/********************************************************************** ** Copyright (C) 1992-2008 Trolltech ASA. All rights reserved. ** ** This file is part of TQt/Embedded virtual framebuffer. ** ** This file may be used under the terms of the GNU General ** Public License versions 2.0 or 3.0 as published by the Free ** Software Foundation and appearing in the files LICENSE.GPL2 ** and LICENSE.GPL3 included in the packaging of this file. ** Alternatively you may (at your option) use any later version ** of the GNU General Public License if such license has been ** publicly approved by Trolltech ASA (or its successors, if any) ** and the KDE Free TQt Foundation. ** ** Please review the following information to ensure GNU General ** Public Licensing requirements will be met: ** http://trolltech.com/products/qt/licenses/licensing/opensource/. ** If you are unsure which license is appropriate for your use, please ** review the following information: ** http://trolltech.com/products/qt/licenses/licensing/licensingoverview ** or contact the sales department at sales@trolltech.com. ** ** Licensees holding valid TQt Commercial licenses may use this file in ** accordance with the TQt Commercial License Agreement provided with ** the Software. ** ** This file is provided "AS IS" with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, ** INCLUDING THE WARRANTIES OF DESIGN, MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR ** A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Trolltech reserves all rights not granted ** herein. ** **********************************************************************/ #include "tqvfb.h" #include "tqvfbview.h" #include "tqvfbratedlg.h" #include "config.h" #include "skin.h" #include <ntqmenubar.h> #include <ntqpopupmenu.h> #include <ntqapplication.h> #include <ntqmessagebox.h> #include <ntqcombobox.h> #include <ntqlabel.h> #include <ntqfiledialog.h> #include <ntqslider.h> #include <ntqspinbox.h> #include <ntqradiobutton.h> #include <ntqimage.h> #include <ntqpixmap.h> #include <ntqcursor.h> #include <ntqdragobject.h> #include <ntqcheckbox.h> TQVFb::TQVFb( int display_id, int w, int h, int d, const TQString &skin, TQWidget *parent, const char *name, uint flags ) : TQMainWindow( parent, name, flags ) { const TQMimeSource *m = TQMimeSourceFactory::defaultFactory()->data( "logo.png" ); if ( m ) { TQPixmap pix; TQImageDrag::decode( m, pix ); setIcon( pix ); } imagesave = new TQFileDialog( this, 0, TRUE ); rateDlg = 0; view = 0; init( display_id, w, h, d, skin ); createMenu( menuBar() ); adjustSize(); } TQVFb::~TQVFb() { } void TQVFb::popupMenu() { TQPopupMenu *pm = new TQPopupMenu( this ); createMenu( pm ); pm->exec(TQCursor::pos()); } void TQVFb::init( int display_id, int w, int h, int d, const TQString &skin_name ) { setCaption( TQString("Virtual framebuffer %1x%2 %3bpp Display :%4") .arg(w).arg(h).arg(d).arg(display_id) ); delete view; if ( !skin_name.isEmpty() && TQFile::exists(skin_name) ) { bool vis = isVisible(); if ( vis ) hide(); menuBar()->hide(); Skin *skin = new Skin( this, skin_name, w, h ); view = new TQVFbView( display_id, w, h, d, skin ); skin->setView( view ); view->setMargin( 0 ); view->setFrameStyle( TQFrame::NoFrame ); view->setFixedSize( w, h ); setCentralWidget( skin ); adjustSize(); view->show(); if ( vis ) show(); } else { if ( !currentSkin.isEmpty() ) { clearMask(); reparent( 0, 0, pos(), TRUE ); } menuBar()->show(); view = new TQVFbView( display_id, w, h, d, this ); view->setMargin( 0 ); view->setFrameStyle( TQFrame::NoFrame ); setCentralWidget( view ); resize( sizeHint() ); view->show(); } currentSkin = skin_name; } void TQVFb::enableCursor( bool e ) { view->viewport()->setCursor( e ? ArrowCursor : BlankCursor ); viewMenu->setItemChecked( cursorId, e ); } void TQVFb::createMenu(TQMenuData *menu) { TQPopupMenu *file = new TQPopupMenu( this ); file->insertItem( "&Configure...", this, TQ_SLOT(configure()), ALT+CTRL+Key_C ); file->insertSeparator(); file->insertItem( "&Save image...", this, TQ_SLOT(saveImage()), ALT+CTRL+Key_S ); file->insertItem( "&Animation...", this, TQ_SLOT(toggleAnimation()), ALT+CTRL+Key_A ); file->insertSeparator(); file->insertItem( "&Quit", tqApp, TQ_SLOT(quit()) ); menu->insertItem( "&File", file ); viewMenu = new TQPopupMenu( this ); viewMenu->setCheckable( TRUE ); cursorId = viewMenu->insertItem( "Show &Cursor", this, TQ_SLOT(toggleCursor()) ); enableCursor(TRUE); viewMenu->insertItem( "&Refresh Rate...", this, TQ_SLOT(changeRate()) ); viewMenu->insertSeparator(); viewMenu->insertItem( "Zoom scale &1", this, TQ_SLOT(setZoom1()) ); viewMenu->insertItem( "Zoom scale &2", this, TQ_SLOT(setZoom2()) ); viewMenu->insertItem( "Zoom scale &3", this, TQ_SLOT(setZoom3()) ); viewMenu->insertItem( "Zoom scale &4", this, TQ_SLOT(setZoom4()) ); viewMenu->insertItem( "Zoom scale &0.5", this, TQ_SLOT(setZoomHalf()) ); menu->insertItem( "&View", viewMenu ); TQPopupMenu *help = new TQPopupMenu( this ); help->insertItem("&About", this, TQ_SLOT(about())); help->insertItem("About &TQt", this, TQ_SLOT(aboutTQt())); menu->insertSeparator(); menu->insertItem( "&Help", help ); } void TQVFb::setZoom(double z) { view->setZoom(z); } void TQVFb::setZoomHalf() { setZoom(0.5); } void TQVFb::setZoom1() { setZoom(1); } void TQVFb::setZoom2() { setZoom(2); } void TQVFb::setZoom3() { setZoom(3); } void TQVFb::setZoom4() { setZoom(4); } void TQVFb::saveImage() { TQImage img = view->image(); TQString filename = imagesave->getSaveFileName("snapshot.png", "*.png", this, "", "Save Image"); if ( !!filename ) img.save(filename,"PNG"); } void TQVFb::toggleAnimation() { if ( view->animating() ) { view->stopAnimation(); } else { TQString filename = imagesave->getSaveFileName("animation.mng", "*.mng", this, "", "Save animation"); if ( !filename ) { view->stopAnimation(); } else { view->startAnimation(filename); } } } void TQVFb::toggleCursor() { enableCursor( !viewMenu->isItemChecked( cursorId ) ); } void TQVFb::changeRate() { if ( !rateDlg ) { rateDlg = new TQVFbRateDialog( view->rate(), this ); connect( rateDlg, TQ_SIGNAL(updateRate(int)), view, TQ_SLOT(setRate(int)) ); } rateDlg->show(); } void TQVFb::about() { #if defined( TQ_WS_MAC ) TQString platform("Mac OS X"); TQString qt("Mac"); #elif defined( TQ_WS_WIN ) TQString platform("Windows"); TQString qt("Windows"); #else TQString platform("X11"); TQString qt("X11"); #endif TQMessageBox::about(this, "About TQVFB", "<p><b><font size=+2>TQt/Embedded Virtual " + platform + " Framebuffer</font></b></p>" "<p></p>" "<p>Version 1.0</p>" "<p>Copyright (C) 2001-2008 Trolltech ASA. All rights reserved.</p>" "<p></p>" "<p>This program is licensed to you under the terms of the GNU General " "Public License Version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation. This " "gives you legal permission to copy, distribute and/or modify this software " "under certain conditions. For details, see the file 'LICENSE.GPL' that came with " "this software distribution. If you did not get the file, send email to " "info@trolltech.com.</p>\n\n<p>The program is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY " "OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE WARRANTY OF DESIGN, MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS " "FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.