path: root/indenters/__TODO/uigui_uncrustify.ini
diff options
authorMichele Calgaro <[email protected]>2023-04-18 20:47:44 +0900
committerMichele Calgaro <[email protected]>2023-04-18 20:47:44 +0900
commit425e16ad894fd23d7c5b061acffba6cd04a1b1db (patch)
treee1f794e07812bcd59a4b518747bf9dc5c2a5a163 /indenters/__TODO/uigui_uncrustify.ini
parent11451cea9db07b2a257297de57d76a8dbb7e3a5e (diff)
Added code to load last open file or an example or an untitled file.
Signed-off-by: Michele Calgaro <[email protected]>
Diffstat (limited to 'indenters/__TODO/uigui_uncrustify.ini')
1 files changed, 3691 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/indenters/__TODO/uigui_uncrustify.ini b/indenters/__TODO/uigui_uncrustify.ini
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..e16e560
--- /dev/null
+++ b/indenters/__TODO/uigui_uncrustify.ini
@@ -0,0 +1,3691 @@
+categories=General options|Indenting|Spacing options|Code alignment (not left column spaces/tabs)|Newline adding and removing options|Positioning options|Line Splitting options|Blank line options|Code modifying options (non-whitespace)|Comment modifications|Preprocessor options
+indenterName=Uncrustify (C, C++, C#, ObjectiveC, D, Java, Pawn, VALA)
+inputFileParameter="-f "
+outputFileParameter="-o "
+useCfgFileParameter="-c "
+Description="<html>The type of line endings</html>"
+ChoicesReadable="Newlines Mac|Newlines Win|Newlines Unix|Newlines Auto"
+[Input Tab Size]
+Description="<html>The original size of tabs in the input</html>"
+[Output Tab Size]
+Description="<html>The size of tabs in the output (only used if align_with_tabs=true)</html>"
+[String Escape Char]
+Description="<html>The ASCII value of the string escape char, usually 92 (\) or 94 (^). (Pawn)</html>"
+[String Escape Char2]
+Description="<html>Alternate string escape char for Pawn. Only works right before the quote char.</html>"
+[Tok Split Gte]
+Description="<html>Allow interpreting '&gt;=' and '&gt;&gt;=' as part of a template in 'void f(list&lt;list&lt;B&gt;&gt;=val);'.<BR>If true (default), 'assert(x&lt;0 &amp;&amp; y&gt;=3)' will be broken.<BR>Improvements to template detection may make this option obsolete.</html>"
+[Utf8 Bom]
+Description="<html>Control what to do with the UTF-8 BOM (recommed 'remove')</html>"
+ChoicesReadable="Ignore Utf8 Bom|Add Utf8 Bom|Remove Utf8 Bom|Force Utf8 Bom"
+[Utf8 Byte]
+Description="<html>If the file only contains chars between 128 and 255 and is not UTF-8, then output as UTF-8</html>"
+[Utf8 Force]
+Description="<html>Force the output encoding to UTF-8</html>"
+[Indent Columns]
+Description="<html>The number of columns to indent per level.<BR>Usually 2, 3, 4, or 8.</html>"
+[Indent Continue]
+Description="<html>The continuation indent. If non-zero, this overrides the indent of '(' and '=' continuation indents.<BR>For FreeBSD, this is set to 4.</html>"
+[Indent With Tabs]
+Description="<html>How to use tabs when indenting code<BR>0=spaces only<BR>1=indent with tabs to brace level, align with spaces<BR>2=indent and align with tabs, using spaces when not on a tabstop</html>"
+ChoicesReadable="Spaces only|Indent with tabs, align with spaces|Indent and align with tabs"
+[Indent Cmt With Tabs]
+Description="<html>Comments that are not a brace level are indented with tabs on a tabstop.<BR>Requires indent_with_tabs=2. If false, will use spaces.</html>"
+[Indent Align String]
+Description="<html>Whether to indent strings broken by '\' so that they line up</html>"
+[Indent Xml String]
+Description="<html>The number of spaces to indent multi-line XML strings.<BR>Requires indent_align_string=True</html>"
+[Indent Brace]
+Description="<html>Spaces to indent '{' from level</html>"
+[Indent Braces]
+Description="<html>Whether braces are indented to the body level</html>"
+[Indent Braces No Func]
+Description="<html>Disabled indenting function braces if indent_braces is true</html>"
+[Indent Braces No Class]
+Description="<html>Disabled indenting class braces if indent_braces is true</html>"
+[Indent Braces No Struct]
+Description="<html>Disabled indenting struct braces if indent_braces is true</html>"
+[Indent Brace Parent]
+Description="<html>Indent based on the size of the brace parent, i.e. 'if' =&gt; 3 spaces, 'for' =&gt; 4 spaces, etc.</html>"
+[Indent Namespace]
+Description="<html>Whether the 'namespace' body is indented</html>"
+[Indent Namespace Level]
+Description="<html>The number of spaces to indent a namespace block</html>"
+[Indent Namespace Limit]
+Description="<html>If the body of the namespace is longer than this number, it won't be indented.<BR>Requires indent_namespace=true. Default=0 (no limit)</html>"
+[Indent Extern]
+Description="<html>Whether the 'extern "C"' body is indented</html>"
+[Indent Class]
+Description="<html>Whether the 'class' body is indented</html>"
+[Indent Class Colon]
+Description="<html>Whether to indent the stuff after a leading class colon</html>"
+[Indent Ctor Init]
+Description="<html>Additional indenting for constructor initializer list</html>"
+[Indent Else If]
+Description="<html>False=treat 'else\nif' as 'else if' for indenting purposes<BR>True=indent the 'if' one level<BR></html>"
+[Indent Var Def Blk]
+Description="<html>Amount to indent variable declarations after a open brace. neg=relative, pos=absolute</html>"
+[Indent Var Def Cont]
+Description="<html>Indent continued variable declarations instead of aligning.</html>"
+[Indent Func Call Param]
+Description="<html>True: indent continued function call parameters one indent level<BR>False: align parameters under the open paren</html>"
+[Indent Func Def Param]
+Description="<html>Same as indent_func_call_param, but for function defs</html>"
+[Indent Func Proto Param]
+Description="<html>Same as indent_func_call_param, but for function protos</html>"
+[Indent Func Class Param]
+Description="<html>Same as indent_func_call_param, but for class declarations</html>"
+[Indent Func Ctor Var Param]
+Description="<html>Same as indent_func_call_param, but for class variable constructors</html>"
+[Indent Template Param]
+Description="<html>Same as indent_func_call_param, but for templates</html>"
+[Indent Func Param Double]
+Description="<html>Double the indent for indent_func_xxx_param options</html>"
+[Indent Func Const]
+Description="<html>Indentation column for standalone 'const' function decl/proto qualifier</html>"
+[Indent Func Throw]
+Description="<html>Indentation column for standalone 'throw' function decl/proto qualifier</html>"
+[Indent Member]
+Description="<html>The number of spaces to indent a continued '-&gt;' or '.'<BR>Usually set to 0, 1, or indent_columns.</html>"
+[Indent Sing Line Comments]
+Description="<html>Spaces to indent single line ('//') comments on lines before code</html>"
+[Indent Relative Single Line Comments]
+Description="<html>If set, will indent trailing single line ('//') comments relative<BR>to the code instead of trying to keep the same absolute column</html>"
+[Indent Switch Case]
+Description="<html>Spaces to indent 'case' from 'switch'<BR>Usually 0 or indent_columns.</html>"
+[Indent Case Shift]
+Description="<html>Spaces to shift the 'case' line, without affecting any other lines<BR>Usually 0.</html>"
+[Indent Case Brace]
+Description="<html>Spaces to indent '{' from 'case'.<BR>By default, the brace will appear under the 'c' in case.<BR>Usually set to 0 or indent_columns.</html>"
+[Indent Col1 Comment]
+Description="<html>Whether to indent comments found in first column</html>"
+[Indent Label]
+Description="<html>How to indent goto labels<BR> &gt;0 : absolute column where 1 is the leftmost column<BR> &lt;=0 : subtract from brace indent</html>"
+[Indent Access Spec]
+Description="<html>Same as indent_label, but for access specifiers that are followed by a colon</html>"
+[Indent Access Spec Body]
+Description="<html>Indent the code after an access specifier by one level.<BR>If set, this option forces 'indent_access_spec=0'</html>"
+[Indent Paren Nl]
+Description="<html>If an open paren is followed by a newline, indent the next line so that it lines up after the open paren (not recommended)</html>"
+[Indent Paren Close]
+Description="<html>Controls the indent of a close paren after a newline.<BR>0: Indent to body level<BR>1: Align under the open paren<BR>2: Indent to the brace level</html>"
+[Indent Comma Paren]
+Description="<html>Controls the indent of a comma when inside a paren.If TRUE, aligns under the open paren</html>"
+[Indent Bool Paren]
+Description="<html>Controls the indent of a BOOL operator when inside a paren.If TRUE, aligns under the open paren</html>"
+[Indent First Bool Expr]
+Description="<html>If 'indent_bool_paren' is true, controls the indent of the first expression. If TRUE, aligns the first expression to the following ones</html>"
+[Indent Square Nl]
+Description="<html>If an open square is followed by a newline, indent the next line so that it lines up after the open square (not recommended)</html>"
+[Indent Preserve Sql]
+Description="<html>Don't change the relative indent of ESQL/C 'EXEC SQL' bodies</html>"
+[Indent Align Assign]
+Description="<html>Align continued statements at the '='. Default=True<BR>If FALSE or the '=' is followed by a newline, the next line is indent one tab.</html>"
+[Sp Arith]
+Description="<html>Add or remove space around arithmetic operator '+', '-', '/', '*', etc</html>"
+ChoicesReadable="Ignore Sp Arith|Add Sp Arith|Remove Sp Arith|Force Sp Arith"
+[Sp Assign]
+Description="<html>Add or remove space around assignment operator '=', '+=', etc</html>"
+ChoicesReadable="Ignore Sp Assign|Add Sp Assign|Remove Sp Assign|Force Sp Assign"
+[Sp Assign Default]
+Description="<html>Add or remove space around assignment operator '=' in a prototype</html>"
