path: root/src/UpdateCheckDialog.cpp
diff options
authorMichele Calgaro <[email protected]>2022-09-18 20:19:47 +0900
committerMichele Calgaro <[email protected]>2022-09-18 20:39:48 +0900
commita80a494efee7979c28ab1090734270e5c0515352 (patch)
tree1cdaee39e3e5a2b32c171f8389b29b15c519c607 /src/UpdateCheckDialog.cpp
parent14f7e49438caa24af81a0d7d7864ce71d96791e4 (diff)
Added main window menubar GUI. The logic of each action has not been implemented yet.
Signed-off-by: Michele Calgaro <[email protected]>
Diffstat (limited to 'src/UpdateCheckDialog.cpp')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 356 deletions
diff --git a/src/UpdateCheckDialog.cpp b/src/UpdateCheckDialog.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 5c9b1e3..0000000
--- a/src/UpdateCheckDialog.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,356 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (C) 2006-2012 by Thomas Schweitzer *
- * thomas-schweitzer(at) *
- * *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2.0 as *
- * published by the Free Software Foundation. *
- * *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, *
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *
- * GNU General Public License for more details. *
- * *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License *
- * along with this program in the file LICENSE.GPL; if not, write to the *
- * Free Software Foundation, Inc., *
- * 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. *
- ***************************************************************************/
-#include "UpdateCheckDialog.h"
-#include "ui_UpdateCheckDialog.h"
-#include "UiGuiSettings.h"
-#include "UiGuiVersion.h"
-#include <tntqmessagebox.h>
-#include <tqdesktopservices.h>
-#include <tqnetworkaccessmanager.h>
-#include <tntqtimer.h>
-#include <tqdate.h>
-#include <tntqurl.h>
-#include <tqregexpvalidator.h>
-#include <tqnetworkrequest.h>
-#include <tqnetworkreply.h>
-#include <tqnetworkproxy.h>
- \class UpdateCheckDialog
- \ingroup grp_MainWindow
- \brief UpdateCheckDialog is a dialog widget that contains functions
- for online checking for a new version of UniversalIndentGUI.
- \brief Initializes member variables and stores the version of UiGui and a pointer to the _settings object.
- */
-UpdateCheckDialog::UpdateCheckDialog(TQSharedPointer<UiGuiSettings> settings, TQWidget *parent) :
- TQDialog(parent), _manualUpdateRequested(false), _currentNetworkReply(NULL),
- _roleOfClickedButton(TQDialogButtonBox::InvalidRole)
- _updateCheckDialogForm = new Ui::UpdateCheckDialog();
- _updateCheckDialogForm->setupUi(this);
- // Create object for _networkAccessManager request and connect it with the request return handler.
- _networkAccessManager = new TQNetworkAccessManager(this);
- connect(_networkAccessManager, SIGNAL(finished(TQNetworkReply*)), this,
- SLOT(checkResultsOfFetchedPadXMLFile(TQNetworkReply*)));
- // Create a timer object used for the progress bar.
- _updateCheckProgressTimer = new TQTimer(this);
- _updateCheckProgressTimer->setInterval(5);
- connect(_updateCheckProgressTimer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(updateUpdateCheckProgressBar()));
- _updateCheckProgressCounter = 0;
- // Connect the dialogs buttonbox with a button click handler.
- connect(_updateCheckDialogForm->buttonBox, SIGNAL(clicked(TQAbstractButton*)), this,
- SLOT(handleUpdateCheckDialogButtonClicked(TQAbstractButton*)));
- settings->registerObjectSlot(this, "initProxySettings()", "ProxyEnabled");
- settings->registerObjectSlot(this, "initProxySettings()", "ProxyHostName");
- settings->registerObjectSlot(this, "initProxySettings()", "ProxyPort");
- settings->registerObjectSlot(this, "initProxySettings()", "ProxyUserName");
- settings->registerObjectSlot(this, "initProxySettings()", "ProxyPassword");
- _settings = settings;
- initProxySettings();
- // This dialog is always modal.
- setModal(true);
- \brief On destroy cancels any currently running network request.
- */
- disconnect(_networkAccessManager, SIGNAL(finished(TQNetworkReply*)), this,
- SLOT(checkResultsOfFetchedPadXMLFile(TQNetworkReply*)));
- if (_currentNetworkReply != NULL)
- {
- _currentNetworkReply->abort();
- }
- \brief This slot should be called, if an update check is manually invoked.
