Added KDE3 version of wlassistant
git-svn-id: svn:// 283d02a7-25f6-0310-bc7c-ecb5cbfe19dav3.5.13-sru
@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
#! /usr/bin/env python
help -> scons -h
compile -> scons
clean -> scons -c
install -> scons install
uninstall -> scons -c install
configure -> scons configure prefix=/tmp/ita debug=full extraincludes=/usr/local/include:/tmp/include prefix=/usr/local
Run from a subdirectory -> scons -u
The variables are saved automatically after the first run (look at cache/, ..)
## Load the builders in config
env = Environment(tools=['default', 'generic', 'kde', 'parser'], toolpath=['./', './bksys'])
env.set_build_dir('src po', 'build')
# CONVENIENCE FUNCTIONS TO EMULATE 'make dist' and 'make distclean'
env.dist('wlassistant', '0.5.7')
@ -0,0 +1,644 @@
## Thomas Nagy, 2005
""" Run scons -h to display the associated help, or look below """
import os, re, types, sys, string, shutil, stat, glob
import SCons.Defaults
import SCons.Tool
import SCons.Util
from SCons.Script.SConscript import SConsEnvironment
from SCons.Options import Options, PathOption
def getreldir(lenv):
return cwd.replace(root,'').lstrip('/')
def dist(env, appname, version=None):
### To make a tarball of your masterpiece, use 'scons dist'
import os
if 'dist' in sys.argv:
if not version: VERSION=os.popen("cat VERSION").read().rstrip()
else: VERSION=version
FOLDER = appname+'-'+VERSION
ARCHIVE = FOLDER+'.tar.bz2'
## check if the temporary directory already exists
os.popen('rm -rf %s %s %s' % (FOLDER, TMPFOLD, ARCHIVE) )
## create a temporary directory
startdir = os.getcwd()
os.popen("mkdir -p "+TMPFOLD)
os.popen("cp -R * "+TMPFOLD)
os.popen("mv "+TMPFOLD+" "+FOLDER)
## remove scons-local if it is unpacked
os.popen("rm -rf "+FOLDER+"/scons "+FOLDER+"/sconsign "+FOLDER+"/scons-local-0.96.1")
## remove our object files first
os.popen("find "+FOLDER+" -name \"cache\" | xargs rm -rf")
os.popen("find "+FOLDER+" -name \"build\" | xargs rm -rf")
os.popen("find "+FOLDER+" -name \"*.pyc\" | xargs rm -f")
## CVS cleanup
os.popen("find "+FOLDER+" -name \"CVS\" | xargs rm -rf")
os.popen("find "+FOLDER+" -name \".cvsignore\" | xargs rm -rf")
## Subversion cleanup
os.popen("find %s -name .svn -type d | xargs rm -rf" % FOLDER)
## GNU Arch cleanup
os.popen("find "+FOLDER+" -name \"{arch}\" | xargs rm -rf")
os.popen("find "+FOLDER+" -name \".arch-i*\" | xargs rm -rf")
## Create the tarball (coloured output)
print "\033[92m"+"Writing archive "+ARCHIVE+"\033[0m"
os.popen("tar cjf "+ARCHIVE+" "+FOLDER)
## Remove the temporary directory
os.popen('rm -rf '+FOLDER)
if 'distclean' in sys.argv:
## Remove the cache directory
import os, shutil
if os.path.isdir(env['CACHEDIR']): shutil.rmtree(env['CACHEDIR'])
os.popen("find . -name \"*.pyc\" | xargs rm -rf")
colors= {
'BOLD' :"\033[1m",
'RED' :"\033[91m",
'GREEN' :"\033[92m",
'YELLOW':"\033[1m", #"\033[93m" # unreadable on white backgrounds
'CYAN' :"\033[96m",
def pprint(env, col, str, label=''):
if env.has_key('NOCOLORS'):
print "%s %s" % (str, label)
try: mycol=colors[col]
except: mycol=''
print "%s%s%s %s" % (mycol, str, colors['NORMAL'], label)
class genobj:
def __init__(self, val, env):
if not val in "program shlib kioslave staticlib".split():
print "unknown genobj given: "+val
self.type = val
self.orenv = env
self.env = None
self.executed = 0
# vars used by shlibs
# a directory where to install the targets (optional)
# change the working directory before reading the targets
# unix permissions
# these members are private
# work directory
if not env.has_key('USE_THE_FORCE_LUKE'): env['USE_THE_FORCE_LUKE']=[self]
else: env['USE_THE_FORCE_LUKE'].append(self)
def joinpath(self, val):
if len(self.dirprefix)<3: return val
if self.orenv.has_key('_BUILDDIR_'): bdir=self.orenv['_BUILDDIR_']
for v in thing: files.append( self.orenv.join(bdir, dir, v) )
return files
# a list of paths, with absolute and relative ones
def fixpath(self, val):
def reldir(dir):
ndir = SCons.Node.FS.default_fs.Dir(dir).srcnode().abspath
rootdir = SCons.Node.FS.default_fs.Dir('#').abspath
return ndir.replace(rootdir, '').lstrip('/')
if not len(dir)>2: dir=reldir('.')
if self.orenv.has_key('_BUILDDIR_'): bdir=self.orenv['_BUILDDIR_']
for v in thing:
#if v[:2] == "./" or v[:3] == "../":
# ret.append( self.orenv.join('#', bdir, dir, v) )
#elif v[:1] == "#" or v[:1] == "/":
# ret.append( v )
# ret.append( self.orenv.join('#', bdir, dir, v) )
if v[:1] == "#" or v[:1] == "/":
ret.append( self.orenv.join('#', bdir, dir, v) )
return ret
def lockworkdir(self):
if self.workdir_lock: return
SCons.Node.FS.default_fs.chdir( self.orig_fs_dir, change_os_dir=1)
def unlockworkdir(self):
if not self.workdir_lock: return
SCons.Node.FS.default_fs.chdir( self.not_orig_fs_dir, change_os_dir=0)
def execute(self):
if self.executed: return
if self.orenv.has_key('DUMPCONFIG'):
self.env = self.orenv.Copy()
if not self.p_localtarget: self.p_localtarget = self.joinpath(
if not self.p_localsource: self.p_localsource = self.joinpath(self.src)
if (not self.src or len(self.src) == 0) and not self.p_localsource:
self.env.pprint('RED',"no source file given to object - self.src")
if not
self.env.pprint('RED',"no target given to object -")
if not self.env.has_key('nosmart_includes'): self.env.AppendUnique(CPPPATH=['./'])
if self.type == "kioslave": self.libprefix=''
if len(self.includes)>0: self.env.AppendUnique(CPPPATH=self.fixpath(self.includes))
if len(self.cxxflags)>0: self.env.AppendUnique(CXXFLAGS=self.env.make_list(self.cxxflags))
if len(self.cflags)>0: self.env.AppendUnique(CCFLAGS=self.env.make_list(self.cflags))
lext=['.so', '.la']
for l in llist:
if len(sal)>1:
if sal[1] in lext: self.p_local_shlibs.append(self.fixpath(sal[0]+'.so')[0])
elif sal[1] in sext: self.p_local_staticlibs.append(self.fixpath(sal[0]+'.a')[0])
else: self.p_global_shlibs.append(l)
if len(self.p_global_shlibs)>0: self.env.AppendUnique(LIBS=self.p_global_shlibs)
if len(self.libpaths)>0: self.env.PrependUnique(LIBPATH=self.fixpath(self.libpaths))
if len(self.linkflags)>0: self.env.PrependUnique(LINKFLAGS=self.env.make_list(self.linkflags))
if len(self.p_local_shlibs)>0:
if len(self.p_local_staticlibs)>0:
# the target to return - no more self.env modification is allowed after this part
if self.type=='shlib' or self.type=='kioslave':
ret=self.env.bksys_shlib(self.p_localtarget, self.p_localsource, self.instdir,
self.libprefix, self.vnum)
elif self.type=='program':
ret=self.env.Program(self.p_localtarget, self.p_localsource)
if not self.env.has_key('NOAUTOINSTALL'):
ins=self.env.bksys_install(self.instdir, ret)
if ins and self.perms:
for i in ins: self.env.AddPostAction(ins, self.env.Chmod(str(i), self.perms))
elif self.type=='staticlib':
ret=self.env.StaticLibrary(self.p_localtarget, self.p_localsource)
# we link the program against a shared library made locally, add the dependency
if len(self.p_local_shlibs)>0:
if ret: self.env.Depends( ret, self.p_local_shlibs )
if len(self.p_local_staticlibs)>0:
if ret: self.env.Depends( ret, self.p_local_staticlibs )
## Copy function that honors symlinks
def copy_bksys(dest, source, env):
if os.path.islink(source):
#print "symlinking "+source+" "+dest
if os.path.islink(dest):
os.symlink(os.readlink(source), dest)
shutil.copy2(source, dest)
os.chmod(dest, stat.S_IMODE(st[stat.ST_MODE]) | stat.S_IWRITE)
return 0
## Return a list of things
def make_list(env, s):
if type(s) is types.ListType: return s
try: return s.split()
except AttributeError: return s
def join(lenv, s1, s2, s3=None, s4=None):
if s4 and s3: return lenv.join(s1, s2, lenv.join(s3, s4))
if s3 and s2: return lenv.join(s1, lenv.join(s2, s3))
elif not s2: return s1
# having s1, s2
#print "path1 is "+s1+" path2 is "+s2+" "+os.path.join(s1,string.lstrip(s2,'/'))
if not s1: s1="/"
return os.path.join(s1,string.lstrip(s2,'/'))
def exists(env):
return true
# record a dump of the environment
bks_dump='<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>\n<bksys version="1">\n'
def add_dump(nenv, str):
global bks_dump
if str: bks_dump+=str
def get_dump(nenv):
if not nenv.has_key('DUMPCONFIG'):
nenv.pprint('RED','WARNING: trying to get a dump while DUMPCONFIG is not set - this will not work')
global bks_dump
return bks_dump+"</bksys>\n"
def generate(env):
## Bksys requires scons 0.96
env.EnsureSConsVersion(0, 96)
SConsEnvironment.pprint = pprint
SConsEnvironment.make_list = make_list
SConsEnvironment.join = join
SConsEnvironment.dist = dist
SConsEnvironment.getreldir = getreldir
SConsEnvironment.add_dump = add_dump
SConsEnvironment.get_dump = get_dump
if '--help' in sys.argv or '-h' in sys.argv or 'help' in sys.argv: env['HELP']=1
if env['HELP']:
p('BOLD','*** Instructions ***')
p('BOLD','* scons ','to compile')
p('BOLD','* scons -j4 ','to compile with several instances')
p('BOLD','* scons install ','to compile and install')
p('BOLD','* scons -c install','to uninstall')
p('BOLD','\n*** Generic options ***')
p('BOLD','* debug ','debug=1 (-g) or debug=full (-g3, slower) else use environment CXXFLAGS, or -O2 by default')
p('BOLD','* prefix ','the installation path')
p('BOLD','* extraincludes','a list of paths separated by ":"')
p('BOLD','* scons configure debug=full prefix=/usr/local extraincludes=/tmp/include:/usr/local')
p('BOLD','* scons install prefix=/opt/local DESTDIR=/tmp/blah\n')
## Global cache directory
# Put all project files in it so a rm -rf cache will clean up the config
if not env.has_key('CACHEDIR'): env['CACHEDIR'] = env.join(os.getcwd(),'/cache/')
if not os.path.isdir(env['CACHEDIR']): os.mkdir(env['CACHEDIR'])
## SCons cache directory
# This avoids recompiling the same files over and over again:
# very handy when working with cvs
if os.getuid() != 0: env.CacheDir(os.getcwd()+'/cache/objects')
# Avoid spreading .sconsign files everywhere - keep this line
def makeHashTable(args):
table = { }
for arg in args:
if len(arg) > 1:
if len(lst) < 2: continue
if len(key) > 0 and len(value) >0: table[key] = value
return table
SConsEnvironment.Chmod = SCons.Action.ActionFactory(os.chmod, lambda dest, mode: 'Chmod("%s", 0%o)' % (dest, mode))
## Special trick for installing rpms ...
if 'install' in sys.argv:
if os.environ.has_key('DESTDIR'): dd=os.environ['DESTDIR']
if not dd:
if env['ARGS'] and env['ARGS'].has_key('DESTDIR'): dd=env['ARGS']['DESTDIR']
if dd:
env.pprint('CYAN','** Enabling DESTDIR for the project ** ',env['DESTDIR'])
## install symlinks for shared libraries properly
env['INSTALL'] = copy_bksys
## Use the same extension .o for all object files
## no colors
if os.environ.has_key('NOCOLORS'): env['NOCOLORS']=1
## load the options
opts = Options(cachefile)
( 'GENCCFLAGS', 'C flags' ),
( 'BKS_DEBUG', 'debug level: full, trace, or just something' ),
( 'GENCXXFLAGS', 'additional cxx flags for the project' ),
( 'GENLINKFLAGS', 'additional link flags' ),
( 'PREFIX', 'prefix for installation' ),
( 'EXTRAINCLUDES', 'extra include paths for the project' ),
( 'ISCONFIGURED', 'is the project configured' ),
# Use this to avoid an error message 'how to make target configure ?'
env.Alias('configure', None)
# Check if the following command line arguments have been given
# and set a flag in the environment to show whether or not it was
# given.
if 'install' in sys.argv: env['_INSTALL']=1
else: env['_INSTALL']=0
if 'configure' in sys.argv: env['_CONFIGURE']=1
else: env['_CONFIGURE']=0
# Configure the environment if needed
if not env['HELP'] and (env['_CONFIGURE'] or not env.has_key('ISCONFIGURED')):
# be paranoid, unset existing variables
if env.has_key(var): env.__delitem__(var)
if env['ARGS'].get('debug', None):
env['BKS_DEBUG'] = env['ARGS'].get('debug', None)
env.pprint('CYAN','** Enabling debug for the project **')
if os.environ.has_key('CXXFLAGS'):
# user-defined flags (gentooers will be elighted)
env['GENCXXFLAGS'] = SCons.Util.CLVar( os.environ['CXXFLAGS'] )
env.Append( GENCXXFLAGS = ['-DNDEBUG', '-DNO_DEBUG'] )
env.Append(GENCXXFLAGS = ['-O2', '-DNDEBUG', '-DNO_DEBUG'])
if os.environ.has_key('CFLAGS'): env['GENCCFLAGS'] = SCons.Util.CLVar( os.environ['CFLAGS'] )
## FreeBSD settings (contributed by will at freebsd dot org)
if os.uname()[0] == "FreeBSD":
if os.environ.has_key('PTHREAD_LIBS'):
env.AppendUnique( GENLINKFLAGS = SCons.Util.CLVar( os.environ['PTHREAD_LIBS'] ) )
syspf = os.popen('/sbin/sysctl kern.osreldate')
osreldate = int([1])
if osreldate < 500016:
env.AppendUnique( GENLINKFLAGS = ['-pthread'])
env.AppendUnique( GENCXXFLAGS = ['-D_THREAD_SAFE'])
elif osreldate < 502102:
env.AppendUnique( GENLINKFLAGS = ['-lc_r'])
env.AppendUnique( GENCXXFLAGS = ['-D_THREAD_SAFE'])
env.AppendUnique( GENLINKFLAGS = ['-pthread'])
# User-specified prefix
if env['ARGS'].has_key('prefix'):
env['PREFIX'] = os.path.abspath( env['ARGS'].get('prefix', '') )
env.pprint('CYAN','** installation prefix for the project set to:',env['PREFIX'])
# User-specified include paths
env['EXTRAINCLUDES'] = env['ARGS'].get('extraincludes', None)
env.pprint('CYAN','** extra include paths for the project set to:',env['EXTRAINCLUDES'])
# And finally save the options in the cache
opts.Save(cachefile, env)
def bksys_install(lenv, subdir, files, destfile=None, perms=None):
""" Install files on 'scons install' """
if not env['_INSTALL']: return
basedir = env['DESTDIR']
if not destfile: install_list = env.Install(lenv.join(basedir,subdir), lenv.make_list(files))
elif subdir: install_list = env.InstallAs(lenv.join(basedir,subdir,destfile), lenv.make_list(files))
else: install_list = env.InstallAs(lenv.join(basedir,destfile), lenv.make_list(files))
if perms and install_list: lenv.AddPostAction(install_list, lenv.Chmod(install_list, perms))
env.Alias('install', install_list)
return install_list
def build_la_file(target, source, env):
""" Writes a .la file, used by libtool """
dest=open(target[0].path, 'w')
dest.write("# Generated by - GNU libtool 1.5.18 - (pwn3d by bksys)\n#\n#\n")
if len(env['BKSYS_VNUM'])>0:
name = src.split('so.')[0] + 'so'
strn = src+" "+name+"."+str(nums[0])+" "+name
dest.write("dlname='%s'\n" % (name+'.'+str(nums[0])) )
dest.write("library_names='%s'\n" % (strn) )
dest.write("dlname='%s'\n" % sname)
dest.write("library_names='%s %s %s'\n" % (sname, sname, sname) )
dest.write("libdir='%s'" % env['BKSYS_DESTDIR'])
return 0
def string_la_file(target, source, env):
print "building '%s' from '%s'" % (target[0].name, source[0].name)
la_file = env.Action(build_la_file, string_la_file, ['BKSYS_VNUM', 'BKSYS_DESTDIR'])
env['BUILDERS']['LaFile'] = env.Builder(action=la_file,suffix='.la',src_suffix=env['SHLIBSUFFIX'])
## Function for building shared libraries
def bksys_shlib(lenv, ntarget, source, libdir, libprefix='lib', vnum='', noinst=None):
""" Install a shared library.
Installs a shared library, with or without a version number, and create a
.la file for use by libtool.
If library version numbering is to be used, the version number
should be passed as a period-delimited version number (e.g.
vnum = '1.2.3'). This causes the library to be installed
with its full version number, and with symlinks pointing to it.
For example, for libfoo version 1.2.3, install the file
||||, and create symlinks and
|||| that point to it.
# parameter can be a list
if type(ntarget) is types.ListType: target=ntarget[0]
else: target=ntarget
thisenv = lenv.Copy() # copying an existing environment is cheap
if len(vnum)>0:
thisenv.Depends(target, thisenv.Value(vnum))
thisenv.AppendUnique(LINKFLAGS = ["-Wl," % (libname, num)] )
# Fix against a scons bug - shared libs and ordinal out of range(128)
if type(source) is types.ListType:
for i in source: src2.append( str(i) )
library_list = thisenv.SharedLibrary(target, source)
lafile_list = thisenv.LaFile(target, library_list)
## Install the libraries automatically
if not thisenv.has_key('NOAUTOINSTALL') and not noinst:
thisenv.bksys_install(libdir, library_list)
thisenv.bksys_install(libdir, lafile_list)
## Handle the versioning
if len(vnum)>0:
symlinkcom = ('cd $TARGET.dir && rm -f $ && ln -s $ $')
tg = target+'.so.'+vnum
nm1 = target+'.so'
nm2 = target+'.so.'+nums[0]
thisenv.Command(nm1, tg, symlinkcom)
thisenv.Command(nm2, tg, symlinkcom)
thisenv.bksys_install(libdir, nm1)
thisenv.bksys_install(libdir, nm2)
return library_list
# Declare scons scripts to process
def subdirs(lenv, folderlist):
for i in flist:
lenv.SConscript(lenv.join(i, 'SConscript'))
# take all objects - warn those who are not already executed
if lenv.has_key('USE_THE_FORCE_LUKE'):
for ke in lenv['USE_THE_FORCE_LUKE']:
if ke.executed: continue
#lenv.pprint('GREEN',"you forgot to execute object "
def link_local_shlib(lenv, str):
""" Links against a shared library made in the project """
lst = lenv.make_list(str)
for file in lst:
import re
if not result:
reg = re.compile("(.*)/lib(.*).(la|so)\.(.)")
if not result:
print "Unknown la file given "+file
dir =
link =
dir =
link =
lenv.AppendUnique(LIBS = [link])
lenv.PrependUnique(LIBPATH = [dir])
def link_local_staticlib(lenv, str):
""" Links against a shared library made in the project """
lst = lenv.make_list(str)
for file in lst:
import re
reg = re.compile("(.*)/(lib.*.a)")
result = reg.match(file)
if not result:
print "Unknown archive file given "+file
def set_build_dir(lenv, dirs, buildto):
lenv.SetOption('duplicate', 'soft-copy')
for dir in ldirs:
lenv.BuildDir(buildto+os.path.sep+dir, dir)
#valid_targets = "program shlib kioslave staticlib".split()
SConsEnvironment.bksys_install = bksys_install
SConsEnvironment.bksys_shlib = bksys_shlib
SConsEnvironment.subdirs = subdirs
SConsEnvironment.link_local_shlib = link_local_shlib
SConsEnvironment.link_local_staticlib = link_local_staticlib
if env.has_key('GENCXXFLAGS'): env.AppendUnique( CPPFLAGS = env['GENCXXFLAGS'] )
if env.has_key('GENCCFLAGS'): env.AppendUnique( CCFLAGS = env['GENCCFLAGS'] )
if env.has_key('GENLINKFLAGS'): env.AppendUnique( LINKFLAGS = env['GENLINKFLAGS'] )
if env.has_key('BKS_DEBUG'):
if (env['BKS_DEBUG'] == "full"):
env.AppendUnique(CXXFLAGS = ['-DDEBUG', '-g3', '-Wall'])
elif (env['BKS_DEBUG'] == "trace"):
LINKFLAGS=env.Split("-lmrwlog4cxxconfiguration -lmrwautofunctiontracelog4cxx -finstrument-functions"),
CXXFLAGS=env.Split("-DDEBUG -Wall -finstrument-functions -g3 -O0"))
env.AppendUnique(CXXFLAGS = ['-DDEBUG', '-g', '-Wall'])
if env.has_key('EXTRAINCLUDES'):
incpaths = []
for dir in str(env['EXTRAINCLUDES']).split(':'): incpaths.append( dir )
env.Append(CPPPATH = incpaths)
@ -0,0 +1,884 @@
# Thomas Nagy, 2005 <tnagy2^>
""" Run scons -h to display the associated help, or look below """
import os, re, types
from SCons.Script.SConscript import SConsEnvironment
# Returns the name of the shared object (eg:
# referenced by a libtool archive (like
def getSOfromLA(lafile):
contents = open(lafile, 'r').read()
match ="^dlname='([^']*)'$", contents, re.M)
if match: return
return None
# A helper, needed .. everywhere
def KDEuse(lenv, flags):
if lenv['HELP']: lenv.Exit(0)
if 'environ' in _flags:
## The scons developers advise against using this but it is mostly innocuous :)
lenv.AppendUnique( ENV = os.environ )
if not 'lang_qt' in _flags:
## Use this define if you are using the kde translation scheme (.po files)
if 'rpath' in _flags:
## Use this to set rpath - this may cause trouble if folders are moved (chrpath)
if lenv['KDELIBPATH'] == lenv['KDELIB']: kdelibpaths = [lenv['KDELIB']]
else: kdelibpaths = [lenv['KDELIBPATH'], lenv['KDELIB']]
lenv.Append( RPATH = [lenv['QTLIBPATH'], lenv['KDEMODULE']]+kdelibpaths )
if 'thread' in _flags:
## Uncomment the following if you need threading support
lenv.KDEaddflags_cxx( ['-DQT_THREAD_SUPPORT', '-D_REENTRANT'] )
if 'fastmoc' in _flags:
if 'dump' in _flags:
if not 'nohelp' in _flags:
if lenv['_CONFIGURE'] or lenv['HELP']: lenv.Exit(0)
if not 'nosmart' or not lenv.has_key('nosmart_includes'):
if lenv.has_key('USE_THE_FORCE_LUKE'):
for v in lst: v.execute()
else: lenv['nosmart_includes']=1
## To use kdDebug(intvalue)<<"some trace"<<endl; you need to define -DDEBUG
## it is done in admin/ automatically when you do scons configure debug=1
def exists(env):
return True
def detect_kde(env):
""" Detect the qt and kde environment using kde-config mostly """
def getpath(varname):
if not env.has_key('ARGS'): return None
v=env['ARGS'].get(varname, None)
if v: v=os.path.abspath(v)
return v
def getstr(varname):
if env.has_key('ARGS'): return env['ARGS'].get(varname, '')
return ''
prefix = getpath('prefix')
execprefix = getpath('execprefix')
datadir = getpath('datadir')
libdir = getpath('libdir')
kdedir = getstr('kdedir')
kdeincludes = getpath('kdeincludes')
kdelibs = getpath('kdelibs')
qtdir = getstr('qtdir')
qtincludes = getpath('qtincludes')
qtlibs = getpath('qtlibs')
libsuffix = getstr('libsuffix')
if libdir: libdir = libdir+libsuffix
## Detect the kde libraries
print "Checking for kde-config : ",
str="which kde-config 2>/dev/null"
if kdedir: str="which %s 2>/dev/null" % (kdedir+'/bin/kde-config')
kde_config = os.popen(str).read().strip()
if len(kde_config):
p('GREEN', 'kde-config was found as '+kde_config)
if kdedir: p('RED','kde-config was NOT found in the folder given '+kdedir)
else: p('RED','kde-config was NOT found in your PATH')
print "Make sure kde is installed properly"
print "(missing package kdebase-devel?)"
if kdedir: env['KDEDIR']=kdedir
else: env['KDEDIR'] = os.popen(kde_config+' -prefix').read().strip()
print "Checking for kde version : ",
kde_version = os.popen(kde_config+" --version|grep KDE").read().strip().split()[1]
if int(kde_version[0]) != 3 or int(kde_version[2]) < 2:
p('RED', kde_version)
p('RED',"Your kde version can be too old")
p('RED',"Please make sure kde is at least 3.2")
## Detect the qt library
print "Checking for the qt library : ",
if not qtdir: qtdir = os.getenv("QTDIR")
if qtdir:
p('GREEN',"qt is in "+qtdir)
tmplibdir = os.popen(kde_config+' --expandvars --install lib').read().strip()
libkdeuiSO = env.join(tmplibdir, getSOfromLA(env.join(tmplibdir,'/')) )
m ='(.*)/lib/libqt.*', os.popen('ldd ' + libkdeuiSO + ' | grep libqt').read().strip().split()[2])
except: m=None
if m:
qtdir =
p('YELLOW',"qt was found as "
p('RED','qt was not found')
p('RED','Please set QTDIR first (/usr/lib/qt3?) or try scons -h for more options')
env['QTDIR'] = qtdir.strip()
## Find the necessary programs uic and moc
print "Checking for uic : ",
uic = qtdir + "/bin/uic"
if os.path.isfile(uic):
p('GREEN',"uic was found as "+uic)
uic = os.popen("which uic 2>/dev/null").read().strip()
if len(uic):
p('YELLOW',"uic was found as "+uic)
uic = os.popen("which uic 2>/dev/null").read().strip()
if len(uic):
p('YELLOW',"uic was found as "+uic)
p('RED',"uic was not found - set QTDIR put it in your PATH ?")
env['QT_UIC'] = uic
print "Checking for moc : ",
moc = qtdir + "/bin/moc"
if os.path.isfile(moc):
p('GREEN',"moc was found as "+moc)
moc = os.popen("which moc 2>/dev/null").read().strip()
if len(moc):
p('YELLOW',"moc was found as "+moc)
elif os.path.isfile("/usr/share/qt3/bin/moc"):
moc = "/usr/share/qt3/bin/moc"
p('YELLOW',"moc was found as "+moc)
p('RED',"moc was not found - set QTDIR or put it in your PATH ?")
env['QT_MOC'] = moc
## check for the qt and kde includes
print "Checking for the qt includes : ",
if qtincludes and os.path.isfile(qtincludes + "/qlayout.h"):
# The user told where to look for and it looks valid
p('GREEN',"ok "+qtincludes)
if os.path.isfile(qtdir + "/include/qlayout.h"):
# Automatic detection
p('GREEN',"ok "+qtdir+"/include/")
qtincludes = qtdir + "/include/"
elif os.path.isfile("/usr/include/qt3/qlayout.h"):
# Debian probably
p('YELLOW','the qt headers were found in /usr/include/qt3/')
qtincludes = "/usr/include/qt3"
p('RED',"the qt headers were not found")
print "Checking for the kde includes : ",
kdeprefix = os.popen(kde_config+" --prefix").read().strip()
if not kdeincludes:
kdeincludes = kdeprefix+"/include/"
if os.path.isfile(kdeincludes + "/klineedit.h"):
p('GREEN',"ok "+kdeincludes)
if os.path.isfile(kdeprefix+"/include/kde/klineedit.h"):
# Debian, Fedora probably
p('YELLOW',"the kde headers were found in %s/include/kde/"%kdeprefix)
kdeincludes = kdeprefix + "/include/kde/"
p('RED',"The kde includes were NOT found")
# kde-config options
kdec_opts = {'KDEBIN' : 'exe', 'KDEAPPS' : 'apps',
'KDEDATA' : 'data', 'KDEICONS' : 'icon',
'KDEMODULE' : 'module', 'KDELOCALE' : 'locale',
'KDEKCFG' : 'kcfg', 'KDEDOC' : 'html',
'KDEMENU' : 'apps', 'KDEXDG' : 'xdgdata-apps',
'KDEMIME' : 'mime', 'KDEXDGDIR' : 'xdgdata-dirs',
'KDESERV' : 'services','KDESERVTYPES' : 'servicetypes',
'KDEINCLUDE': 'include' }
if prefix:
## use the user-specified prefix
if not execprefix: execprefix=prefix
if not datadir: datadir=env.join(prefix,'share')
if not libdir: libdir=env.join(execprefix, "lib"+libsuffix)
subst_vars = lambda x: x.replace('${exec_prefix}', execprefix)\
.replace('${datadir}', datadir)\
.replace('${libdir}', libdir)\
.replace('${prefix}', prefix)
debian_fix = lambda x: x.replace('/usr/share', '${datadir}')
env['PREFIX'] = prefix
env['KDELIB'] = libdir
for (var, option) in kdec_opts.items():
dir = os.popen(kde_config+' --install ' + option).read().strip()
if var == 'KDEDOC': dir = debian_fix(dir)
env[var] = subst_vars(dir)
env['PREFIX'] = os.popen(kde_config+' --expandvars --prefix').read().strip()
env['KDELIB'] = os.popen(kde_config+' --expandvars --install lib').read().strip()
for (var, option) in kdec_opts.items():
dir = os.popen(kde_config+' --expandvars --install ' + option).read().strip()
env[var] = dir
env['QTPLUGINS']=os.popen(kde_config+' --expandvars --install qtplugins').read().strip()
## kde libs and includes
if not kdelibs:
kdelibs=os.popen(kde_config+' --expandvars --install lib').read().strip()
## qt libs and includes
if not qtlibs:
def generate(env):
""""Set up the qt and kde environment and builders - the moc part is difficult to understand """
# attach this function immediately
if env['HELP']:
p('BOLD','*** KDE options ***')
p('BOLD','* prefix ','base install path, ie: /usr/local')
p('BOLD','* execprefix ','install path for binaries, ie: /usr/bin')
p('BOLD','* datadir ','install path for the data, ie: /usr/local/share')
p('BOLD','* libdir ','install path for the libs, ie: /usr/lib')
p('BOLD','* qtdir ','base of the kde libraries')
p('BOLD','* kdedir ','base of the qt libraries')
p('BOLD','* libsuffix ','suffix of libraries on amd64, ie: 64, 32')
p('BOLD','* kdeincludes','kde includes path (/usr/include/kde on debian, ..)')
p('BOLD','* qtincludes ','qt includes path (/usr/include/qt on debian, ..)')
p('BOLD','* kdelibs ','kde libraries path, for linking the programs')
p('BOLD','* qtlibs ','qt libraries path, for linking the program')
p('BOLD','* scons configure libdir=/usr/local/lib qtincludes=/usr/include/qt\n')
import SCons.Defaults
import SCons.Tool
import SCons.Util
import SCons.Node
def reldir(dir):
ndir = SCons.Node.FS.default_fs.Dir(dir).srcnode().abspath
rootdir = SCons.Node.FS.default_fs.Dir('#').abspath
return ndir.replace(rootdir, '').lstrip('/')
def relfile(file):
nfile = SCons.Node.FS.default_fs.File(file).srcnode().abspath
rootdir = SCons.Node.FS.default_fs.Dir('#').abspath
return nfile.replace(rootdir, '').lstrip('/')
CLVar = SCons.Util.CLVar
splitext = SCons.Util.splitext
Builder = SCons.Builder.Builder
# Detect the environment - replaces ./configure implicitely and store the options into a cache
from SCons.Options import Options
opts = Options(cachefile)
('PREFIX', 'root of the program installation'),
('QTDIR', ''),
('QTLIBPATH', 'path to the qt libraries'),
('QTINCLUDEPATH', 'path to the qt includes'),
('QT_UIC', 'uic command'),
('QT_MOC', 'moc command'),
('QTPLUGINS', 'uic executable command'),
('KDEDIR', ''),
('KDELIBPATH', 'path to the installed kde libs'),
('KDEINCLUDEPATH', 'path to the installed kde includes'),
('KDEBIN', 'inst path of the kde binaries'),
('KDEINCLUDE', 'inst path of the kde include files'),
('KDELIB', 'inst path of the kde libraries'),
('KDEMODULE', 'inst path of the parts and libs'),
('KDEDATA', 'inst path of the application data'),
('KDELOCALE', ''), ('KDEDOC', ''), ('KDEKCFG', ''),
('KDEXDG', ''), ('KDEXDGDIR', ''), ('KDEMENU', ''),
('KDEMIME', ''), ('KDEICONS', ''), ('KDESERV', ''),
('KDESERVTYPES', ''), ('KDEAPPS', ''),
def getInstDirForResType(lenv,restype):
if len(restype) == 0 or not lenv.has_key(restype):
lenv.pprint('RED',"unknown resource type "+restype)
else: instdir = lenv[restype]
if env['ARGS'] and env['ARGS'].has_key('prefix'):
instdir = instdir.replace(lenv['PREFIX'], env['ARGS']['prefix'])
return instdir
# reconfigure when things are missing
if not env['HELP'] and (env['_CONFIGURE'] or not env.has_key('QTDIR') or not env.has_key('KDEDIR')):
opts.Save(cachefile, env)
## set default variables, one can override them in sconscript files
env.Append(CXXFLAGS = ['-I'+env['KDEINCLUDEPATH'], '-I'+env['QTINCLUDEPATH'] ],
env['QT_AUTOSCAN'] = 1
env['QT_DEBUG'] = 0
env['MEINPROC'] = 'meinproc'
env['MSGFMT'] = 'msgfmt'
## ui file processing
def uic_processing(target, source, env):
inc_kde ='#include <klocale.h>\n#include <kdialog.h>\n'
inc_moc ='#include "%s"\n' % target[2].name
comp_h ='$QT_UIC -L $QTPLUGINS -nounload -o %s %s' % (target[0].path, source[0].path)
comp_c ='$QT_UIC -L $QTPLUGINS -nounload -tr tr2i18n -impl %s %s' % (target[0].path, source[0].path)
comp_moc ='$QT_MOC -o %s %s' % (target[2].path, target[0].path)
if env.Execute(comp_h): return ret
dest = open( target[1].path, "w" )
if env.Execute( comp_c+" >> "+target[1].path ): return ret
dest = open( target[1].path, "a" )
ret = env.Execute( comp_moc )
return ret
def uicEmitter(target, source, env):
adjustixes = SCons.Util.adjustixes
bs = SCons.Util.splitext(str(source[0].name))[0]
bs = env.join(str(target[0].get_dir()),bs)
return target, source
def kcfg_buildit(target, source, env):
comp='kconfig_compiler -d%s %s %s' % (str(source[0].get_dir()), source[1].path, source[0].path)
return env.Execute(comp)
def kcfg_stringit(target, source, env):
print "processing %s to get %s and %s" % (source[0].name, target[0].name, target[1].name)
def kcfgEmitter(target, source, env):
adjustixes = SCons.Util.adjustixes
bs = SCons.Util.splitext(str(source[0].name))[0]
bs = env.join(str(target[0].get_dir()),bs)
# .h file is already there
target.append( bs+'.cpp' )
kcfgFileDeclRx = re.compile("[fF]ile\s*=\s*(.+)\s*")
match =
if match: kcfgfilename =
if not kcfgfilename:
env.pprint('RED','invalid kcfgc file '+source[0].srcnode().abspath)
source.append( env.join( str(source[0].get_dir()), kcfgfilename) )
return target, source
env['BUILDERS']['Kcfg']=Builder(action=env.Action(kcfg_buildit, kcfg_stringit),
emitter=kcfgEmitter, suffix='.h', src_suffix='.kcfgc')
## MOC processing
env['BUILDERS']['Moc']=Builder(action='$QT_MOC -o $TARGET $SOURCE',suffix='.moc',src_suffix='.h')
env['BUILDERS']['Moccpp']=Builder(action='$QT_MOC -o $TARGET $SOURCE',suffix='_moc.cpp',src_suffix='.h')
## KIDL file
env['BUILDERS']['Kidl']=Builder(action= 'dcopidl $SOURCE > $TARGET || (rm -f $TARGET ; false)',
suffix='.kidl', src_suffix='.h')
env['BUILDERS']['Dcop']=Builder(action='dcopidl2cpp --c++-suffix cpp --no-signals --no-stub $SOURCE',
suffix='_skel.cpp', src_suffix='.kidl')
env['BUILDERS']['Stub']=Builder(action= 'dcopidl2cpp --c++-suffix cpp --no-signals --no-skel $SOURCE',
suffix='_stub.cpp', src_suffix='.kidl')
env['BUILDERS']['Meinproc']=Builder(action='cd $TARGET.dir && $MEINPROC --check --cache $ $',
env['BUILDERS']['Transfiles']=Builder(action='$MSGFMT $SOURCE -o $TARGET',suffix='.gmo',src_suffix='.po')
## Handy helpers for building kde programs
## You should not have to modify them ..
ui_ext = [".ui"]
kcfg_ext = ['.kcfgc']
header_ext = [".h", ".hxx", ".hpp", ".hh"]
cpp_ext = [".cpp", ".cxx", ".cc"]
skel_ext = [".skel", ".SKEL"]
stub_ext = [".stub", ".STUB"]
def KDEfiles(lenv, target, source):
""" Returns a list of files for scons (handles kde tricks like .skel)
It also makes custom checks against double includes like : ['file.ui', 'file.cpp']
(file.cpp is already included because of file.ui) """
#print "kdefiles"
q_object_search = re.compile(r'[^A-Za-z0-9]Q_OBJECT[^A-Za-z0-9]')
def scan_moc(cppfile):
# try to find the header
for n_h_ext in header_ext:
if afile.rexists():
# We have the header corresponding to the cpp file
if h_file:
h_contents = h_file.get_contents()
# we know now there is Q_OBJECT macro
reg = '\n\s*#include\s*("|<)'+str(bs)+'.moc("|>)'
meta_object_search = re.compile(reg)
#cpp_contents = open(file_cpp, 'rb').read()
print "WARNING: moc.cpp for "" consider using #include <file.moc> instead"
return addfile
# For each file, check wether it is a dcop file or not, and create the complete list of sources
for file in source_:
sfile=SCons.Node.FS.default_fs.File(str(file)) # why str(file) ? because ordinal not in range issues
bs = SCons.Util.splitext(file)[0]
ext = SCons.Util.splitext(file)[1]
if ext in skel_ext:
if not bs in kidl:
elif ext in stub_ext:
if not bs in kidl:
elif ext == ".moch":
elif ext in cpp_ext:
if not env.has_key('NOMOCFILE'):
ret = scan_moc(sfile)
if ret: src.append( sfile.dir.File(ret) )
elif ext in ui_ext:
elif ext in kcfg_ext:
for base in kidl: lenv.Kidl(base+'.h')
# Now check against typical newbie errors
for file in ui_files:
for ofile in other_files:
if ofile == file:
env.pprint('RED',"WARNING: You have included %s.ui and another file of the same prefix"%file)
print "Files generated by uic (file.h, file.cpp must not be included"
for file in kcfg_files:
for ofile in other_files:
if ofile == file:
env.pprint('RED',"WARNING: You have included %s.kcfg and another file of the same prefix"%file)
print "Files generated by kconfig_compiler (settings.h, settings.cpp) must not be included"
#print "end kdefiles"
return src
""" In the future, these functions will contain the code that will dump the
configuration for re-use from an IDE """
def KDEinstall(lenv, restype, subdir, files, perms=None):
if env.has_key('DUMPCONFIG'):
ret= "<install type=\"%s\" subdir=\"%s\">\n" % (restype, subdir)
for i in lenv.make_list(files):
ret += " <file name=\"%s\"/>\n" % (relfile(i))
ret += "</install>\n"
return None
if not env['_INSTALL']: return None
dir = getInstDirForResType(lenv, restype)
if not perms:
if restype=='KDEBIN': p=0755
else: p=perms
install_list = lenv.bksys_install(lenv.join(dir, subdir), files, perms=p)
return install_list
def KDEinstallas(lenv, restype, destfile, file):
if not env['_INSTALL']: return
dir = getInstDirForResType(lenv, restype)
install_list = lenv.InstallAs(lenv.join(dir, destfile), file)
env.Alias('install', install_list)
return install_list
def KDEprogram(lenv, target, source,
includes='', localshlibs='', globallibs='', globalcxxflags=''):
""" Makes a kde program
The program is installed except if one sets env['NOAUTOINSTALL'] """
src = KDEfiles(lenv, target, source)
program_list = lenv.Program(target, src)
# we link the program against a shared library done locally, add the dependency
if not lenv.has_key('nosmart_includes'):
if len(localshlibs)>0:
lenv.Depends( program_list, lst )
if len(includes)>0: lenv.KDEaddpaths_includes(includes)
if len(globallibs)>0: lenv.KDEaddlibs(globallibs)
if len(globalcxxflags)>0: lenv.KDEaddflags_cxx(globalcxxflags)
if not lenv.has_key('NOAUTOINSTALL'):
KDEinstall(lenv, 'KDEBIN', '', target)
return program_list
def KDEshlib(lenv, target, source, kdelib=0, libprefix='lib',
includes='', localshlibs='', globallibs='', globalcxxflags='', vnum=''):
""" Makes a shared library for kde (.la file for klibloader)
The library is installed except if one sets env['NOAUTOINSTALL'] """
src = KDEfiles(lenv, target, source)
if not lenv.has_key('nosmart_includes'):
# we link the program against a shared library done locally, add the dependency
if len(localshlibs)>0:
if len(includes)>0: lenv.KDEaddpaths_includes(includes)
if len(globallibs)>0: lenv.KDEaddlibs(globallibs)
if len(globalcxxflags)>0: lenv.KDEaddflags_cxx(globalcxxflags)
if kdelib==1: restype='KDELIB'
library_list = lenv.bksys_shlib(target, src, getInstDirForResType(lenv, restype), libprefix, vnum)
if len(lst)>0: lenv.Depends( library_list, lst )
return library_list
def KDEstaticlib(lenv, target, source):
""" Makes a static library for kde - in practice you should not use static libraries
1. they take more memory than shared ones
2. needed it because of limitations
(cannot handle sources in separate folders - takes extra processing) """
if not lenv.has_key('nosmart_includes'): lenv.AppendUnique(CPPPATH=['./'])
src=KDEfiles(lenv, target, source)
return lenv.StaticLibrary(target, src)
# do not install static libraries by default
def KDEaddflags_cxx(lenv, fl):
""" Compilation flags for C++ programs """
lenv.AppendUnique(CXXFLAGS = lenv.make_list(fl))
def KDEaddflags_c(lenv, fl):
""" Compilation flags for C programs """
lenv.AppendUnique(CFLAGS = lenv.make_list(fl))
def KDEaddflags_link(lenv, fl):
""" Add link flags - Use this if KDEaddlibs below is not enough """
lenv.PrependUnique(LINKFLAGS = lenv.make_list(fl))
def KDEaddlibs(lenv, libs):
""" Helper function """
lenv.AppendUnique(LIBS = lenv.make_list(libs))
def KDEaddpaths_includes(lenv, paths):
""" Add new include paths """
lenv.AppendUnique(CPPPATH = lenv.make_list(paths))
def KDEaddpaths_libs(lenv, paths):
""" Add paths to libraries """
lenv.PrependUnique(LIBPATH = lenv.make_list(paths))
def KDElang(lenv, folder, appname):
""" Process translations (.po files) in a po/ dir """
import glob
tmptransfiles = glob.glob(str(fld)+'/*.po')
if lenv.has_key('DUMPCONFIG'):
lenv.add_dump( "<podir dir=\"%s\" name=\"%s\"/>\n" % (reldir(dir), appname) )
if lenv.has_key('_BUILDDIR_'):
for pof in lenv.make_list(tmptransfiles):
d3=lenv.join(bdir, d2)
#print d2
#print d3
transfiles.append( lenv.join('#', bdir, d2) )
else: transfiles=tmptransfiles
if lenv['ARGS'] and lenv['ARGS'].has_key('languages'):
for f in transfiles:
#fname=f.replace(mydir.abspath, '')
country = SCons.Util.splitext([0]
if not languages or country in languages:
result = lenv.Transfiles(file)
dir=lenv.join( getInstDirForResType(lenv, 'KDELOCALE'), country)
lenv.bksys_install(lenv.join(dir, 'LC_MESSAGES'), result, destfile=appname+'.mo')
def KDEicon(lenv, icname='*', path='./', restype='KDEICONS', subdir=''):
"""Contributed by: "Andrey Golovizin" <grooz()gorodok()net>
modified by "Martin Ellis" <m.a.ellis()ncl()ac()uk>
Installs icons with filenames such as cr22-action-frame.png into
KDE icon hierachy with names like icons/crystalsvg/22x22/actions/frame.png.
