path: root/debian/fireflies/fireflies-2.08/libgfx/include/gfx
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'debian/fireflies/fireflies-2.08/libgfx/include/gfx')
31 files changed, 3271 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/debian/fireflies/fireflies-2.08/libgfx/include/gfx/arcball.h b/debian/fireflies/fireflies-2.08/libgfx/include/gfx/arcball.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..3b1ff00e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/fireflies/fireflies-2.08/libgfx/include/gfx/arcball.h
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+#ifndef GFXARCBALL_INCLUDED // -*- C++ -*-
+#if !defined(__GNUC__)
+# pragma once
+ Arcball rotation control.
+ $Id: arcball.h 427 2004-09-27 04:45:31Z garland $
+ ************************************************************************/
+#include "baseball.h"
+namespace gfx
+class Arcball : public Baseball
+ Vec2 ball_ctr;
+ double ball_radius;
+ Quat q_now, q_down, q_drag; // Quaternions describing rotation
+ Vec3 v_from, v_to; //
+ bool is_dragging;
+ Vec3 proj_to_sphere(const Vec2&);
+ void update();
+ Arcball();
+ virtual void update_animation();
+ virtual bool mouse_down(int *where, int which);
+ virtual bool mouse_up(int *where, int which);
+ virtual bool mouse_drag(int *where, int *last, int which);
+ virtual void apply_transform();
+ virtual void get_transform(Vec3 & c, Vec3 &t, Quat & q);
+ virtual void set_transform(const Vec3 & c, const Vec3 & t, const Quat & q);
+ virtual void write(std::ostream&);
+ virtual void read(std::istream&);
+} // namespace gfx
diff --git a/debian/fireflies/fireflies-2.08/libgfx/include/gfx/array.h b/debian/fireflies/fireflies-2.08/libgfx/include/gfx/array.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..66189e4b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/fireflies/fireflies-2.08/libgfx/include/gfx/array.h
@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
+#ifndef GFXARRAY_INCLUDED // -*- C++ -*-
+#if !defined(__GNUC__)
+# pragma once
+ These array classes extend the STL vector<> template to provide
+ convenient 2-D and 3-D arrays.
+ NOTE: This package used to provide array<T> and varray<T> templates
+ that were alternatives to the STL vector<T> template. Its purpose was
+ to support some legacy code written in the days when few compilers
+ understood STL. Now that STL support is common, that code has been
+ removed.
+ $Id: array.h 427 2004-09-27 04:45:31Z garland $
+ ************************************************************************/
+#include "gfx.h"
+#include <vector>
+namespace gfx
+template<class T>
+class array2 : public std::vector<T>
+ int W, H;
+ array2() { }
+ array2(int w, int h) : std::vector<T>(w*h), W(w), H(h) { }
+ T& operator()(int i, int j) { return (*this)[j*W+i]; }
+ const T& operator()(int i, int j) const { return (*this)[j*W+i]; }
+ int width() const { return W; }
+ int height() const { return H; }
+template<class T>
+class array3 : public std::vector<T>
+ int W, H, D;
+ array3() { }
+ array3(int w, int h, int d) : std::vector<T>(w*h*d), W(w), H(h), D(d) { }
+ T& operator()(int i, int j, int k) { return (*this)[k*W*H + j*W+i]; }
+ const T& operator()(int i,int j,int k) const {return (*this)[k*W*H+j*W+i];}
+ int width() const { return W; }
+ int height() const { return H; }
+ int depth() const { return D; }
+} // namespace gfx
diff --git a/debian/fireflies/fireflies-2.08/libgfx/include/gfx/baseball.h b/debian/fireflies/fireflies-2.08/libgfx/include/gfx/baseball.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..6e10d647
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/fireflies/fireflies-2.08/libgfx/include/gfx/baseball.h
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+#ifndef GFXBASEBALL_INCLUDED // -*- C++ -*-
+#if !defined(__GNUC__)
+# pragma once
+ Common base class for ball-based rotators (e.g., Trackball & Arcball).
+ $Id: baseball.h 443 2005-06-14 00:53:40Z garland $
+ ************************************************************************/
+#include "quat.h"
+namespace gfx
+class Baseball
+ Vec3 ctr; // Describes bounding sphere of object
+ double radius; //
+ Quat curquat; // Current rotation of object
+ Vec3 trans; // Current translation of object
+ Baseball();
+ virtual ~Baseball() {}
+ // Required initialization method
+ template<class T>
+ void bounding_sphere(const TVec3<T>& v, T r) { ctr=v; radius=r; }
+ // Standard event interface provide by all Ball controllers
+ virtual void update_animation() = 0;
+ virtual bool mouse_down(int *where, int which) = 0;
+ virtual bool mouse_up(int *where, int which) = 0;
+ virtual bool mouse_drag(int *where, int *last, int which) = 0;
+ // Interface for use during drawing to apply appropriate transformation
+ virtual void apply_transform();
+ virtual void unapply_transform();
+ // Interface for reading/writing transform
+ virtual void write(std::ostream&);
+ virtual void read(std::istream&);
+} // namespace gfx
diff --git a/debian/fireflies/fireflies-2.08/libgfx/include/gfx/color.h b/debian/fireflies/fireflies-2.08/libgfx/include/gfx/color.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..6b86e6e6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/fireflies/fireflies-2.08/libgfx/include/gfx/color.h
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+#ifndef GFXCOLOR_INCLUDED // -*- C++ -*-
+#if !defined(__GNUC__)
+# pragma once
+ Simple color manipulations
+ $Id$
+ ************************************************************************/
+#include "vec3.h"
+namespace gfx
+ // RGB colors have components R,G,B in [0,1]
+ typedef Vec3f rgbColor;
+ // HSV colors should have components:
+ // H in [0,360]
+ // S in [0,1]
+ // V in [0,1]
+ typedef Vec3f hsvColor;
+ typedef Vec3f yiqColor;
+ typedef Vec3f xyzColor;
+ typedef Vec2f xyChromaticity;
+ extern hsvColor RGBtoHSV(const rgbColor& rgb);
+ extern rgbColor HSVtoRGB(const hsvColor& hsv);
+ extern float rgb_luminance_ntsc(const rgbColor& rgb);
+ extern float rgb_luminance_alt(const rgbColor& rgb);
+ extern yiqColor RGBtoYIQ(const rgbColor& rgb);
+ extern xyzColor RGBtoXYZ(const rgbColor& rgb);
+ extern rgbColor XYZtoRGB(const xyzColor& xyz);
+ extern xyChromaticity xyz_chromaticity(const xyzColor& xyz);
diff --git a/debian/fireflies/fireflies-2.08/libgfx/include/gfx/config-osx.h b/debian/fireflies/fireflies-2.08/libgfx/include/gfx/config-osx.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b8081979
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/fireflies/fireflies-2.08/libgfx/include/gfx/config-osx.h
@@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
+ Configuration header for Mac OS X. Manually derived from config.h
+ generated by autoconf on OS X Tiger (10.4).
+ ************************************************************************/
+/* Define this if your compiler doesn't support the new C++ 'bool' type */
+#define HAVE_BOOL 1
+/* Define if your system supports rint() */
+#define HAVE_RINT 1
+/* Define if your system supports getrusage() */
+/* Define if your system does not support getrusage() but supports times() */
+#define HAVE_TIMES 1
+/* Define if your system supports random() as opposed to just rand() */
+/* #undef HAVE_RANDOM */
+/* Define if the STL hash_map template is available */
+/* #undef HAVE_HASH_MAP */
+/* Define if the STL hash_set template is available */
+/* #undef HAVE_HASH_SET */
+/* GCC v3 puts hash_map and hash_set in an 'ext' directory */
+#define HAVE_EXT_HASH_MAP 1
+#define HAVE_EXT_HASH_SET 1
+/* Define if the STL valarray template is available */
+#define HAVE_VALARRAY 1
+/* Define if the ANSI standard <sstream> is available */
+#define HAVE_SSTREAM 1
+/* Define if the pre-ANSI <strstream> is available */
+/* Define if the gzstream library (a zlib wrapper) is available */
+/* #undef HAVE_GZSTREAM */
+/* ***** GUI & Image configuration section ***** */
+/* Define if the FLTK GUI toolkit is available */
+#define HAVE_FLTK 1
+/* Define if FLTK OpenGL support is available */
+#define HAVE_FLTK_GL 1
+/* Define if Sam Leffler's libtiff is available */
+#define HAVE_LIBTIFF 1
+/* Define the libtiff LZW is available */
+/* #undef HAVE_LIBTIFF_LZW */
+/* Define if libpng is available */
+#define HAVE_LIBPNG 1
+/* Define if the Independent JPEG Group's libjpeg is available */
+#define HAVE_LIBJPEG 1
+/* ***** OpenGL configuration section ***** */
+/* Define to the name of OpenGL implementation (e.g., "OpenGL" or "Mesa") */
+#define HAVE_OPENGL "OpenGL"
+/* Define if glPolygonOffsetEXT is available */
+/* Define if glPolygonOffset is available */
+/* Define if <GL/glext.h> header is available */
+/* #undef HAVE_GL_GLEXT_H */
+/* Define if <GL/glxext.h> header is available */
+/* #undef HAVE_GL_GLXEXT_H */
+/* Define if <GL/wglext.h> header is available */
+/* #undef HAVE_GL_WGLEXT_H */
+/* Define if <OpenGL/glext.h> header is available (for Apple) */
diff --git a/debian/fireflies/fireflies-2.08/libgfx/include/gfx/config-vc.h b/debian/fireflies/fireflies-2.08/libgfx/include/gfx/config-vc.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ed327937
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/fireflies/fireflies-2.08/libgfx/include/gfx/config-vc.h
@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
+ Visual C++ 5/6 configuration header.
