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authorMichele Calgaro <[email protected]>2023-04-28 17:41:52 +0900
committerMichele Calgaro <[email protected]>2023-04-28 17:41:52 +0900
commitd53969664034f710b5eee06971d3f3e790ac1583 (patch)
parentb3c19a6270926cc1e57aa1f33cb07af29eb3e896 (diff)
Added logic for recently open files menu
Signed-off-by: Michele Calgaro <[email protected]>
2 files changed, 129 insertions, 132 deletions
diff --git a/src/MainWindow.cpp b/src/MainWindow.cpp
index 9bffe4f..9c7db88 100644
--- a/src/MainWindow.cpp
+++ b/src/MainWindow.cpp
@@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ MainWindow::MainWindow(TQString file2OpenOnStart, TQWidget *parent) :
m_qTranslator(nullptr), m_uiGuiTranslator(nullptr), m_textEditLineColumnInfoLabel(nullptr),
m_oldLinesNumber(0), m_encodingsList(), m_encodingActionGroup(nullptr),
m_saveEncodedActionGroup(nullptr), m_highlighterActionGroup(nullptr),
- m_documentModified(false)
+ m_documentModified(false), m_previewToggled(true)
///- _mainWindowForm(nullptr), _settings(nullptr)
///- m_highlighter(nullptr), _aboutDialogGraphicsView(nullptr), _settingsDialog(nullptr)
///- m_textEditVScrollBar(nullptr), _toolBarWidget(nullptr), _indentHandler(nullptr)
@@ -244,9 +244,12 @@ void MainWindow::initMainWindow()
connect(actionExportHTML, SIGNAL(activated()), this, SLOT(exportToHTML()));
///-- connect(actionShowLog, SIGNAL(activated()),
///-- debugging::TSLogger::getInstance(), SLOT(show()));
// Init the menu for selecting one of the recently opened files.
+ initRecentlyOpenedList();
+ connect(popupMenuRecentlyOpenedFiles, SIGNAL(highlighted(int)),
+ this, SLOT(recentlyOpenedFileHighlighted(int)));
connect(popupMenuRecentlyOpenedFiles, SIGNAL(activated(int)),
this, SLOT(openFileFromRecentlyOpenedList(int)));
///-- //connect( _settings, SIGNAL(recentlyOpenedListSize(int)), this, SLOT(updateRecentlyOpenedList())
@@ -1104,6 +1107,9 @@ void MainWindow::saveSettings()
m_settings->setValueByName("WindowSize", size());
m_settings->setValueByName("FileEncoding", m_currentEncoding);
+ m_settings->setValueByName("LastOpenedFiles", m_recentlyOpenedList.join("|"));
///-- m_settings->setValueByName("MainWindowState", saveState());
///-- // Also save the syntax highlight style for all lexers.
@@ -1433,99 +1439,86 @@ void MainWindow::numberOfLinesChanged()
///-- }
+ \brief Initialize the list of recently opened files and
+ the menu using the saved settings.
+ */
+void MainWindow::initRecentlyOpenedList()
+ m_recentlyOpenedListMaxSize = m_settings->getValueByName("RecentlyOpenedListSize").toInt();
+ TQString lastOpenedFilesString = m_settings->getValueByName("LastOpenedFiles").toString();
+ TQStringList recentlyOpenedList = TQStringList::split("|", lastOpenedFilesString);
+ // Append only existing files and as long as the max limit has not been reached
+ int index = 0;
+ for (const TQString &file : recentlyOpenedList)
+ {
+ TQFileInfo fileInfo(file);
+ if (fileInfo.exists())
+ {
+ if (index < m_recentlyOpenedListMaxSize)
+ {
+ m_recentlyOpenedList.append(file);
+ int id = popupMenuRecentlyOpenedFiles->insertItem(fileInfo.fileName(), -1, index);
+ popupMenuRecentlyOpenedFiles->setWhatsThis(id, file);
+ ++index;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Enable or disable "actionClearRecentlyOpenedList"
+ actionClearRecentlyOpenedList->setEnabled(!m_recentlyOpenedList.isEmpty());
\brief Updates the list of recently opened files.