Global KDE icons can be installed simply using env.KDEicon('name').
The second parameter, path, is optional, and specifies the icons
location in the source, relative to the SConscript file.
To install icons that need to go under an applications directory (to
avoid name conflicts, for example), use e.g.
env.KDEicon('name', './', 'KDEDATA', 'appname/icons')"""
if lenv.has_key('DUMPCONFIG'):
lenv.add_dump( "<icondir>\n" )
lenv.add_dump( " <icondirent dir=\"%s\" subdir=\"%s\"/>\n" % (reldir(path), subdir) )
lenv.add_dump( "</icondir>\n" )
type_dic = { 'action':'actions', 'app':'apps', 'device':'devices',
'filesys':'filesystems', 'mime':'mimetypes' }
dir_dic = {
'los' :'locolor/16x16', 'lom' :'locolor/32x32',
'him' :'hicolor/32x32', 'hil' :'hicolor/48x48',
'lo16' :'locolor/16x16', 'lo22' :'locolor/22x22', 'lo32' :'locolor/32x32',
'hi16' :'hicolor/16x16', 'hi22' :'hicolor/22x22', 'hi32' :'hicolor/32x32',
'hi48' :'hicolor/48x48', 'hi64' :'hicolor/64x64', 'hi128':'hicolor/128x128',
'hisc' :'hicolor/scalable',
'cr16' :'crystalsvg/16x16', 'cr22' :'crystalsvg/22x22', 'cr32' :'crystalsvg/32x32',
'cr48' :'crystalsvg/48x48', 'cr64' :'crystalsvg/64x64', 'cr128':'crystalsvg/128x128',
'crsc' :'crystalsvg/scalable'
iconfiles = []
import glob
for ext in ['png', 'xpm', 'mng', 'svg', 'svgz']:
files = glob.glob(str(dir)+'/'+'*-*-%s.%s' % (icname, ext))
for file in files:
iconfiles.append( file.replace(mydir.abspath, '') )
for iconfile in iconfiles:
lst = iconfile.split('/')
filename = lst[ len(lst) - 1 ]
tmp = filename.split('-')
if len(tmp)!=3:
env.pprint('RED','WARNING: icon filename has unknown format: '+iconfile)
[icon_dir, icon_type, icon_filename]=tmp
basedir=getInstDirForResType(lenv, restype)
destdir = '%s/%s/%s/%s/' % (basedir, subdir, dir_dic[icon_dir], type_dic[icon_type])
except KeyError:
env.pprint('RED','WARNING: unknown icon type: '+iconfile)
lenv.bksys_install(destdir, iconfile, icon_filename)
## This function uses env imported above - WARNING ugly code, i will have to rewrite (ITA)
def docfolder(lenv, folder, lang, destination=""):
# folder is the folder to process
# lang is the language
# destination is the subdirectory in KDEDOC (appname)
import glob
docg = glob.glob(str(dir)+"/???*.*") # file files that are at least 4 chars wide :)
for file in docg:
f = file.replace(dirpath, '')
if lenv.has_key('DUMPCONFIG'):
lenv.add_dump( "<docdir name=\"%s\">\n" % destination)
lenv.add_dump( " <docdirent lang=\"%s\" dir=\"%s\"/>\n" % (lang, reldir(dir)) )
lenv.add_dump( "</docdir>\n" )
# warn about errors
#if len(lang) != 2:
# print "error, lang must be a two-letter string, like 'en'"
# when the destination is not given, use the folder
if len(destination) == 0: destination=folder
docbook_list = []
if lenv.has_key('_BUILDDIR_'): bdir = lenv['_BUILDDIR_']
for file in docfiles:
# do not process folders
#if not os.path.isfile( lenv.join('.', file) ): continue
# build a node representing the file in the build directory to force symlinking
nodefile=relfile( lenv.join(mydir.abspath, file) )
#print nodefile
#nodefile=relfile( lenv.join(self.dirprefix, file) )
nodefile=SCons.Node.FS.default_fs.File( lenv.join('#', bdir, nodefile) )
#print nodefile.abspath
# do not process the cache file
if file == 'index.cache.bz2': continue
# ignore invalid files (TODO??)
if len( SCons.Util.splitext( file ) ) <= 1: continue
ext = SCons.Util.splitext( file )[1]
# install picture files
if ext in ['.jpeg', '.jpg', '.png']: lenv.KDEinstall('KDEDOC', lenv.join(lang,destination), nodefile.abspath)
# docbook files are processed by meinproc
if ext != '.docbook': continue
docbook_list.append( nodefile )
lenv.KDEinstall('KDEDOC', lenv.join(lang,destination), nodefile.abspath)
# Now process the index.docbook files ..
if len(docbook_list) == 0: return
for file in docbook_list:
if not index:
print "BUG in docfolder: no index.docbook but docbook files found"
for file in docbook_list:
# make the cache.bz2 file depend on all .docbook files in the same dir
lenv.Depends( cache, file )
lenv.Meinproc( cache, index )
lenv.KDEinstall( 'KDEDOC', lenv.join(lang,destination), cache )
if env['_INSTALL']:
dir=lenv.join(env['DESTDIR'], lenv.getInstDirForResType('KDEDOC'), lang, destination)
comp='mkdir -p %s && cd %s && rm -f common && ln -s ../common common' % (dir, dir)
#self.env.AddPostAction(lenv.join(dir, 'common'), self.env.Chmod(ins, self.perms))
# TODO add post action of cache (index.cache.bz2)
#valid_targets = "program shlib kioslave staticlib".split()
import generic
class kobject(generic.genobj):
def __init__(self, val, senv=None):
if senv: generic.genobj.__init__(self, val, senv)
else: generic.genobj.__init__(self, val, env)
def it_is_a_kdelib(self): self.iskdelib=1
def execute(self):
if self.executed: return
if self.orenv.has_key('DUMPCONFIG'):
if (self.type=='shlib' or self.type=='kioslave'):
install_dir = 'KDEMODULE'
if self.iskdelib==1: install_dir = 'KDELIB'
self.instdir=getInstDirForResType(self.orenv, install_dir)
elif self.type=='program':
self.instdir=getInstDirForResType(self.orenv, 'KDEBIN')
#print self.source
#print "hallo"
self.p_localsource=KDEfiles(env, self.joinpath(, self.joinpath(self.source))
#print self.p_localsource
def xml(self):
dirprefix = reldir('.')
if not dirprefix: dirprefix=self.dirprefix
ret='<compile type="%s" dirprefix="%s" target="%s" cxxflags="%s" cflags="%s" includes="%s" linkflags="%s" libpaths="%s" libs="%s" vnum="%s" iskdelib="%s" libprefix="%s">\n' % (self.type, dirprefix,, self.cxxflags, self.cflags, self.includes, self.linkflags, self.libpaths, self.libs, self.vnum, self.iskdelib, self.libprefix)
if self.source:
for i in self.orenv.make_list(self.source): ret+=' <source file="%s"/>\n' % i
# Attach the functions to the environment so that SConscripts can use them
SConsEnvironment.KDEprogram = KDEprogram
SConsEnvironment.KDEshlib = KDEshlib
SConsEnvironment.KDEstaticlib = KDEstaticlib
SConsEnvironment.KDEinstall = KDEinstall
SConsEnvironment.KDEinstallas = KDEinstallas
SConsEnvironment.KDElang = KDElang
SConsEnvironment.KDEicon = KDEicon
SConsEnvironment.KDEaddflags_cxx = KDEaddflags_cxx
SConsEnvironment.KDEaddflags_c = KDEaddflags_c
SConsEnvironment.KDEaddflags_link = KDEaddflags_link
SConsEnvironment.KDEaddlibs = KDEaddlibs
SConsEnvironment.KDEaddpaths_includes = KDEaddpaths_includes
SConsEnvironment.KDEaddpaths_libs = KDEaddpaths_libs
SConsEnvironment.docfolder = docfolder
SConsEnvironment.getInstDirForResType = getInstDirForResType
SConsEnvironment.kobject = kobject
@ -0,0 +1,142 @@
from xml.sax import make_parser
from xml.sax.handler import ContentHandler
import SCons.Util
def exists(env):
return True
class SconsHandler(ContentHandler):
def __init__ (self, envi, builddir):
self.envname = ""
self.env = envi
self.builddir="" #envi['_BUILDDIR_']
#self.dump = True
self.dump = False
self.count = 0
self.dir = ""
self.autoinstall = False
self.obj = ""
self.subdir =""
self.type =""
def adrl(self, file):
if self.builddir:
return dir
def dump_commands(self, str):
if self.dump:
print str
def startElement(self, name, attrs):
if name == 'icondirent':
dir = attrs.get('dir', '')
sbdir = attrs.get('subdir', '')
if dir:
#if self.env.has_key("DUMPCONFIG"):
# print "env.KDEicon('"+dir+")'"
self.env.KDEicon('*', self.adrl(dir), subdir=sbdir)
elif name == 'subdirent':
dir = attrs.get('dir', None)
if dir:
#if self.env.has_key("DUMPCONFIG"):
# print "env.SConscript('"+dir+"/SConscript')"
elif name == 'docdir':
self.appname = self.adrl( attrs.get('name', None) )
elif name == 'docdirent':
dir = attrs.get('dir', None)
lang = attrs.get('lang', None)
if dir and lang:
#if self.env.has_key("DUMPCONFIG"):
# print "env.docfolder('"+dir+"', '"+lang+"', '"+self.appname+"')"
self.env.docfolder(self.adrl(dir), lang, self.appname)
elif name == 'podir':
dir = attrs.get('dir', None)
appname = attrs.get('name', None)
if dir and appname:
if self.env.has_key('_BUILDDIR_'): dir=self.env.join(self.env['_BUILDDIR_'], dir)
self.env.KDElang(dir, appname)
elif name == 'install':
self.type = attrs.get('type', None)
self.subdir = attrs.get('subdir', None)
elif name == 'file':
name = attrs.get('name', None)
if self.type:
#if self.env.has_key("DUMPCONFIG"):
# print "env.KDEinstall('"+self.type+"', '"+self.subdir+"', '"+name+"')"
self.env.KDEinstall(self.type, self.subdir, name)
elif name == 'compile':
type = attrs.get('type', None)
if not type: self.env.Exit(1)
self.obj = self.env.kobject(type)
|||| = str(attrs.get('target', ''))
self.obj.source = []
self.obj.includes = str(attrs.get('includes', ''))
self.obj.cflags = str(attrs.get('cflags', ''))
self.obj.cxxflags = str(attrs.get('cxxflags', ''))
self.obj.libs = str(attrs.get('libs', ''))
self.obj.linkflags = str(attrs.get('linkflags', ''))
self.obj.libpath = str(attrs.get('libpath', ''))
self.obj.vnum = str(attrs.get('vnum', ''))
self.obj.iskdelib = str(attrs.get('iskdelib', 0))
self.obj.libprefix = str(attrs.get('libprefix', ''))
self.obj.chdir = self.adrl(str(attrs.get('chdir', '')))
self.obj.dirprefix = self.adrl(str(attrs.get('dirprefix', './')))
if not self.obj.dirprefix: self.obj.dirprefix='./' # avoid silly errors
elif name == 'source':
file = attrs.get('file', None)
condition = attrs.get('condition', "");
for c in lst:
if self.env.has_key(c):
self.obj.source.append( file )
if file and not condition: self.obj.source.append( file )
def endElement(self, name):
if name == 'compile':
def generate(env):
def xmlfile(env, file, builddir=''):
parser = make_parser()
curHandler = SconsHandler(env, builddir)
from SCons.Script.SConscript import SConsEnvironment
SConsEnvironment.xmlfile = xmlfile
Binary file not shown.
@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<bksys version="2">
<compile type="program" dirprefix="src"
libs="kdeui qt-mt iw">
<source file="main.cpp"/>
<source file="netlistviewitem.cpp"/>
<source file="ui_NetParamsEdit.ui"/>
<source file="ui_NetParamsWizard.ui"/>
<source file="ui_main.ui"/>
<source file="ui_netparamsedit.cpp"/>
<source file="ui_netparamswizard.cpp"/>
<source file="waconfig.cpp"/>
<source file="watools.cpp"/>
<source file="wlassistant.cpp"/>
<icondirent dir="icons"/>
<podir dir="po" name="wlassistant"/>
<install type="KDEMENU" subdir="Utilities/">
<file name="src/wlassistant.desktop"/>
@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
# Fancy colors used to beautify the output a bit.
# Checks for Python interpreter. Honours $PYTHON if set. Stores path to
# interpreter in $PYTHON.
if [ -z $PYTHON ]; then
PYTHON=`which python 2> /dev/null`
echo -n "Checking for Python : "
if [ ! -x "$PYTHON" ]; then
echo -e $GREEN"not found!"$NORMAL
echo "Please make sure that the Python interpreter is available in your PATH"
echo "or invoke configure using the PYTHON flag, e.g."
echo "$ PYTHON=/usr/local/bin/python configure"
exit 1
# Checks for SCons. Honours $SCONS if set. Stores path to 'scons' in $SCONS.
# Requires that $PYTHON is set.
echo -n "Checking for SCons : "
if [ -z $SCONS ]; then
SCONS=`which scons 2> /dev/null`
if [ ! -x "$SCONS" ]; then
echo -e $BOLD"not found, will use mini distribution."$NORMAL
tar xjf bksys/scons-mini.tar.bz2
# Generates a Makefile. Requires that $SCONS is set.
cat > Makefile << EOF
# it is also possible to use
# @$SCONS -j4
@$SCONS install
@$SCONS -c
@$SCONS -c install
@$SCONS dist
rm -rf cache/
-find . -name '*~' | \
xargs rm
-find . -name '*.ui' | \
xargs perl -pi -e 's#version="3.3"#version="3.2"#; s#^\ *<#<#'
$SCONS configure $@
@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
Wireless Assistant (wlassistant) is a small KDE application
allowing you to easily connect to wireless networks.
@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
Pawel Nawrocki <>
Special thanks go to people that contributed in various ways, listed chornologically:
elitecodex and his friend
Michael Long
Marc Onrust
Florian Obradovic
Stephan Binner
Marcel Hilzinger
Christian Bird
Remco Treffkorn
Gerwin Krist
Ed Cates
Andrey Kislyuk
Daniel Nascimento
Olivier Butler
Sheldon Lee-Wen
Adonay Sanz Alsina
Achim Bohnet
Peter Zhang
Wintceas Godois
James Ots
...and everyone that helped by reporting bugs and giving ideas, as well as packagers.
@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
==> The highlited entry representing network that you are connected to has an icon left of the ESSID. If this icon is grayed out, it means that you are successfully connected to the AP, but the internet is not reachable. In this case, the problem is most likely on the AP side. If the icon is in full-colour, it means that both AP and Internet are accessible.
==> Increasing the DHCP Timeout option might help if you have trouble connecting to some networks. However, before you do increase this value, double-check that all other settings (esp. WEP) are set correctly.
==> If it takes a long time to detect an existing connection, you are using a DHCP client and message "...from 'route'" appears in the console, you might want to edit wlassistantrc and make sure that DHCP PID Path and DHCP Info Path for your DHCP client are set correctly.
If you delete these values from the config file, they will be reverted to defaults next time you run Wireless Assistant.
@ -0,0 +1,364 @@
*** 0.3.5 TODO:
+Generic parsing function
+WEP key config input validator
+WEP Keys config
+WEP Selection dialog
+Key setting (iwconfig)
+Add "key off" arguments when connecting to unencrypted netw.
+getVal -> if no endstr specified, parse till QString::length()
+getVal -> if no startstr specified, parse from the beginning
+set/improve TAB order for ui files
*** 0.3.6 TODO:
+sensible column widths
+encrypted? icon in netList
+graphical link quality
+find a nice icon for link quality
+add statusbar info if ad-hoc and/or encrypted skipped.
+automatically use WEP key if name matches ESSID (bool autoKey)
+default mode ui (defaultMode)
*** 0.3.7 TODO:
+fix sort order when scanned
+fix wrong device detection if more than 1 present (maybe regexp (^[a-zA-Z]{3,4}\\d$)
+fix: disable 'detect' & 'configure...' button when connecting
+change mode to Managed before scanning
+change quality calculation method.
+add channel column & config (thanks to Michael Long)
*** 0.3.8 TODO:
+make all columns resizable
+'name-essid matching case-sensitive' option
+show frequency if channel not available. (no other adjustments needed)
+reimplement NetListViewItem::width(...)
+proper column width setting taking scrollbars into account
+remove "Auto mode" - causes only problems.
+honor single click (option)
+quit upon successful connection (option)
*** HEY! Now you can connect with just ONE click! ***
+while getting quality, first try to find "Quality:" and calculate if not found, estimate if no noise level reported.
+move WEP stuff in netConnect() to a separate function (getWepKey())
+support for .pid files
+manual (not DHCP) config possibility
+option to run custom command upon connection
+connectionOk() function
+quality detection: support "Quality=" and "Noise level=" (maybe additional 'int offset' parameter?)
+masterToManaged flag to be on for orinoco_cs driver -> set as default for all cards.
+fix handling of ESSIDs with space
+proper error-handling in runCommand(...)
+install waconfig.kcfg to $KDE/share/config.kcfg/ (sf)
+fix path detection (skip /mnt etc)
+code cleanup: error messages to be called from within runCommand(...)
*** 0.3.9 TODO:
+dhclient support
+terminate process button
*** 0.5.0 TODO:
+hide device combo if only one found
+rewrite device detection (2.6 kernel only)
+path detection on startup. No more manual configuration.
+path detection upon WACommands initialization ( 'init()' function )
+.desktop file: 'Exec=sudo wlassistant'
+remove Ad-Hoc support
+remove Ad-Hoc code
+remove GUI for options:
+ scan upon startup
+ skip ad-hoc
+ skip encrypted
+net params read/write to config framework
+paint "<hidden>" in italics.
+first time connection wizard
+wizard: don't ask if WEP is needed, get it from NetParams (which gets it from selected item in the list view)
+debugging code! (stdout) (std::cout << "ERROR MSG")
+code cleanup: forward declarations ('class') in headers
+support for <hidden> ESSIDs (modify wizard dialog, additional page)
+rewrite runCommand(...) function
+manual DNS setup ( 'setDNS()' function )
+new, detailed description on
*** 0.5.1 TODO:
+add 'wasHiddenEssid' and 'wasWep' booleans as part of NetParams for change monitoring.
+NetParams change monitoring & actions.
+move to i18n(..) strings
+refine ui (as suggested by Stephan Binner)
+dialog: edit connection
+error handling: connecting failed? Ask if the user wishes to review network parameters.
+"Settings Updated." status bar message.
+fix newly hidden essid handling
+try to kill both dhcpcd AND dhclient, regardless of current DHCP client, in case e.g. dhclient is running but wlassistant defaults to dhcpcd when it's available
+Check if radio on and ask if should be turned on if necessary (before scanning).
+Get channel from list, not config.
+column widths still are wrong sometimes.
+change scan results parsing to use QRegExp, adapt to wireless-tools-27 (e.g. always get channel #, etc)
+function to get ESSID of network connected to
+write essid of network connected to in bold letters (new setConnected() function of NetListViewItem, private bool mConnected)
+change connectedNetwork when interface changes.
+dynamic quality updating for connected network.
+revise/rewrite paintCell function, reduce flicker.
+'disconnect' button/option in the context menu (when appropriate)
+option to reconnect to currently connected network.
+cvs repository
*** 0.5.1a TODO:
+fix: don't set network as connected if link quality=0.
+fix column width calculation (last time hopefully. Was using wrong font metrics for connectedItem)
+bring back the 'AP' column.
+fix: tab order in "Edit settings..." dialog.
+remove wlassistant.rc file, update accordingly.
+fix action taken when clicking on connectedItem when its network is not configured.
+create 'itemAction()' function to run config/connect/disconnect/reconnect/etc after single click depending on item's status.
*** 0.5.2 TODO:
+icon marking connected network.
+fix crash on startup/scan.
+reduce flicker when populating netList.
+report 1/2 STAR *only if* link quality is 1+
+workaround to fix problems with some drivers wrongly reporting that interface is connected when it is not.
+connection status monitoring + actions.
+review netReconnect and netDisconnect functions.
+function to check if radio is physically turned off (with a switch on a laptop) if no scan results.
+fix overusing of cache
+'Do not ask again' checkboxes. (Conn lost, reconnect?, Conn failed, review settings?,...)
*** 0.5.2a-c:
+when detecting active connection: ping prints some errors on stdout, not stderr. :| Try to catch them.
+only check for active connection if there was none before scan.
*** 0.5.2d TODO:
+wait 1sec(1.5?) after killing dhcp client to make sure it quits.
+don't ifdown immediately after connection check fails.
+revert default action of connected item to disconnect.
*** 0.5.2e TODO:
+BUG REPORTED: dhclient doesn't get killed when connection fails.
+other fixes
*** 0.5.3 TODO:
+'Connect' button caption change when currentItem is selected.
+Connect the 'connect' button to itemAction().
+get mouse behaviour from KGlobalSettings::singleClick()
+make change of KGlobalSettings::singleClick() immediately apply in wlassistant.
+remove "Honor KDE single click" UI.
+connect signals/slots in wlassistant.cpp, not in the .ui files.
+remove "Honor KDE single click" from kcfg.
+remove 'netReconnect()' function, replacing with 'netConnect()' does the job.
+rework the config gui - replace netList&statusBar with config options (use WidgetStack, 'Settings' toggle-button).
+ gui for 'Quit upon successful connection'
+ gui for "Enable All Messages" option (KMessageBox::enableAllMessages()) ToolTip/WhatsThis: "Enable all messages which have been turned off with the 'Don't Show Again' feature."
+drop 'kconfigdialog.h' dependancy.
+remvoe showCfgDlg()
+reimplement 'close()' to save settings on quit.
+add timeout to dhclient & dhcpcd (not command line args), GUI
+when process running: change 'Close' button to 'Stop'. Pressing it should kill any running process.
+save last used interface in config.
+Formatting in message boxes.
+change button 'close' to 'stop' only if process runs longer than ca 1.5sec.
+change 'Settings' to 'Options' (application options).
+add 'What's This'help & tooltips.
+improve keyboard navigation (accels, tabs etc)
*** 0.5.4 TODO:
+create WATools
+create int WATools::quality(iface)
+create char* WATools::devices() [preferred]
+function to get gateway address from 'route'
+make wlassistant usable with cafes (login pages):
+ if ping_gateway ok: isConnected=true, isInternet=false.
+ show grayed out connectedIcon.
+ add 'isInternet' NetListViewItem property - set to 'true' when google reached.
+ quietly ping in the bg - if internet reached -> isInternet=true -> redraw change '?' to '->', change
+rewrite function to get gateway address to parse DHCP client files, so 'route' output is the last resort. (fast VS very slow).
+detect if connected AFTER scanning and showing network list. Otherwise it takes too long before something shows up.
+add paths to DHCP files with lease info to WAConfig, so user can modify them by hand-editing config file when necessary.
+create WATools::ap, WATools::ifname, WATools::setIfname, WATools::txpower
+review 'timerConnectionCheck' occurences. Make it work regardless of connectedItem presence (to detect if connected from an outside app)
+change QTimer::singleShot(...,..., SLOT(checkConnectionStatus()) ) to an timer object so it can be stopped at scan/disconnect -> this fixes 'wlassistant crashes when pressing 'scan' a lot' bug.
+set config groups
+create README with usage hints
+change 'restricted' to 'shared key'
+change 'open' to 'open system'
+change 'connect from selected network' to 'connect to connected network'
+add Portugese Brazilian translation (by Daniel Nascimento)
+add Polish description to .desktop file (Comment[pl])
*** 0.5.4a TODO:
+remove setIfname and ifname from WATools, get it from argument of each function.
+don't check for active connection when no scan results.
+change linux/socket.h to sys/socket.h in watools.cpp
+fix 'no scan results' problem
+make WATools::txpower return -1 if radio is disabled.
+add spanish translation by mariodebian
*** 0.5.5 TODO:
+add 'ASCII' checkbox for WEP key field. (prepends "s:")
+change "Checking radio..." and "ok"/not ok to "Radio OK" or "Radio not ok".
+apply patch for (by Sheldon Lee-Wen)
+version in title
+?review WATools and fix crash reason.
+add QStringList dependancy to WATools, update functions to utilize it.
+get we_version from iw_something_kernel_we function, cache it. (watools)
+migrate to bksys/scons
+detect paths to .pid and .info files. It's too hard to figure it out by the users. Fixes "can't switch network" bug.
+no console output if radio ok.
+add missing i18n (wlassistant.cpp, line 382
+make kernel socket number static. open when needed, reuse later. Create WATools::cleanup.
+normalize quality returned by scan results.
*** 0.5.6 TODO:
+skip channel setting if not supported
+wait a bit before connection state checking
+per-network option to run user-specified commands after/before (dis)connecting.
+option to auto connect on startup
*** 0.5.7 TODO:
+hide WEP key in stdout and edit dialogs
+AP grouping
+horiz. center 'secured' icon
+fix bug: connected item NOT highlighted, when AP is "any"
+experimental WPA-PSK support:
+ get WPA settings from scanning
+ WPA support in connection wizard and edit dialog
+ WPA config file generator
+ wpa_supplicant status monitoring using wpa_cli
+ WPA driver detection
+ Show error when trying to connect to WPA-protected net and wpa_supplicant is not available.
+change "Group APs with same ESSID" label
+remove "...supported by iwconfig..." label (WEP key, wizard)
+fix dhclient association not being recognized -> ping to verify connection ONLY with manual settings.
+fix regression from 0.5.5: dhclient fails to connect
+don't check for connection while wizard is running.
+implement WATools::setUp/isUp using ioctl, no more ifconfig calls and output parsing
+implement WATools::doRequest/doWirelessRequest to minimize code duplication
+don't resolve names when getting gateway from route (faster)
+fix crash when "Active connection found." for AP=any
+remove all "ifup" action instances
+define and use global WA_CONNECTION_CHECK_INTERVAL
+define and use WA_TX_THRESHOLD in WATools
+remove gateway detection code
+fix "Group Access Points..." label capitalization
+adapt NetListViewItem to new connection status checking
+fix: background check not disabled when connecting on startup.
+remove redundant actions in netparams.h
+fix flags operators
+show channel of best AP if they're grouped
+run wpa_supplicant detached. Monitor using wpa_cli
+don't check status when reconnection dialog is open
+remove wlassistantwpa file on disconnection
+detect running DHCP client when connection detected on startup ( get NetParams.dhcp from setParamsFromConfig? )
+run setParamsFromItem before auto connecting (to properly set encryption settings)
+update Polish translation (help from riklaunim)
+remove default gateway upon disconnection if not managed by DHCP client (add "route_del" action)
+new connection detection. Incremental, in WATools, no more pings. Removed isConnected in wlasssistant.*
+remove cluttering borders in user interface & more
+review possible iwlist scan outputs for WPA/WPA2-PSK
+review/fix bugs on sf formus
*** 0.5.8 TODO:
-Drop dependancy on ifconfig and route
- replace "ifconfig_manual" with new WATools functions.
- replace 'route' calls with ioctls SIOCADDRT and SIOCDELRT
-review netConnect function.
-fix keyboard navigation (enter should connect, not quit!)
-UI polish
-checkbox "Connect now!" in the last page of wizard
-meaningful messages about possible wpa_supplicant errors
-check for iwlib in configure script
-if connection lost and user wants to reconnect: disconnect and then scan before connecting to check if network is still available.
-real system tray support
-change "Quit upon successful connection" checkbox to "Minimize to system tray on successful connection"
*** 0.5.9 TODO:
-integrade kvpnc via dcop ( profiles(), setProfile(), doConnect(), doDisconnect() )
-fix all outstanding bugs
-update as many translations as possible
-make WPA-PSK support rock-stable
-code cleanup
-update/create WhatsThis and tooltips
*** 0.6.0 TODO:
-DCOP interface
-passive popups
0.6.9 TODO:
-preliminary support for wlan-ng
*** 0.7.0 TODO:
-wlan-ng support
*** I'm really bored TODO:
-About dialog
*** IDEAS ***
*** GENERAL ***
+ Do not show interface combo if only one interface found
+- detect paths
+ - pidof, ifconfig, iwconfig, iwlist, dhcpcd/dhclient...
+ no UI for path selection
+ wizard with net params config (auto/manual, DNS etc, ESSID if needed) for unknown APs. Returns config string (AP::ESSID::NetScore::<parameters>).
+ NetParams structure
+ save settings to AP (but also store ESSID)
+ if more that one AP with same ESSID - allow settings for all APs.
+ on scanning:
+ if more that one AP with same ESSID - show a single entry
- on connecting:
+ if AP & ESSID match - connect.
+ if match, but ENCRYPTION setting changed - disable enc/ask to enable.
- if AP matches, ESSID does not - ask if settings for AP should be used, change ESSID in config
- if only ESSID matches - ask.
+ if none match - ask.(show 1st connection wizard)
- tray icon menu:
- <some statistics>
- -----------------------
- disconnect (if connected)
- reconnect (if connected)
- connect (use preferred)
- -----------------------
- connect to -> ...
- -----------------------
- quit
- connection monitoring:
+ ping every 10/15/20s (?). if connection down:
- reconnect (if AP still found)
- connect to different AP same ESSID (if present)
- connect to known network with highest NetScore
- popup main win to select new network if any present, but none known
- popup error message if no network found. disconnect.
+ RMB on network entry:
+ connect
+ disconnect
+ reconnect
+ edit settings... (if network known)
+ forget settings...
*** ALWAYS CHECK 'REMOVE ME' code!!! ***
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
@ -0,0 +1,997 @@
# translation of ca.po to
# translation of ca.po to
# translation of es.po to
# translation of es.po to
# translation of wlassistant to Brazilian Portuguese
# This file is distributed under the same license as the wlassistant package.
# Copyright (C) 2005 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
# ClawLinux, 2005.
# ClawLinux, 2005.
# ClawLinux, 2005.
# ClawLinux, 2005.
# Daniel Nascimento <>, 2005.
# ClawLinux, 2005.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: ca\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2007-04-02 02:31+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2005-10-06 22:40+0200\n"
"Last-Translator: ClawLinux\n"
"Language-Team: <>\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"X-Generator: KBabel 1.9.1\n"
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:103
msgid "Initializing..."
msgstr "Engegant..."
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:110
msgid ""
"Kernel 2.6 or later not present.\n"
"Wireless Assistant will now quit."
msgstr ""
"Kernel 2.6 o superior no trobat.\n"
"L'assistent de xarxes inalàmbriques es tancarà ara."
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:156
msgid ""
"No usable wireless devices found.\n"
"Wireless Assistant will now quit."
msgstr ""
"No s'ha trobat cap dispositiu inalàmbric.\n"
"L'assistent de xarxes inalàmbriques es tancarà ara."
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:179
msgid ""
"<qt><p>You might have insufficient permissions for Wireless Assistant to "
"function properly.</p><p>Did you run it using '<tt>sudo</tt>'?</p></qt>"
msgstr ""
"<qt><p>Ha de tenir suficient permís per executar l'Assistent de Xarxes "
"Inalàmbriques satisfactoriament.</p><p>L'ha executat amb '<tt>sudo</tt>'?</"
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:200
msgid ""
"Executable(s) '%1' could not be found.\n"
"Wireless Assistant will now quit."
msgstr ""
"Programa(s) '%1' no troba(s).\n"
"L'assistent de xarxes inalàmbriques es tancarà ara."
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:238
msgid ""
"Connection to '%1' has been lost!\n"
"Would you like to reconnect?"
msgstr ""
"La connexió a '%1' s'ha perdut!\n"
"Vol tornar a connectar?"
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:238
msgid "Connection Lost"
msgstr "Connexió Perduda"
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:252
msgid ""
"<qt><p>Settings for network '<b>%1</b>' are about to be deleted.</p><p>Would "
"you like to continue?</p></qt>"
msgstr ""
"<qt><p>Les configuracions de xarxa '<b>%1</b>' seran esborrades.</p><p>Vol "
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:257
msgid "Settings deleted."
msgstr "Configuracions esborrades."
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:285
msgid ""
"<qt><p>File '<i>%1</i>' could not be opened for writing.</p><p>Nameserver(s) "
"and/or domain are not set.</p></qt>"
msgstr ""
"<qt><p>Arxiu '<i>%1</i>' no pot ser obert per la escriptura.</p><p>Servidor "
"de nom(s) i/o domini no pot ser configurat.</p></qt>"
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:317
msgid "Bringing interface %1 up..."
msgstr "Activant interfície %1..."
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:321
msgid "Waiting before scanning..."
msgstr ""
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:328
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:334
msgid "Scanning..."
msgstr "Cercant..."
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:343
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:807
msgid "Done."
msgstr "Fet."
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:348
msgid "No networks found."
msgstr "No s'ha trobat xarxes."
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:351
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Radio of your wireless card seems to be turned off using an external switch "
"on your computer.\n"
"You need turn it on to be able to use wireless networks."
msgstr ""
"La senyal de la teva targeta inalàmbrica ha sigut desactivada amb un "
"interruptor del seu equip.\n"
"Es necessari que activi l'interrumptor per utilitzar les xarxes "
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:459
msgid "Freq (Hz)"
msgstr "Freq (Hz)"
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:473
msgid ""
"Radio of your wireless card is off.\n"
"Would you like to turn it on?"
msgstr ""
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:559
#, fuzzy
msgid "Auto connection failed."
msgstr "Assistent de Primera Connexió"
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:570
msgid ""
"<qt><p><b>Can not connect to network '%1'.<b></p><p>The network you are "
"trying to connect to requires WPA authentication. The necessary executables "
"<i>wpa_supplicant</i> and <i>wpa_cli</i> could not be found. Install "
"<i>wpa_supplicant</i> and restart Wireless Assistant to connect.</p></qt>"
msgstr ""
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:579
msgid "%1 - First Connection Wizard"
msgstr "%1 - Assistent de primera connexió"
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:616
msgid "Network settings updated."
msgstr "Configuracións de xarxa actualitzades."
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:644
#, fuzzy
msgid "Running pre-connection command..."
msgstr "Connexió fallida."
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:650
msgid "Connecting to '%1'..."
msgstr "Connectant a '%1'..."
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:669
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:685
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:718
#, fuzzy
msgid "Connection failed."
msgstr "Connexió Perduda"
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:701
#, fuzzy
msgid "Running post-connection command..."
msgstr "Assistent de Primera Connexió"
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:708
msgid "Testing connection..."
msgstr "Comprobant connexió..."
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:714
msgid "Successfully connected to '%1'."
msgstr "Connectat satisfactoriament a '%1'."
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:722
msgid ""
"Connection failed.\n"
"Would you like to review settings for this network?"
msgstr ""
"La connexió ha fallit.\n"
"Vol revisar la configuració d'aquesta xarxa?"
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:722
msgid "Review Settings?"
msgstr "Revisar configuracions?"
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:761
msgid ""
"<qt><p>You are about to disconnect from '<b>%1</b>'.</p><p>Would you like to "
msgstr ""
"<qt><p>Està a punt de desconnectar-se de '<b>%1</b>'.</p><p>Vol continuar?"
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:766
#, fuzzy
msgid "Running pre-disconnection command..."
msgstr "Connexió fallida."
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:772
msgid "Disconnecting..."
msgstr "Desconnectant..."
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:778
msgid "Waiting for DHCP client to shut down..."
msgstr "Esperant a que el client DHCP finalitzi..."
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:801
#, fuzzy
msgid "Running post-disconnection command..."
msgstr "Assistent de Primera Connexió"
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:810
msgid "Cancelled."
msgstr "Cancel·lat."
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:906
msgid "&Disconnect"
msgstr "&Desconnectar"
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:908
msgid "Disconnect from the selected network"
msgstr "Desconnectar de la xarxa sel·lecionada"
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:911
msgid "&Connect"
msgstr "&Connectar"
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:913 rc.cpp:39
#, no-c-format
msgid "Connect to the selected network"
msgstr "Connectar a la xarxa sel·leccionada"
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:960
msgid "&Stop"
msgstr "&Parar"
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:964
msgid ""
"Terminate current process\n"
msgstr ""
"Finalitzar el procés actual\n"
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:979 rc.cpp:26
#, no-c-format
msgid "Quit the application"
msgstr "Sortir de l'aplicació"
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:1038
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:1047
msgid "Disconnect..."
msgstr "Desconnectar..."
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:1041
#, fuzzy
msgid "Connect"
msgstr "Connectar"
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:1043
msgid "Forget Settings..."
msgstr "Oblidar Configuracions..."
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:1044
msgid "Edit Settings..."
msgstr "Editar Configuracions..."
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:1050
msgid "Configure and Connect..."
msgstr "Configurar y Connectar..."
