path: root/admin/nmcheck
diff options
authorMichele Calgaro <[email protected]>2023-10-17 19:57:10 +0900
committerMichele Calgaro <[email protected]>2023-10-17 19:57:10 +0900
commit0eec68a32197fcf878eabe4434badcf73e2d4741 (patch)
tree6b468db129339c1a6c67222507291dc16199b67c /admin/nmcheck
Initial code import from As per note on the website, the code has been abandoned. There is no license file in the source code, but given the package was available on the KDE3 store back in the days, it is reasonable to assume it was distributed under GPL2 license
Signed-off-by: Michele Calgaro <[email protected]>
Diffstat (limited to 'admin/nmcheck')
1 files changed, 371 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/admin/nmcheck b/admin/nmcheck
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..1544713
--- /dev/null
+++ b/admin/nmcheck
@@ -0,0 +1,371 @@
+#!/usr/bin/perl -w
+# Check namespace cleanness of a library.
+# Allowed symbols are passed as arguments.
+# They may have trailing * = wildcard.
+# Wildcards may be also specified as *::* (e.g. K*::* for all KDE classes)
+# Symbols are listed as full function unmangled names without arguments,
+# e.g. 'foo bar* nspace::*' allows foo(), foo(int), bar(), barbar()
+# and all symbols in namespace/class nspace.
+# If an argument has comma in it, it's a filename of a file containing
+# allowed symbols, one per line.
+$thisProg = "$0"; # This programs name
+$library = "";
+$allowed_symbols = "";
+$debug = 0;
+$allowed_weak = "";
+$weak_specified = 0;
+while( defined( $ARGV[ 0 ] ))
+ $_ = shift;
+ if( /^--verbose$|^-v$/ )
+ {
+ $debug = 1;
+ }
+ elsif( /^--help$|^-h$/ )
+ {
+ print STDOUT "Usage $thisProg [OPTION] ... library [allowed symbols] ...\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Check if the given library has only allowed public symbols.\n",
+ "\n",
+ " --allowweak=[symbol] allow only these weak symbols\n",
+ " -v, --verbose verbosely list files processed\n",
+ " -h, --help print this help, then exit\n";
+ exit 0;
+ }
+ elsif( /^--allowweak=(.*)$/ )
+ {
+ $allowed_weak .= " " . $1;
+ $weak_specified = 1;
+ }
+ elsif( /^--allowweak$/ ) # simply list all weak
+ {
+ $allowed_weak .= " ";
+ $weak_specified = 1;
+ }
+ elsif( /^--*/ )
+ {
+ die "Invalid argument!\n";
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if( ! $library )
+ {
+ $library = $_;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $allowed_symbols .= " " . $_;
+ }
+ }
+if( ! $weak_specified )
+ $allowed_weak = "*";
+ # allow all weak symbols by default
+ # instances of templates and similar stuff - unfortunately includes also things from other libraries,
+ # so it cannot be on by default
+print STDERR "library:" . $library . "\n" if $debug;
+print STDERR "allowed_symbols:" . $allowed_symbols . "\n" if $debug;
+print STDERR "allowed_weak:" . $allowed_weak . "\n" if $debug;
+$default_symbols = "_fini _init"; # system symbols
+# on my system, every .so has :
+# A __bss_start
+# A _edata
+# A _end
+# T _fini
+# T _init
+# no need to list A symbols in $default_symbols
+print STDERR "default_symbols: " . $default_symbols . "\n" if $debug;
+print STDOUT "Namespace cleanness check for " . $library . " :\n";
+$lib_file = "";
+if( $library =~ /\.la$/ )
+ # get the real library file from .la
+ open( FILEIN, $library ) || die "Couldn't open $! !\n";
+ while( $line = <FILEIN> )
+ {
+ if( $line =~ /library_names=\'([^ ]*).*/o )
+ {
+ $lib_file = $1;
+ }
+ }
+ close( FILEIN );
+ if( ! $lib_file )
+ {
+ print STDERR "Library file not found in .la file!\n";
+ exit 1;
+ }
+ my $libpath = $library;
+ $libpath =~ s%[^/]*$%%;
+ if( -e $libpath . ".libs/" . $lib_file )
+ {
+ $lib_file = $libpath . ".libs/" . $lib_file;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $lib_file = $libpath . $lib_file;
+ }
+ $lib_file = $library;
+print STDERR "libfile: ". $lib_file . "\n" if $debug;
+$allowed_symbols .= " " . $default_symbols;
+sub process_symbols($\@\%\@);
+@wildcards = ();
+%exacts = ();
+@regwildcards = ();
+process_symbols( $allowed_symbols, @wildcards, %exacts, @regwildcards );
+@weak_wildcards = ();
+%weak_exacts = ();
+@weak_regwildcards = ();
+process_symbols( $allowed_weak, @weak_wildcards, %weak_exacts, @weak_regwildcards );
+# grep is for stripping not exported symbols, which don't have address (=first column)
+$nm_command = "nm -BDCg " . $lib_file . " | grep -v '^ ' |";
+# TODO how portable is this nmcheck stuff?