+ Manually generated from
+ ************************************************************************/
+/* Define this if your compiler doesn't support the new C++ 'bool' type */
+#define HAVE_BOOL 1
+/* Define if your system supports rint() */
+/* #define HAVE_RINT 1 */
+/* Define if your system supports getrusage() */
+/* #undef HAVE_GETRUSAGE */
+/* Define if your system does not support getrusage() but supports times() */
+/* #undef HAVE_TIMES */
+/* Define if your system supports random() as opposed to just rand() */
+/* #undef HAVE_RANDOM */
+/* Define if the STL hash_map template is available */
+/* #undef HAVE_HASH_MAP */
+/* Define if the STL hash_set template is available */
+/*#undef HAVE_HASH_SET */
+/* GCC v3 puts hash_map and hash_set in an 'ext' directory */
+/* #undef HAVE_EXT_HASH_MAP */
+/* #undef HAVE_EXT_HASH_SET */
+/* Define if the STL valarray template is available */
+#define HAVE_VALARRAY 1
+/* Define if the ANSI standard <sstream> is available */
+#define HAVE_SSTREAM 1
+/* Define if the pre-ANSI <strstream> is available */
+/* #undef HAVE_STRSTREAM */
+/* Define if the FLTK GUI toolkit is available */
+#define HAVE_FLTK 1
+/* Define if FLTK OpenGL support is available */
+#define HAVE_FLTK_GL 1
+/* Define if Sam Leffler's libtiff is available */
+#define HAVE_LIBTIFF 1
+/* Define if libpng is available */
+#define HAVE_LIBPNG 1
+/* Define if the Independent JPEG Group's libjpeg is available */
+#define HAVE_LIBJPEG 1
+/* ***** OpenGL configuration section ***** */
+/* Define to the name of OpenGL implementation (e.g., "OpenGL" or "Mesa") */
+#define HAVE_OPENGL "OpenGL"
+/* Define if glPolygonOffsetEXT is available */
+/* Define if glPolygonOffset is available */
+/* Define if <GL/glext.h> header is available */
+#define HAVE_GL_GLEXT_H 1
+/* Define if <GL/glxext.h> header is available */
+/* #undef HAVE_GL_GLXEXT_H */
+/* Define if <GL/wglext.h> header is available */
+#define HAVE_GL_WGLEXT_H 1
+/* Visual C++ gets confused by too many casting and [] operators */
+#if defined(_DEBUG) && defined(_MSC_VER)
+// STL makes Visual C++ complain about identifiers longer than 255
+// characters. Unfortunately, this may limit the debugability of
+// code that uses STL.
+#pragma warning (disable : 4786)
diff --git a/debian/fireflies/fireflies-2.08/libgfx/include/gfx/ b/debian/fireflies/fireflies-2.08/libgfx/include/gfx/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..0adb4ea7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/fireflies/fireflies-2.08/libgfx/include/gfx/
@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
+/* This -*- C -*- file is meant to be processed by the configure script */
+/* Define this if your compiler doesn't support the new C++ 'bool' type */
+#undef HAVE_BOOL
+/* Define if your system supports rint() */
+#undef HAVE_RINT
+/* Define if your system supports getrusage() */
+/* Define if your system does not support getrusage() but supports times() */
+#undef HAVE_TIMES
+/* Define if your system supports random() as opposed to just rand() */
+/* Define if the STL hash_map template is available */
+/* Define if the STL hash_set template is available */
+/* GCC v3 puts hash_map and hash_set in an 'ext' directory */
+/* Define if the STL valarray template is available */
+/* Define if the ANSI standard <sstream> is available */
+/* Define if the pre-ANSI <strstream> is available */
+/* Define if the gzstream library (a zlib wrapper) is available */
+/* ***** GUI & Image configuration section ***** */
+/* Define if the FLTK GUI toolkit is available */
+#undef HAVE_FLTK
+/* Define if FLTK OpenGL support is available */
+#undef HAVE_FLTK_GL
+/* Define if Sam Leffler's libtiff is available */
+/* Define the libtiff LZW is available */
+/* Define if libpng is available */
+/* Define if the Independent JPEG Group's libjpeg is available */
+/* ***** OpenGL configuration section ***** */
+/* Define to the name of OpenGL implementation (e.g., "OpenGL" or "Mesa") */
+/* Define if glPolygonOffsetEXT is available */
+/* Define if glPolygonOffset is available */
+/* Define if <GL/glext.h> header is available */
+/* Define if <GL/glxext.h> header is available */
+/* Define if <GL/wglext.h> header is available */
+/* Define if <OpenGL/glext.h> header is available (for Apple) */
diff --git a/debian/fireflies/fireflies-2.08/libgfx/include/gfx/geom3d.h b/debian/fireflies/fireflies-2.08/libgfx/include/gfx/geom3d.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..817bb6f2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/fireflies/fireflies-2.08/libgfx/include/gfx/geom3d.h
@@ -0,0 +1,133 @@
+#if !defined(__GNUC__)
+# pragma once
+ Handy 3D geometrical primitives
+ $Id: geom3d.h 432 2004-11-02 22:55:41Z garland $
+ ************************************************************************/
+#include "vec3.h"
+namespace gfx
+// Computing properties of triangles
+template<class Vec>
+inline Vec triangle_raw_normal(const Vec& v1, const Vec& v2, const Vec& v3)
+ return cross(v2-v1, v3-v1);
+template<class Vec>
+inline typename Vec::value_type
+ triangle_area(const Vec& v1,const Vec& v2,const Vec& v3)
+ return 0.5 * norm(triangle_raw_normal(v1, v2, v3));
+template<class Vec>
+inline Vec triangle_normal(const Vec& v1, const Vec& v2, const Vec& v3)
+ Vec n = triangle_raw_normal(v1, v2, v3);
+ unitize(n);
+ return n;
+template<class Vec, class Plane>
+inline Plane triangle_plane(const Vec& v1, const Vec& v2, const Vec& v3)
+ Vec n = triangle_normal(v1, v2, v3);
+ return Plane(n, -(n*v1));
+template<class Vec, class Plane>
+inline Plane triangle_raw_plane(const Vec& v1, const Vec& v2, const Vec& v3)
+ Vec n = triangle_raw_normal(v1, v2, v3);
+ return Plane(n, -(n*v1));
+template< class Vec>
+inline typename Vec::value_type
+ triangle_compactness(const Vec& v1, const Vec& v2, const Vec& v3)
+ const double FOUR_ROOT3 = 6.928203230275509;
+ return FOUR_ROOT3 * triangle_area(v1, v2, v3) /
+ ( norm2(v2 - v1) + norm2(v3 - v2) + norm2(v1 - v3) );
+// Operations with axis-aligned bounding boxes
+template<class Vec, class List>
+void update_bbox(Vec& min, Vec& max, const List& items)
+ typedef typename List::const_iterator iterator;
+ for(iterator i=items.begin(); i!=items.end(); i++)
+ {
+ const Vec& v = *i;
+ for(int j=0; j<Vec::dim(); j++)
+ {
+ if( v[j] < min[j] ) min[j] = v[j];
+ if( v[j] > max[j] ) max[j] = v[j];
+ }
+ }
+template<class Vec, class List>
+void compute_bbox(Vec& min, Vec& max, const List& items)
+ if( items.size()==0 ) min = max = 0;
+ else min = max = items[0];
+ update_bbox(min, max, items);
+template<class Vec>
+bool is_inside_bbox(const Vec& p, const Vec& min, Vec& max)
+ for(int i=0; i<Vec::dim(); i++)
+ if( p[i]<min[i] || p[i]>max[i] )
+ return false;
+ return true;
+template<class Vec>
+Vec clamp_to_bbox(Vec p, const Vec& min, const Vec& max)
+ for(int i=0; i<Vec::dim(); i++)
+ {
+ if (p[i]<min[i]) p[i]=min[i];
+ else if (p[i]>max[i]) p[i]=max[i];
+ }
+ return p;
+// Computing properties of tetrahedra
+extern double tetrahedron_determinant(const Vec3& v0, const Vec3& v1,
+ const Vec3& v2, const Vec3& v3);
+extern double tetrahedron_volume(const Vec3& v0, const Vec3& v1,
+ const Vec3& v2, const Vec3& v3);
+} // namespace gfx
diff --git a/debian/fireflies/fireflies-2.08/libgfx/include/gfx/geom4d.h b/debian/fireflies/fireflies-2.08/libgfx/include/gfx/geom4d.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..47007c02
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/fireflies/fireflies-2.08/libgfx/include/gfx/geom4d.h
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+#if !defined(__GNUC__)
+# pragma once
+ Handy 4D geometrical primitives
+ $Id: geom4d.h 427 2004-09-27 04:45:31Z garland $
+ ************************************************************************/
+namespace gfx
+template<class Vec>
+inline Vec tet_raw_normal(const Vec& v1, const Vec& v2, const Vec& v3, const Vec& v4)
+ return cross(v2-v1, v3-v1, v4-v1);
+template<class Vec>
+inline Vec tet_normal(const Vec& v1, const Vec& v2, const Vec& v3, const Vec& v4)
+ Vec n = tet_raw_normal(v1, v2, v3, v4);
+ unitize(n);
+ return n;
diff --git a/debian/fireflies/fireflies-2.08/libgfx/include/gfx/gfx.h b/debian/fireflies/fireflies-2.08/libgfx/include/gfx/gfx.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..69d5a0bd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/fireflies/fireflies-2.08/libgfx/include/gfx/gfx.h
@@ -0,0 +1,105 @@
+#ifndef GFX_INCLUDED // -*- C++ -*-
+#if !defined(__GNUC__)
+# pragma once
+ Main header file for the libgfx graphics library.
