# translation of digikam.po to
# Teemu Rytilahti ICC profiles path seems to be invalid. If you want to set it "
"now, select \"Yes\", otherwise select \"No\". In this case, \"Color "
"Management\" feature will be disabled until you solve this issue ICC-profiilien polku on virheellinen. Jos haluat asettaa sen "
"nyt, valitse ”Kyllä”, muuten valitse ”Ei”. Värienhallintaominaisuus on "
"poissa käytöstä kunnes tämä ongelma on ratkaistu./p> %1 %1 %1 %1 digiKam will store the photo albums which you create in a common "
"Albums Library Folder. Below, please select which folder you would "
"like digiKam to use as the common Albums Library Folder. Do not use "
"a mount path hosted by a remote computer. digiKam tallettaa albumit yhteiseen albumikirjastoon. Valitse "
"kansio, jota haluat käyttää digiKamin albumikirjastona. Huomio:"
"b> älä käytä verkkolevyllä sijaitsevaa kansiota. There is an album in the database which does not appear to be on "
"disk. This album should be removed from the database, however you may lose "
"information because all images associated with this album will be removed "
"from the database as well. digiKam cannot continue without removing the "
"items from the database because all views depend on the information in the "
"database. Do you want them to be removed from the database?\n"
" There are %n albums in the database which do not appear to be on disk. "
"These albums should be removed from the database, however you may lose "
"information because all images associated with these albums will be removed "
"from the database as well. digiKam cannot continue without removing the "
"items from the database because all views depend on the information in the "
"database. Do you want them to be removed from the database?"
msgstr ""
" Tietokannassa on albumi, jota ei löydy levyltä. Tämä albumi ja tiedot "
"siihen talletetuista kuvista pitää poistaa tietokannasta, muuten digiKam ei "
"voi käynnistyä. Tämän seurauksena saatat kuitenkin kadottaa tietoja. "
"Haluatko poistaa albumin tietokannasta?\n"
" Tietokannassa on %n albumia, joita ei löydy levyltä. Nämä albumit ja "
"tiedot niihin talletetuista kuvista pitää poistaa tietokannasta, muuten "
"digiKam ei voi käynnistyä. Tämän seurauksena saatat kuitenkin kadottaa "
"tietoja. Haluatko poistaa albumit tietokannasta?"
#: digikam/scanlib.cpp:173
msgid "Albums are Missing"
msgstr "Albumeja on kadoksissa"
#: digikam/scanlib.cpp:200
msgid "Scanning items, please wait..."
msgstr "Luodataan kohteita, odota hetki..."
#: digikam/scanlib.cpp:245
msgid "Updating items, please wait..."
msgstr "Päivitetään kohteita, odota hetki..."
#: digikam/scanlib.cpp:504
#, c-format
msgid ""
"_n: There is an item in the database which does not appear to be on disk "
"or is located in the root album of the path. This file should be removed "
"from the database, however you may lose information. digiKam cannot "
"continue without removing the item from the database because all views "
"depend on the information in the database. Do you want it to be removed from "
"the database?\n"
" There are %n items in the database which do not appear to be on disk or "
"are located in the root album of the path. These files should be removed "
"from the database, however you may lose information. digiKam cannot "
"continue without removing these items from the database because all views "
"depend on the information in the database. Do you want them to be removed "
"from the database?"
msgstr ""
" Tietokannassa on tietue, jota ei löydy levyltä tunnetusta sijainnista. "
"Tämä tietue pitää poistaa tietokannasta, muuten digiKam ei voi käynnistyä. "
" Tämän seurauksena saatat kuitenkin kadottaa tietoja. Haluatko poistaa "
"tietueen tietokannasta?\n"
" Tietokannassa on %n tietuetta, joita ei löydy levyltä tunnetusta "
"sijainnista. Nämä tietueet pitää poistaa tietokannasta, muuten digiKam ei "
"voi käynnistyä. Tämän seurauksena saatat kuitenkin kadottaa tietoja. "
"Haluatko poistaa tietueet tietokannasta?"
#: digikam/scanlib.cpp:514
msgid "Files are Missing"
msgstr "Tiedostoja on kadoksissa"
#: digikam/searchadvanceddialog.cpp:94
msgid "Advanced Search"
msgstr "Ehdollinen haku"
#: digikam/searchadvanceddialog.cpp:113
msgid ""
" Here you can review the images found using the current search settings."
msgstr " Näkyvissä ovat haun löytämät kuvat."
#: digikam/searchadvanceddialog.cpp:122
msgid "Search Rules"
msgstr "Hakuehdot"
#: digikam/searchadvanceddialog.cpp:123
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
" Here you can review the search rules used to filter image-searching in "
"album library."
msgstr " Näkyvissä ovat kuvien hakuehdot."
#: digikam/searchadvanceddialog.cpp:133
msgid "Add/Delete Option"
msgstr "Lisää/poista hakuehto"
#: digikam/searchadvanceddialog.cpp:134
msgid " You can edit the search rules by adding/removing criteria."
msgstr " Voit muokata hakua lisäämällä tai poistamalla ehtoja."
#: digikam/searchadvanceddialog.cpp:141 digikam/searchwidgets.cpp:138
#: digikam/searchwidgets.cpp:261 digikam/searchwidgets.cpp:483
#: digikam/searchwidgets.cpp:593
msgid "As well as"
msgstr "Haetaan myös ehdoilla"
#: digikam/searchadvanceddialog.cpp:142 digikam/searchwidgets.cpp:138
#: digikam/searchwidgets.cpp:256 digikam/searchwidgets.cpp:483
#: digikam/searchwidgets.cpp:593
msgid "Or"
msgstr "Tai"
#: digikam/searchadvanceddialog.cpp:145
msgid "&Add"
msgstr "&Lisää"
#: digikam/searchadvanceddialog.cpp:146
msgid "&Del"
msgstr "&Poista"
#: digikam/searchadvanceddialog.cpp:159
msgid "Group/Ungroup Options"
msgstr "Ryhmittelyn valinnat"
#: digikam/searchadvanceddialog.cpp:160
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
" You can group or ungroup any search criteria from the Search Rule set."
msgstr " Voit ryhmitellä hakuehtoja."
#: digikam/searchadvanceddialog.cpp:165
msgid "&Group"
msgstr "&Ryhmittele"
#: digikam/searchadvanceddialog.cpp:166
msgid "&Ungroup"
msgstr "&Poista ryhmitys"
#: digikam/searchadvanceddialog.cpp:180
msgid "&Save search as: "
msgstr "&Tallenna haku nimellä: "
#: digikam/searchadvanceddialog.cpp:182
msgid ""
" Enter the name used to save the current search in \"My Searches\" view"
msgstr ""
" Syötä nimi haulle, jotta voit käyttää samaa hakua myöhemin ”Omat haut”-"
"näkymän kautta."
#: digikam/searchadvanceddialog.cpp:202 digikam/searchfolderview.cpp:84
#: digikam/searchquickdialog.cpp:95 digikam/searchquickdialog.cpp:196
msgid "Last Search"
msgstr "Edellinen haku"
#: digikam/searchfolderview.cpp:108 digikam/searchfolderview.cpp:401
#: digikam/searchfolderview.cpp:426
msgid "My Searches"
msgstr "Omat haut"
#: digikam/searchfolderview.cpp:238 digikam/timelineview.cpp:570
msgid ""
"Search name already exists.\n"
"Please enter a new name:"
msgstr ""
"Tämän niminen haku on jo luotu.\n"
"Anna uusi nimi:"
#: digikam/searchfolderview.cpp:242 digikam/searchfolderview.cpp:245
#: digikam/timelineview.cpp:574 digikam/timelineview.cpp:576
msgid "Name exists"
msgstr "Nimi on jo olemassa"
#: digikam/searchfolderview.cpp:320
msgid "Are you sure you want to delete the selected search \"%1\"?"
msgstr "Oletko varma että haluat poistaa valitun haun \"%1\"?"
#: digikam/searchfolderview.cpp:324
msgid "Delete Search?"
msgstr "Poista haku?"
#: digikam/searchfolderview.cpp:402
msgid "New Simple Search..."
msgstr "Uusi haku..."
#: digikam/searchfolderview.cpp:403
msgid "New Advanced Search..."
msgstr "Uusi ehdollinen haku..."
#: digikam/searchfolderview.cpp:427
msgid "Edit Search..."
msgstr "Muokkaa hakuehtoja..."
#: digikam/searchfolderview.cpp:430
msgid "Edit as Advanced Search..."
msgstr "Muokkaa hakua ehdollisena..."
#: digikam/searchfolderview.cpp:433
msgid "Delete Search"
msgstr "Poista haku"
#: digikam/searchquickdialog.cpp:75
msgid "Quick Search"
msgstr "Pikahaku"
#: digikam/searchquickdialog.cpp:84
msgid "Search:"
msgstr "Haku:"
#: digikam/searchquickdialog.cpp:85
msgid "Enter here your search criteria"
msgstr "Aseta hakuehdot"
#: digikam/searchquickdialog.cpp:86
msgid " Enter your search criteria to find items in the album library"
msgstr " Syötä ehdot albumikirjaston haulle"
#: digikam/searchquickdialog.cpp:90
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
" Here you can see the items found in album library, using the current "
"search criteria"
msgstr " Näkyvissä ovat haun löytämät kohteet."
#: digikam/searchquickdialog.cpp:93
msgid "Save search as:"
msgstr "Tallenna haku nimellä:"
#: digikam/searchquickdialog.cpp:96
msgid ""
" Enter the name of the current search to save in the \"My Searches\" view"
msgstr ""
" Syötä nimi haulle, jotta voit käyttää samaa hakua myöhemin ”Omat haut”-"
"näkymän kautta."
#: digikam/searchwidgets.cpp:74
msgid "Album Name"
msgstr "Albumin nimi"
#: digikam/searchwidgets.cpp:75
msgid "Album Caption"
msgstr "Albumin otsikko"
#: digikam/searchwidgets.cpp:76
msgid "Album Collection"
msgstr "Albumin kokoelma"
#: digikam/searchwidgets.cpp:78
msgid "Tag Name"
msgstr "Tunnisteen nimi"
#: digikam/searchwidgets.cpp:79
msgid "Image Name"
msgstr "Kuvan nimi"
#: digikam/searchwidgets.cpp:80
msgid "Image Date"
msgstr "Kuvan päiväys"
#: digikam/searchwidgets.cpp:81
msgid "Image Caption"
msgstr "Kuvan otsikko"
#: digikam/searchwidgets.cpp:82
msgid "Keyword"
msgstr "Avainsana"
#: digikam/searchwidgets.cpp:83
msgid "Rating"
msgstr "Arvio"
#: digikam/searchwidgets.cpp:94 digikam/searchwidgets.cpp:100
#: digikam/searchwidgets.cpp:104
msgid "Contains"
msgstr "sisältää"
#: digikam/searchwidgets.cpp:95 digikam/searchwidgets.cpp:101
#: digikam/searchwidgets.cpp:105
msgid "Does Not Contain"
msgstr "ei sisällä"
#: digikam/searchwidgets.cpp:96 digikam/searchwidgets.cpp:98
#: digikam/searchwidgets.cpp:102 digikam/searchwidgets.cpp:108
#: digikam/searchwidgets.cpp:111
msgid "Equals"
msgstr "on"
#: digikam/searchwidgets.cpp:97 digikam/searchwidgets.cpp:99
#: digikam/searchwidgets.cpp:103
msgid "Does Not Equal"
msgstr "ei ole"
#: digikam/searchwidgets.cpp:106
msgid "After"
msgstr "jälkeen"
#: digikam/searchwidgets.cpp:107
msgid "Before"
msgstr "ennen"
#: digikam/searchwidgets.cpp:109
msgid "At least"
msgstr "Vähintään"
#: digikam/searchwidgets.cpp:110
msgid "At most"
msgstr "Enintään"
#: digikam/tageditdlg.cpp:98
msgid "New Tag"
msgstr "Uusi tunniste"
#: digikam/tageditdlg.cpp:99
msgid "Edit Tag"
msgstr "Muokkaa tunnistetta"
#: digikam/tageditdlg.cpp:120
msgid "Enter tag name here..."
msgstr ""
#: digikam/tageditdlg.cpp:125
msgid ""
" To create new tags, you can use the following rules:"
"p> Select the histogram time unit here. You can change the graph decade to "
"zoom in or zoom out over time."
msgstr ""
#: digikam/timelineview.cpp:149
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
" Select the histogram scale here. If the date count's maximal values are "
"small, you can use the linear scale. Logarithmic scale can be used when "
"the maximal values are big; if it is used, all values (small and large) will "
"be visible on the graph."
msgstr ""
" Valitse histogrammin skaala. Mikäli kuvassa ei esiinny kovin suuria "
"arvoja, käytä lineaarista skaalaa. Logaritminen skaala näyttää kaikki "
"arvot havainnollisemmin, mikäli kuvapisteillä on sekä suuria että pieniä "
#: digikam/timelineview.cpp:156 imageplugins/adjustcurves/adjustcurves.cpp:154
#: imageplugins/adjustcurves/adjustcurvestool.cpp:145
#: imageplugins/adjustlevels/adjustlevels.cpp:156
#: imageplugins/adjustlevels/adjustlevelstool.cpp:149
#: imageplugins/channelmixer/channelmixer.cpp:148
#: imageplugins/channelmixer/channelmixertool.cpp:142
#: imageplugins/colorfx/colorfxtool.cpp:126
#: imageplugins/colorfx/imageeffect_colorfx.cpp:132
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/autocorrectiontool.cpp:126
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/bcgtool.cpp:125
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/bwsepiatool.cpp:216
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/hsl/hsltool.cpp:129
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/hsl/imageeffect_hsl.cpp:112
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/iccprooftool.cpp:154
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/imageeffect_autocorrection.cpp:119
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/imageeffect_bcg.cpp:112
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/imageeffect_bwsepia.cpp:214
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/imageeffect_iccproof.cpp:141
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/imageeffect_redeye.cpp:111
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/imageeffect_rgb.cpp:110
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/redeyetool.cpp:126
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/rgbtool.cpp:123
#: imageplugins/whitebalance/imageeffect_whitebalance.cpp:149
#: imageplugins/whitebalance/whitebalancetool.cpp:145
#: libs/imageproperties/imagepropertiescolorstab.cpp:197
#: utilities/imageeditor/rawimport/rawsettingsbox.cpp:198
msgid " Linear"
msgstr " Lineaarinen"
#: digikam/timelineview.cpp:164 imageplugins/adjustcurves/adjustcurves.cpp:162
#: imageplugins/adjustcurves/adjustcurvestool.cpp:153
#: imageplugins/adjustlevels/adjustlevels.cpp:164
#: imageplugins/adjustlevels/adjustlevelstool.cpp:157
#: imageplugins/channelmixer/channelmixer.cpp:156
#: imageplugins/channelmixer/channelmixertool.cpp:150
#: imageplugins/colorfx/colorfxtool.cpp:134
#: imageplugins/colorfx/imageeffect_colorfx.cpp:140
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/autocorrectiontool.cpp:134
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/bcgtool.cpp:133
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/bwsepiatool.cpp:224
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/hsl/hsltool.cpp:137
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/hsl/imageeffect_hsl.cpp:120
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/iccprooftool.cpp:162
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/imageeffect_autocorrection.cpp:127
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/imageeffect_bcg.cpp:120
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/imageeffect_bwsepia.cpp:222
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/imageeffect_iccproof.cpp:149
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/imageeffect_redeye.cpp:119
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/imageeffect_rgb.cpp:118
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/redeyetool.cpp:134
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/rgbtool.cpp:131
#: imageplugins/whitebalance/imageeffect_whitebalance.cpp:157
#: imageplugins/whitebalance/whitebalancetool.cpp:153
#: libs/imageproperties/imagepropertiescolorstab.cpp:205
#: utilities/imageeditor/rawimport/rawsettingsbox.cpp:206
msgid " Logarithmic"
msgstr " Logaritminen"
#: digikam/timelineview.cpp:198
msgid "Clear current selection"
msgstr "Tyhjennä nykyinen valinta"
#: digikam/timelineview.cpp:199
msgid ""
" If you press this button, current dates selection from time-line will be "
msgstr ""
#: digikam/timelineview.cpp:203
msgid ""
" Enter the name of the current dates search to save in the \"My Date "
"Searches\" view"
msgstr ""
" Syötä nimi haulle, jotta voit käyttää samaa hakua myöhemin "
"”Kalenterihaut”-näkymän kautta."
#: digikam/timelineview.cpp:209
msgid "Save current selection to a new virtual Album"
msgstr "Valitse nykyinen näkymä uudeksi virtuaalialbumiksi"
#: digikam/timelineview.cpp:210
msgid ""
" If you press this button, current dates selection from time-line will be "
"saved to a new search virtual Album using name set on the left side."
msgstr ""
#: digikam/timelinewidget.cpp:282
msgid "Week #%1 - %2 %3"
msgstr "Viikko #%1 - %2 %3"
#: digikam/welcomepageview.cpp:112
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"_: %1: digiKam version; %2: help:// URL; %3: homepage URL; %4: prior digiKam "
"version; %5: prior KDE version; %6: generated list of new features; %7: "
"First-time user text (only shown on first start); %8: generated list of "
"important changes; --- end of comment ---\n"
" digiKam is a photo "
"management program for the Trinity Desktop Environment. It is designed to "
"import, organize, and export your digital photographs on your computer."
"p> You are currently in the Album view mode of digiKam. The Albums are the "
"real containers where your files are stored, they are identical with the "
"folders on disk. Some of the features of digiKam include We hope you will enjoy digiKam. Thank you, The digiKam Team digiKam on "
"valokuvien hallintaohjelma TDE-työpöytäympäristöön. Se on suunniteltu "
"digikuvien siirtoon, järjestelyyn ja käsittelyyn. Olet tällä hetkellä "
"albuminäkymässä. DigiKam käsittelee tietokoneen tiedostojärjestelmän "
"hakemistoja albumeina. Joitakin tämän version uusia ominaisuuksia ovat (verrattuna versioon %4):"
" Toivomme että pidät digiKamista. Terveisin, digiKam-tiimi This is the image's curve-adjustments preview. You can pick a spot on the "
"image to see the corresponding level in the histogram."
msgstr ""
" Tässä näet kuvan väritasapaino-muutoksen. Voit valita kuvasta värin "
"nähdäksesi tätä vastaavan tason histogrammissa."
#: imageplugins/adjustcurves/adjustcurves.cpp:129
#: imageplugins/adjustcurves/adjustcurvestool.cpp:120
#: imageplugins/adjustlevels/adjustlevels.cpp:128
#: imageplugins/adjustlevels/adjustlevelstool.cpp:121
#: imageplugins/channelmixer/channelmixer.cpp:126
#: imageplugins/channelmixer/channelmixertool.cpp:120
#: imageplugins/colorfx/colorfxtool.cpp:103
#: imageplugins/colorfx/imageeffect_colorfx.cpp:109
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/autocorrectiontool.cpp:103
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/bcgtool.cpp:102
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/bwsepiatool.cpp:193
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/hsl/hsltool.cpp:106
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/hsl/imageeffect_hsl.cpp:89
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/imageeffect_autocorrection.cpp:96
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/imageeffect_bcg.cpp:89
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/imageeffect_bwsepia.cpp:191
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/imageeffect_redeye.cpp:88
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/imageeffect_rgb.cpp:87
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/redeyetool.cpp:103
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/rgbtool.cpp:100
#: imageplugins/whitebalance/imageeffect_whitebalance.cpp:125
#: imageplugins/whitebalance/whitebalancetool.cpp:121
#: libs/imageproperties/imagepropertiescolorstab.cpp:167
#: utilities/imageeditor/rawimport/rawsettingsbox.cpp:173
msgid "Channel:"
msgstr "Kanava:"
#: imageplugins/adjustcurves/adjustcurves.cpp:132
#: imageplugins/adjustcurves/adjustcurves.cpp:137
#: imageplugins/adjustcurves/adjustcurvestool.cpp:123
#: imageplugins/adjustcurves/adjustcurvestool.cpp:128
#: imageplugins/adjustlevels/adjustlevels.cpp:131
#: imageplugins/adjustlevels/adjustlevels.cpp:136
#: imageplugins/adjustlevels/adjustlevelstool.cpp:124
#: imageplugins/adjustlevels/adjustlevelstool.cpp:129
#: imageplugins/colorfx/colorfxtool.cpp:106
#: imageplugins/colorfx/imageeffect_colorfx.cpp:112
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/autocorrectiontool.cpp:106
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/bcgtool.cpp:105
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/bwsepiatool.cpp:196
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/hsl/hsltool.cpp:109
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/hsl/imageeffect_hsl.cpp:92
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/iccprooftool.cpp:133
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/imageeffect_autocorrection.cpp:99
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/imageeffect_bcg.cpp:92
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/imageeffect_bwsepia.cpp:194
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/imageeffect_iccproof.cpp:120
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/imageeffect_redeye.cpp:91
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/imageeffect_rgb.cpp:90
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/redeyetool.cpp:106
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/rgbtool.cpp:103
#: imageplugins/whitebalance/imageeffect_whitebalance.cpp:128
#: imageplugins/whitebalance/whitebalancetool.cpp:124
#: libs/imageproperties/imagepropertiescolorstab.cpp:170
#: utilities/imageeditor/rawimport/rawsettingsbox.cpp:176
msgid "Luminosity"
msgstr "Valoisuus"
#: imageplugins/adjustcurves/adjustcurves.cpp:133
#: imageplugins/adjustcurves/adjustcurvestool.cpp:124
#: imageplugins/adjustlevels/adjustlevels.cpp:132
#: imageplugins/adjustlevels/adjustlevelstool.cpp:125
#: imageplugins/channelmixer/channelmixer.cpp:129
#: imageplugins/channelmixer/channelmixer.cpp:132
#: imageplugins/channelmixer/channelmixertool.cpp:123
#: imageplugins/channelmixer/channelmixertool.cpp:126
#: imageplugins/colorfx/colorfxtool.cpp:107
#: imageplugins/colorfx/imageeffect_colorfx.cpp:113
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/autocorrectiontool.cpp:107
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/bcgtool.cpp:106
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/bwsepiatool.cpp:197
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/hsl/hsltool.cpp:110
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/hsl/imageeffect_hsl.cpp:93
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/iccprooftool.cpp:134
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/imageeffect_autocorrection.cpp:100
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/imageeffect_bcg.cpp:93
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/imageeffect_bwsepia.cpp:195
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/imageeffect_iccproof.cpp:121
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/imageeffect_redeye.cpp:92
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/imageeffect_rgb.cpp:91
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/imageeffect_rgb.cpp:155
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/redeyetool.cpp:107
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/rgbtool.cpp:104
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/rgbtool.cpp:168
#: imageplugins/whitebalance/imageeffect_whitebalance.cpp:129
#: imageplugins/whitebalance/whitebalancetool.cpp:125
#: libs/imageproperties/imagepropertiescolorstab.cpp:171
#: libs/imageproperties/imagepropertiescolorstab.cpp:215
#: utilities/imageeditor/rawimport/rawsettingsbox.cpp:177
#: utilities/imageeditor/rawimport/rawsettingsbox.cpp:216
msgid "Red"
msgstr "Punainen"
#: imageplugins/adjustcurves/adjustcurves.cpp:134
#: imageplugins/adjustcurves/adjustcurvestool.cpp:125
#: imageplugins/adjustlevels/adjustlevels.cpp:133
#: imageplugins/adjustlevels/adjustlevelstool.cpp:126
#: imageplugins/channelmixer/channelmixer.cpp:130
#: imageplugins/channelmixer/channelmixertool.cpp:124
#: imageplugins/colorfx/colorfxtool.cpp:108
#: imageplugins/colorfx/imageeffect_colorfx.cpp:114
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/autocorrectiontool.cpp:108
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/bcgtool.cpp:107
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/bwsepiatool.cpp:198
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/hsl/hsltool.cpp:111
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/hsl/imageeffect_hsl.cpp:94
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/iccprooftool.cpp:135
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/imageeffect_autocorrection.cpp:101
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/imageeffect_bcg.cpp:94
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/imageeffect_bwsepia.cpp:196
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/imageeffect_iccproof.cpp:122
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/imageeffect_redeye.cpp:93
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/imageeffect_rgb.cpp:92
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/imageeffect_rgb.cpp:172
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/redeyetool.cpp:108
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/rgbtool.cpp:105
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/rgbtool.cpp:187
#: imageplugins/whitebalance/imageeffect_whitebalance.cpp:130
#: imageplugins/whitebalance/whitebalancetool.cpp:126
#: libs/imageproperties/imagepropertiescolorstab.cpp:172
#: libs/imageproperties/imagepropertiescolorstab.cpp:216
#: utilities/imageeditor/rawimport/rawsettingsbox.cpp:178
#: utilities/imageeditor/rawimport/rawsettingsbox.cpp:217
msgid "Green"
msgstr "Vihreä"
#: imageplugins/adjustcurves/adjustcurves.cpp:135
#: imageplugins/adjustcurves/adjustcurvestool.cpp:126
#: imageplugins/adjustlevels/adjustlevels.cpp:134
#: imageplugins/adjustlevels/adjustlevelstool.cpp:127
#: imageplugins/channelmixer/channelmixer.cpp:131
#: imageplugins/channelmixer/channelmixertool.cpp:125
#: imageplugins/colorfx/colorfxtool.cpp:109
#: imageplugins/colorfx/imageeffect_colorfx.cpp:115
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/autocorrectiontool.cpp:109
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/bcgtool.cpp:108
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/bwsepiatool.cpp:199
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/hsl/hsltool.cpp:112
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/hsl/imageeffect_hsl.cpp:95
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/iccprooftool.cpp:136
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/imageeffect_autocorrection.cpp:102
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/imageeffect_bcg.cpp:95
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/imageeffect_bwsepia.cpp:197
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/imageeffect_iccproof.cpp:123
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/imageeffect_redeye.cpp:94
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/imageeffect_rgb.cpp:93
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/imageeffect_rgb.cpp:189
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/redeyetool.cpp:109
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/rgbtool.cpp:106
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/rgbtool.cpp:206
#: imageplugins/whitebalance/imageeffect_whitebalance.cpp:131
#: imageplugins/whitebalance/whitebalancetool.cpp:127
#: libs/imageproperties/imagepropertiescolorstab.cpp:173
#: libs/imageproperties/imagepropertiescolorstab.cpp:217
#: utilities/imageeditor/rawimport/rawsettingsbox.cpp:179
#: utilities/imageeditor/rawimport/rawsettingsbox.cpp:218
msgid "Blue"
msgstr "Sininen"
#: imageplugins/adjustcurves/adjustcurves.cpp:136
#: imageplugins/adjustcurves/adjustcurvestool.cpp:127
#: imageplugins/adjustlevels/adjustlevels.cpp:135
#: imageplugins/adjustlevels/adjustlevelstool.cpp:128
#: libs/imageproperties/imagepropertiescolorstab.cpp:174
msgid "Alpha"
msgstr "Alfa"
#: imageplugins/adjustcurves/adjustcurves.cpp:138
#: imageplugins/adjustcurves/adjustcurvestool.cpp:129
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
" Select the histogram channel to display here: Luminosity: "
"display the image's luminosity values. Red: display the red image-"
"channel values. Green: display the green image-channel values."
" Blue: display the blue image-channel values. Alpha: "
"display the alpha image-channel values. This channel corresponds to the "
"transparency value and is supported by some image formats, such as PNG or "
msgstr ""
" Valitse histogrammin näytettävä kanava: Valoisuus: esitetään "
"kuvan valoisuuskanava. Punainen: esitetään kuvan puna-kanava."
" Vihreä: esitetään kuvan viher-kanava. Sininen: esitetään "
"kuvan sini-kanava. Alfa: näytä alfa-kanavan arvot. Tämä arvo kertoo "
"kuvan läpinäkyvyyden asteen. Ainoastaan jotkin kuvamuodot, mm. png ja tiff, "
"tukevat läpinäkyvyyttä. Värit: esitetään kuvan kaikki värikanavat."
#: imageplugins/adjustcurves/adjustcurves.cpp:148
#: imageplugins/adjustcurves/adjustcurvestool.cpp:139
#: imageplugins/channelmixer/channelmixer.cpp:142
#: imageplugins/channelmixer/channelmixertool.cpp:136
#: imageplugins/colorfx/colorfxtool.cpp:120
#: imageplugins/colorfx/imageeffect_colorfx.cpp:126
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/autocorrectiontool.cpp:120
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/bcgtool.cpp:119
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/bwsepiatool.cpp:210
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/hsl/hsltool.cpp:123
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/hsl/imageeffect_hsl.cpp:106
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/imageeffect_autocorrection.cpp:113
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/imageeffect_bcg.cpp:106
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/imageeffect_bwsepia.cpp:208
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/imageeffect_rgb.cpp:104
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/rgbtool.cpp:117
#: imageplugins/whitebalance/imageeffect_whitebalance.cpp:142
#: imageplugins/whitebalance/whitebalancetool.cpp:138
#: utilities/imageeditor/rawimport/rawsettingsbox.cpp:192
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
" Select the histogram scale here. If the image's maximal counts are "
"small, you can use the linear scale. Logarithmic scale can be used when "
"the maximal counts are big; if it is used, all values (small and large) will "
"be visible on the graph."
msgstr ""
" Valitse histogrammin skaala: Mikäli kuvassa ei esiinny kovin suuria "
"arvoja, käytä lineaarista skaalaa. Logaritminen skaala näyttää kaikki "
"arvot havainnollisemmin, mikäli kuvapisteillä on sekä suuria että pieniä "
#: imageplugins/adjustcurves/adjustcurves.cpp:188
#: imageplugins/adjustcurves/adjustcurvestool.cpp:177
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
" Here you can see the target preview image histogram drawing of the "
"selected image channel. This one is re-computed at any curves settings "
msgstr ""
" Näkyvissä on valitun värikanavan histogrammin muutoksen esikatselu. "
"Kaikki tekemäsi muutokset huomioidaan esikatselun muodostuksessa "
#: imageplugins/adjustcurves/adjustcurves.cpp:201
#: imageplugins/adjustcurves/adjustcurvestool.cpp:190
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
" This is the curve drawing of the selected channel from original image"
msgstr " Tämä on kuvan valitun kanavan histogrammi"
#: imageplugins/adjustcurves/adjustcurves.cpp:230
#: imageplugins/adjustcurves/adjustcurvestool.cpp:217
msgid "Curve free mode"
msgstr ""
#: imageplugins/adjustcurves/adjustcurves.cpp:231
#: imageplugins/adjustcurves/adjustcurvestool.cpp:218
msgid " With this button, you can draw your curve free-hand with the mouse."
msgstr ""
#: imageplugins/adjustcurves/adjustcurves.cpp:239
#: imageplugins/adjustcurves/adjustcurvestool.cpp:226
msgid "Curve smooth mode"
msgstr ""
#: imageplugins/adjustcurves/adjustcurves.cpp:240
#: imageplugins/adjustcurves/adjustcurvestool.cpp:227
msgid ""
" With this button, you constrains the curve type to a smooth line with "
msgstr ""
#: imageplugins/adjustcurves/adjustcurves.cpp:255
#: imageplugins/adjustcurves/adjustcurvestool.cpp:242
#: imageplugins/adjustlevels/adjustlevels.cpp:264
#: imageplugins/adjustlevels/adjustlevelstool.cpp:261
msgid "All channels shadow tone color picker"
msgstr ""
#: imageplugins/adjustcurves/adjustcurves.cpp:256
#: imageplugins/adjustcurves/adjustcurvestool.cpp:243
msgid ""
" With this button, you can pick the color from original image used to set "
"Shadow Tone smooth curves point on Red, Green, Blue, and Luminosity "
msgstr ""
#: imageplugins/adjustcurves/adjustcurves.cpp:265
#: imageplugins/adjustcurves/adjustcurvestool.cpp:252
#: imageplugins/adjustlevels/adjustlevels.cpp:274
#: imageplugins/adjustlevels/adjustlevelstool.cpp:271
msgid "All channels middle tone color picker"
msgstr ""
#: imageplugins/adjustcurves/adjustcurves.cpp:266
#: imageplugins/adjustcurves/adjustcurvestool.cpp:253
msgid ""
" With this button, you can pick the color from original image used to set "
"Middle Tone smooth curves point on Red, Green, Blue, and Luminosity "
msgstr ""
#: imageplugins/adjustcurves/adjustcurves.cpp:275
#: imageplugins/adjustcurves/adjustcurvestool.cpp:262
#: imageplugins/adjustlevels/adjustlevels.cpp:284
#: imageplugins/adjustlevels/adjustlevelstool.cpp:281
msgid "All channels highlight tone color picker"
msgstr ""
#: imageplugins/adjustcurves/adjustcurves.cpp:276
#: imageplugins/adjustcurves/adjustcurvestool.cpp:263
msgid ""
" With this button, you can pick the color from original image used to set "
"Highlight Tone smooth curves point on Red, Green, Blue, and "
"Luminosity channels."
msgstr ""
#: imageplugins/adjustcurves/adjustcurves.cpp:283
#: imageplugins/adjustcurves/adjustcurvestool.cpp:270
#: imageplugins/adjustlevels/adjustlevels.cpp:295
#: imageplugins/adjustlevels/adjustlevelstool.cpp:292
#: imageplugins/channelmixer/channelmixer.cpp:205
#: imageplugins/channelmixer/channelmixertool.cpp:198
#, fuzzy
msgid "&Reset"
msgstr "Palauta"
#: imageplugins/adjustcurves/adjustcurves.cpp:285
#: imageplugins/adjustcurves/adjustcurvestool.cpp:272
msgid "Reset current channel curves' values."
msgstr ""
#: imageplugins/adjustcurves/adjustcurves.cpp:286
#: imageplugins/adjustcurves/adjustcurvestool.cpp:273
msgid ""
" If you press this button, all curves' values from the current selected "
"channel will be reset to the default values."
msgstr ""
#: imageplugins/adjustcurves/adjustcurves.cpp:475
#, fuzzy
msgid "Adjust Curve"
msgstr "Automaattinen väritason korjaus"
#: imageplugins/adjustcurves/adjustcurves.cpp:640
#: imageplugins/adjustcurves/adjustcurvestool.cpp:624
#, fuzzy
msgid "Select Gimp Curves File to Load"
msgstr "Mustavalkoasetusten lataustiedosto"
#: imageplugins/adjustcurves/adjustcurves.cpp:646
#: imageplugins/adjustcurves/adjustcurvestool.cpp:630
#, fuzzy
msgid "Cannot load from the Gimp curves text file."
msgstr "Mustavalkoasetuksia ei voitu ladata tekstitiedostosta."
#: imageplugins/adjustcurves/adjustcurves.cpp:662
#: imageplugins/adjustcurves/adjustcurvestool.cpp:645
#, fuzzy
msgid "Gimp Curves File to Save"
msgstr "IPTC-tiedosto, johon tallennetaan"
#: imageplugins/adjustcurves/adjustcurves.cpp:668
#: imageplugins/adjustcurves/adjustcurvestool.cpp:651
#, fuzzy
msgid "Cannot save to the Gimp curves text file."
msgstr "Mustavalkoasetuksia ei voitu tallettaa tekstitiedostoon."
#: imageplugins/adjustcurves/adjustcurvestool.cpp:99
#: imageplugins/adjustcurves/adjustcurvestool.cpp:457
#, fuzzy
msgid "Adjust Curves"
msgstr "Automaattinen väritason korjaus"
#: imageplugins/adjustcurves/imageplugin_adjustcurves.cpp:47
msgid "Curves Adjust..."
msgstr ""
#: imageplugins/adjustlevels/adjustlevels.cpp:82
#: imageplugins/adjustlevels/adjustlevels.cpp:102
#, fuzzy
msgid "Adjust Color Levels"
msgstr "Automaattinen tasonsäätö"
#: imageplugins/adjustlevels/adjustlevels.cpp:104
msgid "An image-histogram-levels adjustment plugin for digiKam."
msgstr ""
#: imageplugins/adjustlevels/adjustlevels.cpp:118
#: imageplugins/adjustlevels/adjustlevelstool.cpp:106
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
" Here you can see the image's level-adjustments preview. You can pick a "
"spot on the image to see the corresponding level in the histogram."
msgstr ""
" Tässä näet kuvan väritasapaino-muutoksen. Voit valita kuvasta värin "
"nähdäksesi tätä vastaavan tason histogrammissa."
#: imageplugins/adjustlevels/adjustlevels.cpp:137
#: imageplugins/adjustlevels/adjustlevelstool.cpp:130
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
" Here select the histogram channel to display: Luminosity: "
"display the image's luminosity values. Red: display the red image-"
"channel values. Green: display the green image-channel values."
" Blue: display the blue image-channel values. Alpha: "
"display the alpha image-channel values. This channel corresponds to the "
"transparency value and is supported by some image formats, such as PNG or "
msgstr ""
" Valitse histogrammin näytettävä kanava: Valoisuus: esitetään "
"kuvan valoisuuskanava. Punainen: esitetään kuvan puna-kanava."
" Vihreä: esitetään kuvan viher-kanava. Sininen: esitetään "
"kuvan sini-kanava. Alfa: näytä alfa-kanavan arvot. Tämä arvo kertoo "
"kuvan läpinäkyvyyden asteen. Ainoastaan jotkin kuvamuodot, mm. png ja tiff, "
"tukevat läpinäkyvyyttä. Värit: esitetään kuvan kaikki värikanavat."
#: imageplugins/adjustlevels/adjustlevels.cpp:150
#: imageplugins/adjustlevels/adjustlevelstool.cpp:143
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
" Here select the histogram scale. If the image's maximal counts are "
"small, you can use the linear scale. The Logarithmic scale can be used "
"when the maximal counts are big; if it is used, all values (small and large) "
"will be visible on the graph."
msgstr ""
" Valitse histogrammin skaala: Mikäli kuvassa ei esiinny kovin suuria "
"arvoja, käytä lineaarista skaalaa. Logaritminen skaala näyttää kaikki "
"arvot havainnollisemmin, mikäli kuvapisteillä on sekä suuria että pieniä "
#: imageplugins/adjustlevels/adjustlevels.cpp:180
#: imageplugins/adjustlevels/adjustlevelstool.cpp:173
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
" Here you can see the target preview image histogram drawing of the "
"selected image channel. This one is re-computed at any levels settings "
msgstr ""
" Näkyvissä on valitun värikanavan histogrammin muutoksen esikatselu. "
"Kaikki tekemäsi muutokset huomioidaan esikatselun muodostuksessa "
#: imageplugins/adjustlevels/adjustlevels.cpp:186
#: imageplugins/adjustlevels/adjustlevelstool.cpp:179
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
" This is the histogram drawing of the selected channel from original image"
msgstr " Tämä on kuvan valitun kanavan histogrammi"
#: imageplugins/adjustlevels/adjustlevels.cpp:195
#: imageplugins/adjustlevels/adjustlevels.cpp:211
#: imageplugins/adjustlevels/adjustlevelstool.cpp:188
#: imageplugins/adjustlevels/adjustlevelstool.cpp:205
#, fuzzy
msgid " Select the minimal intensity input value of the histogram."
msgstr " Valitse pienin intensiteettiarvo histogrammin valitulle alueelle"
#: imageplugins/adjustlevels/adjustlevels.cpp:196
#: imageplugins/adjustlevels/adjustlevels.cpp:212
#: imageplugins/adjustlevels/adjustlevelstool.cpp:189
#: imageplugins/adjustlevels/adjustlevelstool.cpp:206
msgid "Minimal intensity input."
msgstr ""
#: imageplugins/adjustlevels/adjustlevels.cpp:204
#: imageplugins/adjustlevels/adjustlevels.cpp:224
#: imageplugins/adjustlevels/adjustlevelstool.cpp:197
#: imageplugins/adjustlevels/adjustlevelstool.cpp:219
#, fuzzy
msgid " Select the maximal intensity input value of the histogram."
msgstr " Valitse suurin intensiteettiarvo histogrammin valitulle alueelle"
#: imageplugins/adjustlevels/adjustlevels.cpp:205
#: imageplugins/adjustlevels/adjustlevels.cpp:223
#: imageplugins/adjustlevels/adjustlevelstool.cpp:198
#: imageplugins/adjustlevels/adjustlevelstool.cpp:218
msgid "Maximal intensity input."
msgstr ""
#: imageplugins/adjustlevels/adjustlevels.cpp:218
#: imageplugins/adjustlevels/adjustlevelstool.cpp:212
msgid "Gamma input value."
msgstr ""
#: imageplugins/adjustlevels/adjustlevels.cpp:219
#: imageplugins/adjustlevels/adjustlevelstool.cpp:213
#, fuzzy
msgid " Select the gamma input value."
msgstr " Aseta gamma-arvon säätö."
#: imageplugins/adjustlevels/adjustlevels.cpp:228
#: imageplugins/adjustlevels/adjustlevels.cpp:247
#: imageplugins/adjustlevels/adjustlevelstool.cpp:223
#: imageplugins/adjustlevels/adjustlevelstool.cpp:243
#, fuzzy
msgid " Select the minimal intensity output value of the histogram."
msgstr " Valitse pienin intensiteettiarvo histogrammin valitulle alueelle"
#: imageplugins/adjustlevels/adjustlevels.cpp:229
#: imageplugins/adjustlevels/adjustlevels.cpp:246
#: imageplugins/adjustlevels/adjustlevelstool.cpp:224
#: imageplugins/adjustlevels/adjustlevelstool.cpp:242
msgid "Minimal intensity output."
msgstr ""
#: imageplugins/adjustlevels/adjustlevels.cpp:237
#: imageplugins/adjustlevels/adjustlevels.cpp:252
#: imageplugins/adjustlevels/adjustlevelstool.cpp:232
#: imageplugins/adjustlevels/adjustlevelstool.cpp:249
#, fuzzy
msgid " Select the maximal intensity output value of the histogram."
msgstr " Valitse suurin intensiteettiarvo histogrammin valitulle alueelle"
#: imageplugins/adjustlevels/adjustlevels.cpp:238
#: imageplugins/adjustlevels/adjustlevels.cpp:251
#: imageplugins/adjustlevels/adjustlevelstool.cpp:233
#: imageplugins/adjustlevels/adjustlevelstool.cpp:248
msgid "Maximal intensity output."
msgstr ""
#: imageplugins/adjustlevels/adjustlevels.cpp:265
#: imageplugins/adjustlevels/adjustlevelstool.cpp:262
msgid ""
" With this button, you can pick the color from original image used to set "
"Shadow Tone levels input on Red, Green, Blue, and Luminosity channels."
msgstr ""
#: imageplugins/adjustlevels/adjustlevels.cpp:275
#: imageplugins/adjustlevels/adjustlevelstool.cpp:272
msgid ""
" With this button, you can pick the color from original image used to set "
"Middle Tone levels input on Red, Green, Blue, and Luminosity channels."
msgstr ""
#: imageplugins/adjustlevels/adjustlevels.cpp:285
#: imageplugins/adjustlevels/adjustlevelstool.cpp:282
msgid ""
" With this button, you can pick the color from original image used to set "
"Highlight Tone levels input on Red, Green, Blue, and Luminosity "
msgstr ""
#: imageplugins/adjustlevels/adjustlevels.cpp:291
#: imageplugins/adjustlevels/adjustlevelstool.cpp:288
msgid "Adjust all levels automatically."
msgstr ""
#: imageplugins/adjustlevels/adjustlevels.cpp:292
#: imageplugins/adjustlevels/adjustlevelstool.cpp:289
msgid ""
" If you press this button, all channel levels will be adjusted "
msgstr ""
#: imageplugins/adjustlevels/adjustlevels.cpp:297
#: imageplugins/adjustlevels/adjustlevelstool.cpp:294
msgid "Reset current channel levels' values."
msgstr ""
#: imageplugins/adjustlevels/adjustlevels.cpp:298
#: imageplugins/adjustlevels/adjustlevelstool.cpp:295
msgid ""
" If you press this button, all levels' values from the current selected "
"channel will be reset to the default values."
msgstr ""
#: imageplugins/adjustlevels/adjustlevels.cpp:615
#: imageplugins/adjustlevels/adjustlevelstool.cpp:598
#, fuzzy
msgid "Adjust Level"
msgstr "Automaattinen tasonsäätö"
#: imageplugins/adjustlevels/adjustlevels.cpp:773
#: imageplugins/adjustlevels/adjustlevelstool.cpp:756
#, fuzzy
msgid "Select Gimp Levels File to Load"
msgstr "Mustavalkoasetusten lataustiedosto"
#: imageplugins/adjustlevels/adjustlevels.cpp:779
#: imageplugins/adjustlevels/adjustlevelstool.cpp:762
#, fuzzy
msgid "Cannot load from the Gimp levels text file."
msgstr "Mustavalkoasetuksia ei voitu ladata tekstitiedostosta."