+ChoicesReadable="Ignore Sp Assign Default|Add Sp Assign Default|Remove Sp Assign Default|Force Sp Assign Default"
+[Sp Before Assign]
+Description="<html>Add or remove space before assignment operator '=', '+=', etc. Overrides sp_assign.</html>"
+ChoicesReadable="Ignore Sp Before Assign|Add Sp Before Assign|Remove Sp Before Assign|Force Sp Before Assign"
+[Sp After Assign]
+Description="<html>Add or remove space after assignment operator '=', '+=', etc. Overrides sp_assign.</html>"
+ChoicesReadable="Ignore Sp After Assign|Add Sp After Assign|Remove Sp After Assign|Force Sp After Assign"
+[Sp Enum Assign]
+Description="<html>Add or remove space around assignment '=' in enum</html>"
+ChoicesReadable="Ignore Sp Enum Assign|Add Sp Enum Assign|Remove Sp Enum Assign|Force Sp Enum Assign"
+[Sp Enum Before Assign]
+Description="<html>Add or remove space before assignment '=' in enum. Overrides sp_enum_assign.</html>"
+ChoicesReadable="Ignore Sp Enum Before Assign|Add Sp Enum Before Assign|Remove Sp Enum Before Assign|Force Sp Enum Before Assign"
+[Sp Enum After Assign]
+Description="<html>Add or remove space after assignment '=' in enum. Overrides sp_enum_assign.</html>"
+ChoicesReadable="Ignore Sp Enum After Assign|Add Sp Enum After Assign|Remove Sp Enum After Assign|Force Sp Enum After Assign"
+[Sp Pp Concat]
+Description="<html>Add or remove space around preprocessor '##' concatenation operator. Default=Add</html>"
+ChoicesReadable="Ignore Sp Pp Concat|Add Sp Pp Concat|Remove Sp Pp Concat|Force Sp Pp Concat"
+[Sp Pp Stringify]
+Description="<html>Add or remove space after preprocessor '#' stringify operator. Also affects the '#@' charizing operator. Default=Add</html>"
+ChoicesReadable="Ignore Sp Pp Stringify|Add Sp Pp Stringify|Remove Sp Pp Stringify|Force Sp Pp Stringify"
+[Sp Bool]
+Description="<html>Add or remove space around boolean operators '&amp;&amp;' and '||'</html>"
+ChoicesReadable="Ignore Sp Bool|Add Sp Bool|Remove Sp Bool|Force Sp Bool"
+[Sp Compare]
+Description="<html>Add or remove space around compare operator '&lt;', '&gt;', '==', etc</html>"
+ChoicesReadable="Ignore Sp Compare|Add Sp Compare|Remove Sp Compare|Force Sp Compare"
+[Sp Inside Paren]
+Description="<html>Add or remove space inside '(' and ')'</html>"
+ChoicesReadable="Ignore Sp Inside Paren|Add Sp Inside Paren|Remove Sp Inside Paren|Force Sp Inside Paren"
+[Sp Paren Paren]
+Description="<html>Add or remove space between nested parens</html>"
+ChoicesReadable="Ignore Sp Paren Paren|Add Sp Paren Paren|Remove Sp Paren Paren|Force Sp Paren Paren"
+[Sp Balance Nested Parens]
+Description="<html>Whether to balance spaces inside nested parens</html>"
+[Sp Paren Brace]
+Description="<html>Add or remove space between ')' and '{'</html>"
+ChoicesReadable="Ignore Sp Paren Brace|Add Sp Paren Brace|Remove Sp Paren Brace|Force Sp Paren Brace"
+[Sp Before Ptr Star]
+Description="<html>Add or remove space before pointer star '*'</html>"
+ChoicesReadable="Ignore Sp Before Ptr Star|Add Sp Before Ptr Star|Remove Sp Before Ptr Star|Force Sp Before Ptr Star"
+[Sp Before Unnamed Ptr Star]
+Description="<html>Add or remove space before pointer star '*' that isn't followed by a variable name<BR>If set to 'ignore', sp_before_ptr_star is used instead.</html>"
+ChoicesReadable="Ignore Sp Before Unnamed Ptr Star|Add Sp Before Unnamed Ptr Star|Remove Sp Before Unnamed Ptr Star|Force Sp Before Unnamed Ptr Star"
+[Sp Between Ptr Star]
+Description="<html>Add or remove space between pointer stars '*'</html>"
+ChoicesReadable="Ignore Sp Between Ptr Star|Add Sp Between Ptr Star|Remove Sp Between Ptr Star|Force Sp Between Ptr Star"
+[Sp After Ptr Star]
+Description="<html>Add or remove space after pointer star '*', if followed by a word.</html>"
+ChoicesReadable="Ignore Sp After Ptr Star|Add Sp After Ptr Star|Remove Sp After Ptr Star|Force Sp After Ptr Star"
+[Sp After Ptr Star Func]
+Description="<html>Add or remove space after a pointer star '*', if followed by a func proto/def.</html>"
+ChoicesReadable="Ignore Sp After Ptr Star Func|Add Sp After Ptr Star Func|Remove Sp After Ptr Star Func|Force Sp After Ptr Star Func"
+[Sp Before Ptr Star Func]
+Description="<html>Add or remove space before a pointer star '*', if followed by a func proto/def.</html>"
+ChoicesReadable="Ignore Sp Before Ptr Star Func|Add Sp Before Ptr Star Func|Remove Sp Before Ptr Star Func|Force Sp Before Ptr Star Func"
+[Sp Before Byref]
+Description="<html>Add or remove space before a reference sign '&amp;'</html>"
+ChoicesReadable="Ignore Sp Before Byref|Add Sp Before Byref|Remove Sp Before Byref|Force Sp Before Byref"
+[Sp Before Unnamed Byref]
+Description="<html>Add or remove space before a reference sign '&amp;' that isn't followed by a variable name<BR>If set to 'ignore', sp_before_byref is used instead.</html>"
+ChoicesReadable="Ignore Sp Before Unnamed Byref|Add Sp Before Unnamed Byref|Remove Sp Before Unnamed Byref|Force Sp Before Unnamed Byref"
+[Sp After Byref]
+Description="<html>Add or remove space after reference sign '&amp;', if followed by a word.</html>"
+ChoicesReadable="Ignore Sp After Byref|Add Sp After Byref|Remove Sp After Byref|Force Sp After Byref"
+[Sp After Byref Func]
+Description="<html>Add or remove space after a reference sign '&amp;', if followed by a func proto/def.</html>"
+ChoicesReadable="Ignore Sp After Byref Func|Add Sp After Byref Func|Remove Sp After Byref Func|Force Sp After Byref Func"
+[Sp Before Byref Func]
+Description="<html>Add or remove space before a reference sign '&amp;', if followed by a func proto/def.</html>"
+ChoicesReadable="Ignore Sp Before Byref Func|Add Sp Before Byref Func|Remove Sp Before Byref Func|Force Sp Before Byref Func"
+[Sp After Type]
+Description="<html>Add or remove space between type and word. Default=Force</html>"
+ChoicesReadable="Ignore Sp After Type|Add Sp After Type|Remove Sp After Type|Force Sp After Type"
+[Sp Template Angle]
+Description="<html>Add or remove space in 'template &lt;' vs 'template&lt;'.<BR>If set to ignore, sp_before_angle is used.</html>"
+ChoicesReadable="Ignore Sp Template Angle|Add Sp Template Angle|Remove Sp Template Angle|Force Sp Template Angle"
+[Sp Before Angle]
+Description="<html>Add or remove space before '&lt;&gt;'</html>"
+ChoicesReadable="Ignore Sp Before Angle|Add Sp Before Angle|Remove Sp Before Angle|Force Sp Before Angle"
+[Sp Inside Angle]
+Description="<html>Add or remove space inside '&lt;' and '&gt;'</html>"
+ChoicesReadable="Ignore Sp Inside Angle|Add Sp Inside Angle|Remove Sp Inside Angle|Force Sp Inside Angle"
+[Sp After Angle]
+Description="<html>Add or remove space after '&lt;&gt;'</html>"
+ChoicesReadable="Ignore Sp After Angle|Add Sp After Angle|Remove Sp After Angle|Force Sp After Angle"
+[Sp Angle Paren]
+Description="<html>Add or remove space between '&lt;&gt;' and '(' as found in 'new List&lt;byte&gt;();'</html>"
+ChoicesReadable="Ignore Sp Angle Paren|Add Sp Angle Paren|Remove Sp Angle Paren|Force Sp Angle Paren"
+[Sp Angle Word]
+Description="<html>Add or remove space between '&lt;&gt;' and a word as in 'List&lt;byte&gt; m;'</html>"
+ChoicesReadable="Ignore Sp Angle Word|Add Sp Angle Word|Remove Sp Angle Word|Force Sp Angle Word"
+[Sp Angle Shift]
+Description="<html>Add or remove space between '&gt;' and '&gt;' in '&gt;&gt;' (template stuff C++/C# only). Default=Add</html>"
+ChoicesReadable="Ignore Sp Angle Shift|Add Sp Angle Shift|Remove Sp Angle Shift|Force Sp Angle Shift"
+[Sp Before Sparen]
+Description="<html>Add or remove space before '(' of 'if', 'for', 'switch', and 'while'</html>"
+ChoicesReadable="Ignore Sp Before Sparen|Add Sp Before Sparen|Remove Sp Before Sparen|Force Sp Before Sparen"
+[Sp Inside Sparen]
+Description="<html>Add or remove space inside if-condition '(' and ')'</html>"
+ChoicesReadable="Ignore Sp Inside Sparen|Add Sp Inside Sparen|Remove Sp Inside Sparen|Force Sp Inside Sparen"
+[Sp Inside Sparen Close]
+Description="<html>Add or remove space before if-condition ')'. Overrides sp_inside_sparen.</html>"
+ChoicesReadable="Ignore Sp Inside Sparen Close|Add Sp Inside Sparen Close|Remove Sp Inside Sparen Close|Force Sp Inside Sparen Close"
+[Sp After Sparen]
+Description="<html>Add or remove space after ')' of 'if', 'for', 'switch', and 'while'</html>"
+ChoicesReadable="Ignore Sp After Sparen|Add Sp After Sparen|Remove Sp After Sparen|Force Sp After Sparen"
+[Sp Sparen Brace]
+Description="<html>Add or remove space between ')' and '{' of 'if', 'for', 'switch', and 'while'</html>"
+ChoicesReadable="Ignore Sp Sparen Brace|Add Sp Sparen Brace|Remove Sp Sparen Brace|Force Sp Sparen Brace"
+[Sp Invariant Paren]
+Description="<html>Add or remove space between 'invariant' and '(' in the D language.</html>"
+ChoicesReadable="Ignore Sp Invariant Paren|Add Sp Invariant Paren|Remove Sp Invariant Paren|Force Sp Invariant Paren"
+[Sp After Invariant Paren]
+Description="<html>Add or remove space after the ')' in 'invariant (C) c' in the D language.</html>"
+ChoicesReadable="Ignore Sp After Invariant Paren|Add Sp After Invariant Paren|Remove Sp After Invariant Paren|Force Sp After Invariant Paren"
+[Sp Special Semi]
+Description="<html>Add or remove space before empty statement ';' on 'if', 'for' and 'while'</html>"
+ChoicesReadable="Ignore Sp Special Semi|Add Sp Special Semi|Remove Sp Special Semi|Force Sp Special Semi"
+[Sp Before Semi]
+Description="<html>Add or remove space before ';'. Default=Remove</html>"
+ChoicesReadable="Ignore Sp Before Semi|Add Sp Before Semi|Remove Sp Before Semi|Force Sp Before Semi"
+[Sp Before Semi For]
+Description="<html>Add or remove space before ';' in non-empty 'for' statements</html>"
+ChoicesReadable="Ignore Sp Before Semi For|Add Sp Before Semi For|Remove Sp Before Semi For|Force Sp Before Semi For"