+ $Id: gfx.h 455 2005-08-17 18:10:25Z garland $
+ ************************************************************************/
+#if defined(HAVE_CONFIG_H)
+# include "config.h"
+#elif defined(_MSC_VER)
+# include "config-vc.h"
+#elif defined(__APPLE__)
+# include "config-osx.h"
+#include <cstdlib>
+#include <cmath>
+#include <climits>
+#include <iostream>
+// Standards notwithstanding, not all platforms define exactly the
+// same things in their header files. We try to compensate here.
+#if !defined(HAVE_BOOL)
+typedef int bool;
+const bool false = 0;
+const bool true = 1;
+// Microsoft doesn't define std::min() & std::max() because it conflicts with
+// <windef.h>, and their _MIN/_MAX macro workarounds don't add the std::
+// namespace qualification. These macros provide a uniform way of getting
+// around this problem.
+#if defined(_MSC_VER)
+# define MIN(a,b) std::_cpp_min(a,b)
+# define MAX(a,b) std::_cpp_max(a,b)
+# if defined(__CYGWIN__)
+# define NOMINMAX
+# endif
+# define MIN(a,b) std::min(a,b)
+# define MAX(a,b) std::max(a,b)
+#ifndef M_PI
+# define M_PI 3.14159265358979323846264338327950288419716939937510582097494459
+#if !defined(HUGE) && defined(HUGE_VAL)
+# define HUGE HUGE_VAL
+#if !defined(HAVE_RINT)
+inline double rint(double x) { return floor(x + 0.5); }
+namespace gfx
+#if defined(HAVE_RANDOM)
+ inline double random1() { return (double)random() / (double)LONG_MAX; }
+ inline char random_byte() { return (char)(random() & 0xff); }
+ inline double random1() { return (double)rand() / (double)RAND_MAX; }
+ inline char random_byte() { return (char)(rand() & 0xff); }
+const double FEQ_EPS = 1e-6;
+const double FEQ_EPS2 = 1e-12;
+inline bool FEQ(double a, double b, double e=FEQ_EPS) {return fabs(a-b)<e;}
+inline bool FEQ2(double a, double b, double e=FEQ_EPS2) {return fabs(a-b)<e;}
+#define TIMING(t, cmd) { t=get_cpu_time(); cmd; t=get_cpu_time() - t; }
+extern double get_cpu_time();
+} // namespace gfx
+using namespace gfx;
diff --git a/debian/fireflies/fireflies-2.08/libgfx/include/gfx/gl.h b/debian/fireflies/fireflies-2.08/libgfx/include/gfx/gl.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c8fe3bcb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/fireflies/fireflies-2.08/libgfx/include/gfx/gl.h
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+#ifndef GFXGL_INCLUDED // -*- C++ -*-
+#if !defined(__GNUC__)
+# pragma once
+ Include standard OpenGL headers. This process is complicated by the
+ fact that the Win32 OpenGL headers require that <windows.h> be
+ included before they are.
+ $Id: gl.h 292 2002-01-24 17:43:59Z garland $
+ ************************************************************************/
+#include "gfx.h"
+#if defined(WIN32)
+# include <windows.h>
+#if defined(__APPLE__)
+# include <OpenGL/gl.h>
+# include <OpenGL/glu.h>
+# include <GL/gl.h>
+# include <GL/glu.h>
diff --git a/debian/fireflies/fireflies-2.08/libgfx/include/gfx/glext.h b/debian/fireflies/fireflies-2.08/libgfx/include/gfx/glext.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c5c99ca1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/fireflies/fireflies-2.08/libgfx/include/gfx/glext.h
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+#ifndef GFXGLEXT_INCLUDED // -*- C++ -*-
+#if !defined(__GNUC__)
+# pragma once
+ Include the standard OpenGL Extension headers, if available.
+ $Id: glext.h 273 2001-10-15 16:57:23Z garland $
+ ************************************************************************/
+#include "gl.h"
+#if defined(HAVE_GL_GLEXT_H)
+# include <GL/glext.h>
+#if defined(HAVE_GL_GLXEXT_H)
+# include <GL/glxext.h>
+#if defined(HAVE_GL_WGLEXT_H)
+# include <GL/wglext.h>
diff --git a/debian/fireflies/fireflies-2.08/libgfx/include/gfx/gltools.h b/debian/fireflies/fireflies-2.08/libgfx/include/gfx/gltools.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a5422f9e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/fireflies/fireflies-2.08/libgfx/include/gfx/gltools.h
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+#ifndef GFXGLTOOLS_INCLUDED // -*- C++ -*-
+#if !defined(__GNUC__)
+# pragma once
+ Handy functions for common OpenGL tasks
+ $Id: gltools.h 445 2005-06-18 02:40:45Z garland $
+ ************************************************************************/
+#include "gl.h"
+#include "vec3.h"
+namespace gfx
+extern GLuint opengl_pick_nil;
+extern GLuint opengl_pick_zmax;
+extern void begin_opengl_pick(int *ctr, double radius, GLuint *buf, int size);
+extern GLuint complete_opengl_pick(GLuint *buffer);
+extern void check_opengl_errors(const char *msg=NULL);
+extern void camera_lookat(const Vec3& min, const Vec3& max, double aspect);
+extern void ortho_camera_lookat(const Vec3& min, const Vec3& max,double aspect);
+extern int unproject_pixel(int *pixel, double *world, double z=0.0);
diff --git a/debian/fireflies/fireflies-2.08/libgfx/include/gfx/gui.h b/debian/fireflies/fireflies-2.08/libgfx/include/gfx/gui.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..da8285ac
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/fireflies/fireflies-2.08/libgfx/include/gfx/gui.h
@@ -0,0 +1,186 @@
+#ifndef GFXGUI_INCLUDED // -*- C++ -*-
+#if !defined(__GNUC__)
+# pragma once
+ Minimalist GUI framework.
+ This package implements a baseline GUI framework for use in
+ GFX-based applications. Only a very specific kind of interface is
+ supported: one where the application window consists primarily of an
+ OpenGL drawing canvas.
+ $Id: gui.h 443 2005-06-14 00:53:40Z garland $
+ ************************************************************************/
+#include "gl.h"
+#include <FL/Fl.H>
+#include <FL/Fl_Window.H>
+#include <FL/Fl_Menu_Bar.H>
+#include <FL/Fl_Gl_Window.H>
+#include <FL/Fl_Output.H>
+namespace gfx
+class MxGUI;
+class MxGLCanvas : public Fl_Gl_Window
+ int last_click[2];
+ MxGUI *app;
+ // Override selected FLTK window methods
+ //
+ virtual void draw();
+ virtual int handle(int event);
+ virtual void resize(int x, int y, int w, int h);
+ MxGLCanvas(int x, int y, int w, int h, const char *label=NULL);
+ void attach_app(MxGUI *a);
+class MxGUI
+ int w_offset, h_offset;
+ Fl_Window *create_window(int xw=640, int yw=480, int pad=5);
+ // This is the public interface of MxGUI available to the application.
+ //
+ Fl_Window *toplevel;
+ MxGLCanvas *canvas;
+ Fl_Output *status_line;
+ Fl_Menu_Bar *menu_bar;
+ Fl_Menu_Item *menu_layout;
+ float default_fps, target_fps;
+ static MxGUI *current; // There should only be one.
