*   Copyright (C) 2006-2012 by Thomas Schweitzer                          *
*   thomas-schweitzer(at)arcor.de                                         *
*                                                                         *
*   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify  *
*   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2.0 as   *
*   published by the Free Software Foundation.                            *
*                                                                         *
*   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,       *
*   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of        *
*   GNU General Public License for more details.                          *
*                                                                         *
*   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License     *
*   along with this program in the file LICENSE.GPL; if not, write to the *
*   Free Software Foundation, Inc.,                                       *
*   59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA.             *

#include "UiGuiSettingsDialog.h"
#include "ui_UiGuiSettingsDialog.h"

#include "UiGuiSettings.h"

    \class UiGuiSettingsDialog
    \ingroup grp_Settings
    \brief Displays a dialog window with settings for UniversalIndentGUI

    \brief The constructor calls the setup function for the ui created by uic.
UiGuiSettingsDialog::UiGuiSettingsDialog(TQWidget *parent,
        TQSharedPointer<UiGuiSettings> settings) :
	// Remember pointer to the UiGuiSettings object.
	_settings = settings;

	// Init the user interface created by the UIC.
	_settingsDialogForm = new Ui::SettingsDialog();

	//TODO: This call has to be removed when the properties for the highlighters can be set
	// with the settings dialog.
		"(Will be implemented soon)" +

	// Connect the accepted signal to own function, to write values back to the UiGuiSettings object.
	connect(this, SIGNAL(accepted()), this, SLOT(writeWidgetValuesToSettings()));

	// Init the language selection combobox.

    \brief By calling this function the combobox for selecting the application language will
    be initialized.

    Also the translation itself will be reinitialized.
void UiGuiSettingsDialog::initTranslationSelection()
	// First empty the combo box.

	// Now add an entry into the box for every language short.
	foreach(TQString languageShort, _settings->getAvailableTranslations())
		// Identify the language mnemonic and set the full name.
		if (languageShort == "en")
			        + languageShort + ".png")), tr("English"));
		else if (languageShort == "fr")
			        + languageShort + ".png")), tr("French"));
		else if (languageShort == "de")
			        + languageShort + ".png")), tr("German"));
		else if (languageShort == "zh_TW")
			        + languageShort + ".png")), tr("Chinese (Taiwan)"));
		else if (languageShort == "ja")
			        + languageShort + ".png")), tr("Japanese"));
		else if (languageShort == "ru")
			        + languageShort + ".png")), tr("Russian"));
		else if (languageShort == "uk")
			        + languageShort + ".png")), tr("Ukrainian"));
								"Unknown language mnemonic ") + languageShort);

    \brief Displays the dialog by calling the dialogs exec function.

    Before it gets all the values needed from the UiGuiSettings object.
int UiGuiSettingsDialog::showDialog()
	// Init all settings dialog objects with values from settings.

	// Execute the dialog.
	return exec();

    \brief This slot is called when the dialog box is closed by pressing the Ok button.

    Writes all settings to the UiGuiSettings object.
void UiGuiSettingsDialog::writeWidgetValuesToSettings()
	// Write settings dialog object values to settings.

    \brief Catches language change events and retranslates all needed widgets.
void UiGuiSettingsDialog::changeEvent(TQEvent *event)
	if (event->type() == TQEvent::LanguageChange)
		// If this is not explicit set here, TQt < 4.3.0 does not translate the buttons.
			TQDialogButtonBox::Cancel | TQDialogButtonBox::NoButton | TQDialogButtonBox::Ok);

		//TODO: This has to be removed when the properties for the highlighters can be set.
			"(Will be implemented soon)" +

		TQStringList languageShortList = _settings->getAvailableTranslations();

		// Now retranslate every entry in the language selection box.
		for (int i = 0; i < languageShortList.size(); i++)
			TQString languageShort = languageShortList.at(i);

			// Identify the language mnemonic and set the full name.
			if (languageShort == "en")
				_settingsDialogForm->languageSelectionComboBox->setItemText(i, tr("English"));
			else if (languageShort == "fr")
				_settingsDialogForm->languageSelectionComboBox->setItemText(i, tr("French"));
			else if (languageShort == "de")
				_settingsDialogForm->languageSelectionComboBox->setItemText(i, tr("German"));
			else if (languageShort == "zh_TW")
				_settingsDialogForm->languageSelectionComboBox->setItemText(i, tr("Chinese (Taiwan)"));
			else if (languageShort == "ja")
				_settingsDialogForm->languageSelectionComboBox->setItemText(i, tr("Japanese"));
			else if (languageShort == "ru")
				_settingsDialogForm->languageSelectionComboBox->setItemText(i, tr("Russian"));
			else if (languageShort == "uk")
				_settingsDialogForm->languageSelectionComboBox->setItemText(i, tr("Ukrainian"));
				        tr("Unknown language mnemonic ") + languageShort);