+[Sp Before Semi For Empty]
+Description="<html>Add or remove space before a semicolon of an empty part of a for statement.</html>"
+ChoicesReadable="Ignore Sp Before Semi For Empty|Add Sp Before Semi For Empty|Remove Sp Before Semi For Empty|Force Sp Before Semi For Empty"
+[Sp After Semi]
+Description="<html>Add or remove space after ';', except when followed by a comment. Default=Add</html>"
+ChoicesReadable="Ignore Sp After Semi|Add Sp After Semi|Remove Sp After Semi|Force Sp After Semi"
+[Sp After Semi For]
+Description="<html>Add or remove space after ';' in non-empty 'for' statements. Default=Force</html>"
+ChoicesReadable="Ignore Sp After Semi For|Add Sp After Semi For|Remove Sp After Semi For|Force Sp After Semi For"
+[Sp After Semi For Empty]
+Description="<html>Add or remove space after the final semicolon of an empty part of a for statement: for ( ; ; &lt;here&gt; ).</html>"
+ChoicesReadable="Ignore Sp After Semi For Empty|Add Sp After Semi For Empty|Remove Sp After Semi For Empty|Force Sp After Semi For Empty"
+[Sp Before Square]
+Description="<html>Add or remove space before '[' (except '[]')</html>"
+ChoicesReadable="Ignore Sp Before Square|Add Sp Before Square|Remove Sp Before Square|Force Sp Before Square"
+[Sp Before Squares]
+Description="<html>Add or remove space before '[]'</html>"
+ChoicesReadable="Ignore Sp Before Squares|Add Sp Before Squares|Remove Sp Before Squares|Force Sp Before Squares"
+[Sp Inside Square]
+Description="<html>Add or remove space inside a non-empty '[' and ']'</html>"
+ChoicesReadable="Ignore Sp Inside Square|Add Sp Inside Square|Remove Sp Inside Square|Force Sp Inside Square"
+[Sp After Comma]
+Description="<html>Add or remove space after ','</html>"
+ChoicesReadable="Ignore Sp After Comma|Add Sp After Comma|Remove Sp After Comma|Force Sp After Comma"
+[Sp Before Comma]
+Description="<html>Add or remove space before ','</html>"
+ChoicesReadable="Ignore Sp Before Comma|Add Sp Before Comma|Remove Sp Before Comma|Force Sp Before Comma"
+[Sp Paren Comma]
+Description="<html>Add or remove space between an open paren and comma: '(,' vs '( ,'<BR></html>"
+ChoicesReadable="Ignore Sp Paren Comma|Add Sp Paren Comma|Remove Sp Paren Comma|Force Sp Paren Comma"
+[Sp Before Ellipsis]
+Description="<html>Add or remove space before the variadic '...' when preceded by a non-punctuator</html>"
+ChoicesReadable="Ignore Sp Before Ellipsis|Add Sp Before Ellipsis|Remove Sp Before Ellipsis|Force Sp Before Ellipsis"
+[Sp After Class Colon]
+Description="<html>Add or remove space after class ':'</html>"
+ChoicesReadable="Ignore Sp After Class Colon|Add Sp After Class Colon|Remove Sp After Class Colon|Force Sp After Class Colon"
+[Sp Before Class Colon]
+Description="<html>Add or remove space before class ':'</html>"
+ChoicesReadable="Ignore Sp Before Class Colon|Add Sp Before Class Colon|Remove Sp Before Class Colon|Force Sp Before Class Colon"
+[Sp Before Case Colon]
+Description="<html>Add or remove space before case ':'. Default=Remove</html>"
+ChoicesReadable="Ignore Sp Before Case Colon|Add Sp Before Case Colon|Remove Sp Before Case Colon|Force Sp Before Case Colon"
+[Sp After Operator]
+Description="<html>Add or remove space between 'operator' and operator sign</html>"
+ChoicesReadable="Ignore Sp After Operator|Add Sp After Operator|Remove Sp After Operator|Force Sp After Operator"
+[Sp After Operator Sym]
+Description="<html>Add or remove space between the operator symbol and the open paren, as in 'operator ++('</html>"
+ChoicesReadable="Ignore Sp After Operator Sym|Add Sp After Operator Sym|Remove Sp After Operator Sym|Force Sp After Operator Sym"
+[Sp After Cast]
+Description="<html>Add or remove space after C/D cast, i.e. 'cast(int)a' vs 'cast(int) a' or '(int)a' vs '(int) a'</html>"
+ChoicesReadable="Ignore Sp After Cast|Add Sp After Cast|Remove Sp After Cast|Force Sp After Cast"
+[Sp Inside Paren Cast]
+Description="<html>Add or remove spaces inside cast parens</html>"
+ChoicesReadable="Ignore Sp Inside Paren Cast|Add Sp Inside Paren Cast|Remove Sp Inside Paren Cast|Force Sp Inside Paren Cast"
+[Sp Cpp Cast Paren]
+Description="<html>Add or remove space between the type and open paren in a C++ cast, i.e. 'int(exp)' vs 'int (exp)'</html>"
+ChoicesReadable="Ignore Sp Cpp Cast Paren|Add Sp Cpp Cast Paren|Remove Sp Cpp Cast Paren|Force Sp Cpp Cast Paren"
+[Sp Sizeof Paren]
+Description="<html>Add or remove space between 'sizeof' and '('</html>"
+ChoicesReadable="Ignore Sp Sizeof Paren|Add Sp Sizeof Paren|Remove Sp Sizeof Paren|Force Sp Sizeof Paren"
+[Sp After Tag]
+Description="<html>Add or remove space after the tag keyword (Pawn)</html>"
+ChoicesReadable="Ignore Sp After Tag|Add Sp After Tag|Remove Sp After Tag|Force Sp After Tag"
+[Sp Inside Braces Enum]
+Description="<html>Add or remove space inside enum '{' and '}'</html>"
+ChoicesReadable="Ignore Sp Inside Braces Enum|Add Sp Inside Braces Enum|Remove Sp Inside Braces Enum|Force Sp Inside Braces Enum"
+[Sp Inside Braces Struct]
+Description="<html>Add or remove space inside struct/union '{' and '}'</html>"
+ChoicesReadable="Ignore Sp Inside Braces Struct|Add Sp Inside Braces Struct|Remove Sp Inside Braces Struct|Force Sp Inside Braces Struct"
+[Sp Inside Braces]
+Description="<html>Add or remove space inside '{' and '}'</html>"
+ChoicesReadable="Ignore Sp Inside Braces|Add Sp Inside Braces|Remove Sp Inside Braces|Force Sp Inside Braces"
+[Sp Inside Braces Empty]
+Description="<html>Add or remove space inside '{}'</html>"
+ChoicesReadable="Ignore Sp Inside Braces Empty|Add Sp Inside Braces Empty|Remove Sp Inside Braces Empty|Force Sp Inside Braces Empty"
+[Sp Type Func]
+Description="<html>Add or remove space between return type and function name<BR>A minimum of 1 is forced except for pointer return types.</html>"
+ChoicesReadable="Ignore Sp Type Func|Add Sp Type Func|Remove Sp Type Func|Force Sp Type Func"
+[Sp Func Proto Paren]
+Description="<html>Add or remove space between function name and '(' on function declaration</html>"
+ChoicesReadable="Ignore Sp Func Proto Paren|Add Sp Func Proto Paren|Remove Sp Func Proto Paren|Force Sp Func Proto Paren"
+[Sp Func Def Paren]
+Description="<html>Add or remove space between function name and '(' on function definition</html>"
+ChoicesReadable="Ignore Sp Func Def Paren|Add Sp Func Def Paren|Remove Sp Func Def Paren|Force Sp Func Def Paren"
+[Sp Inside Fparens]
+Description="<html>Add or remove space inside empty function '()'</html>"
+ChoicesReadable="Ignore Sp Inside Fparens|Add Sp Inside Fparens|Remove Sp Inside Fparens|Force Sp Inside Fparens"
+[Sp Inside Fparen]
+Description="<html>Add or remove space inside function '(' and ')'</html>"
+ChoicesReadable="Ignore Sp Inside Fparen|Add Sp Inside Fparen|Remove Sp Inside Fparen|Force Sp Inside Fparen"
+[Sp Square Fparen]
+Description="<html>Add or remove space between ']' and '(' when part of a function call.</html>"
+ChoicesReadable="Ignore Sp Square Fparen|Add Sp Square Fparen|Remove Sp Square Fparen|Force Sp Square Fparen"
+[Sp Fparen Brace]
+Description="<html>Add or remove space between ')' and '{' of function</html>"
+ChoicesReadable="Ignore Sp Fparen Brace|Add Sp Fparen Brace|Remove Sp Fparen Brace|Force Sp Fparen Brace"
+[Sp Func Call Paren]
+Description="<html>Add or remove space between function name and '(' on function calls</html>"
+ChoicesReadable="Ignore Sp Func Call Paren|Add Sp Func Call Paren|Remove Sp Func Call Paren|Force Sp Func Call Paren"
+[Sp Func Call Paren Empty]
+Description="<html>Add or remove space between function name and '()' on function calls without parameters.<BR>If set to 'ignore' (the default), sp_func_call_paren is used.</html>"
+ChoicesReadable="Ignore Sp Func Call Paren Empty|Add Sp Func Call Paren Empty|Remove Sp Func Call Paren Empty|Force Sp Func Call Paren Empty"
+[Sp Func Call User Paren]
+Description="<html>Add or remove space between the user function name and '(' on function calls<BR>You need to set a keyword to be a user function, like this: 'set func_call_user _' in the config file.</html>"
+ChoicesReadable="Ignore Sp Func Call User Paren|Add Sp Func Call User Paren|Remove Sp Func Call User Paren|Force Sp Func Call User Paren"
+[Sp Func Class Paren]
+Description="<html>Add or remove space between a constructor/destructor and the open paren</html>"
+ChoicesReadable="Ignore Sp Func Class Paren|Add Sp Func Class Paren|Remove Sp Func Class Paren|Force Sp Func Class Paren"
+[Sp Return Paren]
+Description="<html>Add or remove space between 'return' and '('</html>"
+ChoicesReadable="Ignore Sp Return Paren|Add Sp Return Paren|Remove Sp Return Paren|Force Sp Return Paren"
+[Sp Attribute Paren]
+Description="<html>Add or remove space between '__attribute__' and '('</html>"
+ChoicesReadable="Ignore Sp Attribute Paren|Add Sp Attribute Paren|Remove Sp Attribute Paren|Force Sp Attribute Paren"
+[Sp Defined Paren]
+Description="<html>Add or remove space between 'defined' and '(' in '#if defined (FOO)'</html>"
+ChoicesReadable="Ignore Sp Defined Paren|Add Sp Defined Paren|Remove Sp Defined Paren|Force Sp Defined Paren"
+[Sp Throw Paren]
+Description="<html>Add or remove space between 'throw' and '(' in 'throw (something)'</html>"
+ChoicesReadable="Ignore Sp Throw Paren|Add Sp Throw Paren|Remove Sp Throw Paren|Force Sp Throw Paren"
+[Sp Catch Paren]
+Description="<html>Add or remove space between 'catch' and '(' in 'catch (something) { }'<BR>If set to ignore, sp_before_sparen is used.</html>"
+ChoicesReadable="Ignore Sp Catch Paren|Add Sp Catch Paren|Remove Sp Catch Paren|Force Sp Catch Paren"
+[Sp Version Paren]
+Description="<html>Add or remove space between 'version' and '(' in 'version (something) { }' (D language)<BR>If set to ignore, sp_before_sparen is used.</html>"