- In difference to the automatic update check, during manual update check request
- a modal progress indicator dialog will be shown.
- */
-void UpdateCheckDialog::checkForUpdateAndShowDialog()
- _manualUpdateRequested = true;
- getPadXMLFile();
- showCheckingForUpdateDialog();
- \brief This slot should be called, if an update check is automatically invoked.
- An automatic invoked update check should run in background, so the user
- gets not interrupted by a dialog box.
- */
-void UpdateCheckDialog::checkForUpdate()
- _manualUpdateRequested = false;
- getPadXMLFile();
- \brief This function tries to download the UniversalIndentGui pad file from the SourceForge server.
- */
-void UpdateCheckDialog::getPadXMLFile()
- //_networkAccessManager->setHost("");
- //_networkAccessManager->get("/universalindentgui_pad.xml");
- _currentNetworkReply = _networkAccessManager->get(TQNetworkRequest(TQUrl(
- "")));
- \brief This slot is called after the update check has returned, either by successfully
- retrieving the pad file, or on any kind of network error.
- Shows a message if check was successful or not. Offers the user to go to the
- download page if a newer version exists. In case of an error during update
- check, a message box with the error will be displayed.
- */
-void UpdateCheckDialog::checkResultsOfFetchedPadXMLFile(TQNetworkReply *networkReply)
- Q_ASSERT(_currentNetworkReply == networkReply);
- // Stop the progress bar timer.
- _updateCheckProgressTimer->stop();
- if (networkReply->error() == TQNetworkReply::NoError)
- {
- // Try to find the version string.
- TQString returnedString = networkReply->readAll();
- int leftPosition = returnedString.indexOf("<Program_Version>");
- int rightPosition = returnedString.indexOf("</Program_Version>");
- // If the version string could be found in the returned string, show an update dialog and set
- // last update check date.
- if (leftPosition != -1 && rightPosition != -1)
- {
- // Get the pure version string from returned string.
- returnedString = returnedString.mid(leftPosition + 17, rightPosition - (leftPosition + 17));
- // Create integer values from the version strings.
- int versionOnServerInt = convertVersionStringToNumber(returnedString);
- int currentVersionInt = convertVersionStringToNumber(PROGRAM_VERSION_STRING);
- // Only show update dialog, if the current version number is lower than the one received from
- // the server.
- if (versionOnServerInt > currentVersionInt && currentVersionInt >= 0 &&
- versionOnServerInt >= 0)
- {
- // Show message box whether to download the new version.
- showNewVersionAvailableDialog(returnedString);
- // If yes clicked, open the download url in the default browser.
- if (_roleOfClickedButton == TQDialogButtonBox::YesRole)
- {
- TQDesktopServices::openUrl(TQUrl(
- "_networkAccessManager://"));
- }
- }
- else if (_manualUpdateRequested)
- {
- showNoNewVersionAvailableDialog();
- }
- // Set last update check date.
- _settings->setValueByName("LastUpdateCheck", TQDate::currentDate());
- }
- // In the returned string, the version string could not be found.
- else
- {
- TQMessageBox::warning(this, tr("Update check error"), tr(
- "There was an error while trying to check for an update! The retrieved file did not contain expected content."));
- }
- }
- // If there was some error while trying to retrieve the update info from server and not cancel was
- // pressed.
- else if (_roleOfClickedButton != TQDialogButtonBox::RejectRole)
- {
- TQMessageBox::warning(this, tr("Update check error"),
- tr("There was an error while trying to check for an update! Error was : %1").arg(
- networkReply->errorString()));
- hide();
- }
- _manualUpdateRequested = false;
- networkReply->deleteLater();
- _currentNetworkReply = NULL;
- \brief Displays the progress bar during update check.
- For displaying activity during update check, a timer is started to
- updated the progress bar. The user can press a cancel button to
- stop the update check.
- */
-void UpdateCheckDialog::showCheckingForUpdateDialog()
- // Reset the progress bar.
- _updateCheckProgressCounter = 0;
- _updateCheckDialogForm->progressBar->setValue(_updateCheckProgressCounter);
- _updateCheckDialogForm->progressBar->setInvertedAppearance(false);
- _updateCheckProgressTimer->start();
- _updateCheckDialogForm->progressBar->show();
- setWindowTitle(tr("Checking for update..."));
- _updateCheckDialogForm->label->setText(tr("Checking whether a newer version is available"));
- _updateCheckDialogForm->buttonBox->setStandardButtons(TQDialogButtonBox::Cancel);
- show();
- \brief Displays the dialog with info about the new available version.