+ MxGUI();
+ virtual ~MxGUI() {}
+ virtual void initialize(int argc, char **argv,
+ Fl_Menu_Item *layout=NULL,
+ int xw=640, int yw=480);
+ virtual int run();
+ int status(const char *fmt, ...);
+ void animate(bool will);
+ bool snapshot_to_file(int format, const char *filenamep=NULL);
+ void resize_canvas(int width, int height);
+ void lock_size();
+ void unlock_size();
+ void title(const char *l) { toplevel->label(l); }
+ // Menu construction and standard callbacks
+ int add_menu(const std::string&, int key, Fl_Callback *cb, int flags=0);
+ int add_toggle_menu(const std::string&, int key, bool& val, int flags=0);
+ static void cb_toggle(Fl_Menu_ *m, bool *flag);
+ //
+ // Callback functions that get executed in response to menu commands.
+ virtual void cb_new();
+ virtual void cb_exit();
+ virtual void cb_snapshot(int);
+ virtual void cb_animate(Fl_Menu_ *m);
+ virtual void cb_fps();
+ virtual void cb_vga_size(int width); // uses 4:3 aspect ratio
+ virtual void cb_hdtv_size(int width); // uses 16:9 aspect ratio
+ virtual void cb_dv_size(int width); // uses 3:2 aspect ratio
+ virtual void cb_save_view_to_file();
+ virtual void cb_load_view_from_file();
+ virtual bool save_view_to_file();
+ virtual bool load_view_from_file();
+ //
+ // Applications are customized by overriding the following methods.
+ // Override these methods to control the contents of the GL canvas
+ virtual void setup_for_drawing();
+ virtual void draw_contents();
+ virtual void update_animation();
+ // Override these methods to receive events from the GL canvas
+ virtual bool mouse_down(int *where, int which);
+ virtual bool mouse_up(int *where, int which);
+ virtual bool mouse_drag(int *where, int *last, int which);
+ virtual bool key_press(int key);
+ // Override these methods to get command line arguments
+ virtual int cmdline_option(int argc, char **argv, int& index);
+ virtual void cmdline_file(const char *file);
+ // Override these methods to add custom interface elements
+ virtual void add_upper_controls(int& yfill, const int pad) {}
+ virtual void add_lower_controls(int& yfill, const int pad) {}
+ // Override this method to free memory, close files, etc.
+ virtual void cleanup_for_exit() {}
+// This template makes it easier to create FLTK-compliant callbacks.
+// In particular, its purpose is to construct static thunks for
+// calling member functions of MxGUI-derived classes.
+template<class Gui>
+struct MxBinder
+ typedef void (Gui::*GuiCommand)();
+ typedef void (Gui::*GuiCommand1)(int);
+ typedef void (Gui::*GuiCommand2)(Fl_Menu_ *);
+ template<GuiCommand cmd>
+ static void to(Fl_Widget *, void *data)
+ {
+ Gui *gui = static_cast<Gui*>(data);
+ (gui->*cmd)();
+ gui->canvas->redraw();
+ }
+ template<GuiCommand2 cmd>
+ static void to_menu(Fl_Widget *w, void *data)
+ {
+ Gui *gui = static_cast<Gui*>(data);
+ (gui->*cmd)(static_cast<Fl_Menu_ *>(w));
+ gui->canvas->redraw();
+ }
+ template<GuiCommand1 cmd, int i>
+ static void to_arg(Fl_Widget *, void *data)
+ {
+ Gui *gui = static_cast<Gui*>(data);
+ (gui->*cmd)(i);
+ gui->canvas->redraw();
+ }
+// These macros make static FLTK menu definitions look a little nicer.
+#define MXGUI_BEGIN_MENU(name) {name, 0, 0, 0, FL_SUBMENU},
+#define MXGUI_END_MENU {0},
+} // namespace gfx
diff --git a/debian/fireflies/fireflies-2.08/libgfx/include/gfx/intvec.h b/debian/fireflies/fireflies-2.08/libgfx/include/gfx/intvec.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f6cf4d05
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/fireflies/fireflies-2.08/libgfx/include/gfx/intvec.h
@@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
+#ifndef GFXINTVEC_INCLUDED // -*- C++ -*-
+#if !defined(__GNUC__)
+# pragma once
+ Generic class for representing packed integer vectors.
+ For signed types (e.g., short) the elements of the vector are
+ assumed to fall in the range [-1, 1]. For unsigned types the
+ elements of the vector are assumed to fall in the range [0, 1].
+ Note that ANSI C defines the maximum values of integer types in
+ <limits.h>.
+ $Id: intvec.h 427 2004-09-27 04:45:31Z garland $
+ ************************************************************************/
+#include "gfx.h"
+namespace gfx
+template<class T, int T_MAX, int N>
+class IntVec
+ T data[N];
+ // These are the routines used by all other methods to convert
+ // between the internal integral representation and the external
+ // floating point representation.
+ //
+ static inline T _fromflt(double x)
+ { return (T)rint((x>1.0f?1.0f:x)*(double)T_MAX); }
+ static inline double _toflt(T s) { return (double)s/(double)T_MAX; }
+ operator T*() { return data; }
+ operator const T*() const { return data; }
+ IntVec() { *this = 0.0; }
+ double operator[](int i) const { return _toflt(data[i]); }
+ void set(int i, double x) { data[i] = _fromflt(x); }
+ IntVec<T, T_MAX, N>& operator=(const IntVec<T, T_MAX, N>& v)
+ { for(int i=0; i<N; i++) data[i][i]; return *this; }
+ double operator=(double x)
+ { T y = _fromflt(x); for(int i=0; i<N; i++) data[i] = y; return x; }
+ const T *raw_data() const { return data; }
+// 3-D vectors are particularly common in graphics applications.
+// RGB colors and normals are common examples of data types for which
+// we might want to use packed integer representation. Therefore we
+// make a special derived class to make it easy to define such types.
+// Example: To define an RGB 3-vector represented as 3 components
+// whose values range from [0 .. 255], we could use the
+// declaration:
+// typedef IntVec3<unsigned char, UCHAR_MAX> byteColor;
+#include "vec3.h"
+template<class T, int T_MAX>
+class IntVec3 : public IntVec<T, T_MAX, 3>
+ IntVec3() { *this = 0.0; }
+ IntVec3(double x, double y, double z) { pack(Vec3(x, y, z)); }
+ template<class U> IntVec3(const TVec3<U>& v) { pack(v[0], v[1], v[2]); }
+ Vec3 unpack() const { return Vec3((*this)[0],(*this)[1],(*this)[2]); }
+ void pack(const Vec3& v)
+ { this->set(0, v[0]); this->set(1, v[1]); this->set(2, v[2]); }
+ void pack(double x, double y, double z)
+ { this->set(0,x); this->set(1,y); this->set(2,z); }
+ IntVec3<T,T_MAX>& operator=(const Vec3& v) { pack(v); return *this; }
+} // namespace gfx
diff --git a/debian/fireflies/fireflies-2.08/libgfx/include/gfx/mat2.h b/debian/fireflies/fireflies-2.08/libgfx/include/gfx/mat2.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d4331e89
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/fireflies/fireflies-2.08/libgfx/include/gfx/mat2.h
@@ -0,0 +1,158 @@
+#ifndef GFXMAT2_INCLUDED // -*- C++ -*-
+#if !defined(__GNUC__)
+# pragma once
+ 2x2 Matrix class
+ $Id: mat2.h 427 2004-09-27 04:45:31Z garland $
+ ************************************************************************/
+#include "vec2.h"
+namespace gfx
+class Mat2
+ Vec2 row[2];
+ // Standard constructors
+ //
+ Mat2() { *this = 0.0; }
+ Mat2(double a, double b, double c, double d)
+ { row[0][0]=a; row[0][1]=b; row[1][0]=c; row[1][1]=d; }
+ Mat2(const Vec2 &r0,const Vec2 &r1) { row[0]=r0; row[1]=r1; }
+ Mat2(const Mat2 &m) { *this = m; }
+ // Descriptive interface
+ //
+ typedef double value_type;
+ typedef Vec2 vector_type;
+ typedef Mat2 inverse_type;
+ static int dim() { return 2; }
+ // Access methods note: A(i, j) == row i, col j
+ //
+ double& operator()(int i, int j) { return row[i][j]; }
+ double operator()(int i, int j) const { return row[i][j]; }
+ Vec2& operator[](int i) { return row[i]; }
+ const Vec2& operator[](int i) const { return row[i]; }
+ inline Vec2 col(int i) const {return Vec2(row[0][i],row[1][i]);}
+ operator double*() { return row[0]; }
+ operator const double*() { return row[0]; }
+ operator const double*() const { return row[0]; }