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:1063
#, fuzzy
msgid "%1 Settings"
msgstr "%1 Configuracions"
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/_translatorinfo.cpp:1
msgid ""
"Your names"
msgstr "Adonay Sanz Alsina"
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/_translatorinfo.cpp:3
msgid ""
"Your emails"
msgstr ""
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/main.cpp:30
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/main.cpp:42 rc.cpp:3
#, no-c-format
msgid "Wireless Assistant"
msgstr "Asistent de xarxes inalàmbriques"
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/netparams.h:76
msgid ""
"<qt><p>The network changed its security settings.</p><p>Please go to "
"<i>Security</i> tab of the following dialog and configure WEP settings.</p></"
msgstr ""
"<qt><p>La xarxa ha canviat la seva configuració de seguretat.</p><p>Si us "
"plau ves a la pestanya<i>Seguretat</i> del següent diàleg i configura els "
"paràmetres WEP.</p></qt>"
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/netparams.h:78
msgid ""
"<qt><p>Your WEP Key is not set properly.</p><p>Please go to <i>Security</i> "
"tab of the following dialog and enter the required key.</p></qt>"
msgstr ""
"<qt><p>La seva clau WEP no està configurada correctament.</p><p>Si us plau "
"ves a la pestanya <i>Seguretat</i> i introdueixi la clau necessària.</p></"
"qt> "
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/netparams.h:82
msgid ""
"<qt><p>The network has stopped broadcasting its ESSID since the last time "
"you were connected.</p><p>Would you like to use '<b>%1</b>' as an ESSID for "
"this network?</p><p><i>NOTE: If you answer No, a dialog will appear where "
"you will be able to specify a different ESSID.</i></p></qt>"
msgstr ""
"<qt><p>La red ha parat el d'enviar el seu ESSID des de l'última vegada que "
"s'ha connectat.</p><p>Vol utilitzar '<b>$1</b> com ESSID d'aquesta xarxa?</"
"p><p><i>NOTA: Si respon NO, un quadre de dialeg apareixerà on podrà indicar "
"un ESSID diferent..</i></p></qt>"
#: rc.cpp:9
#, no-c-format
msgid "Alt+O"
msgstr ""
#: rc.cpp:12
#, no-c-format
msgid "Toggle network list/options"
msgstr "Alternar llista de xarxes/opciones"
#: rc.cpp:15
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"<p><b>Options Button</b></p>\n"
"<p>Pressing this toggle button will show the available application options.</"
"<p><i>HINT: Press this button again to return to the network list.</i></p>"
msgstr ""
"<p>Prement aquest botó de dos posicions, podrà visualitzar les opcions del "
"<p><i>NOTA: Prement novament el botó, tornarà a la llista de xarxes.</i></p>"
#: rc.cpp:23
#, no-c-format
msgid "Alt+Q"
msgstr ""
#: rc.cpp:29
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"<p><b>Quit Button</b></p>\n"
"<p>Pressing this button will quit the application.</p>"
msgstr ""
"<p>Prement aquest botó l'aplicació es tancarà.</p>"
#: rc.cpp:33
#, fuzzy, no-c-format
msgid "Co&nnect"
msgstr "Connectar"
#: rc.cpp:36 rc.cpp:181
#, no-c-format
msgid "Alt+N"
msgstr ""
#: rc.cpp:42
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"<p><b>Connect/Disconnect Button</b></p>\n"
"<p>Pressing this button will connect to/disconnect from the network "
"currently selected in the network list.</p>"
msgstr ""
"<p>Prement aquest botó es Connecta/Desconnecta de la xarxa sel·leccionada en "
"la llista de xarxes inalàmbriques trobadesred.</p>"
#: rc.cpp:46
#, no-c-format
msgid "Refresh"
msgstr "Actualizar"
#: rc.cpp:50
#, no-c-format
msgid "Refresh network list"
msgstr "Actualizar llista de xarxes"
#: rc.cpp:53
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"<p><b>Scan Button</b></p>\n"
"<p>Pressing this button will scan for wireless networks and refresh the "
"network list.</p>"
msgstr ""
"<p><b>Botó d'Actualizar</b></p>\n"
"<p>Prement aquest botó es buscaran les xarxes inalàmbriques disponibles i "
"s'actualitzarà la llista de xarxes.</p>"
#: rc.cpp:57
#, no-c-format
msgid "Device:"
msgstr "Dispositiu:"
#: rc.cpp:60
#, no-c-format
msgid "Pick a network device to use"
msgstr "Sel·leccionar un dispositiu de xarxa"
#: rc.cpp:63
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"<p><b>Device Selection</b></p>\n"
"<p>This combo box allows you to select which wireless card to use.</p>\n"
"<p><i>NOTE: Selecting a different card will refresh the network list.</i></p>"
msgstr ""
"<p><b>Sel·lecciño de dispositiu</b></p>\n"
"<p>Aquest menú desplegable permet sel·leccionar el dispositiu inalàmbric a "
"<p><i>NOTA: Si sel·lecciona un dispositiu diferent la llista de xarxes "
#: rc.cpp:68 rc.cpp:199 rc.cpp:325
#, no-c-format
msgid "ESSID"
msgstr "ESSID"
#: rc.cpp:71
#, no-c-format
msgid "Channel"
msgstr "Canal"
#: rc.cpp:74
#, no-c-format
msgid "Link Quality"
msgstr "Calitat de la senyal"
#: rc.cpp:77
#, no-c-format
msgid "WEP/WPA"
msgstr ""
#: rc.cpp:80
#, no-c-format
msgid "AP"
msgstr "AP"
#: rc.cpp:83
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"<p><b>Network List</b></p>\n"
"<p>This list shows all the wireless networks that have been found.</p>\n"
"<p><i>HINT: Click the Refresh button to update this list.</i></p>"
msgstr ""
"<p><b>Llista de xarxes</b></p>\n"
"<p>Aquesta llista mostra les xarxes inalàmbriques que s'ha trobat.</p>\n"
"<p><i>NOTA: Premi en el botó per actualizar aquesta llista.</i></p>"
#: rc.cpp:88
#, no-c-format
msgid "Ready"
msgstr ""
#: rc.cpp:91
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"<p><b>Status Bar</b></p>\n"
"<p>Messages describing current process are shown in this area.</p>"
msgstr ""
"<p><b>Barra d'Estatat</b></p>\n"
"<p>Els missatges que expliquen el procés actual seran mostrats en aquesta "
#: rc.cpp:95
#, no-c-format
msgid "Automatically connect on startup"
msgstr ""
#: rc.cpp:99
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"<p><b>AutomaticallyConnect on Startup</b></p>\n"
"<p>Checking this box will make the application try to connect to the best "
"available network. Only networks that have been previously configured will "
"be taken into account.</p>"
msgstr ""
#: rc.cpp:103
#, no-c-format
msgid "Automaticall&y reconnect if connection is lost"
msgstr ""
#: rc.cpp:106
#, no-c-format
msgid "Alt+Y"
msgstr ""
#: rc.cpp:109
#, fuzzy, no-c-format
msgid ""
"<p><b>Automatically Reconnect if Connection is Lost</b></p>\n"
"<p>Checking this box will make the application try to reconnect after the "
"connection is lost.</p>"
msgstr ""
"<p><b>Sortir un cop connectat correctament.</b></p>\n"
"<p>Activant aquesta opció el programa es tancarà si la connexió a la xarxa "
"inalàmbrica s'ha establert correctament.</p>"
#: rc.cpp:113
#, no-c-format
msgid "Quit upon successful connection"
msgstr "Sortir un cop connectat correctament"
#: rc.cpp:117
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"<p><b>Quit Upon Successful Connection</b></p>\n"
"<p>Checking this box will make the application close after successfully "
"establishing a connection to a wireless network.</p>"
msgstr ""
"<p><b>Sortir un cop connectat correctament.</b></p>\n"
"<p>Activant aquesta opció el programa es tancarà si la connexió a la xarxa "
"inalàmbrica s'ha establert correctament.</p>"
#: rc.cpp:121
#, no-c-format
msgid "&Group access points with the same ESSID"
msgstr ""
#: rc.cpp:124
#, no-c-format
msgid "Alt+G"
msgstr ""
#: rc.cpp:127
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"<p><b>Group Access Points with the Same ESSID</b></p>\n"
"<p>Checking this box will make all access points with the same ESSID appear "
"as one item in the network list.</p>"
msgstr ""
#: rc.cpp:131
#, no-c-format
msgid "Delay before scanning:"
msgstr ""
#: rc.cpp:134 rc.cpp:145 rc.cpp:167
#, no-c-format
msgid "Specify how long to wait for an IP"
msgstr "Especifiqui el temps d'espera per obtenir la adreça IP"
#: rc.cpp:137 rc.cpp:148 rc.cpp:170
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"<p><b>DHCP Client Timeout</b></p>\n"
"<p>This option specifies the amount of time after which the application "
"should stop waiting for an IP address and assume that the connection has "
"<p><i>HINT: Increasing this number can help if you have problems connecting "
"to some networks.</i></p>"
msgstr ""
"<p><b>Temps d'espera del client HCP</b></p>\n"
"<p>Aquesta opció especifica l'interval de temps que aquest programa ha "
"d'esperar per parar de buscar una direcció IP i assumirà que la connexió ha "
"<p><i>NOTA: Augmentant aquest número pot ajudar a connectar-se a reds amb "
"problemes de temps d'espera.</i></p>"
#: rc.cpp:142
#, no-c-format
msgid "DHCP client timeout:"
msgstr "Temps d'espera del client DHCP:"
#: rc.cpp:153 rc.cpp:164 rc.cpp:412 rc.cpp:441 rc.cpp:470 rc.cpp:499
#, no-c-format
msgid "s"
msgstr "s"
#: rc.cpp:156
#, fuzzy, no-c-format
msgid "Specify how long to wait before scanning"
msgstr "Especifiqui el temps d'espera per obtenir la adreça IP"
#: rc.cpp:159
#, fuzzy, no-c-format
msgid ""
"<p><b>Delay Before Scanning</b></p>\n"
"<p>This option specifies the amount of time to wait between bringing the "
"interface up and performing a scan.</p>\n"
"<p><i>HINT: Increasing this number can help if you have to refresh the list "
"manually to see all the available networks.</i></p>"
msgstr ""
"<p><b>Temps d'espera del client HCP</b></p>\n"
"<p>Aquesta opció especifica l'interval de temps que aquest programa ha "
"d'esperar per parar de buscar una direcció IP i assumirà que la connexió ha "
"<p><i>NOTA: Augmentant aquest número pot ajudar a connectar-se a reds amb "
"problemes de temps d'espera.</i></p>"
#: rc.cpp:175
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"<i>Press the button below to enable all messages which have been turned off "
"with the 'Don't Show Again' feature.</i>"
msgstr ""
"<i>Prement aquest botó tots els missatges del programa que s'hagin "
"deshabilitat amb la opció 'No mostrar de nou' seran mostrats.</i>"
#: rc.cpp:178
#, fuzzy, no-c-format
msgid "E&nable All Messages"
msgstr "Habilitar tots els missatges"
#: rc.cpp:184
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"<p><b>Enable All Messages</b></p>\n"
"<p>Pressing this button will enable all messages which have been turned off "
"with the 'Don't Show Again' feature.</p>"
msgstr ""
"<p><b>Habilitar tots els missatges</b></p>\n"
"<p>Prement aquest botó tots els missatges del programa que s'hagin "
"deshabilitat amb la opció 'No mostrar de nou' seran mostrats.</p>"
#: rc.cpp:188
#, no-c-format
msgid "First Connection Wizard"
msgstr "Assistent de Primera Connexió"
#: rc.cpp:191
#, no-c-format
msgid "Welcome to First Connection Wizard"
msgstr "Benvingut a l'Assistent de Primera Connexió"
#: rc.cpp:194
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"<b><p>This is the first time you are trying to connect to the selected "
"<p>You will be asked a few questions necessary to configure this connection."
"<p><i>Press Next to continue.</i></p>"
msgstr ""
"<b><p>Aquesta és la primera vegada que s'intenta connectar a la xarxa "
"<p>Se't faran unes quantes preguntes, amb la finalitat de poder configurar "
"aquesta connexió.</p>\n"
"<p><i>Premi Següent per continuar.</i></p>"
#: rc.cpp:202
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"<p><b>You are trying to connect to a network that does not broadcast its "
"<p>Please specify ESSID that you would like to use when connecting to this "
"access point.</p>"
msgstr ""
"<p><b>S'està intentant connectar a una red llur Broadcast no té ESSID.</b></"
"<p>Si us plau, indica el ESSID que vol tenir quant es connecti a aquest punt "
#: rc.cpp:206 rc.cpp:328
#, no-c-format
msgid "ESSID:"
msgstr "ESSID:"
#: rc.cpp:209
#, no-c-format
msgid "Interface Configuration"
msgstr "Configuració d'Interfície"
#: rc.cpp:213 rc.cpp:334
#, no-c-format
msgid "Automatic (DHCP)"
msgstr "Automàtic (DHCP)"
#: rc.cpp:217
#, no-c-format
msgid "Manual"
msgstr "Manual"
#: rc.cpp:221
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"<p><b>Your IP and other parameters need to be configured to connect to any "
"<p>Which configuration option would you like to use when connecting to this "
msgstr ""
"<p><b>La seva IP i altres paràmetres necessiten ser configurats per "
"connectarse a qualsevol xarxa.</b></p>\n"
"<p>Quina opció de configuració desitja usar per connectar-se a aquesta xarxa?"
#: rc.cpp:225
#, no-c-format
msgid "Interface Parameters"
msgstr "Paràmetres de l'interfície"
#: rc.cpp:228 rc.cpp:355
#, no-c-format
msgid "Secondary DNS:"
msgstr "DNS secundària:"
#: rc.cpp:231 rc.cpp:343
#, no-c-format
msgid "IP:"
msgstr "IP:"
#: rc.cpp:234 rc.cpp:340
#, no-c-format
msgid "Netmask:"
msgstr "Màscara de xarxa:"
#: rc.cpp:237 rc.cpp:358
#, no-c-format
msgid "Primary DNS:"
msgstr "DNS primària:"
#: rc.cpp:240 rc.cpp:349
#, no-c-format
msgid "Gateway:"
msgstr "Porta d'enllaç:"
#: rc.cpp:243 rc.cpp:352
#, no-c-format
msgid "Domain:"
msgstr "Domini:"
#: rc.cpp:246 rc.cpp:346
#, no-c-format
msgid "Broadcast:"
msgstr "Broadcast:"
#: rc.cpp:249
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"<p><b>Please specify interface parameters to be used to connect to this "
"<p>You may leave some fields blank.</p>"
msgstr ""
"<p><b>Si us plau, indiqui els paràmetres de l'interfície que seran usats per "
"aquesta xarxa.</b></p>\n"
"<p>Pot deixar algún camp en blanc.</p>"
#: rc.cpp:253
#, no-c-format
msgid "WEP Configuration"
msgstr "Configuració WEP"
#: rc.cpp:256
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"<p><b>The network you are trying to connect to requires WEP authentication.</"
"<p>Which WEP mode would you like to use?</p>"
msgstr ""
"<p><b>La xarxa a la que s'intenta connectar necessita autenticació WEP.</b></"
"<p>Quin mode WEP desitja utilitzar?</p>"
#: rc.cpp:261
#, fuzzy, no-c-format
msgid "Open S&ystem"
msgstr "Red Oberta"
#: rc.cpp:264
#, no-c-format
msgid "Shared Key"
msgstr "Clau compartida"
#: rc.cpp:267 rc.cpp:288
#, fuzzy, no-c-format
msgid "<p><b>Please provide a key to be used with this network.</b></p>"
msgstr ""
"<p><b>Si us plau, indiqui la clau que serà utilitzada per aquesta xarxa.</"
"Qualsevol format suportat per \"iwconfig\" pot ser utilitzat."
#: rc.cpp:270
#, no-c-format
msgid "WEP key:"
msgstr "Clau WEP:"
#: rc.cpp:273 rc.cpp:285 rc.cpp:370 rc.cpp:391
#, no-c-format
msgid "ASCII"
msgstr ""
#: rc.cpp:276
#, fuzzy, no-c-format
msgid "WPA Configuration"
msgstr "Configuració WEP"
#: rc.cpp:279
#, fuzzy, no-c-format
msgid ""
"<p><b>The network you are trying to connect to requires WPA authentication.</"
msgstr ""
"<p><b>La xarxa a la que s'intenta connectar necessita autenticació WEP.</b></"
"<p>Quin mode WEP desitja utilitzar?</p>"
#: rc.cpp:282
#, fuzzy, no-c-format
msgid "WPA Key:"
msgstr "Clau WEP"
#: rc.cpp:291 rc.cpp:376
#, no-c-format
msgid "<b>?<br>?<br>?<br>?</b>"
msgstr ""
#: rc.cpp:294 rc.cpp:373
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"WPA Version:<br>Group Cipher:<br>Pairwise Cipher:<br>Authentication Suite:"
msgstr ""
#: rc.cpp:297
#, no-c-format
msgid "Done!"
msgstr "Fet!"
#: rc.cpp:300
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"<p>You have successfully finished configuring this connection.</p>\n"
"<p><b>Press Finish to connect!</b></p>"
msgstr ""
"<p>Ha configurat correctament aquesta connexió.</p>\n"
"<p><b>Prem Finalitzar per connectar!</b></p>"
#: rc.cpp:311
#, no-c-format
msgid "F1"
msgstr "F1"
#: rc.cpp:322
#, no-c-format
msgid "I&nterface"
msgstr "I&nterfície"
#: rc.cpp:337
#, fuzzy, no-c-format
msgid "&Manual"
msgstr "Manual"
#: rc.cpp:361
#, no-c-format
msgid "Securit&y"
msgstr "Se&guretat"
#: rc.cpp:364
#, fuzzy, no-c-format
msgid "WPA Settings"
msgstr "%1 Configuracions"
#: rc.cpp:367 rc.cpp:388
#, no-c-format
msgid "Key:"
msgstr "Clau:"
#: rc.cpp:379
#, fuzzy, no-c-format
msgid "WEP Settings"
msgstr "%1 Configuracions"
#: rc.cpp:382
#, fuzzy, no-c-format
msgid "Open Syste&m"
msgstr "Red Oberta"
#: rc.cpp:385
#, no-c-format
msgid "Alt+M"
msgstr ""
#: rc.cpp:394
#, fuzzy, no-c-format
msgid "Shared &Key"
msgstr "Clau compartida"
#: rc.cpp:397
#, no-c-format
msgid "Alt+K"
msgstr ""
#: rc.cpp:400
#, no-c-format
msgid "Advanced"
msgstr ""
#: rc.cpp:403
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"<b>Security Warning:</b> the commands specified below will be ran with the "
"same privileges as Wireless Assistant has."
msgstr ""
#: rc.cpp:406
#, fuzzy, no-c-format
msgid "Pre-Connection Command"
msgstr "Connexió fallida."
#: rc.cpp:409 rc.cpp:438 rc.cpp:467 rc.cpp:496
#, no-c-format
msgid "Timeout:"
msgstr ""
#: rc.cpp:415 rc.cpp:444 rc.cpp:473 rc.cpp:502
#, no-c-format
msgid "Amount of time after which the process will be killed."
msgstr ""
#: rc.cpp:418 rc.cpp:447 rc.cpp:476 rc.cpp:505
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"<p>This option specifies how long should Wireless Assistant wait for the "
"process to finish, before it will be killed.</p>"
msgstr ""
#: rc.cpp:422 rc.cpp:451 rc.cpp:480 rc.cpp:509
#, no-c-format
msgid "Run detached"
msgstr ""
#: rc.cpp:425 rc.cpp:454 rc.cpp:483 rc.cpp:512
#, no-c-format
msgid "Don't wait for the process to finish."
msgstr ""
#: rc.cpp:428 rc.cpp:457 rc.cpp:486 rc.cpp:515
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"<p><b>Run Detached</b></p>\n"
"<p>If this checkbox is selected Wireless Assistant will not wait for the "
"process to finish.</p>"
msgstr ""
#: rc.cpp:432 rc.cpp:461 rc.cpp:490 rc.cpp:519
#, fuzzy, no-c-format
msgid "Command:"
msgstr "Domini:"
#: rc.cpp:435
#, fuzzy, no-c-format
msgid "Post-Connection Command"
msgstr "Assistent de Primera Connexió"
#: rc.cpp:464
#, no-c-format
msgid "Pre-Disconnection Command"
msgstr ""
#: rc.cpp:493
#, no-c-format
msgid "Post-Disconnection Command"
msgstr ""
#~ msgid "WEP Mode"
#~ msgstr "Mode WEP"
#~ msgid "WEP?"
#~ msgstr "WEP?"
#~ msgid "Application Options"
#~ msgstr "Opcions"
@ -0,0 +1,983 @@
# Translation of es.po to Spanish
# This file is distributed under the same license as the wlassistant package.
# Copyright (C) 2005, 2006 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
# Daniel Nascimento <>, 2005.
# Enrique Matias Sanchez (aka Quique) <>, 2006.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: es\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2007-04-02 02:31+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2006-08-17 20:54+0200\n"
"Last-Translator: Enrique Matias Sanchez (aka Quique) <>\n"
"Language-Team: Spanish <>\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"X-Generator: KBabel 1.11.4\n"
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:103
msgid "Initializing..."
msgstr "Inicializando..."
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:110
msgid ""
"Kernel 2.6 or later not present.\n"
"Wireless Assistant will now quit."
msgstr ""
"Núcleo 2.6 o superior no encontrado.\n"
"El Asistente de redes inalámbricas se cerrará ahora."
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:156
msgid ""
"No usable wireless devices found.\n"
"Wireless Assistant will now quit."
msgstr ""
"No se han encontrado dispositivos inalámbricos.\n"
"El Asistente de redes inalámbricas se cerrará ahora."
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:179
msgid ""
"<qt><p>You might have insufficient permissions for Wireless Assistant to "
"function properly.</p><p>Did you run it using '<tt>sudo</tt>'?</p></qt>"
msgstr ""
"<qt><p>Puede que no tenga suficientes permisos para que el Asistente de "
"redes inalámbricas funcione correctamente.</p><p>¿Ejecutó esta aplicación "
"usando «<tt>sudo</tt>»?</p></qt>"
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:200
msgid ""
"Executable(s) '%1' could not be found.\n"
"Wireless Assistant will now quit."
msgstr ""
"No se ha encontrado el/los ejecutable(s) «%1».\n"
"El Asistente de redes inalámbricas se cerrará ahora."
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:238
msgid ""
"Connection to '%1' has been lost!\n"
"Would you like to reconnect?"
msgstr ""
"¡Se ha perdido la conexión a «%1»!\n"
"¿Quiere volver a conectar?"
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:238
msgid "Connection Lost"
msgstr "Conexión perdida"
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:252
msgid ""
"<qt><p>Settings for network '<b>%1</b>' are about to be deleted.</p><p>Would "
"you like to continue?</p></qt>"
msgstr ""
"<qt><p>Se van a borrar las configuraciones de la red «<b>%1</b>».</"
"p><p>¿Quiere continuar?</p></qt>"
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:257
msgid "Settings deleted."
msgstr "Configuraciones borradas."
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:285
msgid ""
"<qt><p>File '<i>%1</i>' could not be opened for writing.</p><p>Nameserver(s) "
"and/or domain are not set.</p></qt>"
msgstr ""
"<qt><p>No se puede escribir en el fichero «<i>%1</i>».</p><p>No se ha "
"configurado el servidor de nombres y/o el dominio.</p></qt>"
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:317
msgid "Bringing interface %1 up..."
msgstr "Activando la interfaz %1..."
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:321
msgid "Waiting before scanning..."
msgstr ""
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:328
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:334
msgid "Scanning..."
msgstr "Explorando..."
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:343
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:807
msgid "Done."
msgstr "Hecho."
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:348
msgid "No networks found."
msgstr "No se ha encontrado ninguna red."
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:351
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Radio of your wireless card seems to be turned off using an external switch "
"on your computer.\n"
"You need turn it on to be able to use wireless networks."
msgstr ""
"La señal de la tarjeta inalámbrica está desactivada por un interruptor "
"externo de su computadora.\n"
"Necesita activarla para poder usar redes inalámbricas."
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:459
msgid "Freq (Hz)"
msgstr "Frec (Hz)"
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:473
msgid ""
"Radio of your wireless card is off.\n"
"Would you like to turn it on?"
msgstr ""
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:559
#, fuzzy
msgid "Auto connection failed."
msgstr "Asistente de primera conexión"
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:570
msgid ""
"<qt><p><b>Can not connect to network '%1'.<b></p><p>The network you are "
"trying to connect to requires WPA authentication. The necessary executables "
"<i>wpa_supplicant</i> and <i>wpa_cli</i> could not be found. Install "
"<i>wpa_supplicant</i> and restart Wireless Assistant to connect.</p></qt>"
msgstr ""
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:579
msgid "%1 - First Connection Wizard"
msgstr "%1 - Asistente de primera conexión"
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:616
msgid "Network settings updated."
msgstr "Se han actualizado las configuraciones de red."
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:644
#, fuzzy
msgid "Running pre-connection command..."
msgstr "Conexión fallida."
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:650
msgid "Connecting to '%1'..."
msgstr "Conectando a «%1»..."
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:669
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:685
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:718
#, fuzzy
msgid "Connection failed."
msgstr "Conexión perdida"
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:701
#, fuzzy
msgid "Running post-connection command..."
msgstr "Asistente de primera conexión"
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:708
msgid "Testing connection..."
msgstr "Comprobando la conexión..."
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:714
msgid "Successfully connected to '%1'."
msgstr "Conectado correctamente a «%1»."
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:722
msgid ""
"Connection failed.\n"
"Would you like to review settings for this network?"
msgstr ""
"La conexión ha fallado.\n"
"¿Quiere revisar la configuración de esta red?"
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:722
msgid "Review Settings?"
msgstr "¿Revisar las configuraciones?"
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:761
msgid ""
"<qt><p>You are about to disconnect from '<b>%1</b>'.</p><p>Would you like to "
msgstr ""
"<qt><p>Está a punto de desconectarse de ' «<b>%1</b>».</p><p>¿Desea "
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:766
#, fuzzy
msgid "Running pre-disconnection command..."
msgstr "Conexión fallida."
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:772
msgid "Disconnecting..."
msgstr "Desconectando..."
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:778
msgid "Waiting for DHCP client to shut down..."
msgstr "Esperando finalización del cliente DHCP..."
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:801
#, fuzzy
msgid "Running post-disconnection command..."
msgstr "Asistente de primera conexión"
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:810
msgid "Cancelled."
msgstr "Cancelada."
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:906
msgid "&Disconnect"
msgstr "&Desconectar"
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:908
msgid "Disconnect from the selected network"
msgstr "Desconectar de la red selecionada"
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:911
msgid "&Connect"
msgstr "&Conectar"
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:913 rc.cpp:39
#, no-c-format
msgid "Connect to the selected network"
msgstr "Conectar a la red seleccionada"
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:960
msgid "&Stop"
msgstr "&Parar"
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:964
msgid ""
"Terminate current process\n"
msgstr ""
"Terminar el proceso actual\n"
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:979 rc.cpp:26
#, no-c-format
msgid "Quit the application"
msgstr "Salir de la aplicación"
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:1038
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:1047
msgid "Disconnect..."
msgstr "Desconectar..."
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:1041
#, fuzzy
msgid "Connect"
msgstr "Conectar"
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:1043
msgid "Forget Settings..."
msgstr "Olvidar las opciones..."
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:1044
msgid "Edit Settings..."
msgstr "Editar las opciones..."
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:1050
msgid "Configure and Connect..."
msgstr "Configurar y conectar..."
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:1063
#, fuzzy
msgid "%1 Settings"
msgstr "Opciones de %1"
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/_translatorinfo.cpp:1
msgid ""
"Your names"
msgstr "Mario Izquierdo (mariodebian),Enrique Matías Sánchez (Quique)"
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/_translatorinfo.cpp:3
msgid ""
"Your emails"
msgstr ","
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/main.cpp:30
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/main.cpp:42 rc.cpp:3
#, no-c-format
msgid "Wireless Assistant"
msgstr "Asistente de redes inalámbricas"
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/netparams.h:76
msgid ""
"<qt><p>The network changed its security settings.</p><p>Please go to "
"<i>Security</i> tab of the following dialog and configure WEP settings.</p></"
msgstr ""
"<qt><p>La red ha cambiado sus opciones de seguridad.</p><p>Por favor, vaya a "
"la solapa <i>Seguridad</i> del siguiente diálogo y configure los parámetros "
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/netparams.h:78
msgid ""
"<qt><p>Your WEP Key is not set properly.</p><p>Please go to <i>Security</i> "
"tab of the following dialog and enter the required key.</p></qt>"
msgstr ""
"<qt><p>Su clave WEP no está configurada correctamente.</p><p>Por favor, vaya "
"a la solapa <i>Seguridad</i> e introduzca la clave necesaria.</p></qt>"
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/netparams.h:82
msgid ""
"<qt><p>The network has stopped broadcasting its ESSID since the last time "
"you were connected.</p><p>Would you like to use '<b>%1</b>' as an ESSID for "
"this network?</p><p><i>NOTE: If you answer No, a dialog will appear where "
"you will be able to specify a different ESSID.</i></p></qt>"
msgstr ""
"<qt><p>La red ha dejado de difundir su ESSID desde la última vez que se "
"conectó.</p><p>¿Quiere usar «<b>$1</b>» como ESSID de esta red'?</"
"p><p><i>NOTA: Si contesta NO, aparecerá un cuadro de diálogo donde podrá "
"indicar otro ESSID.</i></p></qt>"
#: rc.cpp:9
#, no-c-format
msgid "Alt+O"
msgstr ""
#: rc.cpp:12
#, no-c-format
msgid "Toggle network list/options"
msgstr "Conmutar lista de redes/opciones"
#: rc.cpp:15
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"<p><b>Options Button</b></p>\n"
"<p>Pressing this toggle button will show the available application options.</"
"<p><i>HINT: Press this button again to return to the network list.</i></p>"
msgstr ""
"<p>Presionando este botón de dos posiciones podrá ver las opciones "
"disponibles del programa.</p>\n"
"<p><i>NOTA: Presionando nuevamente el botón regresará a la lista de redes.</"
#: rc.cpp:23
#, no-c-format
msgid "Alt+Q"
msgstr ""
#: rc.cpp:29
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"<p><b>Quit Button</b></p>\n"
"<p>Pressing this button will quit the application.</p>"
msgstr ""
"<p>Al pulsar este botón se cerrará la aplicación.</p>"
#: rc.cpp:33
#, fuzzy, no-c-format
msgid "Co&nnect"
msgstr "Conectar"
#: rc.cpp:36 rc.cpp:181
#, no-c-format
msgid "Alt+N"
msgstr ""
#: rc.cpp:42
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"<p><b>Connect/Disconnect Button</b></p>\n"
"<p>Pressing this button will connect to/disconnect from the network "
"currently selected in the network list.</p>"
msgstr ""
"<p>Presionando este botón se conecta/desconecta de la red seleccionada en la "
"lista de redes.</p>"
#: rc.cpp:46
#, no-c-format
msgid "Refresh"
msgstr "Actualizar"
#: rc.cpp:50
#, no-c-format
msgid "Refresh network list"
msgstr "Actualizar la lista de redes"
#: rc.cpp:53
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"<p><b>Scan Button</b></p>\n"
"<p>Pressing this button will scan for wireless networks and refresh the "
"network list.</p>"
msgstr ""
"<p>Al pulsar este botón se buscarán redes inalámbricas y se actualizará la "
"lista de redes.</p>"
#: rc.cpp:57
#, no-c-format
msgid "Device:"
msgstr "Dispositivo:"
#: rc.cpp:60
#, no-c-format
msgid "Pick a network device to use"
msgstr "Seleccionar un dispositivo de red"
#: rc.cpp:63
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"<p><b>Device Selection</b></p>\n"
"<p>This combo box allows you to select which wireless card to use.</p>\n"
"<p><i>NOTE: Selecting a different card will refresh the network list.</i></p>"
msgstr ""
"<p><b>Selección de dispositivo</b></p>\n"
"<p>Este menú desplegable le permite seleccionar qué tarjeta inalámbricausar."
"<p><i>NOTA: Si selecciona una tarjeta diferente la lista de redes se "
#: rc.cpp:68 rc.cpp:199 rc.cpp:325
#, no-c-format
msgid "ESSID"
msgstr "ESSID"
#: rc.cpp:71
#, no-c-format
msgid "Channel"
msgstr "Canal"
#: rc.cpp:74
#, no-c-format
msgid "Link Quality"
msgstr "Calidad del enlace"
#: rc.cpp:77
#, no-c-format
msgid "WEP/WPA"
msgstr ""
#: rc.cpp:80
#, no-c-format
msgid "AP"
msgstr "AP"
#: rc.cpp:83
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"<p><b>Network List</b></p>\n"
"<p>This list shows all the wireless networks that have been found.</p>\n"
"<p><i>HINT: Click the Refresh button to update this list.</i></p>"
msgstr ""
"<p><b>Lista de redes</b></p>\n"
"<p>Esta lista muestra las redes inalámbricas que se han encontrado.</p>\n"
"<p><i>NOTA: Pulse el botón «Actualizar» para actualizar esta lista.</i></p>"
#: rc.cpp:88
#, no-c-format
msgid "Ready"
msgstr ""
#: rc.cpp:91
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"<p><b>Status Bar</b></p>\n"
"<p>Messages describing current process are shown in this area.</p>"
msgstr ""
"<p><b>Barra de estado</b></p>\n"
"<p>En este área se muestran los mensajes que explican el proceso actual.</p>"
#: rc.cpp:95
#, no-c-format
msgid "Automatically connect on startup"
msgstr ""
#: rc.cpp:99
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"<p><b>AutomaticallyConnect on Startup</b></p>\n"
"<p>Checking this box will make the application try to connect to the best "
"available network. Only networks that have been previously configured will "
"be taken into account.</p>"
msgstr ""
#: rc.cpp:103
#, no-c-format
msgid "Automaticall&y reconnect if connection is lost"
msgstr ""
#: rc.cpp:106
#, no-c-format
msgid "Alt+Y"
msgstr ""
#: rc.cpp:109
#, fuzzy, no-c-format
msgid ""
"<p><b>Automatically Reconnect if Connection is Lost</b></p>\n"
"<p>Checking this box will make the application try to reconnect after the "
"connection is lost.</p>"
msgstr ""
"<p><b>Salir una vez conectado correctamente.</b></p>\n"
"<p>Si se marca esta casilla, la aplicación se cerrará tras establecer con "
"éxito una conexión a una red inalámbrica.</p>"
#: rc.cpp:113
#, no-c-format
msgid "Quit upon successful connection"
msgstr "Salir una vez conectado correctamente"
#: rc.cpp:117
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"<p><b>Quit Upon Successful Connection</b></p>\n"
"<p>Checking this box will make the application close after successfully "
"establishing a connection to a wireless network.</p>"
msgstr ""
"<p><b>Salir una vez conectado correctamente.</b></p>\n"
"<p>Si se marca esta casilla, la aplicación se cerrará tras establecer con "
"éxito una conexión a una red inalámbrica.</p>"
#: rc.cpp:121
#, no-c-format
msgid "&Group access points with the same ESSID"
msgstr ""
#: rc.cpp:124
#, no-c-format
msgid "Alt+G"
msgstr ""
#: rc.cpp:127
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"<p><b>Group Access Points with the Same ESSID</b></p>\n"
"<p>Checking this box will make all access points with the same ESSID appear "
"as one item in the network list.</p>"
msgstr ""
#: rc.cpp:131
#, no-c-format
msgid "Delay before scanning:"
msgstr ""
#: rc.cpp:134 rc.cpp:145 rc.cpp:167
#, no-c-format
msgid "Specify how long to wait for an IP"
msgstr "Indique cuanto tiempo esperar para obtener una IP"
#: rc.cpp:137 rc.cpp:148 rc.cpp:170
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"<p><b>DHCP Client Timeout</b></p>\n"
"<p>This option specifies the amount of time after which the application "
"should stop waiting for an IP address and assume that the connection has "
"<p><i>HINT: Increasing this number can help if you have problems connecting "
"to some networks.</i></p>"
msgstr ""
"<p><b>Tiempo de espera del cliente DHCP</b></p>\n"
"<p>Esta opción indica la cantidad de tiempo tras la que la aplicación dejará "
"de esperar una dirección IP y supondrá que la conexión ha fallado.</p>\n"
"<p><i>NOTA: Aumentar este número puede ayudar si tiene problemas para "
"conectarse a algunas redes.</i></p>"
#: rc.cpp:142
#, no-c-format
msgid "DHCP client timeout:"
msgstr "Tiempo de espera del cliente DHCP:"
#: rc.cpp:153 rc.cpp:164 rc.cpp:412 rc.cpp:441 rc.cpp:470 rc.cpp:499
#, no-c-format
msgid "s"
msgstr "s"
#: rc.cpp:156
#, fuzzy, no-c-format
msgid "Specify how long to wait before scanning"
msgstr "Indique cuanto tiempo esperar para obtener una IP"
#: rc.cpp:159
#, fuzzy, no-c-format
msgid ""
"<p><b>Delay Before Scanning</b></p>\n"
"<p>This option specifies the amount of time to wait between bringing the "
"interface up and performing a scan.</p>\n"
"<p><i>HINT: Increasing this number can help if you have to refresh the list "
"manually to see all the available networks.</i></p>"
msgstr ""
"<p><b>Tiempo de espera del cliente DHCP</b></p>\n"
"<p>Esta opción indica la cantidad de tiempo tras la que la aplicación dejará "
"de esperar una dirección IP y supondrá que la conexión ha fallado.</p>\n"
"<p><i>NOTA: Aumentar este número puede ayudar si tiene problemas para "
"conectarse a algunas redes.</i></p>"
#: rc.cpp:175
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"<i>Press the button below to enable all messages which have been turned off "
"with the 'Don't Show Again' feature.</i>"
msgstr ""
"<i>Pulse el botón inferior para habilitar todos los mensajes que han sido "
"desactivados con la opción «No mostrar de nuevo».</i>"
#: rc.cpp:178
#, fuzzy, no-c-format
msgid "E&nable All Messages"
msgstr "Habilitar todos los mensajes"
#: rc.cpp:184
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"<p><b>Enable All Messages</b></p>\n"
"<p>Pressing this button will enable all messages which have been turned off "
"with the 'Don't Show Again' feature.</p>"
msgstr ""
"<p><b>Habilitar todos los mensajes</b></p>\n"
"<p>Al pulsar este botón se habilitarán todos los mensajes que han sido "
"desactivados con la opción «No mostrar de nuevo».</p>"
#: rc.cpp:188
#, no-c-format
msgid "First Connection Wizard"
msgstr "Asistente de primera conexión"
#: rc.cpp:191
#, no-c-format
msgid "Welcome to First Connection Wizard"
msgstr "Bienvenido al Asistente de primera conexión"
#: rc.cpp:194
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"<b><p>This is the first time you are trying to connect to the selected "
"<p>You will be asked a few questions necessary to configure this connection."
"<p><i>Press Next to continue.</i></p>"
msgstr ""
"<b><p>Ésta es la primera vez que se intenta conectar a la red seleccionada.</"
"<p>Se le harán unas cuantas preguntas con el fin de configurar esta conexión."
"<p><i>Pulse «Siguiente» para continuar.</i></p>"
#: rc.cpp:202
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"<p><b>You are trying to connect to a network that does not broadcast its "
"<p>Please specify ESSID that you would like to use when connecting to this "
"access point.</p>"
msgstr ""
"<p><b>Se está intentando conectar a una red que no difunde su ESSID.</b></"
"<p>Por favor, indique el ESSID que quiere usar al conectarse a este punto de "
#: rc.cpp:206 rc.cpp:328
#, no-c-format
msgid "ESSID:"
msgstr "ESSID:"
#: rc.cpp:209
#, no-c-format
msgid "Interface Configuration"
msgstr "Configuración de la interfaz"
#: rc.cpp:213 rc.cpp:334
#, no-c-format
msgid "Automatic (DHCP)"
msgstr "Automático (DHCP)"
#: rc.cpp:217
#, no-c-format
msgid "Manual"
msgstr "Manual"
#: rc.cpp:221
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"<p><b>Your IP and other parameters need to be configured to connect to any "
"<p>Which configuration option would you like to use when connecting to this "
msgstr ""
"<p><b>Su IP y otros parámetros necesitan ser configurados para conectarse a "
"cualquier red.</b></p>\n"
"<p>¿Que opción de configuración desea usar para conectarse a esta red?</p>"
#: rc.cpp:225
#, no-c-format
msgid "Interface Parameters"
msgstr "Parámetros de la interfaz"
#: rc.cpp:228 rc.cpp:355
#, no-c-format
msgid "Secondary DNS:"
msgstr "DNS secundario:"
#: rc.cpp:231 rc.cpp:343
#, no-c-format
msgid "IP:"
msgstr "IP:"
#: rc.cpp:234 rc.cpp:340
#, no-c-format
msgid "Netmask:"
msgstr "Máscara de red:"
#: rc.cpp:237 rc.cpp:358
#, no-c-format
msgid "Primary DNS:"
msgstr "DNS primario:"
#: rc.cpp:240 rc.cpp:349
#, no-c-format
msgid "Gateway:"
msgstr "Puerta de enlace:"
#: rc.cpp:243 rc.cpp:352
#, no-c-format
msgid "Domain:"
msgstr "Dominio:"
#: rc.cpp:246 rc.cpp:346
#, no-c-format
msgid "Broadcast:"
msgstr "Difusión:"
#: rc.cpp:249
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"<p><b>Please specify interface parameters to be used to connect to this "
"<p>You may leave some fields blank.</p>"
msgstr ""
"<p><b>Por favor, indique los parámetros de la interfaz que se usarán para "
"conectarse a esta red.</b></p>\n"
"<p>Puede dejar algún campo en blanco.</p>"
#: rc.cpp:253
#, no-c-format
msgid "WEP Configuration"
msgstr "Configuración WEP"
#: rc.cpp:256
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"<p><b>The network you are trying to connect to requires WEP authentication.</"
"<p>Which WEP mode would you like to use?</p>"
msgstr ""
"<p><b>La red a la que intenta conectarse requiere autenticación WEP.</b></"
"<p>¿Qué modo WEP desea usar?</p>"
#: rc.cpp:261
#, fuzzy, no-c-format
msgid "Open S&ystem"
msgstr "Red abierta"
#: rc.cpp:264
#, no-c-format
msgid "Shared Key"
msgstr "Clave compartida"
#: rc.cpp:267 rc.cpp:288
#, fuzzy, no-c-format
msgid "<p><b>Please provide a key to be used with this network.</b></p>"
msgstr ""
"<p><b>Por favor, indique la clave que se usará para esta red.</b></p>\n"
"Se puede usar cualquier formato admitido por iwconfig."
#: rc.cpp:270
#, no-c-format
msgid "WEP key:"
msgstr "Clave WEP:"
#: rc.cpp:273 rc.cpp:285 rc.cpp:370 rc.cpp:391
#, no-c-format
msgid "ASCII"
msgstr ""
#: rc.cpp:276
#, fuzzy, no-c-format
msgid "WPA Configuration"
msgstr "Configuración WEP"
#: rc.cpp:279
#, fuzzy, no-c-format
msgid ""
"<p><b>The network you are trying to connect to requires WPA authentication.</"
msgstr ""
"<p><b>La red a la que intenta conectarse requiere autenticación WEP.</b></"
"<p>¿Qué modo WEP desea usar?</p>"
#: rc.cpp:282
#, fuzzy, no-c-format
msgid "WPA Key:"
msgstr "Clave WEP"
#: rc.cpp:291 rc.cpp:376
#, no-c-format
msgid "<b>?<br>?<br>?<br>?</b>"
msgstr ""
#: rc.cpp:294 rc.cpp:373
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"WPA Version:<br>Group Cipher:<br>Pairwise Cipher:<br>Authentication Suite:"
msgstr ""
#: rc.cpp:297
#, no-c-format
msgid "Done!"
msgstr "¡Hecho!"
#: rc.cpp:300
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"<p>You have successfully finished configuring this connection.</p>\n"
"<p><b>Press Finish to connect!</b></p>"
msgstr ""
"<p>Ha configurado correctamente esta conexión.</p>\n"
"<p><b>¡Presione «Finalizar» para conectar!</b></p>"
#: rc.cpp:311
#, no-c-format
msgid "F1"
msgstr "F1"
#: rc.cpp:322
#, no-c-format
msgid "I&nterface"
msgstr "I&nterfaz"
#: rc.cpp:337
#, fuzzy, no-c-format
msgid "&Manual"
msgstr "Manual"
#: rc.cpp:361
#, no-c-format
msgid "Securit&y"
msgstr "&Seguridad"
#: rc.cpp:364
#, fuzzy, no-c-format
msgid "WPA Settings"
msgstr "Opciones de %1"
#: rc.cpp:367 rc.cpp:388
#, no-c-format
msgid "Key:"
msgstr "Clave:"
#: rc.cpp:379
#, fuzzy, no-c-format
msgid "WEP Settings"
msgstr "Opciones de %1"
#: rc.cpp:382
#, fuzzy, no-c-format
msgid "Open Syste&m"
msgstr "Red abierta"
#: rc.cpp:385
#, no-c-format
msgid "Alt+M"
msgstr ""
#: rc.cpp:394
#, fuzzy, no-c-format
msgid "Shared &Key"
msgstr "Clave compartida"
#: rc.cpp:397
#, no-c-format
msgid "Alt+K"
msgstr ""
#: rc.cpp:400
#, no-c-format
msgid "Advanced"
msgstr ""
#: rc.cpp:403
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"<b>Security Warning:</b> the commands specified below will be ran with the "
"same privileges as Wireless Assistant has."
msgstr ""
#: rc.cpp:406
#, fuzzy, no-c-format
msgid "Pre-Connection Command"
msgstr "Conexión fallida."