+ChoicesReadable="Ignore Sp Version Paren|Add Sp Version Paren|Remove Sp Version Paren|Force Sp Version Paren"
+[Sp Scope Paren]
+Description="<html>Add or remove space between 'scope' and '(' in 'scope (something) { }' (D language)<BR>If set to ignore, sp_before_sparen is used.</html>"
+ChoicesReadable="Ignore Sp Scope Paren|Add Sp Scope Paren|Remove Sp Scope Paren|Force Sp Scope Paren"
+[Sp Macro]
+Description="<html>Add or remove space between macro and value</html>"
+ChoicesReadable="Ignore Sp Macro|Add Sp Macro|Remove Sp Macro|Force Sp Macro"
+[Sp Macro Func]
+Description="<html>Add or remove space between macro function ')' and value</html>"
+ChoicesReadable="Ignore Sp Macro Func|Add Sp Macro Func|Remove Sp Macro Func|Force Sp Macro Func"
+[Sp Else Brace]
+Description="<html>Add or remove space between 'else' and '{' if on the same line</html>"
+ChoicesReadable="Ignore Sp Else Brace|Add Sp Else Brace|Remove Sp Else Brace|Force Sp Else Brace"
+[Sp Brace Else]
+Description="<html>Add or remove space between '}' and 'else' if on the same line</html>"
+ChoicesReadable="Ignore Sp Brace Else|Add Sp Brace Else|Remove Sp Brace Else|Force Sp Brace Else"
+[Sp Brace Typedef]
+Description="<html>Add or remove space between '}' and the name of a typedef on the same line</html>"
+ChoicesReadable="Ignore Sp Brace Typedef|Add Sp Brace Typedef|Remove Sp Brace Typedef|Force Sp Brace Typedef"
+[Sp Catch Brace]
+Description="<html>Add or remove space between 'catch' and '{' if on the same line</html>"
+ChoicesReadable="Ignore Sp Catch Brace|Add Sp Catch Brace|Remove Sp Catch Brace|Force Sp Catch Brace"
+[Sp Brace Catch]
+Description="<html>Add or remove space between '}' and 'catch' if on the same line</html>"
+ChoicesReadable="Ignore Sp Brace Catch|Add Sp Brace Catch|Remove Sp Brace Catch|Force Sp Brace Catch"
+[Sp Finally Brace]
+Description="<html>Add or remove space between 'finally' and '{' if on the same line</html>"
+ChoicesReadable="Ignore Sp Finally Brace|Add Sp Finally Brace|Remove Sp Finally Brace|Force Sp Finally Brace"
+[Sp Brace Finally]
+Description="<html>Add or remove space between '}' and 'finally' if on the same line</html>"
+ChoicesReadable="Ignore Sp Brace Finally|Add Sp Brace Finally|Remove Sp Brace Finally|Force Sp Brace Finally"
+[Sp Try Brace]
+Description="<html>Add or remove space between 'try' and '{' if on the same line</html>"
+ChoicesReadable="Ignore Sp Try Brace|Add Sp Try Brace|Remove Sp Try Brace|Force Sp Try Brace"
+[Sp Getset Brace]
+Description="<html>Add or remove space between get/set and '{' if on the same line</html>"
+ChoicesReadable="Ignore Sp Getset Brace|Add Sp Getset Brace|Remove Sp Getset Brace|Force Sp Getset Brace"
+[Sp Before Dc]
+Description="<html>Add or remove space before the '::' operator</html>"
+ChoicesReadable="Ignore Sp Before Dc|Add Sp Before Dc|Remove Sp Before Dc|Force Sp Before Dc"
+[Sp After Dc]
+Description="<html>Add or remove space after the '::' operator</html>"
+ChoicesReadable="Ignore Sp After Dc|Add Sp After Dc|Remove Sp After Dc|Force Sp After Dc"
+[Sp D Array Colon]
+Description="<html>Add or remove around the D named array initializer ':' operator</html>"
+ChoicesReadable="Ignore Sp D Array Colon|Add Sp D Array Colon|Remove Sp D Array Colon|Force Sp D Array Colon"
+[Sp Not]
+Description="<html>Add or remove space after the '!' (not) operator. Default=Remove</html>"
+ChoicesReadable="Ignore Sp Not|Add Sp Not|Remove Sp Not|Force Sp Not"
+[Sp Inv]
+Description="<html>Add or remove space after the '~' (invert) operator. Default=Remove</html>"
+ChoicesReadable="Ignore Sp Inv|Add Sp Inv|Remove Sp Inv|Force Sp Inv"
+[Sp Addr]
+Description="<html>Add or remove space after the '&amp;' (address-of) operator. Default=Remove<BR>This does not affect the spacing after a '&amp;' that is part of a type.</html>"
+ChoicesReadable="Ignore Sp Addr|Add Sp Addr|Remove Sp Addr|Force Sp Addr"
+[Sp Member]
+Description="<html>Add or remove space around the '.' or '-&gt;' operators. Default=Remove</html>"
+ChoicesReadable="Ignore Sp Member|Add Sp Member|Remove Sp Member|Force Sp Member"
+[Sp Deref]
+Description="<html>Add or remove space after the '*' (dereference) operator. Default=Remove<BR>This does not affect the spacing after a '*' that is part of a type.</html>"
+ChoicesReadable="Ignore Sp Deref|Add Sp Deref|Remove Sp Deref|Force Sp Deref"
+[Sp Sign]
+Description="<html>Add or remove space after '+' or '-', as in 'x = -5' or 'y = +7'. Default=Remove</html>"
+ChoicesReadable="Ignore Sp Sign|Add Sp Sign|Remove Sp Sign|Force Sp Sign"
+[Sp Incdec]
+Description="<html>Add or remove space before or after '++' and '--', as in '(--x)' or 'y++;'. Default=Remove</html>"
+ChoicesReadable="Ignore Sp Incdec|Add Sp Incdec|Remove Sp Incdec|Force Sp Incdec"
+[Sp Before Nl Cont]
+Description="<html>Add or remove space before a backslash-newline at the end of a line. Default=Add</html>"
+ChoicesReadable="Ignore Sp Before Nl Cont|Add Sp Before Nl Cont|Remove Sp Before Nl Cont|Force Sp Before Nl Cont"
+[Sp After Oc Scope]
+Description="<html>Add or remove space after the scope '+' or '-', as in '-(void) foo;' or '+(int) bar;'</html>"
+ChoicesReadable="Ignore Sp After Oc Scope|Add Sp After Oc Scope|Remove Sp After Oc Scope|Force Sp After Oc Scope"
+[Sp After Oc Colon]
+Description="<html>Add or remove space after the colon in message specs<BR>'-(int) f:(int) x;' vs '-(int) f: (int) x;'</html>"
+ChoicesReadable="Ignore Sp After Oc Colon|Add Sp After Oc Colon|Remove Sp After Oc Colon|Force Sp After Oc Colon"
+[Sp Before Oc Colon]
+Description="<html>Add or remove space before the colon in message specs<BR>'-(int) f: (int) x;' vs '-(int) f : (int) x;'</html>"
+ChoicesReadable="Ignore Sp Before Oc Colon|Add Sp Before Oc Colon|Remove Sp Before Oc Colon|Force Sp Before Oc Colon"
+[Sp After Send Oc Colon]
+Description="<html>Add or remove space after the colon in message specs<BR>'[object setValue:1];' vs '[object setValue: 1];'</html>"
+ChoicesReadable="Ignore Sp After Send Oc Colon|Add Sp After Send Oc Colon|Remove Sp After Send Oc Colon|Force Sp After Send Oc Colon"
+[Sp Before Send Oc Colon]
+Description="<html>Add or remove space before the colon in message specs<BR>'[object setValue:1];' vs '[object setValue :1];'</html>"
+ChoicesReadable="Ignore Sp Before Send Oc Colon|Add Sp Before Send Oc Colon|Remove Sp Before Send Oc Colon|Force Sp Before Send Oc Colon"
+[Sp After Oc Type]
+Description="<html>Add or remove space after the (type) in message specs<BR>'-(int)f: (int) x;' vs '-(int)f: (int)x;'</html>"
+ChoicesReadable="Ignore Sp After Oc Type|Add Sp After Oc Type|Remove Sp After Oc Type|Force Sp After Oc Type"
+[Sp After Oc Return Type]
+Description="<html>Add or remove space after the first (type) in message specs<BR>'-(int) f:(int)x;' vs '-(int)f:(int)x;'</html>"
+ChoicesReadable="Ignore Sp After Oc Return Type|Add Sp After Oc Return Type|Remove Sp After Oc Return Type|Force Sp After Oc Return Type"
+[Sp After Oc At Sel]
+Description="<html>Add or remove space between '@selector' and '('<BR>'@selector(msgName)' vs '@selector (msgName)'<BR>Also applies to @protocol() constructs</html>"
+ChoicesReadable="Ignore Sp After Oc At Sel|Add Sp After Oc At Sel|Remove Sp After Oc At Sel|Force Sp After Oc At Sel"
+[Sp After Oc At Sel Parens]
+Description="<html>Add or remove space between '@selector(x)' and the following word<BR>'@selector(foo) a:' vs '@selector(foo)a:'</html>"
+ChoicesReadable="Ignore Sp After Oc At Sel Parens|Add Sp After Oc At Sel Parens|Remove Sp After Oc At Sel Parens|Force Sp After Oc At Sel Parens"
+[Sp Inside Oc At Sel Parens]
+Description="<html>Add or remove space inside '@selector' parens<BR>'@selector(foo)' vs '@selector( foo )'<BR>Also applies to @protocol() constructs</html>"
+ChoicesReadable="Ignore Sp Inside Oc At Sel Parens|Add Sp Inside Oc At Sel Parens|Remove Sp Inside Oc At Sel Parens|Force Sp Inside Oc At Sel Parens"
+[Sp Before Oc Block Caret]
+Description="<html>Add or remove space before a block pointer caret<BR>'^int (int arg){...}' vs. ' ^int (int arg){...}'</html>"
+ChoicesReadable="Ignore Sp Before Oc Block Caret|Add Sp Before Oc Block Caret|Remove Sp Before Oc Block Caret|Force Sp Before Oc Block Caret"
+[Sp After Oc Block Caret]
+Description="<html>Add or remove space after a block pointer caret<BR>'^int (int arg){...}' vs. '^ int (int arg){...}'</html>"
+ChoicesReadable="Ignore Sp After Oc Block Caret|Add Sp After Oc Block Caret|Remove Sp After Oc Block Caret|Force Sp After Oc Block Caret"
+[Sp Cond Colon]
+Description="<html>Add or remove space around the ':' in 'b ? t : f'</html>"
+ChoicesReadable="Ignore Sp Cond Colon|Add Sp Cond Colon|Remove Sp Cond Colon|Force Sp Cond Colon"
+[Sp Cond Question]
+Description="<html>Add or remove space around the '?' in 'b ? t : f'</html>"
+ChoicesReadable="Ignore Sp Cond Question|Add Sp Cond Question|Remove Sp Cond Question|Force Sp Cond Question"
+[Sp Case Label]
+Description="<html>Fix the spacing between 'case' and the label. Only 'ignore' and 'force' make sense here.</html>"
+ChoicesReadable="Ignore Sp Case Label|Add Sp Case Label|Remove Sp Case Label|Force Sp Case Label"
+[Sp Range]
+Description="<html>Control the space around the D '..' operator.</html>"
+ChoicesReadable="Ignore Sp Range|Add Sp Range|Remove Sp Range|Force Sp Range"
+[Sp Cmt Cpp Start]
+Description="<html>Control the space after the opening of a C++ comment '// A' vs '//A'</html>"
+ChoicesReadable="Ignore Sp Cmt Cpp Start|Add Sp Cmt Cpp Start|Remove Sp Cmt Cpp Start|Force Sp Cmt Cpp Start"
+[Sp Endif Cmt]
+Description="<html>Controls the spaces between #else or #endif and a trailing comment</html>"
+ChoicesReadable="Ignore Sp Endif Cmt|Add Sp Endif Cmt|Remove Sp Endif Cmt|Force Sp Endif Cmt"
+[Sp After New]