- Therefore the currently open file is set at the lists first position
- regarding the in the _settings set maximum list length. Overheads of the
- list will be cut off. The new list will be updated to the _settings and
+ The currently open file is set at the top of the list.
+ Files in excess of maximum list length will be discarded.
+ The new list will be updated into the m_settings object and
the recently opened menu will be updated too.
void MainWindow::updateRecentlyOpenedList()
-///-- TQString fileName;
-///-- TQString filePath;
-///-- TQStringList recentlyOpenedList =
-///-- _settings->getValueByName("lastSourceCodeFile").toString().split("|");
-///-- TQList<TQAction*> recentlyOpenedActionList =
-///-- _mainWindowForm->menuRecently_Opened_Files->actions();
-///-- // Check if the currently open file is in the list of recently opened.
-///-- int indexOfCurrentFile = recentlyOpenedList.indexOf(m_currentSourceFile);
-///-- // If it is in the list of recently opened files and not at the first position, move it to the
-///-- // first pos.
-///-- if (indexOfCurrentFile > 0)
-///-- {
-///-- recentlyOpenedList.move(indexOfCurrentFile, 0);
-///-- recentlyOpenedActionList.move(indexOfCurrentFile, 0);
-///-- }
-///-- // Put the current file at the first position if it not already is and is not empty.
-///-- else if (indexOfCurrentFile == -1 && !m_currentSourceFile.isEmpty())
-///-- {
-///-- recentlyOpenedList.insert(0, m_currentSourceFile);
-///-- TQAction *recentlyOpenedAction = new TQAction(TQFileInfo(
-///-- m_currentSourceFile).fileName(), _mainWindowForm->menuRecently_Opened_Files);
-///-- recentlyOpenedAction->setStatusTip(m_currentSourceFile);
-///-- recentlyOpenedActionList.insert(0, recentlyOpenedAction);
-///-- }
-///-- // Get the maximum recently opened list size.
-///-- int recentlyOpenedListMaxSize = _settings->getValueByName("recentlyOpenedListSize").toInt();
-///-- // Loop for each filepath in the recently opened list, remove non existing files and
-///-- // loop only as long as maximum allowed list entries are set.
-///-- for (int i = 0; i < recentlyOpenedList.size() && i < recentlyOpenedListMaxSize; )
-///-- {
-///-- filePath =;
-///-- TQFileInfo fileInfo(filePath);
-///-- // If the file does no longer exist, remove it from the list.
-///-- if (!fileInfo.exists())
-///-- {
-///-- recentlyOpenedList.takeAt(i);
-///-- if (i < recentlyOpenedActionList.size() - 2)
-///-- {
-///-- TQAction *action = recentlyOpenedActionList.takeAt(i);
-///-- delete action;
-///-- }
-///-- }
-///-- // else if its not already in the menu, add it to the menu.
-///-- else
-///-- {
-///-- if (i >= recentlyOpenedActionList.size() - 2)
-///-- {
-///-- TQAction *recentlyOpenedAction = new TQAction(
-///-- fileInfo.fileName(), _mainWindowForm->menuRecently_Opened_Files);
-///-- recentlyOpenedAction->setStatusTip(filePath);
-///-- recentlyOpenedActionList.insert(recentlyOpenedActionList.size() - 2, recentlyOpenedAction);
-///-- }
-///-- i++;
-///-- }
-///-- }
-///-- // Trim the list to its in the _settings allowed maximum size.
-///-- while (recentlyOpenedList.size() > recentlyOpenedListMaxSize)
-///-- {
-///-- recentlyOpenedList.takeLast();
-///-- TQAction *action = recentlyOpenedActionList.takeAt(recentlyOpenedActionList.size() - 3);
-///-- delete action;
-///-- }
-///-- // Add all actions to the menu.
-///-- _mainWindowForm->menuRecently_Opened_Files->addActions(recentlyOpenedActionList);
-///-- _mainWindowForm->menuRecently_Opened_Files->addActions(recentlyOpenedActionList);
-///-- // Write the new recently opened list to the _settings.