#: rc.cpp:409 rc.cpp:438 rc.cpp:467 rc.cpp:496
#, no-c-format
msgid "Timeout:"
msgstr ""
#: rc.cpp:415 rc.cpp:444 rc.cpp:473 rc.cpp:502
#, no-c-format
msgid "Amount of time after which the process will be killed."
msgstr ""
#: rc.cpp:418 rc.cpp:447 rc.cpp:476 rc.cpp:505
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"<p>This option specifies how long should Wireless Assistant wait for the "
"process to finish, before it will be killed.</p>"
msgstr ""
#: rc.cpp:422 rc.cpp:451 rc.cpp:480 rc.cpp:509
#, no-c-format
msgid "Run detached"
msgstr ""
#: rc.cpp:425 rc.cpp:454 rc.cpp:483 rc.cpp:512
#, no-c-format
msgid "Don't wait for the process to finish."
msgstr ""
#: rc.cpp:428 rc.cpp:457 rc.cpp:486 rc.cpp:515
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"<p><b>Run Detached</b></p>\n"
"<p>If this checkbox is selected Wireless Assistant will not wait for the "
"process to finish.</p>"
msgstr ""
#: rc.cpp:432 rc.cpp:461 rc.cpp:490 rc.cpp:519
#, fuzzy, no-c-format
msgid "Command:"
msgstr "Dominio:"
#: rc.cpp:435
#, fuzzy, no-c-format
msgid "Post-Connection Command"
msgstr "Asistente de primera conexión"
#: rc.cpp:464
#, no-c-format
msgid "Pre-Disconnection Command"
msgstr ""
#: rc.cpp:493
#, no-c-format
msgid "Post-Disconnection Command"
msgstr ""
#~ msgid "WEP Mode"
#~ msgstr "Modo WEP"
#~ msgid "WEP?"
#~ msgstr "¿WEP?"
#~ msgid "Application Options"
#~ msgstr "Opciones de la aplicación"
@ -0,0 +1,987 @@
# translation of fr.po to
# translation of fr.po to
# translation of wlassistant to French
# This file is distributed under the same license as the wlassistant package.
# Copyright (C) 2005 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
# Daniel Nascimento <>, 2005.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: fr\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2007-04-02 02:31+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2005-09-05 11:55+0200\n"
"Last-Translator: \n"
"Language-Team: <>\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"X-Generator: KBabel 1.9.1\n"
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:103
msgid "Initializing..."
msgstr "Initialisation..."
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:110
msgid ""
"Kernel 2.6 or later not present.\n"
"Wireless Assistant will now quit."
msgstr ""
"Kernel 2.6 ou supérieur non présent.\n"
"Assistant Wifi va maintenant quitter."
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:156
msgid ""
"No usable wireless devices found.\n"
"Wireless Assistant will now quit."
msgstr ""
"Aucun adaptateur réseau sans-fil trouvé.\n"
"Assistant Wifi va maintenant quitter."
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:179
msgid ""
"<qt><p>You might have insufficient permissions for Wireless Assistant to "
"function properly.</p><p>Did you run it using '<tt>sudo</tt>'?</p></qt>"
msgstr ""
"<qt><p>Vous n'avez peut-être pas les droits nécessaires pour que Assistant "
"Wifi fonctionne correctement.</p><p>L'avez vous exécuté en utilisant "
"'<tt>sudo</tt>' ?</p></qt>"
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:200
msgid ""
"Executable(s) '%1' could not be found.\n"
"Wireless Assistant will now quit."
msgstr ""
"Programme(s) '%1' non trouvé(s).\n"
"Assistant Wifi va maintenant quitter."
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:238
msgid ""
"Connection to '%1' has been lost!\n"
"Would you like to reconnect?"
msgstr ""
"Connexion à '%1' a été perdu !\n"
"Voulez vous vous reconnecter ?"
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:238
msgid "Connection Lost"
msgstr "Connexion perdue"
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:252
msgid ""
"<qt><p>Settings for network '<b>%1</b>' are about to be deleted.</p><p>Would "
"you like to continue?</p></qt>"
msgstr ""
"<qt><p>les réglages du réseau '<b>%1</b>' vont être effacés.</p><p> Voulez "
"vous continuez ?</p></qt>"
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:257
msgid "Settings deleted."
msgstr "Réglages effacées."
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:285
msgid ""
"<qt><p>File '<i>%1</i>' could not be opened for writing.</p><p>Nameserver(s) "
"and/or domain are not set.</p></qt>"
msgstr ""
"<qt><p>Le fichier '<i>%1</i>' n'a pu être ouvert en écriture.</p><p>Nom du/"
"des serveur(s) et/ou de domaine non configurés.</p></qt>"
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:317
msgid "Bringing interface %1 up..."
msgstr "Activation de l'interface %1 ..."
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:321
msgid "Waiting before scanning..."
msgstr ""
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:328
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:334
msgid "Scanning..."
msgstr "Recherche..."
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:343
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:807
msgid "Done."
msgstr "Fait."
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:348
msgid "No networks found."
msgstr "Aucun réseau."
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:351
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Radio of your wireless card seems to be turned off using an external switch "
"on your computer.\n"
"You need turn it on to be able to use wireless networks."
msgstr ""
"La radio de la carte réseau est éteinte par le commutateur de votre "
"Vous devez l'activer pour pouvoir utiliser les réseaux sans-fils."
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:459
msgid "Freq (Hz)"
msgstr "Freq (Hz)"
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:473
msgid ""
"Radio of your wireless card is off.\n"
"Would you like to turn it on?"
msgstr ""
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:559
#, fuzzy
msgid "Auto connection failed."
msgstr "Assistant de Première Connexion"
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:570
msgid ""
"<qt><p><b>Can not connect to network '%1'.<b></p><p>The network you are "
"trying to connect to requires WPA authentication. The necessary executables "
"<i>wpa_supplicant</i> and <i>wpa_cli</i> could not be found. Install "
"<i>wpa_supplicant</i> and restart Wireless Assistant to connect.</p></qt>"
msgstr ""
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:579
msgid "%1 - First Connection Wizard"
msgstr "%1 - Assistant de première connexion"
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:616
msgid "Network settings updated."
msgstr "Configuration du réseau mis à jour."
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:644
#, fuzzy
msgid "Running pre-connection command..."
msgstr "Echec de connexion."
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:650
msgid "Connecting to '%1'..."
msgstr "Connexion à '%1'..."
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:669
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:685
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:718
#, fuzzy
msgid "Connection failed."
msgstr "Connexion perdue"
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:701
#, fuzzy
msgid "Running post-connection command..."
msgstr "Assistant de Première Connexion"
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:708
msgid "Testing connection..."
msgstr "Test de la connexion..."
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:714
msgid "Successfully connected to '%1'."
msgstr "Connecté avec succès à '%1'."
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:722
msgid ""
"Connection failed.\n"
"Would you like to review settings for this network?"
msgstr ""
"Echec de connexion.\n"
"Voulez vous modifer les configurations de ce réseau ?"
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:722
msgid "Review Settings?"
msgstr "Modifier les configurations ?"
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:761
msgid ""
"<qt><p>You are about to disconnect from '<b>%1</b>'.</p><p>Would you like to "
msgstr ""
"<qt><p>Vous allez vous déconnecter de '<b>%1</b>'.</p><p>Voulez vous "
"continuer ?<p></qt>"
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:766
#, fuzzy
msgid "Running pre-disconnection command..."
msgstr "Echec de connexion."
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:772
msgid "Disconnecting..."
msgstr "Déconnection..."
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:778
msgid "Waiting for DHCP client to shut down..."
msgstr "En attente de l'arrêt du client DHCP..."
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:801
#, fuzzy
msgid "Running post-disconnection command..."
msgstr "Assistant de Première Connexion"
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:810
msgid "Cancelled."
msgstr "Annuler."
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:906
msgid "&Disconnect"
msgstr "&Déconnecter"
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:908
msgid "Disconnect from the selected network"
msgstr "Déconnecter le réseau sélectionné"
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:911
msgid "&Connect"
msgstr "Se &Connecter"
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:913 rc.cpp:39
#, no-c-format
msgid "Connect to the selected network"
msgstr "Connexion au réseau sélectionné"
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:960
msgid "&Stop"
msgstr "&Stop"
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:964
msgid ""
"Terminate current process\n"
msgstr ""
"Terminer le processus en cours\n"
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:979 rc.cpp:26
#, no-c-format
msgid "Quit the application"
msgstr "Quitter l'application"
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:1038
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:1047
msgid "Disconnect..."
msgstr "Déconnecter..."
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:1041
#, fuzzy
msgid "Connect"
msgstr "Connecter"
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:1043
msgid "Forget Settings..."
msgstr "Effacer les réglages..."
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:1044
msgid "Edit Settings..."
msgstr "Editer les réglages..."
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:1050
msgid "Configure and Connect..."
msgstr "Configurer et connecter..."
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:1063
#, fuzzy
msgid "%1 Settings"
msgstr "Réglages de %1"
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/_translatorinfo.cpp:1
msgid ""
"Your names"
msgstr "Olivier Butler"
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/_translatorinfo.cpp:3
msgid ""
"Your emails"
msgstr ""
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/main.cpp:30
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/main.cpp:42 rc.cpp:3
#, no-c-format
msgid "Wireless Assistant"
msgstr "Assistant WiFi"
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/netparams.h:76
msgid ""
"<qt><p>The network changed its security settings.</p><p>Please go to "
"<i>Security</i> tab of the following dialog and configure WEP settings.</p></"
msgstr ""
"<qt><p>Le réseau a changé ses réglages de sécurité.</p><p>Cliquez sur "
"l'onglet <i>Sécurité</i> de la fenêtre suivante et configurer les réglages "
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/netparams.h:78
msgid ""
"<qt><p>Your WEP Key is not set properly.</p><p>Please go to <i>Security</i> "
"tab of the following dialog and enter the required key.</p></qt>"
msgstr ""
"<qt><p>Votre clé WEP n'est pas configurée correctement.</p><p>Cliquez sur "
"l'onglet <i>Sécurité</i> de la fenêtre suivante et tapez la clé demandée.</"
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/netparams.h:82
msgid ""
"<qt><p>The network has stopped broadcasting its ESSID since the last time "
"you were connected.</p><p>Would you like to use '<b>%1</b>' as an ESSID for "
"this network?</p><p><i>NOTE: If you answer No, a dialog will appear where "
"you will be able to specify a different ESSID.</i></p></qt>"
msgstr ""
"<qt><p>Le réseau ne diffuse plus son ESSID depuis votre dernière connexion.</"
"p><p> Voulez vous utiliser '<b>%1</b>' comme ESSID pour ce réseau ?</"
"p><p><i>NOTE: Si vous répondez Non, une boîte de dialogue apparaîtra où vous "
"pourrez spécifier un autre ESSID.</i></p></qt>"
#: rc.cpp:9
#, no-c-format
msgid "Alt+O"
msgstr ""
#: rc.cpp:12
#, no-c-format
msgid "Toggle network list/options"
msgstr "Basculer la liste/options réseau"
#: rc.cpp:15
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"<p><b>Options Button</b></p>\n"
"<p>Pressing this toggle button will show the available application options.</"
"<p><i>HINT: Press this button again to return to the network list.</i></p>"
msgstr ""
"<p>Ce bouton permet d'afficher les options de l'application.</p>\n"
"<p><i>ASTUCE: Une nouvelle pression permet de revenir à la liste des réseaux."
#: rc.cpp:23
#, no-c-format
msgid "Alt+Q"
msgstr ""
#: rc.cpp:29
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"<p><b>Quit Button</b></p>\n"
"<p>Pressing this button will quit the application.</p>"
msgstr ""
"<p>Ce bouton permet de quitter l'application.</p>"
#: rc.cpp:33
#, fuzzy, no-c-format
msgid "Co&nnect"
msgstr "Connecter"
#: rc.cpp:36 rc.cpp:181
#, no-c-format
msgid "Alt+N"
msgstr ""
#: rc.cpp:42
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"<p><b>Connect/Disconnect Button</b></p>\n"
"<p>Pressing this button will connect to/disconnect from the network "
"currently selected in the network list.</p>"
msgstr ""
"<p>Ce bouton permet de se connecter/déconnecter du réseau sélectionné dans "
"la liste.</p>"
#: rc.cpp:46
#, no-c-format
msgid "Refresh"
msgstr "Actualiser"
#: rc.cpp:50
#, no-c-format
msgid "Refresh network list"
msgstr "Actualiser la liste des réseaux"
#: rc.cpp:53
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"<p><b>Scan Button</b></p>\n"
"<p>Pressing this button will scan for wireless networks and refresh the "
"network list.</p>"
msgstr ""
"<p><b>Bouton Actualiser</b></p>\n"
"<p>Ce bouton permet de scanner le réseau sans-fil et de rafraîchir la liste "
"des réseaux.</p>"
#: rc.cpp:57
#, no-c-format
msgid "Device:"
msgstr "Périphérique:"
#: rc.cpp:60
#, no-c-format
msgid "Pick a network device to use"
msgstr "Sélectionner le périphérique à utiliser"
#: rc.cpp:63
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"<p><b>Device Selection</b></p>\n"
"<p>This combo box allows you to select which wireless card to use.</p>\n"
"<p><i>NOTE: Selecting a different card will refresh the network list.</i></p>"
msgstr ""
"<p><b>Sélection des périphériques</b></p>\n"
"<p>Cette liste vous permet de sélectionner quelle carte réseau sans-fil vous "
"voulez utiliser.</p>\n"
"<p><i>NOTE: Choisir une carte différente provoque le rafraichissement de la "
"liste des réseaux.</i></p>"
#: rc.cpp:68 rc.cpp:199 rc.cpp:325
#, no-c-format
msgid "ESSID"
msgstr "ESSID"
#: rc.cpp:71
#, no-c-format
msgid "Channel"
msgstr "Canal"
#: rc.cpp:74
#, no-c-format
msgid "Link Quality"
msgstr "Qualité du lien"
#: rc.cpp:77
#, no-c-format
msgid "WEP/WPA"
msgstr ""
#: rc.cpp:80
#, no-c-format
msgid "AP"
msgstr "Point d'accès"
#: rc.cpp:83
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"<p><b>Network List</b></p>\n"
"<p>This list shows all the wireless networks that have been found.</p>\n"
"<p><i>HINT: Click the Refresh button to update this list.</i></p>"
msgstr ""
"<p><b>Liste des réseaux</b></p>\n"
"<p>Cette liste affiche tous les réseaux qui ont été trouvés.</p>\n"
"<p><i>NOTE: Cliquez sur le bouton Actualiser pour mettre à jour la liste.</"
#: rc.cpp:88
#, no-c-format
msgid "Ready"
msgstr ""
#: rc.cpp:91
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"<p><b>Status Bar</b></p>\n"
"<p>Messages describing current process are shown in this area.</p>"
msgstr ""
"<p><b>Barre d'état</b></p>\n"
"<p>Les messages décrivant les processus en cours sont affichés dans cette "
#: rc.cpp:95
#, no-c-format
msgid "Automatically connect on startup"
msgstr ""
#: rc.cpp:99
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"<p><b>AutomaticallyConnect on Startup</b></p>\n"
"<p>Checking this box will make the application try to connect to the best "
"available network. Only networks that have been previously configured will "
"be taken into account.</p>"
msgstr ""
#: rc.cpp:103
#, no-c-format
msgid "Automaticall&y reconnect if connection is lost"
msgstr ""
#: rc.cpp:106
#, no-c-format
msgid "Alt+Y"
msgstr ""
#: rc.cpp:109
#, fuzzy, no-c-format
msgid ""
"<p><b>Automatically Reconnect if Connection is Lost</b></p>\n"
"<p>Checking this box will make the application try to reconnect after the "
"connection is lost.</p>"
msgstr ""
"<p><b>Quitter après une connexion réussie.</b></p>\n"
"<p>Cochez cette case pour permettre à l'application de quitter après une "
"connexion réussie au réseau sans-fil. </p>"
#: rc.cpp:113
#, no-c-format
msgid "Quit upon successful connection"
msgstr "Quitter après une connexion réussie"
#: rc.cpp:117
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"<p><b>Quit Upon Successful Connection</b></p>\n"
"<p>Checking this box will make the application close after successfully "
"establishing a connection to a wireless network.</p>"
msgstr ""
"<p><b>Quitter après une connexion réussie.</b></p>\n"
"<p>Cochez cette case pour permettre à l'application de quitter après une "
"connexion réussie au réseau sans-fil. </p>"
#: rc.cpp:121
#, no-c-format
msgid "&Group access points with the same ESSID"
msgstr ""
#: rc.cpp:124
#, no-c-format
msgid "Alt+G"
msgstr ""
#: rc.cpp:127
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"<p><b>Group Access Points with the Same ESSID</b></p>\n"
"<p>Checking this box will make all access points with the same ESSID appear "
"as one item in the network list.</p>"
msgstr ""
#: rc.cpp:131
#, no-c-format
msgid "Delay before scanning:"
msgstr ""
#: rc.cpp:134 rc.cpp:145 rc.cpp:167
#, no-c-format
msgid "Specify how long to wait for an IP"
msgstr "Spécifier le durée d'attente pour obtenir l'adresse IP"
#: rc.cpp:137 rc.cpp:148 rc.cpp:170
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"<p><b>DHCP Client Timeout</b></p>\n"
"<p>This option specifies the amount of time after which the application "
"should stop waiting for an IP address and assume that the connection has "
"<p><i>HINT: Increasing this number can help if you have problems connecting "
"to some networks.</i></p>"
msgstr ""
"<p><b>Timeout du client DHCP</b></p>\n"
"<p>Cette option spécifie la durée après laquelle l'application doit arrêter "
"d'attendre une adresse IP et de déclarer une connexion en échec.</p>\n"
"<p><i>ASTUCE: Augmenter cette valeur peuvent aider si vous avez des "
"difficultés à vous connecter à certains réseaux.</i></p>"
#: rc.cpp:142
#, no-c-format
msgid "DHCP client timeout:"
msgstr "Timeout du client DHCP:"
#: rc.cpp:153 rc.cpp:164 rc.cpp:412 rc.cpp:441 rc.cpp:470 rc.cpp:499
#, no-c-format
msgid "s"
msgstr "s"
#: rc.cpp:156
#, fuzzy, no-c-format
msgid "Specify how long to wait before scanning"
msgstr "Spécifier le durée d'attente pour obtenir l'adresse IP"
#: rc.cpp:159
#, fuzzy, no-c-format
msgid ""
"<p><b>Delay Before Scanning</b></p>\n"
"<p>This option specifies the amount of time to wait between bringing the "
"interface up and performing a scan.</p>\n"
"<p><i>HINT: Increasing this number can help if you have to refresh the list "
"manually to see all the available networks.</i></p>"
msgstr ""
"<p><b>Timeout du client DHCP</b></p>\n"
"<p>Cette option spécifie la durée après laquelle l'application doit arrêter "
"d'attendre une adresse IP et de déclarer une connexion en échec.</p>\n"
"<p><i>ASTUCE: Augmenter cette valeur peuvent aider si vous avez des "
"difficultés à vous connecter à certains réseaux.</i></p>"
#: rc.cpp:175
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"<i>Press the button below to enable all messages which have been turned off "
"with the 'Don't Show Again' feature.</i>"
msgstr ""
"<i>Ce bouton permet d'activer tous les messages qui ont été déactivés par la "
"fonction 'Ne plus afficher'..</i>"
#: rc.cpp:178
#, fuzzy, no-c-format
msgid "E&nable All Messages"
msgstr "Activer tous les messages"
#: rc.cpp:184
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"<p><b>Enable All Messages</b></p>\n"
"<p>Pressing this button will enable all messages which have been turned off "
"with the 'Don't Show Again' feature.</p>"
msgstr ""
"<p><b>Activer tous les messages</b></p>\n"
"<p>Ce bouton permet d'activer tous les messages qui ont été déactivés par la "
"fonction 'Ne plus afficher'.</p>"
#: rc.cpp:188
#, no-c-format
msgid "First Connection Wizard"
msgstr "Assistant de Première Connexion"
#: rc.cpp:191
#, no-c-format
msgid "Welcome to First Connection Wizard"
msgstr "Bienvenue à l'assistant de Première Connexion"
#: rc.cpp:194
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"<b><p>This is the first time you are trying to connect to the selected "
"<p>You will be asked a few questions necessary to configure this connection."
"<p><i>Press Next to continue.</i></p>"
msgstr ""
"<b><p>C'est la première fois que vous essayez de vous connecter au réseau "
"<p>Plusieurs questions vous seront posés pour configurer cette connexion.</"
"<p><i>Pressez sur Suivant pour continuer.</i></p>"
#: rc.cpp:202
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"<p><b>You are trying to connect to a network that does not broadcast its "
"<p>Please specify ESSID that you would like to use when connecting to this "
"access point.</p>"
msgstr ""
"<p><b>Vous tentez de vous connecter à un réseau qui ne diffuse pas son ESSID."
"<p>SVP veuillez préciser le ESSID que vous voulez utiliser pour vous "
"connecter à ce point d'accès.</p>"
#: rc.cpp:206 rc.cpp:328
#, no-c-format
msgid "ESSID:"
msgstr "ESSID:"
#: rc.cpp:209
#, no-c-format
msgid "Interface Configuration"
msgstr "Configuration de l'interface"
#: rc.cpp:213 rc.cpp:334
#, no-c-format
msgid "Automatic (DHCP)"
msgstr "Automatique (DHCP)"
#: rc.cpp:217
#, no-c-format
msgid "Manual"
msgstr "Manuel"
#: rc.cpp:221
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"<p><b>Your IP and other parameters need to be configured to connect to any "
"<p>Which configuration option would you like to use when connecting to this "
msgstr ""
"<p><b>IP et les autres paramètres doivent être configurés pour vous "
"connecter à tout réseau.</b></p>\n"
"<p>Quelles options de configuration voulez vous utiliser pour vous connecter "
"à ce réseau ?</p>"
#: rc.cpp:225
#, no-c-format
msgid "Interface Parameters"
msgstr "Paramètres de l'interface"
#: rc.cpp:228 rc.cpp:355
#, no-c-format
msgid "Secondary DNS:"
msgstr "DNS secondaire:"
#: rc.cpp:231 rc.cpp:343
#, no-c-format
msgid "IP:"
msgstr "IP:"
#: rc.cpp:234 rc.cpp:340
#, no-c-format
msgid "Netmask:"
msgstr "Masque réseau:"
#: rc.cpp:237 rc.cpp:358
#, no-c-format
msgid "Primary DNS:"
msgstr "DNS primaire:"
#: rc.cpp:240 rc.cpp:349
#, no-c-format
msgid "Gateway:"
msgstr "Passerelle:"
#: rc.cpp:243 rc.cpp:352
#, no-c-format
msgid "Domain:"
msgstr "Domaine:"
#: rc.cpp:246 rc.cpp:346
#, no-c-format
msgid "Broadcast:"
msgstr "Broadcast:"
#: rc.cpp:249
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"<p><b>Please specify interface parameters to be used to connect to this "
"<p>You may leave some fields blank.</p>"
msgstr ""
"<p><b>SVP, vérifiez les paramètres de l'interface utilisée pour se connecter "
"à ce réseau.</b></p>\n"
"<p>Certains champs peuvent être laisser incomplet.</p>"
#: rc.cpp:253
#, no-c-format
msgid "WEP Configuration"
msgstr "Configuration WEP"
#: rc.cpp:256
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"<p><b>The network you are trying to connect to requires WEP authentication.</"
"<p>Which WEP mode would you like to use?</p>"
msgstr ""
"<p><b>Le réseau auquel vous voulez vous connecter demande une "
"authentification WEP.</b></p>\n"
"<p>Quel mode WEP voulez vous utiliser ?</p>"
#: rc.cpp:261
#, fuzzy, no-c-format
msgid "Open S&ystem"
msgstr "Système Ouvert"
#: rc.cpp:264
#, no-c-format
msgid "Shared Key"
msgstr "Clé partagée"
#: rc.cpp:267 rc.cpp:288
#, fuzzy, no-c-format
msgid "<p><b>Please provide a key to be used with this network.</b></p>"
msgstr ""
"<p><b>SVP, indiquez une clé pour utiliser ce réseau.</b></p>\n"
"Les formats supportés par \"iwconfig\" peuvent être utilisés."
#: rc.cpp:270
#, no-c-format
msgid "WEP key:"
msgstr "Clé WEP:"
#: rc.cpp:273 rc.cpp:285 rc.cpp:370 rc.cpp:391
#, no-c-format
msgid "ASCII"
msgstr ""
#: rc.cpp:276
#, fuzzy, no-c-format
msgid "WPA Configuration"
msgstr "Configuration WEP"
#: rc.cpp:279
#, fuzzy, no-c-format
msgid ""
"<p><b>The network you are trying to connect to requires WPA authentication.</"
msgstr ""
"<p><b>Le réseau auquel vous voulez vous connecter demande une "
"authentification WEP.</b></p>\n"
"<p>Quel mode WEP voulez vous utiliser ?</p>"
#: rc.cpp:282
#, fuzzy, no-c-format
msgid "WPA Key:"
msgstr "Clé WEP"
#: rc.cpp:291 rc.cpp:376
#, no-c-format
msgid "<b>?<br>?<br>?<br>?</b>"
msgstr ""
#: rc.cpp:294 rc.cpp:373
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"WPA Version:<br>Group Cipher:<br>Pairwise Cipher:<br>Authentication Suite:"
msgstr ""
#: rc.cpp:297
#, no-c-format
msgid "Done!"
msgstr "Fait !"
#: rc.cpp:300
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"<p>You have successfully finished configuring this connection.</p>\n"
"<p><b>Press Finish to connect!</b></p>"
msgstr ""
"<p><b>Félicitation !</b></p>\n"
"<p>Vous avez configuré avec succès votre connexion.</p>\n"
"<p><b>Pressez sur Terminé pour vous connecter !</b></p>"
#: rc.cpp:311
#, no-c-format
msgid "F1"
msgstr "F1"
#: rc.cpp:322
#, no-c-format
msgid "I&nterface"
msgstr "I&nterface"
#: rc.cpp:337
#, fuzzy, no-c-format
msgid "&Manual"
msgstr "Manuel"
#: rc.cpp:361
#, no-c-format
msgid "Securit&y"
msgstr "Sé&curité"
#: rc.cpp:364
#, fuzzy, no-c-format
msgid "WPA Settings"
msgstr "Réglages de %1"
#: rc.cpp:367 rc.cpp:388
#, no-c-format
msgid "Key:"
msgstr "Clé:"
#: rc.cpp:379
#, fuzzy, no-c-format
msgid "WEP Settings"
msgstr "Réglages de %1"
#: rc.cpp:382
#, fuzzy, no-c-format
msgid "Open Syste&m"
msgstr "Système Ouvert"
#: rc.cpp:385
#, no-c-format
msgid "Alt+M"
msgstr ""
#: rc.cpp:394
#, fuzzy, no-c-format
msgid "Shared &Key"
msgstr "Clé partagée"
#: rc.cpp:397
#, no-c-format
msgid "Alt+K"
msgstr ""
#: rc.cpp:400
#, no-c-format
msgid "Advanced"
msgstr ""
#: rc.cpp:403
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"<b>Security Warning:</b> the commands specified below will be ran with the "
"same privileges as Wireless Assistant has."
msgstr ""
#: rc.cpp:406
#, fuzzy, no-c-format
msgid "Pre-Connection Command"
msgstr "Echec de connexion."
#: rc.cpp:409 rc.cpp:438 rc.cpp:467 rc.cpp:496
#, no-c-format
msgid "Timeout:"
msgstr ""
#: rc.cpp:415 rc.cpp:444 rc.cpp:473 rc.cpp:502
#, no-c-format
msgid "Amount of time after which the process will be killed."
msgstr ""
#: rc.cpp:418 rc.cpp:447 rc.cpp:476 rc.cpp:505
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"<p>This option specifies how long should Wireless Assistant wait for the "
"process to finish, before it will be killed.</p>"
msgstr ""
#: rc.cpp:422 rc.cpp:451 rc.cpp:480 rc.cpp:509
#, no-c-format
msgid "Run detached"
msgstr ""
#: rc.cpp:425 rc.cpp:454 rc.cpp:483 rc.cpp:512
#, no-c-format
msgid "Don't wait for the process to finish."
msgstr ""
#: rc.cpp:428 rc.cpp:457 rc.cpp:486 rc.cpp:515
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"<p><b>Run Detached</b></p>\n"
"<p>If this checkbox is selected Wireless Assistant will not wait for the "
"process to finish.</p>"
msgstr ""
#: rc.cpp:432 rc.cpp:461 rc.cpp:490 rc.cpp:519
#, fuzzy, no-c-format
msgid "Command:"
msgstr "Domaine:"
#: rc.cpp:435
#, fuzzy, no-c-format
msgid "Post-Connection Command"
msgstr "Assistant de Première Connexion"
#: rc.cpp:464
#, no-c-format
msgid "Pre-Disconnection Command"
msgstr ""
#: rc.cpp:493
#, no-c-format
msgid "Post-Disconnection Command"
msgstr ""
#~ msgid "WEP Mode"
#~ msgstr "Mode WEP"
#~ msgid "WEP?"
#~ msgstr "WEP ?"
#~ msgid "Application Options"
#~ msgstr "Options de l'application"
@ -0,0 +1,973 @@
# translation of nb.po to
# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
# Alexander Nicolaysen Sørnes <>, 2006.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: nb\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2007-04-02 02:31+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2006-10-01 16:10+0200\n"
"Last-Translator: Alexander Nicolaysen Sørnes <>\n"
"Language-Team: <>\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"X-Generator: KBabel 1.11.2\n"
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:103
msgid "Initializing..."
msgstr "Laster inn . . ."
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:110
msgid ""
"Kernel 2.6 or later not present.\n"
"Wireless Assistant will now quit."
msgstr ""
"Kjene 2.6 eller nyere er ikke tilstede.\n"
"Wireless Assistant avsluttes."
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:156
msgid ""
"No usable wireless devices found.\n"
"Wireless Assistant will now quit."
msgstr ""
"Ingen brukbare trådløse enhet ble funnet.\n"
"Wireless Assistant avsluttes."
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:179
msgid ""
"<qt><p>You might have insufficient permissions for Wireless Assistant to "
"function properly.</p><p>Did you run it using '<tt>sudo</tt>'?</p></qt>"
msgstr ""
"<qt><p>Det er mulig du ikke har tilstrekkelige tillatelser for at Wireless "
"Assistant kan fungere ordentlig.</p><p>Kjørte du det med «<tt>sudo</tt>»?</"
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:200
msgid ""
"Executable(s) '%1' could not be found.\n"
"Wireless Assistant will now quit."
msgstr ""
"Fant ikke programfilen(e) «%s».\n"
"Wireless Assistant avsluttes."
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:238
msgid ""
"Connection to '%1' has been lost!\n"
"Would you like to reconnect?"
msgstr ""
"Forbindelsen til «%1» er tapt\n"
"Vil du koble til på nytt?"
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:238
msgid "Connection Lost"
msgstr "Mistet forbindelsen"
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:252
msgid ""
"<qt><p>Settings for network '<b>%1</b>' are about to be deleted.</p><p>Would "
"you like to continue?</p></qt>"
msgstr ""
"<qt><p>Innstillinger for nettverket «<b>%1/<b>» er i ferd med å bli slettet."
"</p><p>VIl du fortsette?</p></qt>"
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:257
msgid "Settings deleted."
msgstr "Innstillinger slettet."
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:285
msgid ""
"<qt><p>File '<i>%1</i>' could not be opened for writing.</p><p>Nameserver(s) "
"and/or domain are not set.</p></qt>"
msgstr ""
"<qt><p>Klarte ikke åpne filen «<i><%1</i>» for skriving.</p><p>Navnetjener"
"(e) og/eller domene er ikke angitt.</p></qt>"
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:317
msgid "Bringing interface %1 up..."
msgstr "Bringer kort %1 opp . . ."
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:321
msgid "Waiting before scanning..."
msgstr ""
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:328
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:334
msgid "Scanning..."
msgstr "Søker . . ."
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:343
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:807
msgid "Done."
msgstr "Ferdig."
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:348
msgid "No networks found."
msgstr "Ingen nettverk funnet."
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:351
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Radio of your wireless card seems to be turned off using an external switch "
"on your computer.\n"
"You need turn it on to be able to use wireless networks."
msgstr ""
"Radioen på det trådløse kortet ditt er slått av ved hjelp av en ekstern "
"bryter på maskinen.\n"
"Du må slå den på for å bruke trådløse nettverk."
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:459
msgid "Freq (Hz)"
msgstr "Frek. (Hz)"
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:473
msgid ""
"Radio of your wireless card is off.\n"
"Would you like to turn it on?"
msgstr ""
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:559
#, fuzzy
msgid "Auto connection failed."
msgstr "Veiviser for første tilkobling"
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:570
msgid ""
"<qt><p><b>Can not connect to network '%1'.<b></p><p>The network you are "
"trying to connect to requires WPA authentication. The necessary executables "
"<i>wpa_supplicant</i> and <i>wpa_cli</i> could not be found. Install "
"<i>wpa_supplicant</i> and restart Wireless Assistant to connect.</p></qt>"
msgstr ""
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:579
msgid "%1 - First Connection Wizard"
msgstr "%1 - Veiviser for første tilkobling"
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:616
msgid "Network settings updated."
msgstr "Nettverksinnstillinger oppdatert."
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:644
#, fuzzy
msgid "Running pre-connection command..."
msgstr "Tilkobling feilet."
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:650
msgid "Connecting to '%1'..."
msgstr "Kobler til «%1» . . ."
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:669
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:685
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:718
#, fuzzy
msgid "Connection failed."
msgstr "Mistet forbindelsen"
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:701
#, fuzzy
msgid "Running post-connection command..."
msgstr "Veiviser for første tilkobling"
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:708
msgid "Testing connection..."
msgstr "Tester forbindelse . . ."
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:714
msgid "Successfully connected to '%1'."
msgstr "Koblet til «%1»."
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:722
msgid ""
"Connection failed.\n"
"Would you like to review settings for this network?"
msgstr ""
"Tilkobling feilet.\n"
"Vil du se på innstillingene for nettverket?"
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:722
msgid "Review Settings?"
msgstr "Se på innstillingene?"
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:761
msgid ""
"<qt><p>You are about to disconnect from '<b>%1</b>'.</p><p>Would you like to "
msgstr ""
"<qt><p>Du er i ferd med å koble fra «<b>%1</b>».</p><p>Vil du fortsette?</"
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:766
#, fuzzy
msgid "Running pre-disconnection command..."
msgstr "Tilkobling feilet."
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:772
msgid "Disconnecting..."
msgstr "Kobler fra . . ."
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:778
msgid "Waiting for DHCP client to shut down..."
msgstr "Venter på at DHCP-klienten skal slås av . . ."
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:801
#, fuzzy
msgid "Running post-disconnection command..."
msgstr "Veiviser for første tilkobling"
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:810
msgid "Cancelled."
msgstr "Avbrutt."
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:906
msgid "&Disconnect"
msgstr "Koble &fra"
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:908
msgid "Disconnect from the selected network"
msgstr "Koble fra det valgte nettverket"
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:911
msgid "&Connect"
msgstr "K&oble til"
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:913 rc.cpp:39
#, no-c-format
msgid "Connect to the selected network"
msgstr "Koble til valgte nettverk"
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:960
msgid "&Stop"
msgstr "&Stopp"
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:964
msgid ""
"Terminate current process\n"
msgstr ""
"Avbrytt gjeldende prosess\n"
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:979 rc.cpp:26
#, no-c-format
msgid "Quit the application"
msgstr "Avslutt programmet"
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:1038
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:1047
msgid "Disconnect..."
msgstr "Koble fra . . ."
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:1041
#, fuzzy
msgid "Connect"
msgstr "Koble til"
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:1043
msgid "Forget Settings..."
msgstr "Glem innstillinger . . ."
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:1044
msgid "Edit Settings..."
msgstr "Rediger innstillinger . . ."
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:1050
msgid "Configure and Connect..."
msgstr "Sett opp og koble til . . ."
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:1063
#, fuzzy
msgid "%1 Settings"
msgstr "%1 Innstillinger"
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/_translatorinfo.cpp:1
msgid ""
"Your names"
msgstr "Alexander N. Sørnes"
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/_translatorinfo.cpp:3
msgid ""
"Your emails"
msgstr ""
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/main.cpp:30
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/main.cpp:42 rc.cpp:3
#, no-c-format
msgid "Wireless Assistant"
msgstr "Wireless Assistant"
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/netparams.h:76
msgid ""
"<qt><p>The network changed its security settings.</p><p>Please go to "
"<i>Security</i> tab of the following dialog and configure WEP settings.</p></"
msgstr ""
"<qt><p>Nettverket endret sikkerhetsinnstillinger.</p><p>Gå til <i>Sikkerhet</"
"i>-fanen i neste vindu og sett opp WEP.</p></qt>"
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/netparams.h:78
msgid ""
"<qt><p>Your WEP Key is not set properly.</p><p>Please go to <i>Security</i> "
"tab of the following dialog and enter the required key.</p></qt>"
msgstr ""
"<qt><p>WEP-nøkkelen din er ikke angitt ordentlig.</p><p>Gå til <i>Sikkerhet</"
"i>-fanen i det neste vinduet og skriv inn den påkrevde nøkkelen.</p></qt>"
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/netparams.h:82
msgid ""
"<qt><p>The network has stopped broadcasting its ESSID since the last time "
"you were connected.</p><p>Would you like to use '<b>%1</b>' as an ESSID for "
"this network?</p><p><i>NOTE: If you answer No, a dialog will appear where "
"you will be able to specify a different ESSID.</i></p></qt>"
msgstr ""
"<qt><p>Nettverket har sluttet å kringkaste en ESSID siden sist du koblet til."
"</p><p>Vil du bruke «<b>%1</b>» som en ESSID for dette nettverket?</"
"p><p><i>MERK: Hvis du svarer nei kan du oppgi en annen ESSID.</i></p></qt>"
#: rc.cpp:9
#, no-c-format
msgid "Alt+O"
msgstr ""
#: rc.cpp:12
#, no-c-format
msgid "Toggle network list/options"
msgstr "Bytt mellom nettverksliste/innstillinger"
#: rc.cpp:15
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"<p><b>Options Button</b></p>\n"
"<p>Pressing this toggle button will show the available application options.</"
"<p><i>HINT: Press this button again to return to the network list.</i></p>"
msgstr ""
"<p>Denne knappen viser tilgjengelige innstillinger i programmet.</p>\n"
"<p><i>HINET: Trykk på denne knappen igjen for å gå tilbake til "
#: rc.cpp:23
#, no-c-format
msgid "Alt+Q"
msgstr ""
#: rc.cpp:29
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"<p><b>Quit Button</b></p>\n"
"<p>Pressing this button will quit the application.</p>"
msgstr ""
"<p>Denne knappen avslutter programmet.</p>"
#: rc.cpp:33
#, fuzzy, no-c-format
msgid "Co&nnect"
msgstr "Koble til"
#: rc.cpp:36 rc.cpp:181
#, no-c-format
msgid "Alt+N"
msgstr ""
#: rc.cpp:42
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"<p><b>Connect/Disconnect Button</b></p>\n"
"<p>Pressing this button will connect to/disconnect from the network "
"currently selected in the network list.</p>"
msgstr ""
"<p><b>Koble til/fra</b></p>\n"
"<p>Denne knappen kobler til/fra nettverket som er valgt.</p>"
#: rc.cpp:46
#, no-c-format
msgid "Refresh"
msgstr "Oppdater"
#: rc.cpp:50
#, no-c-format
msgid "Refresh network list"
msgstr "Oppdater nettverksliste"
#: rc.cpp:53
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"<p><b>Scan Button</b></p>\n"
"<p>Pressing this button will scan for wireless networks and refresh the "
"network list.</p>"
msgstr ""
"<p>Denne knappen søker etter trådløse nettverk og oppdaterer nettverkslisten."
