path: root/bksys/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'bksys/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 644 deletions
diff --git a/bksys/ b/bksys/
deleted file mode 100644
index 6ca5cfa..0000000
--- a/bksys/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,644 +0,0 @@
-## Thomas Nagy, 2005
-""" Run scons -h to display the associated help, or look below """
-import os, re, types, sys, string, shutil, stat, glob
-import SCons.Defaults
-import SCons.Tool
-import SCons.Util
-from SCons.Script.SConscript import SConsEnvironment
-from SCons.Options import Options, PathOption
-def getreldir(lenv):
- cwd=os.getcwd()
- root=SCons.Node.FS.default_fs.Dir('#').abspath
- return cwd.replace(root,'').lstrip('/')
-def dist(env, appname, version=None):
- ### To make a tarball of your masterpiece, use 'scons dist'
- import os
- if 'dist' in sys.argv:
- if not version: VERSION=os.popen("cat VERSION").read().rstrip()
- else: VERSION=version
- FOLDER = appname+'-'+VERSION
- ARCHIVE = FOLDER+'.tar.bz2'
- ## check if the temporary directory already exists
- os.popen('rm -rf %s %s %s' % (FOLDER, TMPFOLD, ARCHIVE) )
- ## create a temporary directory
- startdir = os.getcwd()
- os.popen("mkdir -p "+TMPFOLD)
- os.popen("cp -R * "+TMPFOLD)
- os.popen("mv "+TMPFOLD+" "+FOLDER)
- ## remove scons-local if it is unpacked
- os.popen("rm -rf "+FOLDER+"/scons "+FOLDER+"/sconsign "+FOLDER+"/scons-local-0.96.1")
- ## remove our object files first
- os.popen("find "+FOLDER+" -name \"cache\" | xargs rm -rf")
- os.popen("find "+FOLDER+" -name \"build\" | xargs rm -rf")
- os.popen("find "+FOLDER+" -name \"*.pyc\" | xargs rm -f")
- ## CVS cleanup
- os.popen("find "+FOLDER+" -name \"CVS\" | xargs rm -rf")
- os.popen("find "+FOLDER+" -name \".cvsignore\" | xargs rm -rf")
- ## Subversion cleanup
- os.popen("find %s -name .svn -type d | xargs rm -rf" % FOLDER)
- ## GNU Arch cleanup
- os.popen("find "+FOLDER+" -name \"{arch}\" | xargs rm -rf")
- os.popen("find "+FOLDER+" -name \".arch-i*\" | xargs rm -rf")
- ## Create the tarball (coloured output)
- print "\033[92m"+"Writing archive "+ARCHIVE+"\033[0m"
- os.popen("tar cjf "+ARCHIVE+" "+FOLDER)
- ## Remove the temporary directory
- os.popen('rm -rf '+FOLDER)
- env.Exit(0)
- if 'distclean' in sys.argv:
- ## Remove the cache directory
- import os, shutil
- if os.path.isdir(env['CACHEDIR']): shutil.rmtree(env['CACHEDIR'])
- os.popen("find . -name \"*.pyc\" | xargs rm -rf")
- env.Exit(0)
-colors= {
-'BOLD' :"\033[1m",
-'RED' :"\033[91m",
-'GREEN' :"\033[92m",
-'YELLOW':"\033[1m", #"\033[93m" # unreadable on white backgrounds
-'CYAN' :"\033[96m",
-def pprint(env, col, str, label=''):
- if env.has_key('NOCOLORS'):
- print "%s %s" % (str, label)
- return
- try: mycol=colors[col]
- except: mycol=''
- print "%s%s%s %s" % (mycol, str, colors['NORMAL'], label)
-class genobj:
- def __init__(self, val, env):
- if not val in "program shlib kioslave staticlib".split():
- print "unknown genobj given: "+val
- env.Exit(1)
- self.type = val
- self.orenv = env
- self.env = None
- self.executed = 0
- self.src=None
- self.cxxflags=''
- self.cflags=''
- self.includes=''
- self.linkflags=''
- self.libpaths=''
- self.libs=''