#: imageplugins/adjustlevels/adjustlevels.cpp:794
#: imageplugins/adjustlevels/adjustlevelstool.cpp:776
#, fuzzy
msgid "Gimp Levels File to Save"
msgstr "EXIF-tiedosto, johon tallennetaan"
#: imageplugins/adjustlevels/adjustlevels.cpp:800
#: imageplugins/adjustlevels/adjustlevelstool.cpp:782
#, fuzzy
msgid "Cannot save to the Gimp levels text file."
msgstr "Mustavalkoasetuksia ei voitu tallettaa tekstitiedostoon."
#: imageplugins/adjustlevels/adjustlevelstool.cpp:100
#, fuzzy
msgid "Adjust Levels"
msgstr "Automaattinen tasonsäätö"
#: imageplugins/adjustlevels/imageplugin_adjustlevels.cpp:48
msgid "Levels Adjust..."
msgstr ""
#: imageplugins/antivignetting/antivignettingtool.cpp:73
#: imageplugins/antivignetting/antivignettingtool.cpp:367
#: imageplugins/antivignetting/imageeffect_antivignetting.cpp:63
#: imageplugins/antivignetting/imageeffect_antivignetting.cpp:70
#: imageplugins/antivignetting/imageeffect_antivignetting.cpp:368
#, fuzzy
msgid "Vignetting Correction"
msgstr "Punasilmäisyyden korjaus"
#: imageplugins/antivignetting/antivignettingtool.cpp:90
#: imageplugins/antivignetting/imageeffect_antivignetting.cpp:93
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
" You can see here a thumbnail preview of the anti-vignetting mask applied "
"to the image."
msgstr " Tässä näkyy värisävyn ja -kylläisyyden säätöjen esikatselu."
#: imageplugins/antivignetting/antivignettingtool.cpp:95
#: imageplugins/antivignetting/imageeffect_antivignetting.cpp:99
#, fuzzy
msgid "Density:"
msgstr "Mitat:"
#: imageplugins/antivignetting/antivignettingtool.cpp:101
#: imageplugins/antivignetting/imageeffect_antivignetting.cpp:104
msgid ""
" This value controls the degree of intensity attenuation by the filter at "
"its point of maximum density."
msgstr ""
#: imageplugins/antivignetting/antivignettingtool.cpp:106
#: imageplugins/antivignetting/imageeffect_antivignetting.cpp:112
#, fuzzy
msgid "Power:"
msgstr "pieni"
#: imageplugins/antivignetting/antivignettingtool.cpp:112
#: imageplugins/antivignetting/imageeffect_antivignetting.cpp:117
msgid ""
" This value is used as the exponent controlling the fall-off in density "
"from the center of the filter to the periphery."
msgstr ""
#: imageplugins/antivignetting/antivignettingtool.cpp:117
#: imageplugins/antivignetting/imageeffect_antivignetting.cpp:125
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/sharpnesseditor/imageeffect_sharpen.cpp:114
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/sharpnesseditor/sharpentool.cpp:138
#: imageplugins/noisereduction/imageeffect_noisereduction.cpp:96
#: imageplugins/noisereduction/noisereductiontool.cpp:94
msgid "Radius:"
msgstr ""
#: imageplugins/antivignetting/antivignettingtool.cpp:123
#: imageplugins/antivignetting/imageeffect_antivignetting.cpp:130
msgid ""
" This value is the radius of the center filter. It is a multiple of the "
"half-diagonal measure of the image, at which the density of the filter falls "
"to zero."
msgstr ""
#: imageplugins/antivignetting/antivignettingtool.cpp:131
#: imageplugins/antivignetting/imageeffect_antivignetting.cpp:142
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/bcgtool.cpp:160
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/imageeffect_bcg.cpp:151
#: utilities/imageeditor/rawimport/rawsettingsbox.cpp:280
msgid "Brightness:"
msgstr "Kirkkaus:"
#: imageplugins/antivignetting/antivignettingtool.cpp:136
#: imageplugins/antivignetting/imageeffect_antivignetting.cpp:146
#, fuzzy
msgid " Set here the brightness re-adjustment of the target image."
msgstr " Aseta kirkkauden säätö."
#: imageplugins/antivignetting/antivignettingtool.cpp:140
#: imageplugins/antivignetting/imageeffect_antivignetting.cpp:153
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/bcgtool.cpp:166
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/bwsepiatool.cpp:469
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/iccprooftool.cpp:434
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/imageeffect_bcg.cpp:159
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/imageeffect_bwsepia.cpp:468
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/imageeffect_iccproof.cpp:421
#: utilities/imageeditor/rawimport/rawsettingsbox.cpp:286
msgid "Contrast:"
msgstr "Kontrasti:"
#: imageplugins/antivignetting/antivignettingtool.cpp:145
#: imageplugins/antivignetting/imageeffect_antivignetting.cpp:157
#, fuzzy
msgid " Set here the contrast re-adjustment of the target image."
msgstr " Aseta kontrastin säätö."
#: imageplugins/antivignetting/antivignettingtool.cpp:149
#: imageplugins/antivignetting/imageeffect_antivignetting.cpp:164
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/bcgtool.cpp:172
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/imageeffect_bcg.cpp:167
#: imageplugins/noisereduction/imageeffect_noisereduction.cpp:233
#: imageplugins/noisereduction/noisereductiontool.cpp:231
#: imageplugins/whitebalance/imageeffect_whitebalance.cpp:263
#: imageplugins/whitebalance/whitebalancetool.cpp:265
#: utilities/imageeditor/rawimport/rawsettingsbox.cpp:292
msgid "Gamma:"
msgstr "Gamma-arvo:"
#: imageplugins/antivignetting/antivignettingtool.cpp:155
#: imageplugins/antivignetting/imageeffect_antivignetting.cpp:170
#, fuzzy
msgid " Set here the gamma re-adjustment of the target image."
msgstr " Aseta gamma-arvon säätö."
#: imageplugins/antivignetting/imageeffect_antivignetting.cpp:72
msgid "A digiKam image plugin to reduce image vignetting."
msgstr ""
#: imageplugins/antivignetting/imageeffect_antivignetting.cpp:81
#, fuzzy
msgid "Anti Vignetting algorithm"
msgstr "Punasilmäisyyden korjaus"
#: imageplugins/antivignetting/imageplugin_antivignetting.cpp:48
#, fuzzy
msgid "Vignetting Correction..."
msgstr "Punasilmäisyyden korjaus"
#: imageplugins/blurfx/blurfxtool.cpp:68
#, fuzzy
msgid "Blur FX"
msgstr "Sininen"
#: imageplugins/blurfx/blurfxtool.cpp:83
#: imageplugins/blurfx/imageeffect_blurfx.cpp:93
#, fuzzy
msgid "Zoom Blur"
msgstr "Loitonna"
#: imageplugins/blurfx/blurfxtool.cpp:84
#: imageplugins/blurfx/imageeffect_blurfx.cpp:94
#, fuzzy
msgid "Radial Blur"
msgstr "Gauss-sumennus"
#: imageplugins/blurfx/blurfxtool.cpp:85
#: imageplugins/blurfx/imageeffect_blurfx.cpp:95
msgid "Far Blur"
msgstr ""
#: imageplugins/blurfx/blurfxtool.cpp:86
#: imageplugins/blurfx/imageeffect_blurfx.cpp:96
msgid "Motion Blur"
msgstr ""
#: imageplugins/blurfx/blurfxtool.cpp:87
#: imageplugins/blurfx/imageeffect_blurfx.cpp:97
msgid "Softener Blur"
msgstr ""
#: imageplugins/blurfx/blurfxtool.cpp:88
#: imageplugins/blurfx/imageeffect_blurfx.cpp:98
msgid "Skake Blur"
msgstr ""
#: imageplugins/blurfx/blurfxtool.cpp:89
#: imageplugins/blurfx/imageeffect_blurfx.cpp:99
#, fuzzy
msgid "Focus Blur"
msgstr "Gauss-sumennus"
#: imageplugins/blurfx/blurfxtool.cpp:90
#: imageplugins/blurfx/imageeffect_blurfx.cpp:100
msgid "Smart Blur"
msgstr ""
#: imageplugins/blurfx/blurfxtool.cpp:91
#: imageplugins/blurfx/imageeffect_blurfx.cpp:101
msgid "Frost Glass"
msgstr ""
#: imageplugins/blurfx/blurfxtool.cpp:92
#: imageplugins/blurfx/imageeffect_blurfx.cpp:102
msgid "Mosaic"
msgstr ""
#: imageplugins/blurfx/blurfxtool.cpp:94
#: imageplugins/blurfx/imageeffect_blurfx.cpp:103
msgid ""
" Select the blurring effect to apply to the image. Zoom Blur: "
"blurs the image along radial lines starting from a specified center point. "
"This simulates the blur of a zooming camera. Radial Blur: blurs the "
"image by rotating the pixels around the specified center point. This "
"simulates the blur of a rotating camera. Far Blur: blurs the image "
"by using far pixels. This simulates the blur of an unfocalized camera lens."
" Motion Blur: blurs the image by moving the pixels horizontally. "
"This simulates the blur of a linear moving camera. Softener Blur: "
"blurs the image softly in dark tones and hardly in light tones. This gives "
"images a dreamy and glossy soft focus effect. It's ideal for creating "
"romantic portraits, glamour photographs, or giving images a warm and subtle "
"glow. Skake Blur: blurs the image by skaking randomly the pixels. "
"This simulates the blur of a random moving camera. Focus Blur: "
"blurs the image corners to reproduce the astigmatism distortion of a lens."
" Smart Blur: finds the edges of color in your image and blurs them "
"without muddying the rest of the image. Frost Glass: blurs the "
"image by randomly disperse light coming through a frosted glass."
" Mosaic: divides the photograph into rectangular cells and then "
"recreates it by filling those cells with average pixel value."
msgstr ""
#: imageplugins/blurfx/blurfxtool.cpp:118
#: imageplugins/blurfx/imageeffect_blurfx.cpp:129
#, fuzzy
msgid "Distance:"
msgstr "Valkotasapaino:"
#: imageplugins/blurfx/blurfxtool.cpp:122
#: imageplugins/blurfx/imageeffect_blurfx.cpp:132
#, fuzzy
msgid " Set here the blur distance in pixels."
msgstr " Aseta tässä kuvan sävysäätö."
#: imageplugins/blurfx/blurfxtool.cpp:124
#: imageplugins/blurfx/imageeffect_blurfx.cpp:137
#: imageplugins/colorfx/colorfxtool.cpp:178
#: imageplugins/colorfx/imageeffect_colorfx.cpp:189
#: imageplugins/distortionfx/distortionfxtool.cpp:140
#: imageplugins/distortionfx/imageeffect_distortionfx.cpp:146
msgid "Level:"
msgstr "Taso:"
#: imageplugins/blurfx/blurfxtool.cpp:128
#: imageplugins/blurfx/imageeffect_blurfx.cpp:140
#, fuzzy
msgid " This value controls the level to use with the current effect."
msgstr "Tämä toiminto mahdollistaa valitun kuvan avaamisen editorissa."
#: imageplugins/blurfx/blurfxtool.cpp:399
#: imageplugins/blurfx/imageeffect_blurfx.cpp:64
#: imageplugins/blurfx/imageeffect_blurfx.cpp:383
msgid "Blur Effects"
msgstr ""
#: imageplugins/blurfx/imageeffect_blurfx.cpp:57
#, fuzzy
msgid "Apply Blurring Special Effect to Photograph"
msgstr "Suorita gauss-sumennus kuvalle"
#: imageplugins/blurfx/imageeffect_blurfx.cpp:66
msgid "A digiKam image plugin to apply blurring special effect to an image."
msgstr ""
#: imageplugins/blurfx/imageeffect_blurfx.cpp:77
msgid "Blurring algorithms"
msgstr ""
#: imageplugins/blurfx/imageplugin_blurfx.cpp:48
#, fuzzy
msgid "Blur Effects..."
msgstr "Sumenna..."
#: imageplugins/border/bordertool.cpp:70 imageplugins/border/bordertool.cpp:570
#: imageplugins/border/imageeffect_border.cpp:70
#: imageplugins/border/imageeffect_border.cpp:568
msgid "Add Border"
msgstr ""
#: imageplugins/border/bordertool.cpp:88
#: imageplugins/border/imageeffect_border.cpp:95
#, fuzzy
msgid "Solid"
msgstr "Täysi valkoinen"
#: imageplugins/border/bordertool.cpp:91
#: imageplugins/border/imageeffect_border.cpp:98
#, fuzzy
msgid "Beveled"
msgstr "Kehittäjä"
#: imageplugins/border/bordertool.cpp:92
#: imageplugins/border/imageeffect_border.cpp:99
msgid "Decorative Pine"
msgstr ""
#: imageplugins/border/bordertool.cpp:93
#: imageplugins/border/imageeffect_border.cpp:100
msgid "Decorative Wood"
msgstr ""
#: imageplugins/border/bordertool.cpp:94
#: imageplugins/border/imageeffect_border.cpp:101
msgid "Decorative Paper"
msgstr ""
#: imageplugins/border/bordertool.cpp:95
#: imageplugins/border/imageeffect_border.cpp:102
msgid "Decorative Parquet"
msgstr ""
#: imageplugins/border/bordertool.cpp:96
#: imageplugins/border/imageeffect_border.cpp:103
msgid "Decorative Ice"
msgstr ""
#: imageplugins/border/bordertool.cpp:97
#: imageplugins/border/imageeffect_border.cpp:104
msgid "Decorative Leaf"
msgstr ""
#: imageplugins/border/bordertool.cpp:98
#: imageplugins/border/imageeffect_border.cpp:105
msgid "Decorative Marble"
msgstr ""
#: imageplugins/border/bordertool.cpp:99
#: imageplugins/border/imageeffect_border.cpp:106
msgid "Decorative Rain"
msgstr ""
#: imageplugins/border/bordertool.cpp:100
#: imageplugins/border/imageeffect_border.cpp:107
#, fuzzy
msgid "Decorative Craters"
msgstr "Vähennä kontrastia"
#: imageplugins/border/bordertool.cpp:101
#: imageplugins/border/imageeffect_border.cpp:108
msgid "Decorative Dried"
msgstr ""
#: imageplugins/border/bordertool.cpp:102
#: imageplugins/border/imageeffect_border.cpp:109
msgid "Decorative Pink"
msgstr ""
#: imageplugins/border/bordertool.cpp:103
#: imageplugins/border/imageeffect_border.cpp:110
msgid "Decorative Stone"
msgstr ""
#: imageplugins/border/bordertool.cpp:104
#: imageplugins/border/imageeffect_border.cpp:111
msgid "Decorative Chalk"
msgstr ""
#: imageplugins/border/bordertool.cpp:105
#: imageplugins/border/imageeffect_border.cpp:112
msgid "Decorative Granite"
msgstr ""
#: imageplugins/border/bordertool.cpp:106
#: imageplugins/border/imageeffect_border.cpp:113
msgid "Decorative Rock"
msgstr ""
#: imageplugins/border/bordertool.cpp:107
#: imageplugins/border/imageeffect_border.cpp:114
msgid "Decorative Wall"
msgstr ""
#: imageplugins/border/bordertool.cpp:109
#: imageplugins/border/imageeffect_border.cpp:115
#, fuzzy
msgid " Select the border type to add around the image."
msgstr " Aseta tässä kuvan sävysäätö."
#: imageplugins/border/bordertool.cpp:116
#: imageplugins/border/imageeffect_border.cpp:122
#, fuzzy
msgid "Preserve Aspect Ratio"
msgstr "Kuvasuhde:"
#: imageplugins/border/bordertool.cpp:117
#: imageplugins/border/imageeffect_border.cpp:123
msgid ""
"Enable this option if you want to preserve the aspect ratio of the image. If "
"enabled, the border width will be in percent of the image size, else the "
"border width will in pixels."
msgstr ""
#: imageplugins/border/bordertool.cpp:122
#: imageplugins/border/imageeffect_border.cpp:128
#: utilities/imageeditor/tools/imageresize.cpp:194
msgid "Width (%):"
msgstr "Leveys (%):"
#: imageplugins/border/bordertool.cpp:126
#: imageplugins/border/imageeffect_border.cpp:131
#, fuzzy
msgid " Set here the border width in percent of the image size."
msgstr " Aseta tässä kuvan sävysäätö."
#: imageplugins/border/bordertool.cpp:128
#: imageplugins/border/imageeffect_border.cpp:133
#, fuzzy
msgid "Width (pixels):"
msgstr "Leveys (%):"
#: imageplugins/border/bordertool.cpp:131
#: imageplugins/border/imageeffect_border.cpp:135
#, fuzzy
msgid " Set here the border width in pixels to add around the image."
msgstr " Aseta katkoviivallisen avustinristikon leveys pikseleinä."
#: imageplugins/border/bordertool.cpp:384
#: imageplugins/border/imageeffect_border.cpp:382
#, fuzzy
msgid "First:"
msgstr "&Ensimmäinen"
#: imageplugins/border/bordertool.cpp:385
#: imageplugins/border/imageeffect_border.cpp:383
#, fuzzy
msgid "Second:"
msgstr "Valinta"
#: imageplugins/border/bordertool.cpp:386
#: imageplugins/border/imageeffect_border.cpp:384
#, fuzzy
msgid " Set here the foreground color of the border."
msgstr " Aseta tässä kuvan syaani/punainen-värisäätö."
#: imageplugins/border/bordertool.cpp:387
#: imageplugins/border/imageeffect_border.cpp:385
#, fuzzy
msgid " Set here the Background color of the border."
msgstr " Aseta tässä kuvan syaani/punainen-värisäätö."
#: imageplugins/border/bordertool.cpp:403
#: imageplugins/border/imageeffect_border.cpp:401
#, fuzzy
msgid " Set here the color of the main border."
msgstr " Aseta kontrastin säätö."
#: imageplugins/border/bordertool.cpp:404
#: imageplugins/border/imageeffect_border.cpp:402
#, fuzzy
msgid " Set here the color of the line."
msgstr " Aseta kontrastin säätö."
#: imageplugins/border/bordertool.cpp:410
#: imageplugins/border/imageeffect_border.cpp:408
#, fuzzy
msgid " Set here the color of the upper left area."
msgstr " Aseta katkoviivallisen avustinristikon väri."
#: imageplugins/border/bordertool.cpp:411
#: imageplugins/border/imageeffect_border.cpp:409
#, fuzzy
msgid " Set here the color of the lower right area."
msgstr " Aseta tässä kuvan syaani/punainen-värisäätö."
#: imageplugins/border/bordertool.cpp:432
#: imageplugins/border/imageeffect_border.cpp:430
#, fuzzy
msgid " Set here the color of the first line."
msgstr " Aseta katkoviivallisen avustinristikon väri."
#: imageplugins/border/bordertool.cpp:433
#: imageplugins/border/imageeffect_border.cpp:431
#, fuzzy
msgid " Set here the color of the second line."
msgstr " Aseta katkoviivallisen avustinristikon väri."
#: imageplugins/border/imageeffect_border.cpp:60
#, fuzzy
msgid "Add Border Around Photograph"
msgstr "Suorita gauss-sumennus kuvalle"
#: imageplugins/border/imageeffect_border.cpp:72
msgid "A digiKam image plugin to add a border around an image."
msgstr ""
#: imageplugins/border/imageplugin_border.cpp:48
#, fuzzy
msgid "Add Border..."
msgstr "Lisää kamera..."
#: imageplugins/channelmixer/channelmixer.cpp:92
#: imageplugins/channelmixer/channelmixer.cpp:100
#, fuzzy
msgid "Color Channel Mixer"
msgstr "Näyttötilan väriasetukset"
#: imageplugins/channelmixer/channelmixer.cpp:102
msgid "An image color channel mixer plugin for digiKam."
msgstr ""
#: imageplugins/channelmixer/channelmixer.cpp:116
#: imageplugins/channelmixer/channelmixertool.cpp:106
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
" You can see here the image's color channels' gains adjustments preview. "
"You can pick color on image to see the color level corresponding on "
msgstr ""
" Tässä näet kuvan väritasapaino-muutoksen. Voit valita kuvasta värin "
"nähdäksesi tätä vastaavan tason histogrammissa."
#: imageplugins/channelmixer/channelmixer.cpp:133
#: imageplugins/channelmixer/channelmixertool.cpp:127
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
" Select the color channel to mix here: Red: display the red image-"
"channel values. Green: display the green image-channel values."
" Blue: display the blue image-channel values. "
msgstr ""
" Valitse histogrammin näytettävä kanava: Valoisuus: esitetään "
"kuvan valoisuuskanava. Punainen: esitetään kuvan puna-kanava."
" Vihreä: esitetään kuvan viher-kanava. Sininen: esitetään "
"kuvan sini-kanava. "
#: imageplugins/channelmixer/channelmixer.cpp:175
#: imageplugins/channelmixer/channelmixertool.cpp:167
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
" Here you can see the target preview image histogram drawing of the "
"selected image channel. This one is re-computed at any mixer settings "
msgstr ""
" Näkyvissä on valitun värikanavan histogrammin muutoksen esikatselu. "
"Kaikki tekemäsi muutokset huomioidaan esikatselun muodostuksessa "
#: imageplugins/channelmixer/channelmixer.cpp:187
#: imageplugins/channelmixer/channelmixertool.cpp:177
#, fuzzy
msgid "Red:"
msgstr "Punainen"
#: imageplugins/channelmixer/channelmixer.cpp:191
#: imageplugins/channelmixer/channelmixertool.cpp:182
#, fuzzy
msgid " Select the red color gain in percent for the current channel here."
msgstr " Aseta tässä kuvan syaani/punainen-värisäätö."
#: imageplugins/channelmixer/channelmixer.cpp:193
#: imageplugins/channelmixer/channelmixertool.cpp:184
#, fuzzy
msgid "Blue:"
msgstr "Sininen"
#: imageplugins/channelmixer/channelmixer.cpp:197
#: imageplugins/channelmixer/channelmixertool.cpp:189
#, fuzzy
msgid " Select the green color gain in percent for the current channel here."
msgstr " Aseta tässä kuvan purppura/vihreä-värisäätö."
#: imageplugins/channelmixer/channelmixer.cpp:199
#: imageplugins/channelmixer/channelmixertool.cpp:191
#: imageplugins/whitebalance/imageeffect_whitebalance.cpp:269
#: imageplugins/whitebalance/whitebalancetool.cpp:272
#, fuzzy
msgid "Green:"
msgstr "Vihreä"
#: imageplugins/channelmixer/channelmixer.cpp:203
#: imageplugins/channelmixer/channelmixertool.cpp:196
#, fuzzy
msgid " Select the blue color gain in percent for the current channel here."
msgstr " Aseta tässä kuvan keltainen/sininen-värisäätö."
#: imageplugins/channelmixer/channelmixer.cpp:206
#: imageplugins/channelmixer/channelmixertool.cpp:199
msgid ""
"Reset color channels' gains settings from the currently selected channel."
msgstr ""
#: imageplugins/channelmixer/channelmixer.cpp:218
#: imageplugins/channelmixer/channelmixertool.cpp:203
msgid "Monochrome"
msgstr ""
#: imageplugins/channelmixer/channelmixer.cpp:219
#: imageplugins/channelmixer/channelmixertool.cpp:204
msgid ""
" Enable this option if you want the image rendered in monochrome mode. In "
"this mode, the histogram will display only luminosity values."
msgstr ""
#: imageplugins/channelmixer/channelmixer.cpp:222
#: imageplugins/channelmixer/channelmixertool.cpp:207
#, fuzzy
msgid "Preserve luminosity"
msgstr "Valoisuus"
#: imageplugins/channelmixer/channelmixer.cpp:223
#: imageplugins/channelmixer/channelmixertool.cpp:208
#, fuzzy
msgid " Enable this option is you want preserve the image luminosity."
msgstr " Valinta näyttää käsittelyn tuloksen ruudulla."
#: imageplugins/channelmixer/channelmixer.cpp:481
#: imageplugins/channelmixer/channelmixertool.cpp:100
#: imageplugins/channelmixer/channelmixertool.cpp:474
#, fuzzy
msgid "Channel Mixer"
msgstr "Kanava: "
#: imageplugins/channelmixer/channelmixer.cpp:631
#: imageplugins/channelmixer/channelmixertool.cpp:623
msgid "Select Gimp Gains Mixer File to Load"
msgstr ""
#: imageplugins/channelmixer/channelmixer.cpp:703
#: imageplugins/channelmixer/channelmixertool.cpp:695
#, fuzzy
msgid "Cannot load settings from the Gains Mixer text file."
msgstr "Mustavalkoasetuksia ei voitu ladata tekstitiedostosta."
#: imageplugins/channelmixer/channelmixer.cpp:716
#: imageplugins/channelmixer/channelmixertool.cpp:707
msgid "Gimp Gains Mixer File to Save"
msgstr ""
#: imageplugins/channelmixer/channelmixer.cpp:778
#: imageplugins/channelmixer/channelmixertool.cpp:769
#, fuzzy
msgid "Cannot save settings to the Gains Mixer text file."
msgstr "Mustavalkoasetuksia ei voitu tallettaa tekstitiedostoon."
#: imageplugins/channelmixer/imageplugin_channelmixer.cpp:48
#, fuzzy
msgid "Channel Mixer..."
msgstr "Kanavatasapaino..."
#: imageplugins/charcoal/charcoaltool.cpp:66
#: imageplugins/charcoal/charcoaltool.cpp:199
#: imageplugins/charcoal/imageeffect_charcoal.cpp:189
msgid "Charcoal"
msgstr ""
#: imageplugins/charcoal/charcoaltool.cpp:77
#: imageplugins/charcoal/imageeffect_charcoal.cpp:80
#, fuzzy
msgid "Pencil size:"
msgstr "Prosentti:"
#: imageplugins/charcoal/charcoaltool.cpp:82
#: imageplugins/charcoal/imageeffect_charcoal.cpp:85
#, fuzzy
msgid " Set here the charcoal pencil size used to simulate the drawing."
msgstr " Aseta katkoviivallisen avustinristikon väri."
#: imageplugins/charcoal/charcoaltool.cpp:86
#: imageplugins/charcoal/imageeffect_charcoal.cpp:92
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/imageeffect_redeye.cpp:155
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/redeyetool.cpp:170
#: imageplugins/oilpaint/imageeffect_oilpaint.cpp:101
#: imageplugins/oilpaint/oilpainttool.cpp:89
#, fuzzy
msgid "Smooth:"
msgstr "Pehmeys:"
#: imageplugins/charcoal/charcoaltool.cpp:91
#: imageplugins/charcoal/imageeffect_charcoal.cpp:97
msgid ""
" This value controls the smoothing effect of the pencil under the canvas."
msgstr ""
#: imageplugins/charcoal/imageeffect_charcoal.cpp:56
#: imageplugins/charcoal/imageeffect_charcoal.cpp:63
msgid "Charcoal Drawing"
msgstr ""
#: imageplugins/charcoal/imageeffect_charcoal.cpp:65
msgid "A digiKam charcoal drawing image effect plugin."
msgstr ""
#: imageplugins/charcoal/imageplugin_charcoal.cpp:50
msgid "Charcoal Drawing..."
msgstr ""
#: imageplugins/colorfx/colorfxtool.cpp:83
#: imageplugins/colorfx/imageeffect_colorfx.cpp:81
#, fuzzy
msgid "Color Effects"
msgstr "Värisyvyys:"
#: imageplugins/colorfx/colorfxtool.cpp:91
#, fuzzy
msgid " This is the color effects preview"
msgstr " Tämä on suodatetun kuvan esikatselu. "
#: imageplugins/colorfx/colorfxtool.cpp:110
#: imageplugins/colorfx/imageeffect_colorfx.cpp:116
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/autocorrectiontool.cpp:110
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/bcgtool.cpp:109
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/bwsepiatool.cpp:200
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/hsl/hsltool.cpp:113
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/hsl/imageeffect_hsl.cpp:96
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/imageeffect_autocorrection.cpp:103
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/imageeffect_bcg.cpp:96
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/imageeffect_bwsepia.cpp:198
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/imageeffect_rgb.cpp:94
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/rgbtool.cpp:107
#: imageplugins/whitebalance/imageeffect_whitebalance.cpp:132
#: imageplugins/whitebalance/whitebalancetool.cpp:128
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
" Select the histogram channel to display here: Luminosity: "
"display the image's luminosity values. Red: display the red image-"
"channel values. Green: display the green image-channel values."
" Blue: display the blue image-channel values. "
msgstr ""
" Valitse histogrammin näytettävä kanava: Valoisuus: esitetään "
"kuvan valoisuuskanava. Punainen: esitetään kuvan puna-kanava."
" Vihreä: esitetään kuvan viher-kanava. Sininen: esitetään "
"kuvan sini-kanava. "
#: imageplugins/colorfx/colorfxtool.cpp:151
#: imageplugins/colorfx/imageeffect_colorfx.cpp:159
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/autocorrectiontool.cpp:151
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/bcgtool.cpp:150
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/bwsepiatool.cpp:243
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/hsl/hsltool.cpp:156
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/hsl/imageeffect_hsl.cpp:139
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/imageeffect_autocorrection.cpp:146
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/imageeffect_bcg.cpp:139
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/imageeffect_bwsepia.cpp:241
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/imageeffect_rgb.cpp:137
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/rgbtool.cpp:150
#: utilities/imageeditor/rawimport/rawsettingsbox.cpp:229
msgid ""
" Here you can see the target preview image histogram drawing of the "
"selected image channel. This one is re-computed at any settings changes."
msgstr ""
" Näkyvissä on valitun värikanavan histogrammin muutoksen esikatselu. "
"Kaikki tekemäsi muutokset huomioidaan esikatselun muodostuksessa "
#: imageplugins/colorfx/colorfxtool.cpp:164
#: imageplugins/colorfx/imageeffect_colorfx.cpp:174
#, fuzzy
msgid "Solarize"
msgstr "Koko:"
#: imageplugins/colorfx/colorfxtool.cpp:165
#: imageplugins/colorfx/colorfxtool.cpp:408
#: imageplugins/colorfx/imageeffect_colorfx.cpp:175
#: imageplugins/colorfx/imageeffect_colorfx.cpp:398
msgid "Vivid"
msgstr ""
#: imageplugins/colorfx/colorfxtool.cpp:166
#: imageplugins/colorfx/colorfxtool.cpp:412
#: imageplugins/colorfx/imageeffect_colorfx.cpp:176
#: imageplugins/colorfx/imageeffect_colorfx.cpp:402
#, fuzzy
msgid "Neon"
msgstr "Tyhjä"
#: imageplugins/colorfx/colorfxtool.cpp:167
#: imageplugins/colorfx/colorfxtool.cpp:416
#: imageplugins/colorfx/imageeffect_colorfx.cpp:177
#: imageplugins/colorfx/imageeffect_colorfx.cpp:406
#, fuzzy
msgid "Find Edges"
msgstr "Löydetyt tunnisteet"
#: imageplugins/colorfx/colorfxtool.cpp:169
#: imageplugins/colorfx/imageeffect_colorfx.cpp:178
msgid ""
" Select the effect type to apply to the image here. Solarize: "
"simulates solarization of photograph. Vivid: simulates the "
"Velvia(tm) slide film colors. Neon: coloring the edges in a "
"photograph to reproduce a fluorescent light effect. Find Edges: "
"detects the edges in a photograph and their strength."
msgstr ""
#: imageplugins/colorfx/colorfxtool.cpp:182
#: imageplugins/colorfx/imageeffect_colorfx.cpp:192
#: imageplugins/distortionfx/distortionfxtool.cpp:144
#: imageplugins/distortionfx/imageeffect_distortionfx.cpp:149
#, fuzzy
msgid " Set here the level of the effect."
msgstr " Aseta tässä kuvan sävysäätö."
#: imageplugins/colorfx/colorfxtool.cpp:184
#: imageplugins/colorfx/imageeffect_colorfx.cpp:197
#: imageplugins/distortionfx/distortionfxtool.cpp:147
#: imageplugins/distortionfx/imageeffect_distortionfx.cpp:154
#, fuzzy
msgid "Iteration:"
msgstr "Värikylläisyys:"
#: imageplugins/colorfx/colorfxtool.cpp:188
#: imageplugins/colorfx/imageeffect_colorfx.cpp:200
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
" This value controls the number of iterations to use with the Neon and "
"Find Edges effects."
msgstr "Tämä toiminto mahdollistaa valitun kuvan avaamisen editorissa."
#: imageplugins/colorfx/colorfxtool.cpp:404
#: imageplugins/colorfx/imageeffect_colorfx.cpp:394
#, fuzzy
msgid "ColorFX"
msgstr "Värit"
#: imageplugins/colorfx/imageeffect_colorfx.cpp:73
#, fuzzy
msgid "Apply Color Special Effects to Photograph"
msgstr "Suorita gauss-sumennus kuvalle"
#: imageplugins/colorfx/imageeffect_colorfx.cpp:83
msgid "A digiKam plugin to apply special color effects to an image."
msgstr ""
#: imageplugins/colorfx/imageeffect_colorfx.cpp:89
#, fuzzy
msgid "Original Author"
msgstr "Alkuperäinen"
#: imageplugins/colorfx/imageeffect_colorfx.cpp:92
#, fuzzy
msgid "Maintainer"
msgstr "Säilytä kuvasuhde"
#: imageplugins/colorfx/imageeffect_colorfx.cpp:100
#, fuzzy
msgid " This is the color effect preview"
msgstr " Tämä on suodatetun kuvan esikatselu. "
#: imageplugins/colorfx/imageplugin_colorfx.cpp:50
#, fuzzy
msgid "Color Effects..."
msgstr "Väriasetukset..."
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/autocorrectiontool.cpp:79
#, fuzzy
msgid "Auto-Correction"
msgstr "Automaattinen korjaus..."
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/autocorrectiontool.cpp:86
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/imageeffect_autocorrection.cpp:83
msgid ""
" Here you can see the auto-color correction tool preview. You can pick "
"color on image to see the color level corresponding on histogram."
msgstr ""
" Näkyvissä on automaattisen väritason korjauksen esikatselu. Voit valita "
"kuvasta värin nähdäksesi tätä vastaavan tason histogrammissa."
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/autocorrectiontool.cpp:168
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/autocorrectiontool.cpp:378
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/imageeffect_autocorrection.cpp:165
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/imageeffect_autocorrection.cpp:370
msgid "Auto Levels"
msgstr "Automaattinen tasonsäätö"
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/autocorrectiontool.cpp:169
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/imageeffect_autocorrection.cpp:166
msgid ""
"Auto Levels: This option maximizes the tonal range in the Red, "
"Green, and Blue channels. It searches the image shadow and highlight limit "
"values and adjusts the Red, Green, and Blue channels to a full histogram "
"range. This option scales brightness values across the active "
"image so that the darkest point becomes black, and the brightest point "
"becomes as bright as possible without altering its hue. This is often a "
"\"magic fix\" for images that are dim or washed out. Tämä valinta skaalaa aktiivisen kuvan kirkkausarvoja "
"siten, että pimeimmästä pisteestä tulee täysin musta ja kirkkaimmasta "
"pisteestä niin kirkas kuin mahdollista värisävyä muuttamatta. Tällä voi "
"usein korjata kuvia, jotka ovat tummia tai haaleita. This option adjusts the brightness of colors across the "
"active image so that the histogram for the value channel is as nearly as "
"possible flat, that is, so that each possible brightness value appears at "
"about the same number of pixels as each other value. Sometimes Equalize "
"works wonderfully at enhancing the contrasts in an image. Other times it "
"gives garbage. It is a very powerful operation, which can either work "
"miracles on an image or destroy it. This option enhances the contrast and brightness "
"of the RGB values of an image by stretching the lowest and highest values to "
"their fullest range, adjusting everything in between. This option enhances the contrast and brightness of "
"the RGB values of an image to calculate optimal exposition and black level "
"using image histogram properties. Here you can see the image brightness-contrast-gamma adjustments preview. "
"You can pick color on image to see the color level corresponding on "
msgstr ""
" Näkyvissä on kirkkaus-kontrosti-gamma-muutoksen esikatselu. Voit valita "
"kuvasta värin nähdäksesi tätä vastaavan tason histogrammissa."
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/bcgtool.cpp:164
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/imageeffect_bcg.cpp:155
#: utilities/imageeditor/rawimport/rawsettingsbox.cpp:284
msgid " Set here the brightness adjustment of the image."
msgstr " Aseta kirkkauden säätö."
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/bcgtool.cpp:170
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/bwsepiatool.cpp:472
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/iccprooftool.cpp:437
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/imageeffect_bcg.cpp:163
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/imageeffect_bwsepia.cpp:471
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/imageeffect_iccproof.cpp:424
#: utilities/imageeditor/rawimport/rawsettingsbox.cpp:290
msgid " Set here the contrast adjustment of the image."
msgstr " Aseta kontrastin säätö."
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/bcgtool.cpp:177
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/imageeffect_bcg.cpp:172
msgid " Set here the gamma adjustment of the image."
msgstr " Aseta gamma-arvon säätö."
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/blurtool.cpp:66
#, fuzzy
msgid "Blur"
msgstr "Sininen"
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/blurtool.cpp:78
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/imageeffect_blur.cpp:61
msgid "Smoothness:"
msgstr "Pehmeys:"
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/blurtool.cpp:83
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/imageeffect_blur.cpp:66
msgid ""
" A smoothness of 0 has no effect, 1 and above determine the Gaussian blur "
"matrix radius that determines how much to blur the image."
msgstr ""
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/blurtool.cpp:161
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/imageeffect_blur.cpp:138
msgid "Gaussian Blur"
msgstr "Gauss-sumennus"
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/bwsepiatool.cpp:165
#, fuzzy
msgid "Black && White"
msgstr "Mustavalkoinen..."
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/bwsepiatool.cpp:178
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/imageeffect_bwsepia.cpp:181
msgid ""
" Here you can see the black and white conversion tool preview. You can "
"pick color on image to see the color level corresponding on histogram."
msgstr ""
" Tässä on mustavalko-muunnostyökalun esikatselu. Voit valita värin kuvasta "
"nähdäksesi vastaavan väritason histogrammissa."
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/bwsepiatool.cpp:266
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/imageeffect_bwsepia.cpp:264
msgid "Generic"
msgstr "Yleinen"
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/bwsepiatool.cpp:267
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/imageeffect_bwsepia.cpp:265
#, fuzzy
msgid "Generic: Simulate a generic black and white film Simuloi neutraalia mustavalkofilmin "
"valotusta. Simulate the Agfa 200X black and white film at 200 ISO"
msgstr ""
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/bwsepiatool.cpp:276
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/imageeffect_bwsepia.cpp:274
msgid "Agfa Pan 25"
msgstr "Agfa Pan 25"
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/bwsepiatool.cpp:277
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/imageeffect_bwsepia.cpp:275
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Agfa Pan 25: Simulate the Agfa Pan black and white film at 25 ISO"
msgstr ""
"Neutraali mustavalkosuodin: Simuloi neutraalia mustavalkofilmin "
"valotusta. Simulate the Agfa Pan black and white film at 100 "
"ISO Simuloi neutraalia mustavalkofilmin "
"valotusta. Simulate the Agfa Pan black and white film at 400 "
"ISO Simuloi neutraalia mustavalkofilmin "
"valotusta. Simulate the Ilford Delta black and white film at "
"100 ISO Simulate the Ilford Delta black and white film at "
"400 ISO Simulate the Ilford Delta 400 Pro black "
"and white film at 3200 ISO Simulate the Ilford FP4 Plus black and white film "
"at 125 ISO Simulate the Ilford HP5 Plus black and white film "
"at 400 ISO Simulate the Ilford PanF Plus black and white "
"film at 50 ISO Simulate the Ilford XP2 Super black and white "
"film at 400 ISO Simulate the Kodak Tmax black and white film at 100 "
"ISO Simulate the Kodak Tmax black and white film at 400 "
"ISO Simulate the Kodak TriX black and white film at 400 "
"ISO Simuloi neutraalia mustavalkofilmin "
"valotusta. Do not apply a lens filter when rendering the image."
" Kuvan sävyihin ei tehdä muutoksia. Simulate black and white film "
"exposure using a green filter. This is usefule for all scenic shoots, "
"especially portraits photographed against the sky. Simuloi mustavalkoisen filmin "
"valoitusta käyttäen vihreätä suodinta. Tästä on hyötyä maisemakuvauksessa, "
"erityisesti taivasta vasten kuvatessa. Simulate black and white film "
"exposure using an orange filter. This will enhance landscapes, marine scenes "
"and aerial photography. Simuloi mustavalkoisen filmin "
"valoitusta käyttäen oranssia suodinta. Tämä parantaa maisema-, vesistö- ja "
"ilmakuvia. Simulate black and white film "
"exposure using a red filter. This creates dramatic sky effects, and "
"simulates moonlight scenes in the daytime. Simuloi mustavalkoisen filmin "
"valoitusta käyttäen punaista suodinta. Tämä luo dramaattisia taivasefektejä "
"ja simuloi kuunpaistetta päivänvalossa. Simulate black and white film "
"exposure using a yellow filter. This has the most natural tonal correction, "
"and improves contrast. Ideal for landscapes. Simuloi mustavalkoisen "
"filmin valoitusta käyttäen keltaista suodinta. Luonnollisin sävynkorjaus, "
"parantaa kontrastia. Ihanteellinen maisemakuviin. Here, set the strength adjustment of the lens filter."
msgstr " Aseta tässä kuvan värikylläisyyden säätö."
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/bwsepiatool.cpp:401
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/imageeffect_bwsepia.cpp:400
msgid "No Tone Filter"
msgstr "Ei sävysuodatusta"
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/bwsepiatool.cpp:402
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/imageeffect_bwsepia.cpp:401
msgid "No Tone Filter: Do not apply a tone filter to the image. Kuvan sävyihin ei tehdä muutoksia. Gives a warm highlight and mid-tone "
"while adding a bit of coolness to the shadows - very similar to the process "
"of bleaching a print and re-developing in a sepia toner. This filter is more neutral than the "
"Sepia Tone filter. Start subtle and replicates printing "
"on a cold tone black and white paper such as a bromide enlarging paper. This effect replicates "
"traditional selenium chemical toning done in the darkroom. This effect replicates "
"traditional platinum chemical toning done in the darkroom. This effect is also known as "
"Verdante. This is the curve adjustment of the image luminosity"
msgstr ""
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/bwsepiatool.cpp:485
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/imageeffect_bwsepia.cpp:484
msgid "Film"
msgstr "Filmi"
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/bwsepiatool.cpp:486
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/imageeffect_bwsepia.cpp:485
#, fuzzy
msgid "Lens Filters"
msgstr "Vihreä suodatin"
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/bwsepiatool.cpp:487
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/imageeffect_bwsepia.cpp:486
msgid "Tone"
msgstr "Sävy"
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/bwsepiatool.cpp:488
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/imageeffect_bwsepia.cpp:487
msgid "Lightness"
msgstr "Valoisuus"
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/bwsepiatool.cpp:832
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/imageeffect_bwsepia.cpp:837
msgid "Convert to Black && White"
msgstr "Muunna mustavalkokuvaksi"
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/bwsepiatool.cpp:1068
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/imageeffect_bwsepia.cpp:1074
msgid "Black & White Settings File to Load"
msgstr "Mustavalkoasetusten lataustiedosto"
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/bwsepiatool.cpp:1081
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/imageeffect_bwsepia.cpp:1087
msgid "\"%1\" is not a Black & White settings text file."
msgstr "”%1” ei ole kelvollinen mustavalkoasetukset sisältävä tekstitiedosto."