#: rc.cpp:57
#, no-c-format
msgid "Device:"
msgstr "Enhet:"
#: rc.cpp:60
#, no-c-format
msgid "Pick a network device to use"
msgstr "Velg et nettverksenhet du vil bruke"
#: rc.cpp:63
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"<p><b>Device Selection</b></p>\n"
"<p>This combo box allows you to select which wireless card to use.</p>\n"
"<p><i>NOTE: Selecting a different card will refresh the network list.</i></p>"
msgstr ""
"<p>Denne boksen lar deg velge hvilket nettverkskort som brukes.</p>\n"
"<p><i>MERK: NettverksIsten oppdateres hvis du velger at annet kort.</i></p>"
#: rc.cpp:68 rc.cpp:199 rc.cpp:325
#, no-c-format
msgid "ESSID"
msgstr "ESSID"
#: rc.cpp:71
#, no-c-format
msgid "Channel"
msgstr "Kanal"
#: rc.cpp:74
#, no-c-format
msgid "Link Quality"
msgstr "Kvalitet"
#: rc.cpp:77
#, no-c-format
msgid "WEP/WPA"
msgstr ""
#: rc.cpp:80
#, no-c-format
msgid "AP"
msgstr "TP"
#: rc.cpp:83
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"<p><b>Network List</b></p>\n"
"<p>This list shows all the wireless networks that have been found.</p>\n"
"<p><i>HINT: Click the Refresh button to update this list.</i></p>"
msgstr ""
"<p>Denne listen viser alle de trådløse nettverkene som er funnet.</p>\n"
"<p><i>HINT: Trykk på oppdater-knappen for å oppdatere listen.</i></p>"
#: rc.cpp:88
#, no-c-format
msgid "Ready"
msgstr ""
#: rc.cpp:91
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"<p><b>Status Bar</b></p>\n"
"<p>Messages describing current process are shown in this area.</p>"
msgstr ""
"<p>Meldinger fra den gjelgende prosessen vises i dette området.</p>"
#: rc.cpp:95
#, no-c-format
msgid "Automatically connect on startup"
msgstr ""
#: rc.cpp:99
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"<p><b>AutomaticallyConnect on Startup</b></p>\n"
"<p>Checking this box will make the application try to connect to the best "
"available network. Only networks that have been previously configured will "
"be taken into account.</p>"
msgstr ""
#: rc.cpp:103
#, no-c-format
msgid "Automaticall&y reconnect if connection is lost"
msgstr ""
#: rc.cpp:106
#, no-c-format
msgid "Alt+Y"
msgstr ""
#: rc.cpp:109
#, fuzzy, no-c-format
msgid ""
"<p><b>Automatically Reconnect if Connection is Lost</b></p>\n"
"<p>Checking this box will make the application try to reconnect after the "
"connection is lost.</p>"
msgstr ""
"<p><b>Avslutt etter vellykket tilkobling</b></p>\n"
"<p>Dette gjør at programmet avsluttes etter at en forbindelse er opprettet.</"
#: rc.cpp:113
#, no-c-format
msgid "Quit upon successful connection"
msgstr "Avslutt etter vellykket tilkobling"
#: rc.cpp:117
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"<p><b>Quit Upon Successful Connection</b></p>\n"
"<p>Checking this box will make the application close after successfully "
"establishing a connection to a wireless network.</p>"
msgstr ""
"<p><b>Avslutt etter vellykket tilkobling</b></p>\n"
"<p>Dette gjør at programmet avsluttes etter at en forbindelse er opprettet.</"
#: rc.cpp:121
#, no-c-format
msgid "&Group access points with the same ESSID"
msgstr ""
#: rc.cpp:124
#, no-c-format
msgid "Alt+G"
msgstr ""
#: rc.cpp:127
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"<p><b>Group Access Points with the Same ESSID</b></p>\n"
"<p>Checking this box will make all access points with the same ESSID appear "
"as one item in the network list.</p>"
msgstr ""
#: rc.cpp:131
#, no-c-format
msgid "Delay before scanning:"
msgstr ""
#: rc.cpp:134 rc.cpp:145 rc.cpp:167
#, no-c-format
msgid "Specify how long to wait for an IP"
msgstr "Hvor lenge det ventes på en IP"
#: rc.cpp:137 rc.cpp:148 rc.cpp:170
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"<p><b>DHCP Client Timeout</b></p>\n"
"<p>This option specifies the amount of time after which the application "
"should stop waiting for an IP address and assume that the connection has "
"<p><i>HINT: Increasing this number can help if you have problems connecting "
"to some networks.</i></p>"
msgstr ""
"<p><b>Tidsavbrudd for DHCP-klient</b></p>\n"
"<p>Denne innstillinger bestemmer hvor lenge programmet skal vente på en IP-"
"adresse og anta at tilkoblingen feilet.</p>\n"
"<p><i>HINT: Det kan hjelpe å øke denne grensen hvis du har problemer med å "
"koble til noen nettverk.</i></p>"
#: rc.cpp:142
#, no-c-format
msgid "DHCP client timeout:"
msgstr "Tidsavbrudd for DHCP-klient:"
#: rc.cpp:153 rc.cpp:164 rc.cpp:412 rc.cpp:441 rc.cpp:470 rc.cpp:499
#, no-c-format
msgid "s"
msgstr "s"
#: rc.cpp:156
#, fuzzy, no-c-format
msgid "Specify how long to wait before scanning"
msgstr "Hvor lenge det ventes på en IP"
#: rc.cpp:159
#, fuzzy, no-c-format
msgid ""
"<p><b>Delay Before Scanning</b></p>\n"
"<p>This option specifies the amount of time to wait between bringing the "
"interface up and performing a scan.</p>\n"
"<p><i>HINT: Increasing this number can help if you have to refresh the list "
"manually to see all the available networks.</i></p>"
msgstr ""
"<p><b>Tidsavbrudd for DHCP-klient</b></p>\n"
"<p>Denne innstillinger bestemmer hvor lenge programmet skal vente på en IP-"
"adresse og anta at tilkoblingen feilet.</p>\n"
"<p><i>HINT: Det kan hjelpe å øke denne grensen hvis du har problemer med å "
"koble til noen nettverk.</i></p>"
#: rc.cpp:175
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"<i>Press the button below to enable all messages which have been turned off "
"with the 'Don't Show Again' feature.</i>"
msgstr ""
"<i>Trykk på knappen under for å slå på alle meldinger som er slått av med "
"«Ikke vis igjen»-funksjonen.</i>"
#: rc.cpp:178
#, fuzzy, no-c-format
msgid "E&nable All Messages"
msgstr "Slå på alle meldinger"
#: rc.cpp:184
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"<p><b>Enable All Messages</b></p>\n"
"<p>Pressing this button will enable all messages which have been turned off "
"with the 'Don't Show Again' feature.</p>"
msgstr ""
"<p><b>Slå på alle meldinger</b></p>\n"
"<p>Denne knappen slår på alle meldinger som er slått av med «Ikke vis igjen»-"
#: rc.cpp:188
#, no-c-format
msgid "First Connection Wizard"
msgstr "Veiviser for første tilkobling"
#: rc.cpp:191
#, no-c-format
msgid "Welcome to First Connection Wizard"
msgstr "Velkommen til veiviseren for første tilkobling"
#: rc.cpp:194
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"<b><p>This is the first time you are trying to connect to the selected "
"<p>You will be asked a few questions necessary to configure this connection."
"<p><i>Press Next to continue.</i></p>"
msgstr ""
"<b><p>Dette er første gangen du prøver å koble til det valgte nettverket.</"
"<p>Du blir spurt om noen ting som er nødvendig for å sette opp forbindelsen. "
"<p><i>Trykk «Neste» for å fortsette.</i></p>"
#: rc.cpp:202
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"<p><b>You are trying to connect to a network that does not broadcast its "
"<p>Please specify ESSID that you would like to use when connecting to this "
"access point.</p>"
msgstr ""
"<p><b>Du prøver å koble til et nettverk som ikke kringkaster en ESSID.</b></"
"<p>Oppgi en ESSID som du vil bruke når du kobler til tilgangspunktet.</p>"
#: rc.cpp:206 rc.cpp:328
#, no-c-format
msgid "ESSID:"
msgstr "ESSID:"
#: rc.cpp:209
#, no-c-format
msgid "Interface Configuration"
msgstr "Oppsett av kort"
#: rc.cpp:213 rc.cpp:334
#, no-c-format
msgid "Automatic (DHCP)"
msgstr "Automatisk (DHCP)"
#: rc.cpp:217
#, no-c-format
msgid "Manual"
msgstr "Manuelt"
#: rc.cpp:221
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"<p><b>Your IP and other parameters need to be configured to connect to any "
"<p>Which configuration option would you like to use when connecting to this "
msgstr ""
"<p><b>Din IP-adresse og andre ting må stilles inn før du kan koble til et "
"<p>Hvilket oppsettsalternativ vil du bruke når du kobler til dette "
#: rc.cpp:225
#, no-c-format
msgid "Interface Parameters"
msgstr "Kortinnstillinger"
#: rc.cpp:228 rc.cpp:355
#, no-c-format
msgid "Secondary DNS:"
msgstr "Sekundær DNS:"
#: rc.cpp:231 rc.cpp:343
#, no-c-format
msgid "IP:"
msgstr "IP:"
#: rc.cpp:234 rc.cpp:340
#, no-c-format
msgid "Netmask:"
msgstr "Nettmaske:"
#: rc.cpp:237 rc.cpp:358
#, no-c-format
msgid "Primary DNS:"
msgstr "Primær DNS:"
#: rc.cpp:240 rc.cpp:349
#, no-c-format
msgid "Gateway:"
msgstr "Portvei:"
#: rc.cpp:243 rc.cpp:352
#, no-c-format
msgid "Domain:"
msgstr "Domene:"
#: rc.cpp:246 rc.cpp:346
#, no-c-format
msgid "Broadcast:"
msgstr "Kringkasting:"
#: rc.cpp:249
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"<p><b>Please specify interface parameters to be used to connect to this "
"<p>You may leave some fields blank.</p>"
msgstr ""
"<p><b>Oppgi kortinnstillinger som skal brukes når du kobler til dette "
"<p>Du trenger ikke fylle ut alt.</p>"
#: rc.cpp:253
#, no-c-format
msgid "WEP Configuration"
msgstr "WEP-oppsett"
#: rc.cpp:256
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"<p><b>The network you are trying to connect to requires WEP authentication.</"
"<p>Which WEP mode would you like to use?</p>"
msgstr ""
"<p><b>Nettverket du prøver å koble til krever WEP-autentisering.</b></p>\n"
"<p>Hvilken WEP-modus vil du bruke?</p>"
#: rc.cpp:261
#, fuzzy, no-c-format
msgid "Open S&ystem"
msgstr "Åpent system"
#: rc.cpp:264
#, no-c-format
msgid "Shared Key"
msgstr "Delt nøkkel"
#: rc.cpp:267 rc.cpp:288
#, fuzzy, no-c-format
msgid "<p><b>Please provide a key to be used with this network.</b></p>"
msgstr ""
"<p><b>Oppgi en nøkkel for bruk med nettverket.</b></p>\n"
"Du kan bruke ethvert format som støttes av «iwconfig»."
#: rc.cpp:270
#, no-c-format
msgid "WEP key:"
msgstr "WEP-nøkkel:"
#: rc.cpp:273 rc.cpp:285 rc.cpp:370 rc.cpp:391
#, no-c-format
msgid "ASCII"
msgstr ""
#: rc.cpp:276
#, fuzzy, no-c-format
msgid "WPA Configuration"
msgstr "WEP-oppsett"
#: rc.cpp:279
#, fuzzy, no-c-format
msgid ""
"<p><b>The network you are trying to connect to requires WPA authentication.</"
msgstr ""
"<p><b>Nettverket du prøver å koble til krever WEP-autentisering.</b></p>\n"
"<p>Hvilken WEP-modus vil du bruke?</p>"
#: rc.cpp:282
#, fuzzy, no-c-format
msgid "WPA Key:"
msgstr "WEP-nøkkel"
#: rc.cpp:291 rc.cpp:376
#, no-c-format
msgid "<b>?<br>?<br>?<br>?</b>"
msgstr ""
#: rc.cpp:294 rc.cpp:373
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"WPA Version:<br>Group Cipher:<br>Pairwise Cipher:<br>Authentication Suite:"
msgstr ""
#: rc.cpp:297
#, no-c-format
msgid "Done!"
msgstr "Ferdig"
#: rc.cpp:300
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"<p>You have successfully finished configuring this connection.</p>\n"
"<p><b>Press Finish to connect!</b></p>"
msgstr ""
"<p>Du er endelig ferdig med å sette opp denne forbindelsen</p>\n"
"<p><b>Trykk «Fullfør» for å koble til.</b></p>"
#: rc.cpp:311
#, no-c-format
msgid "F1"
msgstr "F1"
#: rc.cpp:322
#, no-c-format
msgid "I&nterface"
msgstr "&Kort"
#: rc.cpp:337
#, fuzzy, no-c-format
msgid "&Manual"
msgstr "Manuelt"
#: rc.cpp:361
#, no-c-format
msgid "Securit&y"
msgstr "Sikkerhe&t"
#: rc.cpp:364
#, fuzzy, no-c-format
msgid "WPA Settings"
msgstr "%1 Innstillinger"
#: rc.cpp:367 rc.cpp:388
#, no-c-format
msgid "Key:"
msgstr "Nøkkel:"
#: rc.cpp:379
#, fuzzy, no-c-format
msgid "WEP Settings"
msgstr "%1 Innstillinger"
#: rc.cpp:382
#, fuzzy, no-c-format
msgid "Open Syste&m"
msgstr "Åpent system"
#: rc.cpp:385
#, no-c-format
msgid "Alt+M"
msgstr ""
#: rc.cpp:394
#, fuzzy, no-c-format
msgid "Shared &Key"
msgstr "Delt nøkkel"
#: rc.cpp:397
#, no-c-format
msgid "Alt+K"
msgstr ""
#: rc.cpp:400
#, no-c-format
msgid "Advanced"
msgstr ""
#: rc.cpp:403
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"<b>Security Warning:</b> the commands specified below will be ran with the "
"same privileges as Wireless Assistant has."
msgstr ""
#: rc.cpp:406
#, fuzzy, no-c-format
msgid "Pre-Connection Command"
msgstr "Tilkobling feilet."
#: rc.cpp:409 rc.cpp:438 rc.cpp:467 rc.cpp:496
#, no-c-format
msgid "Timeout:"
msgstr ""
#: rc.cpp:415 rc.cpp:444 rc.cpp:473 rc.cpp:502
#, no-c-format
msgid "Amount of time after which the process will be killed."
msgstr ""
#: rc.cpp:418 rc.cpp:447 rc.cpp:476 rc.cpp:505
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"<p>This option specifies how long should Wireless Assistant wait for the "
"process to finish, before it will be killed.</p>"
msgstr ""
#: rc.cpp:422 rc.cpp:451 rc.cpp:480 rc.cpp:509
#, no-c-format
msgid "Run detached"
msgstr ""
#: rc.cpp:425 rc.cpp:454 rc.cpp:483 rc.cpp:512
#, no-c-format
msgid "Don't wait for the process to finish."
msgstr ""
#: rc.cpp:428 rc.cpp:457 rc.cpp:486 rc.cpp:515
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"<p><b>Run Detached</b></p>\n"
"<p>If this checkbox is selected Wireless Assistant will not wait for the "
"process to finish.</p>"
msgstr ""
#: rc.cpp:432 rc.cpp:461 rc.cpp:490 rc.cpp:519
#, fuzzy, no-c-format
msgid "Command:"
msgstr "Domene:"
#: rc.cpp:435
#, fuzzy, no-c-format
msgid "Post-Connection Command"
msgstr "Veiviser for første tilkobling"
#: rc.cpp:464
#, no-c-format
msgid "Pre-Disconnection Command"
msgstr ""
#: rc.cpp:493
#, no-c-format
msgid "Post-Disconnection Command"
msgstr ""
#~ msgid "WEP Mode"
#~ msgstr "WEP-modus"
#~ msgid "WEP?"
#~ msgstr "WEP?"
#~ msgid "Application Options"
#~ msgstr "Programinnstillinger"
@ -0,0 +1,980 @@
# translation of pl.po to Polish
# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
# Pawel Nawrocki <>, 2005.
# Paweł Nawrocki <>, 2007.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: pl\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2007-04-02 02:31+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2007-04-02 20:39+0200\n"
"Last-Translator: Paweł Nawrocki <>\n"
"Language-Team: Polish <>\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"X-Generator: KBabel 1.11.4\n"
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:103
msgid "Initializing..."
msgstr "Wstępne konfigurowanie..."
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:110
msgid ""
"Kernel 2.6 or later not present.\n"
"Wireless Assistant will now quit."
msgstr ""
"Nie wykryto jądra 2.6 lub nowszego\n"
"Program Wireless Assistant zakończy działanie."
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:156
msgid ""
"No usable wireless devices found.\n"
"Wireless Assistant will now quit."
msgstr ""
"Nie znaleziono żadnych dostępnych kart sieciowych.\n"
"Program Wireless Assistant zakończy działanie."
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:179
msgid ""
"<qt><p>You might have insufficient permissions for Wireless Assistant to "
"function properly.</p><p>Did you run it using '<tt>sudo</tt>'?</p></qt>"
msgstr ""
"<qt><p>Program Wireless Assistant może nie mieć wystarczających uprawnień do "
"poprawnego funkcjonowania.</p><p>Czy program został uruchomiony z użyciem "
"komendy '<tt>sudo</tt>'?</p></qt>"
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:200
msgid ""
"Executable(s) '%1' could not be found.\n"
"Wireless Assistant will now quit."
msgstr ""
"Nie znaleziono programu(ów) '%1'.\n"
"Program Wireless Assistant zakończy działanie."
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:238
msgid ""
"Connection to '%1' has been lost!\n"
"Would you like to reconnect?"
msgstr ""
"Połączenie z '%1' zostało przerwane!\n"
"Czy chcesz połączyć ponownie?"
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:238
msgid "Connection Lost"
msgstr "Połączenie przerwane"
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:252
msgid ""
"<qt><p>Settings for network '<b>%1</b>' are about to be deleted.</p><p>Would "
"you like to continue?</p></qt>"
msgstr ""
"<qt><p>Ustawienia dla sieci '<b>%1</b>' za chwilę zostaną usunięte.</"
"p><p>Czy chcesz kontynuować?</p></qt>"
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:257
msgid "Settings deleted."
msgstr "Ustawienia zostały usunięte."
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:285
msgid ""
"<qt><p>File '<i>%1</i>' could not be opened for writing.</p><p>Nameserver(s) "
"and/or domain are not set.</p></qt>"
msgstr ""
"<qt><p>Otwiarcie pliku '<i>%1</i>' z możliwością zapisu nie powiodło się.</"
"p><p>Serwer(y) DNS i/lub domena nie mogły zostać skonfigurowane.</p></qt>"
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:317
msgid "Bringing interface %1 up..."
msgstr "Włączanie urządzenia sieciowego %1..."
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:321
msgid "Waiting before scanning..."
msgstr "Czekanie przed skanowaniem..."
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:328
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:334
msgid "Scanning..."
msgstr "Skanowanie..."
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:343
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:807
msgid "Done."
msgstr "Gotowe."
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:348
msgid "No networks found."
msgstr "Nie znaleziono żadnej sieci."
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:351
msgid ""
"Radio of your wireless card seems to be turned off using an external switch "
"on your computer.\n"
"You need turn it on to be able to use wireless networks."
msgstr ""
"Radio Twojej karty sieciowej zostało wyłączone za pomocą zewnętrznego "
"przełącznika na komputerze.\n"
"Włącz je aby umożliwić korzystanie z sieci bezprzewodowych."
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:459
msgid "Freq (Hz)"
msgstr "Częstotliwość (Hz)"
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:473
msgid ""
"Radio of your wireless card is off.\n"
"Would you like to turn it on?"
msgstr "Radio Twojej karty sieciowej jest wyłączone.<br>Czy chcesz je włączyć?"
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:559
msgid "Auto connection failed."
msgstr "Automatyczne połączenie nie powiodło się."
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:570
msgid ""
"<qt><p><b>Can not connect to network '%1'.<b></p><p>The network you are "
"trying to connect to requires WPA authentication. The necessary executables "
"<i>wpa_supplicant</i> and <i>wpa_cli</i> could not be found. Install "
"<i>wpa_supplicant</i> and restart Wireless Assistant to connect.</p></qt>"
msgstr ""
"<qt><p><b>Nie można połączyć się z siecią '%1'.<b></p><p>Sieć, z którą "
"chcesz się połączyć, wymaga autoryzacji metodą WPA. Niezbędne programy "
"<i>wpa_supplicant</i> oraz <i>wpa_cli</i> nie zostały odnalezione. "
"Zainstaluj <i>wpa_supplicant</i> i uruchom ponownie program Wireless "
"Assistant by nawiązać to połączenie.</p></qt>"
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:579
msgid "%1 - First Connection Wizard"
msgstr "%1 - Asystent Pierwszego Połączenia"
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:616
msgid "Network settings updated."
msgstr "Ustawienia zaktualizowane."
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:644
msgid "Running pre-connection command..."
msgstr "Wykonywanie polecenia przed połączeniem..."
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:650
msgid "Connecting to '%1'..."
msgstr "Nawiązywanie połączenia z '%1'..."
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:669
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:685
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:718
msgid "Connection failed."
msgstr "Połączenie nie powiodło się."
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:701
msgid "Running post-connection command..."
msgstr "Wykonywanie polecenia po połączeniu..."
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:708
msgid "Testing connection..."
msgstr "Testowanie połączenia..."
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:714
msgid "Successfully connected to '%1'."
msgstr "Połączono z '%1'."
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:722
msgid ""
"Connection failed.\n"
"Would you like to review settings for this network?"
msgstr ""
"Połączenie nie powiodło się.\n"
"Czy chcesz sprawdzić ustawienia dla tej sieci?"
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:722
msgid "Review Settings?"
msgstr "Sprawdzić Ustawienia?"
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:761
msgid ""
"<qt><p>You are about to disconnect from '<b>%1</b>'.</p><p>Would you like to "
msgstr ""
"<qt><p>Połączenie z '<b>%1</b>' za chwilę zostanie zakończone.</p><p>Czy "
"chcesz kontynuować?<p></qt>"
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:766
msgid "Running pre-disconnection command..."
msgstr "Wykonywanie polecenia przed rozłączeniem..."
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:772
msgid "Disconnecting..."
msgstr "Rozłączanie..."
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:778
msgid "Waiting for DHCP client to shut down..."
msgstr "Czekanie na zakończenie działania klienta DHCP..."
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:801
msgid "Running post-disconnection command..."
msgstr "Wykonywanie polecenia po rozłączeniu..."
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:810
msgid "Cancelled."
msgstr "Anulowano."
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:906
msgid "&Disconnect"
msgstr "Rozłącz"
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:908
msgid "Disconnect from the selected network"
msgstr "Zakończ połączenie z wybraną siecią"
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:911
msgid "&Connect"
msgstr "Połącz"
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:913 rc.cpp:39
#, no-c-format
msgid "Connect to the selected network"
msgstr "Połącz z wybraną siecią"
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:960
msgid "&Stop"
msgstr "Stop"
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:964
msgid ""
"Terminate current process\n"
msgstr ""
"Przerwij wykonywany proces\n"
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:979 rc.cpp:26
#, no-c-format
msgid "Quit the application"
msgstr "Zakończ program"
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:1038
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:1047
msgid "Disconnect..."
msgstr "Rozłącz..."
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:1041
msgid "Connect"
msgstr "Połącz"
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:1043
msgid "Forget Settings..."
msgstr "Usuń Ustawienia..."
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:1044
msgid "Edit Settings..."
msgstr "Zmień Ustawienia..."
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:1050
msgid "Configure and Connect..."
msgstr "Konfiguruj i Połącz..."
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:1063
msgid "%1 Settings"
msgstr "Ustawienia %1"
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/_translatorinfo.cpp:1
msgid ""
"Your names"
msgstr "Paweł Nawrocki"
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/_translatorinfo.cpp:3
msgid ""
"Your emails"
msgstr ""
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/main.cpp:30
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/main.cpp:42 rc.cpp:3
#, no-c-format
msgid "Wireless Assistant"
msgstr "Wireless Assistant"
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/netparams.h:76
msgid ""
"<qt><p>The network changed its security settings.</p><p>Please go to "
"<i>Security</i> tab of the following dialog and configure WEP settings.</p></"
msgstr ""
"<qt><p>Ustawienia zabezpieczeń tej sieci zostały zmienione.</p><p>Przejdź do "
"zakładki <i>Bezpieczeństwo</i> w oknie, które zaraz się pojawi i ustaw "
"właściwości WEP.</p></qt>"
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/netparams.h:78
msgid ""
"<qt><p>Your WEP Key is not set properly.</p><p>Please go to <i>Security</i> "
"tab of the following dialog and enter the required key.</p></qt>"
msgstr ""
"<qt><p>Klucz WEP nie został prawidłowo ustawiony.</p><p>Przejdź do zakładki "
"<i>Bezpieczeństwo</i> i wpisz wymagany klucz.</p></qt>"
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/netparams.h:82
msgid ""
"<qt><p>The network has stopped broadcasting its ESSID since the last time "
"you were connected.</p><p>Would you like to use '<b>%1</b>' as an ESSID for "
"this network?</p><p><i>NOTE: If you answer No, a dialog will appear where "
"you will be able to specify a different ESSID.</i></p></qt>"
msgstr ""
"<qt><p>ESSID sieci, do której chcesz się podłączyć, przestał być jawny.</"
"p><p>Czy chcesz użyć '<b>%1</b>' jako ESSID dla tej sieci?</"
"p><p><i>INDORMACJA: Jeśli odpowiesz nie, pojawi się okno, w którym będzie "
"można wpisać inne ESSID.</i></p></qt>"
#: rc.cpp:9
#, no-c-format
msgid "Alt+O"
msgstr ""
#: rc.cpp:12
#, no-c-format
msgid "Toggle network list/options"
msgstr "Przełącz między listą sieci a opcjami"
#: rc.cpp:15
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"<p><b>Options Button</b></p>\n"
"<p>Pressing this toggle button will show the available application options.</"
"<p><i>HINT: Press this button again to return to the network list.</i></p>"
msgstr ""
"<p>Naciśnięcie tego przycisku pokaże dostępne opcje programu.</p>\n"
"<p><i>WSKAZÓWKA: Naciśnij ten przycisk ponownie by powrócić do listy sieci.</"
#: rc.cpp:23
#, no-c-format
msgid "Alt+Q"
msgstr ""
#: rc.cpp:29
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"<p><b>Quit Button</b></p>\n"
"<p>Pressing this button will quit the application.</p>"
msgstr ""
"<p>Wciśnięcia tego przycisku zakończy działanie programu.</p>"
#: rc.cpp:33
#, no-c-format
msgid "Co&nnect"
msgstr "Połącz"
#: rc.cpp:36 rc.cpp:181
#, no-c-format
msgid "Alt+N"
msgstr ""
#: rc.cpp:42
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"<p><b>Connect/Disconnect Button</b></p>\n"
"<p>Pressing this button will connect to/disconnect from the network "
"currently selected in the network list.</p>"
msgstr ""
"<p>Naciśnięcie tego przycisku spowoduje połączenie z lub odłączenie od "
"wybranej sieci.</p>"
#: rc.cpp:46
#, no-c-format
msgid "Refresh"
msgstr "Odśwież"
#: rc.cpp:50
#, no-c-format
msgid "Refresh network list"
msgstr "Odśwież listę sieci"
#: rc.cpp:53
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"<p><b>Scan Button</b></p>\n"
"<p>Pressing this button will scan for wireless networks and refresh the "
"network list.</p>"
msgstr ""
"<p>Naciśnięcie tego przycisku spowoduje wyszukanie dostępnych sieci "
"bezprzewodowych i odświeżenie listy sieci.</p>"
#: rc.cpp:57
#, no-c-format
msgid "Device:"
msgstr "Karta sieciowa:"
#: rc.cpp:60
#, no-c-format
msgid "Pick a network device to use"
msgstr "Wybierz kartę sieciową"
#: rc.cpp:63
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"<p><b>Device Selection</b></p>\n"
"<p>This combo box allows you to select which wireless card to use.</p>\n"
"<p><i>NOTE: Selecting a different card will refresh the network list.</i></p>"
msgstr ""
"<p><b>Wybór Kary Sieciowej</b></p>\n"
"<p>To pole pozwala na wybranie aktywnej karty sieciowej.</p>\n"
"<p><i>INFORMACJA: Zmiana aktywnej karty spowoduje odświeżenie listy "
"dostępnych sieci.</i></p>"
#: rc.cpp:68 rc.cpp:199 rc.cpp:325
#, no-c-format
msgid "ESSID"
msgstr "ESSID"
#: rc.cpp:71
#, no-c-format
msgid "Channel"
msgstr "Kanał"
#: rc.cpp:74
#, no-c-format
msgid "Link Quality"
msgstr "Jakość Połączenia"
#: rc.cpp:77
#, no-c-format
msgid "WEP/WPA"
msgstr "WEP/WPA"
#: rc.cpp:80
#, no-c-format
msgid "AP"
msgstr "AP"
#: rc.cpp:83
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"<p><b>Network List</b></p>\n"
"<p>This list shows all the wireless networks that have been found.</p>\n"
"<p><i>HINT: Click the Refresh button to update this list.</i></p>"
msgstr ""
"<p><b>Lista Sieci</b></p>\n"
"<p>Lista ta pokazuje wszystkie znalezione sieci bezprzewodowe.</p>\n"
"<p><i>WSKAZÓWKA: Naciśnij przycisk Odśwież w celu zaktualizowania listy.</"
#: rc.cpp:88
#, no-c-format
msgid "Ready"
msgstr ""
#: rc.cpp:91
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"<p><b>Status Bar</b></p>\n"
"<p>Messages describing current process are shown in this area.</p>"
msgstr ""
"<p><b>Pasek Statusu</b></p>\n"
"<p>W tym obszarze pokazywane są wiadomości o wykonywanych przez program "
#: rc.cpp:95
#, no-c-format
msgid "Automatically connect on startup"
msgstr "Połącz automatycznie przy uruchomieniu programu"
#: rc.cpp:99
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"<p><b>AutomaticallyConnect on Startup</b></p>\n"
"<p>Checking this box will make the application try to connect to the best "
"available network. Only networks that have been previously configured will "
"be taken into account.</p>"
msgstr ""
"<p><b>Połącz Automatycznie przy Uruchomieniu Programu</b></p>\n"
"<p>Zaznaczenie tej opcji spowoduje próbę połączenia z najlepszą dostępną "
"siecią przy uruchomieniu programu. Jedynie skonfigurowane wcześniej sieci są "
"brane pod uwagę.</p>"
#: rc.cpp:103
#, no-c-format
msgid "Automaticall&y reconnect if connection is lost"
msgstr "Automatycznie wznów połączenie w razie jego zerwania"
#: rc.cpp:106
#, no-c-format
msgid "Alt+Y"
msgstr ""
#: rc.cpp:109
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"<p><b>Automatically Reconnect if Connection is Lost</b></p>\n"
"<p>Checking this box will make the application try to reconnect after the "
"connection is lost.</p>"
msgstr ""
"<p><b>Automatycznie Wznów Połączenie w Razie Jego Przerwania</b></p>\n"
"<p>Zaznaczenie tego pola spowoduje, że Wireless Assistant spróbuje połączyć "
"się ponownie do sieci, z którą połączenie zostało zerwane.</p>"
#: rc.cpp:113
#, no-c-format
msgid "Quit upon successful connection"
msgstr "Zakończ program po uzyskaniu połączenia"
#: rc.cpp:117
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"<p><b>Quit Upon Successful Connection</b></p>\n"
"<p>Checking this box will make the application close after successfully "
"establishing a connection to a wireless network.</p>"
msgstr ""
"<p><b>Zakończ Program po Uzyskaniu Połączenia</b></p>\n"
"<p>Zaznaczenie tego pola spowoduje zakończenie działania programu po "
"uzyskaniu połączenia z siecią bezprzewodową.</p>"
#: rc.cpp:121
#, no-c-format
msgid "&Group access points with the same ESSID"
msgstr "Grupuj punkty dostępowe o takim samym ESSID"
#: rc.cpp:124
#, no-c-format
msgid "Alt+G"
msgstr ""
#: rc.cpp:127
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"<p><b>Group Access Points with the Same ESSID</b></p>\n"
"<p>Checking this box will make all access points with the same ESSID appear "
"as one item in the network list.</p>"
msgstr ""
"<p><b>Grupuj Punkty Dostępowe o Takim Samym ESSID</b></p>\n"
"<p>Zaznaczenie tej opcji spowoduje pokazanie wszystkich sieci o takim samym ESSID jako jednego elementu na liście sieci.</p>"
#: rc.cpp:131
#, no-c-format
msgid "Delay before scanning:"
msgstr "Opóźnienie przed skanowaniem:"
#: rc.cpp:134 rc.cpp:145 rc.cpp:167
#, no-c-format
msgid "Specify how long to wait for an IP"
msgstr "Określ jak długo czekać na uzyskanie adresu IP"
#: rc.cpp:137 rc.cpp:148 rc.cpp:170
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"<p><b>DHCP Client Timeout</b></p>\n"
"<p>This option specifies the amount of time after which the application "
"should stop waiting for an IP address and assume that the connection has "
"<p><i>HINT: Increasing this number can help if you have problems connecting "
"to some networks.</i></p>"
msgstr ""
"<p><b>Limit czasu klienta DHCP</b></p>\n"
"<p>Opcja ta pozwala na określenie czasu, po którym program przestanie czekać "
"na przydzielenie adresu IP i uzna, że połączenie nie powiodło się.</p>\n"
"<p><i>WSKAZÓWKA: Zwiększenie tej wartości może pomóc połączyć się z "
"niektórymi sieciami.</i></p>"
#: rc.cpp:142
#, no-c-format
msgid "DHCP client timeout:"
msgstr "Limit czasu klienta DHCP:"
#: rc.cpp:153 rc.cpp:164 rc.cpp:412 rc.cpp:441 rc.cpp:470 rc.cpp:499
#, no-c-format
msgid "s"
msgstr "s"
#: rc.cpp:156
#, no-c-format
msgid "Specify how long to wait before scanning"
msgstr "Określ jak długo czekać przed skanowaniem"
#: rc.cpp:159
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"<p><b>Delay Before Scanning</b></p>\n"
"<p>This option specifies the amount of time to wait between bringing the "
"interface up and performing a scan.</p>\n"
"<p><i>HINT: Increasing this number can help if you have to refresh the list "
"manually to see all the available networks.</i></p>"
msgstr ""
"<p><b>Opóźnienie przed Skanowaniem</b></p>\n"
"<p>Opcja ta pozwala na określenie czasu pomiędzy aktywacją karty sieciowej, "
"a wykonaniem skanowania.</p>\n"
"<p><i>WSKAZÓWKA: Zwiększenie tej wartości może pomóc w przypadku, gdy w celu "
"zobaczenia wszystkich dostępnych sieci, konieczne jest ręczne odświeżenie "
#: rc.cpp:175
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"<i>Press the button below to enable all messages which have been turned off "
"with the 'Don't Show Again' feature.</i>"
msgstr ""
"<i>Naciśnij poniższy przycisk aby włączyć wszystkie wiadomości wyłączone za "
"pomocą funkcji 'Nie pytaj ponownie'.</i>"
#: rc.cpp:178
#, no-c-format
msgid "E&nable All Messages"
msgstr "Włącz wszystkie wiadomości"
#: rc.cpp:184
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"<p><b>Enable All Messages</b></p>\n"
"<p>Pressing this button will enable all messages which have been turned off "
"with the 'Don't Show Again' feature.</p>"
msgstr ""
"<p><b>Włącz wszystkie wiadomości</b></p>\n"
"<p>Naciśnięcia poniższego przycisku spowoduje włączenie wszystkich "
"wiadomości wyłączonych za pomocą funkcji 'Nie pytaj ponownie'.</p>"
#: rc.cpp:188
#, no-c-format
msgid "First Connection Wizard"
msgstr "Asystent Pierwszego Połączenia"
#: rc.cpp:191
#, no-c-format
msgid "Welcome to First Connection Wizard"
msgstr "Witaj w Asystencie Pierwszego Połączenia"
#: rc.cpp:194
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"<b><p>This is the first time you are trying to connect to the selected "
"<p>You will be asked a few questions necessary to configure this connection."
"<p><i>Press Next to continue.</i></p>"
msgstr ""
"<b><p>Próbujesz połączyć się z wybraną siecią po raz pierwszy.</p></b>\n"
"<p>Asystent zada Ci parę pytań niezbędnych do skonfigurowania tego "
"<p><i>Naciśnij Dalej aby kontynuować.</i></p>"
#: rc.cpp:202
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"<p><b>You are trying to connect to a network that does not broadcast its "
"<p>Please specify ESSID that you would like to use when connecting to this "
"access point.</p>"
msgstr ""
"<p><b>Próbujesz połączyć się z siecią z ukrytym ESSID.</b></p>\n"
"<p>Wpisz ESSID, którego chcesz używać łącząc się z tym punktem dostępowym.</"
#: rc.cpp:206 rc.cpp:328
#, no-c-format
msgid "ESSID:"
msgstr "ESSID:"
#: rc.cpp:209
#, no-c-format
msgid "Interface Configuration"
msgstr "Konfiguracja Sieci"
#: rc.cpp:213 rc.cpp:334
#, no-c-format
msgid "Automatic (DHCP)"
msgstr "Automatyczna (DHCP)"
#: rc.cpp:217
#, no-c-format
msgid "Manual"
msgstr "Ręczna"
#: rc.cpp:221
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"<p><b>Your IP and other parameters need to be configured to connect to any "
"<p>Which configuration option would you like to use when connecting to this "
msgstr ""
"<p><b>Aby połączyć się z siecią, Twój adres IP oraz inne parametry muszą "
"zostać ustawione.</b></p>\n"
"<p>Jaka metoda konfiguracji ma być używana dla połączenia z tą siecią?</p>"
#: rc.cpp:225
#, no-c-format
msgid "Interface Parameters"
msgstr "Parametry Sieci"
#: rc.cpp:228 rc.cpp:355
#, no-c-format
msgid "Secondary DNS:"
msgstr "Dodatkowy DNS:"
#: rc.cpp:231 rc.cpp:343
#, no-c-format
msgid "IP:"
msgstr "Adres IP:"
#: rc.cpp:234 rc.cpp:340
#, no-c-format
msgid "Netmask:"
msgstr "Maska sieci:"
#: rc.cpp:237 rc.cpp:358
#, no-c-format
msgid "Primary DNS:"
msgstr "DNS:"
#: rc.cpp:240 rc.cpp:349
#, no-c-format
msgid "Gateway:"
msgstr "Brama sieci:"
#: rc.cpp:243 rc.cpp:352
#, no-c-format
msgid "Domain:"
msgstr "Domena:"
#: rc.cpp:246 rc.cpp:346
#, no-c-format
msgid "Broadcast:"
msgstr "Transmitowany IP:"
#: rc.cpp:249
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"<p><b>Please specify interface parameters to be used to connect to this "
"<p>You may leave some fields blank.</p>"
msgstr ""
"<p><b>Wpisz parametry dla połączenia z tą siecią.</b></p>\n"
"<p>Niektóre pola mogą zostać puste.</p>"
#: rc.cpp:253
#, no-c-format
msgid "WEP Configuration"
msgstr "Konfiguracja WEP"
#: rc.cpp:256
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"<p><b>The network you are trying to connect to requires WEP authentication.</"
"<p>Which WEP mode would you like to use?</p>"
msgstr ""
"<p><b>Sieć, z którą chcesz się połączyć, wymaga uwierzytelnienia metodą WEP."
"<p>Jakiego trybu WEP chcesz używać dla tego połączenia?</p>"
#: rc.cpp:261
#, no-c-format
msgid "Open S&ystem"
msgstr "System Otwarty"
#: rc.cpp:264
#, no-c-format
msgid "Shared Key"
msgstr "Klucz publiczny"
#: rc.cpp:267 rc.cpp:288
#, no-c-format
msgid "<p><b>Please provide a key to be used with this network.</b></p>"
msgstr "<p><b>Wpisz klucz, którego chcesz używać łącząc się z tą siecią.</b></p>"
#: rc.cpp:270
#, no-c-format
msgid "WEP key:"
msgstr "Klucz WEP:"
#: rc.cpp:273 rc.cpp:285 rc.cpp:370 rc.cpp:391
#, no-c-format
msgid "ASCII"
msgstr "ASCII"
#: rc.cpp:276
#, no-c-format
msgid "WPA Configuration"
msgstr "Konfiguracja WPA"
#: rc.cpp:279
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"<p><b>The network you are trying to connect to requires WPA authentication.</"
msgstr ""
"<p><b>Sieć, z którą chcesz się połączyć, wymaga uwierzytelnienia metodą WPA."
#: rc.cpp:282
#, no-c-format
msgid "WPA Key:"
msgstr "Klucz WPA:"
#: rc.cpp:291 rc.cpp:376
#, no-c-format
msgid "<b>?<br>?<br>?<br>?</b>"
msgstr ""
#: rc.cpp:294 rc.cpp:373
#, no-c-format
msgid "WPA Version:<br>Group Cipher:<br>Pairwise Cipher:<br>Authentication Suite:"
msgstr ""
"Wersja WPA:<br>Szyfrowanie grupowe:<br>Szyfrowanie pojedyncze:<br>Metoda "
#: rc.cpp:297
#, no-c-format
msgid "Done!"
msgstr "Gotowe!"
#: rc.cpp:300
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"<p>You have successfully finished configuring this connection.</p>\n"
"<p><b>Press Finish to connect!</b></p>"
msgstr ""
"<p>Pomyślnie zakończono konfigurowanie tego połączenia.</p>\n"
"<p><b>Naciśnij Zakończ by nawiązać połączenie!</b></p>"
#: rc.cpp:311
#, no-c-format
msgid "F1"
msgstr ""
#: rc.cpp:322
#, no-c-format
msgid "I&nterface"
msgstr "Interfejs"
#: rc.cpp:337
#, no-c-format
msgid "&Manual"
msgstr "Ręczna"
#: rc.cpp:361
#, no-c-format
msgid "Securit&y"
msgstr "Bezpieczeństwo"
#: rc.cpp:364
#, no-c-format
msgid "WPA Settings"
msgstr "Ustawienia WPA"
#: rc.cpp:367 rc.cpp:388
#, no-c-format
msgid "Key:"
msgstr "Klucz:"
#: rc.cpp:379
#, no-c-format
msgid "WEP Settings"
msgstr "Ustawienia WEP"
#: rc.cpp:382
#, no-c-format
msgid "Open Syste&m"
msgstr "System Otwarty"
#: rc.cpp:385
#, no-c-format
msgid "Alt+M"
msgstr ""
#: rc.cpp:394
#, no-c-format
msgid "Shared &Key"
msgstr "Klucz Publiczny"
#: rc.cpp:397
#, no-c-format
msgid "Alt+K"
msgstr ""
#: rc.cpp:400
#, no-c-format
msgid "Advanced"
msgstr "Zaawansowane"
#: rc.cpp:403
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"<b>Security Warning:</b> the commands specified below will be ran with the "
"same privileges as Wireless Assistant has."
msgstr ""
"<b>Ostrzeżenie o zabezpieczeniach:</b> poniższe komendy zostaną uruchomione "
"z takimi samymi uprawnieniami, jakie ma Wireless Assistant."
#: rc.cpp:406
#, no-c-format
msgid "Pre-Connection Command"
msgstr "Polecenie przed połączeniem"
#: rc.cpp:409 rc.cpp:438 rc.cpp:467 rc.cpp:496
#, no-c-format
msgid "Timeout:"
msgstr "Limit czasu:"
#: rc.cpp:415 rc.cpp:444 rc.cpp:473 rc.cpp:502
#, no-c-format
msgid "Amount of time after which the process will be killed."
msgstr "Ilość czasu, po której upływie proces zostanie przerwany."
#: rc.cpp:418 rc.cpp:447 rc.cpp:476 rc.cpp:505
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"<p>This option specifies how long should Wireless Assistant wait for the "
"process to finish, before it will be killed.</p>"
msgstr ""
"<p><b>Limit czasu</b></p>\n"
"<p>Opcja ta określa, jak długo Wireless Assistant powinien czekać na "
"zakończenie procesu, zanim zostanie on przerwany.</p>"
#: rc.cpp:422 rc.cpp:451 rc.cpp:480 rc.cpp:509
#, no-c-format
msgid "Run detached"
msgstr "Uruchom w oddzielnym procesie"
#: rc.cpp:425 rc.cpp:454 rc.cpp:483 rc.cpp:512
#, no-c-format
msgid "Don't wait for the process to finish."
msgstr "Nie czekaj na zakończenie procesu"
#: rc.cpp:428 rc.cpp:457 rc.cpp:486 rc.cpp:515
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"<p><b>Run Detached</b></p>\n"
"<p>If this checkbox is selected Wireless Assistant will not wait for the "
"process to finish.</p>"
msgstr ""
"<p><b>Uruchom w Oddzielnym Procesie</b></p>\n"
"<p>Jeśli opcja ta jest zaznaczona, Wireless Assistant nie będzie czekał na "
"zakończenie procesu.</p>"
#: rc.cpp:432 rc.cpp:461 rc.cpp:490 rc.cpp:519
#, no-c-format
msgid "Command:"
msgstr "Polecenie:"
#: rc.cpp:435
#, no-c-format
msgid "Post-Connection Command"
msgstr "Polecenie po połączeniu"
#: rc.cpp:464
#, no-c-format
msgid "Pre-Disconnection Command"
msgstr "Polecenie przed rozłączeniem"
#: rc.cpp:493
#, no-c-format
msgid "Post-Disconnection Command"
msgstr "Polecenie po rozłączeniu"
@ -0,0 +1,976 @@
# translation of pt_BR.po to Polish
# This file is distributed under the same license as the wlassistant package.
# Copyright (C) 2005, 2006 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
# Pawel Nawrocki <>, 2006.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: pt_BR\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2007-04-02 02:31+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2006-02-15 04:33-0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Bruno Gonçalves Araujo <>\n"
"Language-Team: Polish\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"X-Generator: KBabel 1.11.1\n"
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:103
msgid "Initializing..."
msgstr "Iniciando..."