-///-- _settings->setValueByName("lastSourceCodeFile", recentlyOpenedList.join("|"));
-///-- // Enable or disable "actionClearRecentlyOpenedList" if list is [not] emtpy
-///-- if (recentlyOpenedList.isEmpty())
-///-- {
-///-- _mainWindowForm->actionClearRecentlyOpenedList->setEnabled(false);
-///-- }
-///-- else
-///-- {
-///-- _mainWindowForm->actionClearRecentlyOpenedList->setEnabled(true);
-///-- }
+ TQString fileName;
+ TQString filePath;
+ // Check if the currently open file is in the list of recently opened.
+ int currentFileIndex = m_recentlyOpenedList.findIndex(m_currentSourceFile);
+ if (!m_currentSourceFile.isEmpty())
+ {
+ // If it is in the list of recently opened files and not at the first position,
+ // move it to the first pos.
+ if (currentFileIndex > 0)
+ {
+ TQStringList::iterator currentFileIt = m_recentlyOpenedList.find(m_currentSourceFile);
+ m_recentlyOpenedList.remove(currentFileIt);
+ m_recentlyOpenedList.prepend(m_currentSourceFile);
+ popupMenuRecentlyOpenedFiles->removeItemAt(currentFileIndex);
+ int id = popupMenuRecentlyOpenedFiles->insertItem(TQFileInfo(m_currentSourceFile).fileName(),
+ -1, 0);
+ popupMenuRecentlyOpenedFiles->setWhatsThis(id, m_currentSourceFile);
+ }
+ // Put the current file at the first position if it not already is and is not empty.
+ else if (currentFileIndex == -1)
+ {
+ m_recentlyOpenedList.prepend(m_currentSourceFile);
+ int id = popupMenuRecentlyOpenedFiles->insertItem(TQFileInfo(m_currentSourceFile).fileName(),
+ -1, 0);
+ popupMenuRecentlyOpenedFiles->setWhatsThis(id, m_currentSourceFile);
+ // Trim the last element if we have reached the max allowed size
+ if (m_recentlyOpenedList.size() > m_recentlyOpenedListMaxSize)
+ {
+ m_recentlyOpenedList.pop_back();
+ popupMenuRecentlyOpenedFiles->removeItemAt(m_recentlyOpenedListMaxSize);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Enable or disable "actionClearRecentlyOpenedList"
+ actionClearRecentlyOpenedList->setEnabled(!m_recentlyOpenedList.isEmpty());
@@ -1533,23 +1526,24 @@ void MainWindow::updateRecentlyOpenedList()
void MainWindow::clearRecentlyOpenedList()
-///-- TQStringList recentlyOpenedList =
-///-- _settings->getValueByName("lastSourceCodeFile").toString().split("|");
-///-- TQList<TQAction*> recentlyOpenedActionList =
-///-- _mainWindowForm->menuRecently_Opened_Files->actions();
-///-- while (recentlyOpenedList.size() > 0)
-///-- {
-///-- recentlyOpenedList.takeLast();
-///-- TQAction *action = recentlyOpenedActionList.takeAt(recentlyOpenedActionList.size() - 3);
-///-- delete action;
-///-- }
-///-- // Write the new recently opened list to the _settings.
-///-- _settings->setValueByName("lastSourceCodeFile", recentlyOpenedList.join("|"));
-///-- // Disable "actionClearRecentlyOpenedList"
-///-- _mainWindowForm->actionClearRecentlyOpenedList->setEnabled(false);
+ int numItems = m_recentlyOpenedList.size();
+ m_recentlyOpenedList.clear();
+ for (int i = 0; i < numItems; ++i)
+ {
+ popupMenuRecentlyOpenedFiles->removeItemAt(0);
+ }
+ // Disable "actionClearRecentlyOpenedList"
+ actionClearRecentlyOpenedList->setEnabled(false);
+ \brief When a recent file action is highlighted, set the full path
+ in the status bar
+ */
+void MainWindow::recentlyOpenedFileHighlighted(int recentlyOpenedActionId)
+ statusBar()->message(popupMenuRecentlyOpenedFiles->whatsThis(recentlyOpenedActionId));
@@ -1566,31 +1560,30 @@ void MainWindow::openFileFromRecentlyOpenedList(int recentlyOpenedActionId)
-///-- TQString fileName = recentlyOpenedAction->text();
-///-- int indexOfSelectedFile = _mainWindowForm->menuRecently_Opened_Files->actions().indexOf(
-///-- recentlyOpenedAction);
-///-- TQStringList recentlyOpenedList =
-///-- _settings->getValueByName("lastSourceCodeFile").toString().split("|");
-///-- TQString filePath =;
-///-- TQFileInfo fileInfo(filePath);
-///-- // If the file exists, open it.