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/bwsepiatool.cpp:1133
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/imageeffect_bwsepia.cpp:1138
msgid "Cannot load settings from the Black & White text file."
msgstr "Mustavalkoasetuksia ei voitu ladata tekstitiedostosta."
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/bwsepiatool.cpp:1144
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/imageeffect_bwsepia.cpp:1149
msgid "Black & White Settings File to Save"
msgstr "Mustavalkoasetusten tallennustiedosto"
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/bwsepiatool.cpp:1172
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/imageeffect_bwsepia.cpp:1176
msgid "Cannot save settings to the Black & White text file."
msgstr "Mustavalkoasetuksia ei voitu tallettaa tekstitiedostoon."
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/hsl/hsltool.cpp:82
#, fuzzy
msgid "Hue / Saturation / Lightness"
msgstr "Sävy / värikylläisyys / valoisuus"
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/hsl/hsltool.cpp:92
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/hsl/imageeffect_hsl.cpp:78
msgid ""
" Here you can see the image Hue/Saturation/Lightness adjustments preview. "
"You can pick color on image to see the color level corresponding on "
msgstr ""
" Tässä näet kuvan sävy / värikylläisyys / valoisuus-muutoksen. Voit valita "
"kuvasta värin nähdäksesi tätä vastaavan tason histogrammissa."
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/hsl/hsltool.cpp:169
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/hsl/imageeffect_hsl.cpp:152
#, fuzzy
msgid " Select the hue and saturation adjustments of the image here."
msgstr " Aseta sävyn ja kylläisyyden säätö."
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/hsl/hsltool.cpp:174
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/hsl/imageeffect_hsl.cpp:157
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
" You can see here a color preview of the hue and saturation adjustments."
msgstr " Tässä näkyy värisävyn ja -kylläisyyden säätöjen esikatselu."
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/hsl/hsltool.cpp:179
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/hsl/imageeffect_hsl.cpp:162
msgid "Hue:"
msgstr "Sävy:"
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/hsl/hsltool.cpp:184
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/hsl/imageeffect_hsl.cpp:167
msgid " Set here the hue adjustment of the image."
msgstr " Aseta tässä kuvan sävysäätö."
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/hsl/hsltool.cpp:188
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/hsl/imageeffect_hsl.cpp:171
#: imageplugins/whitebalance/imageeffect_whitebalance.cpp:257
#: imageplugins/whitebalance/whitebalancetool.cpp:258
#: utilities/imageeditor/rawimport/rawsettingsbox.cpp:299
msgid "Saturation:"
msgstr "Värikylläisyys:"
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/hsl/hsltool.cpp:193
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/hsl/imageeffect_hsl.cpp:176
msgid " Set here the saturation adjustment of the image."
msgstr " Aseta tässä kuvan värikylläisyyden säätö."
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/hsl/hsltool.cpp:197
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/hsl/imageeffect_hsl.cpp:180
msgid "Lightness:"
msgstr "Valoisuus:"
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/hsl/hsltool.cpp:202
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/hsl/imageeffect_hsl.cpp:185
msgid " Set here the lightness adjustment of the image."
msgstr ""
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/hsl/hsltool.cpp:448
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/hsl/imageeffect_hsl.cpp:422
msgid "HSL Adjustments"
msgstr "SVV-asetukset"
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/hsl/imageeffect_hsl.cpp:72
#, fuzzy
msgid "Hue/Saturation/Lightness"
msgstr "Sävy / värikylläisyys / valoisuus..."
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/iccprooftool.cpp:103
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/imageeffect_iccproof.cpp:93
#: showfoto/setup/setup.cpp:106 utilities/setup/setup.cpp:182
msgid "Color Management"
msgstr "Väriasetukset"
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/iccprooftool.cpp:116
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/imageeffect_iccproof.cpp:108
msgid ""
" Here you can see the image preview after applying a color profile Tässä näytetään kuvan esikatselu väriprofiilin käyttöönoton jälkeen Select the histogram channel to display here: Luminosity: "
"display the image's luminosity values. Red: display the red channel "
"values. Green: display the green channel values. Blue: "
"display the blue channel values. "
msgstr ""
" Valitse histogrammin näytettävä kanava: Valoisuus: esitetään "
"kuvan valoisuuskanava. Punainen: esitetään kuvan puna-kanava."
" Vihreä: esitetään kuvan viher-kanava. Sininen: esitetään "
"kuvan sini-kanava. "
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/iccprooftool.cpp:147
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/imageeffect_iccproof.cpp:134
#: libs/imageproperties/imagepropertiescolorstab.cpp:190
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
" Select the histogram scale here. If the image's maximal values are "
"small, you can use the linear scale. Logarithmic scale can be used when "
"the maximal values are big; if it is used, all values (small and large) will "
"be visible on the graph."
msgstr ""
" Valitse histogrammin skaala. Mikäli kuvassa ei esiinny kovin suuria "
"arvoja, käytä lineaarista skaalaa. Logaritminen skaala näyttää kaikki "
"arvot havainnollisemmin, mikäli kuvapisteillä on sekä suuria että pieniä "
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/iccprooftool.cpp:181
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/imageeffect_iccproof.cpp:168
msgid ""
" Here you can see the target preview image histogram of the selected image "
"channel. This one is updated after setting changes."
msgstr ""
" Näkyvissä on histogrammin valitun osan tilastolliset arvot. Nämä arvot "
"lasketaan uudelleen jokaisen muutoksen jälkeen."
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/iccprooftool.cpp:204
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/imageeffect_iccproof.cpp:191
#: showfoto/setup/setup.cpp:94
msgid "General Settings"
msgstr "Yleiset asetukset"
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/iccprooftool.cpp:205
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/imageeffect_iccproof.cpp:192
msgid " Here you can set general parameters. Tässä voit asettaa yleiset parametrit. Rendering emulation of the device described by the \"Proofing\" profile. "
"Useful to preview the final result without rendering to physical medium. Valittu muunnos jäljittelee profiilissa kuvattua laitetta. Toiminto on "
"hyödyllinen esikatseltaessa ja arvioitaessa lopputulosta ilman varsinaista "
"suoritusta. You can use this option if you want to show the colors that are outside "
"the printer's gamut "
msgstr ""
" Tämän valinnan avulla voi valita näytetäänkö tulostimen toistoalan "
"ulkopuolella olevat värit. "
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/iccprooftool.cpp:222
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/imageeffect_iccproof.cpp:209
msgid "Assign profile"
msgstr "Määrää profiili"
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/iccprooftool.cpp:223
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/imageeffect_iccproof.cpp:210
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
" You can use this option to embed the selected workspace color profile "
"into the image. Tällä valinnalla valitun työtilan väriprofiili upotetaan kuvaan. The Black Point Compensation (BPC) feature does work in conjunction with "
"Relative Colorimetric Intent. Perceptual intent should make no difference, "
"since BPC is always on, and in Absolute Colorimetric Intent it is always "
"turned off. BPC does compensate for a lack of ICC profiles in the dark "
"tone rendering. With BPC the dark tones are optimally mapped (no clipping) "
"from original media to the destination rendering media, e.g. the combination "
"of paper and ink. Mustan pisteen kompensaatio (Black Point Compensation - BPC) "
"toimii suhteellisessa värinmäärityksessä siten, että lopputuloksessa ei ole "
"havaittavaa eroa, vaikka se vaikuttaakin joihinkin profiileihin. BCP:"
"n yksinkertainen idea on määrittää koko kuvasta harmaa ja mukauttaa tummin "
"sävy tulostimen tai muun laitteen tumminpaan sävyyn ja näin BPC tekee esim. "
"cmyk-värimuunnoksen (esim. painokoneita tai offset-menetelmää varten). Set here all parameters relevant of Input Color Profiles. Set here all parameters relevant to Color Workspace Profiles. Set here all parameters relevant to Proofing Color Profiles. Set here all lightness adjustments to the target image. Aseta kirkkauden säätö. Please fix "
"this in the digiKam ICC setup."
msgstr ""
"ICC-profiilien polku on virheellinen. ”Oletusprofiili”-asetuksia ei voi "
"käyttää. Ratkaise ongelma digiKamin ICC-asetuksista."
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/iccprooftool.cpp:758
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/imageeffect_iccproof.cpp:741
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
" The selected ICC input profile path seems to be invalid. Please check "
msgstr " Valittu ICC-syöteprofiilin polku on virheellinen. Tarkista se."
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/iccprooftool.cpp:777
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/iccprooftool.cpp:939
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/imageeffect_iccproof.cpp:759
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/imageeffect_iccproof.cpp:918
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
" The selected ICC proof profile path seems to be invalid. Please check "
msgstr " Valittu ICC-syöteprofiilin polku on virheellinen. Tarkista se."
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/iccprooftool.cpp:799
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/iccprooftool.cpp:961
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/imageeffect_iccproof.cpp:780
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/imageeffect_iccproof.cpp:939
msgid ""
" Selected ICC workspace profile path seems to be invalid. Please check "
msgstr ""
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/iccprooftool.cpp:837
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/imageeffect_iccproof.cpp:818
msgid ""
" Your settings are not sufficient. To apply a color transform, you "
"need at least two ICC profiles: If you want to do a \"soft-proof\" "
"transform, in addition to these profiles you need a \"Proof\" profile. Selected ICC input profile path seems to be invalid. Please check it."
msgstr " Valittu ICC-syöteprofiilin polku on virheellinen. Tarkista se."
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/iccprooftool.cpp:1049
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/imageeffect_iccproof.cpp:1029
msgid " You have selected the \"Default builtin sRGB profile\" This profile is built on the fly, so there is no relevant information "
"about it. You have not enabled Color Management in the digiKam preferences. Väriasetukset eivät ole käytössä. Kytke ne päälle digiKamin asetuksista."
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/iccprooftool.cpp:1121
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/imageeffect_iccproof.cpp:1097
msgid " \"Use of default profile\" options will be disabled now. Here you can see the image selection preview with red eye reduction "
msgstr ""
" Tässä näytetään kuvan esikatselu väriprofiilin käyttöönoton jälkeen Select the histogram channel to display here: Luminosity: "
"display the image's luminosity values. Red: display the red image "
"channel values. Green: display the green image channel values."
" Blue: display the blue image channel values. "
msgstr ""
" Valitse histogrammin näytettävä kanava: Valoisuus: esitetään "
"kuvan valoisuuskanava. Punainen: esitetään kuvan puna-kanava."
" Vihreä: esitetään kuvan viher-kanava. Sininen: esitetään "
"kuvan sini-kanava. "
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/imageeffect_redeye.cpp:105
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/redeyetool.cpp:120
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
" Select the histogram scale here. If the image's maximum counts are "
"small, you can use the linear scale. The logarithmic scale can be used "
"when the maximal counts are big to show all values (small and large) on the "
msgstr ""
" Valitse histogrammin skaala: Mikäli kuvassa ei esiinny kovin suuria "
"arvoja, käytä lineaarista skaalaa. Logaritminen skaala näyttää kaikki "
"arvot havainnollisemmin, mikäli kuvapisteillä on sekä suuria että pieniä "
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/imageeffect_redeye.cpp:136
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/redeyetool.cpp:151
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
" Here you can see the target preview image histogram of the selected image "
"channel. It is updated upon setting changes."
msgstr ""
" Näkyvissä on histogrammin valitun osan tilastolliset arvot. Nämä arvot "
"lasketaan uudelleen jokaisen muutoksen jälkeen."
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/imageeffect_redeye.cpp:146
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/redeyetool.cpp:161 libs/dialogs/imagedialog.cpp:204
#, fuzzy
msgid "Sensitivity:"
msgstr "Valotusherkkyys:"
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/imageeffect_redeye.cpp:150
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/redeyetool.cpp:165
msgid ""
" Sets the red color pixels selection threshold. Low values will select "
"more red color pixels (agressive correction), high values less (mild "
"correction). Use low value if eye have been selected exactly. Use high value "
"if other parts of the face are also selected."
msgstr ""
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/imageeffect_redeye.cpp:159
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/redeyetool.cpp:174
msgid ""
" Sets the smoothness value when blurring the border of the changed pixels. "
"This leads to a more naturally looking pupil."
msgstr ""
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/imageeffect_redeye.cpp:163
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/redeyetool.cpp:178
#, fuzzy
msgid "Coloring Tint:"
msgstr "Väri ja leveys:"
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/imageeffect_redeye.cpp:168
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/redeyetool.cpp:183
msgid " Sets a custom color to re-colorize the eyes."
msgstr ""
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/imageeffect_redeye.cpp:170
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/redeyetool.cpp:185
#, fuzzy
msgid "Tint Level:"
msgstr "Taso:"
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/imageeffect_redeye.cpp:174
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/redeyetool.cpp:189
msgid ""
" Set the tint level to adjust the luminosity of the new color of the pupil."
msgstr ""
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/imageeffect_redeye.cpp:389
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/redeyetool.cpp:403
msgid "Red Eyes Correction"
msgstr "Punasilmäisyyden korjaus"
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/imageeffect_rgb.cpp:70
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/imageeffect_rgb.cpp:413
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/rgbtool.cpp:80
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/rgbtool.cpp:435
msgid "Color Balance"
msgstr "Väritasapaino"
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/imageeffect_rgb.cpp:76
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/rgbtool.cpp:86
msgid ""
" Here you can see the image color-balance adjustments preview. You can "
"pick color on image to see the color level corresponding on histogram."
msgstr ""
" Tässä näet kuvan väritasapaino-muutoksen. Voit valita kuvasta värin "
"nähdäksesi tätä vastaavan tason histogrammissa."
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/imageeffect_rgb.cpp:149
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/rgbtool.cpp:162
msgid "Cyan"
msgstr "Syaani"
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/imageeffect_rgb.cpp:154
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/rgbtool.cpp:167
msgid " Set here the cyan/red color adjustment of the image."
msgstr " Aseta tässä kuvan syaani/punainen-värisäätö."
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/imageeffect_rgb.cpp:166
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/rgbtool.cpp:181
msgid "Magenta"
msgstr "Magenta"
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/imageeffect_rgb.cpp:171
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/rgbtool.cpp:186
msgid " Set here the magenta/green color adjustment of the image."
msgstr " Aseta tässä kuvan purppura/vihreä-värisäätö."
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/imageeffect_rgb.cpp:183
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/rgbtool.cpp:200
msgid "Yellow"
msgstr "Keltainen"
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/imageeffect_rgb.cpp:188
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/rgbtool.cpp:205
msgid " Set here the yellow/blue color adjustment of the image."
msgstr " Aseta tässä kuvan keltainen/sininen-värisäätö."
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/imageplugin_core.cpp:68
msgid "Blur..."
msgstr "Sumenna..."
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/imageplugin_core.cpp:72
msgid "Sharpen..."
msgstr "Terävöitä..."
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/imageplugin_core.cpp:76
#, fuzzy
msgid "Red Eye..."
msgstr "Punasilmäisyyden poisto..."
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/imageplugin_core.cpp:79
msgid ""
"This filter can be used to correct red eyes in a photo. Select a region "
"including the eyes to use this option."
msgstr ""
"Tällä suodattimella voidaan korjata punasilmäisyysvirhe valokuvassa. Valitse "
"alue, jonka haluat suodattaa."
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/imageplugin_core.cpp:82
msgid "Brightness/Contrast/Gamma..."
msgstr "Kirkkaus / kontrasti / gamma..."
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/imageplugin_core.cpp:86
msgid "Hue/Saturation/Lightness..."
msgstr "Sävy / värikylläisyys / valoisuus..."
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/imageplugin_core.cpp:91
msgid "Color Balance..."
msgstr "Väritasapaino..."
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/imageplugin_core.cpp:96
msgid "Auto-Correction..."
msgstr "Automaattinen korjaus..."
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/imageplugin_core.cpp:101
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/imageplugin_core.cpp:213
msgid "Invert"
msgstr "Käännä värit"
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/imageplugin_core.cpp:106
#: libs/imageproperties/imagepropertiescolorstab.cpp:752
msgid "8 bits"
msgstr "8 bittiä"
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/imageplugin_core.cpp:110
#: libs/imageproperties/imagepropertiescolorstab.cpp:752
msgid "16 bits"
msgstr "16 bittiä"
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/imageplugin_core.cpp:114
msgid "Color Management..."
msgstr "Väriasetukset..."
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/imageplugin_core.cpp:120
msgid "Black && White..."
msgstr "Mustavalkoinen..."
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/imageplugin_core.cpp:127
msgid "Aspect Ratio Crop..."
msgstr "Rajaus kuvasuhteen mukaan..."
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/imageplugin_core.cpp:232
msgid "Red-Eye Correction Tool"
msgstr "Punasilmäisyyden korjaustyökalu"
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/imageplugin_core.cpp:233
msgid ""
"You need to select a region including the eyes to use the red-eye correction "
msgstr ""
"Punasilmäisyyden korjaustyökalun käyttöä varten on valittava silmät "
"sisältävä alue"
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/imageplugin_core.cpp:263
#, fuzzy
msgid "This image is already using a depth of 8 bits / color / pixel."
msgstr "Kuvan värisyvyys on jo 8 bittiä / väri / pikseli."
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/imageplugin_core.cpp:270
msgid ""
"Performing this operation will reduce image color quality. Do you want to "
msgstr ""
"Tämä toiminto heikentää kuvan värien laatua! Haluatko varmasti suorittaa "
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/imageplugin_core.cpp:288
#, fuzzy
msgid "This image is already using a depth of 16 bits / color / pixel."
msgstr "Kuvan värisyvyys on jo 16 bittiä / väri / pikseli."
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/ratiocrop/imageeffect_ratiocrop.cpp:65
#, fuzzy
msgid "Aspect Ratio Crop & Composition Guide"
msgstr "Rajaus kuvasuhteen mukaan"
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/ratiocrop/imageeffect_ratiocrop.cpp:69
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/ratiocrop/ratiocroptool.cpp:113
msgid ""
" Set selection area to the maximum size according to the current ratio."
msgstr ""
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/ratiocrop/imageeffect_ratiocrop.cpp:71
#, fuzzy
msgid "&Max. Aspect"
msgstr "&Enimmäiskuvasuhde"
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/ratiocrop/imageeffect_ratiocrop.cpp:81
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/ratiocrop/ratiocroptool.cpp:86
msgid ""
" Here you can see the aspect ratio selection preview used for cropping. "
"You can use the mouse to move and resize the crop area. Press and hold the "
"CTRL key to move the opposite corner too. Press and hold the SHIFT key to "
"move the closest corner to the mouse pointer."
msgstr ""
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/ratiocrop/imageeffect_ratiocrop.cpp:101
msgid "Aspect ratio:"
msgstr "Kuvasuhde:"
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/ratiocrop/imageeffect_ratiocrop.cpp:104
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/ratiocrop/ratiocroptool.cpp:129
msgid ""
" Select your constrained aspect ratio for cropping. Aspect Ratio Crop tool "
"uses a relative ratio. That means it is the same if you use centimeters or "
"inches and it doesn't specify the physical size. You can see below a "
"correspondence list of traditional photographic paper sizes and aspect ratio "
"crop: 2:3: 10x15cm, 20x30cm, 30x45cm, 4x6\", 8x12\", 12x18\", "
"16x24\", 20x30\" 3:4: 6x8cm, 15x20cm, 18x24cm, 30x40cm, 3.75x5\", "
"4.5x6\", 6x8\", 7.5x10\", 9x12\" 4:5: 20x25cm, 40x50cm, 8x10\", "
"16x20\" 5:7: 15x21cm, 30x42cm, 5x7\" 7:10: 21x30cm, "
"42x60cm, 3.5x5\" The Golden Ratio is 1:1.618. A composition "
"following this rule is considered visually harmonious but can be unadapted "
"to print on standard photographic paper."
msgstr ""
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/ratiocrop/imageeffect_ratiocrop.cpp:121
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/ratiocrop/ratiocroptool.cpp:146
msgid "Exact"
msgstr ""
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/ratiocrop/imageeffect_ratiocrop.cpp:122
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/ratiocrop/ratiocroptool.cpp:147
#, fuzzy
msgid " Enable this option to force exact aspect ratio crop."
msgstr " Kytke tämä päälle nähdäksesi kultaiset leikkaukset"
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/ratiocrop/imageeffect_ratiocrop.cpp:124
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/ratiocrop/ratiocroptool.cpp:149
msgid "Orientation:"
msgstr "Suuntaus:"
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/ratiocrop/imageeffect_ratiocrop.cpp:128
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/ratiocrop/ratiocroptool.cpp:154
msgid " Select constrained aspect ratio orientation."
msgstr ""
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/ratiocrop/imageeffect_ratiocrop.cpp:130
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/ratiocrop/ratiocroptool.cpp:156
msgid "Auto"
msgstr "Automaattinen"
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/ratiocrop/imageeffect_ratiocrop.cpp:131
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/ratiocrop/ratiocroptool.cpp:157
#, fuzzy
msgid " Enable this option to automatically set the orientation."
msgstr " Tämä valinta asettaa suunnan automaattisesti"
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/ratiocrop/imageeffect_ratiocrop.cpp:142
msgid "Custom ratio:"
msgstr "Oma kuvasuhde:"
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/ratiocrop/imageeffect_ratiocrop.cpp:145
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/ratiocrop/ratiocroptool.cpp:166
msgid " Set here the desired custom aspect numerator value."
msgstr ""
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/ratiocrop/imageeffect_ratiocrop.cpp:149
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/ratiocrop/ratiocroptool.cpp:173
msgid " Set here the desired custom aspect denominator value."
msgstr ""
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/ratiocrop/imageeffect_ratiocrop.cpp:159
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/ratiocrop/imageeffect_ratiocrop.cpp:184
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/ratiocrop/ratiocroptool.cpp:181
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/ratiocrop/ratiocroptool.cpp:203
msgid " Set here the top left selection corner position for cropping."
msgstr ""
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/ratiocrop/imageeffect_ratiocrop.cpp:160
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/ratiocrop/ratiocroptool.cpp:178
msgid "X:"
msgstr "X:"
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/ratiocrop/imageeffect_ratiocrop.cpp:164
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/ratiocrop/ratiocroptool.cpp:184
#: utilities/imageeditor/tools/imageresize.cpp:180
msgid "Width:"
msgstr "Leveys:"
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/ratiocrop/imageeffect_ratiocrop.cpp:165
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/ratiocrop/ratiocroptool.cpp:189
msgid " Set here the width selection for cropping."
msgstr ""
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/ratiocrop/imageeffect_ratiocrop.cpp:174
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/ratiocrop/ratiocroptool.cpp:195
msgid " Set width position to center."
msgstr ""
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/ratiocrop/imageeffect_ratiocrop.cpp:183
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/ratiocrop/ratiocroptool.cpp:200
msgid "Y:"
msgstr "Y:"
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/ratiocrop/imageeffect_ratiocrop.cpp:188
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/ratiocrop/ratiocroptool.cpp:206
#: utilities/imageeditor/tools/imageresize.cpp:187
msgid "Height:"
msgstr "Korkeus:"
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/ratiocrop/imageeffect_ratiocrop.cpp:189
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/ratiocrop/ratiocroptool.cpp:211
msgid " Set here the height selection for cropping."
msgstr ""
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/ratiocrop/imageeffect_ratiocrop.cpp:198
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/ratiocrop/ratiocroptool.cpp:217
msgid " Set height position to center."
msgstr ""
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/ratiocrop/imageeffect_ratiocrop.cpp:212
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/ratiocrop/ratiocroptool.cpp:244
msgid "Composition guide:"
msgstr "Sommitteluopas:"
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/ratiocrop/imageeffect_ratiocrop.cpp:214
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/ratiocrop/ratiocroptool.cpp:246
msgid "Rules of Thirds"
msgstr "Kolmannesten sääntö"
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/ratiocrop/imageeffect_ratiocrop.cpp:215
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/ratiocrop/ratiocroptool.cpp:248
msgid "Harmonious Triangles"
msgstr "Harmoniset kolmiot"
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/ratiocrop/imageeffect_ratiocrop.cpp:216
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/ratiocrop/ratiocroptool.cpp:249
msgid "Golden Mean"
msgstr "Kultainen keskiarvo"
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/ratiocrop/imageeffect_ratiocrop.cpp:219
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/ratiocrop/ratiocroptool.cpp:252
msgid ""
" With this option, you can display guide lines which help you to compose "
"your photograph."
msgstr ""
" Tämä ominaisuus näyttää avustavia linjoja, jotka auttavat kuvan "
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/ratiocrop/imageeffect_ratiocrop.cpp:222
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/ratiocrop/ratiocroptool.cpp:255
msgid "Golden sections"
msgstr "Kultaiset leikkaukset"
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/ratiocrop/imageeffect_ratiocrop.cpp:223
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/ratiocrop/ratiocroptool.cpp:256
msgid " Enable this option to show golden sections."
msgstr " Kytke tämä päälle nähdäksesi kultaiset leikkaukset"
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/ratiocrop/imageeffect_ratiocrop.cpp:225
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/ratiocrop/ratiocroptool.cpp:258
msgid "Golden spiral sections"
msgstr "Kultaiset spiraalileikkaukset"
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/ratiocrop/imageeffect_ratiocrop.cpp:226
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/ratiocrop/ratiocroptool.cpp:259
msgid " Enable this option to show golden spiral sections."
msgstr " Kytke tämä päälle nähdäksesi kultaiset spiraalileikkaukset"
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/ratiocrop/imageeffect_ratiocrop.cpp:228
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/ratiocrop/ratiocroptool.cpp:261
msgid "Golden spiral"
msgstr "Kultainen spiraali"
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/ratiocrop/imageeffect_ratiocrop.cpp:229
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/ratiocrop/ratiocroptool.cpp:262
msgid " Enable this option to show golden spiral guide."
msgstr " Kytke tämä päälle nähdäksesi kultaisen spiraalin"
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/ratiocrop/imageeffect_ratiocrop.cpp:231
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/ratiocrop/ratiocroptool.cpp:264
msgid "Golden triangles"
msgstr "Kultaiset kolmiot"
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/ratiocrop/imageeffect_ratiocrop.cpp:232
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/ratiocrop/ratiocroptool.cpp:265
msgid " Enable this option to show golden triangles."
msgstr " Kytke tämä päälle nähdäksesi kultaiset kolmiot"
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/ratiocrop/imageeffect_ratiocrop.cpp:234
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/ratiocrop/ratiocroptool.cpp:267
msgid "Flip horizontally"
msgstr "Peilaa vaakasuuntaan"
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/ratiocrop/imageeffect_ratiocrop.cpp:235
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/ratiocrop/ratiocroptool.cpp:268
msgid " Enable this option to flip horizontally guidelines."
msgstr " Käytä tätä peilataksesi ohjauslinjojen sijainnin vaakatasossa."
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/ratiocrop/imageeffect_ratiocrop.cpp:237
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/ratiocrop/ratiocroptool.cpp:270
msgid "Flip vertically"
msgstr "Peilaa pystysuuntaan"
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/ratiocrop/imageeffect_ratiocrop.cpp:238
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/ratiocrop/ratiocroptool.cpp:271
msgid " Enable this option to flip vertically guidelines."
msgstr " Käytä tätä peilataksesi ohjauslinjojen sijainnin pystytasossa."
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/ratiocrop/imageeffect_ratiocrop.cpp:240
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/ratiocrop/ratiocroptool.cpp:273
msgid "Color and width:"
msgstr "Väri ja leveys:"
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/ratiocrop/imageeffect_ratiocrop.cpp:243
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/ratiocrop/ratiocroptool.cpp:278
msgid " Set here the color used to draw composition guides."
msgstr " Aseta tähän ohjauslinjojen väri."
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/ratiocrop/imageeffect_ratiocrop.cpp:244
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/ratiocrop/ratiocroptool.cpp:279
msgid " Set here the width in pixels used to draw composition guides."
msgstr " Aseta tähän ohjauslinjojen leveys pikseleinä."
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/ratiocrop/imageeffect_ratiocrop.cpp:525
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/ratiocrop/ratiocroptool.cpp:565
msgid "Custom"
msgstr "Mukautettu"
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/ratiocrop/imageeffect_ratiocrop.cpp:543
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/ratiocrop/ratiocroptool.cpp:583
msgid "Golden Ratio"
msgstr "Kultainen suhde"
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/ratiocrop/imageeffect_ratiocrop.cpp:792
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/ratiocrop/ratiocroptool.cpp:78
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/ratiocrop/ratiocroptool.cpp:847
msgid "Aspect Ratio Crop"
msgstr "Rajaus kuvasuhteen mukaan"
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/ratiocrop/ratiocroptool.cpp:110
#, fuzzy
msgid "Max. Aspect"
msgstr "&Enimmäiskuvasuhde"
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/ratiocrop/ratiocroptool.cpp:125
#, fuzzy
msgid "Ratio:"
msgstr "Arvio:"
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/ratiocrop/ratiocroptool.cpp:161
#, fuzzy
msgid "Custom:"
msgstr "Mukautettu"
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/ratiocrop/ratiocroptool.cpp:247
#, fuzzy
msgid "Diagonal Method"
msgstr "Alkuperäinen"
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/redeyetool.cpp:83
#, fuzzy
msgid "Red Eye"
msgstr "Punasilmäisyyden poisto..."
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/sharpnesseditor/imageeffect_sharpen.cpp:66
msgid "Sharpening Photograph"
msgstr "Terävöitetään kuvaa"
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/sharpnesseditor/imageeffect_sharpen.cpp:76
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/sharpnesseditor/sharpentool.cpp:93
#, fuzzy
msgid "Method:"
msgstr "Malli:"
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/sharpnesseditor/imageeffect_sharpen.cpp:79
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/sharpnesseditor/sharpentool.cpp:96
msgid "Simple sharp"
msgstr ""
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/sharpnesseditor/imageeffect_sharpen.cpp:80
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/sharpnesseditor/sharpentool.cpp:97
msgid "Unsharp mask"
msgstr ""
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/sharpnesseditor/imageeffect_sharpen.cpp:81
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/sharpnesseditor/imageeffect_sharpen.cpp:624
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/sharpnesseditor/sharpentool.cpp:98
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/sharpnesseditor/sharpentool.cpp:669
#, fuzzy
msgid "Refocus"
msgstr "Rekursiivinen"
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/sharpnesseditor/imageeffect_sharpen.cpp:82
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/sharpnesseditor/sharpentool.cpp:100
#, fuzzy
msgid " Select the sharpening method to apply to the image."
msgstr " Aseta tässä kuvan värikylläisyyden säätö."
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/sharpnesseditor/imageeffect_sharpen.cpp:96
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/sharpnesseditor/sharpentool.cpp:117
#: imageplugins/noisereduction/imageeffect_noisereduction.cpp:148
#: imageplugins/noisereduction/noisereductiontool.cpp:140
msgid "Sharpness:"
msgstr "Terävyys:"
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/sharpnesseditor/imageeffect_sharpen.cpp:100
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/sharpnesseditor/sharpentool.cpp:121
msgid ""
" A sharpness of 0 has no effect, 1 and above determine the sharpen matrix "
"radius that determines how much to sharpen the image."
msgstr ""
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/sharpnesseditor/imageeffect_sharpen.cpp:117
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/sharpnesseditor/sharpentool.cpp:142
msgid ""
" Radius value is the gaussian blur matrix radius value used to determines "
"how much to blur the image."
msgstr ""
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/sharpnesseditor/imageeffect_sharpen.cpp:120
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/sharpnesseditor/sharpentool.cpp:145
#, fuzzy
msgid "Amount:"
msgstr "Lukumäärä:"
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/sharpnesseditor/imageeffect_sharpen.cpp:124
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/sharpnesseditor/sharpentool.cpp:150
msgid ""
" The value of the difference between the original and the blur image that "
"is added back into the original."
msgstr ""
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/sharpnesseditor/imageeffect_sharpen.cpp:127
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/sharpnesseditor/sharpentool.cpp:153
#: imageplugins/noisereduction/imageeffect_noisereduction.cpp:115
#: imageplugins/noisereduction/noisereductiontool.cpp:111
msgid "Threshold:"
msgstr ""
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/sharpnesseditor/imageeffect_sharpen.cpp:131
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/sharpnesseditor/sharpentool.cpp:158
msgid ""
" The threshold, as a fraction of the maximum luminosity value, needed to "
"apply the difference amount."
msgstr ""
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/sharpnesseditor/imageeffect_sharpen.cpp:148
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/sharpnesseditor/sharpentool.cpp:178
#, fuzzy
msgid "Circular sharpness:"
msgstr "Terävyys:"
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/sharpnesseditor/imageeffect_sharpen.cpp:152
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/sharpnesseditor/sharpentool.cpp:183
msgid ""
" This is the radius of the circular convolution. It is the most important "
"parameter for using this plugin. For most images the default value of 1.0 "
"should give good results. Select a higher value when your image is very "
msgstr ""
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/sharpnesseditor/imageeffect_sharpen.cpp:156
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/sharpnesseditor/sharpentool.cpp:187
#, fuzzy
msgid "Correlation:"
msgstr "Kokoe&lma:"
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/sharpnesseditor/imageeffect_sharpen.cpp:160
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/sharpnesseditor/sharpentool.cpp:192
msgid ""
" Increasing the correlation may help to reduce artifacts. The correlation "
"can range from 0-1. Useful values are 0.5 and values close to 1, e.g. 0.95 "
"and 0.99. Using a high value for the correlation will reduce the sharpening "
"effect of the plugin."
msgstr ""
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/sharpnesseditor/imageeffect_sharpen.cpp:165
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/sharpnesseditor/sharpentool.cpp:197
#, fuzzy
msgid "Noise filter:"
msgstr "Ei sävysuodatusta"
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/sharpnesseditor/imageeffect_sharpen.cpp:169
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/sharpnesseditor/sharpentool.cpp:202
msgid ""
" Increasing the noise filter parameter may help to reduce artifacts. The "
"noise filter can range from 0-1 but values higher than 0.1 are rarely "
"helpful. When the noise filter value is too low, e.g. 0.0 the image quality "
"will be very poor. A useful value is 0.01. Using a high value for the noise "
"filter will reduce the sharpening effect of the plugin."
msgstr ""
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/sharpnesseditor/imageeffect_sharpen.cpp:175
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/sharpnesseditor/sharpentool.cpp:208
#, fuzzy
msgid "Gaussian sharpness:"
msgstr "Gauss-sumennus"
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/sharpnesseditor/imageeffect_sharpen.cpp:179
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/sharpnesseditor/sharpentool.cpp:213
msgid ""
" This is the sharpness for the gaussian convolution. Use this parameter "
"when your blurring is of a Gaussian type. In most cases you should set this "
"parameter to 0, because it causes nasty artifacts. When you use non-zero "
"values, you will probably have to increase the correlation and/or noise "
"filter parameters too."
msgstr ""
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/sharpnesseditor/imageeffect_sharpen.cpp:184
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/sharpnesseditor/sharpentool.cpp:218
msgid "Matrix size:"
msgstr ""
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/sharpnesseditor/imageeffect_sharpen.cpp:187
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/sharpnesseditor/sharpentool.cpp:222
msgid ""
" This parameter determines the size of the transformation matrix. "
"Increasing the matrix width may give better results, especially when you "
"have chosen large values for circular or gaussian sharpness."
msgstr ""
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/sharpnesseditor/imageeffect_sharpen.cpp:609
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/sharpnesseditor/sharpentool.cpp:78
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/sharpnesseditor/sharpentool.cpp:654
msgid "Sharpen"
msgstr "Terävöitä"
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/sharpnesseditor/imageeffect_sharpen.cpp:615
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/sharpnesseditor/sharpentool.cpp:660
msgid "Unsharp Mask"
msgstr ""
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/sharpnesseditor/imageeffect_sharpen.cpp:638
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/sharpnesseditor/sharpentool.cpp:683
#, fuzzy
msgid "Photograph Refocus Settings File to Load"
msgstr "Väriasetusten lataustiedosto"
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/sharpnesseditor/imageeffect_sharpen.cpp:650
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/sharpnesseditor/sharpentool.cpp:695
#, fuzzy
msgid "\"%1\" is not a Photograph Refocus settings text file."
msgstr "\"%1\" ei ole kelvollinen väriasetukset sisältävä tekstitiedosto."
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/sharpnesseditor/imageeffect_sharpen.cpp:665
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/sharpnesseditor/sharpentool.cpp:710
#, fuzzy
msgid "Cannot load settings from the Photograph Refocus text file."
msgstr "Väriasetuksia ei voitu ladata tekstitiedostosta."
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/sharpnesseditor/imageeffect_sharpen.cpp:674
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/sharpnesseditor/sharpentool.cpp:719
#, fuzzy
msgid "Photograph Refocus Settings File to Save"
msgstr "Väriasetusten tallennustiedosto"
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/sharpnesseditor/imageeffect_sharpen.cpp:691
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/sharpnesseditor/sharpentool.cpp:736
#, fuzzy
msgid "Cannot save settings to the Photograph Refocus text file."
msgstr "Väriasetuksia ei voitu tallettaa tekstitiedostoon."
#: imageplugins/distortionfx/distortionfxtool.cpp:76
#: imageplugins/distortionfx/distortionfxtool.cpp:392
#: imageplugins/distortionfx/imageeffect_distortionfx.cpp:65
#: imageplugins/distortionfx/imageeffect_distortionfx.cpp:72
#: imageplugins/distortionfx/imageeffect_distortionfx.cpp:373
msgid "Distortion Effects"
msgstr ""
#: imageplugins/distortionfx/distortionfxtool.cpp:80
#: imageplugins/distortionfx/imageeffect_distortionfx.cpp:92
msgid ""
" This is the preview of the distortion effect applied to the photograph."
msgstr ""
#: imageplugins/distortionfx/distortionfxtool.cpp:98
#: imageplugins/distortionfx/imageeffect_distortionfx.cpp:103
msgid "Fish Eyes"
msgstr ""
#: imageplugins/distortionfx/distortionfxtool.cpp:99
#: imageplugins/distortionfx/imageeffect_distortionfx.cpp:104
#, fuzzy
msgid "Twirl"
msgstr "Tunniste"
#: imageplugins/distortionfx/distortionfxtool.cpp:100
#: imageplugins/distortionfx/imageeffect_distortionfx.cpp:105
msgid "Cylindrical Hor."
msgstr ""
#: imageplugins/distortionfx/distortionfxtool.cpp:101
#: imageplugins/distortionfx/imageeffect_distortionfx.cpp:106
msgid "Cylindrical Vert."
msgstr ""
#: imageplugins/distortionfx/distortionfxtool.cpp:102
#: imageplugins/distortionfx/imageeffect_distortionfx.cpp:107
msgid "Cylindrical H/V."
msgstr ""
#: imageplugins/distortionfx/distortionfxtool.cpp:103
#: imageplugins/distortionfx/imageeffect_distortionfx.cpp:108
#, fuzzy
msgid "Caricature"
msgstr "Luonto"
#: imageplugins/distortionfx/distortionfxtool.cpp:104
#: imageplugins/distortionfx/imageeffect_distortionfx.cpp:109
msgid "Multiple Corners"
msgstr ""
#: imageplugins/distortionfx/distortionfxtool.cpp:105
#: imageplugins/distortionfx/imageeffect_distortionfx.cpp:110
msgid "Waves Hor."
msgstr ""
#: imageplugins/distortionfx/distortionfxtool.cpp:106
#: imageplugins/distortionfx/imageeffect_distortionfx.cpp:111
msgid "Waves Vert."
msgstr ""
#: imageplugins/distortionfx/distortionfxtool.cpp:107
#: imageplugins/distortionfx/imageeffect_distortionfx.cpp:112
msgid "Block Waves 1"
msgstr ""
#: imageplugins/distortionfx/distortionfxtool.cpp:108
#: imageplugins/distortionfx/imageeffect_distortionfx.cpp:113
msgid "Block Waves 2"
msgstr ""
#: imageplugins/distortionfx/distortionfxtool.cpp:109
#: imageplugins/distortionfx/imageeffect_distortionfx.cpp:114
msgid "Circular Waves 1"
msgstr ""
#: imageplugins/distortionfx/distortionfxtool.cpp:110
#: imageplugins/distortionfx/imageeffect_distortionfx.cpp:115
msgid "Circular Waves 2"
msgstr ""
#: imageplugins/distortionfx/distortionfxtool.cpp:111
#: imageplugins/distortionfx/imageeffect_distortionfx.cpp:116
msgid "Polar Coordinates"
msgstr ""
#: imageplugins/distortionfx/distortionfxtool.cpp:112
#: imageplugins/distortionfx/imageeffect_distortionfx.cpp:117
msgid "Unpolar Coordinates"
msgstr ""
#: imageplugins/distortionfx/distortionfxtool.cpp:113
#: imageplugins/distortionfx/imageeffect_distortionfx.cpp:118
#, fuzzy
msgid "Tile"
msgstr "Tunniste"
#: imageplugins/distortionfx/distortionfxtool.cpp:115
msgid ""
" Here, select the type of effect to apply to the image. Fish Eyes"
"b>: warps the photograph around a 3D spherical shape to reproduce the common "
"photograph 'Fish Eyes' effect. Twirl: spins the photograph to "
"produce a Twirl pattern. Cylinder Hor.: warps the photograph around "
"a horizontal cylinder. Cylinder Vert.: warps the photograph around "
"a vertical cylinder. Cylinder H/V.: warps the photograph around 2 "
"cylinders, vertical and horizontal. Caricature: distorts the "
"photograph with the 'Fish Eyes' effect inverted. Multiple Corners: "
"splits the photograph like a multiple corners pattern. Waves "
"Horizontal: distorts the photograph with horizontal waves. Waves "
"Vertical: distorts the photograph with vertical waves. Block Waves "
"1: divides the image into cells and makes it look as if it is being "
"viewed through glass blocks. Block Waves 2: like Block Waves 1 but "
"with another version of glass blocks distortion. Circular Waves 1: "
"distorts the photograph with circular waves. Circular Waves 2: "
"another variation of the Circular Waves effect. Polar Coordinates: "
"converts the photograph from rectangular to polar coordinates. Unpolar "
"Coordinates: the Polar Coordinates effect inverted. Tile: "
"splits the photograph into square blocks and moves them randomly inside the "
"image. "
msgstr ""
#: imageplugins/distortionfx/distortionfxtool.cpp:151
#: imageplugins/distortionfx/imageeffect_distortionfx.cpp:157
msgid ""
" This value controls the iterations to use for Waves, Tile, and Neon "
msgstr ""
#: imageplugins/distortionfx/imageeffect_distortionfx.cpp:74
msgid "A digiKam image plugin to apply distortion effects to an image."
msgstr ""
#: imageplugins/distortionfx/imageeffect_distortionfx.cpp:84
#, fuzzy
msgid "Distortion algorithms"
msgstr "Haetaan kansioita..."
#: imageplugins/distortionfx/imageeffect_distortionfx.cpp:119
msgid ""
" Here, select the type of effect to apply to the image. Fish Eyes"
"b>: warps the photograph around a 3D spherical shape to reproduce the common "
"photograph 'Fish Eyes' effect. Twirl: spins the photograph to "
"produce a Twirl pattern. Cylinder Hor.: warps the photograph around "
"a horizontal cylinder. Cylinder Vert.: warps the photograph around "
"a vertical cylinder. Cylinder H/V.: warps the photograph around 2 "
"cylinders, vertical and horizontal. Caricature: distorts the "
"photograph with the 'Fish Eyes' effect inverted. Multiple Corners: "
"splits the photograph like a multiple corners pattern. WavesQt "
"Horizontal: distorts the photograph with horizontal waves. Waves "
"Vertical: distorts the photograph with vertical waves. Block Waves "
"1: divides the image into cells and makes it look as if it is being "
"viewed through glass blocks. Block Waves 2: like Block Waves 1 but "
"with another version of glass blocks distortion. Circular Waves 1: "
"distorts the photograph with circular waves. Circular Waves 2: "
"another variation of the Circular Waves effect. Polar Coordinates: "
"converts the photograph from rectangular to polar coordinates. Unpolar "
"Coordinates: the Polar Coordinates effect inverted. Tile: "
"splits the photograph into square blocks and moves them randomly inside the "
"image. "
msgstr ""
#: imageplugins/distortionfx/imageplugin_distortionfx.cpp:50
#, fuzzy
msgid "Distortion Effects..."
msgstr "Haetaan kansioita..."