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:110
msgid ""
"Kernel 2.6 or later not present.\n"
"Wireless Assistant will now quit."
msgstr ""
"Kernel 2.6 ou mais novo não encontrado.\n"
"O Assistente de rede sem fio irá finalizar."
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:156
msgid ""
"No usable wireless devices found.\n"
"Wireless Assistant will now quit."
msgstr ""
"Nenhum dispositivo de rede sem fio encontrado.\n"
"O Assistente de rede sem fio irá finalizar."
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:179
msgid ""
"<qt><p>You might have insufficient permissions for Wireless Assistant to "
"function properly.</p><p>Did you run it using '<tt>sudo</tt>'?</p></qt>"
msgstr ""
"<qt><p>Você deve ter permissões insuficientes para fazer o Assistente de "
"rede sem fio funcionar corretamente.</p><p>Você o rodou usando'<tt>sudo</"
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:200
msgid ""
"Executable(s) '%1' could not be found.\n"
"Wireless Assistant will now quit."
msgstr ""
"Executável(eis) '%1' não encontrado(s).\n"
"O Assistente de rede sem fio irá finalizar."
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:238
msgid ""
"Connection to '%1' has been lost!\n"
"Would you like to reconnect?"
msgstr ""
"Conexão a '%1' foi perdida!\n"
"Você deseja reconectar?"
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:238
msgid "Connection Lost"
msgstr "Conexão perdida"
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:252
msgid ""
"<qt><p>Settings for network '<b>%1</b>' are about to be deleted.</p><p>Would "
"you like to continue?</p></qt>"
msgstr ""
"<qt><p>Configurações da rede '<b>%1</b>' serão deletadas.</p><p>Você deseja "
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:257
msgid "Settings deleted."
msgstr "Configurações apagadas."
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:285
msgid ""
"<qt><p>File '<i>%1</i>' could not be opened for writing.</p><p>Nameserver(s) "
"and/or domain are not set.</p></qt>"
msgstr ""
"<qt><p>Arquivo '<i>%1</i>' não pôde ser aberto para escrita.</p><p>O Nome do "
"servidor e/ou domínio não foram colocados. </p></qt>"
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:317
msgid "Bringing interface %1 up..."
msgstr "Subindo interface %1..."
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:321
msgid "Waiting before scanning..."
msgstr ""
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:328
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:334
msgid "Scanning..."
msgstr "Procurando..."
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:343
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:807
msgid "Done."
msgstr "Feito."
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:348
msgid "No networks found."
msgstr "Nenhuma rede encontrada."
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:351
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Radio of your wireless card seems to be turned off using an external switch "
"on your computer.\n"
"You need turn it on to be able to use wireless networks."
msgstr ""
"O sinal de sua rede sem fio foi desabilitada usando um switch externo em seu "
"Você precisa habilitá-lo para poder usar as redes sem fio."
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:459
msgid "Freq (Hz)"
msgstr ""
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:473
msgid ""
"Radio of your wireless card is off.\n"
"Would you like to turn it on?"
msgstr ""
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:559
#, fuzzy
msgid "Auto connection failed."
msgstr "Assistente da primeira conexão"
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:570
msgid ""
"<qt><p><b>Can not connect to network '%1'.<b></p><p>The network you are "
"trying to connect to requires WPA authentication. The necessary executables "
"<i>wpa_supplicant</i> and <i>wpa_cli</i> could not be found. Install "
"<i>wpa_supplicant</i> and restart Wireless Assistant to connect.</p></qt>"
msgstr ""
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:579
msgid "%1 - First Connection Wizard"
msgstr "%1 - Assistente da primeira conexão"
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:616
msgid "Network settings updated."
msgstr "Configurações de rede atualizadas."
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:644
#, fuzzy
msgid "Running pre-connection command..."
msgstr "Conexão falhou."
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:650
msgid "Connecting to '%1'..."
msgstr "Conectando à '%1'..."
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:669
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:685
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:718
#, fuzzy
msgid "Connection failed."
msgstr "Conexão perdida"
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:701
#, fuzzy
msgid "Running post-connection command..."
msgstr "Assistente da primeira conexão"
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:708
msgid "Testing connection..."
msgstr "Testando conexão..."
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:714
msgid "Successfully connected to '%1'."
msgstr "Conectado à '%1'."
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:722
msgid ""
"Connection failed.\n"
"Would you like to review settings for this network?"
msgstr ""
"Conexão falhou.\n"
"Você gostaria de revisar as configurações para esta rede?"
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:722
msgid "Review Settings?"
msgstr "Revisar configurações?"
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:761
msgid ""
"<qt><p>You are about to disconnect from '<b>%1</b>'.</p><p>Would you like to "
msgstr ""
"<qt><p>Você está prestes a se desconectar de '<b>%1</b>'.</p><p>Você "
"gostaria de continuar?<p></qt>"
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:766
#, fuzzy
msgid "Running pre-disconnection command..."
msgstr "Conexão falhou."
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:772
msgid "Disconnecting..."
msgstr "Desconectando..."
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:778
msgid "Waiting for DHCP client to shut down..."
msgstr "Esperando o término do cliente DHCP..."
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:801
#, fuzzy
msgid "Running post-disconnection command..."
msgstr "Assistente da primeira conexão"
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:810
msgid "Cancelled."
msgstr "Cancelada."
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:906
msgid "&Disconnect"
msgstr "&Desconectar"
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:908
msgid "Disconnect from the selected network"
msgstr "Desconectar da rede selecionada"
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:911
msgid "&Connect"
msgstr "&Conectar"
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:913 rc.cpp:39
#, no-c-format
msgid "Connect to the selected network"
msgstr "Conecta à rede selecionada"
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:960
msgid "&Stop"
msgstr "&Parar"
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:964
msgid ""
"Terminate current process\n"
msgstr ""
"Terminar o processo corrente\n"
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:979 rc.cpp:26
#, no-c-format
msgid "Quit the application"
msgstr "Sair da aplicação"
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:1038
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:1047
msgid "Disconnect..."
msgstr "Desconectar..."
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:1041
#, fuzzy
msgid "Connect"
msgstr "Conectar"
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:1043
msgid "Forget Settings..."
msgstr "Ignorar Configurações..."
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:1044
msgid "Edit Settings..."
msgstr "Editar Configurações..."
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:1050
msgid "Configure and Connect..."
msgstr "Configurar e Conectar..."
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:1063
#, fuzzy
msgid "%1 Settings"
msgstr "%1 Configurações"
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/_translatorinfo.cpp:1
msgid ""
"Your names"
msgstr ""
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/_translatorinfo.cpp:3
msgid ""
"Your emails"
msgstr ""
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/main.cpp:30
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/main.cpp:42 rc.cpp:3
#, no-c-format
msgid "Wireless Assistant"
msgstr "Assistente sem fio"
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/netparams.h:76
msgid ""
"<qt><p>The network changed its security settings.</p><p>Please go to "
"<i>Security</i> tab of the following dialog and configure WEP settings.</p></"
msgstr ""
"<qt><p>Essa é uma rede segura.</p><p>Favor ir em <i>Segurança</i> e inserir "
"uma chave WEP.</p></qt>"
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/netparams.h:78
msgid ""
"<qt><p>Your WEP Key is not set properly.</p><p>Please go to <i>Security</i> "
"tab of the following dialog and enter the required key.</p></qt>"
msgstr ""
"<qt><p>Sua chave WEP não foi inserida corretamente.</p><p>Favor ir em "
"<i>Segurança</i> e inserir a chave requerida.</p></qt>"
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/netparams.h:82
msgid ""
"<qt><p>The network has stopped broadcasting its ESSID since the last time "
"you were connected.</p><p>Would you like to use '<b>%1</b>' as an ESSID for "
"this network?</p><p><i>NOTE: If you answer No, a dialog will appear where "
"you will be able to specify a different ESSID.</i></p></qt>"
msgstr ""
"<qt><p>A conexão está parada.</p><p>Deseja reconectar utilizando o ESSID '<b>"
"%1</b>' para essa conexão?</p><p><i>NOTA: Caso clique em não será aberta uma "
"janela para especificar um novo ESSID.</i></p></qt>"
#: rc.cpp:9
#, no-c-format
msgid "Alt+O"
msgstr ""
#: rc.cpp:12
#, no-c-format
msgid "Toggle network list/options"
msgstr "Alternar rede lista/opções"
#: rc.cpp:15
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"<p><b>Options Button</b></p>\n"
"<p>Pressing this toggle button will show the available application options.</"
"<p><i>HINT: Press this button again to return to the network list.</i></p>"
msgstr ""
"<p>Este botão irá mostrar as opções de aplicações disponíveis.</p>\n"
"<p><i>DICA: Apertar este botão novamente para retornar para a lista de rede."
#: rc.cpp:23
#, no-c-format
msgid "Alt+Q"
msgstr ""
#: rc.cpp:29
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"<p><b>Quit Button</b></p>\n"
"<p>Pressing this button will quit the application.</p>"
msgstr ""
"<p>Apertando este botão sairá do aplicativo.</p>"
#: rc.cpp:33
#, fuzzy, no-c-format
msgid "Co&nnect"
msgstr "Conectar"
#: rc.cpp:36 rc.cpp:181
#, no-c-format
msgid "Alt+N"
msgstr ""
#: rc.cpp:42
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"<p><b>Connect/Disconnect Button</b></p>\n"
"<p>Pressing this button will connect to/disconnect from the network "
"currently selected in the network list.</p>"
msgstr ""
"<p>Conecta/Desconecta da rede selecionada na lista da rede.</p>"
#: rc.cpp:46
#, no-c-format
msgid "Refresh"
msgstr "Atualizar"
#: rc.cpp:50
#, no-c-format
msgid "Refresh network list"
msgstr "Atualizar lista de redes"
#: rc.cpp:53
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"<p><b>Scan Button</b></p>\n"
"<p>Pressing this button will scan for wireless networks and refresh the "
"network list.</p>"
msgstr ""
"<p>Tenta encontrar redes sem fio e atualiza as informações na lista de "
#: rc.cpp:57
#, no-c-format
msgid "Device:"
msgstr "Dispositivo:"
#: rc.cpp:60
#, no-c-format
msgid "Pick a network device to use"
msgstr "Escolha um dispositivo de rede"
#: rc.cpp:63
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"<p><b>Device Selection</b></p>\n"
"<p>This combo box allows you to select which wireless card to use.</p>\n"
"<p><i>NOTE: Selecting a different card will refresh the network list.</i></p>"
msgstr ""
"<p><b>Seleção de Dispositivo</b></p>\n"
"<p>Esta opção te permite selecionar qual placa de rede sem fio selecionar.</"
"<p><i>OBS: Selecionando uma placa de rede sem fio diferente irá atualizar a "
"lista de rede.</i></p>"
#: rc.cpp:68 rc.cpp:199 rc.cpp:325
#, no-c-format
msgid "ESSID"
msgstr ""
#: rc.cpp:71
#, no-c-format
msgid "Channel"
msgstr "Canal"
#: rc.cpp:74
#, no-c-format
msgid "Link Quality"
msgstr "Qualidade da conexão"
#: rc.cpp:77
#, no-c-format
msgid "WEP/WPA"
msgstr ""
#: rc.cpp:80
#, no-c-format
msgid "AP"
msgstr ""
#: rc.cpp:83
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"<p><b>Network List</b></p>\n"
"<p>This list shows all the wireless networks that have been found.</p>\n"
"<p><i>HINT: Click the Refresh button to update this list.</i></p>"
msgstr ""
"<p><b>Lista de rede</b></p>\n"
"<p>Esta lista mostra todas as placas de rede sem fio que foram encontradas.</"
"<p><i>DICA: Clique no botão Procurar para atualizar esta lista.</i></p>"
#: rc.cpp:88
#, no-c-format
msgid "Ready"
msgstr ""
#: rc.cpp:91
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"<p><b>Status Bar</b></p>\n"
"<p>Messages describing current process are shown in this area.</p>"
msgstr ""
"<p><b>Barra de Status</b></p>\n"
"<p>Mensagens descrevendo o processo corrente são mostrados nesta área</p>"
#: rc.cpp:95
#, no-c-format
msgid "Automatically connect on startup"
msgstr ""
#: rc.cpp:99
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"<p><b>AutomaticallyConnect on Startup</b></p>\n"
"<p>Checking this box will make the application try to connect to the best "
"available network. Only networks that have been previously configured will "
"be taken into account.</p>"
msgstr ""
#: rc.cpp:103
#, no-c-format
msgid "Automaticall&y reconnect if connection is lost"
msgstr ""
#: rc.cpp:106
#, no-c-format
msgid "Alt+Y"
msgstr ""
#: rc.cpp:109
#, fuzzy, no-c-format
msgid ""
"<p><b>Automatically Reconnect if Connection is Lost</b></p>\n"
"<p>Checking this box will make the application try to reconnect after the "
"connection is lost.</p>"
msgstr ""
"<p><b>Saída da conexão com sucesso.</b></p>\n"
"<p>Checando esta janela irá fechar a aplicação após estabelecer uma conexão "
"bem sucedida em uma rede sem fio. </p>"
#: rc.cpp:113
#, no-c-format
msgid "Quit upon successful connection"
msgstr "Saída da conexão com sucesso."
#: rc.cpp:117
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"<p><b>Quit Upon Successful Connection</b></p>\n"
"<p>Checking this box will make the application close after successfully "
"establishing a connection to a wireless network.</p>"
msgstr ""
"<p><b>Saída da conexão com sucesso.</b></p>\n"
"<p>Checando esta janela irá fechar a aplicação após estabelecer uma conexão "
"bem sucedida em uma rede sem fio. </p>"
#: rc.cpp:121
#, no-c-format
msgid "&Group access points with the same ESSID"
msgstr ""
#: rc.cpp:124
#, no-c-format
msgid "Alt+G"
msgstr ""
#: rc.cpp:127
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"<p><b>Group Access Points with the Same ESSID</b></p>\n"
"<p>Checking this box will make all access points with the same ESSID appear "
"as one item in the network list.</p>"
msgstr ""
#: rc.cpp:131
#, no-c-format
msgid "Delay before scanning:"
msgstr ""
#: rc.cpp:134 rc.cpp:145 rc.cpp:167
#, no-c-format
msgid "Specify how long to wait for an IP"
msgstr "Especifique quanto tempo esperar por um IP"
#: rc.cpp:137 rc.cpp:148 rc.cpp:170
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"<p><b>DHCP Client Timeout</b></p>\n"
"<p>This option specifies the amount of time after which the application "
"should stop waiting for an IP address and assume that the connection has "
"<p><i>HINT: Increasing this number can help if you have problems connecting "
"to some networks.</i></p>"
msgstr ""
"<p><b>Tempo de espera do cliente DHCP</b></p>\n"
"<p>Esta opção especifica quanto tempo a aplicação deveria parar ao esperar "
"por um endereço de IP e informar que a conexão falhou.</p>\n"
"<p><i>DICA: Aumentando este numero pode ajudar se você tiver problemas ao "
"conectar em algumas redes.</i></p>"
#: rc.cpp:142
#, no-c-format
msgid "DHCP client timeout:"
msgstr "Tempo de espera do cliente DHCP:"
#: rc.cpp:153 rc.cpp:164 rc.cpp:412 rc.cpp:441 rc.cpp:470 rc.cpp:499
#, no-c-format
msgid "s"
msgstr ""
#: rc.cpp:156
#, fuzzy, no-c-format
msgid "Specify how long to wait before scanning"
msgstr "Especifique quanto tempo esperar por um IP"
#: rc.cpp:159
#, fuzzy, no-c-format
msgid ""
"<p><b>Delay Before Scanning</b></p>\n"
"<p>This option specifies the amount of time to wait between bringing the "
"interface up and performing a scan.</p>\n"
"<p><i>HINT: Increasing this number can help if you have to refresh the list "
"manually to see all the available networks.</i></p>"
msgstr ""
"<p><b>Tempo de espera do cliente DHCP</b></p>\n"
"<p>Esta opção especifica quanto tempo a aplicação deveria parar ao esperar "
"por um endereço de IP e informar que a conexão falhou.</p>\n"
"<p><i>DICA: Aumentando este numero pode ajudar se você tiver problemas ao "
"conectar em algumas redes.</i></p>"
#: rc.cpp:175
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"<i>Press the button below to enable all messages which have been turned off "
"with the 'Don't Show Again' feature.</i>"
msgstr ""
"<i>Aperte este botão abaixo para habilitar todas as mensagens que foram "
"desligadas com a opção 'Não mostre novamente'</i>"
#: rc.cpp:178
#, fuzzy, no-c-format
msgid "E&nable All Messages"
msgstr "Habilitar todas as mensagens"
#: rc.cpp:184
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"<p><b>Enable All Messages</b></p>\n"
"<p>Pressing this button will enable all messages which have been turned off "
"with the 'Don't Show Again' feature.</p>"
msgstr ""
"<p><b>Habilitar todas as mensagens</b></p>\n"
"<p>Apertando este botão irá habilitar todas as mensagens que foram "
"desligadas com a opção 'Não mostre novamente'</p>"
#: rc.cpp:188
#, no-c-format
msgid "First Connection Wizard"
msgstr "Assistente da primeira conexão"
#: rc.cpp:191
#, no-c-format
msgid "Welcome to First Connection Wizard"
msgstr "Bem Vindo ao Assitente da Primeira Conexão"
#: rc.cpp:194
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"<b><p>This is the first time you are trying to connect to the selected "
"<p>You will be asked a few questions necessary to configure this connection."
"<p><i>Press Next to continue.</i></p>"
msgstr ""
"<b><p>Esta é a primeira vez que você está tentando conectar na rede "
"<p>Serão feitas algumas perguntas necessárias para configurar esta conexão.</"
"<p><i>Aperte Próximo para continuar.</i></p>"
#: rc.cpp:202
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"<p><b>You are trying to connect to a network that does not broadcast its "
"<p>Please specify ESSID that you would like to use when connecting to this "
"access point.</p>"
msgstr ""
"<p><b>Você está tentando conectar a uma rede que não faz broadcast da sua "
"identificação ESSID.</b></p>\n"
"<p>Por Favor especifique o ESSID que você gostaria de usar ao conectar a "
"este ponto de acesso.</p>"
#: rc.cpp:206 rc.cpp:328
#, no-c-format
msgid "ESSID:"
msgstr ""
#: rc.cpp:209
#, no-c-format
msgid "Interface Configuration"
msgstr "Configuração da Interface"
#: rc.cpp:213 rc.cpp:334
#, no-c-format
msgid "Automatic (DHCP)"
msgstr "Automático (DHCP)"
#: rc.cpp:217
#, no-c-format
msgid "Manual"
msgstr "Manual"
#: rc.cpp:221
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"<p><b>Your IP and other parameters need to be configured to connect to any "
"<p>Which configuration option would you like to use when connecting to this "
msgstr ""
"<p><b>Seu IP e outros parâmetros precisam ser configurados para conectar a "
"uma rede.</b></p>\n"
"<p>Qual opção de configuração você gostaria de usar ao conectar a esta rede?"
#: rc.cpp:225
#, no-c-format
msgid "Interface Parameters"
msgstr "Parâmetros da interface"
#: rc.cpp:228 rc.cpp:355
#, no-c-format
msgid "Secondary DNS:"
msgstr "DNS secundário:"
#: rc.cpp:231 rc.cpp:343
#, no-c-format
msgid "IP:"
msgstr "IP:"
#: rc.cpp:234 rc.cpp:340
#, no-c-format
msgid "Netmask:"
msgstr "Máscara de rede:"
#: rc.cpp:237 rc.cpp:358
#, no-c-format
msgid "Primary DNS:"
msgstr "DNS primário:"
#: rc.cpp:240 rc.cpp:349
#, no-c-format
msgid "Gateway:"
msgstr "Gateway:"
#: rc.cpp:243 rc.cpp:352
#, no-c-format
msgid "Domain:"
msgstr "Domínio:"
#: rc.cpp:246 rc.cpp:346
#, no-c-format
msgid "Broadcast:"
msgstr "Broadcast:"
#: rc.cpp:249
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"<p><b>Please specify interface parameters to be used to connect to this "
"<p>You may leave some fields blank.</p>"
msgstr ""
"<p><b>Por Favor especifique os parâmetros de interface a ser usada para "
"conectar a esta rede.</b></p>\n"
"<p>Você poderá deixar alguns campos em branco.</p>"
#: rc.cpp:253
#, no-c-format
msgid "WEP Configuration"
msgstr "Configuração WEP"
#: rc.cpp:256
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"<p><b>The network you are trying to connect to requires WEP authentication.</"
"<p>Which WEP mode would you like to use?</p>"
msgstr ""
"<p><b>A rede a qual você está tentando conectar requer uma autenticação WEP."
"<p>Qual modo WEP você gostaria de usar?</p>"
#: rc.cpp:261
#, no-c-format
msgid "Open S&ystem"
msgstr ""
#: rc.cpp:264
#, no-c-format
msgid "Shared Key"
msgstr ""
#: rc.cpp:267 rc.cpp:288
#, fuzzy, no-c-format
msgid "<p><b>Please provide a key to be used with this network.</b></p>"
msgstr ""
"<p><b>Por Favor informe uma chave a ser usada para esta rede.</b></p>\n"
"Qualquer formato suportado pelo iwconfig pode ser usado."
#: rc.cpp:270
#, no-c-format
msgid "WEP key:"
msgstr "Chave WEP:"
#: rc.cpp:273 rc.cpp:285 rc.cpp:370 rc.cpp:391
#, no-c-format
msgid "ASCII"
msgstr ""
#: rc.cpp:276
#, fuzzy, no-c-format
msgid "WPA Configuration"
msgstr "Configuração WEP"
#: rc.cpp:279
#, fuzzy, no-c-format
msgid ""
"<p><b>The network you are trying to connect to requires WPA authentication.</"
msgstr ""
"<p><b>A rede a qual você está tentando conectar requer uma autenticação WEP."
"<p>Qual modo WEP você gostaria de usar?</p>"
#: rc.cpp:282
#, fuzzy, no-c-format
msgid "WPA Key:"
msgstr "Chave WEP"
#: rc.cpp:291 rc.cpp:376
#, no-c-format
msgid "<b>?<br>?<br>?<br>?</b>"
msgstr ""
#: rc.cpp:294 rc.cpp:373
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"WPA Version:<br>Group Cipher:<br>Pairwise Cipher:<br>Authentication Suite:"
msgstr ""
#: rc.cpp:297
#, no-c-format
msgid "Done!"
msgstr "Feito!"
#: rc.cpp:300
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"<p>You have successfully finished configuring this connection.</p>\n"
"<p><b>Press Finish to connect!</b></p>"
msgstr ""
"<p>Você acabou de configurar esta conexão com sucesso.</p>\n"
"<p><b>Aperte Fim para conectar!</b></p>"
#: rc.cpp:311
#, no-c-format
msgid "F1"
msgstr ""
#: rc.cpp:322
#, no-c-format
msgid "I&nterface"
msgstr ""
#: rc.cpp:337
#, fuzzy, no-c-format
msgid "&Manual"
msgstr "Manual"
#: rc.cpp:361
#, no-c-format
msgid "Securit&y"
msgstr "Se&gurança"
#: rc.cpp:364
#, fuzzy, no-c-format
msgid "WPA Settings"
msgstr "%1 Configurações"
#: rc.cpp:367 rc.cpp:388
#, no-c-format
msgid "Key:"
msgstr "Chave:"
#: rc.cpp:379
#, fuzzy, no-c-format
msgid "WEP Settings"
msgstr "%1 Configurações"
#: rc.cpp:382
#, no-c-format
msgid "Open Syste&m"
msgstr ""
#: rc.cpp:385
#, no-c-format
msgid "Alt+M"
msgstr ""
#: rc.cpp:394
#, no-c-format
msgid "Shared &Key"
msgstr ""
#: rc.cpp:397
#, no-c-format
msgid "Alt+K"
msgstr ""
#: rc.cpp:400
#, no-c-format
msgid "Advanced"
msgstr ""
#: rc.cpp:403
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"<b>Security Warning:</b> the commands specified below will be ran with the "
"same privileges as Wireless Assistant has."
msgstr ""
#: rc.cpp:406
#, fuzzy, no-c-format
msgid "Pre-Connection Command"
msgstr "Conexão falhou."
#: rc.cpp:409 rc.cpp:438 rc.cpp:467 rc.cpp:496
#, no-c-format
msgid "Timeout:"
msgstr ""
#: rc.cpp:415 rc.cpp:444 rc.cpp:473 rc.cpp:502
#, no-c-format
msgid "Amount of time after which the process will be killed."
msgstr ""
#: rc.cpp:418 rc.cpp:447 rc.cpp:476 rc.cpp:505
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"<p>This option specifies how long should Wireless Assistant wait for the "
"process to finish, before it will be killed.</p>"
msgstr ""
#: rc.cpp:422 rc.cpp:451 rc.cpp:480 rc.cpp:509
#, no-c-format
msgid "Run detached"
msgstr ""
#: rc.cpp:425 rc.cpp:454 rc.cpp:483 rc.cpp:512
#, no-c-format
msgid "Don't wait for the process to finish."
msgstr ""
#: rc.cpp:428 rc.cpp:457 rc.cpp:486 rc.cpp:515
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"<p><b>Run Detached</b></p>\n"
"<p>If this checkbox is selected Wireless Assistant will not wait for the "
"process to finish.</p>"
msgstr ""
#: rc.cpp:432 rc.cpp:461 rc.cpp:490 rc.cpp:519
#, fuzzy, no-c-format
msgid "Command:"
msgstr "Domínio:"
#: rc.cpp:435
#, fuzzy, no-c-format
msgid "Post-Connection Command"
msgstr "Assistente da primeira conexão"
#: rc.cpp:464
#, no-c-format
msgid "Pre-Disconnection Command"
msgstr ""
#: rc.cpp:493
#, no-c-format
msgid "Post-Disconnection Command"
msgstr ""
#~ msgid "WEP Mode"
#~ msgstr "Modo WEP"
#~ msgid "Application Options"
#~ msgstr "Opções"
@ -0,0 +1,978 @@
# Swedish translation of wlassistant.
# This file is distributed under the same license as the wlassistant package.
# Daniel Nylander <>, 2006.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: wlassistant 0.5.5\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2007-04-02 02:31+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2006-09-09 18:06+0100\n"
"Last-Translator: Daniel Nylander <>\n"
"Language-Team: Swedish <>\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:103
msgid "Initializing..."
msgstr "Initierar..."
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:110
msgid ""
"Kernel 2.6 or later not present.\n"
"Wireless Assistant will now quit."
msgstr ""
"2.6-kärna eller senare används inte.\n"
"Assistent för trådlösa nätverk kommer nu att avslutas."
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:156
msgid ""
"No usable wireless devices found.\n"
"Wireless Assistant will now quit."
msgstr ""
"Inga användbara trådlösa enheter hittades.\n"
"Assistant för trådlösa nätverk kommer nu att avslutas."
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:179
msgid ""
"<qt><p>You might have insufficient permissions for Wireless Assistant to "
"function properly.</p><p>Did you run it using '<tt>sudo</tt>'?</p></qt>"
msgstr ""
"<qt><p>Du kanske inte har tillräckliga rättigheter för att Assistent för "
"trådlösa nätverk ska fungera korrekt.</p><p>Startade du det med \"<tt>sudo</"
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:200
msgid ""
"Executable(s) '%1' could not be found.\n"
"Wireless Assistant will now quit."
msgstr ""
"Körbara filen \"%1\" kunde inte hittas.\n"
"Assistent för trådlösa nätverk kommer nu att avslutas."
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:238
msgid ""
"Connection to '%1' has been lost!\n"
"Would you like to reconnect?"
msgstr ""
"Anslutningen till \"%1\" har förlorats!\n"
"Vill du återansluta?"
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:238
msgid "Connection Lost"
msgstr "Anslutningen förlorades"
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:252
msgid ""
"<qt><p>Settings for network '<b>%1</b>' are about to be deleted.</p><p>Would "
"you like to continue?</p></qt>"
msgstr ""
"<qt><p>Inställningar för nätverket \"<b>%1</b>\" är på väg att tas bort.</"
"p><p>Vill du fortsätta?</p></qt>"
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:257
msgid "Settings deleted."
msgstr "Inställningar borttagna."
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:285
msgid ""
"<qt><p>File '<i>%1</i>' could not be opened for writing.</p><p>Nameserver(s) "
"and/or domain are not set.</p></qt>"
msgstr ""
"<qt><p>Filen \"<i>%1</i>\" kunde inte öppnas för skrivning.</"
"p><p>Namnservrar och/eller domän har inte ställts in.</p></qt>"
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:317
msgid "Bringing interface %1 up..."
msgstr "Tar upp gränssnittet %1..."
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:321
msgid "Waiting before scanning..."
msgstr ""
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:328
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:334
msgid "Scanning..."
msgstr "Söker av..."
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:343
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:807
msgid "Done."
msgstr "Klar."
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:348
msgid "No networks found."
msgstr "Inga nätverk hittades."
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:351
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Radio of your wireless card seems to be turned off using an external switch "
"on your computer.\n"
"You need turn it on to be able to use wireless networks."
msgstr ""
"Radio för ditt trådlösa kort är avstängt med en extern knapp på din dator.\n"
"Du behöver slå på den för att kunna använda trådlösa nätverk."
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:459
msgid "Freq (Hz)"
msgstr "Frekvens (Hz)"
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:473
msgid ""
"Radio of your wireless card is off.\n"
"Would you like to turn it on?"
msgstr ""
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:559
#, fuzzy
msgid "Auto connection failed."
msgstr "Guide för din första anslutning"
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:570
msgid ""
"<qt><p><b>Can not connect to network '%1'.<b></p><p>The network you are "
"trying to connect to requires WPA authentication. The necessary executables "
"<i>wpa_supplicant</i> and <i>wpa_cli</i> could not be found. Install "
"<i>wpa_supplicant</i> and restart Wireless Assistant to connect.</p></qt>"
msgstr ""
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:579
msgid "%1 - First Connection Wizard"
msgstr "%1 - Guide för första anslutningen"
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:616
msgid "Network settings updated."
msgstr "Nätverksinställningarna uppdaterade."
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:644
#, fuzzy
msgid "Running pre-connection command..."
msgstr "Anslutning misslyckades."
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:650
msgid "Connecting to '%1'..."
msgstr "Ansluter till \"%1\"..."
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:669
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:685
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:718
#, fuzzy
msgid "Connection failed."
msgstr "Anslutningen förlorades"
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:701
#, fuzzy
msgid "Running post-connection command..."
msgstr "Guide för din första anslutning"
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:708
msgid "Testing connection..."
msgstr "Testar anslutning..."
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:714
msgid "Successfully connected to '%1'."
msgstr "Anslutning till \"%1\" lyckades."
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:722
msgid ""
"Connection failed.\n"
"Would you like to review settings for this network?"
msgstr ""
"Anslutningen misslyckades.\n"
"Vill du granska inställningarna för detta nätverk?"
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:722
msgid "Review Settings?"
msgstr "Granska inställningarna?"
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:761
msgid ""
"<qt><p>You are about to disconnect from '<b>%1</b>'.</p><p>Would you like to "
msgstr ""
"<qt><p>Du är på väg att koppla ner från \"<b>%1</b>\".</p><p>Vill du "
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:766
#, fuzzy
msgid "Running pre-disconnection command..."
msgstr "Anslutning misslyckades."
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:772
msgid "Disconnecting..."
msgstr "Kopplar ner..."
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:778
msgid "Waiting for DHCP client to shut down..."
msgstr "Väntar på att DHCP-klienten ska avslutas..."
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:801
#, fuzzy
msgid "Running post-disconnection command..."
msgstr "Guide för din första anslutning"
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:810
msgid "Cancelled."
msgstr "Avbruten."
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:906
msgid "&Disconnect"
msgstr "&Koppla ner"
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:908
msgid "Disconnect from the selected network"
msgstr "Koppla ner från markerat nätverk"
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:911
msgid "&Connect"
msgstr "&Anslut"
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:913 rc.cpp:39
#, no-c-format
msgid "Connect to the selected network"
msgstr "Anslut till markerat nätverk"
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:960
msgid "&Stop"
msgstr "&Stopp"
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:964
msgid ""
"Terminate current process\n"
msgstr ""
"Avsluta aktuell process\n"
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:979 rc.cpp:26
#, no-c-format
msgid "Quit the application"
msgstr "Avsluta programmet"
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:1038
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:1047
msgid "Disconnect..."
msgstr "Koppla ner..."
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:1041
#, fuzzy
msgid "Connect"
msgstr "Anslut"
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:1043
msgid "Forget Settings..."
msgstr "Glöm inställningar..."
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:1044
msgid "Edit Settings..."
msgstr "Redigera inställningar..."
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:1050
msgid "Configure and Connect..."
msgstr "Konfigurera och anslut..."
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:1063
#, fuzzy
msgid "%1 Settings"
msgstr "Inställningar för %1"
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/_translatorinfo.cpp:1
msgid ""
"Your names"
msgstr "Daniel Nylander"
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/_translatorinfo.cpp:3
msgid ""
"Your emails"
msgstr ""
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/main.cpp:30
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/main.cpp:42 rc.cpp:3
#, no-c-format
msgid "Wireless Assistant"
msgstr "Assistent för trådlösa nätverk"
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/netparams.h:76
msgid ""
"<qt><p>The network changed its security settings.</p><p>Please go to "
"<i>Security</i> tab of the following dialog and configure WEP settings.</p></"
msgstr ""
"<qt><p>Nätverket har ändrats sin säkerhetsinställningar.</p><p>Gå till "
"fliken <i>Säkerhet</i> i nästkommande dialogruta och konfigurera WEP-"
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/netparams.h:78
msgid ""
"<qt><p>Your WEP Key is not set properly.</p><p>Please go to <i>Security</i> "
"tab of the following dialog and enter the required key.</p></qt>"
msgstr ""
"<qt><p>Din WEP-nyckel är inte korrekt inställd.</p><p>Gå till fliken "
"<i>Säkerhet</i> i följande dialog och ange den nödvändiga nyckeln.</p></qt>"
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/netparams.h:82
msgid ""
"<qt><p>The network has stopped broadcasting its ESSID since the last time "
"you were connected.</p><p>Would you like to use '<b>%1</b>' as an ESSID for "
"this network?</p><p><i>NOTE: If you answer No, a dialog will appear where "
"you will be able to specify a different ESSID.</i></p></qt>"
msgstr ""
"<qt><p>Nätverket har slutat att annonsera sitt ESSID sedan senaste gången du "
"anslöt till det.</p><p>Vill du använda \"<b>%1</b>\" som ett ESSID för detta "
"nätverk?</p><p><i>NOTERA: Om du svarar Nej kommer en dialogruta att visas "
"där du kan ange ett annat ESSID.</i></p></qt>"
#: rc.cpp:9
#, no-c-format
msgid "Alt+O"
msgstr ""
#: rc.cpp:12
#, no-c-format
msgid "Toggle network list/options"
msgstr "Växla nätverkslista/alternativ"
#: rc.cpp:15
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"<p><b>Options Button</b></p>\n"
"<p>Pressing this toggle button will show the available application options.</"
"<p><i>HINT: Press this button again to return to the network list.</i></p>"
msgstr ""
"<p>Tryck på denna knapp för att växla visning av tillgängliga "
"<p><i>TIPS: Tryck denna knapp igen för att återgå till nätverkslistan.</i></"
#: rc.cpp:23
#, no-c-format
msgid "Alt+Q"
msgstr ""
#: rc.cpp:29
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"<p><b>Quit Button</b></p>\n"
"<p>Pressing this button will quit the application.</p>"
msgstr ""
"<p>Tryck på denna knapp för att avsluta programmet.</p>"
#: rc.cpp:33
#, fuzzy, no-c-format
msgid "Co&nnect"
msgstr "Anslut"
#: rc.cpp:36 rc.cpp:181
#, no-c-format
msgid "Alt+N"
msgstr ""
#: rc.cpp:42
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"<p><b>Connect/Disconnect Button</b></p>\n"
"<p>Pressing this button will connect to/disconnect from the network "
"currently selected in the network list.</p>"
msgstr ""
"<p><b>Anslut/Koppla ner-knappen</b></p>\n"
"<p>Tryck på denna knapp för att ansluta till/koppla ner från nätverket som "
"för närvarande markerats i nätverkslistan.</p>"
#: rc.cpp:46
#, no-c-format
msgid "Refresh"
msgstr "Uppdatera"
#: rc.cpp:50
#, no-c-format
msgid "Refresh network list"
msgstr "Uppdatera nätverkslistan"
#: rc.cpp:53
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"<p><b>Scan Button</b></p>\n"
"<p>Pressing this button will scan for wireless networks and refresh the "
"network list.</p>"
msgstr ""
"<p>Tryck på denna knapp för att söka efter trådlösa nätverk och uppdatera "
#: rc.cpp:57
#, no-c-format
msgid "Device:"
msgstr "Enhet:"
#: rc.cpp:60
#, no-c-format
msgid "Pick a network device to use"
msgstr "Välj en nätverksenhet att använda"
#: rc.cpp:63
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"<p><b>Device Selection</b></p>\n"
"<p>This combo box allows you to select which wireless card to use.</p>\n"
"<p><i>NOTE: Selecting a different card will refresh the network list.</i></p>"
msgstr ""
"<p>Denna kombinationsruta låter dig välja vilket trådlöst kort som ska "
"<p><i>NOTERA: Om du väljer ett annat kort innebär det att nätverkslistan "
#: rc.cpp:68 rc.cpp:199 rc.cpp:325
#, no-c-format
msgid "ESSID"
msgstr "ESSID"
#: rc.cpp:71
#, no-c-format
msgid "Channel"
msgstr "Kanal"
#: rc.cpp:74
#, no-c-format
msgid "Link Quality"
msgstr "Länkkvalitet"
#: rc.cpp:77
#, no-c-format
msgid "WEP/WPA"
msgstr ""
#: rc.cpp:80
#, no-c-format
msgid "AP"
msgstr "AP"
#: rc.cpp:83
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"<p><b>Network List</b></p>\n"
"<p>This list shows all the wireless networks that have been found.</p>\n"
"<p><i>HINT: Click the Refresh button to update this list.</i></p>"
msgstr ""
"<p>Denna lista visar alla trådlösa nätverk som har hittats.</p>\n"
"<p><i>TIPS: Klicka på knappen Uppdatera för att uppdatera listan.</i></p>"
#: rc.cpp:88
#, no-c-format
msgid "Ready"
msgstr ""
#: rc.cpp:91
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"<p><b>Status Bar</b></p>\n"
"<p>Messages describing current process are shown in this area.</p>"
msgstr ""
"<p>Meddelanden som beskriver aktuell process visas i detta område.</p>"
#: rc.cpp:95
#, no-c-format
msgid "Automatically connect on startup"
msgstr ""
#: rc.cpp:99
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"<p><b>AutomaticallyConnect on Startup</b></p>\n"
"<p>Checking this box will make the application try to connect to the best "
"available network. Only networks that have been previously configured will "
"be taken into account.</p>"
msgstr ""
#: rc.cpp:103
#, no-c-format
msgid "Automaticall&y reconnect if connection is lost"
msgstr ""
#: rc.cpp:106
#, no-c-format
msgid "Alt+Y"
msgstr ""
#: rc.cpp:109
#, fuzzy, no-c-format
msgid ""
"<p><b>Automatically Reconnect if Connection is Lost</b></p>\n"
"<p>Checking this box will make the application try to reconnect after the "
"connection is lost.</p>"
msgstr ""
"<p><b>Avsluta vid lyckad anslutning</b></p>\n"
"<p>Kryssa i denna ruta för att programmet ska stängas efter lyckad "
"etablering av anslutning till ett trådlöst nätverk.</p>"
#: rc.cpp:113
#, no-c-format
msgid "Quit upon successful connection"
msgstr "Avsluta vid lyckad anslutning"
#: rc.cpp:117
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"<p><b>Quit Upon Successful Connection</b></p>\n"
"<p>Checking this box will make the application close after successfully "
"establishing a connection to a wireless network.</p>"
msgstr ""
"<p><b>Avsluta vid lyckad anslutning</b></p>\n"
"<p>Kryssa i denna ruta för att programmet ska stängas efter lyckad "
"etablering av anslutning till ett trådlöst nätverk.</p>"
#: rc.cpp:121
#, no-c-format
msgid "&Group access points with the same ESSID"
msgstr ""
#: rc.cpp:124
#, no-c-format
msgid "Alt+G"
msgstr ""
#: rc.cpp:127
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"<p><b>Group Access Points with the Same ESSID</b></p>\n"
"<p>Checking this box will make all access points with the same ESSID appear "
"as one item in the network list.</p>"
msgstr ""
#: rc.cpp:131
#, no-c-format
msgid "Delay before scanning:"
msgstr ""
#: rc.cpp:134 rc.cpp:145 rc.cpp:167
#, no-c-format
msgid "Specify how long to wait for an IP"
msgstr "Ange hur lång väntetiden på en IP-adress skall vara"
#: rc.cpp:137 rc.cpp:148 rc.cpp:170
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"<p><b>DHCP Client Timeout</b></p>\n"
"<p>This option specifies the amount of time after which the application "
"should stop waiting for an IP address and assume that the connection has "
"<p><i>HINT: Increasing this number can help if you have problems connecting "
"to some networks.</i></p>"
msgstr ""
"<p><b>Tidsgräns för DHCP-klient överstigen</b></p>\n"
"<p>Detta alternativ anger den tidsgräns efter vilken programmet ska sluta "
"vänta på en IP-adress och anta att anslutningen har misslyckats.</p>\n"
"<p><i>TIPS: Öka denna gräns kan hjälpa dig om du har problem med att ansluta "
"till vissa nätverk.</i></p>"
#: rc.cpp:142
#, no-c-format
msgid "DHCP client timeout:"
msgstr "Tidsgräns för DHCP-klient:"
#: rc.cpp:153 rc.cpp:164 rc.cpp:412 rc.cpp:441 rc.cpp:470 rc.cpp:499
#, no-c-format
msgid "s"
msgstr "s"
#: rc.cpp:156
#, fuzzy, no-c-format
msgid "Specify how long to wait before scanning"
msgstr "Ange hur lång väntetiden på en IP-adress skall vara"
#: rc.cpp:159
#, fuzzy, no-c-format
msgid ""
"<p><b>Delay Before Scanning</b></p>\n"
"<p>This option specifies the amount of time to wait between bringing the "
"interface up and performing a scan.</p>\n"
"<p><i>HINT: Increasing this number can help if you have to refresh the list "
"manually to see all the available networks.</i></p>"
msgstr ""
"<p><b>Tidsgräns för DHCP-klient överstigen</b></p>\n"
"<p>Detta alternativ anger den tidsgräns efter vilken programmet ska sluta "
"vänta på en IP-adress och anta att anslutningen har misslyckats.</p>\n"
"<p><i>TIPS: Öka denna gräns kan hjälpa dig om du har problem med att ansluta "
"till vissa nätverk.</i></p>"
#: rc.cpp:175
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"<i>Press the button below to enable all messages which have been turned off "
"with the 'Don't Show Again' feature.</i>"
msgstr ""
"<i>Tryck på knappen nedan för att aktivera alla meddelanden som har stängts "
"av med funktionen \"Visa inte igen\".</i>"
#: rc.cpp:178
#, fuzzy, no-c-format
msgid "E&nable All Messages"
msgstr "Aktivera alla meddelanden"
#: rc.cpp:184
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"<p><b>Enable All Messages</b></p>\n"
"<p>Pressing this button will enable all messages which have been turned off "
"with the 'Don't Show Again' feature.</p>"
msgstr ""
"<p><b>Aktivera alla meddelanden</b></p>\n"
"<p>Tryck på denna knapp för att aktivera alla meddelanden som har stängts av "
"med funktionen \"Visa inte igen\".</p>"
#: rc.cpp:188
#, no-c-format
msgid "First Connection Wizard"
msgstr "Guide för din första anslutning"
#: rc.cpp:191
#, no-c-format
msgid "Welcome to First Connection Wizard"
msgstr "Välkommen till Guiden för din första anslutning"
#: rc.cpp:194
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"<b><p>This is the first time you are trying to connect to the selected "
"<p>You will be asked a few questions necessary to configure this connection."