- # vars used by shlibs
- self.vnum=''
- self.libprefix=''
- # a directory where to install the targets (optional)
- self.instdir=''
- # change the working directory before reading the targets
- self.chdir=''
- # unix permissions
- self.perms=''
- # these members are private
- self.chdir_lock=None
- self.dirprefix='./'
- self.old_os_dir=''
- self.old_fs_dir=''
- self.p_local_shlibs=[]
- self.p_local_staticlibs=[]
- self.p_global_shlibs=[]
- self.p_localsource=None
- self.p_localtarget=None
- # work directory
- self.workdir_lock=None
- self.orig_fs_dir=SCons.Node.FS.default_fs.getcwd()
- self.not_orig_fs_dir=''
- self.not_orig_os_dir=''
- if not env.has_key('USE_THE_FORCE_LUKE'): env['USE_THE_FORCE_LUKE']=[self]
- else: env['USE_THE_FORCE_LUKE'].append(self)
- def joinpath(self, val):
- if len(self.dirprefix)<3: return val
- dir=self.dirprefix
- thing=self.orenv.make_list(val)
- files=[]
- bdir="./"
- if self.orenv.has_key('_BUILDDIR_'): bdir=self.orenv['_BUILDDIR_']
- for v in thing: files.append( self.orenv.join(bdir, dir, v) )
- return files
- # a list of paths, with absolute and relative ones
- def fixpath(self, val):
- def reldir(dir):
- ndir = SCons.Node.FS.default_fs.Dir(dir).srcnode().abspath
- rootdir = SCons.Node.FS.default_fs.Dir('#').abspath
- return ndir.replace(rootdir, '').lstrip('/')
- dir=self.dirprefix
- if not len(dir)>2: dir=reldir('.')
- thing=self.orenv.make_list(val)
- ret=[]
- bdir="./"
- if self.orenv.has_key('_BUILDDIR_'): bdir=self.orenv['_BUILDDIR_']
- for v in thing:
- #if v[:2] == "./" or v[:3] == "../":
- # ret.append( self.orenv.join('#', bdir, dir, v) )
- #elif v[:1] == "#" or v[:1] == "/":
- # ret.append( v )
- #else:
- # ret.append( self.orenv.join('#', bdir, dir, v) )
- if v[:1] == "#" or v[:1] == "/":
- ret.append(v)
- else:
- ret.append( self.orenv.join('#', bdir, dir, v) )
- return ret
- def lockworkdir(self):
- if self.workdir_lock: return
- self.workdir_lock=1
- self.not_orig_fs_dir=SCons.Node.FS.default_fs.getcwd()
- self.not_orig_os_dir=os.getcwd()
- SCons.Node.FS.default_fs.chdir( self.orig_fs_dir, change_os_dir=1)
- def unlockworkdir(self):
- if not self.workdir_lock: return
- SCons.Node.FS.default_fs.chdir( self.not_orig_fs_dir, change_os_dir=0)
- os.chdir(self.not_orig_os_dir)
- self.workdir_lock=None
- def execute(self):
- if self.executed: return
- if self.orenv.has_key('DUMPCONFIG'):
- self.xml()
- self.executed=1
- return
- self.env = self.orenv.Copy()
- if not self.p_localtarget: self.p_localtarget = self.joinpath(
- if not self.p_localsource: self.p_localsource = self.joinpath(self.src)
- if (not self.src or len(self.src) == 0) and not self.p_localsource:
- self.env.pprint('RED',"no source file given to object - self.src")
- self.env.Exit(1)
- if not
- self.env.pprint('RED',"no target given to object -")
- self.env.Exit(1)
- if not self.env.has_key('nosmart_includes'): self.env.AppendUnique(CPPPATH=['./'])
- if self.type == "kioslave": self.libprefix=''
- if len(self.includes)>0: self.env.AppendUnique(CPPPATH=self.fixpath(self.includes))
- if len(self.cxxflags)>0: self.env.AppendUnique(CXXFLAGS=self.env.make_list(self.cxxflags))
