path: root/src/utilities/cameragui/renamecustomizer.cpp
diff options
authorMichele Calgaro <[email protected]>2024-11-22 18:41:30 +0900
committerMichele Calgaro <[email protected]>2024-11-22 18:41:30 +0900
commitee0d99607c14cb63d3ebdb3a970b508949fa8219 (patch)
tree94ac1efedb94cb38bf6879ba0610fe75b554216b /src/utilities/cameragui/renamecustomizer.cpp
parent4adff739380e4ae9f30e443ee95644f184456869 (diff)
Rename 'digikam' folder to 'src'
Signed-off-by: Michele Calgaro <[email protected]>
Diffstat (limited to 'src/utilities/cameragui/renamecustomizer.cpp')
1 files changed, 532 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/utilities/cameragui/renamecustomizer.cpp b/src/utilities/cameragui/renamecustomizer.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a906ccb1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/utilities/cameragui/renamecustomizer.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,532 @@
+/* ============================================================
+ *
+ * This file is a part of digiKam project
+ *
+ *
+ * Date : 2004-09-19
+ * Description : a options group to set renaming files
+ * operations during camera downloading
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2004-2005 by Renchi Raju <[email protected]>
+ * Copyright (C) 2006-2007 by Gilles Caulier <caulier dot gilles at gmail dot com>
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it
+ * and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General
+ * Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation;
+ * either version 2, or (at your option)
+ * any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * ============================================================ */
+// TQt includes.
+#include <tqdatetime.h>
+#include <tqlayout.h>
+#include <tqradiobutton.h>
+#include <tqcheckbox.h>
+#include <tqcombobox.h>
+#include <tqhbox.h>
+#include <tqlabel.h>
+#include <tqpushbutton.h>
+#include <tqtimer.h>
+#include <tqwhatsthis.h>
+// KDE includes.
+#include <tdelocale.h>
+#include <tdeconfig.h>
+#include <tdeapplication.h>
+#include <kiconloader.h>
+#include <klineedit.h>
+#include <knuminput.h>
+#include <kdialogbase.h>
+#if KDE_IS_VERSION(3,2,0)
+#include <kinputdialog.h>
+#include <klineeditdlg.h>
+// Local includes.
+#include "renamecustomizer.h"
+#include "renamecustomizer.moc"
+namespace Digikam
+class RenameCustomizerPriv
+ enum DateFormatOptions
+ {
+ DigikamStandard = 0,
+ IsoDateFormat,
+ TextDateFormat,
+ LocalDateFormat,
+ Advanced
+ };
+ RenameCustomizerPriv()
+ {
+ renameDefault = 0;
+ renameCustom = 0;
+ renameDefaultBox = 0;
+ renameCustomBox = 0;
+ renameDefaultCase = 0;
+ renameDefaultCaseType = 0;
+ addDateTimeBox = 0;
+ addCameraNameBox = 0;
+ addSeqNumberBox = 0;
+ changedTimer = 0;
+ renameCustomPrefix = 0;
+ renameCustomSuffix = 0;
+ startIndexLabel = 0;
+ startIndexInput = 0;
+ focusedWidget = 0;
+ dateTimeButton = 0;
+ dateTimeLabel = 0;
+ dateTimeFormat = 0;
+ TQWidget *focusedWidget;
+ TQString cameraTitle;
+ TQRadioButton *renameDefault;
+ TQRadioButton *renameCustom;