#: imageplugins/emboss/embosstool.cpp:65 imageplugins/emboss/embosstool.cpp:164
#: imageplugins/emboss/imageeffect_emboss.cpp:165
msgid "Emboss"
msgstr ""
#: imageplugins/emboss/embosstool.cpp:75
#: imageplugins/emboss/imageeffect_emboss.cpp:85
#, fuzzy
msgid "Depth:"
msgstr "S&yvyys"
#: imageplugins/emboss/embosstool.cpp:80
#: imageplugins/emboss/imageeffect_emboss.cpp:89
#, fuzzy
msgid " Set here the depth of the embossing image effect."
msgstr " Aseta tässä kuvan sävysäätö."
#: imageplugins/emboss/imageeffect_emboss.cpp:55
#: imageplugins/emboss/imageeffect_emboss.cpp:61
#, fuzzy
msgid "Emboss Image"
msgstr "Viimeinen kuva"
#: imageplugins/emboss/imageeffect_emboss.cpp:63
msgid "Emboss image effect plugin for digiKam."
msgstr ""
#: imageplugins/emboss/imageeffect_emboss.cpp:73
#, fuzzy
msgid "Emboss algorithm"
msgstr "Viimeinen kuva"
#: imageplugins/emboss/imageplugin_emboss.cpp:50
msgid "Emboss..."
msgstr ""
#: imageplugins/filmgrain/filmgraintool.cpp:65
#: imageplugins/filmgrain/filmgraintool.cpp:192
#: imageplugins/filmgrain/imageeffect_filmgrain.cpp:66
#: imageplugins/filmgrain/imageeffect_filmgrain.cpp:191
msgid "Film Grain"
msgstr ""
#: imageplugins/filmgrain/filmgraintool.cpp:77
#: imageplugins/filmgrain/imageeffect_filmgrain.cpp:88
#: imageplugins/infrared/imageeffect_infrared.cpp:89
#: imageplugins/infrared/infraredtool.cpp:79
#, fuzzy
msgid "Sensitivity (ISO):"
msgstr "Valotusherkkyys:"
#: imageplugins/filmgrain/filmgraintool.cpp:87
#: imageplugins/filmgrain/imageeffect_filmgrain.cpp:98
msgid ""
" Set here the film ISO-sensitivity to use for simulating the film "
msgstr ""
#: imageplugins/filmgrain/imageeffect_filmgrain.cpp:59
#, fuzzy
msgid "Add Film Grain to Photograph"
msgstr "Suorita gauss-sumennus kuvalle"
#: imageplugins/filmgrain/imageeffect_filmgrain.cpp:68
msgid "A digiKam image plugin to apply a film grain effect to an image."
msgstr ""
#: imageplugins/filmgrain/imageplugin_filmgrain.cpp:49
#, fuzzy
msgid "Add Film Grain..."
msgstr "Lisää kamera..."
#: imageplugins/freerotation/freerotationtool.cpp:71
#: imageplugins/freerotation/freerotationtool.cpp:304
#: imageplugins/freerotation/imageeffect_freerotation.cpp:61
#: imageplugins/freerotation/imageeffect_freerotation.cpp:70
#: imageplugins/freerotation/imageeffect_freerotation.cpp:293
#, fuzzy
msgid "Free Rotation"
msgstr "Suuntaus:"
#: imageplugins/freerotation/freerotationtool.cpp:75
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
" This is the free rotation operation preview. If you move the mouse cursor "
"on this preview, a vertical and horizontal dashed line will be drawn to "
"guide you in adjusting the free rotation correction. Release the left mouse "
"button to freeze the dashed line's position."
msgstr ""
" Tämä on suodatetun kuvan esikatselu. Tämän alueen yllä hiiren kohdistinta "
"seuraa katkoviivoitettu avustinristikko. Se auttaa suodatinasetusten "
"muokaamisessa; naksauta hiiren vasenta painiketta lukitaksesi kohdistimen "
"valittuun sijaintiin."
#: imageplugins/freerotation/freerotationtool.cpp:96
#: imageplugins/freerotation/imageeffect_freerotation.cpp:102
#: imageplugins/perspective/imageeffect_perspective.cpp:109
#: imageplugins/perspective/perspectivetool.cpp:100
#: imageplugins/sheartool/imageeffect_sheartool.cpp:102
#: imageplugins/sheartool/sheartool.cpp:94
#, fuzzy
msgid "New width:"
msgstr "Avustimen leveys:"
#: imageplugins/freerotation/freerotationtool.cpp:97
#: imageplugins/freerotation/freerotationtool.cpp:101
#: imageplugins/freerotation/freerotationtool.cpp:296
#: imageplugins/freerotation/freerotationtool.cpp:297
#: imageplugins/freerotation/imageeffect_freerotation.cpp:103
#: imageplugins/freerotation/imageeffect_freerotation.cpp:107
#: imageplugins/freerotation/imageeffect_freerotation.cpp:285
#: imageplugins/freerotation/imageeffect_freerotation.cpp:286
#: imageplugins/perspective/imageeffect_perspective.cpp:110
#: imageplugins/perspective/imageeffect_perspective.cpp:114
#: imageplugins/perspective/imageeffect_perspective.cpp:242
#: imageplugins/perspective/imageeffect_perspective.cpp:243
#: imageplugins/perspective/perspectivetool.cpp:101
#: imageplugins/perspective/perspectivetool.cpp:105
#: imageplugins/perspective/perspectivetool.cpp:235
#: imageplugins/perspective/perspectivetool.cpp:236
#: imageplugins/sheartool/imageeffect_sheartool.cpp:103
#: imageplugins/sheartool/imageeffect_sheartool.cpp:107
#: imageplugins/sheartool/imageeffect_sheartool.cpp:298
#: imageplugins/sheartool/imageeffect_sheartool.cpp:299
#: imageplugins/sheartool/sheartool.cpp:95
#: imageplugins/sheartool/sheartool.cpp:99
#: imageplugins/sheartool/sheartool.cpp:308
#: imageplugins/sheartool/sheartool.cpp:309
msgid " px"
msgstr ""
#: imageplugins/freerotation/freerotationtool.cpp:100
#: imageplugins/freerotation/imageeffect_freerotation.cpp:106
#: imageplugins/perspective/imageeffect_perspective.cpp:113
#: imageplugins/perspective/perspectivetool.cpp:104
#: imageplugins/sheartool/imageeffect_sheartool.cpp:106
#: imageplugins/sheartool/sheartool.cpp:98
#, fuzzy
msgid "New height:"
msgstr "Korkeus:"
#: imageplugins/freerotation/freerotationtool.cpp:106
#: imageplugins/freerotation/imageeffect_freerotation.cpp:118
msgid "Main angle:"
msgstr ""
#: imageplugins/freerotation/freerotationtool.cpp:110
#: imageplugins/freerotation/imageeffect_freerotation.cpp:122
msgid ""
" An angle in degrees by which to rotate the image. A positive angle "
"rotates the image clockwise; a negative angle rotates it counter-clockwise."
msgstr ""
#: imageplugins/freerotation/freerotationtool.cpp:114
#: imageplugins/freerotation/imageeffect_freerotation.cpp:129
msgid "Fine angle:"
msgstr ""
#: imageplugins/freerotation/freerotationtool.cpp:118
#: imageplugins/freerotation/imageeffect_freerotation.cpp:133
msgid ""
" This value in degrees will be added to main angle value to set fine "
"target angle."
msgstr ""
#: imageplugins/freerotation/freerotationtool.cpp:121
#: imageplugins/freerotation/imageeffect_freerotation.cpp:139
#: imageplugins/sheartool/imageeffect_sheartool.cpp:152
#: imageplugins/sheartool/sheartool.cpp:130
msgid "Anti-Aliasing"
msgstr ""
#: imageplugins/freerotation/freerotationtool.cpp:122
#: imageplugins/freerotation/imageeffect_freerotation.cpp:140
msgid ""
" Enable this option to apply the anti-aliasing filter to the rotated "
"image. In order to smooth the target image, it will be blurred a little."
msgstr ""
#: imageplugins/freerotation/freerotationtool.cpp:126
#: imageplugins/freerotation/imageeffect_freerotation.cpp:145
#, fuzzy
msgid "Auto-crop:"
msgstr "Tekijä:"
#: imageplugins/freerotation/freerotationtool.cpp:129
#: imageplugins/freerotation/imageeffect_freerotation.cpp:148
msgid "Widest Area"
msgstr ""
#: imageplugins/freerotation/freerotationtool.cpp:130
#: imageplugins/freerotation/imageeffect_freerotation.cpp:149
#, fuzzy
msgid "Largest Area"
msgstr "Edellinen haku"
#: imageplugins/freerotation/freerotationtool.cpp:132
#: imageplugins/freerotation/imageeffect_freerotation.cpp:150
msgid ""
" Select the method to process image auto-cropping to remove black frames "
"around a rotated image."
msgstr ""
#: imageplugins/freerotation/imageeffect_freerotation.cpp:72
msgid "A digiKam image plugin to process free image rotation."
msgstr ""
#: imageplugins/freerotation/imageeffect_freerotation.cpp:82
#, fuzzy
msgid "Free Rotation algorithm"
msgstr "Suuntaus:"
#: imageplugins/freerotation/imageeffect_freerotation.cpp:87
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
" This is the free image operation preview. If you move the mouse cursor on "
"this preview, a vertical and horizontal dashed line will be drawn to guide "
"you in adjusting the free rotation correction. Release the left mouse button "
"to freeze the dashed line's position."
msgstr ""
" Tämä on suodatetun kuvan esikatselu. Tämän alueen yllä hiiren kohdistinta "
"seuraa katkoviivoitettu avustinristikko. Se auttaa suodatinasetusten "
"muokaamisessa; naksauta hiiren vasenta painiketta lukitaksesi kohdistimen "
"valittuun sijaintiin."
#: imageplugins/freerotation/imageplugin_freerotation.cpp:48
#, fuzzy
msgid "Free Rotation..."
msgstr "Punasilmäisyyden poisto..."
#: imageplugins/hotpixels/blackframelistview.cpp:43
#, fuzzy
msgid "Preview"
msgstr "Poistu esikatselutilasta"
#: imageplugins/hotpixels/blackframelistview.cpp:44
#: imageplugins/inserttext/fontchooserwidget.cpp:160
#, fuzzy
msgid "Size"
msgstr "Koko:"
#: imageplugins/hotpixels/blackframelistview.cpp:46
msgid ""
"_: This is a column which will contain the amount of HotPixels found in the "
"black frame file\n"
msgstr ""
#: imageplugins/hotpixels/hotpixelstool.cpp:76
#, fuzzy
msgid "Hot Pixels"
msgstr "Pikseleitä:"
#: imageplugins/hotpixels/hotpixelstool.cpp:88
#: imageplugins/hotpixels/imageeffect_hotpixels.cpp:94
#, fuzzy
msgid "Filter:"
msgstr "Suodattimet"
#: imageplugins/hotpixels/hotpixelstool.cpp:90
#: imageplugins/hotpixels/imageeffect_hotpixels.cpp:96
msgid "Average"
msgstr ""
#: imageplugins/hotpixels/hotpixelstool.cpp:91
#: imageplugins/hotpixels/imageeffect_hotpixels.cpp:97
#: libs/greycstoration/greycstorationwidget.cpp:244
msgid "Linear"
msgstr "Lineaarinen"
#: imageplugins/hotpixels/hotpixelstool.cpp:92
#: imageplugins/hotpixels/imageeffect_hotpixels.cpp:98
msgid "Quadratic"
msgstr ""
#: imageplugins/hotpixels/hotpixelstool.cpp:93
#: imageplugins/hotpixels/imageeffect_hotpixels.cpp:99
msgid "Cubic"
msgstr ""
#: imageplugins/hotpixels/hotpixelstool.cpp:96
#: imageplugins/hotpixels/imageeffect_hotpixels.cpp:101
#, fuzzy
msgid "Black Frame..."
msgstr "Mustavalkoinen..."
#: imageplugins/hotpixels/hotpixelstool.cpp:97
#: imageplugins/hotpixels/imageeffect_hotpixels.cpp:102
msgid ""
" Use this button to add a new black frame file which will be used by the "
"hot pixels removal filter."
msgstr ""
#: imageplugins/hotpixels/hotpixelstool.cpp:146
#: utilities/imageeditor/editor/editorwindow.cpp:1335
msgid "Loading: "
msgstr "Ladataan: "
#: imageplugins/hotpixels/hotpixelstool.cpp:186
#: imageplugins/hotpixels/imageeffect_hotpixels.cpp:173
msgid "Select Black Frame Image"
msgstr ""
#: imageplugins/hotpixels/hotpixelstool.cpp:255
#: imageplugins/hotpixels/imageeffect_hotpixels.cpp:62
#: imageplugins/hotpixels/imageeffect_hotpixels.cpp:72
#: imageplugins/hotpixels/imageeffect_hotpixels.cpp:258
#, fuzzy
msgid "Hot Pixels Correction"
msgstr "Punasilmäisyyden korjaus"
#: imageplugins/hotpixels/imageeffect_hotpixels.cpp:74
msgid ""
"A digiKam image plugin for fixing dots produced by hot/stuck/dead pixels "
"from a CCD."
msgstr ""
#: imageplugins/hotpixels/imageplugin_hotpixels.cpp:50
#, fuzzy
msgid "Hot Pixels..."
msgstr "Pikseleitä:"
#: imageplugins/infrared/imageeffect_infrared.cpp:61
#, fuzzy
msgid "Simulate Infrared Film to Photograph"
msgstr "Suorita gauss-sumennus kuvalle"
#: imageplugins/infrared/imageeffect_infrared.cpp:68
msgid "Infrared Film"
msgstr ""
#: imageplugins/infrared/imageeffect_infrared.cpp:70
msgid "A digiKam image plugin to simulate infrared film."
msgstr ""
#: imageplugins/infrared/imageeffect_infrared.cpp:99
#: imageplugins/infrared/infraredtool.cpp:89
msgid ""
" Set here the ISO-sensitivity of the simulated infrared film. Increasing "
"this value will increase the proportion of green color in the mix. It will "
"also increase the halo effect on the hightlights, and the film graininess "
"(if that box is checked). Note: to simulate an Ilford SFX200 "
"infrared film, use a sensitivity excursion of 200 to 800. A sensitivity over "
"800 simulates Kodak HIE high-speed infrared film. This last one "
"creates a more dramatic photographic style. This option adds infrared film grain to the image depending on ISO-"
msgstr ""
#: imageplugins/infrared/imageeffect_infrared.cpp:223
#: imageplugins/infrared/infraredtool.cpp:67
#: imageplugins/infrared/infraredtool.cpp:222
msgid "Infrared"
msgstr ""
#: imageplugins/infrared/imageplugin_infrared.cpp:49
msgid "Infrared Film..."
msgstr ""
#: imageplugins/inpainting/imageeffect_inpainting.cpp:111
#: imageplugins/inpainting/imageplugin_inpainting.cpp:84
#, fuzzy
msgid "Inpainting Photograph Tool"
msgstr "Terävöitetään kuvaa"
#: imageplugins/inpainting/imageeffect_inpainting.cpp:112
#: imageplugins/inpainting/imageplugin_inpainting.cpp:85
#, fuzzy
msgid "You need to select a region to inpaint to use this tool"
msgstr ""
"Punasilmäisyyden korjaustyökalun käyttöä varten on valittava silmät "
"sisältävä alue"
#: imageplugins/inpainting/imageeffect_inpainting.cpp:129
#: imageplugins/inpainting/imageeffect_inpainting.cpp:138
#, fuzzy
msgid "Photograph Inpainting"
msgstr "Valokuvan tiedot"
#: imageplugins/inpainting/imageeffect_inpainting.cpp:140
msgid "A digiKam image plugin to inpaint a photograph."
msgstr ""
#: imageplugins/inpainting/imageeffect_inpainting.cpp:149
#: imageplugins/restoration/imageeffect_restoration.cpp:83
#, fuzzy
msgid "CImg library"
msgstr "Albumikansion sijainti"
#: imageplugins/inpainting/imageeffect_inpainting.cpp:152
#: imageplugins/restoration/imageeffect_restoration.cpp:86
msgid "Feedback and plugin polishing"
msgstr ""
#: imageplugins/inpainting/imageeffect_inpainting.cpp:165
#: imageplugins/inpainting/inpaintingtool.cpp:113
#: imageplugins/restoration/imageeffect_restoration.cpp:97
#: imageplugins/restoration/restorationtool.cpp:88
#, fuzzy
msgid "Preset"
msgstr "Palauta"
#: imageplugins/inpainting/imageeffect_inpainting.cpp:173
#: imageplugins/inpainting/inpaintingtool.cpp:121
#: imageplugins/restoration/imageeffect_restoration.cpp:105
#: imageplugins/restoration/restorationtool.cpp:96
#: utilities/imageeditor/tools/imageresize.cpp:219
#, fuzzy
msgid "Visit CImg library website"
msgstr "Vieraile digiKamin kotisivulla"
#: imageplugins/inpainting/imageeffect_inpainting.cpp:175
#: imageplugins/inpainting/inpaintingtool.cpp:123
#: imageplugins/restoration/imageeffect_restoration.cpp:107
#: imageplugins/restoration/restorationtool.cpp:98
msgid "Filtering type:"
msgstr ""
#: imageplugins/inpainting/imageeffect_inpainting.cpp:179
#: imageplugins/inpainting/inpaintingtool.cpp:127
msgid "Remove Small Artefact"
msgstr ""
#: imageplugins/inpainting/imageeffect_inpainting.cpp:180
#: imageplugins/inpainting/inpaintingtool.cpp:128
msgid "Remove Medium Artefact"
msgstr ""
#: imageplugins/inpainting/imageeffect_inpainting.cpp:181
#: imageplugins/inpainting/inpaintingtool.cpp:129
msgid "Remove Large Artefact"
msgstr ""
#: imageplugins/inpainting/imageeffect_inpainting.cpp:182
#: imageplugins/inpainting/inpaintingtool.cpp:130
msgid ""
" Select the filter preset to use for photograph restoration: None"
"b>: Most common values. Puts settings to default. Remove Small "
"Artefact: inpaint small image artefact like image glitch. Remove "
"Medium Artefact: inpaint medium image artefact. Remove Large "
"Artefact: inpaint image artefact like unwanted object. "
msgstr ""
#: imageplugins/inpainting/imageeffect_inpainting.cpp:413
#: imageplugins/inpainting/inpaintingtool.cpp:378
#, fuzzy
msgid "InPainting"
msgstr "Arvio"
#: imageplugins/inpainting/imageeffect_inpainting.cpp:420
#: imageplugins/inpainting/inpaintingtool.cpp:385
#, fuzzy
msgid "Photograph Inpainting Settings File to Load"
msgstr "Väriasetusten lataustiedosto"
#: imageplugins/inpainting/imageeffect_inpainting.cpp:431
#: imageplugins/inpainting/inpaintingtool.cpp:396
#, fuzzy
msgid "\"%1\" is not a Photograph Inpainting settings text file."
msgstr "\"%1\" ei ole kelvollinen väriasetukset sisältävä tekstitiedosto."
#: imageplugins/inpainting/imageeffect_inpainting.cpp:438
#: imageplugins/inpainting/inpaintingtool.cpp:403
#, fuzzy
msgid "Cannot load settings from the Photograph Inpainting text file."
msgstr "Väriasetuksia ei voitu ladata tekstitiedostosta."
#: imageplugins/inpainting/imageeffect_inpainting.cpp:451
#: imageplugins/inpainting/inpaintingtool.cpp:416
#, fuzzy
msgid "Photograph Inpainting Settings File to Save"
msgstr "Väriasetusten tallennustiedosto"
#: imageplugins/inpainting/imageeffect_inpainting.cpp:460
#: imageplugins/inpainting/inpaintingtool.cpp:425
#, fuzzy
msgid "Cannot save settings to the Photograph Inpainting text file."
msgstr "Väriasetuksia ei voitu tallettaa tekstitiedostoon."
#: imageplugins/inpainting/imageplugin_inpainting.cpp:51
msgid "Inpainting..."
msgstr ""
#: imageplugins/inpainting/imageplugin_inpainting.cpp:56
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"This filter can be used to inpaint a part in a photo. Select a region to "
"inpaint to use this option."
msgstr ""
"Tällä suodattimella voidaan korjata punasilmäisyysvirhe valokuvassa. Valitse "
"alue, jonka haluat suodattaa."
#: imageplugins/inpainting/inpaintingtool.cpp:89
#, fuzzy
msgid "Inpainting"
msgstr "Arvio"
#: imageplugins/inpainting/inpaintingtool.cpp:95
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
" Here you can see the image selection preview with inpainting applied."
msgstr ""
" Tässä näytetään kuvan esikatselu väriprofiilin käyttöönoton jälkeen Kytke tämä päälle nähdäksesi kultaiset spiraalileikkaukset"
#: imageplugins/inserttext/fontchooserwidget.cpp:122
#, fuzzy
msgid "Font:"
msgstr "Lukumäärä:"
#: imageplugins/inserttext/fontchooserwidget.cpp:132
#: imageplugins/inserttext/fontchooserwidget.cpp:149
#, fuzzy
msgid "Style:"
msgstr "&Otsikko:"
#: imageplugins/inserttext/fontchooserwidget.cpp:139
msgid "Change font style?"
msgstr ""
#: imageplugins/inserttext/fontchooserwidget.cpp:141
#, fuzzy
msgid "Enable this checkbox to change the font style settings."
msgstr " Kytke tämä päälle nähdäksesi kultaiset leikkaukset"
#: imageplugins/inserttext/fontchooserwidget.cpp:167
msgid "Change font size?"
msgstr ""
#: imageplugins/inserttext/fontchooserwidget.cpp:169
#, fuzzy
msgid "Enable this checkbox to change the font size settings."
msgstr " Kytke tämä päälle nähdäksesi kultaiset spiraalileikkaukset"
#: imageplugins/inserttext/fontchooserwidget.cpp:192
msgid "Here you can choose the font family to be used."
msgstr ""
#: imageplugins/inserttext/fontchooserwidget.cpp:213
msgid "Here you can choose the font style to be used."
msgstr ""
#: imageplugins/inserttext/fontchooserwidget.cpp:216
#: imageplugins/inserttext/fontchooserwidget.cpp:475
#: imageplugins/inserttext/fontchooserwidget.cpp:477
#: imageplugins/inserttext/fontchooserwidget.cpp:488
#: imageplugins/inserttext/fontchooserwidget.cpp:489
msgid "Regular"
msgstr ""
#: imageplugins/inserttext/fontchooserwidget.cpp:218
#, fuzzy
msgid "Bold"
msgstr "Kansion mukaan"
#: imageplugins/inserttext/fontchooserwidget.cpp:219
msgid "Bold Italic"
msgstr ""
#: imageplugins/inserttext/fontchooserwidget.cpp:236
msgid "Relative"
msgstr ""
#: imageplugins/inserttext/fontchooserwidget.cpp:238
msgid "Font size This previews the text inserted in the image. You can use the mouse to "
"move the text to the right location."
msgstr ""
#: imageplugins/inserttext/imageeffect_inserttext.cpp:117
#: imageplugins/inserttext/inserttexttool.cpp:102
msgid " Here, enter the text you want to insert in your image."
msgstr ""
#: imageplugins/inserttext/imageeffect_inserttext.cpp:123
#: imageplugins/inserttext/inserttexttool.cpp:107
#, fuzzy
msgid " Here you can choose the font to be used."
msgstr " Tässä voit asettaa yleiset parametrit. Select the text rotation to use."
msgstr " Aseta sävyn ja kylläisyyden säätö."
#: imageplugins/inserttext/imageeffect_inserttext.cpp:173
#: imageplugins/inserttext/inserttexttool.cpp:153
#: imageplugins/noisereduction/imageeffect_noisereduction.cpp:217
#: imageplugins/noisereduction/noisereductiontool.cpp:217
msgid "Color:"
msgstr "Värit:"
#: imageplugins/inserttext/imageeffect_inserttext.cpp:175
#: imageplugins/inserttext/inserttexttool.cpp:155
#, fuzzy
msgid " Select the font color to use."
msgstr " Aseta katkoviivallisen avustinristikon väri."
#: imageplugins/inserttext/imageeffect_inserttext.cpp:181
#: imageplugins/inserttext/inserttexttool.cpp:159
msgid "Add border"
msgstr ""
#: imageplugins/inserttext/imageeffect_inserttext.cpp:182
#: imageplugins/inserttext/inserttexttool.cpp:160
msgid "Add a solid border around text using current text color"
msgstr ""
#: imageplugins/inserttext/imageeffect_inserttext.cpp:184
#: imageplugins/inserttext/inserttexttool.cpp:162
msgid "Semi-transparent"
msgstr ""
#: imageplugins/inserttext/imageeffect_inserttext.cpp:185
#: imageplugins/inserttext/inserttexttool.cpp:163
msgid "Use semi-transparent text background under image"
msgstr ""
#: imageplugins/inserttext/imageeffect_inserttext.cpp:242
#: imageplugins/inserttext/inserttexttool.cpp:232
msgid "Enter your text here!"
msgstr ""
#: imageplugins/inserttext/imageplugin_inserttext.cpp:47
msgid "Insert Text..."
msgstr ""
#: imageplugins/lensdistortion/imageeffect_lensdistortion.cpp:65
#: imageplugins/lensdistortion/imageeffect_lensdistortion.cpp:72
#, fuzzy
msgid "Lens Distortion Correction"
msgstr "Punasilmäisyyden korjaus"
#: imageplugins/lensdistortion/imageeffect_lensdistortion.cpp:74
msgid ""
"A digiKam image plugin to reduce spherical aberration caused by a lens to an "
msgstr ""
#: imageplugins/lensdistortion/imageeffect_lensdistortion.cpp:88
#, fuzzy
msgid "Lens distortion correction algorithm."
msgstr "Punasilmäisyyden korjaus"
#: imageplugins/lensdistortion/imageeffect_lensdistortion.cpp:100
#: imageplugins/lensdistortion/lensdistortiontool.cpp:94
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
" You can see here a thumbnail preview of the distortion correction applied "
"to a cross pattern."
msgstr " Tässä näkyy värisävyn ja -kylläisyyden säätöjen esikatselu."
#: imageplugins/lensdistortion/imageeffect_lensdistortion.cpp:106
#: imageplugins/lensdistortion/lensdistortiontool.cpp:99
#: imageplugins/whitebalance/imageeffect_whitebalance.cpp:282
#: imageplugins/whitebalance/whitebalancetool.cpp:286
#, fuzzy
msgid "Main:"
msgstr "Keskiarvo:"
#: imageplugins/lensdistortion/imageeffect_lensdistortion.cpp:111
#: imageplugins/lensdistortion/lensdistortiontool.cpp:105
msgid ""
" This value controls the amount of distortion. Negative values correct "
"lens barrel distortion, while positive values correct lens pincushion "
msgstr ""
#: imageplugins/lensdistortion/imageeffect_lensdistortion.cpp:119
#: imageplugins/lensdistortion/lensdistortiontool.cpp:110
msgid "Edge:"
msgstr ""
#: imageplugins/lensdistortion/imageeffect_lensdistortion.cpp:124
#: imageplugins/lensdistortion/lensdistortiontool.cpp:116
msgid ""
" This value controls in the same manner as the Main control, but has more "
"effect at the edges of the image than at the center."
msgstr ""
#: imageplugins/lensdistortion/imageeffect_lensdistortion.cpp:132
#: imageplugins/lensdistortion/lensdistortiontool.cpp:121
#, fuzzy
msgid "Zoom:"
msgstr "Zoomaus: "
#: imageplugins/lensdistortion/imageeffect_lensdistortion.cpp:137
#: imageplugins/lensdistortion/lensdistortiontool.cpp:127
msgid " This value rescales the overall image size."
msgstr ""
#: imageplugins/lensdistortion/imageeffect_lensdistortion.cpp:144
#: imageplugins/lensdistortion/lensdistortiontool.cpp:131
#, fuzzy
msgid "Brighten:"
msgstr "Kirkkaus:"
#: imageplugins/lensdistortion/imageeffect_lensdistortion.cpp:149
#: imageplugins/lensdistortion/lensdistortiontool.cpp:137
msgid " This value adjusts the brightness in image corners."
msgstr ""
#: imageplugins/lensdistortion/imageeffect_lensdistortion.cpp:304
#: imageplugins/lensdistortion/lensdistortiontool.cpp:76
#: imageplugins/lensdistortion/lensdistortiontool.cpp:315
msgid "Lens Distortion"
msgstr ""
#: imageplugins/lensdistortion/imageplugin_lensdistortion.cpp:47
msgid "Lens Distortion..."
msgstr ""
#: imageplugins/noisereduction/imageeffect_noisereduction.cpp:65
#: imageplugins/noisereduction/imageeffect_noisereduction.cpp:72
#: imageplugins/noisereduction/imageeffect_noisereduction.cpp:475
#: imageplugins/noisereduction/noisereductiontool.cpp:75
#: imageplugins/noisereduction/noisereductiontool.cpp:460
msgid "Noise Reduction"
msgstr "Kohinan vähennys"
#: imageplugins/noisereduction/imageeffect_noisereduction.cpp:74
msgid "A noise reduction image filter plugin for digiKam."
msgstr ""
#: imageplugins/noisereduction/imageeffect_noisereduction.cpp:83
msgid "Noise Reduction algorithm. Developer"
msgstr ""
#: imageplugins/noisereduction/imageeffect_noisereduction.cpp:94
#: imageplugins/noisereduction/noisereductiontool.cpp:196
msgid "Details"
msgstr ""
#: imageplugins/noisereduction/imageeffect_noisereduction.cpp:101
#: imageplugins/noisereduction/noisereductiontool.cpp:100
msgid ""
" Radius: this control selects the gliding window size used for the "
"filter. Larger values do not increase the amount of time needed to filter "
"each pixel in the image but can cause blurring. This window moves across the "
"image, and the color in it is smoothed to remove imperfections. In any case "
"it must be about the same size as the noise granularity or somewhat more. If "
"it is set higher than necessary, then it can cause unwanted blur."
msgstr ""
#: imageplugins/noisereduction/imageeffect_noisereduction.cpp:120
#: imageplugins/noisereduction/noisereductiontool.cpp:117
msgid ""
" Threshold: use the slider for coarse adjustment, and the spin "
"control for fine adjustment to control edge detection sensitivity. This "
"value should be set so that edges and details are clearly visible and noise "
"is smoothed out. Adjustment must be made carefully, because the gap between "
"\"noisy\", \"smooth\", and \"blur\" is very small. Adjust it as carefully as "
"you would adjust the focus of a camera."
msgstr ""
#: imageplugins/noisereduction/imageeffect_noisereduction.cpp:133
#: imageplugins/noisereduction/noisereductiontool.cpp:127
msgid "Texture:"
msgstr ""
#: imageplugins/noisereduction/imageeffect_noisereduction.cpp:138
#: imageplugins/noisereduction/noisereductiontool.cpp:133
msgid ""
" Texture: this control sets the texture accuracy. This value can be "
"used, to get more or less texture accuracy. When decreased, then noise and "
"texture are blurred out, when increased then texture is amplified, but also "
"noise will increase. It has almost no effect on image edges."
msgstr ""
#: imageplugins/noisereduction/imageeffect_noisereduction.cpp:153
#: imageplugins/noisereduction/noisereductiontool.cpp:146
msgid ""
" Sharpness: This value improves the frequency response for the "
"filter. When it is too strong then not all noise can be removed, or spike "
"noise may appear. Set it near to maximum, if you want to remove very weak "
"noise or JPEG-artifacts, without losing detail."
msgstr ""
#: imageplugins/noisereduction/imageeffect_noisereduction.cpp:164
#: imageplugins/noisereduction/noisereductiontool.cpp:154
msgid "Edge Lookahead:"
msgstr ""
#: imageplugins/noisereduction/imageeffect_noisereduction.cpp:169
#: imageplugins/noisereduction/noisereductiontool.cpp:160
msgid ""
" Edge: This value defines the pixel distance to which the filter "
"looks ahead for edges. When this value is increased, then spike noise is "
"erased. You can eventually re-adjust the Edge filter, when you have "
"changed this setting. When this value is too high, the adaptive filter can "
"no longer accurately track image details, and noise or blurring can occur."
msgstr ""
#: imageplugins/noisereduction/imageeffect_noisereduction.cpp:181
#: imageplugins/noisereduction/noisereductiontool.cpp:169
msgid "Erosion:"
msgstr ""
#: imageplugins/noisereduction/imageeffect_noisereduction.cpp:186
#: imageplugins/noisereduction/noisereductiontool.cpp:175
msgid ""
" Erosion: Use this to increase edge noise erosion and spike noise "
"erosion (noise is removed by erosion)."
msgstr ""
#: imageplugins/noisereduction/imageeffect_noisereduction.cpp:199
#: imageplugins/noisereduction/noisereductiontool.cpp:269
msgid "Advanced"
msgstr "Lisäasetukset"
#: imageplugins/noisereduction/imageeffect_noisereduction.cpp:201
#: imageplugins/noisereduction/noisereductiontool.cpp:203
msgid "Luminance:"
msgstr ""
#: imageplugins/noisereduction/imageeffect_noisereduction.cpp:206
#: imageplugins/noisereduction/noisereductiontool.cpp:209
msgid ""
" Luminance: this control sets the luminance tolerance of the image."
"We recommend using either the Color or the Luminance tolerance "
"settings to make an image correction, not both at the same time. These "
"settings do not influence the main smoothing process controlled by the "
"Details settings."
msgstr ""
#: imageplugins/noisereduction/imageeffect_noisereduction.cpp:222
#: imageplugins/noisereduction/noisereductiontool.cpp:223
msgid ""
" Color: this control sets the color tolerance of the image. It is "
"recommended using either the Color or the Luminance tolerance "
"to make image correction, not both at the same time. These settings do not "
"influence the main smoothing process controlled by the Details "
msgstr ""
#: imageplugins/noisereduction/imageeffect_noisereduction.cpp:238
#: imageplugins/noisereduction/noisereductiontool.cpp:237
msgid ""
" Gamma: this control sets the gamma tolerance of the image. This "
"value can be used to increase the tolerance values for darker areas (which "
"commonly are noisier). This results in more blur for shadow areas."
msgstr ""
#: imageplugins/noisereduction/imageeffect_noisereduction.cpp:247
#: imageplugins/noisereduction/noisereductiontool.cpp:243
msgid "Damping:"
msgstr ""
#: imageplugins/noisereduction/imageeffect_noisereduction.cpp:252
#: imageplugins/noisereduction/noisereductiontool.cpp:249
msgid ""
" Damping: this control sets the phase-jitter damping adjustment. "
"This value defines how fast the adaptive filter-radius reacts to luminance "
"variations. If increased, then edges appear smoother; if too high, then blur "
"may occur. If at minimum, then noise and phase jitter at the edges can "
"occur. It can suppress spike noise when increased, and this is the preferred "
"method to remove it."
msgstr ""
#: imageplugins/noisereduction/imageeffect_noisereduction.cpp:482
#: imageplugins/noisereduction/noisereductiontool.cpp:467
#, fuzzy
msgid "Photograph Noise Reduction Settings File to Load"
msgstr "Väriasetusten lataustiedosto"
#: imageplugins/noisereduction/imageeffect_noisereduction.cpp:494
#: imageplugins/noisereduction/noisereductiontool.cpp:479
#, fuzzy
msgid "\"%1\" is not a Photograph Noise Reduction settings text file."
msgstr "\"%1\" ei ole kelvollinen väriasetukset sisältävä tekstitiedosto."
#: imageplugins/noisereduction/imageeffect_noisereduction.cpp:515
#: imageplugins/noisereduction/noisereductiontool.cpp:499
#, fuzzy
msgid "Cannot load settings from the Photograph Noise Reduction text file."
msgstr "Väriasetuksia ei voitu ladata tekstitiedostosta."
#: imageplugins/noisereduction/imageeffect_noisereduction.cpp:524
#: imageplugins/noisereduction/noisereductiontool.cpp:508
#, fuzzy
msgid "Photograph Noise Reduction Settings File to Save"
msgstr "Väriasetusten tallennustiedosto"
#: imageplugins/noisereduction/imageeffect_noisereduction.cpp:547
#: imageplugins/noisereduction/noisereductiontool.cpp:531
#, fuzzy
msgid "Cannot save settings to the Photograph Noise Reduction text file."
msgstr "Väriasetuksia ei voitu tallettaa tekstitiedostoon."
#: imageplugins/noisereduction/imageplugin_noisereduction.cpp:48
msgid "Noise Reduction..."
msgstr "Kohinan vähennys..."
#: imageplugins/oilpaint/imageeffect_oilpaint.cpp:58
msgid "Apply Oil Paint Effect"
msgstr ""
#: imageplugins/oilpaint/imageeffect_oilpaint.cpp:65
#: imageplugins/oilpaint/imageeffect_oilpaint.cpp:196
#: imageplugins/oilpaint/oilpainttool.cpp:68
#: imageplugins/oilpaint/oilpainttool.cpp:204
msgid "Oil Paint"
msgstr ""
#: imageplugins/oilpaint/imageeffect_oilpaint.cpp:67
msgid "An oil painting image effect plugin for digiKam."
msgstr ""
#: imageplugins/oilpaint/imageeffect_oilpaint.cpp:77
msgid "Oil paint algorithm"
msgstr ""
#: imageplugins/oilpaint/imageeffect_oilpaint.cpp:90
#: imageplugins/oilpaint/oilpainttool.cpp:80
msgid "Brush size:"
msgstr ""
#: imageplugins/oilpaint/imageeffect_oilpaint.cpp:93
#: imageplugins/oilpaint/oilpainttool.cpp:84
#, fuzzy
msgid " Set here the brush size to use for simulating the oil painting."
msgstr " Aseta tässä kuvan sävysäätö."
#: imageplugins/oilpaint/imageeffect_oilpaint.cpp:104
#: imageplugins/oilpaint/oilpainttool.cpp:93
msgid ""
" This value controls the smoothing effect of the brush under the canvas."
msgstr ""
#: imageplugins/oilpaint/imageplugin_oilpaint.cpp:48
msgid "Oil Paint..."
msgstr ""
#: imageplugins/perspective/imageeffect_perspective.cpp:64
#, fuzzy
msgid "Adjust Photograph Perspective"
msgstr "Valokuvan ominaisuudet"
#: imageplugins/perspective/imageeffect_perspective.cpp:72
#: imageplugins/perspective/perspectivetool.cpp:74
#, fuzzy
msgid "Perspective"
msgstr "Prosentti:"
#: imageplugins/perspective/imageeffect_perspective.cpp:74
msgid "A digiKam image plugin to process image perspective adjustment."
msgstr ""
#: imageplugins/perspective/imageeffect_perspective.cpp:96
#: imageplugins/perspective/perspectivetool.cpp:84
msgid ""
" This is the perspective transformation operation preview. You can use the "
"mouse for dragging the corner to adjust the perspective transformation area."
msgstr ""
#: imageplugins/perspective/imageeffect_perspective.cpp:126
#: imageplugins/perspective/perspectivetool.cpp:112
msgid "Angles (in degrees):"
msgstr ""
#: imageplugins/perspective/imageeffect_perspective.cpp:127
#: imageplugins/perspective/perspectivetool.cpp:113
#, fuzzy
msgid " Top left:"
msgstr "Ylävasen"
#: imageplugins/perspective/imageeffect_perspective.cpp:129
#: imageplugins/perspective/perspectivetool.cpp:115
#, fuzzy
msgid " Top right:"
msgstr "Omistusoikeus:"
#: imageplugins/perspective/imageeffect_perspective.cpp:131
#: imageplugins/perspective/perspectivetool.cpp:117
#, fuzzy
msgid " Bottom left:"
msgstr "Alavasen"
#: imageplugins/perspective/imageeffect_perspective.cpp:133
#: imageplugins/perspective/perspectivetool.cpp:119
#, fuzzy
msgid " Bottom right:"
msgstr "Alaoikea"
#: imageplugins/perspective/imageeffect_perspective.cpp:151
#: imageplugins/perspective/perspectivetool.cpp:126
msgid "Draw preview while moving"
msgstr ""
#: imageplugins/perspective/imageeffect_perspective.cpp:155
#: imageplugins/perspective/perspectivetool.cpp:130
msgid "Draw grid"
msgstr ""
#: imageplugins/perspective/imageeffect_perspective.cpp:160
#: imageplugins/perspective/perspectivetool.cpp:134
#: libs/dialogs/imageguidedlg.cpp:218
msgid "Guide color:"
msgstr "Avustimen väri:"
#: imageplugins/perspective/imageeffect_perspective.cpp:162
#: imageplugins/perspective/perspectivetool.cpp:136
#: libs/dialogs/imageguidedlg.cpp:220
#: utilities/imageeditor/editor/editortoolsettings.cpp:146
msgid " Set here the color used to draw guides dashed-lines."
msgstr " Aseta katkoviivallisen avustinristikon väri."
#: imageplugins/perspective/imageeffect_perspective.cpp:166
#: imageplugins/perspective/perspectivetool.cpp:140
#: libs/dialogs/imageguidedlg.cpp:224
msgid "Guide width:"
msgstr "Avustimen leveys:"
#: imageplugins/perspective/imageeffect_perspective.cpp:168
#: imageplugins/perspective/perspectivetool.cpp:144
#: libs/dialogs/imageguidedlg.cpp:226
#: utilities/imageeditor/editor/editortoolsettings.cpp:150
msgid " Set here the width in pixels used to draw guides dashed-lines."
msgstr " Aseta katkoviivallisen avustinristikon leveys pikseleinä."
#: imageplugins/perspective/imageplugin_perspective.cpp:47
msgid "Perspective Adjustment..."
msgstr ""
#: imageplugins/perspective/perspectivewidget.cpp:205
#, fuzzy
msgid "Perspective Adjustment"
msgstr "Kirkkauden säätö"
#: imageplugins/raindrop/imageeffect_raindrop.cpp:57
#, fuzzy
msgid "Add Raindrops to Photograph"
msgstr "Suorita gauss-sumennus kuvalle"
#: imageplugins/raindrop/imageeffect_raindrop.cpp:64
#: imageplugins/raindrop/raindroptool.cpp:67
msgid "Raindrops"
msgstr ""
#: imageplugins/raindrop/imageeffect_raindrop.cpp:66
msgid "A digiKam image plugin to add raindrops to an image."
msgstr ""
#: imageplugins/raindrop/imageeffect_raindrop.cpp:76
msgid "Raindrops algorithm"
msgstr ""
#: imageplugins/raindrop/imageeffect_raindrop.cpp:84
#: imageplugins/raindrop/raindroptool.cpp:71
msgid ""
" This is the preview of the Raindrop effect. Note: if you have "
"previously selected an area in the editor, this will be unaffected by the "
"filter. You can use this method to disable the Raindrops effect on a human "
"face, for example."
msgstr ""
#: imageplugins/raindrop/imageeffect_raindrop.cpp:94
#: imageplugins/raindrop/raindroptool.cpp:87
msgid "Drop size:"
msgstr ""
#: imageplugins/raindrop/imageeffect_raindrop.cpp:99
#: imageplugins/raindrop/raindroptool.cpp:92
#, fuzzy
msgid " Set here the raindrops' size."
msgstr " Aseta tässä kuvan värikylläisyyden säätö."