+ // Assignment methods
+ //
+ inline Mat2& operator=(const Mat2& m);
+ inline Mat2& operator=(double s);
+ inline Mat2& operator+=(const Mat2& m);
+ inline Mat2& operator-=(const Mat2& m);
+ inline Mat2& operator*=(double s);
+ inline Mat2& operator/=(double s);
+ // Construction of standard matrices
+ //
+ static Mat2 I();
+ static Mat2 outer_product(const Vec2 &u, const Vec2 &v)
+ { return Mat2(u[0]*v[0], u[0]*v[1], u[1]*v[0], u[1]*v[1]); }
+ static Mat2 outer_product(const Vec2 &u) { return outer_product(u,u); }
+ Mat2 &diag(double d);
+ Mat2 &ident() { return diag(1.0); }
+// Method definitions
+inline Mat2& Mat2::operator=(const Mat2& m)
+ { row[0]=m[0]; row[1]=m[1]; return *this; }
+inline Mat2& Mat2::operator=(double s)
+ { row[0]=s; row[1]=s; return *this; }
+inline Mat2& Mat2::operator+=(const Mat2& m)
+ { row[0] += m.row[0]; row[1] += m.row[1]; return *this;}
+inline Mat2& Mat2::operator-=(const Mat2& m)
+ { row[0] -= m.row[0]; row[1] -= m.row[1]; return *this; }
+inline Mat2& Mat2::operator*=(double s)
+ { row[0] *= s; row[1] *= s; return *this; }
+inline Mat2& Mat2::operator/=(double s)
+ { row[0] /= s; row[1] /= s; return *this; }
+// Operator definitions
+inline Mat2 operator+(const Mat2 &n, const Mat2 &m)
+ { return Mat2(n[0]+m[0], n[1]+m[1]); }
+inline Mat2 operator-(const Mat2 &n, const Mat2 &m)
+ { return Mat2(n[0]-m[0], n[1]-m[1]); }
+inline Mat2 operator-(const Mat2 &m)
+ { return Mat2(-m[0], -m[1]); }
+inline Mat2 operator*(double s, const Mat2 &m)
+ { return Mat2(m[0]*s, m[1]*s); }
+inline Mat2 operator*(const Mat2 &m, double s)
+ { return s*m; }
+inline Mat2 operator/(const Mat2 &m, double s)
+ { return Mat2(m[0]/s, m[1]/s); }
+inline Vec2 operator*(const Mat2 &m, const Vec2 &v)
+ { return Vec2(m[0]*v, m[1]*v); }
+extern Mat2 operator*(const Mat2 &n, const Mat2 &m);
+inline std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &out, const Mat2& M)
+ { return out << M[0] << std::endl << M[1]; }
+inline std::istream &operator>>(std::istream &in, Mat2& M)
+ { return in >> M[0] >> M[1]; }
+// Misc. function definitions
+inline double det(const Mat2 &m)
+ { return m(0,0)*m(1,1) - m(0,1)*m(1,0); }
+inline double trace(const Mat2 &m)
+ { return m(0,0) + m(1,1); }
+inline Mat2 transpose(const Mat2 &m)
+ { return Mat2(m.col(0), m.col(1)); }
+inline Mat2 adjoint(const Mat2 &m)
+ { return Mat2(perp(m[1]), -perp(m[0])); }
+extern double invert(Mat2 &m_inv, const Mat2 &m);
+extern bool eigenvalues(const Mat2&, Vec2& evals);
+extern bool eigenvectors(const Mat2&, const Vec2& evals, Vec2 evecs[2]);
+extern bool eigen(const Mat2&, Vec2& evals, Vec2 evecs[2]);
+} // namespace gfx
diff --git a/debian/fireflies/fireflies-2.08/libgfx/include/gfx/mat3.h b/debian/fireflies/fireflies-2.08/libgfx/include/gfx/mat3.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d898a964
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/fireflies/fireflies-2.08/libgfx/include/gfx/mat3.h
@@ -0,0 +1,157 @@
+#ifndef GFXMAT3_INCLUDED // -*- C++ -*-
+#if !defined(__GNUC__)
+# pragma once
+ 3x3 Matrix class
+ $Id: mat3.h 427 2004-09-27 04:45:31Z garland $
+ ************************************************************************/
+#include "vec3.h"
+namespace gfx
+class Mat3
+ Vec3 row[3];
+ // Standard constructors
+ //
+ Mat3() { *this = 0.0; }
+ Mat3(const Vec3& r0,const Vec3& r1,const Vec3& r2)
+ { row[0]=r0; row[1]=r1; row[2]=r2; }
+ Mat3(const Mat3& m) { *this = m; }
+ // Descriptive interface
+ //
+ typedef double value_type;
+ typedef Vec3 vector_type;
+ typedef Mat3 inverse_type;
+ static int dim() { return 3; }
+ // Access methods
+ //
+ double& operator()(int i, int j) { return row[i][j]; }
+ double operator()(int i, int j) const { return row[i][j]; }
+ Vec3& operator[](int i) { return row[i]; }
+ const Vec3& operator[](int i) const { return row[i]; }
+ inline Vec3 col(int i) const {return Vec3(row[0][i],row[1][i],row[2][i]);}
+ operator double*() { return row[0]; }
+ operator const double*() { return row[0]; }
+ operator const double*() const { return row[0]; }
+ // Assignment methods
+ //
+ inline Mat3& operator=(const Mat3& m);
+ inline Mat3& operator=(double s);
+ inline Mat3& operator+=(const Mat3& m);
+ inline Mat3& operator-=(const Mat3& m);
+ inline Mat3& operator*=(double s);
+ inline Mat3& operator/=(double s);
+ // Construction of standard matrices
+ //
+ static Mat3 I();
+ static Mat3 outer_product(const Vec3& u, const Vec3& v);
+ static Mat3 outer_product(const Vec3& v);
+ Mat3 &diag(double d);
+ Mat3 &ident() { return diag(1.0); }
+// Methods definitions
+inline Mat3& Mat3::operator=(const Mat3& m)
+ { row[0] = m[0]; row[1] = m[1]; row[2] = m[2]; return *this; }
+inline Mat3& Mat3::operator=(double s)
+ { row[0]=s; row[1]=s; row[2]=s; return *this; }
+inline Mat3& Mat3::operator+=(const Mat3& m)
+ { row[0] += m[0]; row[1] += m[1]; row[2] += m[2]; return *this; }
+inline Mat3& Mat3::operator-=(const Mat3& m)
+ { row[0] -= m[0]; row[1] -= m[1]; row[2] -= m[2]; return *this; }
+inline Mat3& Mat3::operator*=(double s)
+ { row[0] *= s; row[1] *= s; row[2] *= s; return *this; }
+inline Mat3& Mat3::operator/=(double s)
+ { row[0] /= s; row[1] /= s; row[2] /= s; return *this; }
+// Operator definitions
+inline Mat3 operator+(const Mat3& n, const Mat3& m)
+ { return Mat3(n[0]+m[0], n[1]+m[1], n[2]+m[2]); }
+inline Mat3 operator-(const Mat3& n, const Mat3& m)
+ { return Mat3(n[0]-m[0], n[1]-m[1], n[2]-m[2]); }
+inline Mat3 operator-(const Mat3& m)
+ { return Mat3(-m[0], -m[1], -m[2]); }
+inline Mat3 operator*(double s, const Mat3& m)
+ { return Mat3(m[0]*s, m[1]*s, m[2]*s); }
+inline Mat3 operator*(const Mat3& m, double s)
+ { return s*m; }
+inline Mat3 operator/(const Mat3& m, double s)
+ { return Mat3(m[0]/s, m[1]/s, m[2]/s); }
+inline Vec3 operator*(const Mat3& m, const Vec3& v)
+ { return Vec3(m[0]*v, m[1]*v, m[2]*v); }
+extern Mat3 operator*(const Mat3& n, const Mat3& m);
+inline std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &out, const Mat3& M)
+ { return out << M[0] << std::endl << M[1] << std::endl << M[2]; }
+inline std::istream &operator>>(std::istream &in, Mat3& M)
+ { return in >> M[0] >> M[1] >> M[2]; }
+// Misc. function definitions
+inline double det(const Mat3& m) { return m[0] * (m[1] ^ m[2]); }
+inline double trace(const Mat3& m) { return m(0,0) + m(1,1) + m(2,2); }
+inline Mat3 transpose(const Mat3& m)
+ { return Mat3(m.col(0), m.col(1), m.col(2)); }
+extern Mat3 adjoint(const Mat3& m);
+extern double invert(Mat3& m_inv, const Mat3& m);
+inline Mat3 row_extend(const Vec3& v) { return Mat3(v, v, v); }
+extern Mat3 diag(const Vec3& v);
+extern bool eigen(const Mat3& m, Vec3& eig_vals, Vec3 eig_vecs[3]);
+} // namespace gfx
diff --git a/debian/fireflies/fireflies-2.08/libgfx/include/gfx/mat4.h b/debian/fireflies/fireflies-2.08/libgfx/include/gfx/mat4.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..dfb36da4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/fireflies/fireflies-2.08/libgfx/include/gfx/mat4.h
@@ -0,0 +1,194 @@
+#ifndef GFXMAT4_INCLUDED // -*- C++ -*-
+#if !defined(__GNUC__)
+# pragma once
+ 4x4 Matrix class
+ $Id: mat4.h 427 2004-09-27 04:45:31Z garland $
+ ************************************************************************/
+#include "vec4.h"
+namespace gfx
+class Mat4
+ Vec4 row[4];
+ // Standard constructors
+ //
+ Mat4() { *this = 0.0; }
+ Mat4(const Vec4& r0,const Vec4& r1,const Vec4& r2,const Vec4& r3)
+ { row[0]=r0; row[1]=r1; row[2]=r2; row[3]=r3; }
+ Mat4(const Mat4& m) { *this = m; }
+ // Descriptive interface
+ //
+ typedef double value_type;
+ typedef Vec4 vector_type;
+ typedef Mat4 inverse_type;
+ static int dim() { return 4; }