- if len(self.cflags)>0: self.env.AppendUnique(CCFLAGS=self.env.make_list(self.cflags))
- llist=self.env.make_list(self.libs)
- lext=['.so', '.la']
- sext='.a'.split()
- for l in llist:
- sal=SCons.Util.splitext(l)
- if len(sal)>1:
- if sal[1] in lext: self.p_local_shlibs.append(self.fixpath(sal[0]+'.so')[0])
- elif sal[1] in sext: self.p_local_staticlibs.append(self.fixpath(sal[0]+'.a')[0])
- else: self.p_global_shlibs.append(l)
- if len(self.p_global_shlibs)>0: self.env.AppendUnique(LIBS=self.p_global_shlibs)
- if len(self.libpaths)>0: self.env.PrependUnique(LIBPATH=self.fixpath(self.libpaths))
- if len(self.linkflags)>0: self.env.PrependUnique(LINKFLAGS=self.env.make_list(self.linkflags))
- if len(self.p_local_shlibs)>0:
- self.env.link_local_shlib(self.p_local_shlibs)
- if len(self.p_local_staticlibs)>0:
- self.env.link_local_staticlib(self.p_local_staticlibs)
- # the target to return - no more self.env modification is allowed after this part
- ret=None
- if self.type=='shlib' or self.type=='kioslave':
- ret=self.env.bksys_shlib(self.p_localtarget, self.p_localsource, self.instdir,
- self.libprefix, self.vnum)
- elif self.type=='program':
- ret=self.env.Program(self.p_localtarget, self.p_localsource)
- if not self.env.has_key('NOAUTOINSTALL'):
- ins=self.env.bksys_install(self.instdir, ret)
- if ins and self.perms:
- for i in ins: self.env.AddPostAction(ins, self.env.Chmod(str(i), self.perms))
- elif self.type=='staticlib':
- ret=self.env.StaticLibrary(self.p_localtarget, self.p_localsource)
- # we link the program against a shared library made locally, add the dependency
- if len(self.p_local_shlibs)>0:
- if ret: self.env.Depends( ret, self.p_local_shlibs )
- if len(self.p_local_staticlibs)>0:
- if ret: self.env.Depends( ret, self.p_local_staticlibs )
- self.executed=1
-## Copy function that honors symlinks
-def copy_bksys(dest, source, env):
- if os.path.islink(source):
- #print "symlinking "+source+" "+dest
- if os.path.islink(dest):
- os.unlink(dest)
- os.symlink(os.readlink(source), dest)
- else:
- shutil.copy2(source, dest)
- st=os.stat(source)
- os.chmod(dest, stat.S_IMODE(st[stat.ST_MODE]) | stat.S_IWRITE)
- return 0
-## Return a list of things
-def make_list(env, s):
- if type(s) is types.ListType: return s
- else:
- try: return s.split()
- except AttributeError: return s
-def join(lenv, s1, s2, s3=None, s4=None):
- if s4 and s3: return lenv.join(s1, s2, lenv.join(s3, s4))
- if s3 and s2: return lenv.join(s1, lenv.join(s2, s3))
- elif not s2: return s1
- # having s1, s2
- #print "path1 is "+s1+" path2 is "+s2+" "+os.path.join(s1,string.lstrip(s2,'/'))
- if not s1: s1="/"
- return os.path.join(s1,string.lstrip(s2,'/'))
-def exists(env):
- return true
-# record a dump of the environment
-bks_dump='<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>\n<bksys version="1">\n'
-def add_dump(nenv, str):
- global bks_dump
- if str: bks_dump+=str
-def get_dump(nenv):
- if not nenv.has_key('DUMPCONFIG'):
- nenv.pprint('RED','WARNING: trying to get a dump while DUMPCONFIG is not set - this will not work')
- global bks_dump
- return bks_dump+"</bksys>\n"
-def generate(env):
- ## Bksys requires scons 0.96
- env.EnsureSConsVersion(0, 96)
- SConsEnvironment.pprint = pprint