#: imageplugins/raindrop/imageeffect_raindrop.cpp:106
#: imageplugins/raindrop/raindroptool.cpp:96
#, fuzzy
msgid "Number:"
msgstr "Nimi:"
#: imageplugins/raindrop/imageeffect_raindrop.cpp:111
#: imageplugins/raindrop/raindroptool.cpp:101
msgid " This value controls the maximum number of raindrops."
msgstr ""
#: imageplugins/raindrop/imageeffect_raindrop.cpp:118
#: imageplugins/raindrop/raindroptool.cpp:105
msgid "Fish eyes:"
msgstr ""
#: imageplugins/raindrop/imageeffect_raindrop.cpp:123
#: imageplugins/raindrop/raindroptool.cpp:110
msgid " This value is the fish-eye-effect optical distortion coefficient."
msgstr ""
#: imageplugins/raindrop/imageeffect_raindrop.cpp:254
#: imageplugins/raindrop/raindroptool.cpp:250
msgid "RainDrop"
msgstr ""
#: imageplugins/raindrop/imageplugin_raindrop.cpp:47
msgid "Raindrops..."
msgstr ""
#: imageplugins/restoration/imageeffect_restoration.cpp:63
#: imageplugins/restoration/imageeffect_restoration.cpp:72
#, fuzzy
msgid "Photograph Restoration"
msgstr "Valokuvan tiedot"
#: imageplugins/restoration/imageeffect_restoration.cpp:74
msgid "A digiKam image plugin to restore a photograph."
msgstr ""
#: imageplugins/restoration/imageeffect_restoration.cpp:111
#: imageplugins/restoration/restorationtool.cpp:102
msgid "Reduce Uniform Noise"
msgstr ""
#: imageplugins/restoration/imageeffect_restoration.cpp:112
#: imageplugins/restoration/restorationtool.cpp:103
msgid "Reduce JPEG Artefacts"
msgstr ""
#: imageplugins/restoration/imageeffect_restoration.cpp:113
#: imageplugins/restoration/restorationtool.cpp:104
msgid "Reduce Texturing"
msgstr ""
#: imageplugins/restoration/imageeffect_restoration.cpp:114
#: imageplugins/restoration/restorationtool.cpp:105
msgid ""
" Select the filter preset to use for photograph restoration: None"
"b>: Most common values. Puts settings to default. Reduce Uniform Noise"
"b>: reduce small image artifacts like sensor noise. Reduce JPEG "
"Artefacts: reduce large image artifacts like JPEG compression mosaic."
" Reduce Texturing: reduce image artifacts like paper texture or "
"Moire patterns of a scanned image. "
msgstr ""
#: imageplugins/restoration/imageeffect_restoration.cpp:293
#: imageplugins/restoration/restorationtool.cpp:70
#: imageplugins/restoration/restorationtool.cpp:301
#, fuzzy
msgid "Restoration"
msgstr "Kylläisyys"
#: imageplugins/restoration/imageeffect_restoration.cpp:301
#: imageplugins/restoration/restorationtool.cpp:308
#, fuzzy
msgid "Photograph Restoration Settings File to Load"
msgstr "Väriasetusten lataustiedosto"
#: imageplugins/restoration/imageeffect_restoration.cpp:312
#: imageplugins/restoration/restorationtool.cpp:319
#, fuzzy
msgid "\"%1\" is not a Photograph Restoration settings text file."
msgstr "\"%1\" ei ole kelvollinen väriasetukset sisältävä tekstitiedosto."
#: imageplugins/restoration/imageeffect_restoration.cpp:321
#: imageplugins/restoration/restorationtool.cpp:328
#, fuzzy
msgid "Cannot load settings from the Photograph Restoration text file."
msgstr "Väriasetuksia ei voitu ladata tekstitiedostosta."
#: imageplugins/restoration/imageeffect_restoration.cpp:334
#: imageplugins/restoration/restorationtool.cpp:341
#, fuzzy
msgid "Photograph Restoration Settings File to Save"
msgstr "Väriasetusten tallennustiedosto"
#: imageplugins/restoration/imageeffect_restoration.cpp:343
#: imageplugins/restoration/restorationtool.cpp:350
#, fuzzy
msgid "Cannot save settings to the Photograph Restoration text file."
msgstr "Väriasetuksia ei voitu tallettaa tekstitiedostoon."
#: imageplugins/restoration/imageplugin_restoration.cpp:49
#, fuzzy
msgid "Restoration..."
msgstr "Asetukset..."
#: imageplugins/sheartool/imageeffect_sheartool.cpp:59
#: imageplugins/sheartool/imageeffect_sheartool.cpp:71
#: imageplugins/sheartool/imageeffect_sheartool.cpp:306
#: imageplugins/sheartool/sheartool.cpp:69
#: imageplugins/sheartool/sheartool.cpp:316
#, fuzzy
msgid "Shear Tool"
msgstr "Sepia-sävy"
#: imageplugins/sheartool/imageeffect_sheartool.cpp:73
msgid "A digiKam image plugin to shear an image."
msgstr ""
#: imageplugins/sheartool/imageeffect_sheartool.cpp:82
msgid "Shear algorithm"
msgstr ""
#: imageplugins/sheartool/imageeffect_sheartool.cpp:87
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
" This is the shearing image operation preview. If you move the mouse "
"cursor on this preview, a vertical and horizontal dashed line will be drawn "
"to guide you in adjusting the shearing correction. Release the left mouse "
"button to freeze the dashed line's position."
msgstr ""
" Tämä on suodatetun kuvan esikatselu. Tämän alueen yllä hiiren kohdistinta "
"seuraa katkoviivoitettu avustinristikko. Se auttaa suodatinasetusten "
"muokaamisessa; naksauta hiiren vasenta painiketta lukitaksesi kohdistimen "
"valittuun sijaintiin."
#: imageplugins/sheartool/imageeffect_sheartool.cpp:118
#: imageplugins/sheartool/sheartool.cpp:104
#, fuzzy
msgid "Main horizontal angle:"
msgstr "Peilaa vaakasuuntaan"
#: imageplugins/sheartool/imageeffect_sheartool.cpp:122
#: imageplugins/sheartool/sheartool.cpp:108
msgid " The main horizontal shearing angle, in degrees."
msgstr ""
#: imageplugins/sheartool/imageeffect_sheartool.cpp:126
#: imageplugins/sheartool/sheartool.cpp:110
#, fuzzy
msgid "Fine horizontal angle:"
msgstr "Peilaa vaakasuuntaan"
#: imageplugins/sheartool/imageeffect_sheartool.cpp:130
#: imageplugins/sheartool/sheartool.cpp:114
msgid ""
" This value in degrees will be added to main horizontal angle value to set "
"fine adjustments."
msgstr ""
#: imageplugins/sheartool/imageeffect_sheartool.cpp:135
#: imageplugins/sheartool/sheartool.cpp:117
#, fuzzy
msgid "Main vertical angle:"
msgstr "Peilaa pystysuuntaan"
#: imageplugins/sheartool/imageeffect_sheartool.cpp:139
#: imageplugins/sheartool/sheartool.cpp:121
msgid " The main vertical shearing angle, in degrees."
msgstr ""
#: imageplugins/sheartool/imageeffect_sheartool.cpp:143
#: imageplugins/sheartool/sheartool.cpp:123
#, fuzzy
msgid "Fine vertical angle:"
msgstr "Peilaa pystysuuntaan"
#: imageplugins/sheartool/imageeffect_sheartool.cpp:147
#: imageplugins/sheartool/sheartool.cpp:127
msgid ""
" This value in degrees will be added to main vertical angle value to set "
"fine adjustments."
msgstr ""
#: imageplugins/sheartool/imageeffect_sheartool.cpp:153
#: imageplugins/sheartool/sheartool.cpp:131
msgid ""
" Enable this option to apply the anti-aliasing filter to the sheared "
"image. To smooth the target image, it will be blurred a little."
msgstr ""
#: imageplugins/sheartool/imageplugin_sheartool.cpp:47
#, fuzzy
msgid "Shear..."
msgstr "Terävöitä..."
#: imageplugins/sheartool/sheartool.cpp:73
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
" This is the shear operation preview. If you move the mouse cursor on this "
"preview, a vertical and horizontal dashed line will be drawn to guide you in "
"adjusting the shear correction. Release the left mouse button to freeze the "
"dashed line's position."
msgstr ""
" Tämä on suodatetun kuvan esikatselu. Tämän alueen yllä hiiren kohdistinta "
"seuraa katkoviivoitettu avustinristikko. Se auttaa suodatinasetusten "
"muokaamisessa; naksauta hiiren vasenta painiketta lukitaksesi kohdistimen "
"valittuun sijaintiin."
#: imageplugins/superimpose/imageeffect_superimpose.cpp:75
msgid "Template Superimpose to Photograph"
msgstr ""
#: imageplugins/superimpose/imageeffect_superimpose.cpp:83
#: imageplugins/superimpose/superimposetool.cpp:81
msgid "Template Superimpose"
msgstr ""
#: imageplugins/superimpose/imageeffect_superimpose.cpp:85
msgid "A digiKam image plugin to superimpose a template onto a photograph."
msgstr ""
#: imageplugins/superimpose/imageeffect_superimpose.cpp:109
#: imageplugins/superimpose/superimposetool.cpp:91
msgid " This is the preview of the template superimposed onto the image."
msgstr ""
#: imageplugins/superimpose/imageeffect_superimpose.cpp:121
#: imageplugins/superimpose/superimposetool.cpp:103
#: utilities/lighttable/lighttablepreview.cpp:378
#: utilities/lighttable/lighttablewindow.cpp:539
msgid "Zoom in"
msgstr "Lähennä"
#: imageplugins/superimpose/imageeffect_superimpose.cpp:127
#: imageplugins/superimpose/superimposetool.cpp:109
#: utilities/lighttable/lighttablepreview.cpp:379
#: utilities/lighttable/lighttablewindow.cpp:544
msgid "Zoom out"
msgstr "Loitonna"
#: imageplugins/superimpose/imageeffect_superimpose.cpp:151
#: imageplugins/superimpose/superimposetool.cpp:140
msgid "Root Directory..."
msgstr ""
#: imageplugins/superimpose/imageeffect_superimpose.cpp:152
#: imageplugins/superimpose/superimposetool.cpp:141
#, fuzzy
msgid " Set here the current templates' root directory."
msgstr " Aseta tässä kuvan sävysäätö."
#: imageplugins/superimpose/imageeffect_superimpose.cpp:240
#: imageplugins/superimpose/superimposetool.cpp:233
msgid "Select Template Root Directory to Use"
msgstr ""
#: imageplugins/superimpose/imageeffect_superimpose.cpp:269
#: imageplugins/superimpose/superimposetool.cpp:262
msgid "Super Impose"
msgstr ""
#: imageplugins/superimpose/imageplugin_superimpose.cpp:49
msgid "Template Superimpose..."
msgstr ""
#: imageplugins/texture/imageeffect_texture.cpp:58
#: imageplugins/texture/imageeffect_texture.cpp:65
#, fuzzy
msgid "Apply Texture"
msgstr "Luonto"
#: imageplugins/texture/imageeffect_texture.cpp:67
msgid "A digiKam image plugin to apply a decorative texture to an image."
msgstr ""
#: imageplugins/texture/imageeffect_texture.cpp:90
#: imageplugins/texture/texturetool.cpp:81
#, fuzzy
msgid "Paper"
msgstr "Juhlat"
#: imageplugins/texture/imageeffect_texture.cpp:91
#: imageplugins/texture/texturetool.cpp:82
msgid "Paper 2"
msgstr ""
#: imageplugins/texture/imageeffect_texture.cpp:92
#: imageplugins/texture/texturetool.cpp:83
msgid "Fabric"
msgstr ""
#: imageplugins/texture/imageeffect_texture.cpp:93
#: imageplugins/texture/texturetool.cpp:84
msgid "Burlap"
msgstr ""
#: imageplugins/texture/imageeffect_texture.cpp:94
#: imageplugins/texture/texturetool.cpp:85
msgid "Bricks"
msgstr ""
#: imageplugins/texture/imageeffect_texture.cpp:95
#: imageplugins/texture/texturetool.cpp:86
msgid "Bricks 2"
msgstr ""
#: imageplugins/texture/imageeffect_texture.cpp:96
#: imageplugins/texture/texturetool.cpp:87
#, fuzzy
msgid "Canvas"
msgstr "Kamerat"
#: imageplugins/texture/imageeffect_texture.cpp:97
#: imageplugins/texture/texturetool.cpp:88
#, fuzzy
msgid "Marble"
msgstr "Lisää"
#: imageplugins/texture/imageeffect_texture.cpp:98
#: imageplugins/texture/texturetool.cpp:89
msgid "Marble 2"
msgstr ""
#: imageplugins/texture/imageeffect_texture.cpp:99
#: imageplugins/texture/texturetool.cpp:90
#, fuzzy
msgid "Blue Jean"
msgstr "Sininen"
#: imageplugins/texture/imageeffect_texture.cpp:100
#: imageplugins/texture/texturetool.cpp:91
msgid "Cell Wood"
msgstr ""
#: imageplugins/texture/imageeffect_texture.cpp:101
#: imageplugins/texture/texturetool.cpp:92
msgid "Metal Wire"
msgstr ""
#: imageplugins/texture/imageeffect_texture.cpp:102
#: imageplugins/texture/texturetool.cpp:93
#, fuzzy
msgid "Modern"
msgstr "Malli"
#: imageplugins/texture/imageeffect_texture.cpp:103
#: imageplugins/texture/texturetool.cpp:94
msgid "Wall"
msgstr ""
#: imageplugins/texture/imageeffect_texture.cpp:104
#: imageplugins/texture/texturetool.cpp:95
msgid "Moss"
msgstr ""
#: imageplugins/texture/imageeffect_texture.cpp:105
#: imageplugins/texture/texturetool.cpp:96
#, fuzzy
msgid "Stone"
msgstr "Tyhjä"
#: imageplugins/texture/imageeffect_texture.cpp:106
#: imageplugins/texture/texturetool.cpp:98
#, fuzzy
msgid " Set here the texture type to apply to the image."
msgstr " Aseta tässä kuvan sävysäätö."
#: imageplugins/texture/imageeffect_texture.cpp:113
#: imageplugins/texture/texturetool.cpp:102
msgid "Relief:"
msgstr ""
#: imageplugins/texture/imageeffect_texture.cpp:118
#: imageplugins/texture/texturetool.cpp:107
#, fuzzy
msgid " Set here the relief gain used to merge texture and image."
msgstr " Aseta tässä kuvan sävysäätö."
#: imageplugins/texture/imageeffect_texture.cpp:211
#: imageplugins/texture/texturetool.cpp:68
#: imageplugins/texture/texturetool.cpp:216
#, fuzzy
msgid "Texture"
msgstr "Luonto"
#: imageplugins/texture/imageplugin_texture.cpp:48
msgid "Apply Texture..."
msgstr ""
#: imageplugins/whitebalance/imageeffect_whitebalance.cpp:83
#: imageplugins/whitebalance/imageeffect_whitebalance.cpp:95
#, fuzzy
msgid "White Color Balance Correction"
msgstr "Automaattinen väritason korjaus"
#: imageplugins/whitebalance/imageeffect_whitebalance.cpp:97
msgid "A digiKam image plugin to correct white color balance."
msgstr ""
#: imageplugins/whitebalance/imageeffect_whitebalance.cpp:106
#, fuzzy
msgid "White color balance correction algorithm"
msgstr "Automaattinen väritason korjaus"
#: imageplugins/whitebalance/imageeffect_whitebalance.cpp:114
#: imageplugins/whitebalance/whitebalancetool.cpp:105
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
" You can see here the image's white-balance adjustments preview. You can "
"pick color on image to see the color level corresponding on histogram."
msgstr ""
" Tässä näet kuvan väritasapaino-muutoksen. Voit valita kuvasta värin "
"nähdäksesi tätä vastaavan tason histogrammissa."
#: imageplugins/whitebalance/imageeffect_whitebalance.cpp:176
#: imageplugins/whitebalance/whitebalancetool.cpp:170
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
" Here you can see the target preview image histogram drawing of the "
"selected image channel. This one is re-computed at any filter settings "
msgstr ""
" Näkyvissä on valitun värikanavan histogrammin muutoksen esikatselu. "
"Kaikki tekemäsi muutokset huomioidaan esikatselun muodostuksessa "
#: imageplugins/whitebalance/imageeffect_whitebalance.cpp:190
#: imageplugins/whitebalance/whitebalancetool.cpp:187
msgid ""
" Set here the white balance color temperature in Kelvin."
msgstr " Aseta tässä kuvan keltainen/sininen-värisäätö."
#: imageplugins/whitebalance/imageeffect_whitebalance.cpp:198
#: imageplugins/whitebalance/whitebalancetool.cpp:196
#, fuzzy
msgid "Preset:"
msgstr "Prosenttia:"
#: imageplugins/whitebalance/imageeffect_whitebalance.cpp:200
#: imageplugins/whitebalance/whitebalancetool.cpp:198
#, fuzzy
msgid "Candle"
msgstr "&Peruuta"
#: imageplugins/whitebalance/imageeffect_whitebalance.cpp:201
#: imageplugins/whitebalance/whitebalancetool.cpp:199
msgid "40W Lamp"
msgstr ""
#: imageplugins/whitebalance/imageeffect_whitebalance.cpp:202
#: imageplugins/whitebalance/whitebalancetool.cpp:200
msgid "100W Lamp"
msgstr ""
#: imageplugins/whitebalance/imageeffect_whitebalance.cpp:203
#: imageplugins/whitebalance/whitebalancetool.cpp:201
msgid "200W Lamp"
msgstr ""
#: imageplugins/whitebalance/imageeffect_whitebalance.cpp:204
#: imageplugins/whitebalance/whitebalancetool.cpp:202
msgid "Sunrise"
msgstr ""
#: imageplugins/whitebalance/imageeffect_whitebalance.cpp:205
#: imageplugins/whitebalance/whitebalancetool.cpp:203
msgid "Studio Lamp"
msgstr ""
#: imageplugins/whitebalance/imageeffect_whitebalance.cpp:206
#: imageplugins/whitebalance/whitebalancetool.cpp:204
msgid "Moonlight"
msgstr ""
#: imageplugins/whitebalance/imageeffect_whitebalance.cpp:207
#: imageplugins/whitebalance/whitebalancetool.cpp:205
msgid "Neutral"
msgstr "Neutraali"
#: imageplugins/whitebalance/imageeffect_whitebalance.cpp:208
#: imageplugins/whitebalance/whitebalancetool.cpp:206
msgid "Daylight D50"
msgstr ""
#: imageplugins/whitebalance/imageeffect_whitebalance.cpp:209
#: imageplugins/whitebalance/whitebalancetool.cpp:207
msgid "Photo Flash"
msgstr ""
#: imageplugins/whitebalance/imageeffect_whitebalance.cpp:210
#: imageplugins/whitebalance/whitebalancetool.cpp:208
msgid "Sun"
msgstr ""
#: imageplugins/whitebalance/imageeffect_whitebalance.cpp:211
#: imageplugins/whitebalance/whitebalancetool.cpp:209
msgid "Xenon Lamp"
msgstr ""
#: imageplugins/whitebalance/imageeffect_whitebalance.cpp:212
#: imageplugins/whitebalance/whitebalancetool.cpp:210
msgid "Daylight D65"
msgstr ""
#: imageplugins/whitebalance/imageeffect_whitebalance.cpp:214
#: imageplugins/whitebalance/whitebalancetool.cpp:213
msgid ""
" Select the white balance color temperature preset to use here:"
" Candle: candle light (1850K). 40W Lamp: 40 Watt "
"incandescent lamp (2680K). 100W Lamp: 100 Watt incandescent lamp "
"(2800K). 200W Lamp: 200 Watt incandescent lamp (3000K)."
" Sunrise: sunrise or sunset light (3200K). Studio Lamp: "
"tungsten lamp used in photo studio or light at 1 hour from dusk/dawn (3400K)."
" Moonlight: moon light (4100K). Neutral: neutral color "
"temperature (4750K). Daylight D50: sunny daylight around noon "
"(5000K). Photo Flash: electronic photo flash (5500K). Sun: "
"effective sun temperature (5770K). Xenon Lamp: xenon lamp or light "
"arc (6420K). Daylight D65: overcast sky light (6500K). None"
"b>: no preset value."
msgstr ""
#: imageplugins/whitebalance/imageeffect_whitebalance.cpp:236
#: imageplugins/whitebalance/whitebalancetool.cpp:235
msgid "Temperature tone color picker."
msgstr ""
#: imageplugins/whitebalance/imageeffect_whitebalance.cpp:237
#: imageplugins/whitebalance/whitebalancetool.cpp:236
msgid ""
" With this button, you can pick the color from original image used to set "
"white color balance temperature and green component."
msgstr ""
#: imageplugins/whitebalance/imageeffect_whitebalance.cpp:245
#: imageplugins/whitebalance/whitebalancetool.cpp:244
msgid "Black point:"
msgstr ""
#: imageplugins/whitebalance/imageeffect_whitebalance.cpp:249
#: imageplugins/whitebalance/whitebalancetool.cpp:249
#, fuzzy
msgid " Set here the black level value."
msgstr " Aseta gamma-arvon säätö."
#: imageplugins/whitebalance/imageeffect_whitebalance.cpp:251
#: imageplugins/whitebalance/whitebalancetool.cpp:251
msgid "Shadows:"
msgstr ""
#: imageplugins/whitebalance/imageeffect_whitebalance.cpp:255
#: imageplugins/whitebalance/whitebalancetool.cpp:256
msgid " Set here the shadows noise suppresion level."
msgstr ""
#: imageplugins/whitebalance/imageeffect_whitebalance.cpp:261
#: imageplugins/whitebalance/whitebalancetool.cpp:263
#, fuzzy
msgid " Set here the saturation value."
msgstr " Aseta tässä kuvan värikylläisyyden säätö."
#: imageplugins/whitebalance/imageeffect_whitebalance.cpp:267
#: imageplugins/whitebalance/whitebalancetool.cpp:270
#, fuzzy
msgid " Set here the gamma correction value."
msgstr " Aseta gamma-arvon säätö."
#: imageplugins/whitebalance/imageeffect_whitebalance.cpp:273
#: imageplugins/whitebalance/whitebalancetool.cpp:277
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
" Set here the green component to set magenta color cast removal level."
msgstr " Aseta tässä kuvan purppura/vihreä-värisäätö."
#: imageplugins/whitebalance/imageeffect_whitebalance.cpp:280
#: imageplugins/whitebalance/whitebalancetool.cpp:284
msgid ""
" With this button, you can automatically adjust Exposure and Black Point "
msgstr ""
#: imageplugins/whitebalance/imageeffect_whitebalance.cpp:291
#: imageplugins/whitebalance/whitebalancetool.cpp:296
#, fuzzy
msgid " Set here the main exposure compensation value in E.V."
msgstr " Aseta tähän ohjauslinjojen väri."
#: imageplugins/whitebalance/imageeffect_whitebalance.cpp:293
#: imageplugins/whitebalance/whitebalancetool.cpp:298
#, fuzzy
msgid "Fine:"
msgstr "Koko:"
#: imageplugins/whitebalance/imageeffect_whitebalance.cpp:297
#: imageplugins/whitebalance/whitebalancetool.cpp:303
msgid ""
" This value in E.V will be added to main exposure compensation value to "
"set fine exposure adjustment."
msgstr ""
#: imageplugins/whitebalance/imageeffect_whitebalance.cpp:685
#: imageplugins/whitebalance/whitebalancetool.cpp:97
#: imageplugins/whitebalance/whitebalancetool.cpp:690
#, fuzzy
msgid "White Balance"
msgstr "Valkotasapaino:"
#: imageplugins/whitebalance/imageeffect_whitebalance.cpp:773
#: imageplugins/whitebalance/whitebalancetool.cpp:783
#, fuzzy
msgid "White Color Balance Settings File to Load"
msgstr "Väriasetusten lataustiedosto"
#: imageplugins/whitebalance/imageeffect_whitebalance.cpp:786
#: imageplugins/whitebalance/whitebalancetool.cpp:796
#, fuzzy
msgid "\"%1\" is not a White Color Balance settings text file."
msgstr "\"%1\" ei ole kelvollinen väriasetukset sisältävä tekstitiedosto."
#: imageplugins/whitebalance/imageeffect_whitebalance.cpp:806
#: imageplugins/whitebalance/whitebalancetool.cpp:816
#, fuzzy
msgid "Cannot load settings from the White Color Balance text file."
msgstr "Väriasetuksia ei voitu ladata tekstitiedostosta."
#: imageplugins/whitebalance/imageeffect_whitebalance.cpp:816
#: imageplugins/whitebalance/whitebalancetool.cpp:825
#, fuzzy
msgid "White Color Balance Settings File to Save"
msgstr "Väriasetusten tallennustiedosto"
#: imageplugins/whitebalance/imageeffect_whitebalance.cpp:836
#: imageplugins/whitebalance/whitebalancetool.cpp:845
#, fuzzy
msgid "Cannot save settings to the White Color Balance text file."
msgstr "Väriasetuksia ei voitu tallettaa tekstitiedostoon."
#: imageplugins/whitebalance/imageplugin_whitebalance.cpp:48
#, fuzzy
msgid "White Balance..."
msgstr "Valkotasapaino:"
#: libs/dialogs/ctrlpaneldlg.cpp:100 libs/dialogs/imageguidedlg.cpp:135
#: utilities/batch/batchalbumssyncmetadata.cpp:80
#: utilities/batch/batchthumbsgenerator.cpp:84
msgid "&Abort"
msgstr "K&eskeytä"
#: libs/dialogs/ctrlpaneldlg.cpp:101 libs/dialogs/imagedlgbase.cpp:103
#: libs/dialogs/imageguidedlg.cpp:136
#: utilities/imageeditor/tools/imageresize.cpp:151
msgid "&Save As..."
msgstr "Tallenna &nimellä..."
#: libs/dialogs/ctrlpaneldlg.cpp:102 libs/dialogs/imagedlgbase.cpp:104
#: libs/dialogs/imageguidedlg.cpp:137
#: utilities/imageeditor/tools/imageresize.cpp:152
msgid "&Load..."
msgstr "&Lataa..."
#: libs/dialogs/ctrlpaneldlg.cpp:115 libs/dialogs/imagedlgbase.cpp:115
#: libs/dialogs/imageguidedlg.cpp:150
#: utilities/imageeditor/tools/imageresize.cpp:158
msgid " Reset all filter parameters to their default values."
msgstr " Palauta kaikki suodatinasetukset oletusarvoihin."
#: libs/dialogs/ctrlpaneldlg.cpp:116 libs/dialogs/imageguidedlg.cpp:151
msgid " Abort the current image rendering."
msgstr " Keskeytä tämän kuvan renderointi."
#: libs/dialogs/ctrlpaneldlg.cpp:117 libs/dialogs/imagedlgbase.cpp:116
#: libs/dialogs/imageguidedlg.cpp:152
#: utilities/imageeditor/tools/imageresize.cpp:159
msgid " Load all filter parameters from settings text file."
msgstr " Lataa kaikki asetukset tekstitiedostosta."
#: libs/dialogs/ctrlpaneldlg.cpp:118 libs/dialogs/imagedlgbase.cpp:117
#: libs/dialogs/imageguidedlg.cpp:153
#: utilities/imageeditor/tools/imageresize.cpp:160
msgid " Save all filter parameters to settings text file."
msgstr " Talleta kaikki asetukset tekstitiedostoon."
#: libs/dialogs/ctrlpaneldlg.cpp:186 libs/dialogs/imagedlgbase.cpp:222
#: libs/dialogs/imageguidedlg.cpp:337
msgid "digiKam Handbook"
msgstr "digiKamin käyttöohje"
#: libs/dialogs/deletedialog.cpp:115
msgid ""
" This is the the image filter effect preview. If you move the mouse cursor "
"on this area, a vertical and horizontal dashed line will be draw to guide "
"you in adjusting the filter settings. Press the left mouse button to freeze "
"the dashed line's position."
msgstr ""
" Tämä on suodatetun kuvan esikatselu. Tämän alueen yllä hiiren kohdistinta "
"seuraa katkoviivoitettu avustinristikko. Se auttaa suodatinasetusten "
"muokaamisessa; naksauta hiiren vasenta painiketta lukitaksesi kohdistimen "
"valittuun sijaintiin."
#: libs/dialogs/imageguidedlg.cpp:182
msgid " This is the image filter effect preview."
msgstr " Tämä on suodatetun kuvan esikatselu. "
#: libs/dialogs/imageguidedlg.cpp:241
#: libs/widgets/imageplugins/imagepannelwidget.cpp:214
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
" This is the percentage of the task which has been completed up to this "
msgstr " Tämä ilmaisee suoritetun osuuden kokonaistyöstä."
#: libs/dialogs/rawcameradlg.cpp:77
#, fuzzy
msgid "List of supported RAW cameras"
msgstr "Tuetut raw-kamerat"
#: libs/dialogs/rawcameradlg.cpp:107
msgid ""
" Using KDcraw library version %1 Using Dcraw program version %2 %3 "
"models in the list"
msgstr ""
#: libs/dialogs/rawcameradlg.cpp:112
msgid ""
" Using KDcraw library version %1 Using LibRaw version %2 %3 models in "
"the list"
msgstr ""
#: libs/dimg/loaders/jp2ksettings.cpp:74
#, fuzzy
msgid "Lossless JPEG 2000 files"
msgstr "LossLess JPEG 2000 -tiedostot"
#: libs/dimg/loaders/jp2ksettings.cpp:76
msgid ""
" Toggle lossless compression for JPEG 2000 images. If you enable this "
"option, you will use a lossless method to compress JPEG 2000 pictures. "
msgstr ""
" Häviötön jpeg2000-kuvapakkaus. Tallennuksessa käytetään häviötöntä "
"pakkausta. "
#: libs/dimg/loaders/jp2ksettings.cpp:82
msgid "JPEG 2000 quality:"
msgstr "Jpeg2000-kuvapakkauslaatu:"
#: libs/dimg/loaders/jp2ksettings.cpp:84
msgid ""
" The quality value for JPEG 2000 images: 1: low quality (high "
"compression and small file size) 50: medium quality 75: "
"good quality (default) 100: high quality (no compression and large "
"file size) Note: JPEG 2000 is not a lossless image compression format "
"when you use this setting."
msgstr ""
" Jpeg2000-kuvapakkauslaadun arvoa voidaan kuvata näin: 1: "
"huonolaatuinen (pieni tiedosto, korkea pakkaus) 50: yleisin "
"pakkaus 75: hyvä laatu (oletus) 100: korkea laatu (suuri "
"tiedosto, ei pakkausta) Huomioi: Jpeg2000 on häviöllinen pakkausmuoto "
"tällä asetuksella."
#: libs/dimg/loaders/jpegsettings.cpp:82
msgid "JPEG quality:"
msgstr "Jpeg-kuvapakkauksen laatu:"
#: libs/dimg/loaders/jpegsettings.cpp:84
msgid ""
" The JPEG image quality: 1: low quality (high compression and "
"small file size) 50: medium quality 75: good quality "
"(default) 100: high quality (no compression and large file "
"size) Note: JPEG always uses lossy compression."
msgstr ""
" Jpeg-kuvapakkauslaadun asetuksesta: 1: huonolaatuinen (pieni "
"tiedosto, korkea pakkaus) 50: keskilaatuinen 75: "
"hyvälaatuinen (oletus) 100: korkealaatuinen (suuri tiedosto, ei "
"pakkausta) Huomioi: jpeg on aina häviöllinen pakkausmuoto."
#: libs/dimg/loaders/jpegsettings.cpp:93
msgid ""
Ex.: "
Ex.: \"City/Paris, Monument/Notre-Dame"
\"%1\"Welcome to digiKam
"Tervetuloa digiKamiin, v. %1
msgstr ""
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/iccprooftool.cpp:276
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/imageeffect_iccproof.cpp:262
#: utilities/setup/setupicc.cpp:171
msgid "Visit Little CMS project website"
msgstr "Vieraile Little CMS-projektin www-sivuilla"
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/iccprooftool.cpp:289
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/imageeffect_iccproof.cpp:275
msgid "Input Profile"
msgstr "Syöttöprofiili"
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/iccprooftool.cpp:290
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/imageeffect_iccproof.cpp:276
msgid "
In other words, if certain colors in an image fall outside of the range "
"of colors that the output device can render, the image intent will cause all "
"the colors in the image to be adjusted so that every color in the image "
"falls within the range that can be rendered and so that the relationship "
"between colors is preserved as much as possible.
This intent is most "
"suitable for display of photographs and images, and is the default intent."
This "
"intent preserves the white point and is most suitable for spot colors "
"(Pantone, TruMatch, logo colors, ...).
Implementation of this intent remains somewhat problematic, and the ICC "
"is still working on methods to achieve the desired effects.
This intent "
"is most suitable for business graphics such as charts, where it is more "
"important that the colors be vivid and contrast well with each other rather "
"than a specific color.
fixed or relative
to environment"
msgstr ""
#: imageplugins/inserttext/fontchooserwidget.cpp:240
msgid ""
"Here you can switch between fixed a font size and a font size to be "
"calculated dynamically and adjusted to any changing environment (e.g. widget "
"dimensions, paper size)."
msgstr ""
#: imageplugins/inserttext/fontchooserwidget.cpp:265
msgid "Here you can choose the font size to be used."
msgstr ""
#: imageplugins/inserttext/fontchooserwidget.cpp:290
msgid "Actual Font"
msgstr ""
#: imageplugins/inserttext/imageeffect_inserttext.cpp:73
#, fuzzy
msgid "Insert Text on Photograph"
msgstr "Terävöitetään kuvaa"
#: imageplugins/inserttext/imageeffect_inserttext.cpp:81
#: imageplugins/inserttext/imageeffect_inserttext.cpp:342
#: imageplugins/inserttext/inserttexttool.cpp:78
#: imageplugins/inserttext/inserttexttool.cpp:331
msgid "Insert Text"
msgstr ""
#: imageplugins/inserttext/imageeffect_inserttext.cpp:83
msgid "A digiKam image plugin for inserting text on a photograph."
msgstr ""
#: imageplugins/inserttext/imageeffect_inserttext.cpp:105
#: imageplugins/inserttext/inserttexttool.cpp:88
msgid ""
Note that all subalbums are included in this list and will be "
"deleted permanently as well.
Huomioi että "
"kaikki alialbumit luetaan mukaan valintaan, ja poistetaan myös.
Note that all subalbums "
"are included in this list and will be moved to Trash as well.
Huomioi että kaikki "
"alialbumit luetaan mukaan valintaan, ja siirretään myös.
lossy compression
image format!
JPEG Chroma subsampling level \n" "(color is saved with less resolution than luminance):
None=best: " "uses 4:4:4 ratio. Does not employ chroma subsampling at all. This preserves " "edges and contrasting colors, whilst adding no additional " "compression
Medium: uses 4:2:2 ratio. Medium compression: reduces " "the color resolution by one-third with little to no visual " "difference
High: use 4:1:1 ratio. High compression: suits images " "with soft edges but tends to alter colors
Note: JPEG always uses lossy " "compression." msgstr "" #: libs/dimg/loaders/pngsettings.cpp:72 msgid "PNG compression:" msgstr "Png-kuvapakkaus:" #: libs/dimg/loaders/pngsettings.cpp:74 msgid "" "
The compression value for PNG images:
1: low compression (large " "file size but short compression duration - default)
5: medium " "compression
9: high compression (small file size but long " "compression duration)
Note: PNG is always a lossless image compression " "format." msgstr "" "
Png-kuvapakkauksen arvo vaikuttaa näin:
1: alhainen pakkaus " "(suuri tiedosto, mutta kuvan purkaminen on nopeampaa - oletus)
5: " "keskitason pakkaus
9: tiheä pakkaus (pieni tiedosto, mutta pitkä " "kuvan purkuaika.
Ota huomioon: png on aina häviötön pakkausmuoto." #: libs/dimg/loaders/tiffsettings.cpp:67 msgid "Compress TIFF files" msgstr "Pakkaa tiff-tiedostot" #: libs/dimg/loaders/tiffsettings.cpp:69 msgid "" "
Toggle compression for TIFF images.
If you enable this option, you can " "reduce the final file size of the TIFF image.
A lossless compression " "format (Deflate) is used to save the file.
" msgstr "" "
Määritä pakataanko tiff-kuvia.
Tällä voidaan pienentää tiedoston kokoa " "häviöttömästi (deflate-menetelmällä).
" #: libs/greycstoration/greycstorationwidget.cpp:140 msgid "Detail preservation:" msgstr "Yksityiskohtien säilytys:" #: libs/greycstoration/greycstorationwidget.cpp:144 msgid "" "Preservation of details to set the sharpening level of the small features " "in the target image. Higher values leave details sharp." msgstr "" #: libs/greycstoration/greycstorationwidget.cpp:150 msgid "Anisotropy:" msgstr "Anisotropia:" #: libs/greycstoration/greycstorationwidget.cpp:154 msgid "" "
Anisotropic (directional) modifier of the details. Keep it small for " "Gaussian noise." msgstr "" #: libs/greycstoration/greycstorationwidget.cpp:159 msgid "Smoothing:" msgstr "Pehmennys:" #: libs/greycstoration/greycstorationwidget.cpp:163 msgid "" "
Total smoothing power: if the Detail Factor sets the relative smoothing " "and the Anisotropy Factor the direction, the Smoothing Factor sets the " "overall effect." msgstr "" #: libs/greycstoration/greycstorationwidget.cpp:169 msgid "Regularity:" msgstr "Säännönmukaisuus:" #: libs/greycstoration/greycstorationwidget.cpp:173 msgid "" "
This value controls the evenness of smoothing to the image. Do not use a " "high value here, or the target image will be completely blurred." msgstr "" #: libs/greycstoration/greycstorationwidget.cpp:179 msgid "Iterations:" msgstr "Kierroksia:" #: libs/greycstoration/greycstorationwidget.cpp:182 #, fuzzy msgid "
Sets the number of times the filter is applied to the image." msgstr "
Aseta kirkkauden säätö." #: libs/greycstoration/greycstorationwidget.cpp:187 msgid "Noise:" msgstr "Kohina:" #: libs/greycstoration/greycstorationwidget.cpp:191 msgid "
Sets the noise scale." msgstr "" #: libs/greycstoration/greycstorationwidget.cpp:200 #: utilities/setup/setupicc.cpp:296 msgid "Advanced Settings" msgstr "Lisäasetukset" #: libs/greycstoration/greycstorationwidget.cpp:202 msgid "Angular step:" msgstr "Kulma-askel:" #: libs/greycstoration/greycstorationwidget.cpp:206 msgid "" "
Set here the angular integration step (in degrees) analogous to " "anisotropy." msgstr "" #: libs/greycstoration/greycstorationwidget.cpp:211 msgid "Integral step:" msgstr "" #: libs/greycstoration/greycstorationwidget.cpp:215 msgid "
Set here the spatial integral step." msgstr "" #: libs/greycstoration/greycstorationwidget.cpp:219 msgid "Gaussian:" msgstr "" #: libs/greycstoration/greycstorationwidget.cpp:223 msgid "
Set here the precision of the Gaussian function." msgstr "" #: libs/greycstoration/greycstorationwidget.cpp:227 msgid "Tile size:" msgstr "" #: libs/greycstoration/greycstorationwidget.cpp:230 #, fuzzy msgid "
Sets the tile size." msgstr "
Aseta tässä kuvan värikylläisyyden säätö." #: libs/greycstoration/greycstorationwidget.cpp:234 msgid "Tile border:" msgstr "" #: libs/greycstoration/greycstorationwidget.cpp:237 #, fuzzy msgid "
Sets the size of each tile border." msgstr "
Aseta kontrastin säätö." #: libs/greycstoration/greycstorationwidget.cpp:241 msgid "Interpolation:" msgstr "Interpolointi:" #: libs/greycstoration/greycstorationwidget.cpp:243 msgid "Nearest Neighbor" msgstr "" #: libs/greycstoration/greycstorationwidget.cpp:245 msgid "Runge-Kutta" msgstr "Runge-Kutta" #: libs/greycstoration/greycstorationwidget.cpp:246 #, fuzzy msgid "
Select the right interpolation method for the desired image quality." msgstr "
Tämä valinta näyttää kuvan arvion." #: libs/greycstoration/greycstorationwidget.cpp:251 msgid "Fast approximation" msgstr "Nopea arviointi" #: libs/greycstoration/greycstorationwidget.cpp:252 #, fuzzy msgid "
Enable fast approximation when rendering images." msgstr "
Kytke tämä päälle nähdäksesi kultaiset kolmiot"
#: libs/imageproperties/cameraitempropertiestab.cpp:182
msgid "Camera File Properties"
msgstr "Kameratiedoston ominaisuudet"
#: libs/imageproperties/cameraitempropertiestab.cpp:183
#: libs/imageproperties/imagepropertiestab.cpp:198
msgid "File:"
msgstr "Tiedosto:"
#: libs/imageproperties/cameraitempropertiestab.cpp:184
#: libs/imageproperties/imagepropertiestab.cpp:199
msgid "Folder:"
msgstr "Kansio:"
#: libs/imageproperties/cameraitempropertiestab.cpp:185
msgid "Date:"
msgstr "Päiväys:"
#: libs/imageproperties/cameraitempropertiestab.cpp:186
#: libs/imageproperties/imagepropertiestab.cpp:201
msgid "Size:"
msgstr "Koko:"
#: libs/imageproperties/cameraitempropertiestab.cpp:187
msgid "Readable:"
msgstr "Lukuoikeus:"
#: libs/imageproperties/cameraitempropertiestab.cpp:188
msgid "Writable:"
msgstr "Kirjoitusoikeus:"
#: libs/imageproperties/cameraitempropertiestab.cpp:189
#: libs/imageproperties/imagepropertiestab.cpp:207
msgid "Type:"
msgstr "Tyyppi:"
#: libs/imageproperties/cameraitempropertiestab.cpp:190
#: libs/imageproperties/imagepropertiestab.cpp:208
msgid "Dimensions:"
msgstr "Mitat:"
#: libs/imageproperties/cameraitempropertiestab.cpp:191
msgid " You have edited the comment of the image. \n"
" You have edited the comment of %n images. "
msgstr ""
" Kuvan kommenttia on muokattu. \n"
" %n kuvan kommenttia on muokattu. "
#: libs/imageproperties/imagedescedittab.cpp:413
#, c-format
msgid ""
"_n: You have edited the date of the image. \n"
" You have edited the date of %n images. "
msgstr ""
" Kuvan päiväystä on muokattu. \n"
" %n kuvan päiväystä on muokattu."
#: libs/imageproperties/imagedescedittab.cpp:417
#, c-format
msgid ""
"_n: You have edited the rating of the image. \n"
" You have edited the rating of %n images. "
msgstr ""
" Kuvan arviota on muokattu. \n"
" %n kuvan arviota on muokattu. "
#: libs/imageproperties/imagedescedittab.cpp:421
#, c-format
msgid ""
"_n: You have edited the tags of the image. \n"
" You have edited the tags of %n images. "
msgstr ""
" Kuvan tunnisteita on muokattu. \n"
" %n kuvan tunnisteita on muokattu. "
#: libs/imageproperties/imagedescedittab.cpp:424
#: libs/imageproperties/imagedescedittab.cpp:443
msgid "Do you want to apply your changes? You have edited the metadata of the image: You have edited the metadata of %n images: Kuvan metatietoja on muokattu: %n kuvan metatietoja on muokattu: Select the histogram channel to display here: Luminosity: "
"Display luminosity (perceived brightness) values. Red: Display the "
"red image channel. Green: Display the green image channel."
" Blue: Display the blue image channel. Alpha: Display the "
"alpha image channel. This channel corresponds to the transparency value and "
"is supported by some image formats such as PNG or TIFF. Colors: "
"Display all color channel values at the same time."
msgstr ""
" Valitse histogrammin näytettävä kanava: Valoisuus: esitetään "
"kuvan valoisuuskanava. Punainen: esitetään kuvan puna-kanava."
" Vihreä: esitetään kuvan viher-kanava. Sininen: esitetään "
"kuvan sini-kanava. Alfa: näytä alfa-kanavan arvot. Tämä arvo kertoo "
"kuvan läpinäkyvyyden asteen. Ainoastaan jotkin kuvamuodot, mm. png ja tiff, "
"tukevat läpinäkyvyyttä. Värit: esitetään kuvan kaikki värikanavat."