+Description="<html>Controls the spaces after 'new', 'delete', and 'delete[]'</html>"
+ChoicesReadable="Ignore Sp After New|Add Sp After New|Remove Sp After New|Force Sp After New"
+[Sp Before Tr Emb Cmt]
+Description="<html>Controls the spaces before a trailing or embedded comment</html>"
+ChoicesReadable="Ignore Sp Before Tr Emb Cmt|Add Sp Before Tr Emb Cmt|Remove Sp Before Tr Emb Cmt|Force Sp Before Tr Emb Cmt"
+[Sp Num Before Tr Emb Cmt]
+Description="<html>Number of spaces before a trailing or embedded comment</html>"
+[Align Keep Tabs]
+Description="<html>Whether to keep non-indenting tabs</html>"
+[Align With Tabs]
+Description="<html>Whether to use tabs for aligning</html>"
+[Align On Tabstop]
+Description="<html>Whether to bump out to the next tab when aligning</html>"
+[Align Number Left]
+Description="<html>Whether to left-align numbers</html>"
+[Align Func Params]
+Description="<html>Align variable definitions in prototypes and functions</html>"
+[Align Same Func Call Params]
+Description="<html>Align parameters in single-line functions that have the same name.<BR>The function names must already be aligned with each other.</html>"
+[Align Var Def Span]
+Description="<html>The span for aligning variable definitions (0=don't align)</html>"
+[Align Var Def Star Style]
+Description="<html>How to align the star in variable definitions.<BR> 0=Part of the type 'void * foo;'<BR> 1=Part of the variable 'void *foo;'<BR> 2=Dangling 'void *foo;'</html>"
+[Align Var Def Amp Style]
+Description="<html>How to align the '&amp;' in variable definitions.<BR> 0=Part of the type<BR> 1=Part of the variable<BR> 2=Dangling</html>"
+[Align Var Def Thresh]
+Description="<html>The threshold for aligning variable definitions (0=no limit)</html>"
+[Align Var Def Gap]
+Description="<html>The gap for aligning variable definitions</html>"
+[Align Var Def Colon]
+Description="<html>Whether to align the colon in struct bit fields</html>"
+[Align Var Def Attribute]
+Description="<html>Whether to align any attribute after the variable name</html>"
+[Align Var Def Inline]
+Description="<html>Whether to align inline struct/enum/union variable definitions</html>"
+[Align Assign Span]
+Description="<html>The span for aligning on '=' in assignments (0=don't align)</html>"
+[Align Assign Thresh]
+Description="<html>The threshold for aligning on '=' in assignments (0=no limit)</html>"
+[Align Enum Equ Span]
+Description="<html>The span for aligning on '=' in enums (0=don't align)</html>"
+[Align Enum Equ Thresh]
+Description="<html>The threshold for aligning on '=' in enums (0=no limit)</html>"
+[Align Var Struct Span]
+Description="<html>The span for aligning struct/union (0=don't align)</html>"
+[Align Var Struct Thresh]
+Description="<html>The threshold for aligning struct/union member definitions (0=no limit)</html>"
+[Align Var Struct Gap]
+Description="<html>The gap for aligning struct/union member definitions</html>"
+[Align Struct Init Span]
+Description="<html>The span for aligning struct initializer values (0=don't align)</html>"
+[Align Typedef Gap]
+Description="<html>The minimum space between the type and the synonym of a typedef</html>"
+[Align Typedef Span]
+Description="<html>The span for aligning single-line typedefs (0=don't align)</html>"
+[Align Typedef Func]
+Description="<html>How to align typedef'd functions with other typedefs<BR>0: Don't mix them at all<BR>1: align the open paren with the types<BR>2: align the function type name with the other type names</html>"
+[Align Typedef Star Style]
+Description="<html>Controls the positioning of the '*' in typedefs. Just try it.<BR>0: Align on typedef type, ignore '*'<BR>1: The '*' is part of type name: typedef int *pint;<BR>2: The '*' is part of the type, but dangling: typedef int *pint;</html>"
+[Align Typedef Amp Style]
+Description="<html>Controls the positioning of the '&amp;' in typedefs. Just try it.<BR>0: Align on typedef type, ignore '&amp;'<BR>1: The '&amp;' is part of type name: typedef int &amp;pint;<BR>2: The '&amp;' is part of the type, but dangling: typedef int &amp;pint;</html>"
+[Align Right Cmt Span]
+Description="<html>The span for aligning comments that end lines (0=don't align)</html>"
+[Align Right Cmt Mix]
+Description="<html>If aligning comments, mix with comments after '}' and #endif with less than 3 spaces before the comment</html>"
+[Align Right Cmt Gap]
+Description="<html>If a trailing comment is more than this number of columns away from the text it follows,<BR>it will qualify for being aligned. This has to be &gt; 0 to do anything.</html>"
+[Align Right Cmt At Col]
+Description="<html>Align trailing comment at or beyond column N; 'pulls in' comments as a bonus side effect (0=ignore)</html>"
+[Align Func Proto Span]
+Description="<html>The span for aligning function prototypes (0=don't align)</html>"
+[Align Func Proto Gap]
+Description="<html>Minimum gap between the return type and the function name.</html>"
+[Align On Operator]
+Description="<html>Align function protos on the 'operator' keyword instead of what follows</html>"
+[Align Mix Var Proto]
+Description="<html>Whether to mix aligning prototype and variable declarations.<BR>If true, align_var_def_XXX options are used instead of align_func_proto_XXX options.</html>"
+[Align Single Line Func]
+Description="<html>Align single-line functions with function prototypes, uses align_func_proto_span</html>"
+[Align Single Line Brace]
+Description="<html>Aligning the open brace of single-line functions.<BR>Requires align_single_line_func=true, uses align_func_proto_span</html>"
+[Align Single Line Brace Gap]
+Description="<html>Gap for align_single_line_brace.<BR></html>"
+[Align Oc Msg Spec Span]
+Description="<html>The span for aligning ObjC msg spec (0=don't align)</html>"
+[Align Nl Cont]
+Description="<html>Whether to align macros wrapped with a backslash and a newline.<BR>This will not work right if the macro contains a multi-line comment.</html>"
+[Align Pp Define Gap]
+Description="<html>The minimum space between label and value of a preprocessor define</html>"
+[Align Pp Define Span]
+Description="<html>The span for aligning on '#define' bodies (0=don't align)</html>"
+[Align Left Shift]
+Description="<html>Align lines that start with '&lt;&lt;' with previous '&lt;&lt;'. Default=true</html>"
+[Align Oc Msg Colon Span]
+Description="<html>Span for aligning parameters in an Obj-C message call on the ':' (0=don't align)</html>"
+[Align Oc Decl Colon]
+Description="<html>Aligning parameters in an Obj-C '+' or '-' declaration on the ':'</html>"
+[Nl Collapse Empty Body]
+Description="<html>Whether to collapse empty blocks between '{' and '}'</html>"
+[Nl Assign Leave One Liners]
+Description="<html>Don't split one-line braced assignments - 'foo_t f = { 1, 2 };'</html>"
+[Nl Class Leave One Liners]
+Description="<html>Don't split one-line braced statements inside a class xx { } body</html>"
+[Nl Enum Leave One Liners]
+Description="<html>Don't split one-line enums: 'enum foo { BAR = 15 };'</html>"
+[Nl Getset Leave One Liners]
+Description="<html>Don't split one-line get or set functions</html>"
+[Nl Func Leave One Liners]
+Description="<html>Don't split one-line function definitions - 'int foo() { return 0; }'</html>"
+[Nl If Leave One Liners]
+Description="<html>Don't split one-line if/else statements - 'if(a) b++;'</html>"
+[Nl Start Of File]
+Description="<html>Add or remove newlines at the start of the file</html>"
+ChoicesReadable="Ignore Nl Start Of File|Add Nl Start Of File|Remove Nl Start Of File|Force Nl Start Of File"
+[Nl Start Of File Min]
+Description="<html>The number of newlines at the start of the file (only used if nl_start_of_file is 'add' or 'force'</html>"
+[Nl End Of File]
+Description="<html>Add or remove newline at the end of the file</html>"
+ChoicesReadable="Ignore Nl End Of File|Add Nl End Of File|Remove Nl End Of File|Force Nl End Of File"
+[Nl End Of File Min]
+Description="<html>The number of newlines at the end of the file (only used if nl_end_of_file is 'add' or 'force')</html>"
+[Nl Assign Brace]
+Description="<html>Add or remove newline between '=' and '{'</html>"
+ChoicesReadable="Ignore Nl Assign Brace|Add Nl Assign Brace|Remove Nl Assign Brace|Force Nl Assign Brace"
+[Nl Assign Square]
+Description="<html>Add or remove newline between '=' and '[' (D only)</html>"
+ChoicesReadable="Ignore Nl Assign Square|Add Nl Assign Square|Remove Nl Assign Square|Force Nl Assign Square"
+[Nl After Square Assign]
+Description="<html>Add or remove newline after '= [' (D only). Will also affect the newline before the ']'</html>"
+ChoicesReadable="Ignore Nl After Square Assign|Add Nl After Square Assign|Remove Nl After Square Assign|Force Nl After Square Assign"
+[Nl Func Var Def Blk]
+Description="<html>The number of blank lines after a block of variable definitions at the top of a function body.<BR>0=no change (default)</html>"
+[Nl Fcall Brace]
+Description="<html>Add or remove newline between a function call's ')' and '{', as in:<BR>list_for_each(item, &amp;list) { }</html>"
+ChoicesReadable="Ignore Nl Fcall Brace|Add Nl Fcall Brace|Remove Nl Fcall Brace|Force Nl Fcall Brace"
+[Nl Enum Brace]
+Description="<html>Add or remove newline between 'enum' and '{'</html>"
+ChoicesReadable="Ignore Nl Enum Brace|Add Nl Enum Brace|Remove Nl Enum Brace|Force Nl Enum Brace"
+[Nl Struct Brace]
+Description="<html>Add or remove newline between 'struct and '{'</html>"
+ChoicesReadable="Ignore Nl Struct Brace|Add Nl Struct Brace|Remove Nl Struct Brace|Force Nl Struct Brace"
+[Nl Union Brace]
+Description="<html>Add or remove newline between 'union' and '{'</html>"
+ChoicesReadable="Ignore Nl Union Brace|Add Nl Union Brace|Remove Nl Union Brace|Force Nl Union Brace"
+[Nl If Brace]
