MGA8: adding medium "trinity" invalid MD5SUM file #114

opened 3 years ago by trinity_desktop_mga8 · 4 comments

Basic information

  • R14.0.11:
  • Mageia 8:
  • Intel x64:


The installation as described here for MAGEIA does not work: result is a MD5SUM error.

Steps to reproduce

[root@pcmag81 ~]# urpmi.removemedia trinity trinity-noarch
trying to select nonexistent medium "trinity"
trying to select nonexistent medium "trinity-noarch"
[root@pcmag81 ~]# urpmi.addmedia trinity
adding medium "trinity"
invalid MD5SUM file (downloaded from
[root@pcmag81 ~]# urpmi.addmedia trinity-noarch
adding medium "trinity-noarch"
invalid MD5SUM file (downloaded from
[root@pcmag81 ~]#


<!-- This is a comment. Please fill in the required fields below. The comments provide instructions on how to do so. Note: You do not need to remove comments. --> ## Basic information - R14.0.11: <!-- such as R14.0.12 - see tde-config -v --> - Mageia 8: <!-- such as Debian Bullseye - see lsb_release -sd --> - Intel x64: <!-- amd64 / i386 / ppc64el / armhf / ... --> <!-- Use SL/* labels to set the severity level. Please do not set a milestone. --> ## Description The installation as described here for MAGEIA does not work: result is a MD5SUM error. ## Steps to reproduce [root@pcmag81 ~]# urpmi.removemedia trinity trinity-noarch trying to select nonexistent medium "trinity" trying to select nonexistent medium "trinity-noarch" [root@pcmag81 ~]# urpmi.addmedia trinity adding medium "trinity" invalid MD5SUM file (downloaded from [root@pcmag81 ~]# urpmi.addmedia trinity-noarch adding medium "trinity-noarch" invalid MD5SUM file (downloaded from [root@pcmag81 ~]# ## Screenshots <!-- If it seems useful, please provide provide one or more screenshots. -->
Francois was assigned by SlavekB 3 years ago


Can you try to add following option to /etc/urpmi/urpmi.cfg:

curl-options: -L

Then try again.

Hello, Can you try to add following option to /etc/urpmi/urpmi.cfg: { curl-options: -L } Then try again.

unfortunately did not help...

[root@localhost ~]# tail /etc/urpmi/urpmi.cfg
curl-options: -L
[root@localhost ~]# urpmi.removemedia trinity trinity-noarch
urpmi.addmedia trinity
urpmi.addmedia trinity-noarch
trying to select nonexistent medium "trinity-noarch"
trying to select nonexistent medium "trinity"
adding medium "trinity"
invalid MD5SUM file (downloaded from
adding medium "trinity-noarch"
invalid MD5SUM file (downloaded from
[root@localhost ~]#

unfortunately did not help... [root@localhost ~]# tail /etc/urpmi/urpmi.cfg { curl-options: -L } [root@localhost ~]# urpmi.removemedia trinity trinity-noarch urpmi.addmedia trinity urpmi.addmedia trinity-noarch trying to select nonexistent medium "trinity-noarch" trying to select nonexistent medium "trinity" adding medium "trinity" invalid MD5SUM file (downloaded from adding medium "trinity-noarch" invalid MD5SUM file (downloaded from [root@localhost ~]#

Usually, the urpmi options are located at the top of file /etc/urpmi/urpmi.cfg
By default, there is an empty section like this:

This is in this existing section where the curl-options should go.
Please make sure that you have set options in the top section of the file, not elsewehere.
Additionnaly, you can also add option:
downloader: curl

The top of urpmi.cfg then looks like this:

curl-options: -L
downloader: curl

Usually, the urpmi options are located at the top of file /etc/urpmi/urpmi.cfg By default, there is an empty section like this: { } This is in this existing section where the curl-options should go. Please make sure that you have set options in the top section of the file, not elsewehere. Additionnaly, you can also add option: downloader: curl The top of urpmi.cfg then looks like this: { curl-options: -L downloader: curl }

Indeed, I noticed that there is default only a "empty top section" in urpmi.cfg.
Adding the following:

downloader: curl
curl-options: -L

Now the instructions for MAGEIA as found on:

do work. Thanks!


Did delete /etc/urpmi/urpmi.cfg
Started drakconf
Choose configure media sources for install and update,
Click on "Add"

drakconf will shows a popup about contacting Mageia for the mirror list.
After a few moments, a fresh new urpmi.cfg is written by drakconf.
The fresh new urpmi.cfg does again contain a "empty top section",
so a fresh new urpmi.cfg will again result in the MD5 error.

Indeed, I noticed that there is default only a "empty top section" in urpmi.cfg. Adding the following: { downloader: curl curl-options: -L } Now the instructions for MAGEIA as found on: do work. Thanks! ------------ FYI: Did delete /etc/urpmi/urpmi.cfg Started drakconf Choose configure media sources for install and update, Click on "Add" drakconf will shows a popup about contacting Mageia for the mirror list. After a few moments, a fresh new urpmi.cfg is written by drakconf. The fresh new urpmi.cfg does again contain a "empty top section", so a fresh new urpmi.cfg will again result in the MD5 error.
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Reference: TDE/tde-packaging#114
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