+ TQGroupBox *renameDefaultBox;
+ TQGroupBox *renameCustomBox;
+ TQLabel *renameDefaultCase;
+ TQLabel *startIndexLabel;
+ TQLabel *dateTimeLabel;
+ TQComboBox *renameDefaultCaseType;
+ TQComboBox *dateTimeFormat;
+ TQCheckBox *addDateTimeBox;
+ TQCheckBox *addCameraNameBox;
+ TQCheckBox *addSeqNumberBox;
+ TQPushButton *dateTimeButton;
+ TQString dateTimeFormatString;
+ TQTimer *changedTimer;
+ KLineEdit *renameCustomPrefix;
+ KLineEdit *renameCustomSuffix;
+ KIntNumInput *startIndexInput;
+RenameCustomizer::RenameCustomizer(TQWidget* parent, const TQString& cameraTitle)
+ : TQButtonGroup(parent)
+ d = new RenameCustomizerPriv;
+ d->changedTimer = new TQTimer(this);
+ d->cameraTitle = cameraTitle;
+ setFrameStyle( TQFrame::NoFrame );
+ setRadioButtonExclusive(true);
+ setColumnLayout(0, TQt::Vertical);
+ TQGridLayout* mainLayout = new TQGridLayout(layout(), 4, 1);
+ // ----------------------------------------------------------------
+ d->renameDefault = new TQRadioButton(i18n("Camera filenames"), this);
+ TQWhatsThis::add( d->renameDefault, i18n("<p>Turn on this option to use camera "
+ "provided image filenames without modifications."));
+ mainLayout->addMultiCellWidget(d->renameDefault, 0, 0, 0, 1);
+ d->renameDefaultBox = new TQGroupBox( this );
+ d->renameDefaultBox->setFrameStyle(TQFrame::NoFrame|TQFrame::Plain);
+ d->renameDefaultBox->setInsideMargin(0);
+ d->renameDefaultBox->setColumnLayout(0, TQt::Vertical);
+ d->renameDefaultCase = new TQLabel( i18n("Change case to:"), d->renameDefaultBox );
+ d->renameDefaultCase->setSizePolicy( TQSizePolicy::Minimum, TQSizePolicy::Preferred );
+ d->renameDefaultCaseType = new TQComboBox( d->renameDefaultBox );
+ d->renameDefaultCaseType->insertItem(i18n("Leave as Is"), 0);
+ d->renameDefaultCaseType->insertItem(i18n("Upper"), 1);
+ d->renameDefaultCaseType->insertItem(i18n("Lower"), 2);
+ d->renameDefaultCaseType->setSizePolicy(TQSizePolicy::Minimum, TQSizePolicy::Preferred);
+ TQWhatsThis::add( d->renameDefaultCaseType, i18n("<p>Set the method to use to change the case "
+ "of image filenames."));
+ TQHBoxLayout* boxLayout1 = new TQHBoxLayout( d->renameDefaultBox->layout() );
+ boxLayout1->addSpacing( 10 );
+ boxLayout1->addWidget( d->renameDefaultCase );
+ boxLayout1->addWidget( d->renameDefaultCaseType );
+ mainLayout->addMultiCellWidget(d->renameDefaultBox, 1, 1, 0, 1);
+ // -------------------------------------------------------------
+ d->renameCustom = new TQRadioButton(i18n("Customize"), this);
+ mainLayout->addMultiCellWidget(d->renameCustom, 2, 2, 0, 1);
+ TQWhatsThis::add( d->renameCustom, i18n("<p>Turn on this option to customize image filenames "
+ "during download."));
+ d->renameCustomBox = new TQGroupBox(this);
+ d->renameCustomBox->setFrameStyle(TQFrame::NoFrame|TQFrame::Plain);
+ d->renameCustomBox->setInsideMargin(0);
+ d->renameCustomBox->setColumnLayout(0, TQt::Vertical);
+ TQGridLayout* renameCustomBoxLayout = new TQGridLayout(d->renameCustomBox->layout(),
+ 6, 2, KDialogBase::spacingHint());
+ renameCustomBoxLayout->setColSpacing( 0, 10 );