- SConsEnvironment.make_list = make_list
- SConsEnvironment.join = join
- SConsEnvironment.dist = dist
- SConsEnvironment.getreldir = getreldir
- SConsEnvironment.add_dump = add_dump
- SConsEnvironment.get_dump = get_dump
- env['HELP']=0
- if '--help' in sys.argv or '-h' in sys.argv or 'help' in sys.argv: env['HELP']=1
- if env['HELP']:
- p=env.pprint
- p('BOLD','*** Instructions ***')
- p('BOLD','--------------------')
- p('BOLD','* scons ','to compile')
- p('BOLD','* scons -j4 ','to compile with several instances')
- p('BOLD','* scons install ','to compile and install')
- p('BOLD','* scons -c install','to uninstall')
- p('BOLD','\n*** Generic options ***')
- p('BOLD','--------------------')
- p('BOLD','* debug ','debug=1 (-g) or debug=full (-g3, slower) else use environment CXXFLAGS, or -O2 by default')
- p('BOLD','* prefix ','the installation path')
- p('BOLD','* extraincludes','a list of paths separated by ":"')
- p('BOLD','* scons configure debug=full prefix=/usr/local extraincludes=/tmp/include:/usr/local')
- p('BOLD','* scons install prefix=/opt/local DESTDIR=/tmp/blah\n')
- return
- ## Global cache directory
- # Put all project files in it so a rm -rf cache will clean up the config
- if not env.has_key('CACHEDIR'): env['CACHEDIR'] = env.join(os.getcwd(),'/cache/')
- if not os.path.isdir(env['CACHEDIR']): os.mkdir(env['CACHEDIR'])
- ## SCons cache directory
- # This avoids recompiling the same files over and over again:
- # very handy when working with cvs
- if os.getuid() != 0: env.CacheDir(os.getcwd()+'/cache/objects')
- # Avoid spreading .sconsign files everywhere - keep this line
- env.SConsignFile(env['CACHEDIR']+'/scons_signatures')
- def makeHashTable(args):
- table = { }
- for arg in args:
- if len(arg) > 1:
- lst=arg.split('=')
- if len(lst) < 2: continue
- key=lst[0]
- value=lst[1]
- if len(key) > 0 and len(value) >0: table[key] = value
- return table
- env['ARGS']=makeHashTable(sys.argv)
- SConsEnvironment.Chmod = SCons.Action.ActionFactory(os.chmod, lambda dest, mode: 'Chmod("%s", 0%o)' % (dest, mode))
- ## Special trick for installing rpms ...
- env['DESTDIR']=''
- if 'install' in sys.argv:
- dd=''
- if os.environ.has_key('DESTDIR'): dd=os.environ['DESTDIR']
- if not dd:
- if env['ARGS'] and env['ARGS'].has_key('DESTDIR'): dd=env['ARGS']['DESTDIR']
- if dd:
- env['DESTDIR']=dd
- env.pprint('CYAN','** Enabling DESTDIR for the project ** ',env['DESTDIR'])
- ## install symlinks for shared libraries properly
- env['INSTALL'] = copy_bksys
- ## Use the same extension .o for all object files
- ## no colors
- if os.environ.has_key('NOCOLORS'): env['NOCOLORS']=1
- ## load the options
- cachefile=env['CACHEDIR']+''
- opts = Options(cachefile)
- opts.AddOptions(
- ( 'GENCCFLAGS', 'C flags' ),
- ( 'BKS_DEBUG', 'debug level: full, trace, or just something' ),
- ( 'GENCXXFLAGS', 'additional cxx flags for the project' ),
- ( 'GENLINKFLAGS', 'additional link flags' ),
- ( 'PREFIX', 'prefix for installation' ),
- ( 'EXTRAINCLUDES', 'extra include paths for the project' ),
- ( 'ISCONFIGURED', 'is the project configured' ),
- )
- opts.Update(env)
- # Use this to avoid an error message 'how to make target configure ?'