+Description="<html>Add or remove newline between 'if' and '{'</html>"
+ChoicesReadable="Ignore Nl If Brace|Add Nl If Brace|Remove Nl If Brace|Force Nl If Brace"
+[Nl Brace Else]
+Description="<html>Add or remove newline between '}' and 'else'</html>"
+ChoicesReadable="Ignore Nl Brace Else|Add Nl Brace Else|Remove Nl Brace Else|Force Nl Brace Else"
+[Nl Elseif Brace]
+Description="<html>Add or remove newline between 'else if' and '{'<BR>If set to ignore, nl_if_brace is used instead</html>"
+ChoicesReadable="Ignore Nl Elseif Brace|Add Nl Elseif Brace|Remove Nl Elseif Brace|Force Nl Elseif Brace"
+[Nl Else Brace]
+Description="<html>Add or remove newline between 'else' and '{'</html>"
+ChoicesReadable="Ignore Nl Else Brace|Add Nl Else Brace|Remove Nl Else Brace|Force Nl Else Brace"
+[Nl Else If]
+Description="<html>Add or remove newline between 'else' and 'if'</html>"
+ChoicesReadable="Ignore Nl Else If|Add Nl Else If|Remove Nl Else If|Force Nl Else If"
+[Nl Brace Finally]
+Description="<html>Add or remove newline between '}' and 'finally'</html>"
+ChoicesReadable="Ignore Nl Brace Finally|Add Nl Brace Finally|Remove Nl Brace Finally|Force Nl Brace Finally"
+[Nl Finally Brace]
+Description="<html>Add or remove newline between 'finally' and '{'</html>"
+ChoicesReadable="Ignore Nl Finally Brace|Add Nl Finally Brace|Remove Nl Finally Brace|Force Nl Finally Brace"
+[Nl Try Brace]
+Description="<html>Add or remove newline between 'try' and '{'</html>"
+ChoicesReadable="Ignore Nl Try Brace|Add Nl Try Brace|Remove Nl Try Brace|Force Nl Try Brace"
+[Nl Getset Brace]
+Description="<html>Add or remove newline between get/set and '{'</html>"
+ChoicesReadable="Ignore Nl Getset Brace|Add Nl Getset Brace|Remove Nl Getset Brace|Force Nl Getset Brace"
+[Nl For Brace]
+Description="<html>Add or remove newline between 'for' and '{'</html>"
+ChoicesReadable="Ignore Nl For Brace|Add Nl For Brace|Remove Nl For Brace|Force Nl For Brace"
+[Nl Catch Brace]
+Description="<html>Add or remove newline between 'catch' and '{'</html>"
+ChoicesReadable="Ignore Nl Catch Brace|Add Nl Catch Brace|Remove Nl Catch Brace|Force Nl Catch Brace"
+[Nl Brace Catch]
+Description="<html>Add or remove newline between '}' and 'catch'</html>"
+ChoicesReadable="Ignore Nl Brace Catch|Add Nl Brace Catch|Remove Nl Brace Catch|Force Nl Brace Catch"
+[Nl While Brace]
+Description="<html>Add or remove newline between 'while' and '{'</html>"
+ChoicesReadable="Ignore Nl While Brace|Add Nl While Brace|Remove Nl While Brace|Force Nl While Brace"
+[Nl Using Brace]
+Description="<html>Add or remove newline between 'using' and '{'</html>"
+ChoicesReadable="Ignore Nl Using Brace|Add Nl Using Brace|Remove Nl Using Brace|Force Nl Using Brace"
+[Nl Brace Brace]
+Description="<html>Add or remove newline between two open or close braces.<BR>Due to general newline/brace handling, REMOVE may not work.</html>"
+ChoicesReadable="Ignore Nl Brace Brace|Add Nl Brace Brace|Remove Nl Brace Brace|Force Nl Brace Brace"
+[Nl Do Brace]
+Description="<html>Add or remove newline between 'do' and '{'</html>"
+ChoicesReadable="Ignore Nl Do Brace|Add Nl Do Brace|Remove Nl Do Brace|Force Nl Do Brace"
+[Nl Brace While]
+Description="<html>Add or remove newline between '}' and 'while' of 'do' statement</html>"
+ChoicesReadable="Ignore Nl Brace While|Add Nl Brace While|Remove Nl Brace While|Force Nl Brace While"
+[Nl Switch Brace]
+Description="<html>Add or remove newline between 'switch' and '{'</html>"
+ChoicesReadable="Ignore Nl Switch Brace|Add Nl Switch Brace|Remove Nl Switch Brace|Force Nl Switch Brace"
+[Nl Multi Line Cond]
+Description="<html>Add a newline between ')' and '{' if the ')' is on a different line than the if/for/etc.<BR>Overrides nl_for_brace, nl_if_brace, nl_switch_brace, nl_while_switch, and nl_catch_brace.</html>"
+[Nl Multi Line Define]
+Description="<html>Force a newline in a define after the macro name for multi-line defines.</html>"
+[Nl Before Case]
+Description="<html>Whether to put a newline before 'case' statement</html>"
+[Nl Before Throw]
+Description="<html>Add or remove newline between ')' and 'throw'</html>"
+ChoicesReadable="Ignore Nl Before Throw|Add Nl Before Throw|Remove Nl Before Throw|Force Nl Before Throw"
+[Nl After Case]
+Description="<html>Whether to put a newline after 'case' statement</html>"
+[Nl Case Colon Brace]
+Description="<html>Add or remove a newline between a case ':' and '{'. Overrides nl_after_case.</html>"
+ChoicesReadable="Ignore Nl Case Colon Brace|Add Nl Case Colon Brace|Remove Nl Case Colon Brace|Force Nl Case Colon Brace"
+[Nl Namespace Brace]
+Description="<html>Newline between namespace and {</html>"
+ChoicesReadable="Ignore Nl Namespace Brace|Add Nl Namespace Brace|Remove Nl Namespace Brace|Force Nl Namespace Brace"
+[Nl Template Class]
+Description="<html>Add or remove newline between 'template&lt;&gt;' and whatever follows.</html>"
+ChoicesReadable="Ignore Nl Template Class|Add Nl Template Class|Remove Nl Template Class|Force Nl Template Class"
+[Nl Class Brace]
+Description="<html>Add or remove newline between 'class' and '{'</html>"
+ChoicesReadable="Ignore Nl Class Brace|Add Nl Class Brace|Remove Nl Class Brace|Force Nl Class Brace"
+[Nl Class Init Args]
+Description="<html>Add or remove newline after each ',' in the constructor member initialization</html>"
+ChoicesReadable="Ignore Nl Class Init Args|Add Nl Class Init Args|Remove Nl Class Init Args|Force Nl Class Init Args"
+[Nl Func Type Name]
+Description="<html>Add or remove newline between return type and function name in a function definition</html>"
+ChoicesReadable="Ignore Nl Func Type Name|Add Nl Func Type Name|Remove Nl Func Type Name|Force Nl Func Type Name"
+[Nl Func Type Name Class]
+Description="<html>Add or remove newline between return type and function name inside a class {}<BR>Uses nl_func_type_name or nl_func_proto_type_name if set to ignore.</html>"
+ChoicesReadable="Ignore Nl Func Type Name Class|Add Nl Func Type Name Class|Remove Nl Func Type Name Class|Force Nl Func Type Name Class"
+[Nl Func Scope Name]
+Description="<html>Add or remove newline between function scope and name in a definition<BR>Controls the newline after '::' in 'void A::f() { }'</html>"
+ChoicesReadable="Ignore Nl Func Scope Name|Add Nl Func Scope Name|Remove Nl Func Scope Name|Force Nl Func Scope Name"
+[Nl Func Proto Type Name]
+Description="<html>Add or remove newline between return type and function name in a prototype</html>"
+ChoicesReadable="Ignore Nl Func Proto Type Name|Add Nl Func Proto Type Name|Remove Nl Func Proto Type Name|Force Nl Func Proto Type Name"
+[Nl Func Paren]
+Description="<html>Add or remove newline between a function name and the opening '('</html>"
+ChoicesReadable="Ignore Nl Func Paren|Add Nl Func Paren|Remove Nl Func Paren|Force Nl Func Paren"
+[Nl Func Def Paren]
+Description="<html>Add or remove newline between a function name and the opening '(' in the definition</html>"
+ChoicesReadable="Ignore Nl Func Def Paren|Add Nl Func Def Paren|Remove Nl Func Def Paren|Force Nl Func Def Paren"
+[Nl Func Decl Start]
+Description="<html>Add or remove newline after '(' in a function declaration</html>"
+ChoicesReadable="Ignore Nl Func Decl Start|Add Nl Func Decl Start|Remove Nl Func Decl Start|Force Nl Func Decl Start"
+[Nl Func Def Start]
+Description="<html>Add or remove newline after '(' in a function definition</html>"
+ChoicesReadable="Ignore Nl Func Def Start|Add Nl Func Def Start|Remove Nl Func Def Start|Force Nl Func Def Start"
+[Nl Func Decl Start Single]
+Description="<html>Overrides nl_func_decl_start when there is only one parameter.</html>"
+ChoicesReadable="Ignore Nl Func Decl Start Single|Add Nl Func Decl Start Single|Remove Nl Func Decl Start Single|Force Nl Func Decl Start Single"
+[Nl Func Def Start Single]
+Description="<html>Overrides nl_func_def_start when there is only one parameter.</html>"
+ChoicesReadable="Ignore Nl Func Def Start Single|Add Nl Func Def Start Single|Remove Nl Func Def Start Single|Force Nl Func Def Start Single"
+[Nl Func Decl Args]
+Description="<html>Add or remove newline after each ',' in a function declaration</html>"
+ChoicesReadable="Ignore Nl Func Decl Args|Add Nl Func Decl Args|Remove Nl Func Decl Args|Force Nl Func Decl Args"
+[Nl Func Def Args]
+Description="<html>Add or remove newline after each ',' in a function definition</html>"
+ChoicesReadable="Ignore Nl Func Def Args|Add Nl Func Def Args|Remove Nl Func Def Args|Force Nl Func Def Args"
+[Nl Func Decl End]
+Description="<html>Add or remove newline before the ')' in a function declaration</html>"
+ChoicesReadable="Ignore Nl Func Decl End|Add Nl Func Decl End|Remove Nl Func Decl End|Force Nl Func Decl End"
+[Nl Func Def End]
+Description="<html>Add or remove newline before the ')' in a function definition</html>"
+ChoicesReadable="Ignore Nl Func Def End|Add Nl Func Def End|Remove Nl Func Def End|Force Nl Func Def End"
+[Nl Func Decl End Single]
+Description="<html>Overrides nl_func_decl_end when there is only one parameter.</html>"
+ChoicesReadable="Ignore Nl Func Decl End Single|Add Nl Func Decl End Single|Remove Nl Func Decl End Single|Force Nl Func Decl End Single"
+[Nl Func Def End Single]
+Description="<html>Overrides nl_func_def_end when there is only one parameter.</html>"
+ChoicesReadable="Ignore Nl Func Def End Single|Add Nl Func Def End Single|Remove Nl Func Def End Single|Force Nl Func Def End Single"
+[Nl Func Decl Empty]
+Description="<html>Add or remove newline between '()' in a function declaration.</html>"
+ChoicesReadable="Ignore Nl Func Decl Empty|Add Nl Func Decl Empty|Remove Nl Func Decl Empty|Force Nl Func Decl Empty"
+[Nl Func Def Empty]
+Description="<html>Add or remove newline between '()' in a function definition.</html>"