+ TQLabel* prefixLabel = new TQLabel(i18n("Prefix:"), d->renameCustomBox);
+ renameCustomBoxLayout->addMultiCellWidget(prefixLabel, 0, 0, 1, 1);
+ d->renameCustomPrefix = new KLineEdit(d->renameCustomBox);
+ d->focusedWidget = d->renameCustomPrefix;
+ renameCustomBoxLayout->addMultiCellWidget(d->renameCustomPrefix, 0, 0, 2, 2);
+ TQWhatsThis::add( d->renameCustomPrefix, i18n("<p>Set the prefix which will be added to "
+ "image filenames."));
+ TQLabel* suffixLabel = new TQLabel(i18n("Suffix:"), d->renameCustomBox);
+ renameCustomBoxLayout->addMultiCellWidget(suffixLabel, 1, 1, 1, 1);
+ d->renameCustomSuffix = new KLineEdit(d->renameCustomBox);
+ renameCustomBoxLayout->addMultiCellWidget(d->renameCustomSuffix, 1, 1, 2, 2);
+ TQWhatsThis::add( d->renameCustomSuffix, i18n("<p>Set the suffix which will be added to "
+ "image filenames."));
+ d->addDateTimeBox = new TQCheckBox( i18n("Add Date && Time"), d->renameCustomBox );
+ renameCustomBoxLayout->addMultiCellWidget(d->addDateTimeBox, 2, 2, 1, 2);
+ TQWhatsThis::add( d->addDateTimeBox, i18n("<p>Set this option to add the camera provided date and time."));
+ TQWidget *dateTimeWidget = new TQWidget(d->renameCustomBox);
+ d->dateTimeLabel = new TQLabel(i18n("Date format:"), dateTimeWidget);
+ d->dateTimeFormat = new TQComboBox(dateTimeWidget);
+ d->dateTimeFormat->insertItem(i18n("Standard"), RenameCustomizerPriv::DigikamStandard);
+ d->dateTimeFormat->insertItem(i18n("ISO"), RenameCustomizerPriv::IsoDateFormat);
+ d->dateTimeFormat->insertItem(i18n("Full Text"), RenameCustomizerPriv::TextDateFormat);
+ d->dateTimeFormat->insertItem(i18n("Local Settings"), RenameCustomizerPriv::LocalDateFormat);
+ d->dateTimeFormat->insertItem(i18n("Advanced..."), RenameCustomizerPriv::Advanced);
+ TQWhatsThis::add( d->dateTimeFormat, i18n("<p>Select your preferred date format for "
+ "creating new albums. The options available are:</p>"
+ "<p><b>Standard</b>: the date format that has been used as a standard by digiKam. "
+ "E.g.: <i>20060824T142618</i></p>"
+ "<p/><b>ISO</b>: the date format according to ISO 8601 "
+ "(YYYY-MM-DD). E.g.: <i>2006-08-24T14:26:18</i></p>"
+ "<p><b>Full Text</b>: the date format is a user-readable string. "
+ "E.g.: <i>Thu Aug 24 14:26:18 2006</i></p>"
+ "<p><b>Local Settings</b>: the date format depending on TDE control panel settings.</p>"
+ "<p><b>Advanced:</b> allows the user to specify a custom date format.</p>"));
+ d->dateTimeButton = new TQPushButton(SmallIcon("configure"), TQString(), dateTimeWidget);
+ TQSizePolicy policy = d->dateTimeButton->sizePolicy();
+ policy.setHorData(TQSizePolicy::Maximum);
+ d->dateTimeButton->setSizePolicy(policy);
+ TQHBoxLayout *boxLayout2 = new TQHBoxLayout(dateTimeWidget);
+ boxLayout2->addWidget(d->dateTimeLabel);
+ boxLayout2->addWidget(d->dateTimeFormat);
+ boxLayout2->addWidget(d->dateTimeButton);
+ renameCustomBoxLayout->addMultiCellWidget(dateTimeWidget, 3, 3, 1, 2);
+ d->addCameraNameBox = new TQCheckBox( i18n("Add Camera Name"), d->renameCustomBox );