- env.Alias('configure', None)
- # Check if the following command line arguments have been given
- # and set a flag in the environment to show whether or not it was
- # given.
- if 'install' in sys.argv: env['_INSTALL']=1
- else: env['_INSTALL']=0
- if 'configure' in sys.argv: env['_CONFIGURE']=1
- else: env['_CONFIGURE']=0
- # Configure the environment if needed
- if not env['HELP'] and (env['_CONFIGURE'] or not env.has_key('ISCONFIGURED')):
- # be paranoid, unset existing variables
- if env.has_key(var): env.__delitem__(var)
- if env['ARGS'].get('debug', None):
- env['BKS_DEBUG'] = env['ARGS'].get('debug', None)
- env.pprint('CYAN','** Enabling debug for the project **')
- else:
- if os.environ.has_key('CXXFLAGS'):
- # user-defined flags (gentooers will be elighted)
- env['GENCXXFLAGS'] = SCons.Util.CLVar( os.environ['CXXFLAGS'] )
- env.Append( GENCXXFLAGS = ['-DNDEBUG', '-DNO_DEBUG'] )
- else:
- env.Append(GENCXXFLAGS = ['-O2', '-DNDEBUG', '-DNO_DEBUG'])
- if os.environ.has_key('CFLAGS'): env['GENCCFLAGS'] = SCons.Util.CLVar( os.environ['CFLAGS'] )
- ## FreeBSD settings (contributed by will at freebsd dot org)
- if os.uname()[0] == "FreeBSD":
- if os.environ.has_key('PTHREAD_LIBS'):
- env.AppendUnique( GENLINKFLAGS = SCons.Util.CLVar( os.environ['PTHREAD_LIBS'] ) )
- else:
- syspf = os.popen('/sbin/sysctl kern.osreldate')
- osreldate = int([1])
- syspf.close()
- if osreldate < 500016:
- env.AppendUnique( GENLINKFLAGS = ['-pthread'])
- env.AppendUnique( GENCXXFLAGS = ['-D_THREAD_SAFE'])
- elif osreldate < 502102:
- env.AppendUnique( GENLINKFLAGS = ['-lc_r'])
- env.AppendUnique( GENCXXFLAGS = ['-D_THREAD_SAFE'])
- else:
- env.AppendUnique( GENLINKFLAGS = ['-pthread'])
- # User-specified prefix
- if env['ARGS'].has_key('prefix'):
- env['PREFIX'] = os.path.abspath( env['ARGS'].get('prefix', '') )
- env.pprint('CYAN','** installation prefix for the project set to:',env['PREFIX'])
- # User-specified include paths
- env['EXTRAINCLUDES'] = env['ARGS'].get('extraincludes', None)
- if env['EXTRAINCLUDES']:
- env.pprint('CYAN','** extra include paths for the project set to:',env['EXTRAINCLUDES'])
- # And finally save the options in the cache
- opts.Save(cachefile, env)
- def bksys_install(lenv, subdir, files, destfile=None, perms=None):
- """ Install files on 'scons install' """
- if not env['_INSTALL']: return
- basedir = env['DESTDIR']
- install_list=None
- if not destfile: install_list = env.Install(lenv.join(basedir,subdir), lenv.make_list(files))
- elif subdir: install_list = env.InstallAs(lenv.join(basedir,subdir,destfile), lenv.make_list(files))
- else: install_list = env.InstallAs(lenv.join(basedir,destfile), lenv.make_list(files))
- if perms and install_list: lenv.AddPostAction(install_list, lenv.Chmod(install_list, perms))
- env.Alias('install', install_list)
- return install_list
- def build_la_file(target, source, env):
- """ Writes a .la file, used by libtool """
- dest=open(target[0].path, 'w')
- sname=source[0].name
- dest.write("# Generated by - GNU libtool 1.5.18 - (pwn3d by bksys)\n#\n#\n")
- if len(env['BKSYS_VNUM'])>0:
- vnum=env['BKSYS_VNUM']
- nums=vnum.split('.')