+ // Access methods
+ //
+ double& operator()(int i, int j) { return row[i][j]; }
+ double operator()(int i, int j) const { return row[i][j]; }
+ Vec4& operator[](int i) { return row[i]; }
+ const Vec4& operator[](int i) const { return row[i]; }
+ inline Vec4 col(int i) const
+ { return Vec4(row[0][i],row[1][i],row[2][i],row[3][i]); }
+ operator double*() { return row[0]; }
+ operator const double*() { return row[0]; }
+ operator const double*() const { return row[0]; }
+ // Assignment methods
+ //
+ inline Mat4& operator=(const Mat4& m);
+ inline Mat4& operator=(double s);
+ inline Mat4& operator+=(const Mat4& m);
+ inline Mat4& operator-=(const Mat4& m);
+ inline Mat4& operator*=(double s);
+ inline Mat4& operator/=(double s);
+ static Mat4 I();
+// Method definitions
+inline Mat4& Mat4::operator=(const Mat4& m)
+ row[0] = m[0]; row[1] = m[1]; row[2] = m[2]; row[3] = m[3];
+ return *this;
+inline Mat4& Mat4::operator=(double s)
+ row[0]=s; row[1]=s; row[2]=s; row[3]=s;
+ return *this;
+inline Mat4& Mat4::operator+=(const Mat4& m)
+ row[0] += m[0]; row[1] += m[1]; row[2] += m[2]; row[3] += m[3];
+ return *this;
+inline Mat4& Mat4::operator-=(const Mat4& m)
+ row[0] -= m[0]; row[1] -= m[1]; row[2] -= m[2]; row[3] -= m[3];
+ return *this;
+inline Mat4& Mat4::operator*=(double s)
+ row[0] *= s; row[1] *= s; row[2] *= s; row[3] *= s;
+ return *this;
+inline Mat4& Mat4::operator/=(double s)
+ row[0] /= s; row[1] /= s; row[2] /= s; row[3] /= s;
+ return *this;
+// Operator definitions
+inline Mat4 operator+(const Mat4& n, const Mat4& m)
+ { return Mat4(n[0]+m[0], n[1]+m[1], n[2]+m[2], n[3]+m[3]); }
+inline Mat4 operator-(const Mat4& n, const Mat4& m)
+ { return Mat4(n[0]-m[0], n[1]-m[1], n[2]-m[2], n[3]-m[3]); }
+inline Mat4 operator-(const Mat4& n)
+ { return Mat4(-n[0], -n[1], -n[2], -n[3]); }
+inline Mat4 operator*(double s, const Mat4& m)
+ { return Mat4(m[0]*s, m[1]*s, m[2]*s, m[3]*s); }
+inline Mat4 operator*(const Mat4& m, double s)
+ { return s*m; }
+inline Mat4 operator/(const Mat4& m, double s)
+ { return Mat4(m[0]/s, m[1]/s, m[2]/s, m[3]/s); }
+inline Vec4 operator*(const Mat4& m, const Vec4& v)
+ { return Vec4(m[0]*v, m[1]*v, m[2]*v, m[3]*v); }
+extern Mat4 operator*(const Mat4& n, const Mat4& m);
+// Transform a homogeneous 3-vector and reproject into normal 3-space
+inline Vec3 operator*(const Mat4& m, const Vec3& v)
+ Vec4 u=Vec4(v,1);
+ double w=m[3]*u;
+ if(w==0.0) return Vec3(m[0]*u, m[1]*u, m[2]*u);
+ else return Vec3(m[0]*u/w, m[1]*u/w, m[2]*u/w);
+inline std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &out, const Mat4& M)
+ { return out<<M[0]<<std::endl<<M[1]<<std::endl<<M[2]<<std::endl<<M[3]; }
+inline std::istream &operator>>(std::istream &in, Mat4& M)
+ { return in >> M[0] >> M[1] >> M[2] >> M[3]; }
+// Transformations
+extern Mat4 translation_matrix(const Vec3& delta);
+extern Mat4 scaling_matrix(const Vec3& scale);
+extern Mat4 rotation_matrix_rad(double theta, const Vec3& axis);
+inline Mat4 rotation_matrix_deg(double theta, const Vec3& axis)
+ { return rotation_matrix_rad(theta*M_PI/180.0, axis); }
+extern Mat4 perspective_matrix(double fovy, double aspect,
+ double zmin=0.0, double zmax=0.0);
+extern Mat4 lookat_matrix(const Vec3& from, const Vec3& at, const Vec3& up);
+extern Mat4 viewport_matrix(double w, double h);
+// Misc. function definitions
+inline double det(const Mat4& m) { return m[0] * cross(m[1], m[2], m[3]); }
+inline double trace(const Mat4& m) { return m(0,0)+m(1,1)+m(2,2)+m(3,3); }
+inline Mat4 transpose(const Mat4& m)
+ { return Mat4(m.col(0), m.col(1), m.col(2), m.col(3)); }
+extern Mat4 adjoint(const Mat4& m);
+extern double invert(Mat4& m_inv, const Mat4& m);
+extern double invert_cramer(Mat4& m_inv, const Mat4& m);
+extern bool eigen(const Mat4& m, Vec4& eig_vals, Vec4 eig_vecs[4]);
+} // namespace gfx
diff --git a/debian/fireflies/fireflies-2.08/libgfx/include/gfx/quat.h b/debian/fireflies/fireflies-2.08/libgfx/include/gfx/quat.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..172a8b30
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/fireflies/fireflies-2.08/libgfx/include/gfx/quat.h
@@ -0,0 +1,118 @@
+#ifndef GFXQUAT_INCLUDED // -*- C++ -*-
+#if !defined(__GNUC__)
+# pragma once
+ Quaternion class
+ $Id: quat.h 440 2005-02-23 05:14:13Z garland $
+ ************************************************************************/
+#include "mat4.h"
+namespace gfx
+class Quat
+ Vec3 v; // Vector component
+ double s; // Scalar component
+ Quat() { v=0.0; s=1.0; }
+ Quat(double x, double y, double z, double w) { v[0]=x;v[1]=y;v[2]=z; s=w; }
+ Quat(const Vec3& a, double b) { v=a; s=b; }
+ Quat(const Quat& q) { *this=q; }
+ // Access methods
+ const Vec3& vector() const { return v; }
+ Vec3& vector() { return v; }
+ double scalar() const { return s; }
+ double& scalar() { return s; }
+ // Assignment and in-place arithmetic methods
+ Quat& operator=(const Quat& q);
+ Quat& operator+=(const Quat& q);
+ Quat& operator-=(const Quat& q);
+ Quat& operator=(double d);
+ Quat& operator*=(double d);
+ Quat& operator/=(double d);
+ // Construction of standard quaternions
+ static Quat ident();
+// Implementation of Quat methods
+inline Quat& Quat::operator=(const Quat& q) { v=q.v; s=q.s; return *this; }
+inline Quat& Quat::operator+=(const Quat& q) { v+=q.v; s+=q.s; return *this; }
+inline Quat& Quat::operator-=(const Quat& q) { v-=q.v; s-=q.s; return *this; }
+inline Quat& Quat::operator=(double d) { v=d; s=d; return *this; }
+inline Quat& Quat::operator*=(double d) { v*=d; s*=d; return *this; }
+inline Quat& Quat::operator/=(double d) { v/=d; s/=d; return *this; }
+inline Quat Quat::ident() { return Quat(0, 0, 0, 1); }
+// Standard arithmetic operators on quaternions
+inline Quat operator+(const Quat& q, const Quat& r)
+ { return Quat(q.vector()+r.vector(), q.scalar()+r.scalar()); }
+inline Quat operator*(const Quat& q, const Quat& r)
+ return Quat(cross(q.vector(),r.vector()) +
+ r.scalar()*q.vector() +
+ q.scalar()*r.vector(),
+ q.scalar()*r.scalar() - q.vector()*r.vector());
+inline Quat operator*(const Quat& q, double s)
+ { return Quat(q.vector()*s, q.scalar()*s); }
+inline Quat operator*(double s, const Quat& q)
+ { return Quat(q.vector()*s, q.scalar()*s); }
+inline Quat operator/(const Quat& q, double s)
+ { return Quat(q.vector()/s, q.scalar()/s); }
+inline std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &out, const Quat& q)
+ { return out << q.vector() << " " << q.scalar(); }
+inline std::istream &operator>>(std::istream &in, Quat& q)
+ { return in >> q.vector() >> q.scalar(); }
+// Standard functions on quaternions
+inline double norm(const Quat& q)
+ { return q.scalar()*q.scalar() + q.vector()*q.vector(); }
+inline Quat conjugate(const Quat& q) { return Quat(-q.vector(), q.scalar()); }
+inline Quat inverse(const Quat& q) { return conjugate(q)/norm(q); }
+inline Quat& unitize(Quat& q) { q /= sqrt(norm(q)); return q; }
+extern Quat exp(const Quat& q);
+extern Quat log(const Quat& q);
+extern Quat axis_to_quat(const Vec3& a, double phi);
+extern Mat4 quat_to_matrix(const Quat& q);
+extern Mat4 unit_quat_to_matrix(const Quat& q);
+extern Quat slerp(const Quat& from, const Quat& to, double t);
+} // namespace gfx
diff --git a/debian/fireflies/fireflies-2.08/libgfx/include/gfx/raster.h b/debian/fireflies/fireflies-2.08/libgfx/include/gfx/raster.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..4d4b2336
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/fireflies/fireflies-2.08/libgfx/include/gfx/raster.h
@@ -0,0 +1,171 @@
+#ifndef GFXRASTER_INCLUDED // -*- C++ -*-
+#if !defined(__GNUC__)
+# pragma once
+ Raster image support.