</p>" ); } void TQVFb::aboutTQt() { TQMessageBox::aboutTQt( this, tr("TQVFB") ); } void TQVFb::configure() { config = new Config(this,0,TRUE); int w = view->displayWidth(); int h = view->displayHeight(); TQString skin; config->size_width->setValue(w); config->size_height->setValue(h); config->size_custom->setChecked(TRUE); // unless changed by settings below config->size_240_320->setChecked(w==240&&h==320); config->size_320_240->setChecked(w==320&&h==240); config->size_640_480->setChecked(w==640&&h==480); config->skin->setEditable(TRUE); if (!currentSkin.isNull()) { config->size_skin->setChecked(TRUE); config->skin->setEditText(currentSkin); } config->touchScreen->setChecked(view->touchScreenEmulation()); config->depth_1->setChecked(view->displayDepth()==1); config->depth_4gray->setChecked(view->displayDepth()==4); config->depth_8->setChecked(view->displayDepth()==8); config->depth_12->setChecked(view->displayDepth()==12); config->depth_16->setChecked(view->displayDepth()==16); config->depth_32->setChecked(view->displayDepth()==32); if ( view->gammaRed() == view->gammaGreen() && view->gammaGreen() == view->gammaBlue() ) { config->gammaslider->setValue(int(view->gammaRed()*400)); config->rslider->setValue(100); config->gslider->setValue(100); config->bslider->setValue(100); } else { config->gammaslider->setValue(100); config->rslider->setValue(int(view->gammaRed()*400)); config->gslider->setValue(int(view->gammaGreen()*400)); config->bslider->setValue(int(view->gammaBlue()*400)); } connect(config->gammaslider, TQ_SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), this, TQ_SLOT(setGamma400(int))); connect(config->rslider, TQ_SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), this, TQ_SLOT(setR400(int))); connect(config->gslider, TQ_SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), this, TQ_SLOT(setG400(int))); connect(config->bslider, TQ_SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), this, TQ_SLOT(setB400(int))); updateGammaLabels(); double ogr=view->gammaRed(), ogg=view->gammaGreen(), ogb=view->gammaBlue(); if ( config->exec() ) { int id = view->displayId(); // not settable yet if ( config->size_240_320->isChecked() ) { w=240; h=320; } else if ( config->size_320_240->isChecked() ) { w=320; h=240; } else if ( config->size_640_480->isChecked() ) { w=640; h=480; } else if ( config->size_skin->isChecked() ) { skin = config->skin->currentText(); } else { w=config->size_width->value(); h=config->size_height->value(); } int d; if ( config->depth_1->isChecked() ) d=1; else if ( config->depth_4gray->isChecked() ) d=4; else if ( config->depth_8->isChecked() ) d=8; else if ( config->depth_12->isChecked() ) d=12; else if ( config->depth_16->isChecked() ) d=16; else d=32; if ( w != view->displayWidth() || h != view->displayHeight() || d != view->displayDepth() || skin != currentSkin ) init( id, w, h, d, skin ); view->setTouchscreenEmulation( config->touchScreen->isChecked() ); } else { view->setGamma(ogr, ogg, ogb); } delete config; config=0; } void TQVFb::setGamma400(int n) { double g = n/100.0; view->setGamma(config->rslider->value()/100.0*g, config->gslider->value()/100.0*g, config->bslider->value()/100.0*g); updateGammaLabels(); } void TQVFb::setR400(int n) { double g = n/100.0; view->setGamma(config->rslider->value()/100.0*g, view->gammaGreen(), view->gammaBlue()); updateGammaLabels(); } void TQVFb::setG400(int n) { double g = n/100.0; view->setGamma(view->gammaRed(), config->gslider->value()/100.0*g, view->gammaBlue()); updateGammaLabels(); } void TQVFb::setB400(int n) { double g = n/100.0; view->setGamma(view->gammaRed(), view->gammaGreen(), config->bslider->value()/100.0*g); updateGammaLabels(); } void TQVFb::updateGammaLabels() { config->rlabel->setText(TQString::number(view->gammaRed(),'g',2)); config->glabel->setText(TQString::number(view->gammaGreen(),'g',2)); config->blabel->setText(TQString::number(view->gammaBlue(),'g',2)); }