- src=source[0].name
- name = src.split('so.')[0] + 'so'
- strn = src+" "+name+"."+str(nums[0])+" "+name
- dest.write("dlname='%s'\n" % (name+'.'+str(nums[0])) )
- dest.write("library_names='%s'\n" % (strn) )
- else:
- dest.write("dlname='%s'\n" % sname)
- dest.write("library_names='%s %s %s'\n" % (sname, sname, sname) )
- dest.write("old_library=''\ndependency_libs=''\ncurrent=0\n")
- dest.write("age=0\nrevision=0\ninstalled=yes\nshouldnotlink=no\n")
- dest.write("dlopen=''\ndlpreopen=''\n")
- dest.write("libdir='%s'" % env['BKSYS_DESTDIR'])
- dest.close()
- return 0
- def string_la_file(target, source, env):
- print "building '%s' from '%s'" % (target[0].name, source[0].name)
- la_file = env.Action(build_la_file, string_la_file, ['BKSYS_VNUM', 'BKSYS_DESTDIR'])
- env['BUILDERS']['LaFile'] = env.Builder(action=la_file,suffix='.la',src_suffix=env['SHLIBSUFFIX'])
- ## Function for building shared libraries
- def bksys_shlib(lenv, ntarget, source, libdir, libprefix='lib', vnum='', noinst=None):
- """ Install a shared library.
- Installs a shared library, with or without a version number, and create a
- .la file for use by libtool.
- If library version numbering is to be used, the version number
- should be passed as a period-delimited version number (e.g.
- vnum = '1.2.3'). This causes the library to be installed
- with its full version number, and with symlinks pointing to it.
- For example, for libfoo version 1.2.3, install the file
-, and create symlinks and
- that point to it.
- """
- # parameter can be a list
- if type(ntarget) is types.ListType: target=ntarget[0]
- else: target=ntarget
- thisenv = lenv.Copy() # copying an existing environment is cheap
- thisenv['BKSYS_DESTDIR']=libdir
- thisenv['BKSYS_VNUM']=vnum
- thisenv['SHLIBPREFIX']=libprefix
- if len(vnum)>0:
- thisenv['SHLIBSUFFIX']='.so.'+vnum
- thisenv.Depends(target, thisenv.Value(vnum))
- num=vnum.split('.')[0]
- lst=target.split('/')
- tname=lst[len(lst)-1]
- libname=tname.split('.')[0]
- thisenv.AppendUnique(LINKFLAGS = ["-Wl," % (libname, num)] )
- # Fix against a scons bug - shared libs and ordinal out of range(128)
- if type(source) is types.ListType:
- src2=[]
- for i in source: src2.append( str(i) )
- source=src2
- library_list = thisenv.SharedLibrary(target, source)
- lafile_list = thisenv.LaFile(target, library_list)
- ## Install the libraries automatically
- if not thisenv.has_key('NOAUTOINSTALL') and not noinst:
- thisenv.bksys_install(libdir, library_list)
- thisenv.bksys_install(libdir, lafile_list)
- ## Handle the versioning
- if len(vnum)>0:
- nums=vnum.split('.')