+ChoicesReadable="Ignore Nl Func Def Empty|Add Nl Func Def Empty|Remove Nl Func Def Empty|Force Nl Func Def Empty"
+[Nl Fdef Brace]
+Description="<html>Add or remove newline between function signature and '{'</html>"
+ChoicesReadable="Ignore Nl Fdef Brace|Add Nl Fdef Brace|Remove Nl Fdef Brace|Force Nl Fdef Brace"
+[Nl After Return]
+Description="<html>Whether to put a newline after 'return' statement</html>"
+[Nl Return Expr]
+Description="<html>Add or remove a newline between the return keyword and return expression.</html>"
+ChoicesReadable="Ignore Nl Return Expr|Add Nl Return Expr|Remove Nl Return Expr|Force Nl Return Expr"
+[Nl After Semicolon]
+Description="<html>Whether to put a newline after semicolons, except in 'for' statements</html>"
+[Nl After Brace Open]
+Description="<html>Whether to put a newline after brace open.<BR>This also adds a newline before the matching brace close.</html>"
+[Nl After Brace Open Cmt]
+Description="<html>If nl_after_brace_open and nl_after_brace_open_cmt are true, a newline is<BR>placed between the open brace and a trailing single-line comment.</html>"
+[Nl After Vbrace Open]
+Description="<html>Whether to put a newline after a virtual brace open with a non-empty body.<BR>These occur in un-braced if/while/do/for statement bodies.</html>"
+[Nl After Vbrace Open Empty]
+Description="<html>Whether to put a newline after a virtual brace open with an empty body.<BR>These occur in un-braced if/while/do/for statement bodies.</html>"
+[Nl After Brace Close]
+Description="<html>Whether to put a newline after a brace close.<BR>Does not apply if followed by a necessary ';'.</html>"
+[Nl After Vbrace Close]
+Description="<html>Whether to put a newline after a virtual brace close.<BR>Would add a newline before return in: 'if (foo) a++; return;'</html>"
+[Nl Define Macro]
+Description="<html>Whether to alter newlines in '#define' macros</html>"
+[Nl Squeeze Ifdef]
+Description="<html>Whether to not put blanks after '#ifxx', '#elxx', or before '#endif'</html>"
+[Nl Before If]
+Description="<html>Add or remove blank line before 'if'</html>"
+ChoicesReadable="Ignore Nl Before If|Add Nl Before If|Remove Nl Before If|Force Nl Before If"
+[Nl After If]
+Description="<html>Add or remove blank line after 'if' statement</html>"
+ChoicesReadable="Ignore Nl After If|Add Nl After If|Remove Nl After If|Force Nl After If"
+[Nl Before For]
+Description="<html>Add or remove blank line before 'for'</html>"
+ChoicesReadable="Ignore Nl Before For|Add Nl Before For|Remove Nl Before For|Force Nl Before For"
+[Nl After For]
+Description="<html>Add or remove blank line after 'for' statement</html>"
+ChoicesReadable="Ignore Nl After For|Add Nl After For|Remove Nl After For|Force Nl After For"
+[Nl Before While]
+Description="<html>Add or remove blank line before 'while'</html>"
+ChoicesReadable="Ignore Nl Before While|Add Nl Before While|Remove Nl Before While|Force Nl Before While"
+[Nl After While]
+Description="<html>Add or remove blank line after 'while' statement</html>"
+ChoicesReadable="Ignore Nl After While|Add Nl After While|Remove Nl After While|Force Nl After While"
+[Nl Before Switch]
+Description="<html>Add or remove blank line before 'switch'</html>"
+ChoicesReadable="Ignore Nl Before Switch|Add Nl Before Switch|Remove Nl Before Switch|Force Nl Before Switch"
+[Nl After Switch]
+Description="<html>Add or remove blank line after 'switch' statement</html>"
+ChoicesReadable="Ignore Nl After Switch|Add Nl After Switch|Remove Nl After Switch|Force Nl After Switch"
+[Nl Before Do]
+Description="<html>Add or remove blank line before 'do'</html>"
+ChoicesReadable="Ignore Nl Before Do|Add Nl Before Do|Remove Nl Before Do|Force Nl Before Do"
+[Nl After Do]
+Description="<html>Add or remove blank line after 'do/while' statement</html>"
+ChoicesReadable="Ignore Nl After Do|Add Nl After Do|Remove Nl After Do|Force Nl After Do"
+[Nl Ds Struct Enum Cmt]
+Description="<html>Whether to double-space commented-entries in struct/enum</html>"
+[Nl Ds Struct Enum Close Brace]
+Description="<html>Whether to double-space before the close brace of a struct/union/enum<BR>(lower priority than 'eat_blanks_before_close_brace')</html>"
+[Nl Class Colon]
+Description="<html>Add or remove a newline around a class colon.<BR>Related to pos_class_colon, nl_class_init_args, and pos_comma.</html>"
+ChoicesReadable="Ignore Nl Class Colon|Add Nl Class Colon|Remove Nl Class Colon|Force Nl Class Colon"
+[Nl Create If One Liner]
+Description="<html>Change simple unbraced if statements into a one-liner<BR>'if(b)\n i++;' =&gt; 'if(b) i++;'</html>"
+[Nl Create For One Liner]
+Description="<html>Change simple unbraced for statements into a one-liner<BR>'for (i=0;i&lt;5;i++)\n foo(i);' =&gt; 'for (i=0;i&lt;5;i++) foo(i);'</html>"
+[Nl Create While One Liner]
+Description="<html>Change simple unbraced while statements into a one-liner<BR>'while (i&lt;5)\n foo(i++);' =&gt; 'while (i&lt;5) foo(i++);'</html>"
+[Pos Arith]
+Description="<html>The position of arithmetic operators in wrapped expressions</html>"
+ChoicesReadable="Ignore Pos Arith|Lead Pos Arith|Lead Break Pos Arith|Lead Force Pos Arith|Trail Pos Arith|Trail Break Pos Arith|Trail Force Pos Arith"
+[Pos Assign]
+Description="<html>The position of assignment in wrapped expressions.<BR>Do not affect '=' followed by '{'</html>"
+ChoicesReadable="Ignore Pos Assign|Lead Pos Assign|Lead Break Pos Assign|Lead Force Pos Assign|Trail Pos Assign|Trail Break Pos Assign|Trail Force Pos Assign"
+[Pos Bool]
+Description="<html>The position of boolean operators in wrapped expressions</html>"
+ChoicesReadable="Ignore Pos Bool|Lead Pos Bool|Lead Break Pos Bool|Lead Force Pos Bool|Trail Pos Bool|Trail Break Pos Bool|Trail Force Pos Bool"
+[Pos Compare]
+Description="<html>The position of comparison operators in wrapped expressions</html>"
+ChoicesReadable="Ignore Pos Compare|Lead Pos Compare|Lead Break Pos Compare|Lead Force Pos Compare|Trail Pos Compare|Trail Break Pos Compare|Trail Force Pos Compare"
+[Pos Conditional]
+Description="<html>The position of conditional (b ? t : f) operators in wrapped expressions</html>"
+ChoicesReadable="Ignore Pos Conditional|Lead Pos Conditional|Lead Break Pos Conditional|Lead Force Pos Conditional|Trail Pos Conditional|Trail Break Pos Conditional|Trail Force Pos Conditional"
+[Pos Comma]
+Description="<html>The position of the comma in wrapped expressions</html>"
+ChoicesReadable="Ignore Pos Comma|Lead Pos Comma|Lead Break Pos Comma|Lead Force Pos Comma|Trail Pos Comma|Trail Break Pos Comma|Trail Force Pos Comma"
+[Pos Class Comma]
+Description="<html>The position of the comma in the constructor initialization list</html>"
+ChoicesReadable="Ignore Pos Class Comma|Lead Pos Class Comma|Lead Break Pos Class Comma|Lead Force Pos Class Comma|Trail Pos Class Comma|Trail Break Pos Class Comma|Trail Force Pos Class Comma"
+[Pos Class Colon]
+Description="<html>The position of colons between constructor and member initialization</html>"
+ChoicesReadable="Ignore Pos Class Colon|Lead Pos Class Colon|Lead Break Pos Class Colon|Lead Force Pos Class Colon|Trail Pos Class Colon|Trail Break Pos Class Colon|Trail Force Pos Class Colon"
+[Code Width]
+Description="<html>Try to limit code width to N number of columns</html>"
+[Ls For Split Full]
+Description="<html>Whether to fully split long 'for' statements at semi-colons</html>"
+[Ls Func Split Full]
+Description="<html>Whether to fully split long function protos/calls at commas</html>"
+[Nl Max]
+Description="<html>The maximum consecutive newlines</html>"
+[Nl After Func Proto]
+Description="<html>The number of newlines after a function prototype, if followed by another function prototype</html>"
+[Nl After Func Proto Group]
+Description="<html>The number of newlines after a function prototype, if not followed by another function prototype</html>"
+[Nl After Func Body]
+Description="<html>The number of newlines after '}' of a multi-line function body</html>"
+[Nl After Func Body Class]
+Description="<html>The number of newlines after '}' of a multi-line function body in a class declaration</html>"
+[Nl After Func Body One Liner]
+Description="<html>The number of newlines after '}' of a single line function body</html>"
+[Nl Before Block Comment]
+Description="<html>The minimum number of newlines before a multi-line comment.<BR>Doesn't apply if after a brace open or another multi-line comment.</html>"
+[Nl Before C Comment]
+Description="<html>The minimum number of newlines before a single-line C comment.<BR>Doesn't apply if after a brace open or other single-line C comments.</html>"
+[Nl Before Cpp Comment]
+Description="<html>The minimum number of newlines before a CPP comment.<BR>Doesn't apply if after a brace open or other CPP comments.</html>"
+[Nl After Multiline Comment]
+Description="<html>Whether to force a newline after a multi-line comment.</html>"
+[Nl After Struct]
+Description="<html>The number of newlines after '}' or ';' of a struct/enum/union definition</html>"
+[Nl After Class]
+Description="<html>The number of newlines after '}' or ';' of a class definition</html>"
+[Nl Before Access Spec]
+Description="<html>The number of newlines before a 'private:', 'public:', 'protected:', 'signals:', or 'slots:' label.<BR>Will not change the newline count if after a brace open.<BR>0 = No change.</html>"
+[Nl After Access Spec]
+Description="<html>The number of newlines after a 'private:', 'public:', 'protected:', 'signals:', or 'slots:' label.<BR>0 = No change.</html>"
+[Nl Comment Func Def]
+Description="<html>The number of newlines between a function def and the function comment.<BR>0 = No change.</html>"
+[Nl After Try Catch Finally]