+print STDERR "nm command:" . $nm_command . "\n" if $debug;
+open( FILEIN, $nm_command ) || die "nm command failed\n";
+my $exit_code = 0;
+while( $line = <FILEIN> )
+ my $type;
+ my $symbol;
+ if( $line =~ /^[^ ]* (.) (.*)$/o )
+ {
+ $type = $1;
+ $symbol = $2;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ die "Invalid line: " . $line . "\n";
+ }
+ print STDERR "Type: " . $type . " , symbol: " . $symbol . "\n" if $debug;
+ if( $type eq "A" )
+ { # these should be system symbols, so ignore them
+ next;
+ }
+ my $orig_symbol = $symbol;
+ if( $symbol =~ /\(anonymous namespace\)/o )
+ { # TODO tell to prefer named namespaces? (shorter symbols)
+ next;
+ }
+ # strip prefixes
+ # the :: appending is to make "CLASS::*" work also for "vtable for CLASS"
+ $symbol =~ s/^typeinfo for (.*)$/$1::/o;
+ $symbol =~ s/^typeinfo fn for (.*)$/$1::/o;
+ $symbol =~ s/^typeinfo name for (.*)$/$1::/o;
+ $symbol =~ s/^vtable for (.*)$/$1::/o;
+ $symbol =~ s/^guard variable for (.*)$/$1::/o;
+ $symbol =~ s/^reference temporary for (.*)$/$1::/o;
+ $symbol =~ s/^VTT for (.*)$/$1::/o;
+ $symbol =~ s/^virtual thunk \[[^\]]*\] to (.*)$/$1::/o;
+ $symbol =~ s/^non-virtual thunk \[[^\]]*\] to (.*)$/$1::/o;
+ $symbol =~ s/^covariant return thunk \[[^\]]*\] to (.*)$/$1::/o;
+ $symbol =~ s/^construction vtable thunk for (.*)$/$1::/o;
+ $symbol =~ s/^construction vtable for .*-in-(.*) [0-9]*$/$1::/o;
+ # templates seem to have also return types mangled in their name, and nm prints it too
+ # they have also template arguments in the symbol
+ # get rid of both of those
+ while( $symbol =~ /<.*>/o )
+ {
+ $symbol =~ s/<[^<>]*>//o; # strip innermost <>
+ }
+ if( $symbol !~ /operator\(\)/o )
+ {
+ $symbol =~ s/ ?\(.*\).*$//o; # strip () and all after it
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $symbol =~ s/(^|:| )operator\(\) ?\(.*\).*$//o; # strip () and all after it
+ }
+ $symbol =~ s/\[.*\] *$//o; # strip [in-charge] etc.