#: libs/imageproperties/imagepropertiescolorstab.cpp:212
#: utilities/imageeditor/rawimport/rawsettingsbox.cpp:213
msgid "Colors:"
msgstr "Värit:"
#: libs/imageproperties/imagepropertiescolorstab.cpp:219
#: utilities/imageeditor/rawimport/rawsettingsbox.cpp:220
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
" Select the main color displayed with Colors Channel mode here: Red"
"b>: Draw the red image channel in the foreground. Green: Draw the "
"green image channel in the foreground. Blue: Draw the blue image "
"channel in the foreground. "
msgstr ""
" Valitse näytettävä pääväri värikanavatilassa: Punainen: näytä "
"punaisen värin kanava etualalla. Vihreä: näytä vihreän värin kanava "
"etualalla. Sininen: näytä sinisen värin kanava etualalla. "
#: libs/imageproperties/imagepropertiescolorstab.cpp:229
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
" Select from which region the histogram will be computed here: Full "
"Image: Compute histogram using the full image. Selection: "
"Compute histogram using the current image selection."
msgstr ""
" Valitse ala, josta histogrammi muodostetaan: Koko kuva-ala: "
"histogrammi muodostetaan koko kuva-alasta. Valittu alue: "
"histogrammi muodostetaan valitusta kuva-alasta."
#: libs/imageproperties/imagepropertiescolorstab.cpp:235
msgid " Full Image"
msgstr " Koko kuva-ala"
#: libs/imageproperties/imagepropertiescolorstab.cpp:243
msgid " Selection"
msgstr " Valittu alue"
#: libs/imageproperties/imagepropertiescolorstab.cpp:254
msgid " This is the histogram drawing of the selected image channel"
msgstr " Tämä on kuvan valitun kanavan histogrammi"
# tämä lienee valokuvaukseen liittyvä erikoistermi
#: libs/imageproperties/imagepropertiescolorstab.cpp:264
msgid "Range:"
msgstr "Mitta:"
#: libs/imageproperties/imagepropertiescolorstab.cpp:268
#, fuzzy
msgid " Select the minimal intensity value of the histogram selection here."
msgstr " Valitse pienin intensiteettiarvo histogrammin valitulle alueelle"
#: libs/imageproperties/imagepropertiescolorstab.cpp:272
#, fuzzy
msgid " Select the maximal intensity value of the histogram selection here."
msgstr " Valitse suurin intensiteettiarvo histogrammin valitulle alueelle"
#: libs/imageproperties/imagepropertiescolorstab.cpp:280
msgid "Statistics"
msgstr "Tilastotiedot"
#: libs/imageproperties/imagepropertiescolorstab.cpp:281
msgid ""
" Here you can see the statistical results calculated from the selected "
"histogram part. These values are available for all channels."
msgstr ""
" Näkyvissä on histogrammin valitun osan tilastolliset arvot. Nämä arvot "
"voidaan laskea jokaiselle kanavalle."
#: libs/imageproperties/imagepropertiescolorstab.cpp:285
#: libs/widgets/common/histogramwidget.cpp:951
msgid "Pixels:"
msgstr "Pikseleitä:"
#: libs/imageproperties/imagepropertiescolorstab.cpp:290
#: libs/widgets/common/histogramwidget.cpp:959
msgid "Count:"
msgstr "Lukumäärä:"
#: libs/imageproperties/imagepropertiescolorstab.cpp:295
#: libs/widgets/common/histogramwidget.cpp:947
msgid "Mean:"
msgstr "Keskiarvo:"
#: libs/imageproperties/imagepropertiescolorstab.cpp:300
msgid "Std. deviation:"
msgstr "Keskihajonta:"
#: libs/imageproperties/imagepropertiescolorstab.cpp:305
#: libs/widgets/common/histogramwidget.cpp:963
msgid "Median:"
msgstr "Mediaani:"
#: libs/imageproperties/imagepropertiescolorstab.cpp:310
msgid "Percentile:"
msgstr "Prosentti:"
#: libs/imageproperties/imagepropertiescolorstab.cpp:315
msgid "Color depth:"
msgstr "Värisyvyys:"
#: libs/imageproperties/imagepropertiescolorstab.cpp:320
msgid "Alpha Channel:"
msgstr "Alfa-kanava:"
#: libs/imageproperties/imagepropertiescolorstab.cpp:337
msgid "Histogram"
msgstr "Histogrammi"
#: libs/imageproperties/imagepropertiescolorstab.cpp:348
msgid "ICC profile"
msgstr "icc-profiili"
#: libs/imageproperties/imagepropertiesmetadatatab.cpp:101
msgid "EXIF"
msgstr "exif"
#: libs/imageproperties/imagepropertiesmetadatatab.cpp:106
msgid "Makernote"
msgstr "makernote"
#: libs/imageproperties/imagepropertiesmetadatatab.cpp:111
msgid "IPTC"
msgstr "iptc"
#: libs/imageproperties/imagepropertiesmetadatatab.cpp:116
msgid "GPS"
msgstr "gps"
#: libs/imageproperties/imagepropertiessidebar.cpp:70
#: libs/imageproperties/imagepropertiessidebarcamgui.cpp:102
#: utilities/setup/setup.cpp:154
msgid "Metadata"
msgstr "Metatiedot"
#: libs/imageproperties/imagepropertiessidebardb.cpp:91
msgid "Captions/Tags"
msgstr "Kommentit/tunnisteet"
#: libs/imageproperties/imagepropertiestab.cpp:197
msgid "File Properties"
msgstr "Tiedoston ominaisuudet"
#: libs/imageproperties/imagepropertiestab.cpp:200
msgid "Modified:"
msgstr "Muokattu:"
#: libs/imageproperties/imagepropertiestab.cpp:202
msgid "Owner:"
msgstr "Omistaja:"
#: libs/imageproperties/imagepropertiestab.cpp:203
msgid "Permissions:"
msgstr "Oikeudet:"
#: libs/imageproperties/imagepropertiestab.cpp:206
msgid "Image Properties"
msgstr "Kuvan ominaisuudet"
#: libs/imageproperties/imagepropertiestab.cpp:209
msgid "Compression:"
msgstr "Pakkaus:"
#: libs/imageproperties/imagepropertiestab.cpp:210
msgid " This area contains a CIE or chromaticity diagram. A CIE diagram is a "
"representation of all the colors that a person with normal vision can see. "
"This is represented by the colored sail-shaped area. In addition you will "
"see a triangle that is superimposed on the diagram outlined in white. This "
"triangle represents the outer boundaries of the color space of the device "
"that is characterized by the inspected profile. This is called the device "
"gamut. In addition there are black dots and yellow lines on the diagram. "
"Each black dot represents one of the measurement points that were used to "
"create this profile. The yellow line represents the amount that each point "
"is corrected by the profile, and the direction of this correction."
msgstr ""
#: libs/widgets/iccprofiles/iccprofilewidget.cpp:201
msgid "ICC Color Profile Information"
msgstr "ICC-väriprofiilin tiedot"
#: libs/widgets/iccprofiles/iccprofilewidget.cpp:289
#: libs/widgets/iccprofiles/iccprofilewidget.cpp:322
msgid "Lab"
msgstr "lab"
#: libs/widgets/iccprofiles/iccprofilewidget.cpp:292
#: libs/widgets/iccprofiles/iccprofilewidget.cpp:325
msgid "Luv"
msgstr "luv"
#: libs/widgets/iccprofiles/iccprofilewidget.cpp:295
#: libs/widgets/iccprofiles/iccprofilewidget.cpp:328
msgid "RGB"
msgstr "rgb"
#: libs/widgets/iccprofiles/iccprofilewidget.cpp:298
#: libs/widgets/iccprofiles/iccprofilewidget.cpp:331
msgid "GRAY"
msgstr "harmaasävy"
#: libs/widgets/iccprofiles/iccprofilewidget.cpp:301
#: libs/widgets/iccprofiles/iccprofilewidget.cpp:334
msgid "HSV"
msgstr "hsv"
#: libs/widgets/iccprofiles/iccprofilewidget.cpp:304
#: libs/widgets/iccprofiles/iccprofilewidget.cpp:337
msgid "HLS"
msgstr "hls"
#: libs/widgets/iccprofiles/iccprofilewidget.cpp:307
#: libs/widgets/iccprofiles/iccprofilewidget.cpp:340
msgid "CMYK"
msgstr "cmyk"
#: libs/widgets/iccprofiles/iccprofilewidget.cpp:310
#: libs/widgets/iccprofiles/iccprofilewidget.cpp:343
msgid "CMY"
msgstr "cmy"
#: libs/widgets/iccprofiles/iccprofilewidget.cpp:355
msgid "Input device"
msgstr "Syöttölaite"
#: libs/widgets/iccprofiles/iccprofilewidget.cpp:358
msgid "Display device"
msgstr "Näyttölaite"
#: libs/widgets/iccprofiles/iccprofilewidget.cpp:361
msgid "Output device"
msgstr ""
#: libs/widgets/iccprofiles/iccprofilewidget.cpp:364
msgid "Color space"
msgstr "Väriavaruus"
#: libs/widgets/iccprofiles/iccprofilewidget.cpp:367
msgid "Link device"
msgstr "Yhteyslaite"
#: libs/widgets/iccprofiles/iccprofilewidget.cpp:370
msgid "Abstract"
msgstr "Tiivistelmä"
#: libs/widgets/iccprofiles/iccprofilewidget.cpp:373
msgid "Named color"
msgstr "Nimetty väri"
#: libs/widgets/iccprofiles/iccprofilewidget.cpp:385
msgid "Perceptual"
msgstr "Silmän havaitsema"
#: libs/widgets/iccprofiles/iccprofilewidget.cpp:388
msgid "Relative Colorimetric"
msgstr "Suhteellinen kolorimetrinen"
#: libs/widgets/iccprofiles/iccprofilewidget.cpp:391
msgid "Saturation"
msgstr "Kylläisyys"
#: libs/widgets/iccprofiles/iccprofilewidget.cpp:394
msgid "Absolute Colorimetric"
msgstr "Absoluuttinen kolorimetrinen"
#: libs/widgets/iccprofiles/iccprofilewidget.cpp:434
msgid "ICC color profile File to Save"
msgstr "Icc-väriprofiilin talletustiedosto"
#: libs/widgets/imageplugins/imageguidewidget.cpp:245
#: libs/widgets/imageplugins/imageguidewidget.cpp:330
#: libs/widgets/imageplugins/imageguidewidget.cpp:395
#: libs/widgets/imageplugins/imageregionwidget.cpp:233
#: libs/widgets/imageplugins/imageregionwidget.cpp:268
msgid "Original"
msgstr "Alkuperäinen"
#: libs/widgets/imageplugins/imageguidewidget.cpp:263
#: libs/widgets/imageplugins/imageguidewidget.cpp:321
#: libs/widgets/imageplugins/imageguidewidget.cpp:386
#: libs/widgets/imageplugins/imageregionwidget.cpp:224
#: libs/widgets/imageplugins/imageregionwidget.cpp:259
msgid "Target"
msgstr "Käsitelty"
#: libs/widgets/imageplugins/imagepanelwidget.cpp:96
#: libs/widgets/imageplugins/imagepannelwidget.cpp:128
msgid ""
" Here you can see the original clip image which will be used for the "
"preview computation. Click and drag the mouse cursor in the image to "
"change the clip focus."
msgstr ""
" Näkyvissä on osa alkuperäisestä kuvasta, jota käytetään esikatselun "
"muodostamiseen. Naksauta ja siirrä osoitinta kuvassa muuttaaksesi "
#: libs/widgets/imageplugins/imagepanelwidget.cpp:119
#: libs/widgets/imageplugins/imagepannelwidget.cpp:159
msgid ""
" If you enable this option, you will separate the preview area "
"horizontally, displaying the original and target image at the same time. The "
"target is duplicated from the original below the red dashed line."
msgstr ""
" Mikäli valitset tämän, esikatselualue jaetaan vaakatasossa kahteen osaan "
"katkoviivalla. Toisessa osassa näytetään alkuperäinen kuva ja toisessa "
"muokattu lopputulos, joka on kahdennettu alkuperäisestä."
#: libs/widgets/imageplugins/imagepanelwidget.cpp:130
#: libs/widgets/imageplugins/imagepannelwidget.cpp:170
msgid ""
" If you enable this option, you will separate the preview area vertically, "
"displaying the original and target image at the same time. The target is "
"duplicated from the original to the right of the red dashed line."
msgstr ""
" Mikäli valitset tämän, esikatselualue jaetaan pystytasossa kahteen osaan "
"katkoviivalla. Toisessa osassa näytetään alkuperäinen kuva ja toisessa "
"muokattu lopputulos, joka on kahdennettu alkuperäisestä."
#: libs/widgets/imageplugins/imagepanelwidget.cpp:145
#: libs/widgets/imageplugins/imagepannelwidget.cpp:185
msgid ""
" If you enable this option, you will separate the preview area "
"horizontally, displaying the original and target image at the same time. The "
"original is above the red dashed line, the target below it."
msgstr ""
" Mikäli valitset tämän, esikatselualue jaetaan vaakatasossa kahteen osaan "
"katkoviivalla. Toisessa osassa näytetään alkuperäinen kuva ja toisessa "
"muokattu lopputulos, joka jatkuu alkuperäisestä."
#: libs/widgets/imageplugins/imagepanelwidget.cpp:156
#: libs/widgets/imageplugins/imagepannelwidget.cpp:196
msgid ""
" If you enable this option, you will separate the preview area vertically, "
"displaying the original and target image at the same time. The original is "
"to the left of the red dashed line, the target to the right of it."
msgstr ""
" Mikäli valitset tämän, esikatselualue jaetaan pystytasossa kahteen osaan "
"katkoviivalla. Toisessa osassa näytetään alkuperäinen kuva ja toisessa "
"muokattu lopputulos, joka jatkuu alkuperäisestä."
#: libs/widgets/imageplugins/imagepanelwidget.cpp:168
#: libs/widgets/imageplugins/imagepannelwidget.cpp:208
msgid " If you enable this option, the preview area will not be separated."
msgstr " Tällä valinnalla esikatselualuetta ei jaeta osiin."
#: libs/widgets/imageplugins/imagepanelwidget.cpp:330
#: libs/widgets/imageplugins/imagepannelwidget.cpp:472
msgid " Here set the zoom factor of the preview area."
msgstr " Aseta katkoviivallisen avustinristikon väri."
#: libs/widgets/imageplugins/imagepannelwidget.cpp:241
#: utilities/imageeditor/editor/editortoolsettings.cpp:125
msgid ""
" Here you can see the original image panel which can help you to select "
"the clip preview. Click and drag the mouse cursor in the red rectangle to "
"change the clip focus."
msgstr ""
" Näkyvissä on kuvapaneli, joka avustaa valitsemaan oikean kohdan "
"käsiteltävästä kuvasta. Naksauta ja siirrä osoitinta punaisen alueen "
"sisällä muuttaaksesi kohdistusta."
#: libs/widgets/imageplugins/imagewidget.cpp:105
msgid " If you enable this option, you will see the original image."
msgstr " Valinta näyttää alkuperäisen kuvan."
#: libs/widgets/imageplugins/imagewidget.cpp:114
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
" If you enable this option, the preview area will split vertically. A "
"contiguous area of the image will be shown, with one half from the original "
"image, the other half from the target image."
msgstr ""
" Valinta halkaisee esikatseluruudun pystysuunnassa. Kuvan näkyvä alue "
"jatkuu saumattomasti alkuperäisen ja käsitellyn kuvan välillä. Sekä "
"alkuperäisestä että käsitellystä kuvasta näytetään alue, josta puolet on "
"alkuperäinen, toinen puoli käsitelty."
#: libs/widgets/imageplugins/imagewidget.cpp:126
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
" If you enable this option, the preview area will split horizontally. A "
"contiguous area of the image will be shown, with one half from the original "
"image, the other half from the target image."
msgstr ""
" Valinta halkaisee esikatseluruudun vaakasuunnassa. Kuvan näkyvä alue "
"jatkuu saumattomasti alkuperäisen ja käsitellyn kuvan välillä. Sekä "
"alkuperäisestä että käsitellystä kuvasta näytetään alue, josta puolet on "
"alkuperäinen, toinen puoli käsitelty."
#: libs/widgets/imageplugins/imagewidget.cpp:138
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
" If you enable this option, the preview area will split vertically. The "
"same part of the original and the target image will be shown side by side."
msgstr ""
" Valinta halkaisee esikatseluruudun pystysuunnassa. Sekä alkuperäisestä "
"että käsitellystä kuva-alasta näytetään sama osio."
#: libs/widgets/imageplugins/imagewidget.cpp:149
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
" If you enable this option, the preview area will split horizontally. The "
"same part of the original and the target image will be shown side by side."
msgstr ""
" Valinta halkaisee esikatseluruudun vaakasuunnassa. Sekä alkuperäisestä "
"että käsitellystä kuva-alasta näytetään sama osio."
#: libs/widgets/imageplugins/imagewidget.cpp:160
msgid " If you enable this option, you will see the target image."
msgstr " Valinta näyttää käsittelyn tuloksen ruudulla."
#: libs/widgets/imageplugins/imagewidget.cpp:169
msgid ""
" If you enable this option, you will see the original image when the mouse "
"is over image area, else the target image."
msgstr ""
" Valinta näyttää alkuperäisen kuvan kun kursori on kuva-alueen yllä, "
"muutoin näkyvissä on käsitelty kuva."
#: libs/widgets/imageplugins/imagewidget.cpp:183
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
" Set this option to display black overlaid on the preview. This will help "
"you to avoid under-exposing the image."
msgstr ""
" Mikäli tämä valinta on käytössä, ylivalottuneet pikselit väritetään "
"esikatselukuvassa. Tällä ei ole vaikutusta lopulliseen kuvaan."
#: libs/widgets/imageplugins/imagewidget.cpp:191
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
" Set this option on display white overlaid on the preview. This will help "
"you to avoid over-exposing the image."
msgstr ""
" Mikäli tämä valinta on käytössä, ylivalottuneet pikselit väritetään "
"esikatselukuvassa. Tällä ei ole vaikutusta lopulliseen kuvaan."
#: libs/widgets/imageplugins/imagewidget.cpp:317
msgid "(%1,%2) RGBA:%3,%4,%5,%6"
msgstr "(%1,%2) rgba:%3,%4,%5,%6"
#: libs/widgets/metadata/exifwidget.cpp:102
msgid "Standard EXIF Tags"
msgstr "Standardi-EXIF-tunnisteet"
#: libs/widgets/metadata/exifwidget.cpp:173
#: libs/widgets/metadata/gpswidget.cpp:313
#: libs/widgets/metadata/iptcwidget.cpp:154
#: libs/widgets/metadata/makernotewidget.cpp:198
msgid "No description available"
msgstr "Ei kuvausta saatavilla"
#: libs/widgets/metadata/exifwidget.cpp:180
#: libs/widgets/metadata/gpswidget.cpp:335
#: libs/widgets/metadata/makernotewidget.cpp:205
msgid "EXIF File to Save"
msgstr "EXIF-tiedosto, johon tallennetaan"
#: libs/widgets/metadata/exifwidget.cpp:181
#: libs/widgets/metadata/gpswidget.cpp:336
#: libs/widgets/metadata/makernotewidget.cpp:206
msgid "EXIF binary Files (*.exif)"
msgstr "EXIF-binääritiedostot (*.exif)"
#: libs/widgets/metadata/gpswidget.cpp:120
msgid "More Info..."
msgstr "Lisää tietoja..."
#: libs/widgets/metadata/gpswidget.cpp:220
msgid "Global Positioning System Information"
msgstr "Tietoja gps-paikannusjärjestelmästä"
#: libs/widgets/metadata/iptcwidget.cpp:83
msgid "IPTC Records"
msgstr "Iptc-taltiot"
#: libs/widgets/metadata/iptcwidget.cpp:161
msgid "IPTC File to Save"
msgstr "IPTC-tiedosto, johon tallennetaan"
#: libs/widgets/metadata/iptcwidget.cpp:162
msgid "IPTC binary Files (*.iptc)"
msgstr "IPTC-binääritiedostot (*.iptc)"
#: libs/widgets/metadata/makernotewidget.cpp:127
msgid "MakerNote EXIF Tags"
msgstr "MakerNote-EXIF-tunnisteet"
#: libs/widgets/metadata/mdkeylistviewitem.cpp:50
msgid "Interoperability"
msgstr "Yhteiskäyttö"
#: libs/widgets/metadata/mdkeylistviewitem.cpp:51
msgid "Image Information"
msgstr "Kuvan tiedot"
#: libs/widgets/metadata/mdkeylistviewitem.cpp:52
#: showfoto/setup/setuptooltip.cpp:127 utilities/setup/setuptooltip.cpp:138
msgid "Photograph Information"
msgstr "Valokuvan tiedot"
#: libs/widgets/metadata/mdkeylistviewitem.cpp:53
msgid "Global Positioning System"
msgstr "Gps-paikanninjärjestelmä"
#: libs/widgets/metadata/mdkeylistviewitem.cpp:54
msgid "Embedded Thumbnail"
msgstr "Upotettu pienoiskuva"
#: libs/widgets/metadata/mdkeylistviewitem.cpp:57
msgid "IIM Envelope"
msgstr ""
#: libs/widgets/metadata/mdkeylistviewitem.cpp:58
msgid "IIM Application 2"
msgstr ""
#: libs/widgets/metadata/metadatalistview.cpp:125
msgid "Title: %1 Value: %2 Description: %3"
msgstr "Otsikko: %1 Arvo: %2 Kuvaus: %3"
#: libs/widgets/metadata/metadatawidget.cpp:113
#, fuzzy
msgid "Switch the tags view to a simple human-readable list"
msgstr "Vaihda tunnistenäkymä pelkistettyyn selkokieliseen luetteloon"
#: libs/widgets/metadata/metadatawidget.cpp:114
msgid "Simple list"
msgstr ""
#: libs/widgets/metadata/metadatawidget.cpp:120
#, fuzzy
msgid "Switch the tags view to a full list"
msgstr "Vaihda tunnistenäkymä täyteen luetteloon"
#: libs/widgets/metadata/metadatawidget.cpp:121
#, fuzzy
msgid "Full list"
msgstr "Selväkielinen"
#: libs/widgets/metadata/metadatawidget.cpp:130
#, fuzzy
msgid "Save metadata to a binary file"
msgstr "Talleta metatiedot binääritiedostoon"
#: libs/widgets/metadata/metadatawidget.cpp:131
#, fuzzy
msgid "Save metadata"
msgstr "Metatiedot"
#: libs/widgets/metadata/metadatawidget.cpp:136
#, fuzzy
msgid "Print metadata to printer"
msgstr "Tulosta metatiedot tulostimelle"
#: libs/widgets/metadata/metadatawidget.cpp:137
#, fuzzy
msgid "Print metadata"
msgstr "Tulosta metatiedot tulostimelle"
#: libs/widgets/metadata/metadatawidget.cpp:142
#: libs/widgets/metadata/metadatawidget.cpp:143
#, fuzzy
msgid "Copy metadata to clipboard"
msgstr "Kopioi metatiedot leikepöydälle"
#: libs/widgets/metadata/metadatawidget.cpp:274
msgid "File name: %1 (%2)"
msgstr "Tiedostonimi: %1 (%2)"
#: libs/widgets/metadata/metadatawidget.cpp:303
msgid " File name: %1 (%2)"
msgstr " Tiedostonimi: %1 (%2)"
#: showfoto/main.cpp:47
msgid "File(s) or folder(s) to open"
msgstr "Avattava(t) tiedosto(t) tai kansio(t)"
#: showfoto/main.cpp:58
msgid "showFoto"
msgstr "showFoto"
#: showfoto/setup/setup.cpp:98 utilities/setup/setup.cpp:158
msgid "Tool Tip"
msgstr "Työkaluvihjeet"
#: showfoto/setup/setup.cpp:98
msgid "Thumbbar Items Tool Tip Settings"
msgstr "Albumien työkaluvihjeiden asetukset"
# tätä käytetään asetuksissa
#: showfoto/setup/setup.cpp:102 utilities/setup/setup.cpp:178
msgid "RAW decoding"
msgstr "RAW"
#: showfoto/setup/setup.cpp:102 utilities/setup/setup.cpp:178
msgid "RAW Files Decoding Settings"
msgstr "RAW-tiedostojen purkuasetukset"
#: showfoto/setup/setup.cpp:106
msgid "Color Management Settings"
msgstr "Värihallinnan asetukset"
#: showfoto/setup/setup.cpp:110 utilities/setup/setup.cpp:174
msgid "Save Images"
msgstr "Tallenna kuvat"
#: showfoto/setup/setup.cpp:110
#, fuzzy
msgid "Save Images' Files' Settings"
msgstr "Kuvaeditorin tallennusasetukset"
#: showfoto/setup/setup.cpp:114 utilities/setup/setup.cpp:190
msgid "Slide Show"
msgstr "Diaesitys"
#: showfoto/setup/setup.cpp:114 utilities/setup/setup.cpp:190
msgid "Slide Show Settings"
msgstr "Diaesitykset asetukset"
#: showfoto/setup/setupeditor.cpp:104 utilities/setup/setupeditor.cpp:84
#: utilities/setup/setupgeneral.cpp:168 utilities/setup/setuplighttable.cpp:74
msgid "Interface Options"
msgstr "Käyttöliittymäasetukset"
#: showfoto/setup/setupeditor.cpp:106 utilities/setup/setupeditor.cpp:86
msgid "&Use theme background color"
msgstr "Käytä &teeman taustaväriä"
#: showfoto/setup/setupeditor.cpp:109 utilities/setup/setupeditor.cpp:88
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
" Enable this option to use background theme color in image editor area"
msgstr " Kytke tämä päälle käyttääksesi teeman taustaväriä kuvaeditorissa."
#: showfoto/setup/setupeditor.cpp:113 utilities/setup/setupeditor.cpp:93
msgid "&Background color:"
msgstr "Tausta&väri:"
#: showfoto/setup/setupeditor.cpp:116
#, fuzzy
msgid " Select background color to use for image editor area."
msgstr " Valitse taustaväri, jota haluat käyttää kuvaeditorissa."
#: showfoto/setup/setupeditor.cpp:119 utilities/setup/setupeditor.cpp:100
#: utilities/setup/setuplighttable.cpp:92
msgid "H&ide toolbar in fullscreen mode"
msgstr "Piilota &työkalurivi kokoruututilassa"
#: showfoto/setup/setupeditor.cpp:120
msgid "Hide &thumbbar in fullscreen mode"
msgstr "Piilota &pienoiskuvat kokoruututilassa"
#: showfoto/setup/setupeditor.cpp:121
msgid "Use &horizontal thumbbar (need to restart showFoto)"
msgstr "Näytä pienoiskuvat &vaakatasossa (käynnistä showFoto uudelleen)"
#: showfoto/setup/setupeditor.cpp:122
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
" If this option is enabled, the thumbnails bar will be displayed "
"horizontally behind the image area. You need to restart showFoto for this "
"option take effect. "
msgstr ""
" Tällä asetuksella pienoiskuvien tietopalkki näkyy kuva-alueen takana. "
"showFoto-sovellus on käynnistettävä uudelleen jotta muutokset astuisivat "
"voimaan. "
#: showfoto/setup/setupeditor.cpp:124
msgid "&Deleting items should move them to trash"
msgstr "Poistettaessa kuvat siirretään &roskakoriin"
#: showfoto/setup/setupeditor.cpp:125 utilities/setup/setupmisc.cpp:82
msgid "&Show splash screen at startup"
msgstr "Näytä &aloitusruutu käynnistettäessä"
#: showfoto/setup/setupeditor.cpp:127 utilities/setup/setupeditor.cpp:102
msgid "Use Raw Import Tool to handle Raw image"
msgstr ""
#: showfoto/setup/setupeditor.cpp:128 utilities/setup/setupeditor.cpp:103
msgid ""
" Set on this option to use Raw Import tool before to load a Raw image, to "
"customize indeep decoding settings."
msgstr ""
#: showfoto/setup/setupeditor.cpp:134 utilities/setup/setupeditor.cpp:109
msgid "Exposure Indicators"
msgstr "Valoitusmerkit"
#: showfoto/setup/setupeditor.cpp:137 utilities/setup/setupeditor.cpp:112
msgid "&Under-exposure color:"
msgstr "&Alivalotuksen väri:"
#: showfoto/setup/setupeditor.cpp:140
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
" Customize color used in image editor to identify under-exposed pixels."
msgstr ""
" Valitse väri, jota haluat käyttää kuvaeditorissa esittämään "
"alivalottuneita pikseleitä."
#: showfoto/setup/setupeditor.cpp:144 utilities/setup/setupeditor.cpp:119
msgid "&Over-exposure color:"
msgstr "&Ylivalotuksen väri:"
#: showfoto/setup/setupeditor.cpp:147
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
" Customize color used in image editor to identify over-exposed pixels."
msgstr ""
" Valitse väri, jota haluat käyttää kuvaeditorissa esittämään "
"ylivalottuneita pikseleitä."
#: showfoto/setup/setupeditor.cpp:152 utilities/setup/setupmetadata.cpp:96
msgid "EXIF Actions"
msgstr "Exif-toiminnot"
#: showfoto/setup/setupeditor.cpp:155 utilities/setup/setupmetadata.cpp:99
msgid "Show images/thumbs &rotated according to orientation tag"
msgstr "Näytä kuvat &kierrettyinä exif-tietueen mukaan"
#: showfoto/setup/setupeditor.cpp:158 utilities/setup/setupmetadata.cpp:102
msgid "Set orientation tag to normal after rotate/flip"
msgstr "Aseta kierron jälkeen kiertymä normaaliksi &exif-tietueeseen "
#: showfoto/setup/setupeditor.cpp:162
#, fuzzy
msgid "Sort order for images"
msgstr "&Järjestä kuvat"
#: showfoto/setup/setupeditor.cpp:165
#, fuzzy
msgid "Sort images by:"
msgstr "&Järjestä kuvat"
#: showfoto/setup/setupeditor.cpp:167
#, fuzzy
msgid "File Date"
msgstr "Kuvan päiväys"
#: showfoto/setup/setupeditor.cpp:168
#, fuzzy
msgid "File Name"
msgstr "Uusi tiedostonimi"
#: showfoto/setup/setupeditor.cpp:169
#, fuzzy
msgid "File size"
msgstr "Tiedostokoon mukaan"
#: showfoto/setup/setupeditor.cpp:170
msgid ""
" Here, select whether newly-loaded images are sorted by file-date, file-"
"name, or file-size."
msgstr ""
#: showfoto/setup/setupeditor.cpp:173
msgid "Reverse ordering"
msgstr ""
#: showfoto/setup/setupeditor.cpp:174
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
" If this option is enabled, newly-loaded images will be sorted in "
"descending order."
msgstr " Diaesitys alkaa valitusta kuvasta."
#: showfoto/setup/setuptooltip.cpp:98
msgid "Show Thumbbar items toolti&ps"
msgstr "Näytä kohteiden työkalu&vihjeet"
#: showfoto/setup/setuptooltip.cpp:99
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
" Set this option to display image information when the mouse hovers over a "
"thumbbar item."
msgstr ""
" Valitse, näytetäänkö kuvan tietoja kun osoitin on pienoiskuvan päällä."
#: showfoto/setup/setuptooltip.cpp:106 utilities/setup/setuptooltip.cpp:117
msgid "File/Image Information"
msgstr "Tiedosto- ja kuvatiedot"
#: showfoto/setup/setuptooltip.cpp:108 utilities/setup/setuptooltip.cpp:119
msgid "Show file name"
msgstr "Näytä tiedostonimi"
#: showfoto/setup/setuptooltip.cpp:109 utilities/setup/setuptooltip.cpp:120
#, fuzzy
msgid " Set this option to display the image file name."
msgstr " Valitse tämä nähdäksesi kuvan tiedostonimen."
#: showfoto/setup/setuptooltip.cpp:111 utilities/setup/setuptooltip.cpp:122
msgid "Show file date"
msgstr "Näytä tiedoston päiväys"
#: showfoto/setup/setuptooltip.cpp:112 utilities/setup/setuptooltip.cpp:123
#, fuzzy
msgid " Set this option to display the image file date."
msgstr " Valitse tämä nähdäksesi tiedoston päiväyksen."
#: showfoto/setup/setuptooltip.cpp:114 utilities/setup/setuptooltip.cpp:125
msgid "Show file size"
msgstr "Näytä tiedoston koko"
#: showfoto/setup/setuptooltip.cpp:115 utilities/setup/setuptooltip.cpp:126
#, fuzzy
msgid " Set this option to display the image file size."
msgstr " Valitse tämä nähdäksesi tiedoston koon"
#: showfoto/setup/setuptooltip.cpp:117 utilities/setup/setuptooltip.cpp:128
msgid "Show image type"
msgstr "Näytä tiedoston tyyppi"
#: showfoto/setup/setuptooltip.cpp:118 utilities/setup/setuptooltip.cpp:129
#, fuzzy
msgid " Set this option to display the image type."
msgstr " Valitse tämä nähdäksesi tiedoston tyypin."
#: showfoto/setup/setuptooltip.cpp:120 utilities/setup/setuptooltip.cpp:131
msgid "Show image dimensions"
msgstr "Näytä kuvan mitat"
#: showfoto/setup/setuptooltip.cpp:121 utilities/setup/setuptooltip.cpp:132
#, fuzzy
msgid " Set this option to display the image dimensions in pixels."
msgstr " Valitse tämä nähdäksesi kuvan mitat pikseleissä."
#: showfoto/setup/setuptooltip.cpp:129 utilities/setup/setuptooltip.cpp:140
msgid "Show camera make and model"
msgstr "Näytä kameran merkki ja malli"
#: showfoto/setup/setuptooltip.cpp:130 utilities/setup/setuptooltip.cpp:141
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
" Set this option to display the make and model of the camera with which "
"the image has been taken."
msgstr " Näytä kameran merkki ja malli, millä kuva on otettu."
#: showfoto/setup/setuptooltip.cpp:133 utilities/setup/setuptooltip.cpp:144
msgid "Show camera date"
msgstr "Näytä päiväys"
#: showfoto/setup/setuptooltip.cpp:134 utilities/setup/setuptooltip.cpp:145
msgid " Set this option to display the date when the image was taken."
msgstr " Näytä kuvan ottohetken päiväys."
#: showfoto/setup/setuptooltip.cpp:136
#, fuzzy
msgid "Show camera aperture and focal length"
msgstr "Näytä aukon koko ja polttoväli"
#: showfoto/setup/setuptooltip.cpp:137 utilities/setup/setuptooltip.cpp:148
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
" Set this option to display the camera aperture and focal settings used to "
"take the image."
msgstr " Näytä kameran aukon koon ja polttovälin, millä kuva on otettu."
#: showfoto/setup/setuptooltip.cpp:140 utilities/setup/setuptooltip.cpp:151
msgid "Show camera exposure and sensitivity"
msgstr "Näytä valotusaika ja herkkyys"
#: showfoto/setup/setuptooltip.cpp:141 utilities/setup/setuptooltip.cpp:152
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
" Set this option to display the camera exposure and sensitivity used to "
"take the image."
msgstr " Näytä kuvan valotusajan ja herkkyysarvon."
#: showfoto/setup/setuptooltip.cpp:144 utilities/setup/setuptooltip.cpp:155
msgid "Show camera mode and program"
msgstr "Näytä kuvaustila ja esiasetus"
#: showfoto/setup/setuptooltip.cpp:145 utilities/setup/setuptooltip.cpp:156
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
" Set this option to display the camera mode and program used to take the "
msgstr " Näytä kameran kuvaustilan ja esiasetukset, joilla kuva on otettu."
#: showfoto/setup/setuptooltip.cpp:148 utilities/setup/setuptooltip.cpp:159
msgid "Show camera flash settings"
msgstr "Näytä salama-asetus"
#: showfoto/setup/setuptooltip.cpp:149 utilities/setup/setuptooltip.cpp:160
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
" Set this option to display the camera flash settings used to take the "
msgstr ""
" Näytä kameran salaman asetukset, joita käytettiin kuvan ottohetkellä."
#: showfoto/setup/setuptooltip.cpp:152 utilities/setup/setuptooltip.cpp:163
msgid "Show camera white balance settings"
msgstr "Näytä valkotasapainoasetus"
#: showfoto/setup/setuptooltip.cpp:153 utilities/setup/setuptooltip.cpp:164
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
" Set this option to display the camera white balance settings used to take "
"the image."
msgstr " Näytä kameran valkotasapainoasetus, jolla kuva on otettu."
#: showfoto/showfoto.cpp:214
msgid "Brightness/Contrast/Gamma"
msgstr "Kirkkaus/konstrasti/gamma"
#: showfoto/showfoto.cpp:217
msgid "Increase Gamma"
msgstr "Lisää gamma-arvoa"
#: showfoto/showfoto.cpp:220
msgid "Decrease Gamma"
msgstr "Vähennä gamma-arvoa"
#: showfoto/showfoto.cpp:223
msgid "Increase Brightness"
msgstr "Lisää kirkkautta"
#: showfoto/showfoto.cpp:226
msgid "Decrease Brightness"
msgstr "Vähennä kirkkautta"
#: showfoto/showfoto.cpp:229
msgid "Increase Contrast"
msgstr "Lisää kontrastia"
#: showfoto/showfoto.cpp:232
msgid "Decrease Contrast"
msgstr "Vähennä kontrastia"
#: showfoto/showfoto.cpp:362
msgid ""
" The ICC profile path seems to be invalid. If you want to set it "
"now, select \"Yes\", otherwise select \"No\". In this case, \"Color "
"Management\" feature will be disabled until you solve this issue ICC-profiilien polku on virheellinen. Jos haluat asettaa sen "
"nyt, valitse ”Kyllä”, muuten valitse ”Ei”. Värien hallinta -ominaisuus on "
"poissa käytöstä kunnes tämä ongelma on ratkaistu. Please select the camera folder where you want to upload the images. Valitse kansio kameran muistista, minne haluat siirtää kuvat. Set how digiKam will rename files as they are downloaded."
msgstr ""
" Tässä voit tehdä asetukset valokuvien tiedostonimen muutoksesta, joka "
"suoritetaan siirron yhteydessä."
#: utilities/cameragui/cameraui.cpp:270
msgid "File Renaming Options"
msgstr "Tiedostonimien muutoksen asetukset"
#: utilities/cameragui/cameraui.cpp:276
msgid "Extension-based sub-albums"
msgstr "Luo albumit tiedostopäätteen mukaan"
#: utilities/cameragui/cameraui.cpp:277
msgid "Date-based sub-albums"
msgstr "Luo albumit päiväyksen mukaan"
#: utilities/cameragui/cameraui.cpp:279
#: utilities/cameragui/renamecustomizer.cpp:207
msgid "Date format:"
msgstr "Päiväyksen muoto:"
#: utilities/cameragui/cameraui.cpp:281
#: utilities/cameragui/renamecustomizer.cpp:210
msgid "ISO"
msgstr "ISO"
#: utilities/cameragui/cameraui.cpp:282
#: utilities/cameragui/renamecustomizer.cpp:211
msgid "Full Text"
msgstr "Selväkielinen"
#: utilities/cameragui/cameraui.cpp:283
#: utilities/cameragui/renamecustomizer.cpp:212
msgid "Local Settings"
msgstr "Paikallisasetusten mukainen"
#: utilities/cameragui/cameraui.cpp:289
msgid " Set how digiKam creates albums automatically when downloading."
msgstr ""
" Tähän voit määritellä, miten digiKam luo uusia albumeja automaattisesti "
"kuvia siirrettäessä."
#: utilities/cameragui/cameraui.cpp:290
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
" Enable this option if you want to download your pictures into "
"automatically created file extension-based sub-albums of the destination "
"album. This way, you can separate JPEG and RAW files as they are downloaded "
"from your camera."
msgstr ""
" Kuvat siirretään tiedostonimen päätteen mukaan luotuihin albumeihin "
"kohdealbumin sisällä. Tällä tavoin voit eritellä JPEG- ja RAW-kuvat "
"siirtäessäsi ne kamerasta."
#: utilities/cameragui/cameraui.cpp:293
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
" Enable this option if you want to download your pictures into "
"automatically created file date-based sub-albums of the destination album."
msgstr ""
" Valitse, siirretäänkö kuvat päiväyksen mukaan automaattisesti luotuihin "
"albumeihin kohdealbumin sisällä."
#: utilities/cameragui/cameraui.cpp:296
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
" Select your preferred date format used to create new albums. The options "
"available are: ISO: the date format is in accordance with ISO 8601 "
"(YYYY-MM-DD). E.g.: 2006-08-24 Full Text: the date format is "
"in a user-readable string. E.g.: Thu Aug 24 2006 Local Settings"
"b>: the date format depending on TDE control panel settings. "
msgstr ""
" Valitse haluamasi ajan muoto luodessasi uusia kansioita päiväyksen "
"mukaan. Vaihtoehdot ovat: ISO: ISO 8601-standardin mukainen "
"päiväys (vvvv-kk-pp). Esim. 2006-09-20 Selkokielinen: "
"päiväys tallennetaan selkokielisenä. Esim. tiistai syyskuu 20 2006 "
" Paikallisasetusten mukainen: päiväys luodaan TDE:n "
"ohjauspaneelissa tehtyjen asetuksen mukaisesti. "
#: utilities/cameragui/cameraui.cpp:305
msgid "Auto-creation of Albums"
msgstr "Albumien automaattinen luonti"
#: utilities/cameragui/cameraui.cpp:311
msgid "Set default photographer identity"
msgstr "Aseta oletuksena käytettävä valokuvaajan henkilöllisyys"
#: utilities/cameragui/cameraui.cpp:312
msgid "Set default credit and copyright"
msgstr "Aseta oletuksena käytettävät oikeudet"
#: utilities/cameragui/cameraui.cpp:313
msgid "Fix internal date && time"
msgstr "Korjaa sisäinen päiväys ja aika"
#: utilities/cameragui/cameraui.cpp:315
msgid "Auto-rotate/flip image"
msgstr "Kierrä/käännä kuva automaattisesti"
#: utilities/cameragui/cameraui.cpp:316
msgid "Convert to lossless file format"
msgstr "Muunna häviöttömään kuvamuotoon"
#: utilities/cameragui/cameraui.cpp:318
msgid "New image format:"
msgstr "Muunna muotoon:"
#: utilities/cameragui/cameraui.cpp:330
msgid ""
" Set here all options to fix/transform JPEG files automatically as they "
"are downloaded."
msgstr ""
" Aseta toiminnot, kuinka JPEG-muotoisia kuvia käsitellään automaattisesti "
"siirron yhteydessä."
#: utilities/cameragui/cameraui.cpp:332
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
" Enable this option if you want images automatically rotated or flipped "
"using EXIF information provided by the camera."
msgstr ""
" Valitse kierretäänkö kuvat automaattisesti oikeaan asentoon kameran "
"tarjoamien EXIF-tietojen perusteella."
#: utilities/cameragui/cameraui.cpp:334
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
" Enable this option to store the default photographer identity in the IPTC "
"tags using digiKam's metadata settings."
msgstr ""
" Valitse talletetaanko kuvaajan oletushenkilötiedot IPTC-tietueeseen "
"käyttäen digiKamin metatiedot-asetuksia."
#: utilities/cameragui/cameraui.cpp:336
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
" Enable this option to store the default credit and copyright information "
"in the IPTC tags using digiKam's metadata settings."
msgstr ""
" Valitse talletetaanko oletuksena olevat tekijätiedot sekä omistusoikeus "
"IPTC-tietueeseen käyttäen digiKamin metatiedot-asetuksia."
#: utilities/cameragui/cameraui.cpp:338
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
" Enable this option to set date and time metadata tags to the right values "
"if your camera does not set these tags correctly when pictures are taken. "
"The values will be saved in the DateTimeDigitized and DateTimeCreated EXIF/"
"IPTC fields."
msgstr ""
" Valitse asetetaanko kuvan ottohetken päiväys ja aika kuvaan, mikäli "
"kamera ei talleta näitä tietoja kun kuva on otettu. Tieto talletetaan exif- "
"ja iptc-tietueiden DateTimeDigitized- ja DateTimeCreated-kenttiin."