+ $Id: raster.h 427 2004-09-27 04:45:31Z garland $
+ ************************************************************************/
+#include "gfx.h"
+#include "vec2.h"
+namespace gfx
+typedef TVec2<short> PixelAddress;
+template<class T>
+class Raster
+ T *data;
+ int W, H, nchan;
+ Raster(int w, int h, int c)
+ {
+ W=w; H=h; nchan=c;
+ data = new T[length()];
+ }
+ virtual ~Raster() { delete[] data; }
+ int width() const { return W; }
+ int height() const { return H; }
+ int channels() const { return nchan; }
+ int length() const { return W*H*nchan; }
+ T& operator[](int i) { return data[i]; }
+ T operator[](int i) const { return data[i]; }
+ virtual T *pixel(int i, int j) { return data + (j*W+i)*nchan; }
+ virtual const T *pixel(int i, int j) const { return data + (j*W+i)*nchan; }
+ T *pixel(const PixelAddress &a) { return pixel(a[0], a[1]); }
+ const T *pixel(const PixelAddress &a) const { return pixel(a[0], a[1]); }
+ T *head() { return data; }
+ const T *head() const { return data; }
+ void reverse(int start=0, int end=-1);
+ void hflip();
+ void vflip();
+ bool is_valid_address(const PixelAddress& a) const
+ {
+ return is_valid_address(a[0], a[1]);
+ }
+ virtual bool is_valid_address(int x, int y) const
+ {
+ return ( (x >= 0) && (x < W) && (y >= 0) && (y < H) );
+ }
+class FloatRaster;
+class ByteRaster : public Raster<unsigned char>
+ ByteRaster(int w, int h, int c) : Raster<unsigned char>(w,h,c) {}
+ ByteRaster(const ByteRaster& img);
+ ByteRaster(const FloatRaster& img);
+class FloatRaster : public Raster<float>
+ FloatRaster(int w, int h, int c) : Raster<float>(w,h,c) {}
+ FloatRaster(const FloatRaster &img);
+ FloatRaster(const ByteRaster &img);
+// Templated raster methods
+template<class T>
+inline void Raster<T>::reverse(int start, int end)
+ if(end<0 || end>=length()) end = length() - channels();
+ int i=start, j=end;
+ while(i<j)
+ {
+ for(int k=0; k<channels(); k++)
+ {
+ T tmp = (*this)[i+k];
+ (*this)[i+k] = (*this)[j+k];
+ (*this)[j+k] = tmp;
+ }
+ i += channels();
+ j -= channels();
+ }
+template<class T>
+inline void Raster<T>::hflip()
+ int i = 0;
+ int j = channels()*(width()-1);
+ while( i<length() )
+ {
+ reverse(i, i+j);
+ i += j + channels();
+ }
+template<class T>
+inline void Raster<T>::vflip()
+ reverse();
+ hflip();
+// Supported external image file formats.
+enum { IMG_PNM=0, IMG_PNG=1, IMG_TIFF=2, IMG_JPEG=3, IMG_LIMIT=4 };
+extern const char *image_type_name(int type);
+extern const char *image_type_ext(int type);
+extern int infer_image_type(const char *filename);
+// Image I/O based on filename extensions
+extern bool write_image(const char *filename, const ByteRaster&, int type=-1);
+extern ByteRaster *read_image(const char *filename, int type=-1);
+// PNM support provided by libgfx (always available)
+extern bool will_write_raw_pnm;
+extern bool write_pnm_image(const char *filename, const ByteRaster&);
+extern ByteRaster *read_pnm_image(const char *filename);
+// TIFF support provided through libtiff (if available).
+extern bool write_tiff_image(const char *filename, const ByteRaster&);
+extern ByteRaster *read_tiff_image(const char *filename);
+// PNG support provided through libpng (if available).
+extern bool write_png_image(const char *filename, const ByteRaster&);
+extern ByteRaster *read_png_image(const char *filename);
+// JPEG support provided through libjpeg (if available)
+extern int jpeg_output_quality;
+extern bool write_jpeg_image(const char *filename, const ByteRaster&);
+extern ByteRaster *read_jpeg_image(const char *filename);
+} // namespace gfx
diff --git a/debian/fireflies/fireflies-2.08/libgfx/include/gfx/script.h b/debian/fireflies/fireflies-2.08/libgfx/include/gfx/script.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c38cba1a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/fireflies/fireflies-2.08/libgfx/include/gfx/script.h
@@ -0,0 +1,182 @@
+#ifndef GFXSCRIPT_INCLUDED // -*- C++ -*-
+#if !defined(__GNUC__)
+# pragma once
+ Simple low-level file format scripting support.
+ This is the THIRD major revision of this code. It represents a
+ significant departure from the previous scripting structure.
+ $Id: script.h 443 2005-06-14 00:53:40Z garland $
+ ************************************************************************/
+#include "gfx.h"
+#include <vector>
+#include <string>
+#include <map>
+//#include <hash_map>
+namespace gfx
+// Define a set of exceptions that can occur during script parsing
+ namespace script
+ {
+ struct Error
+ {
+ std::string msg;
+ Error(const std::string& m) : msg(m) {}
+ };
+ struct SyntaxError : public Error
+ { SyntaxError(const std::string& m) : Error(m) {} };
+ struct NameError : public Error
+ { NameError(const std::string& m) : Error(m) {} };
+ struct IOError : public Error
+ { IOError(const std::string& m) : Error(m) {} };
+ }
+// These return codes are deprecated and will be going away in the near
+// future. Start using the exceptions defined above instead.