- symlinkcom = ('cd $TARGET.dir && rm -f $ && ln -s $ $')
- tg = target+'.so.'+vnum
- nm1 = target+'.so'
- nm2 = target+'.so.'+nums[0]
- thisenv.Command(nm1, tg, symlinkcom)
- thisenv.Command(nm2, tg, symlinkcom)
- thisenv.bksys_install(libdir, nm1)
- thisenv.bksys_install(libdir, nm2)
- return library_list
- # Declare scons scripts to process
- def subdirs(lenv, folderlist):
- flist=lenv.make_list(folderlist)
- for i in flist:
- lenv.SConscript(lenv.join(i, 'SConscript'))
- # take all objects - warn those who are not already executed
- if lenv.has_key('USE_THE_FORCE_LUKE'):
- for ke in lenv['USE_THE_FORCE_LUKE']:
- if ke.executed: continue
- #lenv.pprint('GREEN',"you forgot to execute object "
- ke.lockworkdir()
- ke.execute()
- ke.unlockworkdir()
- def link_local_shlib(lenv, str):
- """ Links against a shared library made in the project """
- lst = lenv.make_list(str)
- for file in lst:
- import re
- reg=re.compile("(.*)/lib(.*).(la|so)$")
- result=reg.match(file)
- if not result:
- reg = re.compile("(.*)/lib(.*).(la|so)\.(.)")
- result=reg.match(file)
- if not result:
- print "Unknown la file given "+file
- continue
- dir =
- link =
- else:
- dir =
- link =
- lenv.AppendUnique(LIBS = [link])
- lenv.PrependUnique(LIBPATH = [dir])
- def link_local_staticlib(lenv, str):
- """ Links against a shared library made in the project """
- lst = lenv.make_list(str)
- for file in lst:
- import re
- reg = re.compile("(.*)/(lib.*.a)")
- result = reg.match(file)
- if not result:
- print "Unknown archive file given "+file
- continue
- f=SCons.Node.FS.default_fs.File(file)
- lenv.Append(LINKFLAGS=[f.path])
- def set_build_dir(lenv, dirs, buildto):
- lenv.SetOption('duplicate', 'soft-copy')
- lenv['_BUILDDIR_']=buildto
- ldirs=lenv.make_list(dirs)
- for dir in ldirs:
- lenv.BuildDir(buildto+os.path.sep+dir, dir)
- #valid_targets = "program shlib kioslave staticlib".split()
- SConsEnvironment.bksys_install = bksys_install
- SConsEnvironment.bksys_shlib = bksys_shlib
- SConsEnvironment.subdirs = subdirs
- SConsEnvironment.link_local_shlib = link_local_shlib
- SConsEnvironment.link_local_staticlib = link_local_staticlib
- SConsEnvironment.genobj=genobj
- SConsEnvironment.set_build_dir=set_build_dir
- if env.has_key('GENCXXFLAGS'): env.AppendUnique( CPPFLAGS = env['GENCXXFLAGS'] )
- if env.has_key('GENCCFLAGS'): env.AppendUnique( CCFLAGS = env['GENCCFLAGS'] )
- if env.has_key('GENLINKFLAGS'): env.AppendUnique( LINKFLAGS = env['GENLINKFLAGS'] )
- if env.has_key('BKS_DEBUG'):
- if (env['BKS_DEBUG'] == "full"):
- env.AppendUnique(CXXFLAGS = ['-DDEBUG', '-g3', '-Wall'])
- elif (env['BKS_DEBUG'] == "trace"):
- env.AppendUnique(
- LINKFLAGS=env.Split("-lmrwlog4cxxconfiguration -lmrwautofunctiontracelog4cxx -finstrument-functions"),
- CXXFLAGS=env.Split("-DDEBUG -Wall -finstrument-functions -g3 -O0"))
- else:
- env.AppendUnique(CXXFLAGS = ['-DDEBUG', '-g', '-Wall'])
- if env.has_key('EXTRAINCLUDES'):
- if env['EXTRAINCLUDES']:
- incpaths = []
- for dir in str(env['EXTRAINCLUDES']).split(':'): incpaths.append( dir )
- env.Append(CPPPATH = incpaths)
- env.Export('env')