#: utilities/cameragui/cameraui.cpp:342
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
" Enable this option to automatically convert all JPEG files to a lossless "
"image format. Note: Image conversion can take a while on a slow "
msgstr ""
" Valitse muunnetaanko kaikki JPEG-muotoiset kuvat automaattisesti "
"häviöttömään kuvamuotoon. Huomaa: käännös voi kestää kauan hitaalla "
#: utilities/cameragui/cameraui.cpp:345
msgid ""
" Select your preferred lossless image file format to convert to. Note:"
" All metadata will be preserved during the conversion."
msgstr ""
" Valitse haluamasi häviötön kuvamuoto. Huomaa: kaikki metatiedot "
"säilytetään muunnoksen aikana."
#: utilities/cameragui/cameraui.cpp:349
msgid "On the Fly Operations (JPEG only)"
msgstr "Siirronaikaiset toiminnot (ainoastaan jpeg-kuville)"
#: utilities/cameragui/cameraui.cpp:411
msgid "Select &All"
msgstr "Valitse &kaikki"
#: utilities/cameragui/cameraui.cpp:412
msgid "Select N&one"
msgstr "P&oista valinta"
#: utilities/cameragui/cameraui.cpp:413
msgid "&Invert Selection"
msgstr "Kää&nnä valinta"
#: utilities/cameragui/cameraui.cpp:415
msgid "Select &New Items"
msgstr "Valitse &uudet kuvat"
#: utilities/cameragui/cameraui.cpp:417
#, fuzzy
msgid "Increase Thumbnail Size"
msgstr "Pienoiskuvan koko:"
#: utilities/cameragui/cameraui.cpp:418
#, fuzzy
msgid "Decrease Thumbnail Size"
msgstr "Pienoiskuvan koko:"
#: utilities/cameragui/cameraui.cpp:420
msgid "Toggle Lock"
msgstr "Vaihda lukituksen tila"
#: utilities/cameragui/cameraui.cpp:426
msgid "Download Selected"
msgstr "Siirrä valitut"
#: utilities/cameragui/cameraui.cpp:428
msgid "Download All"
msgstr "Siirrä kaikki"
#: utilities/cameragui/cameraui.cpp:431
#, fuzzy
msgid "Download/Delete Selected"
msgstr "Siirrä valitut"
#: utilities/cameragui/cameraui.cpp:433
#, fuzzy
msgid "Download/Delete All"
msgstr "Siirrä kaikki"
#: utilities/cameragui/cameraui.cpp:436
msgid "Upload..."
msgstr "Siirrä kameraan..."
#: utilities/cameragui/cameraui.cpp:445
msgid "Delete Selected"
msgstr "Poista valitut"
#: utilities/cameragui/cameraui.cpp:680
msgid "Cancelling current operation, please wait..."
msgstr "Peruutetaan käynnissä olevaa toimintoa, odota..."
#: utilities/cameragui/cameraui.cpp:708
msgid "Do you want to close the dialog and cancel the current operation?"
msgstr "Haluatko sulkea ikkunan ja keskeyttää nykyisen toiminnon?"
#: utilities/cameragui/cameraui.cpp:714
msgid "Disconnecting from camera, please wait..."
msgstr "Suljetaan yhteyttä kameraan, odota..."
#: utilities/cameragui/cameraui.cpp:750
msgid "Scanning for new files, please wait..."
msgstr "Etsitään uusia tiedostoja, odota hetki..."
#: utilities/cameragui/cameraui.cpp:791
msgid "Ready"
msgstr "Valmis"
#: utilities/cameragui/cameraui.cpp:863
msgid ""
"Failed to connect to the camera. Please make sure it is connected properly "
"and turned on. Would you like to try again?"
msgstr ""
"Yhteyden luonti kameraan epäonnistui. Tarkasta että kamera on liitetty "
"oikein ja että siinä on virta päällä. Haluatko yrittää uudelleen?"
#: utilities/cameragui/cameraui.cpp:867
msgid "Connection Failed"
msgstr "Yhteyden muodostaminen epäonnistui"
#: utilities/cameragui/cameraui.cpp:868
msgid "Retry"
msgstr "Yritä uudelleen"
#: utilities/cameragui/cameraui.cpp:869
#: utilities/imageeditor/rawimport/rawsettingsbox.cpp:251
msgid "Abort"
msgstr "Keskeytä"
#: utilities/cameragui/cameraui.cpp:1028
msgid "Select Image to Upload"
msgstr "Valitse siirrettävä kuva"
#: utilities/cameragui/cameraui.cpp:1063
msgid ""
"Camera Folder %1 already contains item %2 Please select the destination album from the digiKam library to import "
"the camera pictures into. Valitse digiKamin kirjastosta kohdealbumi, jonne kameran kuvat siirretään."
" Turn on this option to use camera provided image filenames without "
msgstr " Käytä kameran tarjoamia tiedostonimiä ilman muutoksia."
#: utilities/cameragui/renamecustomizer.cpp:153
msgid "Change case to:"
msgstr "Vaihda kirjainkoko:"
#: utilities/cameragui/renamecustomizer.cpp:157
msgid "Leave as Is"
msgstr "Säilytä"
#: utilities/cameragui/renamecustomizer.cpp:158
msgid "Upper"
msgstr "SUURI"
#: utilities/cameragui/renamecustomizer.cpp:159
msgid "Lower"
msgstr "pieni"
#: utilities/cameragui/renamecustomizer.cpp:161
msgid " Set the method to use to change the case of image filenames."
msgstr " Tällä voit vaikuttaa tiedostonimien kirjainkoon muutokseen."
#: utilities/cameragui/renamecustomizer.cpp:173
msgid "Customize"
msgstr "Mukauta"
#: utilities/cameragui/renamecustomizer.cpp:175
msgid " Turn on this option to customize image filenames during download."
msgstr " Tällä voit mukauttaa valokuvien tiedostonimiä siirron yhteydessä."
#: utilities/cameragui/renamecustomizer.cpp:187
msgid "Prefix:"
msgstr "Etuliite:"
#: utilities/cameragui/renamecustomizer.cpp:192
#, fuzzy
msgid " Set the prefix which will be added to image filenames."
msgstr " Aseta tähän tiedostonimen etuliite."
#: utilities/cameragui/renamecustomizer.cpp:195
msgid "Suffix:"
msgstr "Pääte:"
#: utilities/cameragui/renamecustomizer.cpp:199
#, fuzzy
msgid " Set the suffix which will be added to image filenames."
msgstr " Aseta tähän pääte, joka lisätään kuvien tiedostonimeen."
#: utilities/cameragui/renamecustomizer.cpp:202
msgid "Add Date && Time"
msgstr "Lisää päiväys && aika"
#: utilities/cameragui/renamecustomizer.cpp:204
msgid " Set this option to add the camera provided date and time."
msgstr " Valitse tämä lisätäksesi kameran antaman päiväyksen ja kellonajan."
#: utilities/cameragui/renamecustomizer.cpp:209
msgid "Standard"
msgstr "Standardi"
#: utilities/cameragui/renamecustomizer.cpp:213
msgid "Advanced..."
msgstr "Lisäasetukset..."
#: utilities/cameragui/renamecustomizer.cpp:214
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
" Select your preferred date format for creating new albums. The options "
"available are: Standard: the date format that has been used as "
"a standard by digiKam. E.g.: 20060824T142618 Full Text: the date format is a user-"
"readable string. E.g.: Thu Aug 24 14:26:18 2006 Local "
"Settings: the date format depending on TDE control panel settings."
"p> Advanced: allows the user to specify a custom date format. Valitse haluamasi ajan muoto uusien kansioiden luomiseen. Vaihtoehdot "
"ovat: Standardi: digiKamin oletus-päiväysmuoto. Esim. "
"20060824T142618 ISO: ISO 8601-standardin mukainen "
"päiväys (VVVV-KK-PP). Esim. 2006-08-24T14:26:18"
"p> Selkokielinen: päiväys tallennetaan selkokielisenä. Esim. "
"Tiistai, syyskuun 24 2006, 14:26:18 Paikallisasetusten "
"mukainen: päiväys luodaan TDE:n ohjauspaneelissa tehtyjen asetuksen "
"mukaisesti. Mukautettu: Voit määrittää mukautetun päiväysmuodon."
" Set this option to add the camera name."
msgstr " Valitse tämä lisätäksesi kameran nimen"
#: utilities/cameragui/renamecustomizer.cpp:238
msgid "Add Sequence Number"
msgstr "Lisää järjestysnumero"
#: utilities/cameragui/renamecustomizer.cpp:240
msgid ""
" Set this option to add a sequence number starting with the index set "
msgstr ""
" Valitse tämä lisätäksesi järjestysnumeron alkaen alla asetetusta "
#: utilities/cameragui/renamecustomizer.cpp:243
msgid "Start Index:"
msgstr "Aloitusindeksi:"
#: utilities/cameragui/renamecustomizer.cpp:246
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
" Set the starting index value used to rename files with a sequence number."
msgstr ""
" Aseta järjestysnumeron alkuarvo, jota käytetään kuvatiedostojen "
"uudelleennimeämisessä järjestysnumeroilla."
#: utilities/cameragui/renamecustomizer.cpp:436
msgid ""
" Enter the format for date and time. Use dd for the day, "
"MM for the month, yyyy for the year, hh for the hour, "
"mm for the minute, ss for the second. Examples: "
"yyyyMMddThhmmss for 20060824T142418, Anna päiväyksen ja ajan muoto. Käytä dd päivälle, MM"
"i> kuukaudelle, yyyy vuodelle, hh tunnille, mm "
"minuutille, ss sekunnille. Esimerkkejä: yyyyMMddThhmmss "
"tuottaa 20060824T142418, This image has not been assigned a color profile. Do you want to "
"convert it to your workspace color profile? Tälle kuvalle ei ole määritetty väriprofiilia. Haluatko muuntaa "
"kuvan väriprofiilin samaksi kuin työtilallasi? This image has been assigned to a color profile that does not match your "
"default workspace color profile. Do you want to convert it to your "
"workspace color profile? Tälle kuvalle on määritetty väriprofiili, joka on eri kuin työtilasi "
"oletusväriprofiili. Haluatko muuntaa kuvan väriprofiilin samaksi kuin "
"työtilallasi? Reset all settings to their default values."
msgstr " Palauta kaikki suodatinasetukset oletusarvoihin."
#: utilities/imageeditor/editor/editortoolsettings.cpp:191
#, fuzzy
msgid "Load..."
msgstr "&Lataa..."
#: utilities/imageeditor/editor/editortoolsettings.cpp:192
#, fuzzy
msgid " Load all parameters from settings text file."
msgstr " Lataa kaikki asetukset tekstitiedostosta."
#: utilities/imageeditor/editor/editortoolsettings.cpp:198
#, fuzzy
msgid " Save all parameters to settings text file."
msgstr " Talleta kaikki asetukset tekstitiedostoon."
#: utilities/imageeditor/editor/editortoolsettings.cpp:206
msgid "Try"
msgstr ""
#: utilities/imageeditor/editor/editortoolsettings.cpp:207
#, fuzzy
msgid " Try all settings."
msgstr "Yleiset asetukset"
#: utilities/imageeditor/editor/editorwindow.cpp:267
#: utilities/lighttable/lighttablewindow.cpp:339
msgid "&First"
msgstr "&Ensimmäinen"
#: utilities/imageeditor/editor/editorwindow.cpp:272
#: utilities/lighttable/lighttablewindow.cpp:345
msgid "&Last"
msgstr "&Viimeinen"
#: utilities/imageeditor/editor/editorwindow.cpp:290
msgid "Print Image..."
msgstr "Tulosta kuva..."
#: utilities/imageeditor/editor/editorwindow.cpp:370
#, fuzzy
msgid "Fit to &Selection"
msgstr "Valinta"
#: utilities/imageeditor/editor/editorwindow.cpp:374
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"This option can be used to zoom the image to the current selection area."
msgstr "Tätä valintaa käytetään rajaamaan kuva-aluetta. Valitse alue kuvasta."
#: utilities/imageeditor/editor/editorwindow.cpp:408
#: utilities/lighttable/lighttablewindow.cpp:424
msgid "Toggle the window to full screen mode"
msgstr "Vaihda pääikkunan kokoruututilaa."
#: utilities/imageeditor/editor/editorwindow.cpp:414
msgid "Under-Exposure Indicator"
msgstr "Alivalotuksen ilmaisin"
#: utilities/imageeditor/editor/editorwindow.cpp:419
msgid "Over-Exposure Indicator"
msgstr "Ylivalotuksen ilmaisin"
#: utilities/imageeditor/editor/editorwindow.cpp:424
msgid "Color Managed View"
msgstr "Näyttötilan väriasetukset"
#: utilities/imageeditor/editor/editorwindow.cpp:431
msgid "&Resize..."
msgstr "Muuta &kokoa..."
#: utilities/imageeditor/editor/editorwindow.cpp:435
msgid "Crop"
msgstr "Rajaa"
#: utilities/imageeditor/editor/editorwindow.cpp:441
msgid ""
"This option can be used to crop the image. Select a region of the image to "
"enable this action."
msgstr "Tätä valintaa käytetään rajaamaan kuva-aluetta. Valitse alue kuvasta."
#: utilities/imageeditor/editor/editorwindow.cpp:446
#, fuzzy
msgid "Flip Horizontally"
msgstr "Peilaa vaakasuuntaan"
#: utilities/imageeditor/editor/editorwindow.cpp:451
#, fuzzy
msgid "Flip Vertically"
msgstr "Peilaa pystysuuntaan"
#: utilities/imageeditor/editor/editorwindow.cpp:458
#, fuzzy
msgid "Rotate Left"
msgstr "&Kierrä"
#: utilities/imageeditor/editor/editorwindow.cpp:464
#, fuzzy
msgid "Rotate Right"
msgstr "Alaoikea"
#: utilities/imageeditor/editor/editorwindow.cpp:517
#: utilities/lighttable/lighttablewindow.cpp:509
msgid "Exit Fullscreen mode"
msgstr "Poistu kokoruututilasta"
#: utilities/imageeditor/editor/editorwindow.cpp:518
msgid "Exit out of the fullscreen mode"
msgstr "Poistu kokoruututilasta"
#: utilities/imageeditor/editor/editorwindow.cpp:523
#: utilities/imageeditor/editor/editorwindow.cpp:538
#: utilities/lighttable/lighttablewindow.cpp:515
#: utilities/lighttable/lighttablewindow.cpp:530
msgid "Load Next Image"
msgstr "Lataa seuraava kuva"
#: utilities/imageeditor/editor/editorwindow.cpp:528
#: utilities/imageeditor/editor/editorwindow.cpp:533
#: utilities/imageeditor/editor/editorwindow.cpp:543
#: utilities/lighttable/lighttablewindow.cpp:520
#: utilities/lighttable/lighttablewindow.cpp:525
#: utilities/lighttable/lighttablewindow.cpp:535
msgid "Load Previous Image"
msgstr "Lataa edellinen kuva"
#: utilities/imageeditor/editor/editorwindow.cpp:548
msgid "Zoom in on Image"
msgstr "Lähennä"
#: utilities/imageeditor/editor/editorwindow.cpp:553
msgid "Zoom out of Image"
msgstr "Loitonna kuvaa"
#: utilities/imageeditor/editor/editorwindow.cpp:558
#, fuzzy
msgid "Redo Last action"
msgstr "Punasilmäisyyden korjaus"
#: utilities/imageeditor/editor/editorwindow.cpp:570
#: utilities/imageeditor/editor/editorwindow.cpp:1288
#, fuzzy
msgid "No selection"
msgstr "Valinta"
#: utilities/imageeditor/editor/editorwindow.cpp:574
msgid "Information about current selection area"
msgstr ""
#: utilities/imageeditor/editor/editorwindow.cpp:580
msgid "Information about image size"
msgstr ""
#: utilities/imageeditor/editor/editorwindow.cpp:630
#, c-format
msgid "Print %1"
msgstr "Tulosta %1"
#: utilities/imageeditor/editor/editorwindow.cpp:635
msgid "Failed to print file: '%1'"
msgstr "Tiedoston \"%1\" tulostaminen epäonnistui"
#: utilities/imageeditor/editor/editorwindow.cpp:1169
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"About to overwrite file \"%1\"\n"
"Are you sure?"
msgstr ""
"Olet poistamassa tiedostoa ”%1”\n"
"Oletko varma?"
#: utilities/imageeditor/editor/editorwindow.cpp:1174
#: utilities/imageeditor/editor/editorwindow.cpp:1656
#: utilities/imageeditor/editor/editorwindow.cpp:1702
msgid "Overwrite"
msgstr "Tallenna päälle"
#: utilities/imageeditor/editor/editorwindow.cpp:1190
msgid ""
"The image '%1' has been modified.\n"
"Do you want to save it?"
msgstr ""
"Kuvaa %1 on muokattu·\n"
"Haluatko tallentaa sen?"
#: utilities/imageeditor/editor/editorwindow.cpp:1247
msgid "Please wait while the image is being saved..."
msgstr "Odota, kuvaa tallennetaan..."
#: utilities/imageeditor/editor/editorwindow.cpp:1353
msgid "Failed to load image \"%1\""
msgstr "Kuvan %1 lataus epäonnistui."
#: utilities/imageeditor/editor/editorwindow.cpp:1388
msgid "Saving: "
msgstr "Tallennetaan: "
#: utilities/imageeditor/editor/editorwindow.cpp:1402
#: utilities/imageeditor/editor/editorwindow.cpp:1443
msgid ""
"Failed to save file\n"
msgstr ""
"Tiedoston tallennus epäonnistui\n"
#: utilities/imageeditor/editor/editorwindow.cpp:1556
msgid "New Image File Name"
msgstr "Uusi tiedostonimi"
#: utilities/imageeditor/editor/editorwindow.cpp:1611
msgid "Target image file format \"%1\" unsupported."
msgstr "Tiedostomuodolle '%1' ei ole tukea."
#: utilities/imageeditor/editor/editorwindow.cpp:1621
msgid ""
"Failed to save file\n"
"\"%1\" to\n"
msgstr ""
"Tiedoston tallennus epäonnistui\n"
"\"%1\" ->\n"
#: utilities/imageeditor/editor/editorwindow.cpp:1651
msgid ""
"A file named \"%1\" already exists. Are you sure you want to overwrite it?"
msgstr "Tiedosto %1 on jo olemassa. Haluatko varmasti tallentaa sen päälle?"
#: utilities/imageeditor/editor/editorwindow.cpp:1655
#: utilities/imageeditor/editor/editorwindow.cpp:1701
msgid "Overwrite File?"
msgstr "Tallenna tiedoston päälle?"
#: utilities/imageeditor/editor/editorwindow.cpp:1696
msgid ""
"You do not have write permissions for the file named \"%1\". Are you sure "
"you want to overwrite it?"
msgstr ""
"Sinulla ei ole oikeuksia tallentaa tiedoston '%1' päälle. Oletko varma että "
"haluat silti yrittää?"
#: utilities/imageeditor/editor/editorwindow.cpp:1738
msgid "Failed to overwrite original file"
msgstr "Alkuperäisen kuvan päälle ei voitu tallentaa"
#: utilities/imageeditor/editor/editorwindow.cpp:1739
msgid "Error Saving File"
msgstr "Virhe tallennettaessa tiedostoa"
#: utilities/imageeditor/editor/editorwindow.cpp:1785
msgid "Color Managed View is enabled"
msgstr "Näyttötilan väriasetukset ovat käytössä"
#: utilities/imageeditor/editor/editorwindow.cpp:1787
msgid "Color Managed View is disabled"
msgstr "Näyttötilan väriasetukset ovat poissa käytöstä"
#: utilities/imageeditor/editor/editorwindow.cpp:1791
msgid ""
"Color Management is not configured, so the Color Managed View is not "
msgstr ""
#: utilities/imageeditor/editor/editorwindow.cpp:1814
msgid "Under-Exposure indicator is enabled"
msgstr "Alivalotuksen ilmaisin on käytössä"
#: utilities/imageeditor/editor/editorwindow.cpp:1815
msgid "Under-Exposure indicator is disabled"
msgstr "Alivalotuksen ilmaisin on poissa käytöstä"
#: utilities/imageeditor/editor/editorwindow.cpp:1836
msgid "Over-Exposure indicator is enabled"
msgstr "Ylivalotuksen ilmaisin on käytössä"
#: utilities/imageeditor/editor/editorwindow.cpp:1837
msgid "Over-Exposure indicator is disabled"
msgstr "Ylivalotuksen ilmaisin on poissa käytöstä"
#: utilities/imageeditor/editor/imagewindow.cpp:336
msgid "Delete File Permanently"
msgstr "Poista tiedosto pysyvästi"
#: utilities/imageeditor/editor/imagewindow.cpp:346
msgid "Delete Permanently without Confirmation"
msgstr "Poista kuva pysyvästi ilman varmennusta"
#: utilities/imageeditor/editor/imagewindow.cpp:354
msgid "Move to Trash without Confirmation"
msgstr "Siirrä roskakoriin ilman varmennusta"
#: utilities/imageeditor/editor/imagewindow.cpp:447
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Image Editor - %1"
msgstr "Kuvaeditori"
#: utilities/imageeditor/editor/imagewindow.cpp:449
#: utilities/setup/setup.cpp:170
msgid "Image Editor"
msgstr "Kuvaeditori"
#: utilities/imageeditor/editor/imagewindow.cpp:1032
msgid ""
"There is no image to show in the current album.\n"
"The image editor will be closed."
msgstr ""
"Nykyisessä albumissa ei ole kuvia.\n"
"Kuvaeditori suljetaan."
#: utilities/imageeditor/editor/imagewindow.cpp:1034
msgid "No Image in Current Album"
msgstr "Valittu albumi ei sisällä kuvia"
#: utilities/imageeditor/rawimport/rawimport.cpp:78
#, fuzzy
msgid "Raw Import"
msgstr "&Tuo"
#: utilities/imageeditor/rawimport/rawimport.cpp:80
#: utilities/imageeditor/rawimport/rawsettingsbox.cpp:379
#, fuzzy
msgid "Post Processing"
msgstr "Eräajo"
# tätä käytetään asetuksissa
#: utilities/imageeditor/rawimport/rawimport.cpp:172
#: utilities/imageeditor/rawimport/rawsettingsbox.cpp:378
#, fuzzy
msgid "Raw Decoding"
msgstr "RAW"
#: utilities/imageeditor/rawimport/rawpreview.cpp:188
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Cannot decode RAW image for\n"
msgstr ""
"Ei voi näyttää kuvaa\n"
#: utilities/imageeditor/rawimport/rawsettingsbox.cpp:181
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
" Select the histogram channel to display here: Luminosity: "
"display the image's luminosity values. Red: display the red image-"
"channel values. Green: display the green image-channel values."
" Blue: display the blue image-channel values. Colors: "
"Display all color channel values at the same time."
msgstr ""
" Valitse histogrammin näytettävä kanava: Valoisuus: esitetään "
"kuvan valoisuuskanava. Punainen: esitetään kuvan puna-kanava."
" Vihreä: esitetään kuvan viher-kanava. Sininen: esitetään "
"kuvan sini-kanava. "
#: utilities/imageeditor/rawimport/rawsettingsbox.cpp:254
#, fuzzy
msgid "Abort the current Raw image preview."
msgstr " Keskeytä tämän kuvan renderointi."
#: utilities/imageeditor/rawimport/rawsettingsbox.cpp:257
#, fuzzy
msgid "Update"
msgstr "Päiväys"
#: utilities/imageeditor/rawimport/rawsettingsbox.cpp:260
#, fuzzy
msgid "Generate a Raw image preview using current settings."
msgstr " Näkyvissä ovat haun löytämät kuvat."
#: utilities/imageeditor/rawimport/rawsettingsbox.cpp:297
#, fuzzy
msgid "Set here the gamma adjustement of the image"
msgstr " Aseta gamma-arvon säätö."
#: utilities/imageeditor/rawimport/rawsettingsbox.cpp:304
#, fuzzy
msgid " Set here the color saturation correction."
msgstr " Aseta tässä kuvan värikylläisyyden säätö."
#: utilities/imageeditor/rawimport/rawsettingsbox.cpp:306
#, fuzzy
msgid "Exposure (E.V):"
msgstr "Automaattinen valotus"
#: utilities/imageeditor/rawimport/rawsettingsbox.cpp:311
msgid ""
" This value in E.V will be used to perform an exposure compensation of the "
msgstr ""
#: utilities/imageeditor/rawimport/rawsettingsbox.cpp:347
msgid "Reset curve to linear"
msgstr ""
#: utilities/imageeditor/rawimport/rawsettingsbox.cpp:367
#, fuzzy
msgid "Exposure"
msgstr "Automaattinen valotus"
#: utilities/imageeditor/rawimport/rawsettingsbox.cpp:368
#, fuzzy
msgid "Luminosity Curve"
msgstr "Valoisuus"
#: utilities/imageeditor/rawimport/rawsettingsbox.cpp:380
#, fuzzy
msgid "Info"
msgstr "Tietoja..."
#: utilities/imageeditor/rawimport/rawsettingsbox.cpp:386
#, fuzzy
msgid " Reset all settings to default values."
msgstr " Palauta kaikki suodatinasetukset oletusarvoihin."
#: utilities/imageeditor/rawimport/rawsettingsbox.cpp:390
#, fuzzy
msgid " Import image to editor using current settings."
msgstr " Näkyvissä ovat haun löytämät kuvat."
#: utilities/imageeditor/rawimport/rawsettingsbox.cpp:392
#, fuzzy
msgid "Use Default"
msgstr "Käytä oletusprofiilia"
#: utilities/imageeditor/rawimport/rawsettingsbox.cpp:394
msgid " Use general Raw decoding settings to load this image in editor."
msgstr ""
#: utilities/imageeditor/tools/imageprint.cpp:208
msgid "The image will not fit on the page, what do you want to do?"
msgstr "Kuva ei mahdu sivulle, mitä tehdään?"
#: utilities/imageeditor/tools/imageprint.cpp:210
msgid "Shrink"
msgstr "Pienennä"
#: utilities/imageeditor/tools/imageprint.cpp:368
msgid "Image Settings"
msgstr "Kuvan asetukset"
#: utilities/imageeditor/tools/imageprint.cpp:382
msgid "Image position:"
msgstr "Kuvan sijainti:"
#: utilities/imageeditor/tools/imageprint.cpp:386
#: utilities/imageeditor/tools/imageprint.cpp:576
#: utilities/imageeditor/tools/imageprint.cpp:623
msgid "Top-Left"
msgstr "Ylävasen"
#: utilities/imageeditor/tools/imageprint.cpp:387
#: utilities/imageeditor/tools/imageprint.cpp:592
#: utilities/imageeditor/tools/imageprint.cpp:639
msgid "Top-Central"
msgstr "Ylhäällä keskellä"
#: utilities/imageeditor/tools/imageprint.cpp:388
#: utilities/imageeditor/tools/imageprint.cpp:580
#: utilities/imageeditor/tools/imageprint.cpp:627
msgid "Top-Right"
msgstr "Yläoikea"
#: utilities/imageeditor/tools/imageprint.cpp:389
#: utilities/imageeditor/tools/imageprint.cpp:568
#: utilities/imageeditor/tools/imageprint.cpp:615
msgid "Central-Left"
msgstr "Keskivasen"
#: utilities/imageeditor/tools/imageprint.cpp:390
#: utilities/imageeditor/tools/imageprint.cpp:648
msgid "Central"
msgstr "Keskitetty"
#: utilities/imageeditor/tools/imageprint.cpp:391
#: utilities/imageeditor/tools/imageprint.cpp:572
#: utilities/imageeditor/tools/imageprint.cpp:619
msgid "Central-Right"
msgstr "Keskioikea"
#: utilities/imageeditor/tools/imageprint.cpp:392
#: utilities/imageeditor/tools/imageprint.cpp:584
#: utilities/imageeditor/tools/imageprint.cpp:631
msgid "Bottom-Left"
msgstr "Alavasen"
#: utilities/imageeditor/tools/imageprint.cpp:393
#: utilities/imageeditor/tools/imageprint.cpp:596
#: utilities/imageeditor/tools/imageprint.cpp:643
msgid "Bottom-Central"
msgstr "Alhaalla keskellä"
#: utilities/imageeditor/tools/imageprint.cpp:394
#: utilities/imageeditor/tools/imageprint.cpp:588
#: utilities/imageeditor/tools/imageprint.cpp:635
msgid "Bottom-Right"
msgstr "Alaoikea"
#: utilities/imageeditor/tools/imageprint.cpp:399
msgid "Print fi&lename below image"
msgstr "Tulosta tiedosto&nimi kuvan alla"
#: utilities/imageeditor/tools/imageprint.cpp:403
msgid "Print image in &black and white"
msgstr "Tulosta kuva &mustavalkoisena"
#: utilities/imageeditor/tools/imageprint.cpp:407
msgid "&Auto-rotate page"
msgstr "&Kierrä sivu automaattisesti"
#: utilities/imageeditor/tools/imageprint.cpp:415
msgid "Use Color Management for Printing"
msgstr "Käytä värienhallintaa tulostukseen"
#: utilities/imageeditor/tools/imageprint.cpp:418
msgid "Settings..."
msgstr "Asetukset..."
#: utilities/imageeditor/tools/imageprint.cpp:428
msgid "Scaling"
msgstr "Skaalaus"
#: utilities/imageeditor/tools/imageprint.cpp:432
msgid "Scale image to &fit"
msgstr "Skaalaa sopivaan &kokoon"
#: utilities/imageeditor/tools/imageprint.cpp:435
msgid "Print e&xact size: "
msgstr "Tulosta ta&rkasti koossa: "
#: utilities/imageeditor/tools/imageprint.cpp:451
#: utilities/imageeditor/tools/imageprint.cpp:545
#: utilities/imageeditor/tools/imageprint.cpp:783
#: utilities/imageeditor/tools/imageprint.cpp:801
msgid "Millimeters"
msgstr "millimetriä"
#: utilities/imageeditor/tools/imageprint.cpp:452
#: utilities/imageeditor/tools/imageprint.cpp:787
#: utilities/imageeditor/tools/imageprint.cpp:805
msgid "Centimeters"
msgstr "senttimetriä"
#: utilities/imageeditor/tools/imageprint.cpp:453
#: utilities/imageeditor/tools/imageprint.cpp:809
msgid "Inches"
msgstr "tuumaa"
#: utilities/imageeditor/tools/imageprint.cpp:455
msgid "Keep ratio"
msgstr "Säilytä suhde"
#: utilities/imageeditor/tools/imageprint.cpp:758
msgid ""
" Color Management is disabled. You "
"can enable it now by clicking on the \"Settings\" button. Väriasetukset ovat poissa käytöstä. Voit ottaa väriasetukset nyt "
"käyttöön naksauttamalla \"asetukset\"-painiketta. Set here the new image width in pixels."
msgstr " Aseta tässä kuvan sävysäätö."
#: utilities/imageeditor/tools/imageresize.cpp:192
#, fuzzy
msgid " Set here the new image height in pixels."
msgstr " Aseta tässä kuvan sävysäätö."
#: utilities/imageeditor/tools/imageresize.cpp:199
#, fuzzy
msgid " Set here the new image width in percent."
msgstr " Aseta tässä kuvan sävysäätö."
#: utilities/imageeditor/tools/imageresize.cpp:201
msgid "Height (%):"
msgstr "Korkeus (%):"
#: utilities/imageeditor/tools/imageresize.cpp:206
#, fuzzy
msgid " Set here the new image height in percent."
msgstr " Aseta tässä kuvan sävysäätö."
#: utilities/imageeditor/tools/imageresize.cpp:208
msgid "Maintain aspect ratio"
msgstr "Säilytä kuvasuhde"
#: utilities/imageeditor/tools/imageresize.cpp:209
#, fuzzy
msgid " Enable this option to maintain aspect ratio with new image sizes."
msgstr " Tämä valinta asettaa suunnan automaattisesti"
#: utilities/imageeditor/tools/imageresize.cpp:221
#, fuzzy
msgid "Restore photograph"
msgstr "Suorita gauss-sumennus kuvalle"
#: utilities/imageeditor/tools/imageresize.cpp:222
msgid ""
" Enable this option to restore photograph content. This way is usefull to "
"scale-up an image to an huge size. Warning: this process can take a while."
msgstr ""
#: utilities/imageeditor/tools/imageresize.cpp:226
msgid ""
"Note: use Restoration Mode to only scale-up an image to huge size. "
"Warning, this process can take a while."
msgstr ""
#: utilities/imageeditor/tools/imageresize.cpp:231
#, fuzzy
msgid " This shows the current progress when you use Restoration mode."
msgstr " Tämä ilmaisee suoritetun osuuden kokonaistyöstä."
#: utilities/imageeditor/tools/imageresize.cpp:551
#: utilities/imageeditor/tools/imageresize.cpp:583
#, fuzzy
msgid "Resize"
msgstr "Muuta &kokoa..."
#: utilities/imageeditor/tools/imageresize.cpp:608
#, fuzzy
msgid "Photograph Resizing Settings File to Load"
msgstr "Väriasetusten lataustiedosto"
#: utilities/imageeditor/tools/imageresize.cpp:619
#, fuzzy
msgid "\"%1\" is not a Photograph Resizing settings text file."
msgstr "\"%1\" ei ole kelvollinen väriasetukset sisältävä tekstitiedosto."
#: utilities/imageeditor/tools/imageresize.cpp:626
#, fuzzy
msgid "Cannot load settings from the Photograph Resizing text file."
msgstr "Väriasetuksia ei voitu ladata tekstitiedostosta."
#: utilities/imageeditor/tools/imageresize.cpp:635
#, fuzzy
msgid "Photograph Resizing Settings File to Save"
msgstr "Väriasetusten tallennustiedosto"
#: utilities/imageeditor/tools/imageresize.cpp:644
#, fuzzy
msgid "Cannot save settings to the Photograph Resizing text file."
msgstr "Väriasetuksia ei voitu tallettaa tekstitiedostoon."
#: utilities/lighttable/lighttablebar.cpp:174
#, fuzzy
msgid "Show on left panel"
msgstr "Näytä tiedostonimi"
#: utilities/lighttable/lighttablebar.cpp:175
msgid "Show on right panel"
msgstr ""
#: utilities/lighttable/lighttablebar.cpp:185
#, fuzzy
msgid "Remove item"
msgstr "Poista tunniste"
#: utilities/lighttable/lighttablebar.cpp:189
#, fuzzy
msgid "Clear all"
msgstr "Keskitetty"
#: utilities/lighttable/lighttablebar.cpp:619
msgid "Drag and drop images here"
msgstr ""
#: utilities/lighttable/lighttablepreview.cpp:145
#, fuzzy
msgid "Pan the image"
msgstr "Älä muuta kuvaa"
#: utilities/lighttable/lighttablepreview.cpp:195
msgid "Drag and drop an image here"
msgstr ""
#: utilities/lighttable/lighttablepreview.cpp:281
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Unable to display preview for\n"
msgstr "Esikatselukuvaa kuvasta %1 ei voida näyttää "
#: utilities/lighttable/lighttablewindow.cpp:351
msgid "On Left"
msgstr ""
#: utilities/lighttable/lighttablewindow.cpp:355
msgid "Show item on left panel"
msgstr ""
#: utilities/lighttable/lighttablewindow.cpp:357
#, fuzzy
msgid "On Right"
msgstr "Alaoikea"
#: utilities/lighttable/lighttablewindow.cpp:361
msgid "Show item on right panel"
msgstr ""
#: utilities/lighttable/lighttablewindow.cpp:368
msgid "Remove item from LightTable"
msgstr ""
#: utilities/lighttable/lighttablewindow.cpp:373
msgid "Remove all items from LightTable"
msgstr ""
#: utilities/lighttable/lighttablewindow.cpp:388
msgid "Synchronize"
msgstr ""
#: utilities/lighttable/lighttablewindow.cpp:393
msgid "Synchronize preview from left and right panels"
msgstr ""
#: utilities/lighttable/lighttablewindow.cpp:395
#, fuzzy
msgid "By Pair"
msgstr "Polun mukaan"
#: utilities/lighttable/lighttablewindow.cpp:400
msgid "Navigate by pair with all items"
msgstr ""
#: utilities/lighttable/lighttablewindow.cpp:510
#, fuzzy
msgid "Exit fullscreen viewing mode"
msgstr "Poistu kokoruututilasta"
#: utilities/lighttable/lighttablewindow.cpp:540
#, fuzzy
msgid "Zoom in on image"
msgstr "Lähennä"
#: utilities/lighttable/lighttablewindow.cpp:545
#, fuzzy
msgid "Zoom out from image"
msgstr "Loitonna kuvaa"
#: utilities/lighttable/lighttablewindow.cpp:625
msgid "No item on Light Table"
msgstr "Ei kohteita valopöydällä"
#: utilities/lighttable/lighttablewindow.cpp:629
msgid "1 item on Light Table"
msgstr "1 kohde valopöydällä"
#: utilities/lighttable/lighttablewindow.cpp:633
msgid "%1 items on Light Table"
msgstr "%1 kohdetta valopöydällä"
#: utilities/setup/cameraselection.cpp:100
msgid "Camera Configuration"
msgstr "Kameran asetukset"
#: utilities/setup/cameraselection.cpp:108
msgid "Mounted Camera"
msgstr "Massamuistikamera"
# ei täsmää alkuperäistä, mutta käy dialogiin
#: utilities/setup/cameraselection.cpp:118
msgid "Camera List"
msgstr "Tunnetut kameramallit"
#: utilities/setup/cameraselection.cpp:122
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
" Select the camera name that you want to use. All default settings on the "
"right panel will be set automatically. This list has been generated "
"using the gphoto2 library installed on your computer. Valitse kamerasi malli listasta. Tarkemmat asetukset oikeanpuoleiseen "
"paneliin asetetaan automaattisesti gphoto2-tietokannasta. Set here the name used in digiKam interface to identify this camera. Tällä nimellä digiKam tunnistaa kameran. Voit vapaasti muokata nimeä. Select this option if your camera is connected to your computer using an "
"USB cable. Valitse tämä jos kamerasi kytkeytyy tietokoneen USB-väylään. Select this option if your camera is connected to your computer using a "
"serial cable. Valitse tämä jos kamerasi kytkeytyy tietokoneen sarjaporttiin. Select the serial port to use on your computer. This option is only "
"required if you use a serial camera. Jos kamerasi liitetään tietokoneen sarjaporttiin, valitse käytössä oleva "
"portti. Set here the mount path to use on your computer. This option is only "
"required if you use a USB Mass Storage camera. Jos kamerasi muistikortti toimii massamuistilaitteen tavoin, syötä "
"tähän kameran liitospiste. To set a USB Mass Storage camera Mikäli kamerasi toimii massamuistilaitteen To set a Generic PTP USB Device Mikäli kamerasi käyttää Picture Transfer A complete list of camera settings to use is Täydellinen lista käytettävissä olevista kameroista Here you can see the digital camera list used by digiKam via the Gphoto "
msgstr ""
" Tässä on digiKamin Gphoto-rajapinnan kautta käyttämä kameraluettelo."
#: utilities/setup/setupcamera.cpp:103 utilities/setup/setupcollections.cpp:100
msgid "&Add..."
msgstr "&Lisää..."
#: utilities/setup/setupcamera.cpp:107
msgid "&Edit..."
msgstr "&Muokkaa..."
#: utilities/setup/setupcamera.cpp:109
msgid "Auto-&Detect"
msgstr "&Tunnista"
#: utilities/setup/setupcamera.cpp:122
msgid "Visit Gphoto project website"
msgstr "Vieraile Gphoto-projektin www-sivulla"
#: utilities/setup/setupcamera.cpp:245
msgid ""
"Failed to auto-detect camera.\n"
"Please check if your camera is turned on and retry or try setting it "
msgstr ""
"Kameran tunnistus epäonnistui.\n"
"Tarkista että kameran virta on päällä ja yritä uudelleen, tai määritä "
"yhteysasetukset käsin."
#: utilities/setup/setupcamera.cpp:257
msgid "Camera '%1' (%2) is already in list."
msgstr "Kamera %1 (%2) on jo listassa."
#: utilities/setup/setupcamera.cpp:261
msgid "Found camera '%1' (%2) and added it to the list."
msgstr "Kamera %1 (%2) löydettiin ja lisättiin listaan."
#: utilities/setup/setupcollections.cpp:94
msgid ""
" You can add or remove Album collection types here to improve how your "
"Albums are sorted in digiKam."
msgstr ""
" Tässä voit lisätä ja poistaa kokoelmatyyppejä selventääksesi albumien "
"ryhmittelyä digiKamissa."
#: utilities/setup/setupcollections.cpp:180
#: utilities/setup/setupcollections.cpp:185
msgid "New Collection Name"
msgstr "Uuden kokoelman nimi"
#: utilities/setup/setupcollections.cpp:181
#: utilities/setup/setupcollections.cpp:186
msgid "Enter new collection name:"
msgstr "Syötä uusi nimi kokoelmalle:"
#: utilities/setup/setupeditor.cpp:97
#, fuzzy
msgid " Customize background color to use in image editor area."
msgstr " Muokkaa taustaväriä, jota haluat käyttää kuvaeditorin taustalla."
#: utilities/setup/setupeditor.cpp:115
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
" Customize the color used in image editor to identify under-exposed pixels."
msgstr ""
" Valitse väri, jota haluat käyttää kuvaeditorissa esittämään "
"alivalottuneita pikseleitä."
#: utilities/setup/setupeditor.cpp:122
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
" Customize the color used in image editor to identify over-exposed pixels."
msgstr ""
" Valitse väri, jota haluat käyttää kuvaeditorissa esittämään "
"ylivalottuneita pikseleitä."
#: utilities/setup/setupgeneral.cpp:113
msgid "Album &Library Path"
msgstr "&Albumikirjaston polku"
#: utilities/setup/setupgeneral.cpp:117
msgid ""
" Here you can set the main path to the digiKam album library in your "
"computer. Write access is required for this path and do not use a remote "
"path here, like an NFS mounted file system."
msgstr ""
" Tässä voit asettaa kansion digiKamin albumin käyttöön. Kansioon täytyy "
"olla kirjoitusoikeus. Etäpolku, esimerkiksi nfs-levyjako, ei kelpaa."
#: utilities/setup/setupgeneral.cpp:132
msgid "Thumbnail Information"
msgstr "Esikatselukuvien tietojen näyttö"
#: utilities/setup/setupgeneral.cpp:134
msgid "Show file &name"
msgstr "Näytä tiedoston &nimi"
#: utilities/setup/setupgeneral.cpp:135
#, fuzzy
msgid " Set this option to show the file name below the image thumbnail."
msgstr " Valitse tämä nähdäksesi tiedostonimen pienoiskuvan alla."
#: utilities/setup/setupgeneral.cpp:137
msgid "Show file si&ze"
msgstr "Näytä tiedoston k&oko"
#: utilities/setup/setupgeneral.cpp:138
#, fuzzy
msgid " Set this option to show the file size below the image thumbnail."
msgstr " Valitse tämä nähdäksesi tiedoston koon pienoiskuvan alla."
#: utilities/setup/setupgeneral.cpp:140
#, fuzzy
msgid "Show camera creation &date"
msgstr "Näytä tiedoston &luontipäivämäärä"
#: utilities/setup/setupgeneral.cpp:141
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
" Set this option to show the camera creation date below the image "
msgstr " Valitse tämä nähdäksesi luontipäiväyksen pienoiskuvan alla."
#: utilities/setup/setupgeneral.cpp:144
msgid "Show file &modification date"
msgstr "Näytä tiedoston &muokkauspäivämäärä"
#: utilities/setup/setupgeneral.cpp:145
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
" Set this option to show the file modification date below the image "
msgstr " Valitse tämä nähdäksesi muokkauspäiväyksen pienoiskuvan alla."
#: utilities/setup/setupgeneral.cpp:148
msgid "Show digiKam &captions"
msgstr "Näytä &otsikko"
#: utilities/setup/setupgeneral.cpp:149
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
" Set this option to show the digiKam captions below the image thumbnail."
msgstr " Valitse tämä nähdäksesi kuvan otsikon pienoiskuvan alla."
#: utilities/setup/setupgeneral.cpp:152
msgid "Show digiKam &tags"
msgstr "Näytä &tunnisteet"
#: utilities/setup/setupgeneral.cpp:153
#, fuzzy
msgid " Set this option to show the digiKam tags below the image thumbnail."
msgstr " Valitse tämä nähdäksesi tunnisteen pienoiskuvan alla."