+Description="<html>The number of newlines after a try-catch-finally block that isn't followed by a brace close.<BR>0 = No change.</html>"
+[Nl Around Cs Property]
+Description="<html>The number of newlines before and after a property, indexer or event decl.<BR>0 = No change.</html>"
+[Nl Between Get Set]
+Description="<html>The number of newlines between the get/set/add/remove handlers in C#.<BR>0 = No change.</html>"
+[Nl Property Brace]
+Description="<html>Add or remove newline between C# property and the '{'</html>"
+ChoicesReadable="Ignore Nl Property Brace|Add Nl Property Brace|Remove Nl Property Brace|Force Nl Property Brace"
+[Eat Blanks After Open Brace]
+Description="<html>Whether to remove blank lines after '{'</html>"
+[Eat Blanks Before Close Brace]
+Description="<html>Whether to remove blank lines before '}'</html>"
+[Mod Full Brace Do]
+Description="<html>Add or remove braces on single-line 'do' statement</html>"
+ChoicesReadable="Ignore Mod Full Brace Do|Add Mod Full Brace Do|Remove Mod Full Brace Do|Force Mod Full Brace Do"
+[Mod Full Brace For]
+Description="<html>Add or remove braces on single-line 'for' statement</html>"
+ChoicesReadable="Ignore Mod Full Brace For|Add Mod Full Brace For|Remove Mod Full Brace For|Force Mod Full Brace For"
+[Mod Full Brace Function]
+Description="<html>Add or remove braces on single-line function definitions. (Pawn)</html>"
+ChoicesReadable="Ignore Mod Full Brace Function|Add Mod Full Brace Function|Remove Mod Full Brace Function|Force Mod Full Brace Function"
+[Mod Full Brace If]
+Description="<html>Add or remove braces on single-line 'if' statement. Will not remove the braces if they contain an 'else'.</html>"
+ChoicesReadable="Ignore Mod Full Brace If|Add Mod Full Brace If|Remove Mod Full Brace If|Force Mod Full Brace If"
+[Mod Full Brace If Chain]
+Description="<html>Make all if/elseif/else statements in a chain be braced or not. Overrides mod_full_brace_if.<BR>If any must be braced, they are all braced. If all can be unbraced, then the braces are removed.</html>"
+[Mod Full Brace Nl]
+Description="<html>Don't remove braces around statements that span N newlines</html>"
+[Mod Full Brace While]
+Description="<html>Add or remove braces on single-line 'while' statement</html>"
+ChoicesReadable="Ignore Mod Full Brace While|Add Mod Full Brace While|Remove Mod Full Brace While|Force Mod Full Brace While"
+[Mod Full Brace Using]
+Description="<html>Add or remove braces on single-line 'using ()' statement</html>"
+ChoicesReadable="Ignore Mod Full Brace Using|Add Mod Full Brace Using|Remove Mod Full Brace Using|Force Mod Full Brace Using"
+[Mod Paren On Return]
+Description="<html>Add or remove unnecessary paren on 'return' statement</html>"
+ChoicesReadable="Ignore Mod Paren On Return|Add Mod Paren On Return|Remove Mod Paren On Return|Force Mod Paren On Return"
+[Mod Pawn Semicolon]
+Description="<html>Whether to change optional semicolons to real semicolons</html>"
+[Mod Full Paren If Bool]
+Description="<html>Add parens on 'while' and 'if' statement around bools</html>"
+[Mod Remove Extra Semicolon]
+Description="<html>Whether to remove superfluous semicolons</html>"
+[Mod Add Long Function Closebrace Comment]
+Description="<html>If a function body exceeds the specified number of newlines and doesn't have a comment after<BR>the close brace, a comment will be added.</html>"
+[Mod Add Long Switch Closebrace Comment]
+Description="<html>If a switch body exceeds the specified number of newlines and doesn't have a comment after<BR>the close brace, a comment will be added.</html>"
+[Mod Add Long Ifdef Endif Comment]
+Description="<html>If an #ifdef body exceeds the specified number of newlines and doesn't have a comment after<BR>the #endif, a comment will be added.</html>"
+[Mod Add Long Ifdef Else Comment]
+Description="<html>If an #ifdef or #else body exceeds the specified number of newlines and doesn't have a comment after<BR>the #else, a comment will be added.</html>"
+[Mod Sort Import]
+Description="<html>If TRUE, will sort consecutive single-line 'import' statements [Java, D]</html>"
+[Mod Sort Using]
+Description="<html>If TRUE, will sort consecutive single-line 'using' statements [C#]</html>"
+[Mod Sort Include]
+Description="<html>If TRUE, will sort consecutive single-line '#include' statements [C/C++] and '#import' statements [Obj-C]<BR>This is generally a bad idea, as it may break your code.</html>"
+[Mod Move Case Break]
+Description="<html>If TRUE, it will move a 'break' that appears after a fully braced 'case' before the close brace.</html>"
+[Mod Case Brace]
+Description="<html>Will add or remove the braces around a fully braced case statement.<BR>Will only remove the braces if there are no variable declarations in the block.</html>"
+ChoicesReadable="Ignore Mod Case Brace|Add Mod Case Brace|Remove Mod Case Brace|Force Mod Case Brace"
+[Mod Remove Empty Return]
+Description="<html>If TRUE, it will remove a void 'return;' that appears as the last statement in a function.</html>"
+[Cmt Width]
+Description="<html>Try to wrap comments at cmt_width columns</html>"
+[Cmt Reflow Mode]
+Description="<html>Set the comment reflow mode (default: 0)<BR>0: no reflowing (apart from the line wrapping due to cmt_width)<BR>1: no touching at all<BR>2: full reflow<BR></html>"
+[Cmt Indent Multi]
+Description="<html>If false, disable all multi-line comment changes, including cmt_width. keyword substitution, and leading chars.<BR>Default is true.</html>"
+[Cmt C Group]
+Description="<html>Whether to group c-comments that look like they are in a block</html>"
+[Cmt C Nl Start]
+Description="<html>Whether to put an empty '/*' on the first line of the combined c-comment</html>"
+[Cmt C Nl End]
+Description="<html>Whether to put a newline before the closing '*/' of the combined c-comment</html>"
+[Cmt Cpp Group]
+Description="<html>Whether to group cpp-comments that look like they are in a block</html>"
+[Cmt Cpp Nl Start]
+Description="<html>Whether to put an empty '/*' on the first line of the combined cpp-comment</html>"
+[Cmt Cpp Nl End]
+Description="<html>Whether to put a newline before the closing '*/' of the combined cpp-comment</html>"
+[Cmt Cpp To C]
+Description="<html>Whether to change cpp-comments into c-comments</html>"
+[Cmt Star Cont]
+Description="<html>Whether to put a star on subsequent comment lines</html>"
+[Cmt Sp Before Star Cont]
+Description="<html>The number of spaces to insert at the start of subsequent comment lines</html>"
+[Cmt Sp After Star Cont]
+Description="<html>The number of spaces to insert after the star on subsequent comment lines</html>"
+[Cmt Multi Check Last]
+Description="<html>For multi-line comments with a '*' lead, remove leading spaces if the first and last lines of<BR>the comment are the same length. Default=True</html>"
+[Cmt Insert File Header]
+Description="<html>The filename that contains text to insert at the head of a file if the file doesn't start with a C/C++ comment.<BR>Will substitute $(filename) with the current file's name.</html>"
+[Cmt Insert File Footer]
+Description="<html>The filename that contains text to insert at the end of a file if the file doesn't end with a C/C++ comment.<BR>Will substitute $(filename) with the current file's name.</html>"
+[Cmt Insert Func Header]
+Description="<html>The filename that contains text to insert before a function implementation if the function isn't preceded with a C/C++ comment.<BR>Will substitute $(function) with the function name and $(javaparam) with the javadoc @param and @return stuff.<BR>Will also substitute $(fclass) with the class name: void CFoo::Bar() { ... }</html>"
+[Cmt Insert Class Header]
+Description="<html>The filename that contains text to insert before a class if the class isn't preceded with a C/C++ comment.<BR>Will substitute $(class) with the class name.</html>"
+[Cmt Insert Oc Msg Header]
+Description="<html>The filename that contains text to insert before a Obj-C message specification if the method isn't preceeded with a C/C++ comment.<BR>Will substitute $(message) with the function name and $(javaparam) with the javadoc @param and @return stuff.</html>"
+[Cmt Insert Before Preproc]
+Description="<html>If a preprocessor is encountered when stepping backwards from a function name, then<BR>this option decides whether the comment should be inserted.<BR>Affects cmt_insert_oc_msg_header, cmt_insert_func_header and cmt_insert_class_header.</html>"
+[Pp Indent]
+Description="<html>Control indent of preprocessors inside #if blocks at brace level 0</html>"
+ChoicesReadable="Ignore Pp Indent|Add Pp Indent|Remove Pp Indent|Force Pp Indent"
+[Pp Indent At Level]
+Description="<html>Whether to indent #if/#else/#endif at the brace level (true) or from column 1 (false)</html>"
+[Pp Indent Count]
+Description="<html>If pp_indent_at_level=false, specifies the number of columns to indent per level. Default=1.</html>"
+[Pp Space]
+Description="<html>Add or remove space after # based on pp_level of #if blocks</html>"
+ChoicesReadable="Ignore Pp Space|Add Pp Space|Remove Pp Space|Force Pp Space"
+[Pp Space Count]
+Description="<html>Sets the number of spaces added with pp_space</html>"
+[Pp Indent Region]
+Description="<html>The indent for #region and #endregion in C# and '#pragma region' in C/C++</html>"
+[Pp Region Indent Code]
+Description="<html>Whether to indent the code between #region and #endregion</html>"
+[Pp Indent If]
+Description="<html>If pp_indent_at_level=true, sets the indent for #if, #else, and #endif when not at file-level</html>"
+[Pp If Indent Code]
+Description="<html>Control whether to indent the code between #if, #else and #endif when not at file-level</html>"
+[Pp Define At Level]
+Description="<html>Whether to indent '#define' at the brace level (true) or from column 1 (false)</html>"