+ if( $symbol =~ /(^|:| )operator /o )
+ {
+ $symbol =~ s/.* ([^\s]*)operator /$1/o; # strip everything before 'X::operator blah'
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $symbol =~ s/.* ([^\s]+) *$/$1/o; # get last word (strip return type)
+ }
+ # print STDERR "Processed symbol: " . $symbol . "\n" if $debug;
+ my $found = 0;
+ if( $exacts{ $symbol } )
+ {
+ $found = 1;
+ }
+ if( ! $found )
+ {
+ for my $wild ( @wildcards )
+ {
+ if( index( $symbol, $wild ) == 0 )
+ {
+ $found = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if( ! $found )
+ {
+ for my $wild ( @regwildcards )
+ {
+ if( $symbol =~ /^$wild$/ )
+ {
+ $found = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if( ( ! $found ) && ( $type eq "W" || $type eq "V" ))
+ {
+ if( $weak_exacts{ $symbol } )
+ {
+ $found = 1;
+ }
+ if( ! $found )
+ {
+ for my $wild ( @weak_wildcards )
+ {
+ if( index( $symbol, $wild ) == 0 )
+ {
+ $found = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if( ! $found )
+ {
+ for my $wild ( @weak_regwildcards )
+ {
+ if( $symbol =~ /^$wild$/ )
+ {
+ $found = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if( ! $found )
+ {
+ print STDERR "Public symbol " . $orig_symbol . " is not allowed!\n";
+ $exit_code = 1;
+ }
+close( FILEIN );
+print STDOUT $exit_code == 0 ? "OK\n" : "FAILED\n";
+exit $exit_code;
+sub process_symbols($\@\%\@)
+ my $allowed_symbols = $_[ 0 ];
+ my $wildcards_ref = $_[ 1 ];
+ my $exacts_ref = $_[ 2 ];
+ my $regwildcards_ref = $_[ 3 ];
+ $allowed_symbols =~ s/^ *//o; # strip whitespace
+ $allowed_symbols =~ s/ *$//o;
+ if( $allowed_symbols eq "NONE" )
+ {
+ $allowed_symbols = "";
+ }
+ my @symbols1 = split( ' ', $allowed_symbols );
+ my $i = 0;
+ my @symbols2 = ();
+ while( defined( $symbols1[ $i ] ))
+ {
+ my $symbol = $symbols1[ $i ];
+ if( $symbol =~ /\./ ) # dot in name -> file
+ {
+ open( SYMIN, $symbol ) || die ( "Cannot open file " . $symbol . "!" );
+ while( $line = <SYMIN> )
+ {
+ $line =~ s/^\s*//o; # strip whitespace
+ $line =~ s/\s*$//o;
+ if( $line !~ /^$/o # empty line
+ && $line !~ /^\s*#/ ) # comment line starting with #
+ {
+ $symbols2[ $#symbols2 + 1 ] = $line;
+ }
+ }
+ close( SYMIN );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $symbols2[ $#symbols2 + 1 ] = $symbol;
+ }
+ $i++;
+ }
+ $i = 0;
+ while( defined( $symbols2[ $i ] ))
+ {
+ my $symbol = $symbols2[ $i ];
+ if( $symbol =~ /__/
+ || $symbol =~ /^_[A-Z]/ )
+ { # ISO C++ 2.10.2
+ die "Symbols containing a double underscore or beginning with an underscore and an upper-case letter are reserved!\n";
+ }
+ elsif( $symbol eq "main"
+ || $symbol eq "main*" )
+ {
+ die "Symbol main is not allowed!\n";
+ }
+ if( $symbol =~ /^([^\*]*)\*$/o # trailing * without any * before it
+ && $symbol !~ /operator\*$/o )
+ {
+ print STDERR "wildcard:" . $symbol . "\n" if $debug;
+ $wildcards_ref->[ $#{$wildcards_ref} + 1 ] = $1;
+ }
+ elsif( $symbol =~ /\*$/o
+ && ( $symbol =~ /\*::/o || $symbol =~ /::\*/o )
+ && $symbol !~ /^\*/o
+ && $symbol !~ /operator\*$/o )
+ {
+ print STDERR "regwildcard:" . $symbol . "\n" if $debug;
+ $symbol =~ s/\*/\.\*/go; # change * to .* (regexp)
+ $regwildcards_ref->[ $#{$regwildcards_ref} + 1 ] = $symbol;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ print STDERR "exact:" . $symbol . "\n" if $debug;
+ $exacts_ref->{ $symbol } = 1;
+ }
+ $i++;
+ }