"<p><i>Press Next to continue.</i></p>"
msgstr ""
"<b><p>Detta är första gången som du försöker ansluta till det valda "
"<p>Du kommer att bli frågad ett antal frågor som är nödvändiga för att "
"konfigurera denna anslutning.</p>\n"
"<p><i>Tryck Nästa för att fortsätta.</i></p>"
#: rc.cpp:202
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"<p><b>You are trying to connect to a network that does not broadcast its "
"<p>Please specify ESSID that you would like to use when connecting to this "
"access point.</p>"
msgstr ""
"<p><b>Du försöker ansluta till ett nätverk som inte annonserar sitt ESSID.</"
"<p>Ange det ESSID som du vill använda vid anslutning till denna åtkomstpunkt."
#: rc.cpp:206 rc.cpp:328
#, no-c-format
msgid "ESSID:"
msgstr "ESSID:"
#: rc.cpp:209
#, no-c-format
msgid "Interface Configuration"
msgstr "Gränssnittskonfiguration"
#: rc.cpp:213 rc.cpp:334
#, no-c-format
msgid "Automatic (DHCP)"
msgstr "Automatisk (DHCP)"
#: rc.cpp:217
#, no-c-format
msgid "Manual"
msgstr "Manuell"
#: rc.cpp:221
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"<p><b>Your IP and other parameters need to be configured to connect to any "
"<p>Which configuration option would you like to use when connecting to this "
msgstr ""
"<p><b>Din IP-adress och andra parametrar behöver konfigureras för att "
"ansluta till ett nätverk.</b></p>\n"
"<p>Vilket konfigurationsalternativ vill du använda när du ansluter till "
"detta nätverk?</p>"
#: rc.cpp:225
#, no-c-format
msgid "Interface Parameters"
msgstr "Gränssnittsparametrar"
#: rc.cpp:228 rc.cpp:355
#, no-c-format
msgid "Secondary DNS:"
msgstr "Sekundär DNS:"
#: rc.cpp:231 rc.cpp:343
#, no-c-format
msgid "IP:"
msgstr "IP:"
#: rc.cpp:234 rc.cpp:340
#, no-c-format
msgid "Netmask:"
msgstr "Nätmask:"
#: rc.cpp:237 rc.cpp:358
#, no-c-format
msgid "Primary DNS:"
msgstr "Primär DNS:"
#: rc.cpp:240 rc.cpp:349
#, no-c-format
msgid "Gateway:"
msgstr "Gateway:"
#: rc.cpp:243 rc.cpp:352
#, no-c-format
msgid "Domain:"
msgstr "Domän:"
#: rc.cpp:246 rc.cpp:346
#, no-c-format
msgid "Broadcast:"
msgstr "Broadcast:"
#: rc.cpp:249
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"<p><b>Please specify interface parameters to be used to connect to this "
"<p>You may leave some fields blank.</p>"
msgstr ""
"<p><b>Ange parametrar för gränssnittet som ska användas för att ansluta till "
"detta nätverk.</b></p>\n"
"<p>Du kan lämna vissa fält tomma.</p>"
#: rc.cpp:253
#, no-c-format
msgid "WEP Configuration"
msgstr "Konfiguration av WEP"
#: rc.cpp:256
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"<p><b>The network you are trying to connect to requires WEP authentication.</"
"<p>Which WEP mode would you like to use?</p>"
msgstr ""
"<p><b>Nätverket du försöker ansluta till kräver WEP-autentisering.</b></p>\n"
"<p>Vilket WEP-läge vill du använda?</p>"
#: rc.cpp:261
#, fuzzy, no-c-format
msgid "Open S&ystem"
msgstr "Öppet system"
#: rc.cpp:264
#, no-c-format
msgid "Shared Key"
msgstr "Delad nyckel"
#: rc.cpp:267 rc.cpp:288
#, fuzzy, no-c-format
msgid "<p><b>Please provide a key to be used with this network.</b></p>"
msgstr ""
"<p><b>Tillhandahåll en nyckel som ska användas för detta nätverk.</b></p>\n"
"Alla format som stöds av iwconfig kan användas."
#: rc.cpp:270
#, no-c-format
msgid "WEP key:"
msgstr "WEP-nyckel:"
#: rc.cpp:273 rc.cpp:285 rc.cpp:370 rc.cpp:391
#, no-c-format
msgid "ASCII"
msgstr ""
#: rc.cpp:276
#, fuzzy, no-c-format
msgid "WPA Configuration"
msgstr "Konfiguration av WEP"
#: rc.cpp:279
#, fuzzy, no-c-format
msgid ""
"<p><b>The network you are trying to connect to requires WPA authentication.</"
msgstr ""
"<p><b>Nätverket du försöker ansluta till kräver WEP-autentisering.</b></p>\n"
"<p>Vilket WEP-läge vill du använda?</p>"
#: rc.cpp:282
#, fuzzy, no-c-format
msgid "WPA Key:"
msgstr "WEP-nyckel"
#: rc.cpp:291 rc.cpp:376
#, no-c-format
msgid "<b>?<br>?<br>?<br>?</b>"
msgstr ""
#: rc.cpp:294 rc.cpp:373
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"WPA Version:<br>Group Cipher:<br>Pairwise Cipher:<br>Authentication Suite:"
msgstr ""
#: rc.cpp:297
#, no-c-format
msgid "Done!"
msgstr "Klar!"
#: rc.cpp:300
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"<p>You have successfully finished configuring this connection.</p>\n"
"<p><b>Press Finish to connect!</b></p>"
msgstr ""
"<p>Du har nu färdigställt konfigurationen för denna anslutning.</p>\n"
"<p><b>Tryck Färdig för att ansluta!</b></p>"
#: rc.cpp:311
#, no-c-format
msgid "F1"
msgstr "F1"
#: rc.cpp:322
#, no-c-format
msgid "I&nterface"
msgstr "Grä&nssnitt"
#: rc.cpp:337
#, no-c-format
msgid "&Manual"
msgstr "Manuell"
#: rc.cpp:361
#, no-c-format
msgid "Securit&y"
msgstr "Säker&het"
#: rc.cpp:364
#, fuzzy, no-c-format
msgid "WPA Settings"
msgstr "Inställningar för %1"
#: rc.cpp:367 rc.cpp:388
#, no-c-format
msgid "Key:"
msgstr "Nyckel:"
#: rc.cpp:379
#, fuzzy, no-c-format
msgid "WEP Settings"
msgstr "Inställningar för %1"
#: rc.cpp:382
#, fuzzy, no-c-format
msgid "Open Syste&m"
msgstr "Öppet system"
#: rc.cpp:385
#, no-c-format
msgid "Alt+M"
msgstr ""
#: rc.cpp:394
#, fuzzy, no-c-format
msgid "Shared &Key"
msgstr "Delad nyckel"
#: rc.cpp:397
#, no-c-format
msgid "Alt+K"
msgstr ""
#: rc.cpp:400
#, no-c-format
msgid "Advanced"
msgstr ""
#: rc.cpp:403
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"<b>Security Warning:</b> the commands specified below will be ran with the "
"same privileges as Wireless Assistant has."
msgstr ""
#: rc.cpp:406
#, fuzzy, no-c-format
msgid "Pre-Connection Command"
msgstr "Anslutning misslyckades."
#: rc.cpp:409 rc.cpp:438 rc.cpp:467 rc.cpp:496
#, no-c-format
msgid "Timeout:"
msgstr ""
#: rc.cpp:415 rc.cpp:444 rc.cpp:473 rc.cpp:502
#, no-c-format
msgid "Amount of time after which the process will be killed."
msgstr ""
#: rc.cpp:418 rc.cpp:447 rc.cpp:476 rc.cpp:505
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"<p>This option specifies how long should Wireless Assistant wait for the "
"process to finish, before it will be killed.</p>"
msgstr ""
#: rc.cpp:422 rc.cpp:451 rc.cpp:480 rc.cpp:509
#, no-c-format
msgid "Run detached"
msgstr ""
#: rc.cpp:425 rc.cpp:454 rc.cpp:483 rc.cpp:512
#, no-c-format
msgid "Don't wait for the process to finish."
msgstr ""
#: rc.cpp:428 rc.cpp:457 rc.cpp:486 rc.cpp:515
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"<p><b>Run Detached</b></p>\n"
"<p>If this checkbox is selected Wireless Assistant will not wait for the "
"process to finish.</p>"
msgstr ""
#: rc.cpp:432 rc.cpp:461 rc.cpp:490 rc.cpp:519
#, fuzzy, no-c-format
msgid "Command:"
msgstr "Domän:"
#: rc.cpp:435
#, fuzzy, no-c-format
msgid "Post-Connection Command"
msgstr "Guide för din första anslutning"
#: rc.cpp:464
#, no-c-format
msgid "Pre-Disconnection Command"
msgstr ""
#: rc.cpp:493
#, no-c-format
msgid "Post-Disconnection Command"
msgstr ""
#~ msgid "WEP Mode"
#~ msgstr "WEP-läge"
#~ msgid "WEP?"
#~ msgstr "WEP?"
#~ msgid "Application Options"
#~ msgstr "Programalternativ"
@ -0,0 +1,860 @@
# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2007-04-02 02:31+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
"Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <>\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=CHARSET\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:103
msgid "Initializing..."
msgstr ""
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:110
msgid ""
"Kernel 2.6 or later not present.\n"
"Wireless Assistant will now quit."
msgstr ""
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:156
msgid ""
"No usable wireless devices found.\n"
"Wireless Assistant will now quit."
msgstr ""
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:179
msgid ""
"<qt><p>You might have insufficient permissions for Wireless Assistant to "
"function properly.</p><p>Did you run it using '<tt>sudo</tt>'?</p></qt>"
msgstr ""
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:200
msgid ""
"Executable(s) '%1' could not be found.\n"
"Wireless Assistant will now quit."
msgstr ""
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:238
msgid ""
"Connection to '%1' has been lost!\n"
"Would you like to reconnect?"
msgstr ""
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:238
msgid "Connection Lost"
msgstr ""
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:252
msgid ""
"<qt><p>Settings for network '<b>%1</b>' are about to be deleted.</p><p>Would "
"you like to continue?</p></qt>"
msgstr ""
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:257
msgid "Settings deleted."
msgstr ""
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:285
msgid ""
"<qt><p>File '<i>%1</i>' could not be opened for writing.</p><p>Nameserver(s) "
"and/or domain are not set.</p></qt>"
msgstr ""
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:317
msgid "Bringing interface %1 up..."
msgstr ""
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:321
msgid "Waiting before scanning..."
msgstr ""
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:328
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:334
msgid "Scanning..."
msgstr ""
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:343
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:807
msgid "Done."
msgstr ""
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:348
msgid "No networks found."
msgstr ""
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:351
msgid ""
"Radio of your wireless card seems to be turned off using an external switch "
"on your computer.\n"
"You need turn it on to be able to use wireless networks."
msgstr ""
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:459
msgid "Freq (Hz)"
msgstr ""
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:473
msgid ""
"Radio of your wireless card is off.\n"
"Would you like to turn it on?"
msgstr ""
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:559
msgid "Auto connection failed."
msgstr ""
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:570
msgid ""
"<qt><p><b>Can not connect to network '%1'.<b></p><p>The network you are "
"trying to connect to requires WPA authentication. The necessary executables "
"<i>wpa_supplicant</i> and <i>wpa_cli</i> could not be found. Install "
"<i>wpa_supplicant</i> and restart Wireless Assistant to connect.</p></qt>"
msgstr ""
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:579
msgid "%1 - First Connection Wizard"
msgstr ""
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:616
msgid "Network settings updated."
msgstr ""
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:644
msgid "Running pre-connection command..."
msgstr ""
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:650
msgid "Connecting to '%1'..."
msgstr ""
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:669
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:685
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:718
msgid "Connection failed."
msgstr ""
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:701
msgid "Running post-connection command..."
msgstr ""
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:708
msgid "Testing connection..."
msgstr ""
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:714
msgid "Successfully connected to '%1'."
msgstr ""
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:722
msgid ""
"Connection failed.\n"
"Would you like to review settings for this network?"
msgstr ""
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:722
msgid "Review Settings?"
msgstr ""
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:761
msgid ""
"<qt><p>You are about to disconnect from '<b>%1</b>'.</p><p>Would you like to "
msgstr ""
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:766
msgid "Running pre-disconnection command..."
msgstr ""
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:772
msgid "Disconnecting..."
msgstr ""
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:778
msgid "Waiting for DHCP client to shut down..."
msgstr ""
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:801
msgid "Running post-disconnection command..."
msgstr ""
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:810
msgid "Cancelled."
msgstr ""
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:906
msgid "&Disconnect"
msgstr ""
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:908
msgid "Disconnect from the selected network"
msgstr ""
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:911
msgid "&Connect"
msgstr ""
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:913 rc.cpp:39
#, no-c-format
msgid "Connect to the selected network"
msgstr ""
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:960
msgid "&Stop"
msgstr ""
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:964
msgid ""
"Terminate current process\n"
msgstr ""
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:979 rc.cpp:26
#, no-c-format
msgid "Quit the application"
msgstr ""
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:1038
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:1047
msgid "Disconnect..."
msgstr ""
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:1041
msgid "Connect"
msgstr ""
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:1043
msgid "Forget Settings..."
msgstr ""
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:1044
msgid "Edit Settings..."
msgstr ""
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:1050
msgid "Configure and Connect..."
msgstr ""
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/wlassistant.cpp:1063
msgid "%1 Settings"
msgstr ""
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/_translatorinfo.cpp:1
msgid ""
"Your names"
msgstr ""
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/_translatorinfo.cpp:3
msgid ""
"Your emails"
msgstr ""
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/main.cpp:30
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/main.cpp:42 rc.cpp:3
#, no-c-format
msgid "Wireless Assistant"
msgstr ""
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/netparams.h:76
msgid ""
"<qt><p>The network changed its security settings.</p><p>Please go to "
"<i>Security</i> tab of the following dialog and configure WEP settings.</p></"
msgstr ""
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/netparams.h:78
msgid ""
"<qt><p>Your WEP Key is not set properly.</p><p>Please go to <i>Security</i> "
"tab of the following dialog and enter the required key.</p></qt>"
msgstr ""
#: /home/pn/Development/wlassistant/src/netparams.h:82
msgid ""
"<qt><p>The network has stopped broadcasting its ESSID since the last time "
"you were connected.</p><p>Would you like to use '<b>%1</b>' as an ESSID for "
"this network?</p><p><i>NOTE: If you answer No, a dialog will appear where "
"you will be able to specify a different ESSID.</i></p></qt>"
msgstr ""
#: rc.cpp:9
#, no-c-format
msgid "Alt+O"
msgstr ""
#: rc.cpp:12
#, no-c-format
msgid "Toggle network list/options"
msgstr ""
#: rc.cpp:15
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"<p><b>Options Button</b></p>\n"
"<p>Pressing this toggle button will show the available application options.</"
"<p><i>HINT: Press this button again to return to the network list.</i></p>"
msgstr ""
#: rc.cpp:23
#, no-c-format
msgid "Alt+Q"
msgstr ""
#: rc.cpp:29
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"<p><b>Quit Button</b></p>\n"
"<p>Pressing this button will quit the application.</p>"
msgstr ""
#: rc.cpp:33
#, no-c-format
msgid "Co&nnect"
msgstr ""
#: rc.cpp:36 rc.cpp:181
#, no-c-format
msgid "Alt+N"
msgstr ""
#: rc.cpp:42
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"<p><b>Connect/Disconnect Button</b></p>\n"
"<p>Pressing this button will connect to/disconnect from the network "
"currently selected in the network list.</p>"
msgstr ""
#: rc.cpp:46
#, no-c-format
msgid "Refresh"
msgstr ""
#: rc.cpp:50
#, no-c-format
msgid "Refresh network list"
msgstr ""
#: rc.cpp:53
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"<p><b>Scan Button</b></p>\n"
"<p>Pressing this button will scan for wireless networks and refresh the "
"network list.</p>"
msgstr ""
#: rc.cpp:57
#, no-c-format
msgid "Device:"
msgstr ""
#: rc.cpp:60
#, no-c-format
msgid "Pick a network device to use"
msgstr ""
#: rc.cpp:63
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"<p><b>Device Selection</b></p>\n"
"<p>This combo box allows you to select which wireless card to use.</p>\n"
"<p><i>NOTE: Selecting a different card will refresh the network list.</i></p>"
msgstr ""
#: rc.cpp:68 rc.cpp:199 rc.cpp:325
#, no-c-format
msgid "ESSID"
msgstr ""
#: rc.cpp:71
#, no-c-format
msgid "Channel"
msgstr ""
#: rc.cpp:74
#, no-c-format
msgid "Link Quality"
msgstr ""
#: rc.cpp:77
#, no-c-format
msgid "WEP/WPA"
msgstr ""
#: rc.cpp:80
#, no-c-format
msgid "AP"
msgstr ""
#: rc.cpp:83
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"<p><b>Network List</b></p>\n"
"<p>This list shows all the wireless networks that have been found.</p>\n"
"<p><i>HINT: Click the Refresh button to update this list.</i></p>"
msgstr ""
#: rc.cpp:88
#, no-c-format
msgid "Ready"
msgstr ""
#: rc.cpp:91
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"<p><b>Status Bar</b></p>\n"
"<p>Messages describing current process are shown in this area.</p>"
msgstr ""
#: rc.cpp:95
#, no-c-format
msgid "Automatically connect on startup"
msgstr ""
#: rc.cpp:99
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"<p><b>AutomaticallyConnect on Startup</b></p>\n"
"<p>Checking this box will make the application try to connect to the best "
"available network. Only networks that have been previously configured will "
"be taken into account.</p>"
msgstr ""
#: rc.cpp:103
#, no-c-format
msgid "Automaticall&y reconnect if connection is lost"
msgstr ""
#: rc.cpp:106
#, no-c-format
msgid "Alt+Y"
msgstr ""
#: rc.cpp:109
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"<p><b>Automatically Reconnect if Connection is Lost</b></p>\n"
"<p>Checking this box will make the application try to reconnect after the "
"connection is lost.</p>"
msgstr ""
#: rc.cpp:113
#, no-c-format
msgid "Quit upon successful connection"
msgstr ""
#: rc.cpp:117
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"<p><b>Quit Upon Successful Connection</b></p>\n"
"<p>Checking this box will make the application close after successfully "
"establishing a connection to a wireless network.</p>"
msgstr ""
#: rc.cpp:121
#, no-c-format
msgid "&Group access points with the same ESSID"
msgstr ""
#: rc.cpp:124
#, no-c-format
msgid "Alt+G"
msgstr ""
#: rc.cpp:127
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"<p><b>Group Access Points with the Same ESSID</b></p>\n"
"<p>Checking this box will make all access points with the same ESSID appear "
"as one item in the network list.</p>"
msgstr ""
#: rc.cpp:131
#, no-c-format
msgid "Delay before scanning:"
msgstr ""
#: rc.cpp:134 rc.cpp:145 rc.cpp:167
#, no-c-format
msgid "Specify how long to wait for an IP"
msgstr ""
#: rc.cpp:137 rc.cpp:148 rc.cpp:170
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"<p><b>DHCP Client Timeout</b></p>\n"
"<p>This option specifies the amount of time after which the application "
"should stop waiting for an IP address and assume that the connection has "
"<p><i>HINT: Increasing this number can help if you have problems connecting "
"to some networks.</i></p>"
msgstr ""
#: rc.cpp:142
#, no-c-format
msgid "DHCP client timeout:"
msgstr ""
#: rc.cpp:153 rc.cpp:164 rc.cpp:412 rc.cpp:441 rc.cpp:470 rc.cpp:499
#, no-c-format
msgid "s"
msgstr ""
#: rc.cpp:156
#, no-c-format
msgid "Specify how long to wait before scanning"
msgstr ""
#: rc.cpp:159
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"<p><b>Delay Before Scanning</b></p>\n"
"<p>This option specifies the amount of time to wait between bringing the "
"interface up and performing a scan.</p>\n"
"<p><i>HINT: Increasing this number can help if you have to refresh the list "
"manually to see all the available networks.</i></p>"
msgstr ""
#: rc.cpp:175
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"<i>Press the button below to enable all messages which have been turned off "
"with the 'Don't Show Again' feature.</i>"
msgstr ""
#: rc.cpp:178
#, no-c-format
msgid "E&nable All Messages"
msgstr ""
#: rc.cpp:184
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"<p><b>Enable All Messages</b></p>\n"
"<p>Pressing this button will enable all messages which have been turned off "
"with the 'Don't Show Again' feature.</p>"
msgstr ""
#: rc.cpp:188
#, no-c-format
msgid "First Connection Wizard"
msgstr ""
#: rc.cpp:191
#, no-c-format
msgid "Welcome to First Connection Wizard"
msgstr ""
#: rc.cpp:194
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"<b><p>This is the first time you are trying to connect to the selected "
"<p>You will be asked a few questions necessary to configure this connection."
"<p><i>Press Next to continue.</i></p>"
msgstr ""
#: rc.cpp:202
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"<p><b>You are trying to connect to a network that does not broadcast its "
"<p>Please specify ESSID that you would like to use when connecting to this "
"access point.</p>"
msgstr ""
#: rc.cpp:206 rc.cpp:328
#, no-c-format
msgid "ESSID:"
msgstr ""
#: rc.cpp:209
#, no-c-format
msgid "Interface Configuration"
msgstr ""
#: rc.cpp:213 rc.cpp:334
#, no-c-format
msgid "Automatic (DHCP)"
msgstr ""
#: rc.cpp:217
#, no-c-format
msgid "Manual"
msgstr ""
#: rc.cpp:221
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"<p><b>Your IP and other parameters need to be configured to connect to any "
"<p>Which configuration option would you like to use when connecting to this "
msgstr ""
#: rc.cpp:225
#, no-c-format
msgid "Interface Parameters"
msgstr ""
#: rc.cpp:228 rc.cpp:355
#, no-c-format
msgid "Secondary DNS:"
msgstr ""
#: rc.cpp:231 rc.cpp:343
#, no-c-format
msgid "IP:"
msgstr ""
#: rc.cpp:234 rc.cpp:340
#, no-c-format
msgid "Netmask:"
msgstr ""
#: rc.cpp:237 rc.cpp:358
#, no-c-format
msgid "Primary DNS:"
msgstr ""
#: rc.cpp:240 rc.cpp:349
#, no-c-format
msgid "Gateway:"
msgstr ""
#: rc.cpp:243 rc.cpp:352
#, no-c-format
msgid "Domain:"
msgstr ""
#: rc.cpp:246 rc.cpp:346
#, no-c-format
msgid "Broadcast:"
msgstr ""
#: rc.cpp:249
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"<p><b>Please specify interface parameters to be used to connect to this "
"<p>You may leave some fields blank.</p>"
msgstr ""
#: rc.cpp:253
#, no-c-format
msgid "WEP Configuration"
msgstr ""
#: rc.cpp:256
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"<p><b>The network you are trying to connect to requires WEP authentication.</"
"<p>Which WEP mode would you like to use?</p>"
msgstr ""
#: rc.cpp:261
#, no-c-format
msgid "Open S&ystem"
msgstr ""
#: rc.cpp:264
#, no-c-format
msgid "Shared Key"
msgstr ""
#: rc.cpp:267 rc.cpp:288
#, no-c-format
msgid "<p><b>Please provide a key to be used with this network.</b></p>"
msgstr ""
#: rc.cpp:270
#, no-c-format
msgid "WEP key:"
msgstr ""
#: rc.cpp:273 rc.cpp:285 rc.cpp:370 rc.cpp:391
#, no-c-format
msgid "ASCII"
msgstr ""
#: rc.cpp:276
#, no-c-format
msgid "WPA Configuration"
msgstr ""
#: rc.cpp:279
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"<p><b>The network you are trying to connect to requires WPA authentication.</"
msgstr ""
#: rc.cpp:282
#, no-c-format
msgid "WPA Key:"
msgstr ""
#: rc.cpp:291 rc.cpp:376
#, no-c-format
msgid "<b>?<br>?<br>?<br>?</b>"
msgstr ""
#: rc.cpp:294 rc.cpp:373
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"WPA Version:<br>Group Cipher:<br>Pairwise Cipher:<br>Authentication Suite:"
msgstr ""
#: rc.cpp:297
#, no-c-format
msgid "Done!"
msgstr ""
#: rc.cpp:300
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"<p>You have successfully finished configuring this connection.</p>\n"
"<p><b>Press Finish to connect!</b></p>"
msgstr ""
#: rc.cpp:311
#, no-c-format
msgid "F1"
msgstr ""
#: rc.cpp:322
#, no-c-format
msgid "I&nterface"
msgstr ""
#: rc.cpp:337
#, no-c-format
msgid "&Manual"
msgstr ""
#: rc.cpp:361
#, no-c-format
msgid "Securit&y"
msgstr ""
#: rc.cpp:364
#, no-c-format
msgid "WPA Settings"
msgstr ""
#: rc.cpp:367 rc.cpp:388
#, no-c-format
msgid "Key:"
msgstr ""
#: rc.cpp:379
#, no-c-format
msgid "WEP Settings"
msgstr ""
#: rc.cpp:382
#, no-c-format
msgid "Open Syste&m"
msgstr ""
#: rc.cpp:385
#, no-c-format
msgid "Alt+M"
msgstr ""
#: rc.cpp:394
#, no-c-format
msgid "Shared &Key"
msgstr ""
#: rc.cpp:397
#, no-c-format
msgid "Alt+K"
msgstr ""
#: rc.cpp:400
#, no-c-format
msgid "Advanced"
msgstr ""
#: rc.cpp:403
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"<b>Security Warning:</b> the commands specified below will be ran with the "
"same privileges as Wireless Assistant has."
msgstr ""
#: rc.cpp:406
#, no-c-format
msgid "Pre-Connection Command"
msgstr ""
#: rc.cpp:409 rc.cpp:438 rc.cpp:467 rc.cpp:496
#, no-c-format
msgid "Timeout:"
msgstr ""
#: rc.cpp:415 rc.cpp:444 rc.cpp:473 rc.cpp:502
#, no-c-format
msgid "Amount of time after which the process will be killed."
msgstr ""
#: rc.cpp:418 rc.cpp:447 rc.cpp:476 rc.cpp:505
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"<p>This option specifies how long should Wireless Assistant wait for the "
"process to finish, before it will be killed.</p>"
msgstr ""
#: rc.cpp:422 rc.cpp:451 rc.cpp:480 rc.cpp:509
#, no-c-format
msgid "Run detached"
msgstr ""
#: rc.cpp:425 rc.cpp:454 rc.cpp:483 rc.cpp:512
#, no-c-format
msgid "Don't wait for the process to finish."
msgstr ""
#: rc.cpp:428 rc.cpp:457 rc.cpp:486 rc.cpp:515
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"<p><b>Run Detached</b></p>\n"
"<p>If this checkbox is selected Wireless Assistant will not wait for the "
"process to finish.</p>"
msgstr ""
#: rc.cpp:432 rc.cpp:461 rc.cpp:490 rc.cpp:519
#, no-c-format
msgid "Command:"
msgstr ""
#: rc.cpp:435
#, no-c-format
msgid "Post-Connection Command"
msgstr ""
#: rc.cpp:464
#, no-c-format
msgid "Pre-Disconnection Command"
msgstr ""
#: rc.cpp:493
#, no-c-format
msgid "Post-Disconnection Command"
msgstr ""
@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
#! /usr/bin/env python
## Thomas Nagy, 2005
## This file can be reused freely for any project (see COPYING)
Import( 'env' )
obj.libs='qt-mt kdecore kdeui iw'
#env.KDEinstall( 'KDEMENU', 'Utilities', 'wlassistant.desktop' )
@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
* Copyright (C) 2005 by Pawel Nawrocki *
* *
* *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
* (at your option) any later version. *
* *
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, *
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *
* GNU General Public License for more details. *
* *
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License *
* along with this program; if not, write to the *
* Free Software Foundation, Inc., *
* 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. *
#include "wlassistant.h"
#include <kapplication.h>
#include <kaboutdata.h>
#include <kcmdlineargs.h>
#include <klocale.h>
static const char description[] =
I18N_NOOP("Wireless Assistant");
static const char version[] = "0.5.7";
static KCmdLineOptions options[] =
// { "+[URL]", I18N_NOOP( "Document to open" ), 0 },
int main(int argc, char **argv)
KAboutData about("wlassistant", I18N_NOOP("Wireless Assistant"), version, description,
KAboutData::License_GPL, "(C) %{YEAR} Pawel Nawrocki", 0, 0, "");
about.addAuthor( "Pawel Nawrocki", 0, "" );
KCmdLineArgs::init(argc, argv, &about);
KCmdLineArgs::addCmdLineOptions( options );
KApplication app;
WirelessAssistant *mainWin = 0;
mainWin = new WirelessAssistant();
mainWin->setCaption( QString("%1 %2").arg(description).arg(version) );
app.setMainWidget( mainWin );
// mainWin has WDestructiveClose flag by default, so it will delete itself.
return app.exec();
@ -0,0 +1,239 @@
* Copyright (C) 2005 by Pawel Nawrocki *
* *
* *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
* (at your option) any later version. *
* *
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, *
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *
* GNU General Public License for more details. *
* *
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License *
* along with this program; if not, write to the *
* Free Software Foundation, Inc., *
* 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. *
#include "netlistviewitem.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <kiconloader.h>
#include <kiconeffect.h>
#include <kdeversion.h>
void NetListViewItem::paintCell(QPainter *p, const QColorGroup &cg, int column, int width, int alignment)
/// HACK fixes: higher item (connected) is drawn using regular height upon widget change (widgetStack);
if ( height()!=mHeight )
setHeight( mHeight );
QColor bgColor, fgColor;
/// colors of selected item
if ( listView()->isSelected(this) ) {
bgColor = cg.color( QColorGroup::Highlight ); /// settings for selected item;
fgColor = cg.color( QColorGroup::HighlightedText );
/// colors of deselected item`
} else {
if (mConnected)
bgColor = cg.color( QColorGroup::Background);
else {
#if KDE_IS_VERSION(3,4,0)
bgColor = ((KListViewItem*)this)->backgroundColor(column);
bgColor = ((KListViewItem*)this)->backgroundColor();
fgColor = cg.color( QColorGroup::Text);
if (mQuality<8)
fgColor = fgColor.light();
if (mConnected) {
/// draw a line separating connectedItem from the rest of the list.
p->setPen( bgColor.dark(130) );
p->drawLine(0, height()-1, width, height()-1);
switch (column) {
case mQualityColumn: {
QPixmap qualityIcon = SmallIcon("knewstuff");
QPixmap qualityIconGray = KIconEffect().apply( qualityIcon, KIconEffect::ToGray, 1, Qt::black, true );
int barWidth = int(mQuality/8)*8;
if (mQuality>0)
barWidth+=8; //add 8 (half a star) b/c int rounds down.
if (barWidth>96)
int icoTop = int( ( this->height()-16 )/2 );
p->drawTiledPixmap(listView()->itemMargin(),icoTop,6*16, 16, qualityIconGray );
p->drawTiledPixmap(listView()->itemMargin(),icoTop,barWidth, 16, qualityIcon );
case mEncColumn: {
if (mEnc) {
int icoTop = int( ( this->height()-16 )/2 );
int icoLeft = int( ( width-listView()->itemMargin()-16 )/2 );
QPixmap encIcon = SmallIcon("encrypted");
p->drawPixmap(icoLeft,icoTop, encIcon );
/// DRAW ESSID ///
case mEssidColumn: {
/// draw icon and its shadow.
if (mConnected) {
QPixmap connectedIcon;
connectedIcon = SmallIcon("forward");
int icoTop = int( ( this->height()-16 )/2 );
p->drawPixmap(listView()->itemMargin(),icoTop, connectedIcon );
QFont mFont = listView()->font();
if (mConnected)
mFont.setBold( true );
if (mHidden)
mFont.setItalic( true );
p->setFont( mFont );
/// draw shadow + essid name(not connected)
if (mConnected) {
p->setPen( bgColor.dark(130) );
p->drawText(16+(listView()->itemMargin()*2),0,width, height(), AlignVCenter, mEssid);
p->setPen( bgColor.dark(220) );
p->drawText(16+(listView()->itemMargin()*2)-1,-1,width, height(), AlignVCenter, mEssid);
p->setPen( fgColor );
p->drawText(16+(listView()->itemMargin()*2)-2,-2,width, height(), AlignVCenter, mEssid);
} else {
/// draw essid name (not connected)
p->setPen( fgColor );
p->drawText(listView()->itemMargin(),0,width, height(), AlignVCenter, mEssid);
case mChanColumn: {
QFont mFont = listView()->font();
if (mConnected)
mFont.setBold( true );
p->setFont( mFont );
if (mConnected) {
p->setPen( bgColor.dark(130) );
p->drawText(listView()->itemMargin(),0,width, height(), AlignCenter, mChannel);
p->setPen( bgColor.dark(220) );
p->drawText(listView()->itemMargin()-1,-1,width, height(), AlignCenter, mChannel);
} else {
p->setPen( bgColor.dark(220) );
p->drawText(listView()->itemMargin(),0,width, height(), AlignCenter, mChannel);
case mAPColumn: {
QFont mFont = listView()->font();
if (mHidden)
mFont.setItalic( true );
if (mConnected)
mFont.setBold( true );
p->setFont( mFont );
if (mConnected) {
p->setPen( bgColor.dark(130) );
p->drawText(listView()->itemMargin(),0,width, height(), AlignVCenter, mAP);
p->setPen( bgColor.dark(220) );
p->drawText(listView()->itemMargin()-1,-1,width, height(), AlignVCenter, mAP);
} else {
p->setPen( bgColor.dark(220) );
p->drawText(listView()->itemMargin(),0,width, height(), AlignVCenter, mAP);
KListViewItem::paintCell(p, cg, column, width, alignment);
} //switch
int NetListViewItem::width(const QFontMetrics &fm, const QListView *lv, int column) const
int w;
QFont mFont = listView()->font();
if (mConnected)
if (mHidden)
QFontMetrics mFm( mFont );
if (column == mQualityColumn)
w = 6*16 + (lv->itemMargin()*2);
else if (column == mEncColumn)
w = 16 + (lv->itemMargin()*2);
else if (column == mChanColumn)
w = mFm.width( mChannel ) + (lv->itemMargin()*2);
else if (column == mEssidColumn)
w = mFm.width( mEssid ) + (lv->itemMargin()*2);
else if (column == mAPColumn)
w = mFm.width( mAP ) + (lv->itemMargin()*2);
/*else if (column == mModeColumn)
w = fm.width( mMode ) + (lv->itemMargin()*2);*/
w = 0;
int headerw = fm.width( listView()->columnText(column) ) + (lv->itemMargin()*2);
if (w < headerw)
w = headerw;
return w;
QString NetListViewItem::key( int column, bool ascending ) const
if (mConnected) { // make sure that connected item is always 1st.
if (ascending)
return "0";
return "ZZZ";
QString t = QString::null;
if (column == mQualityColumn) {
t = QString::number( mQuality );
if (mQuality < 10)
} else if (column == mEncColumn) {
if (mEnc)
t = "1";
} else if (column == mEssidColumn) {
t = mEssid.upper(); // add .upper() to make it case-insensitive;
} else if (column == mChanColumn) {
t = mChannel;
if ( mChannel.length() == 1 )
} else if (column == mAPColumn) {
t = mAP.upper();
/*} else if (column == mModeColumn) {
t = mMode.upper();*/
return t;
@ -0,0 +1,176 @@
* Copyright (C) 2005 by Pawel Nawrocki *
* *
* *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
* (at your option) any later version. *
* *
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, *
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *
* GNU General Public License for more details. *
* *
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License *
* along with this program; if not, write to the *
* Free Software Foundation, Inc., *
* 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. *
#include <iostream>
#include <qpainter.h>
#include <klistview.h>
#include <kmessagebox.h>
class NetListViewItem : public KListViewItem
//NetListViewItem(KListView *parent) : KListViewItem(parent) {}
//NetListViewItem(KListView *parent, KListViewItem *after) : KListViewItem(parent, after) {}
//NetListViewItem(KListView *parent, KListViewItem *after, QString essid, QString mode) : KListViewItem(parent, after, essid, mode) {}
NetListViewItem(KListView *parent, QString essid, QString chan, int quality, bool enc, QString ap, bool hidden, bool connected = 0 )
: KListViewItem(parent, QString::null, QString::null, QString::null, QString::null, QString::null)
mEssid = essid;
mChannel = chan;
//mMode = mode;
mQuality = quality;
mEnc = enc;
mAP = ap;
mHidden = hidden;
mConnected = connected;
mHeight = height();
mWpaSettings = QStringList();
void setEssid(const QString& theValue)
mEssid = theValue;
setText(mEssidColumn, mEssid);
QString essid() const
return mEssid;
void setChannel(const QString& theValue)
if ( mChannel != theValue ) { //repaint only if difference visible in quality stars
mChannel = theValue;
QString channel() const
return mChannel;
/*QString mode() const
return mMode;
bool enc() const
return mEnc;
QString ap() const
return mAP;
void setAp(const QString& ap) {
mAP = ap;
setText(mAPColumn, mAP);
bool hidden() const
return mHidden;
void setConnected(bool theValue)
mConnected = theValue;
if (mConnected)
else {
setHeight( mHeight );
bool isConnected() const
return mConnected;
void setQuality(const int& theValue)
if ( int(mQuality/8) != int(theValue/8) ) { //repaint only if difference visible in quality stars
mQuality = theValue;
} else
mQuality = theValue;
int quality() const
return mQuality;
void setWpaSettings(const QStringList& theValue)
mWpaSettings = theValue;
QStringList wpaSettings() const
return mWpaSettings;
virtual void paintCell (QPainter *p, const QColorGroup &cg, int column, int width, int alignment);
virtual int width(const QFontMetrics &fm, const QListView *lv, int column) const;
virtual QString key( int column, bool ascending ) const;
QString mEssid;
QString mChannel;
//QString mMode;
int mQuality;
bool mEnc;
QString mAP;
bool mHidden;
bool mConnected;
int mHeight;
QStringList mWpaSettings;
static const int mEssidColumn = 0;
static const int mChanColumn = 1;
static const int mQualityColumn = 2;
static const int mEncColumn = 3;
static const int mAPColumn = 4;
@ -0,0 +1,289 @@
* Copyright (C) 2005 by Pawel Nawrocki *
* *
* *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
* (at your option) any later version. *
* *
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, *
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *
* GNU General Public License for more details. *
* *
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License *
* along with this program; if not, write to the *
* Free Software Foundation, Inc., *
* 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. *
#include <iostream>
#include <qfile.h>
#include <kmessagebox.h>
#include <klocale.h>
class WANetParams
QString iface;
QString essid;
//QString mode;
QString channel;
QString ap;
bool wep;
QString wepMode;
QString wepKey;
bool wpa;
QStringList wpaSettings;
QString wpaKey;
bool dhcp;
QString ip;
QString netmask;
QString broadcast;
QString gateway;
QString domain;
QString dns1;
QString dns2;
bool hiddenEssid;
bool wasHiddenEssid;
bool wasWep;
QString preConnectionCommand;
QString postConnectionCommand;
QString preDisconnectionCommand;
QString postDisconnectionCommand;
int preConnectionTimeout;
int postConnectionTimeout;
int preDisconnectionTimeout;
int postDisconnectionTimeout;
bool preConnectionDetached;
bool postConnectionDetached;
bool preDisconnectionDetached;
bool postDisconnectionDetached;
bool review()
bool r = false; //DEFAULTS TO 'no review needed'
if (wep)
if ( (wepMode.isEmpty()) || (wepKey.isEmpty()) ) {
if (!wasWep) {
KMessageBox::information(0, i18n("<qt><p>The network changed its security settings.</p><p>Please go to <i>Security</i> tab of the following dialog and configure WEP settings.</p></qt>") );
} else
KMessageBox::error(0, i18n("<qt><p>Your WEP Key is not set properly.</p><p>Please go to <i>Security</i> tab of the following dialog and enter the required key.</p></qt>") );
r = true;
if ( (hiddenEssid) && (!wasHiddenEssid) )
if ( KMessageBox::questionYesNo(0, i18n("<qt><p>The network has stopped broadcasting its ESSID since the last time you were connected.</p><p>Would you like to use '<b>%1</b>' as an ESSID for this network?</p><p><i>NOTE: If you answer No, a dialog will appear where you will be able to specify a different ESSID.</i></p></qt>").arg(essid) ) != 3 ) // !=YES
r = true;
wasHiddenEssid = hiddenEssid;
wasWep = wep;
return r;
QString netParamsString()
QStringList mNPS;
mNPS << boolToString(hiddenEssid) << essid << ap << channel << boolToString(wep) << wepMode << wepKey << boolToString(dhcp) << ip << netmask << broadcast << gateway << domain << dns1 << dns2 << boolToString(wasHiddenEssid) << boolToString(wasWep) << \
preConnectionCommand << QString::number(preConnectionTimeout) << boolToString(preConnectionDetached) << \
postConnectionCommand << QString::number(postConnectionTimeout) << boolToString(postConnectionDetached) << \
preDisconnectionCommand << QString::number(preDisconnectionTimeout) << boolToString(preDisconnectionDetached) << \
postDisconnectionCommand << QString::number(postDisconnectionTimeout) << boolToString(postDisconnectionDetached) << \
wpaSettings.join(",") << wpaKey;
return mNPS.join(",");
void loadNetParamsString( const QString & nps )
/*if (nps.section(",",0,0)=="true")
hiddenEssid=false;*/ // COMMENTED OUT because hiddenEssid boolean is set from the list item
essid = nps.section(",",1,1);
ap = nps.section(",",2,2);
//channel = nps.section(",",3,3); COMMENTED OUT because channel is set from the list item
/*if (nps.section(",",4,4)=="true")
wep=false;*/ // COMMENTED OUT because wep boolean is set from the list item
wepMode = nps.section(",",5,5);
wepKey = nps.section(",",6,6);
dhcp = ( nps.section(",",7,7) == "true" );
ip = nps.section(",",8,8);
netmask = nps.section(",",9,9);
broadcast = nps.section(",",10,10);
gateway = nps.section(",",11,11);
domain = nps.section(",",12,12);
dns1 = nps.section(",",13,13);
dns2 = nps.section(",",14,14);
wasHiddenEssid = ( nps.section(",",15,15)=="true" );
wasWep = ( nps.section(",",16,16)=="true" );
preConnectionCommand = nps.section(",",17,17);
preConnectionTimeout = nps.section(",",18,18).toInt();
preConnectionDetached = ( nps.section(",",19,19) == "true" );
postConnectionCommand = nps.section(",",20,20);
postConnectionTimeout = nps.section(",",21,21).toInt();
postConnectionDetached = ( nps.section(",",22,22) == "true" );
preDisconnectionCommand = nps.section(",",23,23);
preDisconnectionTimeout = nps.section(",",24,24).toInt();
preDisconnectionDetached = ( nps.section(",",25,25) == "true" );
postDisconnectionCommand = nps.section(",",26,26);
postDisconnectionTimeout = nps.section(",",27,27).toInt();
postDisconnectionDetached = ( nps.section(",",28,28) == "true" );
wpaSettings = QStringList::split( ",", nps.section(",",29,32) ); // 4 fields
wpaKey = nps.section(",",33,33);
QString boolToString( bool b )
QString result;
b ? result = "true" : result = "false";
return result;
class WACommands
bool allFound;
QStringList notFound;
void init()
QStringList binDirs;
binDirs << "/sbin" << "/usr/sbin" << "/usr/local/sbin" << "/bin" << "/usr/bin" << "/usr/local/bin";
wpa_supplicant = getPath("wpa_supplicant", binDirs);
wpa_cli = getPath("wpa_cli", binDirs);
dhcp = getPath("dhcpcd", binDirs); //these 2 checks have to be first, so allFound flag is properly set.