-///-- if (fileInfo.exists())
-///-- {
-///-- openSourceFileDialog(filePath);
-///-- }
-///-- // If it does not exist, show a warning message and update the list of recently opened files.
-///-- else
-///-- {
-///-- TQMessageBox::warning(NULL, tr("File no longer exists"),
-///-- tr("The file %1 in the list of recently opened files does no longer exist."));
-///-- // The function updateRecentlyOpenedList() has to be called via a singleShot so it is executed
-///-- // after this
-///-- // function (openFileFromRecentlyOpenedList) has already been left. This has to be done because
-///-- // a TQt3Support function tries to emit a signal based on the existing actions and deleting
-///-- // any of these actions in updateRecentlyOpenedList() causes an error.
-///-- TQTimer::singleShot(0, this, SLOT(updateRecentlyOpenedList()));
-///-- }
+ TQString filePath = popupMenuRecentlyOpenedFiles->whatsThis(recentlyOpenedActionId);
+ TQFileInfo fileInfo(filePath);
+ if (fileInfo.exists())
+ {
+ // If the file exists, open it.
+ openSourceFileDialog(filePath);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // If it does not exist, show a warning message and update the list of recently opened files.
+ TQMessageBox::warning(this, tr("File no longer exists"),
+ tr("The file %1 no longer exists.").arg(filePath));
+ int fileIndex = m_recentlyOpenedList.findIndex(filePath);
+ if (fileIndex >= 0)
+ {
+ TQStringList::iterator fileIt = m_recentlyOpenedList.find(filePath);
+ m_recentlyOpenedList.remove(fileIt);
+ popupMenuRecentlyOpenedFiles->removeItemAt(fileIndex);
+ // Enable or disable "actionClearRecentlyOpenedList"
+ actionClearRecentlyOpenedList->setEnabled(!m_recentlyOpenedList.isEmpty());
+ }
+ }
///-- /*
diff --git a/src/MainWindow.h b/src/MainWindow.h
index 340d9ed..4d2fe2f 100644
--- a/src/MainWindow.h
+++ b/src/MainWindow.h
@@ -71,6 +71,7 @@ class MainWindow : public MainWindowBase
void encodingChanged(TQAction *encodingAction);
void numberOfLinesChanged();
void updateRecentlyOpenedList();
+ void recentlyOpenedFileHighlighted(int recentlyOpenedActionId);
void openFileFromRecentlyOpenedList(int recentlyOpenedActionId);
void clearRecentlyOpenedList();
void showAboutDialog();
@@ -91,6 +92,7 @@ class MainWindow : public MainWindowBase
void initTextEditor();
void initSyntaxHighlighter();
void initIndenter();
+ void initRecentlyOpenedList();
///-- void changeEvent(TQEvent *event);
///-- void dragEnterEvent(TQDragEnterEvent *event);
///-- void dropEvent(TQDropEvent *event);
@@ -108,6 +110,7 @@ class MainWindow : public MainWindowBase
///-- AboutDialogGraphicsView *_aboutDialogGraphicsView;
///-- UiGuiSettingsDialog *_settingsDialog;
int m_actionClearRecentlyOpenedListId;
+ int m_recentlyOpenedListMaxSize;
///-- int _textEditLastScrollPos;
///-- int _currentIndenterID;
int m_oldLinesNumber;
@@ -126,6 +129,7 @@ class MainWindow : public MainWindowBase
bool m_previewToggled;
bool m_documentModified;
TQStringList m_encodingsList;
+ TQStringList m_recentlyOpenedList;
ToolBarWidget *m_toolBarWidget;
///-- IndentHandler *_indentHandler;