+ renameCustomBoxLayout->addMultiCellWidget(d->addCameraNameBox, 4, 4, 1, 2);
+ TQWhatsThis::add( d->addCameraNameBox, i18n("<p>Set this option to add the camera name."));
+ d->addSeqNumberBox = new TQCheckBox( i18n("Add Sequence Number"), d->renameCustomBox );
+ renameCustomBoxLayout->addMultiCellWidget(d->addSeqNumberBox, 5, 5, 1, 2);
+ TQWhatsThis::add( d->addSeqNumberBox, i18n("<p>Set this option to add a sequence number "
+ "starting with the index set below."));
+ d->startIndexLabel = new TQLabel( i18n("Start Index:"), d->renameCustomBox );
+ d->startIndexInput = new KIntNumInput(1, d->renameCustomBox);
+ d->startIndexInput->setRange(1, 900000, 1, false);
+ TQWhatsThis::add( d->startIndexInput, i18n("<p>Set the starting index value used to rename "
+ "files with a sequence number."));
+ renameCustomBoxLayout->addMultiCellWidget(d->startIndexLabel, 6, 6, 1, 1);
+ renameCustomBoxLayout->addMultiCellWidget(d->startIndexInput, 6, 6, 2, 2);
+ mainLayout->addMultiCellWidget(d->renameCustomBox, 3, 3, 0, 1);
+ mainLayout->setRowStretch(4, 10);
+ // -- setup connections -------------------------------------------------
+ connect(this, TQ_SIGNAL(clicked(int)),
+ this, TQ_SLOT(slotRadioButtonClicked(int)));
+ connect(d->renameCustomPrefix, TQ_SIGNAL(textChanged(const TQString&)),
+ this, TQ_SLOT(slotRenameOptionsChanged()));
+ connect(d->renameCustomSuffix, TQ_SIGNAL(textChanged(const TQString&)),
+ this, TQ_SLOT(slotRenameOptionsChanged()));
+ connect(d->addDateTimeBox, TQ_SIGNAL(toggled(bool)),
+ this, TQ_SLOT(slotRenameOptionsChanged()));
+ connect(d->addCameraNameBox, TQ_SIGNAL(toggled(bool)),
+ this, TQ_SLOT(slotRenameOptionsChanged()));
+ connect(d->addSeqNumberBox, TQ_SIGNAL(toggled(bool)),
+ this, TQ_SLOT(slotRenameOptionsChanged()));
+ connect(d->renameDefaultCaseType, TQ_SIGNAL(activated(const TQString&)),
+ this, TQ_SLOT(slotRenameOptionsChanged()));
+ connect(d->startIndexInput, TQ_SIGNAL(valueChanged (int)),
+ this, TQ_SLOT(slotRenameOptionsChanged()));
+ connect(d->changedTimer, TQ_SIGNAL(timeout()),
+ this, TQ_SIGNAL(signalChanged()));
+ connect(d->dateTimeButton, TQ_SIGNAL(clicked()),
+ this, TQ_SLOT(slotDateTimeButtonClicked()));
+ connect(d->dateTimeFormat, TQ_SIGNAL(activated(int)),
+ this, TQ_SLOT(slotDateTimeFormatChanged(int)));
+ connect(d->addDateTimeBox, TQ_SIGNAL(toggled(bool)),
+ this, TQ_SLOT(slotDateTimeBoxToggled(bool)));
+ // -- initial values ---------------------------------------------------
+ readSettings();
+ // signal to this not yet connected when readSettings is called? Don't know
+ slotDateTimeBoxToggled(d->addDateTimeBox->isChecked());
+ delete d->changedTimer;
+ saveSettings();
+ delete d;
+bool RenameCustomizer::useDefault() const
+ return d->renameDefault->isChecked();
+int RenameCustomizer::startIndex() const
+ return d->startIndexInput->value();
+TQString RenameCustomizer::newName(const TQDateTime &dateTime, int index, const TQString &extension) const
+ if (d->renameDefault->isChecked())
+ return TQString();
+ else
+ {
+ TQString name(d->renameCustomPrefix->text());