- */
-void UpdateCheckDialog::showNewVersionAvailableDialog(TQString newVersion)
- _updateCheckDialogForm->progressBar->hide();
- setWindowTitle(tr("Update available"));
- _updateCheckDialogForm->label->setText(tr(
- "A newer version of UniversalIndentGUI is available.\nYour version is %1. New version is %2.\nDo you want to go to the download website?").arg(
- PROGRAM_VERSION_STRING).arg(newVersion));
- _updateCheckDialogForm->buttonBox->setStandardButtons(
- TQDialogButtonBox::No | TQDialogButtonBox::NoButton | TQDialogButtonBox::Yes);
- exec();
- \brief Displays the dialog, that no new version is available.
- */
-void UpdateCheckDialog::showNoNewVersionAvailableDialog()
- _updateCheckDialogForm->progressBar->hide();
- setWindowTitle(tr("No new update available"));
- _updateCheckDialogForm->label->setText(tr(
- "You already have the latest version of UniversalIndentGUI."));
- _updateCheckDialogForm->buttonBox->setStandardButtons(TQDialogButtonBox::Ok);
- exec();
- \brief This slot is called, when a button in the dialog is clicked.
- If the clicked button was the cancel button, the user wants to cancel
- the update check. So the _networkAccessManager request is aborted and the timer for the
- progress bar animation is stopped.
- In any case if a button is clicked, the dialog box will be closed.
- */
-void UpdateCheckDialog::handleUpdateCheckDialogButtonClicked(TQAbstractButton *clickedButton)
- _roleOfClickedButton = _updateCheckDialogForm->buttonBox->buttonRole(clickedButton);
- if (_roleOfClickedButton == TQDialogButtonBox::RejectRole)
- {
- // Abort the _networkAccessManager request.
- _currentNetworkReply->abort();
- // Stop the progress bar timer.
- _updateCheckProgressTimer->stop();
- }
- accept();
- \brief This slot is responsible for the animation of the update check progress bar.
- */
-void UpdateCheckDialog::updateUpdateCheckProgressBar()
- // Depending on the progress bar direction, decrease or increase the progressbar value.
- if (_updateCheckDialogForm->progressBar->invertedAppearance())
- {
- _updateCheckProgressCounter--;
- }
- else
- {
- _updateCheckProgressCounter++;
- }
- // If the progress bar reaches 0 or 100 as value, swap the animation direction.
- if (_updateCheckProgressCounter == 0 || _updateCheckProgressCounter == 100)
- {
- _updateCheckDialogForm->progressBar->setInvertedAppearance(
- !_updateCheckDialogForm->progressBar->invertedAppearance());
- }
- // Update the progress bar value.
- _updateCheckDialogForm->progressBar->setValue(_updateCheckProgressCounter);
- \brief Converts the as string given version \a versionString to an integer number.
- The \a versionString must have the format x.x.x where each x represents a number
- of a maximum of 999. If the input format is wrong, -1 will be returned.The first
- number will be multiplied by 1000000 the second by 1000 and then all three will
- be summarized.
- Thus for example 12.5.170 will result in 12005170.
- */
-int UpdateCheckDialog::convertVersionStringToNumber(TQString versionString)
- int versionInteger = 0;
- int pos = 0;
- TQRegExp regEx("\\d{1,3}.\\d{1,3}.\\d{1,3}");
- TQRegExpValidator validator(regEx, NULL);
- if (validator.validate(versionString, pos) == TQValidator::Acceptable)
- {
- TQStringList versionNumberStringList = versionString.split(".");
- versionInteger = * 1000000;
- versionInteger += * 1000;
- versionInteger +=;
- }
- else
- {
- versionInteger = -1;
- }
- return versionInteger;
-void UpdateCheckDialog::initProxySettings()
- if (_settings->getValueByName("ProxyEnabled") == true)
- {
- TQString proxyHostName = _settings->getValueByName("ProxyHostName").toString();
- int proxyPort = _settings->getValueByName("ProxyPort").toInt();
- TQString proxyUserName = _settings->getValueByName("ProxyUserName").toString();
- TQString proxyPassword = _settings->getValueByName("ProxyPassword").toString();
- _networkAccessManager->setProxy(TQNetworkProxy(TQNetworkProxy::Socks5Proxy, proxyHostName,
- proxyPort, proxyUserName, proxyPassword));
- }
- else
- {
- _networkAccessManager->setProxy(TQNetworkProxy());
- }