if (dhcp.isEmpty())
dhcp = getPath("dhclient", binDirs);
if (!dhcp.isEmpty()) {
dhcpClient = dhcp.section("/",-1,-1);
std::cout << "DHCP Client: " << dhcpClient << std::endl;
ifconfig = getPath("ifconfig", binDirs);
iwconfig = getPath("iwconfig", binDirs);
iwlist = getPath("iwlist", binDirs);
route = getPath("route", binDirs);
pidof = getPath("pidof", binDirs);
if (!allFound)
std::cout << "Executable(s) not found:" << notFound.join(", ") << std::endl;
std::cout << "All executables found." << std::endl;
QStringList cmd( const QString & action, const WANetParams & np, const bool & quiet = false )
QStringList mCmd;
/*if (action=="ifup")
mCmd << ifconfig << np.iface << "up";
else if (action=="ifdown")
mCmd << ifconfig << np.iface << "down";
else*/ if (action=="radio_on")
mCmd << iwconfig << np.iface << "txpower" << "auto";
else if (action=="scan")
mCmd << iwlist << np.iface << "scan";
else if (action=="disconnect")
mCmd << iwconfig << np.iface << "mode" << "managed" << "key" << "off" << "ap" << "off" << "essid" << "off";
else if (action=="iwconfig_set") {
mCmd << iwconfig << np.iface << "mode" << "managed";
if (>0)
mCmd << "channel" <<;
mCmd << "key";
if (np.wep && !np.wepKey.isEmpty())
mCmd << np.wepMode << np.wepKey;
mCmd << "off";
mCmd << "essid" << np.essid;
} else if (action=="iwconfig_ap") {
mCmd << iwconfig << np.iface << "ap" << np.ap;
} else if (action=="ifconfig_dhcp") {
if (dhcpClient=="dhcpcd")
mCmd << dhcp << "-nd" << np.iface;
else if (dhcpClient=="dhclient")
mCmd << dhcp << np.iface; // << "-1" << "-q"
} else if (action=="kill_dhcp") {
if ( dhcpClient=="dhcpcd") //dhcpcd
mCmd << dhcp << "-k" << np.iface;
else //dhclient
mCmd << dhcp << "-r" << np.iface;
} else if (action=="ifconfig_manual") {
mCmd << ifconfig << np.iface << np.ip;
if (!np.netmask.isEmpty())
mCmd << "netmask" << np.netmask;
if (!np.broadcast.isEmpty())
mCmd << "broadcast" << np.broadcast;
} else if (action=="route_add") {
if (!np.gateway.isEmpty())
mCmd << route << "add" << "default" << "gw" << np.gateway;
} else if (action=="route_del") {
if (!np.gateway.isEmpty())
mCmd << route << "del" << "default" << "gw" << np.gateway;
} else
std::cout << "Unknown action: " << action << std::endl;
if ( (!mCmd.isEmpty()) && (!quiet) ) {//mCmd = QStringList();
QString mCmdString = mCmd.join(" ");
if (!np.wepKey.isEmpty()) mCmdString.replace(np.wepKey, "xxxxxxxxxx");
std::cout << action << ": " << mCmdString << std::endl;
return mCmd;
QString route;
QString dhcpClient;
QString wpa_supplicant;
QString wpa_cli;
QString ifconfig;
QString iwconfig;
QString iwlist;
QString dhcp;
QString pidof;
QString getPath(QString file, QStringList dirs)
QString s;
for ( QStringList::Iterator it = dirs.begin(); it != dirs.end(); it++ ) {
if (QFile( QString(*it+"/"+file) ).exists()) {
s = QString(*it+"/"+file);
if (s.isEmpty()) {
allFound = 0;
notFound << file;
return s;
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
@ -0,0 +1,892 @@
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<property name="text">
<string><b><p>This is the first time you are trying to connect to the selected network.</p></b>
<p>You will be asked a few questions necessary to configure this connection.</p>
<p><i>Press Next to continue.</i></p></string>
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<string><p><b>You are trying to connect to a network that does not broadcast its ESSID.</b></p>
<p>Please specify ESSID that you would like to use when connecting to this access point.</p></string>
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<string><p><b>Your IP and other parameters need to be configured to connect to any network.</b></p>
<p>Which configuration option would you like to use when connecting to this network?</p></string>
<widget class="QWidget">
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<string>Primary DNS:</string>
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<widget class="QLabel" row="3" column="0">
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<widget class="QLabel" row="0" column="0" rowspan="1" colspan="3">
<property name="name">
<property name="text">
<string><p><b>Please specify interface parameters to be used to connect to this network.</b></p>
<p>You may leave some fields blank.</p></string>
<widget class="QWidget">
<property name="name">
<attribute name="title">
<string>WEP Configuration</string>
<property name="name">
<widget class="QLabel" row="0" column="0" rowspan="1" colspan="6">
<property name="name">
<property name="text">
<string><p><b>The network you are trying to connect to requires WEP authentication.</b></p>
<p>Which WEP mode would you like to use?</p></string>
<widget class="QButtonGroup" row="1" column="3">
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<widget class="QLabel" row="2" column="0" rowspan="1" colspan="6">
<property name="name">
<property name="text">
<string><p><b>Please provide a key to be used with this network.</b></p></string>
<spacer row="4" column="3">
<property name="name">
<property name="orientation">
<property name="sizeType">
<property name="sizeHint">
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<widget class="QLabel" row="3" column="1">
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<string>WEP key:</string>
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<widget class="QWidget">
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<widget class="QLabel" row="0" column="0" rowspan="1" colspan="7">
<property name="name">
<property name="text">
<string><p><b>The network you are trying to connect to requires WPA authentication.</b></p></string>
<widget class="QLabel" row="3" column="1" rowspan="1" colspan="2">
<property name="name">
<property name="text">
<string>WPA Key:</string>
<property name="alignment">
<widget class="QLineEdit" row="3" column="3" rowspan="1" colspan="2">
<property name="name">
<property name="minimumSize">
<property name="echoMode">
<widget class="QCheckBox" row="3" column="5">
<property name="name">
<property name="text">
<widget class="QLabel" row="2" column="0" rowspan="1" colspan="7">
<property name="name">
<property name="text">
<string><p><b>Please provide a key to be used with this network.</b></p></string>
<spacer row="1" column="0" rowspan="1" colspan="2">
<property name="name">
<property name="orientation">
<property name="sizeType">
<property name="sizeHint">
<spacer row="1" column="6">
<property name="name">
<property name="orientation">
<property name="sizeType">
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<widget class="QLabel" row="1" column="4" rowspan="1" colspan="2">
<property name="name">
<property name="sizePolicy">
<property name="text">
<widget class="QLabel" row="1" column="2" rowspan="1" colspan="2">
<property name="name">
<property name="sizePolicy">
<property name="text">
<string>WPA Version:<br>Group Cipher:<br>Pairwise Cipher:<br>Authentication Suite:</string>
<widget class="QWidget">
<property name="name">
<attribute name="title">
<property name="name">
<widget class="QLabel" row="0" column="0">
<property name="name">
<property name="text">
<p>You have successfully finished configuring this connection.</p>
<p><b>Press Finish to connect!</b></p></string>
<property name="alignment">
<layoutdefaults spacing="6" margin="11"/>
@ -0,0 +1,759 @@
<!DOCTYPE UI><UI version="3.2" stdsetdef="1">
<widget class="QDialog">
<property name="name">
<property name="geometry">
<property name="caption">
<string>Wireless Assistant</string>
<property name="name">
<widget class="KPushButton" row="2" column="1">
<property name="name">
<property name="minimumSize">
<property name="text">
<property name="accel">
<property name="toggleButton">
<property name="toolTip" stdset="0">
<string>Toggle network list/options</string>
<property name="whatsThis" stdset="0">
<string><p><b>Options Button</b></p>
<p>Pressing this toggle button will show the available application options.</p>
<p><i>HINT: Press this button again to return to the network list.</i></p></string>
<widget class="KPushButton" row="4" column="1">
<property name="name">
<property name="text">
<property name="accel">
<property name="default">
<property name="toolTip" stdset="0">
<string>Quit the application</string>
<property name="whatsThis" stdset="0">
<string><p><b>Quit Button</b></p>
<p>Pressing this button will quit the application.</p></string>
<widget class="KPushButton" row="1" column="1">
<property name="name">
<property name="enabled">
<property name="minimumSize">
<property name="text">
<property name="accel">
<property name="toolTip" stdset="0">
<string>Connect to the selected network</string>
<property name="whatsThis" stdset="0">
<string><p><b>Connect/Disconnect Button</b></p>
<p>Pressing this button will connect to/disconnect from the network currently selected in the network list.</p></string>
<widget class="KPushButton" row="0" column="1">
<property name="name">
<property name="enabled">
<property name="text">
<property name="accel">
<property name="flat">
<property name="toolTip" stdset="0">
<string>Refresh network list</string>
<property name="whatsThis" stdset="0">
<string><p><b>Scan Button</b></p>
<p>Pressing this button will scan for wireless networks and refresh the network list.</p></string>
<spacer row="3" column="1">
<property name="name">
<property name="orientation">
<property name="sizeType">
<property name="sizeHint">
<widget class="QLayoutWidget" row="0" column="0" rowspan="5" colspan="1">
<property name="name">
<property name="name">
<property name="margin">
<widget class="QFrame">
<property name="name">
<property name="sizePolicy">
<property name="frameShape">
<property name="frameShadow">
<property name="name">
<property name="margin">
<widget class="QLabel">
<property name="name">
<property name="sizePolicy">
<property name="minimumSize">
<property name="text">
<widget class="KComboBox">
<property name="name">
<property name="enabled">
<property name="sizePolicy">
<property name="minimumSize">
<property name="toolTip" stdset="0">
<string>Pick a network device to use</string>
<property name="whatsThis" stdset="0">
<string><p><b>Device Selection</b></p>
<p>This combo box allows you to select which wireless card to use.</p>
<p><i>NOTE: Selecting a different card will refresh the network list.</i></p></string>
<widget class="QWidgetStack">
<property name="name">
<property name="sizePolicy">
<property name="frameShape">
<property name="frameShadow">
<property name="lineWidth">
<widget class="QWidget">
<property name="name">
<attribute name="id">
<property name="name">
<property name="margin">
<property name="spacing">
<widget class="KListView" row="0" column="0">
<property name="text">
<property name="clickable">
<property name="resizable">
<property name="text">
<property name="clickable">
<property name="resizable">
<property name="text">
<string>Link Quality</string>
<property name="clickable">
<property name="resizable">
<property name="text">
<property name="clickable">
<property name="resizable">
<property name="text">
<property name="clickable">
<property name="resizable">
<property name="name">
<property name="frameShape">
<property name="frameShadow">
<property name="lineWidth">
<property name="whatsThis" stdset="0">
<string><p><b>Network List</b></p>
<p>This list shows all the wireless networks that have been found.</p>
<p><i>HINT: Click the Refresh button to update this list.</i></p></string>
<widget class="QLabel" row="1" column="0">
<property name="name">
<property name="sizePolicy">
<property name="minimumSize">
<property name="margin">
<property name="text">
<property name="alignment">
<property name="whatsThis" stdset="0">
<string><p><b>Status Bar</b></p>
<p>Messages describing current process are shown in this area.</p></string>
<widget class="QWidget">
<property name="name">
<attribute name="id">
<property name="name">
<widget class="QLayoutWidget">
<property name="name">
<property name="name">
<widget class="QCheckBox">
<property name="name">
<property name="text">
<string>Automatically connect on startup</string>
<property name="accel">
<property name="whatsThis" stdset="0">
<string><p><b>AutomaticallyConnect on Startup</b></p>
<p>Checking this box will make the application try to connect to the best available network. Only networks that have been previously configured will be taken into account.</p></string>
<widget class="QCheckBox">
<property name="name">
<property name="text">
<string>Automaticall&y reconnect if connection is lost</string>
<property name="accel">
<property name="whatsThis" stdset="0">
<string><p><b>Automatically Reconnect if Connection is Lost</b></p>
<p>Checking this box will make the application try to reconnect after the connection is lost.</p></string>
<widget class="QCheckBox">
<property name="name">
<property name="text">
<string>Quit upon successful connection</string>
<property name="accel">
<property name="whatsThis" stdset="0">
<string><p><b>Quit Upon Successful Connection</b></p>
<p>Checking this box will make the application close after successfully establishing a connection to a wireless network.</p></string>
<widget class="QCheckBox">
<property name="name">
<property name="text">
<string>&Group access points with the same ESSID</string>
<property name="accel">
<property name="whatsThis" stdset="0">
<string><p><b>Group Access Points with the Same ESSID</b></p>
<p>Checking this box will make all access points with the same ESSID appear as one item in the network list.</p></string>
<widget class="QLayoutWidget">
<property name="name">
<property name="name">
<widget class="QLayoutWidget">
<property name="name">
<property name="name">
<widget class="QLabel">
<property name="name">
<property name="text">
<string>Delay before scanning:</string>
<property name="toolTip" stdset="0">
<string>Specify how long to wait for an IP</string>
<property name="whatsThis" stdset="0">
<string><p><b>DHCP Client Timeout</b></p>
<p>This option specifies the amount of time after which the application should stop waiting for an IP address and assume that the connection has failed.</p>
<p><i>HINT: Increasing this number can help if you have problems connecting to some networks.</i></p></string>
<widget class="QLabel">
<property name="name">
<property name="text">
<string>DHCP client timeout:</string>
<property name="toolTip" stdset="0">
<string>Specify how long to wait for an IP</string>
<property name="whatsThis" stdset="0">
<string><p><b>DHCP Client Timeout</b></p>
<p>This option specifies the amount of time after which the application should stop waiting for an IP address and assume that the connection has failed.</p>
<p><i>HINT: Increasing this number can help if you have problems connecting to some networks.</i></p></string>
<widget class="QLayoutWidget">
<property name="name">
<property name="name">
<property name="name">
<property name="orientation">
<property name="sizeType">
<property name="sizeHint">
<property name="name">
<property name="orientation">
<property name="sizeType">
<property name="sizeHint">
<widget class="QLayoutWidget">
<property name="name">
<property name="name">
<widget class="QSpinBox">
<property name="name">
<property name="suffix">
<property name="maxValue">
<property name="minValue">
<property name="value">
<property name="toolTip" stdset="0">
<string>Specify how long to wait before scanning</string>
<property name="whatsThis" stdset="0">
<string><p><b>Delay Before Scanning</b></p>
<p>This option specifies the amount of time to wait between bringing the interface up and performing a scan.</p>
<p><i>HINT: Increasing this number can help if you have to refresh the list manually to see all the available networks.</i></p></string>
<widget class="QSpinBox">
<property name="name">
<property name="suffix">
<property name="maxValue">
<property name="minValue">
<property name="value">
<property name="toolTip" stdset="0">
<string>Specify how long to wait for an IP</string>
<property name="whatsThis" stdset="0">
<string><p><b>DHCP Client Timeout</b></p>
<p>This option specifies the amount of time after which the application should stop waiting for an IP address and assume that the connection has failed.</p>
<p><i>HINT: Increasing this number can help if you have problems connecting to some networks.</i></p></string>
<widget class="QLayoutWidget">
<property name="name">
<property name="name">
<property name="name">
<property name="orientation">
<property name="sizeType">
<property name="sizeHint">
<property name="name">
<property name="orientation">
<property name="sizeType">
<property name="sizeHint">
<widget class="QLabel">
<property name="name">
<property name="text">
<string><i>Press the button below to enable all messages which have been turned off with the 'Don't Show Again' feature.</i></string>
<widget class="QLayoutWidget">
<property name="name">
<property name="name">
<property name="name">
<property name="orientation">
<property name="sizeType">
<property name="sizeHint">
<widget class="QPushButton">
<property name="name">
<property name="text">
<string>E&nable All Messages</string>
<property name="accel">
<property name="whatsThis" stdset="0">
<string><p><b>Enable All Messages</b></p>
<p>Pressing this button will enable all messages which have been turned off with the 'Don't Show Again' feature.</p></string>
<property name="name">
<property name="orientation">
<property name="sizeType">
<property name="sizeHint">
<function>updateStatus(char sts)</function>
<layoutdefaults spacing="6" margin="11"/>
@ -0,0 +1,174 @@
* Copyright (C) 2005 by Pawel Nawrocki *
* *
* *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
* (at your option) any later version. *
* *
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, *
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *
* GNU General Public License for more details. *
* *
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License *
* along with this program; if not, write to the *
* Free Software Foundation, Inc., *
* 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. *
#include "ui_netparamsedit.h"
#include "netparams.h"
#include <qgroupbox.h>
#include <qlineedit.h>
#include <qradiobutton.h>
#include <qcheckbox.h>
#include <qtabwidget.h>
#include <qpushbutton.h>
#include <qspinbox.h>
#include <qbuttongroup.h>
#include <qlabel.h>
#include <kiconloader.h>
ui_NetParamsEdit::ui_NetParamsEdit(QWidget* parent, const char* name, bool modal, WFlags fl)
: netProperties(parent,name, modal,fl)
buttonOk->setIconSet( SmallIconSet("ok") );
buttonCancel->setIconSet( SmallIconSet("cancel") );
/*void ui_NetParamsEdit::setWepEnabled( bool w )
/*void ui_NetParamsEdit::setEssidEnabled( bool e )
void ui_NetParamsEdit::setValues( const WANetParams & np )
tabNetParams->setTabEnabled( tabSecurity, (np.wep || np.wpa) );
if ( tabSecurity->isEnabled() ) {
groupWep->setEnabled( np.wep );
groupWpa->setEnabled( np.wpa );
if (np.wep) {
if (np.wepMode=="open")
if ( np.wepKey.left(2)=="s:" ) { //ASCII key
wepKey->setText( np.wepKey.right(np.wepKey.length()-2) );
} else { //HEX key
wepKey->setText( np.wepKey );
if (np.wpa) {
labelWpaSettings->setText( QString("<i>%1</i>").arg( np.wpaSettings.join("<br>") ) );
if ( np.wpaKey.left(2)=="s:" ) { //ASCII key
wpaKey->setText( np.wpaKey.right(np.wpaKey.length()-2) );
} else { //HEX key
wpaKey->setText( np.wpaKey );
radioDhcp->setChecked( np.dhcp );
radioManualConfig->setChecked( !np.dhcp );
broadcast->setText( np.broadcast );
netmask->setText( np.netmask );
gateway->setText( np.gateway );
domain->setText( np.domain );
dns1->setText( np.dns1 );
dns2->setText( np.dns2 );
preConnectionCommand->setText( np.preConnectionCommand );
preConnectionDetached->setChecked( np.preConnectionDetached );
preConnectionTimeout->setValue( np.preConnectionTimeout );
postConnectionCommand->setText( np.postConnectionCommand );
postConnectionDetached->setChecked( np.postConnectionDetached );
postConnectionTimeout->setValue( np.postConnectionTimeout );
preDisconnectionCommand->setText( np.preDisconnectionCommand );
preDisconnectionDetached->setChecked( np.preDisconnectionDetached );
preDisconnectionTimeout->setValue( np.preDisconnectionTimeout );
postDisconnectionCommand->setText( np.postDisconnectionCommand );
postDisconnectionDetached->setChecked( np.postDisconnectionDetached );
postDisconnectionTimeout->setValue( np.postDisconnectionTimeout );
WANetParams ui_NetParamsEdit::readNetParams( WANetParams & np )
if (np.hiddenEssid) {
np.wasHiddenEssid = true;
np.essid = essid->text();
np.dhcp = radioDhcp->isChecked();
np.ip = ip->text();
np.broadcast = broadcast->text();
np.netmask = netmask->text();
np.gateway = gateway->text();
np.domain = domain->text();
np.dns1 = dns1->text();
np.dns2 = dns2->text();
if (np.wep) { // WEP authentication needed
np.wasWep = true;
if (radioWepOpen->isChecked())
np.wepMode = "open";
np.wepMode = "restricted";
np.wepKey = wepKey->text();
if (checkWepAscii->isChecked())
if (np.wpa) { // WPA authentication needed
np.wpaKey = wpaKey->text();
if (checkWpaAscii->isChecked())
np.preConnectionCommand = preConnectionCommand->text();
np.preConnectionTimeout = preConnectionTimeout->value();
np.preConnectionDetached = preConnectionDetached->isChecked();
np.postConnectionCommand = postConnectionCommand->text();
np.postConnectionTimeout = postConnectionTimeout->value();
np.postConnectionDetached = postConnectionDetached->isChecked();
np.preDisconnectionCommand = preDisconnectionCommand->text();
np.preDisconnectionTimeout = preDisconnectionTimeout->value();
np.preDisconnectionDetached = preDisconnectionDetached->isChecked();
np.postDisconnectionCommand = postDisconnectionCommand->text();
np.postDisconnectionTimeout = postDisconnectionTimeout->value();
np.postDisconnectionDetached = postDisconnectionDetached->isChecked();
return np;
#include "ui_netparamsedit.moc"
@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
* Copyright (C) 2005 by Pawel Nawrocki *
* *
* *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
* (at your option) any later version. *
* *
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, *
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *
* GNU General Public License for more details. *
* *
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License *
* along with this program; if not, write to the *
* Free Software Foundation, Inc., *
* 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. *
#include "ui_NetParamsEdit.h"
class WANetParams;
class ui_NetParamsEdit : public netProperties
ui_NetParamsEdit(QWidget* parent = 0, const char* name = 0, bool modal = FALSE, WFlags fl = 0 );
//void setWepEnabled( bool w );
//void setEssidEnabled( bool e );
void setValues( const WANetParams & np );
WANetParams readNetParams( WANetParams & np );
public slots:
protected slots:
@ -0,0 +1,107 @@
* Copyright (C) 2005 by Pawel Nawrocki *
* *
* *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
* (at your option) any later version. *
* *
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, *
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *
* GNU General Public License for more details. *
* *
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License *
* along with this program; if not, write to the *
* Free Software Foundation, Inc., *
* 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. *
#include "ui_netparamswizard.h"
#include "netparams.h"
#include <qpushbutton.h>
#include <qradiobutton.h>
#include <qlineedit.h>
#include <qcheckbox.h>
#include <qlabel.h>
#include <kiconloader.h>
ui_NetParamsWizard::ui_NetParamsWizard(QWidget* parent, const char* name, bool modal, WFlags fl)
: NetParamsWizard(parent,name, modal,fl)
backButton()->setIconSet( SmallIconSet("back") );
nextButton()->setIconSet( SmallIconSet("forward") );
cancelButton()->setIconSet( SmallIconSet("cancel") );
finishButton()->setIconSet( SmallIconSet("ok") );
//helpButton()->setIconSet( SmallIconSet("help") );
setFinishEnabled( page( pageCount()-1 ), true );
void ui_NetParamsWizard::setWepEnabled( bool w )
setAppropriate( page(4), w );
void ui_NetParamsWizard::setWpaEnabled( bool w, QStringList settings )
setAppropriate( page(5), w );
if (w) labelWpaSettings->setText( QString("<i>%1</i>").arg( settings.join("<br>") ) );
void ui_NetParamsWizard::setEssidEnabled( bool e )
setAppropriate( page(1), e );
void ui_NetParamsWizard::next()
if (indexOf(currentPage())==2)
setAppropriate( page(3), radioManualConfig->isChecked() );
WANetParams ui_NetParamsWizard::readNetParams( WANetParams & np )
if (appropriate(page(1)))
np.essid = essid->text();
np.dhcp = radioDhcp->isChecked();
if (!np.dhcp) { // manual configuration option selected
np.ip = ip->text();
np.broadcast = broadcast->text();
np.netmask = netmask->text();
np.gateway = gateway->text();
np.domain = domain->text();
np.dns1 = dns1->text();
np.dns2 = dns2->text();
if (np.wep) { // WEP authentication needed
if (radioWepOpen->isChecked())
np.wepMode = "open";
np.wepMode = "restricted";
np.wepKey = wepKey->text();
if (checkWepAscii->isChecked())
if (np.wpa) { // WPA authentication needed
np.wpaKey = wpaKey->text();
if (checkWpaAscii->isChecked())
return np;
#include "ui_netparamswizard.moc"
@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
* Copyright (C) 2005 by Pawel Nawrocki *
* *
* *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
* (at your option) any later version. *
* *
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, *
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *
* GNU General Public License for more details. *
* *
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License *
* along with this program; if not, write to the *
* Free Software Foundation, Inc., *
* 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. *
#include "ui_NetParamsWizard.h"
class WANetParams;
class ui_NetParamsWizard : public NetParamsWizard
ui_NetParamsWizard(QWidget* parent = 0, const char* name = 0, bool modal = FALSE, WFlags fl = 0 );
void setWepEnabled( bool w );
void setWpaEnabled( bool w, QStringList settings = QStringList() );
void setEssidEnabled( bool e );
WANetParams readNetParams( WANetParams & np );
public slots:
protected slots:
virtual void next();
@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
#include "waconfig.h"
#include <kstaticdeleter.h>
WAConfig *WAConfig::mSelf = 0;
static KStaticDeleter<WAConfig> staticWAConfigDeleter;
WAConfig *WAConfig::self()
if ( !mSelf ) {
staticWAConfigDeleter.setObject( mSelf, new WAConfig() );
return mSelf;
WAConfig::WAConfig( )
: KConfigSkeleton( QString::fromLatin1( "wlassistantrc" ) )
mSelf = this;
if ( mSelf == this )
staticWAConfigDeleter.setObject( mSelf, 0, false );
@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
* Copyright (C) 2005 by Pawel Nawrocki *
* *
* *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
* (at your option) any later version. *
* *
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, *
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *
* GNU General Public License for more details. *
* *
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License *
* along with this program; if not, write to the *
* Free Software Foundation, Inc., *
* 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. *
#ifndef WACONFIG_H
#define WACONFIG_H
#include <kconfigskeleton.h>
class WAConfig : public KConfigSkeleton
static WAConfig *self();
void writeConfig()
static WAConfig *mSelf;
@ -0,0 +1,312 @@
* Copyright (C) 2005 by Pawel Nawrocki *
* *
* *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
* (at your option) any later version. *
* *
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, *
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *
* GNU General Public License for more details. *
* *
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License *
* along with this program; if not, write to the *
* Free Software Foundation, Inc., *
* 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. *
#include "watools.h"
#include <unistd.h> //provides readlink
#include <dirent.h>
#include <stdio.h> //to get values from /sys
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <arpa/inet.h> //inet_ntoa
#include <iostream> //debugging
char* WATools::ifname = 0;
int WATools::iw_socket = -1;
int WATools::prev_tx_packets = 0;
int WATools::prev_rx_packets = 0;
bool WATools::isUp( const char* _ifname ) ///returns true if specified interface is up. Uses request SIOCGIFFLAGS
if (_ifname==0)
_ifname = ifname;
struct ifreq req;
if ( doRequest( SIOCGIFFLAGS, &req, _ifname ) < 0) // get interface flags
return 0;
// ( req.ifr_flags & IFF_UP ) ? std::cout << "* UP: YES" << std::endl : std::cout << "* UP: NO" << std::endl;
return ( req.ifr_flags & IFF_UP );
bool WATools::setUp( bool u, const char* _ifname ) /// brings interface up or down. Requests SIOCGIFFLAGS and SIOCSIFFLAGS
if (_ifname==0)
_ifname = ifname;
struct ifreq req;
if ( doRequest( SIOCGIFFLAGS, &req, _ifname ) < 0 ) //get current flags, so they're not reset
return 0;
if ( u != (req.ifr_flags & IFF_UP) )
req.ifr_flags ^= IFF_UP; //change value of IFF_UP flag (XOR)
return ( doRequest( SIOCSIFFLAGS, &req, _ifname ) > -1 ); //set up/down flag, > -1 if succeeded
char* WATools::ip( const char* _ifname ) ///returns current IP. Request SIOCGIFADDR
if (_ifname==0)
_ifname = ifname;
struct ifreq req;
static char buffer[16];
if ( doRequest( SIOCGIFADDR, &req, _ifname ) < 0 )
strcpy( buffer, "" );
strcpy( buffer, inet_ntoa( ((sockaddr_in*)&req.ifr_addr)->sin_addr ) );
// std::cout << "* IP ADDRESS: " << buffer << std::endl;
return buffer;
int WATools::txpackets( const char* _ifname ) ///returns number of packets send via _iface
if (_ifname==0)
_ifname = ifname;
return getStatistic( "tx_packets", _ifname );
int WATools::rxpackets( const char* _ifname ) ///returns number of packets received via _iface
if (_ifname==0)
_ifname = ifname;
return getStatistic( "rx_packets", _ifname );
bool WATools::isWireless( const char* _ifname ) /// returns TRUE if the specified interface supports Wireless Extensions
static iwreq req;
memset( &req, 0, sizeof(req) );
return ( doWirelessRequest(SIOCGIWNAME, &req, _ifname ) > -1 );
char* WATools::essid( const char* _ifname ) ///returns current ESSID (for the specified interface). Request SIOCGIWESSID
static iwreq req;
static char buffer[IW_ESSID_MAX_SIZE + 1];
memset( buffer, 0, sizeof(buffer) );
req.u.essid.pointer = buffer; //set pointer of essid string resulting from request to buffer
req.u.essid.length = IW_ESSID_MAX_SIZE;
if( doWirelessRequest(SIOCGIWESSID, &req, _ifname) < 0 ) // try to get ap address.
return 0; // no ap address
return buffer;
char* WATools::ap( const char* _ifname ) ///returns current AP (for the specified interface). Request SIOCGIWAP
static iwreq req;
if( doWirelessRequest(SIOCGIWAP, &req, _ifname) < 0 ) // try to get ap address.
return 0; // no ap address
static char buffer[32];
iw_ether_ntop( (const struct ether_addr *)req.u.ap_addr.sa_data, buffer );
// std::cout << "* AP ADDRESS: " << buffer << std::endl;
return buffer;
int WATools::quality( const char* _ifname ) ///returns active link quality in range 0-100 (for the specified interface)
static iw_statistics stats;
if ( doWirelessStatisticsRequest( &stats, _ifname ) < 0 )
return 0;
unsigned int std_qual = (100*stats.qual.qual)/50; //calculate normalized quality (0-100). 50 is the best noise/signal difference
if (std_qual > 100) std_qual = 100;
// std::cout << "* QUALITY: " << std_qual << std::endl;
return std_qual;
int WATools::txpower( const char* _ifname ) ///returns current txpower in mW (for the specified interface). Request SIOCGIWTXPOW
static iwreq req;
if( doWirelessRequest(SIOCGIWTXPOW, &req, _ifname) < 0 ) // try to get txpower.
return 0; // no txpower
else {
if (req.u.txpower.disabled)
return -1;
return req.u.txpower.value;
bool WATools::hasKey( const char* _ifname ) ///returns true if WEP key for the specified interface is set. Request SIOCGIWENCODE
static iwreq req;
static char buffer[IW_ENCODING_TOKEN_MAX + 1];
memset( buffer, 0, sizeof(buffer) );
req.u.encoding.pointer = buffer; //set pointer of encoding string resulting from request to buffer
req.u.encoding.length = IW_ENCODING_TOKEN_MAX;
if( doWirelessRequest(SIOCGIWENCODE, &req, _ifname) < 0 ) // try to get current key flags.
return 0;
// ( strlen(buffer)!=0 ) ? std::cout << "* KEY: YES" << std::endl : std::cout << "*KEY: NO" << std::endl;
return ( strlen(buffer)!=0 ); // not encoding token empty
int WATools::availableNetworks( const char* _ifname ) //returns a list of available networks
static struct wireless_scan_head context;
static struct wireless_scan* scan;
if (_ifname==0)
_ifname = ifname;
if (iw_socket<0)
iw_socket = iw_sockets_open(); //get kernel socket
if (iw_socket<0)
return 0;
iw_scan( iw_socket, (char*)_ifname, iw_get_kernel_we_version(), &context );
scan = context.result;
int i = 0;
if ( scan = context.result ) do {
char buffer[32];
//iw_ether_ntop( (const struct ether_addr *)scan->ap_addr.sa_data, buffer );
//printf( "ESSID: %s, quality: %i\n", scan->b.essid, scan->stats.qual.qual );
} while (scan = scan->next);
printf( "WATools: Networks found: %i\n", i );
bool WATools::isConnected( const char* _ifname ) ///returns true if interface is properly configured and associated
bool ret;
if ( WATools::isUp( _ifname ) && \
(strcmp( WATools::ip( _ifname ), "" ) != 0) && \
(strcmp( WATools::ap( _ifname ), "00:00:00:00:00:00" ) != 0) && \
(WATools::quality( _ifname ) > 0) ) {
int tx = txpackets( _ifname);
if ( tx > prev_tx_packets + WA_TX_THRESHOLD ) {
prev_tx_packets = tx;
int rx = rxpackets( _ifname );
if ( rx > prev_rx_packets ) {
prev_rx_packets = rx;
ret = 1;
} else { // no packets received since last change
std::cout << "Connection lost (TX threshold exceeded)" << std::endl;
ret = 0;
} else ret = 1; // no packets sent since last check
} else ret = 0;
return ret;
char* WATools::kernelModule( const char* _ifname ) ///returns KERNEL MODULE name for the given interface
char origPath[64], symPath[64];
static char module[32];
char* p;
sprintf( origPath, "/sys/class/net/%s/device/driver", _ifname );
memset( &symPath, 0, sizeof(symPath) );
readlink( (const char*)origPath, symPath, sizeof(symPath) );
p = strtok( symPath, "/" );
do {
strcpy( module, p );
p = strtok( NULL, "/" );
} while ( p != NULL ); //last part of the symlinked directory is the module name used for the interface.
return module;
int WATools::getStatistic( const char* statName, const char* _ifname )
if (_ifname==0)
_ifname = ifname;
char path[64];
sprintf( path, "/sys/class/net/%s/statistics/%s", _ifname, statName );
FILE* f = fopen( path, "r" );
void* ptr;
static char buffer[16];
fgets(buffer, sizeof(buffer), f);
return atoi( buffer ); //convert string to integer
int WATools::doRequest( int request, struct ifreq* reqStruct, const char* _ifname )
if (_ifname==0)
_ifname = ifname;
if (iw_socket<0)
iw_socket = iw_sockets_open(); //get kernel socket
if (iw_socket<0)
return 0;
memset( reqStruct, 0, sizeof(reqStruct) );
strncpy(reqStruct->ifr_name, _ifname, IFNAMSIZ);
return ioctl(iw_socket, request, reqStruct);
int WATools::doWirelessRequest( int request, struct iwreq* reqStruct, const char* _ifname )
if (_ifname==0)
_ifname = ifname;
if (iw_socket<0)
iw_socket = iw_sockets_open(); //get kernel socket
if (iw_socket<0)
return 0;
memset( reqStruct, 0, sizeof(reqStruct) );
strncpy(reqStruct->ifr_name, _ifname, IFNAMSIZ);
return ioctl(iw_socket, request, reqStruct);
int WATools::doWirelessStatisticsRequest( iw_statistics* iwStats, const char* _ifname )
if (_ifname==0)
_ifname = ifname;
if (iw_socket<0)
iw_socket = iw_sockets_open();//get kernel socket
if (iw_socket<0)
return 0;
unsigned int has_range;
iw_range range;
if ( iw_get_range_info(iw_socket, _ifname, &range) < 0 )
has_range = 0;
has_range = 1;
return iw_get_stats(iw_socket, _ifname, iwStats, &range, has_range);
void WATools::cleanup()
if (!iw_socket<0)
@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
* Copyright (C) 2005 by Pawel Nawrocki *
* *
* *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
* (at your option) any later version. *
* *
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, *
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *
* GNU General Public License for more details. *
* *
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License *
* along with this program; if not, write to the *
* Free Software Foundation, Inc., *
* 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. *
#ifndef WATOOLS_H
#define WATOOLS_H
//maximum number of packets send without any received. When it's exceeded, the connection is considered lost.
#define WA_TX_THRESHOLD 14
#include <iwlib.h>
#include <time.h>
class QStringList;
class WATools
static inline void setInterface( const char* new_ifname ) //sets default (fallback) interface
ifname = (char*)new_ifname;
static inline char* interface() //returns default (fallback) interface
return ifname;
// general interface functions
static bool isUp( const char* _ifname = 0 ); //returns current STATUS
static bool setUp( bool u, const char* _ifname = 0 ); //bring interface up/down
static char* ip( const char* _ifname = 0 ); //returns current IP
static int txpackets( const char* _ifname = 0 ); //returns number of packets send via _iface
static int rxpackets( const char* _ifname = 0 ); //returns number of packets received via _iface
// wireless extensions calls
static bool isWireless( const char* _ifname ); //returns true if iface is a valid wireless interface
static char* essid( const char* _ifname = 0 ); //returns current ESSID
static char* ap( const char* _ifname = 0 ); //returns current AP
static int quality( const char* _ifname = 0 ); //returns current QUALITY
static int txpower( const char* _ifname = 0 ); //returns current TXPOWER
static bool hasKey( const char* _ifname = 0 ); //returns true if WEP key for the specified interface is set
static int availableNetworks( const char* _ifname = 0 ); //returns a list of available networks
// misc functions
static bool isConnected( const char* _ifname = 0 ); //returns true if the interface is properly CONFIGURED AND ASSOCIATED
static char* kernelModule( const char* _ifname = 0 ); //returns KERNEL MODULE name for the given interface
static void cleanup(); //closes open socket etc.
static char* ifname;
static int iw_socket;
static int prev_tx_packets, prev_rx_packets;
static int getStatistic( const char* statName, const char* _ifname = 0 );
static int doRequest( int request, struct ifreq* reqStruct, const char* _ifname = 0 );
static int doWirelessRequest( int request, struct iwreq* reqStruct, const char* _ifname = 0 );
static int doWirelessStatisticsRequest( iw_statistics* iwStats, const char* _ifname = 0 );
#endif //WATOOLS_H
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
@ -0,0 +1,120 @@
* Copyright (C) 2005 by Pawel Nawrocki *
* *
* *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
* (at your option) any later version. *
* *
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, *
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *
* GNU General Public License for more details. *
* *
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License *
* along with this program; if not, write to the *
* Free Software Foundation, Inc., *
* 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. *
//connection check interval in msec
#include "ui_main.h"
#include "waconfig.h"
#include "netparams.h"
class QTimer;
class QProcess;
class NetListViewItem;
class WirelessAssistant : public mainWindow
WirelessAssistant(QWidget* parent = 0, const char* name = 0, bool modal = FALSE, WFlags fl = 0 );
static QString getVal(const QString & str, const QString & rxs);
public slots:
virtual void netConnect();
virtual void netScan();
virtual void netDisconnect( const bool & quiet = false);
void netScan( const WANetParams & np );
void netConnect( const WANetParams & np );
void setDNS( const WANetParams & np );
void readConfig();
void saveSettings();
void setUi(int uiState);
void setSingleClick(bool i);
QString runCommand( const QStringList & cmd, int timeout = 0, bool detached = 0 );
void setNetParamsFromList( QListViewItem* lvi );
bool setNetParamsFromConfig( const QString & s );
QString matchEssidForAp( const QString & ap );
bool radioEnabled();
QListViewItem* getItemByAp( const QString & ap );
QListViewItem* getItemByEssid( const QString & essid );
void setConnectedItem( const QString & netid );
QString getGateway();
bool dhcpClientRunning();
QStringList interfaceList();
bool generateWpaConfigFile( const QString& essid, const QStringList& wpaSettings, const QString& wpaKey );
bool setWpaClientEnabled( bool e, const QString& iface = 0, QString driver = 0 );
QStringList NetParamsList;
QStringList execsNotFound;
NetListViewItem* connectedItem;
QString wpaConfigFile;
/// settings saved in wlassistantrc
bool autoQuit;
bool autoReconnect;
bool autoConnect;
bool groupAPs;
bool wpaAvailable;
int DelayBeforeScanning;
int DhcpTimeout;
/*QString dhcpcdInfoPath;
QString dhclientInfoPath;
QString dhcpcdPidPath;
QString dhclientPidPath;*/
/// end settings.
WACommands Commands;
WANetParams NetParams;
QTimer* timerGui;
QTimer* timerConnectionCheck;
protected slots:
virtual void init();
virtual void netAutoConnect();
virtual void parseScan( const QString & output );
virtual void setDev( const QString & ifname);
virtual void setNetListColumns();
virtual void updateConfiguration(int category = -1);
virtual void updateConnectedItem();
virtual void showItemContextMenu( QListViewItem* i, const QPoint& p, int c);
virtual void editNetParams();
virtual void removeNetParams();
virtual void updateNetParams();
virtual void itemAction();
virtual void checkConnectionStatus();
virtual void updateConnectButton(QListViewItem* lvi);
virtual void setMouseBehaviour();
virtual void togglePage(bool options );
virtual void enableAllMessages();
virtual bool close();
Reference in New Issue