#: utilities/setup/setupgeneral.cpp:156
msgid "Show digiKam &rating"
msgstr "Näytä a&rvio"
#: utilities/setup/setupgeneral.cpp:157
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
" Set this option to show the digiKam rating below the image thumbnail."
msgstr " Valitse tämä nähdäksesi arvion pienoiskuvan alla."
#: utilities/setup/setupgeneral.cpp:160
msgid "Show ima&ge dimensions (warning: slow)"
msgstr "Näytä kuvan m&itat (hidas)"
#: utilities/setup/setupgeneral.cpp:161
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
" Set this option to show the image size in pixels below the image "
msgstr " Valitse tämä nähdäksesi kuvan resoluution pienoiskuvan alla."
#: utilities/setup/setupgeneral.cpp:173
msgid "Sidebar thumbnail size:"
msgstr "Pienoiskuvan koko:"
#: utilities/setup/setupgeneral.cpp:179
msgid ""
" Set this option to configure the size in pixels of the thumbnails in "
"digiKam's sidebars. This option will take effect when you restart digiKam."
msgstr ""
#: utilities/setup/setupgeneral.cpp:186
msgid "Show count of items in all tree-view"
msgstr ""
#: utilities/setup/setupgeneral.cpp:190
msgid "Thumbnail click action:"
msgstr "Pienoiskuvan napsautuksen toiminto:"
#: utilities/setup/setupgeneral.cpp:192
msgid "Show embedded preview"
msgstr "Näytä upotettu esikatselu"
#: utilities/setup/setupgeneral.cpp:193
msgid "Start image editor"
msgstr "Käynnistä kuvaeditori"
#: utilities/setup/setupgeneral.cpp:194
#, fuzzy
msgid " Here, choose what should happen when you click on a thumbnail."
msgstr ""
" Valitse toiminto, joka tehdään kun pienoiskuvaa napsautetaan hiiren "
"oikealla napilla."
#: utilities/setup/setupgeneral.cpp:199
#, fuzzy
msgid "Embedded preview loads full image size"
msgstr "Upotettu esikatselu lataa täysikokoisen kuvan"
#: utilities/setup/setupgeneral.cpp:200
msgid ""
" Set this option to load the full image size with an embedded preview, "
"instead a reduced one. Because this option will take more time to load "
"images, use it only if you have a fast computer."
msgstr ""
#: utilities/setup/setupgeneral.cpp:281
#, fuzzy
msgid "Sorry you can't use your home directory as album library."
msgstr "Kotikansiota ei voi käyttää albumikirjastona."
#: utilities/setup/setupgeneral.cpp:289
msgid ""
"No write access for this path.\n"
"Warning: the caption and tag features will not work."
msgstr ""
"Tähän kansioon ei ole kirjoitusoikeutta.\n"
"Huomio: kansion kuvia ei voida kommentoida tai lisätä niihin tunnistetta."
#: utilities/setup/setupicc.cpp:157
msgid "Color Management Policy"
msgstr "Väriasetusten käytänteet"
#: utilities/setup/setupicc.cpp:161
msgid "Enable Color Management"
msgstr "Käytä värihallintaa"
#: utilities/setup/setupicc.cpp:162
msgid ""
" If this option is enabled, digiKam applies the Workspace default color "
"profile to an image, without prompting you about missing embedded profiles "
"or embedded profiles different from the workspace profile. If this option is enabled, digiKam asks to user before it applies the "
"Workspace default color profile to an image which has no embedded profile "
"or, if the image has an embedded profile, when it's not the same as the "
"workspace profile. Default path to the color profiles folder. You must store all your color "
"profiles in this directory. Väriprofiilikansion oletuspolku. Kaikki väriprofiilit on tallennettava "
"tähän kansioon. Turn on this option if you want to use your Monitor Color Profile "
"to show your pictures in the Image Editor window with a color correction "
"adapted to your monitor. Warning: this option can take a while to render "
"pictures on the screen, especially with a slow computer. Select the color profile for your monitor. You need to enable the Use "
"color managed view option to use this profile. Valitse näyttöpäätteesi profiili. Kytke päälle Käytä väriasetuksia "
"näyttötilassa käyttääksesi tätä profiilia. You can use this button to get more detailed information about the "
"selected monitor profile. Tästä painikkaasta saa yksityiskohtaista tietoa valitusta "
"näyttöprofiilista. All the images will be converted to the color space of this profile, so "
"you must select a profile appropriate for editing. These color "
"profiles are device independent. You can use this button to get more detailed information about the "
"selected workspace profile. You must select the profile for your input device (usually, your camera, "
"scanner...) Syöttölaitteen (yleensä kamera, skanneri...) profiili on valittava You can use this button to get more detailed information about the "
"selected input profile. You must select the profile for your output device (usually, your "
"printer). This profile will be used to do a soft proof, so you will be able "
"to preview how an image will be rendered via an output device. You can use this button to get more detailed information about the "
"selected soft proof profile. Black Point Compensation is a way to make adjustments between the "
"maximum black levels of digital files and the black capabilities of various "
"digital devices. Perceptual intent causes the full gamut of the image to be "
"compressed or expanded to fill the gamut of the destination device, so that "
"gray balance is preserved but colorimetric accuracy may not be preserved."
"p> In other words, if certain colors in an image fall outside of the range "
"of colors that the output device can render, the image intent will cause all "
"the colors in the image to be adjusted so that the every color in the image "
"falls within the range that can be rendered and so that the relationship "
"between colors is preserved as much as possible. This intent is most "
"suitable for display of photographs and images, and is the default intent."
"p> Absolute Colorimetric intent causes any colors that "
"fall outside the range that the output device can render are adjusted to the "
"closest color that can be rendered, while all other colors are left "
"unchanged. This intent preserves the white point and is most suitable "
"for spot colors (Pantone, TruMatch, logo colors, ...). Relative Colorimetric intent is defined such that any "
"colors that fall outside the range that the output device can render are "
"adjusted to the closest color that can be rendered, while all other colors "
"are left unchanged. Proof intent does not preserve the white point. Saturation intent preserves the saturation of colors in the "
"image at the possible expense of hue and lightness. Implementation of "
"this intent remains somewhat problematic, and the ICC is still working on "
"methods to achieve the desired effects. This intent is most suitable "
"for business graphics such as charts, where it is more important that the "
"colors be vivid and contrast well with each other rather than a specific "
"color. You must set a correct default path for your ICC color profiles files. Aseta kelvollinen oletuspolku icc-profiileille. Sorry, there are no ICC profiles files in "
msgstr " Pahoittelen, icc-profiileja ei ole kohteessa "
#: utilities/setup/setupicc.cpp:486
msgid " The following profile is invalid: "
msgstr " Tämä profiili on virheellinen: "
#: utilities/setup/setupicc.cpp:555
msgid "Invalid Profile"
msgstr "Virheellinen profiili"
#: utilities/setup/setupicc.cpp:559
msgid "Invalid color profile has been removed"
msgstr "Virheellinen väriprofiili on poistettu"
#: utilities/setup/setupicc.cpp:563
msgid ""
" digiKam has failed to remove the invalid color profile You have to "
"do it manually digiKam ei pystynyt poistamaan virheellistä väriprofiilia Se on "
"poistettava manuaalisesti This field should contain your name, or the name of the person who "
"created the photograph. If it is not appropriate to add the name of the "
"photographer (for example, if the identify of the photographer needs to be "
"protected) the name of a company or organization can also be used. Once "
"saved, this field should not be changed by anyone. This field does not "
"support the use of commas or semi-colons as separator. \n"
"This field is limited to 32 ASCII characters. This field should contain the job title of the photographer. Examples "
"might include titles such as: Staff Photographer, Freelance Photographer, or "
"Independent Commercial Photographer. Since this is a qualifier for the "
"Author field, the Author field must also be filled out. \n"
"This field is limited to 32 ASCII characters. (synonymous to Provider): Use the Provider field to identify who is "
"providing the photograph. This does not necessarily have to be the author. "
"If a photographer is working for a news agency such as Reuters or the "
"Associated Press, these organizations could be listed here as they are "
"\"providing\" the image for use by others. If the image is a stock "
"photograph, then the group (agency) involved in supplying the image should "
"be listed here. \n"
"This field is limited to 32 ASCII characters. The Source field should be used to identify the original owner or "
"copyright holder of the photograph. The value of this field should never be "
"changed after the information is entered following the image's creation. "
"While not yet enforced by the custom panels, you should consider this to be "
"a \"write-once\" field. The source could be an individual, an agency, or a "
"member of an agency. To aid in later searches, it is suggested to separate "
"any slashes \"/\" with a blank space. Use the form \"photographer / agency\" "
"rather than \"photographer/agency.\" Source may also be different from "
"Creator and from the names listed in the Copyright Notice.\n"
"This field is limited to 32 ASCII characters. The Copyright Notice should contain any necessary copyright notice for "
"claiming the intellectual property, and should identify the current owner(s) "
"of the copyright for the photograph. Usually, this would be the "
"photographer, but if the image was done by an employee or as work-for-hire, "
"then the agency or company should be listed. Use the form appropriate to "
"your country. USA: © {date of first publication} name of copyright "
"owner, as in \"©2005 John Doe.\" Note, the word \"copyright\" or the "
"abbreviation \"copr\" may be used in place of the © symbol. In some "
"foreign countries only the copyright symbol is recognized and the "
"abbreviation does not work. Furthermore the copyright symbol must be a full "
"circle with a \"c\" inside; using something like (c) where the parentheses "
"form a partial circle is not sufficient. For additional protection "
"worldwide, use of the phrase, \"all rights reserved\" following the notice "
"above is encouraged. \n"
"In Europe you would use: Copyright {Year} {Copyright owner}, all rights "
"reserved. \n"
"In Japan, for maximum protection, the following three items should appear in "
"the copyright field of the IPTC Core: (a) the word, Copyright; (b) year of "
"the first publication; and (c) name of the author. You may also wish to "
"include the phrase \"all rights reserved.\"\n"
"This field is limited to 128 ASCII characters. Set this option to automatically synchronize zooming and panning between "
"left and right panels if the images have the same size."
msgstr ""
#: utilities/setup/setuplighttable.cpp:82
msgid "Selecting a thumbbar item loads image to the right panel"
msgstr ""
#: utilities/setup/setuplighttable.cpp:84
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
" Set this option to automatically load an image into the right panel when "
"the corresponding item is selected on the thumbbar."
msgstr " Valitse, näytetäänkö kuvan tietoja kun osoitin on kuvan päällä."
#: utilities/setup/setuplighttable.cpp:87
msgid "Load full image size"
msgstr ""
#: utilities/setup/setuplighttable.cpp:88
msgid ""
" Set this option to load full image size into the preview panel instead of "
"a reduced size. Because this option will take more time to load images, use "
"it only if you have a fast computer."
msgstr ""
#: utilities/setup/setupmetadata.cpp:106
msgid "IPTC Actions"
msgstr "Iptc-toiminnot"
#: utilities/setup/setupmetadata.cpp:109
msgid "&Save image tags as \"Keywords\" tag"
msgstr "Tallenna &tunniste iptc-tietueen \"keywords\" -kenttään"
#: utilities/setup/setupmetadata.cpp:110
msgid ""
" Turn this option on to store the image tags in the IPTC Keywords "
msgstr ""
" Valitse talletetaanko tiedot valokuvan IPTC-tietueen Keywords-"
#: utilities/setup/setupmetadata.cpp:114
msgid "&Save default photographer identity as tags"
msgstr "Tallenna kuvaajan oletus&henkilöllisyys tunnisteena"
#: utilities/setup/setupmetadata.cpp:115
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
" Turn this option on to store the default photographer identity in the "
"IPTC tags. You can set this value in the Identity setup page."
msgstr ""
" Valitse talletetaanko kuvaajan oletushenkilötiedot IPTC-tietueeseen. "
"Henkilöllisyys voidaan asettaa asetusten henkilötiedot-kohdasta."
#: utilities/setup/setupmetadata.cpp:120
msgid "&Save default credit and copyright identity as tags"
msgstr "Tallenna oletuskrediitti sekä &omistusoikeus tunnisteena"
#: utilities/setup/setupmetadata.cpp:121
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
" Turn this option on to store the default credit and copyright identity in "
"the IPTC tags. You can set this value in the Identity setup page."
msgstr ""
" Valitse talletetaanko oletuksena olevat tekijätieto sekä omistusoikeus "
"IPTC-tietueeseen. Nämä asetukset voidaan tehdä asetusten henkilötiedot-"
#: utilities/setup/setupmetadata.cpp:127
msgid "Common Metadata Actions"
msgstr "Yleiset metatieto-toiminnot"
#: utilities/setup/setupmetadata.cpp:130
#, fuzzy
msgid "&Save image captions as embedded text"
msgstr "Tallenna kuvan &kommentit upottettuna tekstimuodossa"
#: utilities/setup/setupmetadata.cpp:131
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
" Turn this option on to store image captions in the JFIF section, EXIF "
"tag, and IPTC tag."
msgstr ""
" Valitse talletetaanko kuvan kommentit JFIF-osioon sekä EXIF- ja IPTC-"
#: utilities/setup/setupmetadata.cpp:135
#, fuzzy
msgid "&Save image timestamps as tags"
msgstr "Tallenna &aikaleima tunnisteena"
#: utilities/setup/setupmetadata.cpp:136
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
" Turn this option on to store the image date and time in the EXIF and IPTC "
msgstr ""
" Valitse talletetaanko kuvan päiväys ja aika EXIF- ja IPTC-tietueisiin."
#: utilities/setup/setupmetadata.cpp:140
#, fuzzy
msgid "&Save image rating as tags"
msgstr "Tallenna &arvio iptc-tietueen \"urgency\" -kenttään"
#: utilities/setup/setupmetadata.cpp:141
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
" Turn this option on to store the image rating in the EXIF tag and IPTC "
"Urgency tag."
msgstr ""
" Valitse talletetaanko kuvan arvio IPTC-tietueen Urgency-kenttään."
#: utilities/setup/setupmetadata.cpp:154
msgid "Visit Exiv2 project website"
msgstr "Vieraile Exiv2-projektin www-sivuilla"
#: utilities/setup/setupmetadata.cpp:157
msgid ""
" EXIF is a standard "
"used by most digital cameras today to store technical informations about "
"photograph. IPTC"
"b> is an standard used in digital photography to store photographer "
"informations in pictures. EXIF (Exchangeable "
"Image File Format) on useimpien digitaalikameroiden käyttämä standardi "
"teknisen tiedon tallettamiseenkuvatiedostoon. IPTC (International Press "
"Telecommunications Council) on toinen digitaalisten kuvien kanssa käytettävä "
"tiedontallennusstandardi. Here you can set the extensions of image files to be displayed in Albums "
"(such as JPEG or TIFF); clicking on these files will open them in the "
"digiKam Image Editor."
msgstr ""
" Tässä voi asettaa albumeissa näytettävien kuvatiedostojen "
"tiedostopäätteet (kuten JPEG tai TIFF). Kun näitä tiedostoja napsauttaa, ne "
"avataan digiKamin kuvaeditorissa."
#: utilities/setup/setupmime.cpp:107 utilities/setup/setupmime.cpp:138
#: utilities/setup/setupmime.cpp:169 utilities/setup/setupmime.cpp:199
msgid "Revert to default settings"
msgstr "Palauta alkuperäiset asetukset"
#: utilities/setup/setupmime.cpp:125
msgid "Show only &movie files with extensions:"
msgstr "Näytä &videotiedostoista vain ne, joiden pääte on:"
#: utilities/setup/setupmime.cpp:129
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
" Here you can set the extensions of movie files to be displayed in Albums "
"(such as MPEG or AVI); clicking on these files will open them with the "
"default TDE movie player."
msgstr ""
" Tässä voi asettaa albumeissa näytettävien elokuvatiedostojen "
"tiedostopäätteet (kuten MPEG tai AVI). Kun näitä tiedostoja napsauttaa, ne "
"avataan TDE:n oletus-elokuvasoittimessa."
#: utilities/setup/setupmime.cpp:156
msgid "Show only &audio files with extensions:"
msgstr "Näytä &äänitiedostoista vain ne, joiden pääte on:"
#: utilities/setup/setupmime.cpp:160
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
" Here you can set the extensions of audio files to be displayed in Albums "
"(such as MP3 or OGG); clicking on these files will open them with the "
"default TDE audio player."
msgstr ""
" Tässä voi asettaa albumeissa näytettävien äänitiedostojen "
"tiedostopäätteet (kuten MP3 tai OGG). Kun näitä tiedostoja napsauttaa, ne "
"avataan TDE:n oletus-audiosoittimessa."
#: utilities/setup/setupmime.cpp:187
msgid "Show only &RAW files with extensions:"
msgstr "Näytä &RAW-tiedostoista vain ne, joiden pääte on:"
#: utilities/setup/setupmime.cpp:191
msgid ""
" Here you can set the extensions of RAW image files to be displayed in "
"Albums (such as CRW, for Canon cameras, or NEF, for Nikon cameras)."
msgstr ""
" Tässä voi asettaa albumeissa näytettävien RAW-kuvatiedostojen "
"tiedostopäätteet (kuten Canon-kameroiden CRW tai Nikon-kameroiden NEF)."
#: utilities/setup/setupmisc.cpp:72
msgid "Show confirmation dialog when moving items to the &trash"
msgstr "Kysy varmennusta siirrettäessä kuvia &roskakoriin"
#: utilities/setup/setupmisc.cpp:77
msgid "Apply changes in the &right sidebar without confirmation"
msgstr "Ota &oikean sivupalkin muutokset käyttöön ilman vahvistusta"
#: utilities/setup/setupmisc.cpp:87
msgid "&Scan for new items on startup (slows down startup)"
msgstr "Etsi uusia kuvia &käynnistettäessä (hidastaa käynnistymistä)"
#: utilities/setup/setupplugins.cpp:78
msgid " A list of available Kipi plugins appears below."
msgstr " Lista käytettävissä olevista Kipi-liittännäisistä näkyy alla."
#: utilities/setup/setupplugins.cpp:95
#, c-format
msgid ""
"_n: 1 Kipi plugin found\n"
"%n Kipi plugins found"
msgstr ""
"1 Kipi-liitännäinen löydetty\n"
"%n Kipi-liitännäistä löydetty"
#: utilities/setup/setupslideshow.cpp:84
msgid "&Delay between images:"
msgstr "&Viive kuvien välillä:"
#: utilities/setup/setupslideshow.cpp:85
msgid " The delay, in seconds, between images."
msgstr " Viive kuvien välillä (sekunteina)."
#: utilities/setup/setupslideshow.cpp:87
msgid "Start with current image"
msgstr "Aloita valitusta kuvasta"
#: utilities/setup/setupslideshow.cpp:88
msgid ""
" If this option is enabled, slideshow will be started with currently "
"selected image."
msgstr " Diaesitys alkaa valitusta kuvasta."
#: utilities/setup/setupslideshow.cpp:91
#, fuzzy
msgid "Display in a loop"
msgstr "Esitä kuvat silmukassa"
#: utilities/setup/setupslideshow.cpp:92
#, fuzzy
msgid " Run the slideshow in endless repetition."
msgstr " Näytä diaesitystä silmukassa."
#: utilities/setup/setupslideshow.cpp:94
msgid "Print image file name"
msgstr "Näytä kuvatiedoston nimi"
#: utilities/setup/setupslideshow.cpp:95
#, fuzzy
msgid " Print the image file name at the bottom of the screen."
msgstr " Tulosta kuvan kommentti näytön alaosaan."
#: utilities/setup/setupslideshow.cpp:97
msgid "Print image creation date"
msgstr "Näytä kuvan luontipäivä"
#: utilities/setup/setupslideshow.cpp:98
#, fuzzy
msgid " Print the image creation time/date at the bottom of the screen."
msgstr " Tulosta kuvan kommentti näytön alaosaan."
#: utilities/setup/setupslideshow.cpp:100
#, fuzzy
msgid "Print camera aperture and focal length"
msgstr "Näytä aukon koko ja polttoväli"
#: utilities/setup/setupslideshow.cpp:101
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
" Print the camera aperture and focal length at the bottom of the screen."
msgstr " Näytä aukon koko ja polttoväli ruudun alaosassa."
#: utilities/setup/setupslideshow.cpp:103
msgid "Print camera exposure and sensitivity"
msgstr "Näytä valotusaika ja herkkyys"
#: utilities/setup/setupslideshow.cpp:104
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
" Print the camera exposure and sensitivity at the bottom of the screen."
msgstr " Näytä valotusaika ja herkkyys ruudun alaosassa"
#: utilities/setup/setupslideshow.cpp:106
msgid "Print camera make and model"
msgstr "Näytä kameran merkki ja malli"
#: utilities/setup/setupslideshow.cpp:107
#, fuzzy
msgid " Print the camera make and model at the bottom of the screen."
msgstr "Näytä kameran merkki ja malli ruudun alaosassa"
#: utilities/setup/setupslideshow.cpp:109
#, fuzzy
msgid "Print image caption"
msgstr "Näytä kuvan luontipäivä"
#: utilities/setup/setupslideshow.cpp:110
#, fuzzy
msgid " Print the image caption at the bottom of the screen."
msgstr " Tulosta kuvan kommentti näytön alaosaan."
#: utilities/setup/setuptooltip.cpp:109
msgid "Show album items toolti&ps"
msgstr "Näytä kohteiden työkaluvihjeet"
#: utilities/setup/setuptooltip.cpp:110
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
" Set this option to display image information when the mouse hovers over "
"an album item."
msgstr " Valitse, näytetäänkö kuvan tietoja kun osoitin on kuvan päällä."
#: utilities/setup/setuptooltip.cpp:147
msgid "Show camera aperture and focal"
msgstr "Näytä aukon koko ja polttoväli"
#: utilities/setup/setuptooltip.cpp:171
msgid "digiKam Information"
msgstr "Tietoa digiKamista"
#: utilities/setup/setuptooltip.cpp:173
msgid "Show album name"
msgstr "Näytä albumin nimi"
#: utilities/setup/setuptooltip.cpp:174
msgid " Set this option to display the album name."
msgstr " Tämä valinta näyttää albumin nimen."
#: utilities/setup/setuptooltip.cpp:176
#, fuzzy
msgid "Show image caption"
msgstr "Näytä kuvan arvio"
#: utilities/setup/setuptooltip.cpp:177
#, fuzzy
msgid " Set this option to display the image captions."
msgstr " Kytke tämä päälle nähdäksesi kuvan kommentit."
#: utilities/setup/setuptooltip.cpp:179
#, fuzzy
msgid "Show image tags"
msgstr "Näytä tiedoston tyyppi"
#: utilities/setup/setuptooltip.cpp:180
#, fuzzy
msgid " Set this option to display the image tags."
msgstr " Valitse tämä nähdäksesi tiedoston tyypin."
#: utilities/setup/setuptooltip.cpp:182
#, fuzzy
msgid "Show image rating"
msgstr "Näytä kuvan arvio"
#: utilities/setup/setuptooltip.cpp:183
#, fuzzy
msgid " Set this option to display the image rating."
msgstr " Tämä valinta näyttää kuvan arvion."
#: utilities/slideshow/slideshow.cpp:433
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Cannot display image\n"
msgstr ""
"Ei voi näyttää kuvaa\n"
#: utilities/slideshow/slideshow.cpp:451
msgid "SlideShow Completed."
msgstr "Diaesitys päättynyt."
#: utilities/slideshow/slideshow.cpp:452
msgid "Click To Exit..."
msgstr "Napsauta lopettaaksesi..."
#: digikam/digikamui.rc:7
#, no-c-format
msgid "&Album"
msgstr "&Albumi"
#: digikam/digikamui.rc:25
#, no-c-format
msgid "T&ag"
msgstr "&Tunniste"
#: digikam/digikamui.rc:33
#, no-c-format
msgid "&Image"
msgstr "&Kuva"
#: digikam/digikamui.rc:84
#, no-c-format
msgid "&Batch"
msgstr "&Eräajo"
#: digikam/digikamui.rc:88
#, no-c-format
msgid "&Import"
msgstr "&Tuo"
#: digikam/digikamui.rc:97
#, no-c-format
msgid "&Export"
msgstr "&Vie"
#: imageplugins/adjustcurves/digikamimageplugin_adjustcurves_ui.rc:6
#: imageplugins/adjustlevels/digikamimageplugin_adjustlevels_ui.rc:6
#: imageplugins/channelmixer/digikamimageplugin_channelmixer_ui.rc:6
#: imageplugins/colorfx/digikamimageplugin_colorfx_ui.rc:6
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/digikamimageplugin_core_ui.rc:6
#: imageplugins/whitebalance/digikamimageplugin_whitebalance_ui.rc:6
#: showfoto/showfotoui.rc:54
#: utilities/imageeditor/editor/digikamimagewindowui.rc:49
#, no-c-format
msgid "&Color"
msgstr "&Värit"
#: imageplugins/antivignetting/digikamimageplugin_antivignetting_ui.rc:6
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/digikamimageplugin_core_ui.rc:26
#: imageplugins/hotpixels/digikamimageplugin_hotpixels_ui.rc:6
#: imageplugins/inpainting/digikamimageplugin_inpainting_ui.rc:6
#: imageplugins/lensdistortion/digikamimageplugin_lensdistortion_ui.rc:6
#: imageplugins/noisereduction/digikamimageplugin_noisereduction_ui.rc:6
#: imageplugins/restoration/digikamimageplugin_restoration_ui.rc:6
#: showfoto/showfotoui.rc:57
#: utilities/imageeditor/editor/digikamimagewindowui.rc:52
#, no-c-format
msgid "Enh&ance"
msgstr "&Paranna"
#: imageplugins/blurfx/digikamimageplugin_blurfx_ui.rc:6
#: imageplugins/charcoal/digikamimageplugin_charcoal_ui.rc:6
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/digikamimageplugin_core_ui.rc:37
#: imageplugins/distortionfx/digikamimageplugin_distortionfx_ui.rc:6
#: imageplugins/emboss/digikamimageplugin_emboss_ui.rc:6
#: imageplugins/filmgrain/digikamimageplugin_filmgrain_ui.rc:6
#: imageplugins/infrared/digikamimageplugin_infrared_ui.rc:5
#: imageplugins/oilpaint/digikamimageplugin_oilpaint_ui.rc:6
#: imageplugins/raindrop/digikamimageplugin_raindrop_ui.rc:6
#: showfoto/showfotoui.rc:75
#: utilities/imageeditor/editor/digikamimagewindowui.rc:69
#, no-c-format
msgid "F&ilters"
msgstr "&Suodattimet"
#: imageplugins/border/digikamimageplugin_border_ui.rc:6
#: imageplugins/inserttext/digikamimageplugin_inserttext_ui.rc:6
#: imageplugins/superimpose/digikamimageplugin_superimpose_ui.rc:6
#: imageplugins/texture/digikamimageplugin_texture_ui.rc:6
#: showfoto/showfotoui.rc:72
#: utilities/imageeditor/editor/digikamimagewindowui.rc:66
#, no-c-format
msgid "&Decorate"
msgstr ""
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/digikamimageplugin_core_ui.rc:18
#, no-c-format
msgid "&Depth"
msgstr "S&yvyys"
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/digikamimageplugin_core_ui.rc:33
#: imageplugins/freerotation/digikamimageplugin_freerotation_ui.rc:6
#: imageplugins/perspective/digikamimageplugin_perspective_ui.rc:6
#: imageplugins/sheartool/digikamimageplugin_sheartool_ui.rc:6
#: showfoto/showfotoui.rc:61
#: utilities/imageeditor/editor/digikamimagewindowui.rc:55
#, no-c-format
msgid "Tra&nsform"
msgstr "&Muunna"
#: libs/dialogs/deletedialogbase.ui:16
#, fuzzy, no-c-format
msgid "DeleteDialogBase"
msgstr "Poista tiedosto"
#: libs/dialogs/deletedialogbase.ui:60
#, no-c-format
msgid "Icon Placeholder, not in GUI"
msgstr ""
#: libs/dialogs/deletedialogbase.ui:76
#, no-c-format
msgid "Deletion method placeholder, never shown to user."
msgstr ""
#: libs/dialogs/deletedialogbase.ui:79
#, no-c-format
msgid "WordBreak|AlignCenter"
msgstr ""
#: libs/dialogs/deletedialogbase.ui:94
#, no-c-format
msgid "List of files that are about to be deleted."
msgstr "Lista tiedostoista, jotka ollaan poistamassa."
#: libs/dialogs/deletedialogbase.ui:97
#, no-c-format
msgid "This is the list of items that are about to be deleted."
msgstr "Tässä on lista tiedostoista, jotka ollaan poistamassa."
#: libs/dialogs/deletedialogbase.ui:105
#, no-c-format
msgid "Placeholder for number of files, not in GUI"
msgstr ""
#: libs/dialogs/deletedialogbase.ui:108
#, fuzzy, no-c-format
msgid "AlignVCenter|AlignRight"
msgstr "Keskioikea"
#: libs/dialogs/deletedialogbase.ui:134
#, no-c-format
msgid "&Delete files instead of moving them to the trash"
msgstr "&Poista kuvat sen sijaan että ne siirrettäisiin roskakoriin"
#: libs/dialogs/deletedialogbase.ui:137
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"If checked, files will be permanently removed instead of being placed in the "
"Trash Bin"
msgstr "Valitse poistetaanko tiedostot ennemmin kuin siirretään roskakoriin"
#: libs/dialogs/deletedialogbase.ui:140
#, fuzzy, no-c-format
msgid ""
" If this box is checked, files will be permanently removed "
"instead of being placed in the Trash Bin. Use this option with caution: most filesystems "
"are unable to undelete deleted files reliably. Mikäli valittu, yllä olevat tiedostot poistetaan, eikä niitä "
"siirretä roskakoriin. Käytä tätä valintaa varoen: On todennäköistä, että et pysty "
"palauttamaan tiedostoja, jotka on poistettu. If this box is checked, this dialog will no longer be shown, and "
"files will be directly moved to the Trash Bin \n"
" \n"
" \n"
" \n"
" \n"
" \n"
" \n"
" \n"
" \n"
" \n"
" \n"
" \n"
" \n"
" \n"
msgstr ""
#: libs/imageproperties/imagedescedittab.cpp:433
#, fuzzy
msgid "
Please enter a "
"new file name (without extension):"
msgstr ""
"Kamerakansio %1 sisältää jo kohteen %2
Anna uusi "
"tiedostonimi (ilman päätettä):"
#: utilities/cameragui/cameraui.cpp:1067 utilities/cameragui/cameraui.cpp:1070
msgid "File already exists"
msgstr "Tiedosto on jo olemassa."
#: utilities/cameragui/cameraui.cpp:1124
msgid ""
"There is no enough free space on Album Library Path to download and process "
"selected pictures from camera.\n"
"Estimated space require: %1\n"
"Available free space: %2"
msgstr ""
#: utilities/cameragui/cameraui.cpp:1166
msgid ""
yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss "
"for 2006-08-24 14:24:18.
yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss tuottaa 2006-08-24 "
msgstr ""
"Massamuistiajuri USB/FireWire (IEEE1394) -liitäntäisille kameroille "
"sekä Flash-kortinlukijoille.
#: utilities/cameragui/umscamera.cpp:490
msgid "Title: %1
Model: %2
Port: %3
Path: %4
msgstr "Tunniste: %1
Malli: %2
Portti: %3
Polku: %4
#: utilities/cameragui/umscamera.cpp:503
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"For more information about the Mounted Camera driver, please read "
"Supported Digital Still Cameras section in the digiKam manual."
msgstr ""
"Saat lisätietoja massamuistiajurista digiKamin englanninkielisestä "
"käyttöoppaasta Supported Digital Still Cameras-kohdasta."
#: utilities/cameragui/umscamera.cpp:511
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"The Mounted Camera driver is a simple interface to a camera disk "
"mounted locally on your system.
It doesn't use libgphoto2 drivers."
To report any problems with this driver, please contact the digiKam "
"team at:
msgstr ""
"Massamuistiajuri on yksinkertainen liittymä kameran liitospisteeseen "
"paikallisessa tiedostojärjestelmässä.
Tämä ajuri ei käytä libgphoto2-"
Voit ilmoittaa ongelmat (englanniksi) digiKamin "
"kehittäjäryhmälle osoitteessa:
#: utilities/imageeditor/canvas/colorcorrectiondlg.cpp:62
msgid "Convert"
msgstr "Muunna"
#: utilities/imageeditor/canvas/colorcorrectiondlg.cpp:63
msgid "Apply the default color workspace profile to the image"
msgstr "Käytä työtilan oletusväriprofiilia kuvalle"
#: utilities/imageeditor/canvas/colorcorrectiondlg.cpp:64
msgid "Do Nothing"
msgstr "Älä tee mitään"
#: utilities/imageeditor/canvas/colorcorrectiondlg.cpp:65
msgid "Do not change the image"
msgstr "Älä muuta kuvaa"
#: utilities/imageeditor/canvas/colorcorrectiondlg.cpp:66
msgid "Assign"
msgstr "Määritä"
#: utilities/imageeditor/canvas/colorcorrectiondlg.cpp:67
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Only embed the color workspace profile in the image, don't change the image"
msgstr "Käytä työtilan oletusväriprofiilia kuvalle"
#: utilities/imageeditor/canvas/colorcorrectiondlg.cpp:75
#, fuzzy
msgid "Original Image:"
msgstr "Alkuperäinen"
#: utilities/imageeditor/canvas/colorcorrectiondlg.cpp:77
#, fuzzy
msgid "Corrected Image:"
msgstr "Korjattu kuva:"
#: utilities/imageeditor/canvas/colorcorrectiondlg.cpp:81
msgid "Current workspace color profile:"
msgstr "Nykyisen työtilan väriprofiili:"
#: utilities/imageeditor/canvas/colorcorrectiondlg.cpp:84
msgid "Embedded color profile:"
msgstr "Upotettu väriprofiili:"
#: utilities/imageeditor/canvas/colorcorrectiondlg.cpp:91
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
(which looks like a removable "
"drive when mounted on your desktop), please
use %1"
"a> from camera list.
tavoin "
"(muistikortti näyttäytyy levyasemana), valitse listalta %1.
(which uses the Picture "
"Transfer Protocol), please
use %1 from the "
"camera list.
Procotol (PTP)-"
"yhteyttä, valitse listalta %1 .
available at this url.
löytyy internetistä ."
msgstr ""
#: utilities/setup/setupicc.cpp:173
msgid "Behavior"
msgstr "Käyttö"
#: utilities/setup/setupicc.cpp:179
#, fuzzy
msgid "Apply when opening an image in the Image Editor"
msgstr "Käytä avattaessa kuvaa kuvaeditoriin"
#: utilities/setup/setupicc.cpp:180
msgid ""
msgstr ""
#: utilities/setup/setupicc.cpp:467
msgid ""
" \n"
" \n"
"... that digiKam supports Drag'n'Drop? So you can easily move images "
"from Konqueror to digiKam or from digiKam to K3b simply by using "
" \n"
" \n"
" \n"
"Tiesitkö, että digiKam tukee raahaa-ja-pudota-toimintoa? Voit "
"helposti siirtää kuvia Konquerorista digiKamiin ja digiKamista K3b-poltto-"
"ohjelmaan siirtämällä ne hiirellä.\n"
" \n"
" \n"
" \n"
"... that you can use nested albums in digiKam.\n"
" \n"
" \n"
" \n"
"Tiesitkö, että voit luoda uusia albumeja edellisten albumien sisään?\n"
" \n"
" \n"
" \n"
"... that you can view the Exif, MakerNotes, and IPTC "
"photo information by using the Metadata sidebar tab?\n"
" \n"
" \n"
" \n"
"Tiesitkö, että näet valokuvan exif-, MakerNotes- sekä iptc"
"b>-tietueet sivupalkista metatiedot-lehdeltä?\n"
" \n"
" \n"
" \n"
"... that each photo has a context menu that can be reached by clicking on it "
"with the right mouse button?\n"
" \n"
" \n"
" \n"
"Tiesitkö, että jokaisella valokuvalla on oma kontekstivalikkonsa, jonka saat "
"auki napsauttamalla kuvaa hiiren oikealla painikkeella?\n"
" \n"
" \n"
" \n"
"... that albums in digiKam are folders in your Album Library? So you can "
"easily import your photos by simply copying them to your Album Library.\n"
" \n"
" \n"
" \n"
"Tiesitkö, että digiKamin albumi on kansio albumikirjastossa? Voit helposti "
"tuoda lisää kuvia vain kopioimalla ne albumikirjastoon.\n"
" \n"
" \n"
" \n"
"... that you can customize your digiKam toolbars using Settings -> Configure "
" \n"
" \n"
" \n"
"Tiesitkö, että voit muokata digiKamin työkaluriviä kohdasta asetukset -> "
"muokkaa työkalurivejä...?\n"
" \n"
" \n"
" \n"
"... that you can reach other users through the digiKam-users mailing list? "
"Subscribe to it at this url.\n"
" \n"
" \n"
" \n"
"Tiesitkö, että voit tavoittaa muita digiKamin käyttäjiä liittymällä "
"englanninkieliselle postituslistalle?Liity listalle tässä osoitteessa.\n"
" \n"
\n" "
"![]() | \n"
"\n" "... that digiKam has multiple plugins with extra features like HTML " "export, Archive to CD, Slideshow,... and that you are " "welcome to write your own plugins? You can find more information at this url.\n" " | \n" "
\n" "
"![]() | \n"
"\n" "Tiesitkö, että digiKamissa on useita liitännäisiä, joiden ominaisuuksiin " "kuuluu mm. www-galleria, cd-arkistointi, diaesitys,... " "ja että uusien liitännäisten kehitys on avointa? Lisätietoja (englanniksi) " "löydät tästä osoitteesta" "a>.\n" " | \n" "
\n" "
![]() | \n"
"\n" "... that you have direct access to the KDE Gamma Configuration using Tools -" "> Gamma Adjustment?\n" " | \n" "
\n" "
![]() | \n"
"\n" "Tiesitkö, että voit muokata KGamma-asetuksia suoraan kohdasta työkalut -> " "Gamma-asetukset?\n" " | \n" "
\n" "
"![]() | \n"
"\n" "... that you can print images using the Print Wizard? You can start it using " "Album -> Export -> Print Wizard.\n" " | \n" "
\n" "
"![]() | \n"
"\n" "Tiesitkö, että kuvien tulostamiseen voit käyttää avustinta? Käynnistä " "avustin valikosta albumi -> Vie -> Tulostusvelhon.\n" " | \n" "
\n" "
![]() | \n"
"\n" "... that you can use the PNG file format instead of TIFF for " "good compression without losing image quality?\n" " | \n" "
\n" "
![]() | \n"
"\n" "Tiesitkö, että png-tiedostomuoto on häviötön, ja antaa valokuville " "paremman pakkaussuhteen kuin tiff?\n" " | \n" "
\n" "
"![]() | \n"
"\n" "... that most of the settings in a dialog box have What's this? " "information available, which can be reached via the right mouse button?\n" " | \n" "
\n" "
"![]() | \n"
"\n" "Tiesitkö, että voit saada lisätietoja useimmista asetuksista hiiren oikean " "painikkeen naksautuksella? | \n" "
\n" "
"![]() | \n"
"\n" "... that because the PNG file format uses a lossless compression algorithm, " "you can use the max compression level with this file format?\n" " | \n" "
\n" "
"![]() | \n"
"\n" "Tiesitkö, että koska png-tiedostomuoto on häviötön, voit huoletta käyttää " "suurinta pakkaustasoa? | \n" "
\n" "
"![]() | \n"
"\n" "... that you can print the current image opened in the digiKam image " "editor?\n" " | \n" "
\n" "
"![]() | \n"
"\n" "Tiesitkö, että voit tulostaa avoinna olevan kuvan?\n" " | \n" "
\n" "
"![]() | \n"
"\n" "... that you can edit the comments of the current image opened in the " "digiKam image editor using Comments and Tags sidebar tab?\n" " | \n" "
\n" "
"![]() | \n"
"\n" "Tiesitkö, että voit lisätä avoimeen kuvaan kommentteja sivupalkin " "kommentit ja tunnisteet-välilehden kautta?\n" " | \n" "
\n" "
"![]() | \n"
"\n" "... that you could use <Page Down> and <Page Up> on your " "keyboard to switch between photos in the image editor?\n" " | \n" "
\n" "
"![]() | \n"
"\n" "Tiesitkö, että näppäimet <Page Down> ja <Page Up> selaavat " "näkyvissä olevaa kuvaa?\n" " | \n" "
This is the shear operation preview. If you move the mouse cursor on " #~ "this preview, a vertical and horizontal dashed line will be drawn to " #~ "guide you in adjusting the free rotation correction. Release the left " #~ "mouse button to freeze the dashed line's position." #~ msgstr "" #~ "
Tämä on suodatetun kuvan esikatselu. Tämän alueen yllä hiiren " #~ "kohdistinta seuraa katkoviivoitettu avustinristikko. Se auttaa " #~ "suodatinasetusten muokaamisessa; naksauta hiiren vasenta painiketta " #~ "lukitaksesi kohdistimen valittuun sijaintiin." #, fuzzy #~ msgid "
Abort current image rendering." #~ msgstr "
Keskeytä tämän kuvan renderointi." #~ msgid "Launch Color Management plugin with RAW files" #~ msgstr "Käynnistä värinhallintaliitännäinen RAW-tiedostojen kanssa" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "" #~ "Enable this option if you want to launch the color management image " #~ "plugin when a RAW file is loaded in the editor." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Valitse, jos haluat käynnistää värinhallintaliitännäisen kun editoriin " #~ "ladataan RAW-tiedosto." #, fuzzy #~ msgid "Loading image......" #~ msgstr "Siirretään kuvaa..." #, fuzzy #~ msgid "Vignetting..." #~ msgstr "Asetukset..." #, fuzzy #~ msgid "&Preview" #~ msgstr "Poistu esikatselutilasta" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "&Use General" #~ msgstr "Yleiset" #~ msgid "A Photo Management Application for TDE" #~ msgstr "Sovellus valokuvien käsittelyyn ja järjestelemiseen" #~ msgid "Using Kipi library version %1" #~ msgstr "Käytetään Kipi-kirjaston versiota %1" #~ msgid "Using Gphoto2 library version %1" #~ msgstr "Käytetään Gphoto2-kirjaston versiota %1" #~ msgid "(c) 2004-2008, digiKam developers team" #~ msgstr "(c) 2004-2008, digiKamin kehittäjätiimi" #~ msgid "Developer (2002-2005" #~ msgstr "Kehittäjä (2002-2005)" #~ msgid "Developer (2004)" #~ msgstr "Kehittäjä (2004)" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "
Set here the gamma adjustement of the image" #~ msgstr "
Aseta gamma-arvon säätö." #~ msgid "" #~ "Histogram\n" #~ "calculation\n" #~ "in progress..." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Histogrammin\n" #~ "muodostus\n" #~ "käynnissä..." #, fuzzy #~ msgid "&Load" #~ msgstr "&Lataa..." #~ msgid "" #~ "
\n" #~ "
#~ "![]() | \n"
#~ "\n" #~ "... that there is a digiKam hotplugging howto available at this url ?\n" #~ " | \n" #~ "
\n" #~ "
#~ "![]() | \n"
#~ "\n" #~ "Tiesitkö, että digiKamin \"hotplugging\"-opas löytyy tästä osoitteesta ?\n" #~ " | \n" #~ "
Print the image file name to the screen bottom." #~ msgstr "
Tulosta kuvan tiedostonimi näytön alaosaan." #, fuzzy #~ msgid "
Print the image creation to the screen bottom." #~ msgstr "
Tulosta kuvan luontiaika ruudun alaosaan."
#~ msgid "&Send to Trash"
#~ msgstr "&Siirrä roskakoriin"
#~ msgid " If this box is checked, this dialog will not be shown again in the "
#~ "future, files will be directly moved to the Trash Bin Mikäli valittu, tätä ikkunaa ei näytetä jatkossa vaan tiedostot "
#~ "siirretään suoraan roskakoriin