+ // use the "T" as a delimiter between date and time
+ TQString date;
+ switch (d->dateTimeFormat->currentItem())
+ {
+ case RenameCustomizerPriv::DigikamStandard:
+ date = dateTime.toString("yyyyMMddThhmmss");
+ break;
+ case RenameCustomizerPriv::TextDateFormat:
+ date = dateTime.toString(TQt::TextDate);
+ break;
+ case RenameCustomizerPriv::LocalDateFormat:
+ date = dateTime.toString(TQt::LocalDate);
+ break;
+ case RenameCustomizerPriv::IsoDateFormat:
+ date = dateTime.toString(TQt::ISODate);
+ break;
+ case RenameCustomizerPriv::Advanced:
+ date = dateTime.toString(d->dateTimeFormatString);
+ break;
+ }
+ // it seems that TQString::number does not support padding with zeros
+ TQString seq;
+ seq.sprintf("-%06d", index);
+ if (d->addDateTimeBox->isChecked())
+ name += date;
+ if (d->addSeqNumberBox->isChecked())
+ name += seq;
+ if (d->addCameraNameBox->isChecked())
+ name += TQString("-%1").arg(d->cameraTitle.simplifyWhiteSpace().replace(" ", ""));
+ name += d->renameCustomSuffix->text();
+ name += extension;
+ return name;
+ }
+RenameCustomizer::Case RenameCustomizer::changeCase() const
+ RenameCustomizer::Case type = NONE;
+ if (d->renameDefaultCaseType->currentItem() == 1)
+ type=UPPER;
+ if (d->renameDefaultCaseType->currentItem() == 2)
+ type=LOWER;
+ return type;
+void RenameCustomizer::slotRadioButtonClicked(int)
+ TQRadioButton* btn = dynamic_cast<TQRadioButton*>(selected());
+ if (!btn)
+ return;
+ d->renameCustomBox->setEnabled( btn != d->renameDefault );
+ d->renameDefaultBox->setEnabled( btn == d->renameDefault );
+ slotRenameOptionsChanged();
+void RenameCustomizer::slotRenameOptionsChanged()
+ d->focusedWidget = focusWidget();
+ if (d->addSeqNumberBox->isChecked())
+ {
+ d->startIndexInput->setEnabled(true);
+ d->startIndexLabel->setEnabled(true);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ d->startIndexInput->setEnabled(false);
+ d->startIndexLabel->setEnabled(false);
+ }
+ d->changedTimer->start(500, true);
+void RenameCustomizer::slotDateTimeBoxToggled(bool on)
+ d->dateTimeLabel->setEnabled(on);
+ d->dateTimeFormat->setEnabled(on);
+ d->dateTimeButton->setEnabled(on
+ && d->dateTimeFormat->currentItem() == RenameCustomizerPriv::Advanced);
+ slotRenameOptionsChanged();
+void RenameCustomizer::slotDateTimeFormatChanged(int index)
+ if (index == RenameCustomizerPriv::Advanced)
+ {
+ d->dateTimeButton->setEnabled(true);
+ //d->dateTimeButton->show();
+ //slotDateTimeButtonClicked();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ d->dateTimeButton->setEnabled(false);
+ //d->dateTimeButton->hide();
+ }
+ slotRenameOptionsChanged();
+void RenameCustomizer::slotDateTimeButtonClicked()
+ bool ok;
+ TQString message = i18n("<qt><p>Enter the format for date and time.</p>"
+ "<p>Use <i>dd</i> for the day, "
+ "<i>MM</i> for the month, "
+ "<i>yyyy</i> for the year, "
+ "<i>hh</i> for the hour, "
+ "<i>mm</i> for the minute, "
+ "<i>ss</i> for the second.</p>"
+ "<p>Examples: <i>yyyyMMddThhmmss</i> "
+ "for 20060824T142418,<br>"
+ "<i>yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss</i> "
