "Unnamed colors "; else msg = TQString( "Colors '%1'\n" ).arg( m_filename ); msg += TQString( "has been changed." ); int ans = TQMessageBox::information( this, "Color Tool -- Unsaved Changes", msg, "&Save", "Cancel", "&Abandon", 0, 1 ); if ( ans == 0 ) fileSave(); else if ( ans == 1 ) return FALSE; } return TRUE; } void MainForm::closeEvent( TQCloseEvent * ) { fileExit(); } void MainForm::fileExit() { if ( okToClear() ) { saveSettings(); TQApplication::exit( 0 ); } } void MainForm::editCut() { TQString name; TQWidget *visible = colorWidgetStack->visibleWidget(); statusBar()->message( TQString( "Deleting '%1'" ).arg( name ) ); if ( visible == tablePage && colorTable->numRows() ) { int row = colorTable->currentRow(); name = colorTable->text( row, 0 ); colorTable->removeRow( colorTable->currentRow() ); if ( row < colorTable->numRows() ) colorTable->setCurrentCell( row, 0 ); else if ( colorTable->numRows() ) colorTable->setCurrentCell( colorTable->numRows() - 1, 0 ); m_icons_dirty = TRUE; } else if ( visible == iconsPage && colorIconView->currentItem() ) { TQIconViewItem *item = colorIconView->currentItem(); name = item->text(); if ( colorIconView->count() == 1 ) colorIconView->clear(); else { TQIconViewItem *current = item->nextItem(); if ( ! current ) current = item->prevItem(); delete item; if ( current ) colorIconView->setCurrentItem( current ); colorIconView->arrangeItemsInGrid(); } m_table_dirty = TRUE; } if ( ! name.isNull() ) { m_colors.remove( name ); m_changed = TRUE; statusBar()->message( TQString( "Deleted '%1'" ).arg( name ), 5000 ); } else statusBar()->message( TQString( "Failed to delete '%1'" ).arg( name ), 5000 ); } void MainForm::editCopy() { TQString text; TQWidget *visible = colorWidgetStack->visibleWidget(); if ( visible == tablePage && colorTable->numRows() ) { int row = colorTable->currentRow(); text = colorTable->text( row, 0 ); } else if ( visible == iconsPage && colorIconView->currentItem() ) { TQIconViewItem *item = colorIconView->currentItem(); text = item->text(); } if ( ! text.isNull() ) { TQColor color = m_colors[text]; switch ( m_clip_as ) { case CLIP_AS_HEX: text = color.name(); break; case CLIP_AS_NAME: break; case CLIP_AS_RGB: text = TQString( "%1,%2,%3" ). arg( color.red() ). arg( color.green() ). arg( color.blue() ); break; } clipboard->setText( text ); statusBar()->message( "Copied '" + text + "' to the clipboard" ); } } void MainForm::editFind() { if ( ! findForm ) { findForm = new FindForm( this ); connect( findForm, TQ_SIGNAL( lookfor(const TQString&) ), this, TQ_SLOT( lookfor(const TQString&) ) ); } findForm->show(); } void MainForm::lookfor( const TQString& text ) { if ( text.isEmpty() ) return; TQString ltext = text.lower(); TQWidget *visible = colorWidgetStack->visibleWidget(); bool found = FALSE; if ( visible == tablePage && colorTable->numRows() ) { int row = colorTable->currentRow(); for ( int i = row + 1; i < colorTable->numRows(); ++i ) if ( colorTable->text( i, 0 ).lower().contains( ltext ) ) { colorTable->setCurrentCell( i, 0 ); colorTable->clearSelection(); colorTable->selectRow( i ); found = TRUE; break; } if ( ! found ) colorTable->setCurrentCell( row, 0 ); } else if ( visible == iconsPage ) { TQIconViewItem *start = colorIconView->currentItem(); for ( TQIconViewItem *item = start->nextItem(); item; item = item->nextItem() ) if ( item->text().lower().contains( ltext ) ) { colorIconView->setCurrentItem( item ); colorIconView->ensureItemVisible( item ); found = TRUE; break; } if ( ! found && start ) colorIconView->setCurrentItem( start ); } if ( ! found ) { statusBar()->message( TQString( "Could not find '%1' after here" ). arg( text ) ); findForm->notfound(); } } void MainForm::helpIndex() { } void MainForm::helpContents() { } void MainForm::helpAbout() { } void MainForm::changedTableColor( int row, int ) { changedColor( colorTable->text( row, COL_NAME ) ); } void MainForm::changedIconColor( TQIconViewItem *item ) { changedColor( item->text() ); } void MainForm::changedColor( const TQString& name ) { TQColor color = m_colors[name]; int r = color.red(); int g = color.green(); int b = color.blue(); statusBar()->message( TQString( "%1 \"%2\" (%3,%4,%5)%6 {%7 %8 %9}" ). arg( name ). arg( color.name().upper() ). arg( r ).arg( g ).arg( b ). arg( isWebColor( color ) ? " web" : "" ). arg( r / 255.0, 1, 'f', 3 ). arg( g / 255.0, 1, 'f', 3 ). arg( b / 255.0, 1, 'f', 3 ) ); } void MainForm::changeView(TQAction* action) { if ( action == viewTableAction ) colorWidgetStack->raiseWidget( tablePage ); else colorWidgetStack->raiseWidget( iconsPage ); } bool MainForm::isWebColor( TQColor color ) { int r = color.red(); int g = color.green(); int b = color.blue(); return ( ( r == 0 || r == 51 || r == 102 || r == 153 || r == 204 || r == 255 ) && ( g == 0 || g == 51 || g == 102 || g == 153 || g == 204 || g == 255 ) && ( b == 0 || b == 51 || b == 102 || b == 153 || b == 204 || b == 255 ) ); } void MainForm::editAdd() { TQColor color = white; if ( ! m_colors.isEmpty() ) { TQWidget *visible = colorWidgetStack->visibleWidget(); if ( visible == tablePage ) color = colorTable->text( colorTable->currentRow(), colorTable->currentColumn() ); else color = colorIconView->currentItem()->text(); } color = TQColorDialog::getColor( color, this ); if ( color.isValid() ) { TQPixmap pixmap( 80, 10 ); pixmap.fill( color ); ColorNameForm *colorForm = new ColorNameForm( this, "color", TRUE ); colorForm->setColors( m_colors ); colorForm->colorLabel->setPixmap( pixmap ); if ( colorForm->exec() ) { TQString name = colorForm->colorLineEdit->text(); m_colors[name] = color; TQPixmap pixmap( 22, 22 ); pixmap.fill( color ); int row = colorTable->currentRow(); colorTable->insertRows( row, 1 ); colorTable->setText( row, COL_NAME, name ); colorTable->setPixmap( row, COL_NAME, pixmap ); colorTable->setText( row, COL_HEX, color.name().upper() ); if ( m_show_web ) { TQCheckTableItem *item = new TQCheckTableItem( colorTable, "" ); item->setChecked( isWebColor( color ) ); colorTable->setItem( row, COL_WEB, item ); } colorTable->setCurrentCell( row, 0 ); (void) new TQIconViewItem( colorIconView, name, colorSwatch( color ) ); m_changed = TRUE; } } } void MainForm::editOptions() { OptionsForm *options = new OptionsForm( this, "options", TRUE ); switch ( m_clip_as ) { case CLIP_AS_HEX: options->hexRadioButton->setChecked( TRUE ); break; case CLIP_AS_NAME: options->nameRadioButton->setChecked( TRUE ); break; case CLIP_AS_RGB: options->rgbRadioButton->setChecked( TRUE ); break; } options->webCheckBox->setChecked( m_show_web ); if ( options->exec() ) { if ( options->hexRadioButton->isChecked() ) m_clip_as = CLIP_AS_HEX; else if ( options->nameRadioButton->isChecked() ) m_clip_as = CLIP_AS_NAME; else if ( options->rgbRadioButton->isChecked() ) m_clip_as = CLIP_AS_RGB; m_table_dirty = m_show_web != options->webCheckBox->isChecked(); m_show_web = options->webCheckBox->isChecked(); populate(); } } void MainForm::loadSettings() { TQSettings settings; settings.insertSearchPath( TQSettings::Windows, WINDOWS_REGISTRY ); int windowWidth = settings.readNumEntry( APP_KEY + "WindowWidth", 550 ); int windowHeight = settings.readNumEntry( APP_KEY + "WindowHeight", 500 ); int windowX = settings.readNumEntry( APP_KEY + "WindowX", 0 ); int windowY = settings.readNumEntry( APP_KEY + "WindowY", 0 ); m_clip_as = settings.readNumEntry( APP_KEY + "ClipAs", CLIP_AS_HEX ); m_show_web = settings.readBoolEntry( APP_KEY + "ShowWeb", TRUE ); if ( ! settings.readBoolEntry( APP_KEY + "View", TRUE ) ) { colorWidgetStack->raiseWidget( iconsPage ); viewIconsAction->setOn( TRUE ); } resize( windowWidth, windowHeight ); move( windowX, windowY ); } void MainForm::saveSettings() { TQSettings settings; settings.insertSearchPath( TQSettings::Windows, WINDOWS_REGISTRY ); settings.writeEntry( APP_KEY + "WindowWidth", width() ); settings.writeEntry( APP_KEY + "WindowHeight", height() ); settings.writeEntry( APP_KEY + "WindowX", x() ); settings.writeEntry( APP_KEY + "WindowY", y() ); settings.writeEntry( APP_KEY + "ClipAs", m_clip_as ); settings.writeEntry( APP_KEY + "ShowWeb", m_show_web ); settings.writeEntry( APP_KEY + "View", colorWidgetStack->visibleWidget() == tablePage ); } void MainForm::aboutToShow() { populate(); }