@ -110,20 +110,12 @@ void Battery::initDefault() {
//! initialize this battery object with values from HAL
//! initialize this battery object
void Battery::init() {
// read battery information from HAL
if (resetUdi(udi)) {
//udi is valid
recheck(); //fills all values
//ready here for now
} else {
//udi is invalid or is no battery
kdWarning() << "Warning: Battery::init cannot make use of udi " << udi << endl;
// read battery information
recheck(); //fills all values
initialized = true;
@ -201,7 +193,7 @@ void Battery::recheck() {
// ---> query HAL for properties SECTION : START <----
// ---> query for properties SECTION : START <----
//! to check battery.present
@ -729,11 +721,11 @@ bool Battery::checkChargingState () {
return _ret;
// ---> query HAL for properties SECTION : END <----
// ---> query for properties SECTION : END <----
//! to recheck a special value for a HAL event
//! to recheck a special value for an event
* Check for the given property new values from HAL and set them to
* Check for the given property new values and set them to
* the battery variables.
* \param device TDEGenericDevice
@ -747,26 +739,6 @@ void Battery::updateProperty(TDEGenericDevice* device) {
//! Resets the current HAL udi used by the one given
* The given TQString will be (checked and) used as new HAL udi for the battery.
* But don't forget to do a recheck of the battery afterwards.
* \param _udi TQString with the UDI to reset
* \return boolean with the result of the operation
* \retval true if reset was successfull
* \retval false if reset couldn't be applied
bool Battery::resetUdi(TQString _udi) {
// What does this function do outside of HAL!?!? Should it even exist any more?
bool tmp_result=true;
return tmp_result;
// ---> write private members SECTION : START <----
//! sets the chargelevel in percent when battery should go into state warning
@ -815,7 +787,7 @@ void Battery::setCritLevel(int _crit_level) {
// ---> write private members SECTION : END <----
// ---> get private members SECTION : START <----
//! reports the HAL udi of this battery
//! reports the udi of this battery
TQString Battery::getUdi() const {
return TQString(udi);
@ -880,7 +852,7 @@ int Battery::getCurrentLevel() const {
return charge_level_current;
//! reports HAL capacity_state value
//! reports capacity_state value
TQString Battery::getCapacityState() const {
return TQString(capacity_state);