+ "for 2006-08-24 14:24:18.</p></qt>");
+#if KDE_IS_VERSION(3,2,0)
+ TQString newFormat = KInputDialog::getText(i18n("Change Date and Time Format"),
+ message,
+ d->dateTimeFormatString, &ok, this);
+ TQString newFormat = KLineEditDlg::getText(i18n("Change Date and Time Format"),
+ message,
+ d->dateTimeFormatString, &ok, this);
+ if (!ok)
+ return;
+ d->dateTimeFormatString = newFormat;
+ slotRenameOptionsChanged();
+void RenameCustomizer::readSettings()
+ TDEConfig* config = kapp->config();
+ config->setGroup("Camera Settings");
+ bool def = config->readBoolEntry("Rename Use Default", true);
+ bool addSeqNumb = config->readBoolEntry("Add Sequence Number", true);
+ bool adddateTime = config->readBoolEntry("Add Date Time", false);
+ bool addCamName = config->readBoolEntry("Add Camera Name", false);
+ int chcaseT = config->readNumEntry("Case Type", NONE);
+ TQString prefix = config->readEntry("Rename Prefix", i18n("photo"));
+ TQString suffix = config->readEntry("Rename Postfix", TQString());
+ int startIndex = config->readNumEntry("Rename Start Index", 1);
+ int dateTime = config->readNumEntry("Date Time Format", RenameCustomizerPriv::IsoDateFormat);
+ TQString format = config->readEntry("Date Time Format String", "yyyyMMddThhmmss");
+ if (def)
+ {
+ d->renameDefault->setChecked(true);
+ d->renameCustom->setChecked(false);
+ d->renameCustomBox->setEnabled(false);
+ d->renameDefaultBox->setEnabled(true);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ d->renameDefault->setChecked(false);
+ d->renameCustom->setChecked(true);
+ d->renameCustomBox->setEnabled(true);
+ d->renameDefaultBox->setEnabled(false);
+ }
+ d->addDateTimeBox->setChecked(adddateTime);
+ d->addCameraNameBox->setChecked(addCamName);
+ d->addSeqNumberBox->setChecked(addSeqNumb);
+ d->renameDefaultCaseType->setCurrentItem(chcaseT);
+ d->renameCustomPrefix->setText(prefix);
+ d->renameCustomSuffix->setText(suffix);
+ d->startIndexInput->setValue(startIndex);
+ d->dateTimeFormat->setCurrentItem(dateTime);
+ d->dateTimeFormatString = format;
+ slotRenameOptionsChanged();
+void RenameCustomizer::saveSettings()
+ TDEConfig* config = kapp->config();
+ config->setGroup("Camera Settings");
+ config->writeEntry("Rename Use Default", d->renameDefault->isChecked());
+ config->writeEntry("Add Camera Name", d->addCameraNameBox->isChecked());
+ config->writeEntry("Add Date Time", d->addDateTimeBox->isChecked());
+ config->writeEntry("Add Sequence Number", d->addSeqNumberBox->isChecked());
+ config->writeEntry("Case Type", d->renameDefaultCaseType->currentItem());
+ config->writeEntry("Rename Prefix", d->renameCustomPrefix->text());
+ config->writeEntry("Rename Suffix", d->renameCustomSuffix->text());
+ config->writeEntry("Rename Start Index", d->startIndexInput->value());
+ config->writeEntry("Date Time Format", d->dateTimeFormat->currentItem());
+ config->writeEntry("Date Time Format String", d->dateTimeFormatString);
+ config->sync();
+void RenameCustomizer::restoreFocus()
+ d->focusedWidget->setFocus();
+} // namespace Digikam