+enum {
+ SCRIPT_OK = 0,
+class CmdLine
+ typedef std::string::size_type index_type;
+ typedef std::pair<index_type, index_type> range_type;
+ const std::string &line;
+ range_type op;
+ std::vector<range_type> tokens;
+ std::string substr(const range_type& r) const
+ { return line.substr(r.first, r.second-r.first);}
+ std::string token_to_string(int i) const;
+ double token_to_double(int i) const;
+ float token_to_float(int i) const;
+ int token_to_int(int i) const;
+ std::string rest_to_string(int i) const;
+ CmdLine(const std::string &l) : line(l) { }
+ std::string opname() const { return substr(op); }
+ int argcount() const { return tokens.size(); }
+ std::string argline() const;
+ int collect_as_strings(std::vector<std::string> &v, int offset=0) const;
+ int collect_as_numbers(std::vector<double> &v, int offset=0) const;
+ int collect_as_numbers(std::vector<int> &v, int offset=0) const;
+ int collect_as_numbers(double *v, int size, int offset=0) const;
+ int collect_as_numbers(float *v, int size, int offset=0) const;
+ int collect_as_numbers(int *v, int size, int offset=0) const;
+typedef int (*CmdHandler)(const CmdLine&);
+struct CmdObject
+ virtual ~CmdObject() {}
+ virtual int operator()(const CmdLine& cmd) = 0;
+struct CmdFunction : public CmdObject
+ CmdHandler fn;
+ CmdFunction(CmdHandler f) { fn=f; }
+ virtual int operator()(const CmdLine& cmd) { return (*fn)(cmd); }
+template<class T> struct CmdMethod : public CmdObject
+ typedef int (T::*member_handler)(const CmdLine&);
+ T *self;
+ member_handler fn;
+ CmdMethod(T &obj, member_handler p) { self=&obj; fn=p; }
+ virtual int operator()(const CmdLine& cmd) { return (self->*fn)(cmd); }
+template<class T> struct CmdMethod2 : public CmdObject
+ typedef void (T::*member_handler)(const CmdLine&);
+ T *self;
+ member_handler fn;
+ CmdMethod2(T &obj, member_handler p) { self=&obj; fn=p; }
+ virtual int operator()(const CmdLine& cmd)
+ {
+ (self->*fn)(cmd);
+ return SCRIPT_OK;
+ }
+//typedef std::hash_map< std::string, CmdHandler > CmdTable;
+typedef std::map< std::string, CmdObject* > CmdTable;
+class CmdEnv
+ CmdTable script_commands;
+ int script_include(const CmdLine&);
+ int script_ignore(const CmdLine&);
+ int script_end(const CmdLine&);
+ int script_eval(const CmdLine&);
+ std::vector<CmdEnv*> scopes;
+ CmdEnv();
+ virtual ~CmdEnv();
+ void register_command(const std::string& name, CmdObject *fn);
+ CmdObject *lookup_command(const std::string& name);
+ void register_command(const std::string& name, CmdHandler proc);
+ template<class T> inline void register_method(const std::string& name,
+ T *obj,
+ int (T::*fn)(const CmdLine&))
+ { register_command(name, new CmdMethod<T>(*obj, fn)); }
+ template<class T> inline void register_method(const std::string& name,
+ T *obj,
+ void (T::*fn)(const CmdLine&))
+ { register_command(name, new CmdMethod2<T>(*obj, fn)); }
+ void ignore_command(const std::string& name);
+ void register_vocabulary(const std::string& name, CmdEnv *env);
+ void begin_scope(CmdEnv *subenv);
+ void end_scope();
+ int do_line(const std::string& line);
+ int do_stream(std::istream& in);
+ int do_file(const std::string& filename);
+ int do_string(const std::string& line);
+} // namespace gfx
diff --git a/debian/fireflies/fireflies-2.08/libgfx/include/gfx/symmat2.h b/debian/fireflies/fireflies-2.08/libgfx/include/gfx/symmat2.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..db58c19c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/fireflies/fireflies-2.08/libgfx/include/gfx/symmat2.h
@@ -0,0 +1,134 @@
+#ifndef GFXSYMMAT2_INCLUDED // -*- C++ -*-
+#if !defined(__GNUC__)
+# pragma once
+ Symmetric 2x2 Matrix class
+ ************************************************************************/
+#include "mat2.h"
+namespace gfx
+class SymMat2
+ double elt[3];
+ inline int index(int i, int j) const
+ {
+ // if n=dim(), and if i<=j:
+ // index = ( n*(n+1)/2 - (n-i)*(n-i+1)/2 ) + (j-i)
+ //
+ if( i<=j ) return 3 - (2-i)*(3-i)/2 + (j-i);
+ else return 3 - (2-j)*(3-j)/2 + (i-j);
+ }
+ // Standard constructors
+ //
+ SymMat2(double s=0.0) { *this = s; }
+ SymMat2(const SymMat2& m) { *this = m; }
+ double& operator()(int i, int j) { return elt[index(i,j)]; }
+ double operator()(int i, int j) const { return elt[index(i,j)]; }
+ static int size() { return 3; }
+ static int dim() { return 2; }
+ typedef Vec2 vector_type;
+ typedef Mat2 inverse_type;
+ typedef double value_type;
+ operator double*() { return elt; }
+ operator const double*() { return elt; }
+ operator const double*() const { return elt; }
+ inline Vec2 row(int i) const;
+ inline Vec2 col(int j) const;
+ Mat2 fullmatrix() const;
+ inline SymMat2& operator=(const SymMat2& m);
+ inline SymMat2& operator=(double s);
+ inline SymMat2& operator+=(const SymMat2& m);
+ inline SymMat2& operator-=(const SymMat2& m);
+ inline SymMat2& operator*=(double s);
+ inline SymMat2& operator/=(double s);
+ static SymMat2 I();
+ static SymMat2 outer_product(const Vec2& v);
+// Methods definitions
+inline Vec2 SymMat2::row(int i) const
+ { return Vec2((*this)(i, 0), (*this)(i, 1)); }
+inline Vec2 SymMat2::col(int j) const
+ { return Vec2((*this)(0, j), (*this)(1, j)); }
+inline SymMat2& SymMat2::operator=(const SymMat2& m)
+ { for(int i=0; i<size(); i++) elt[i]=m.elt[i]; return *this; }
+inline SymMat2& SymMat2::operator=(double s)
+ { for(int i=0; i<size(); i++) elt[i]=s; return *this; }
+inline SymMat2& SymMat2::operator+=(const SymMat2& m)
+ { for(int i=0; i<size(); i++) elt[i]+=m.elt[i]; return *this; }
+inline SymMat2& SymMat2::operator-=(const SymMat2& m)
+ { for(int i=0; i<size(); i++) elt[i]-=m.elt[i]; return *this; }
+inline SymMat2& SymMat2::operator*=(double s)
+ { for(int i=0; i<size(); i++) elt[i]*=s; return *this; }
+inline SymMat2& SymMat2::operator/=(double s)
+ { for(int i=0; i<size(); i++) elt[i]/=s; return *this; }
+// Operator definitions
+inline SymMat2 operator+(SymMat2 n, const SymMat2& m) { n += m; return n; }
+inline SymMat2 operator-(SymMat2 n, const SymMat2& m) { n -= m; return n; }
+inline SymMat2 operator*(double s, SymMat2 m) { m*=s; return m; }
+inline SymMat2 operator*(SymMat2 m, double s) { m*=s; return m; }
+inline SymMat2 operator/(SymMat2 m, double s) { m/=s; return m; }
+inline Vec2 operator*(const SymMat2& m, const Vec2& v)
+ { return Vec2(m.row(0)*v, m.row(1)*v); }
+extern SymMat2 operator*(const SymMat2& n, const SymMat2& m);
+extern std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &out, const SymMat2& M);
+// Misc. function definitions
+inline double det(const SymMat2& m) { return m(0,0)*m(1,1) - 2*m(0,1); }
+inline double trace(const SymMat2& m) { return m(0,0) + m(1,1); }
+inline SymMat2 transpose(const SymMat2& m) { return m; }
+extern double invert(Mat2& m_inv, const SymMat2& m);
+extern bool eigen(const SymMat2& m, Vec2& eig_vals, Vec2 eig_vecs[2]);
+} // namespace gfx
diff --git a/debian/fireflies/fireflies-2.08/libgfx/include/gfx/symmat3.h b/debian/fireflies/fireflies-2.08/libgfx/include/gfx/symmat3.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ec5e181f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/fireflies/fireflies-2.08/libgfx/include/gfx/symmat3.h
@@ -0,0 +1,136 @@
+#ifndef GFXSYMMAT3_INCLUDED // -*- C++ -*-
+#if !defined(__GNUC__)
+# pragma once
+ Symmetric 3x3 Matrix class
+ $Id: symmat3.h 427 2004-09-27 04:45:31Z garland $
+ ************************************************************************/
+#include "mat3.h"
+namespace gfx
+class SymMat3
+ double elt[6];
+ inline int index(int i, int j) const
+ {
+ // if n=dim(), and if i<=j:
+ // index = ( n*(n+1)/2 - (n-i)*(n-i+1)/2 ) + (j-i)
+ //
+ if( i<=j ) return 6 - (3-i)*(4-i)/2 + (j-i);
+ else return 6 - (3-j)*(4-j)/2 + (i-j);
+ }
+ // Standard constructors
+ //
+ SymMat3(double s=0.0) { *this = s; }
+ SymMat3(const SymMat3& m) { *this = m; }
+ double& operator()(int i, int j) { return elt[index(i,j)]; }
+ double operator()(int i, int j) const { return elt[index(i,j)]; }
+ static int size() { return 6; }
+ static int dim() { return 3; }
+ typedef Vec3 vector_type;
+ typedef Mat3 inverse_type;
+ typedef double value_type;
+ operator double*() { return elt; }
+ operator const double*() { return elt; }
+ operator const double*() const { return elt; }
+ inline Vec3 row(int i) const;
+ inline Vec3 col(int j) const;
+ Mat3 fullmatrix() const;
+ inline SymMat3& operator=(const SymMat3& m);
+ inline SymMat3& operator=(double s);
+ inline SymMat3& operator+=(const SymMat3& m);
+ inline SymMat3& operator-=(const SymMat3& m);
+ inline SymMat3& operator*=(double s);
+ inline SymMat3& operator/=(double s);
+ static SymMat3 I();
+ static SymMat3 outer_product(const Vec3& v);
+// Methods definitions
+inline Vec3 SymMat3::row(int i) const
+ { return Vec3((*this)(i, 0), (*this)(i, 1), (*this)(i, 2)); }
+inline Vec3 SymMat3::col(int j) const
+ { return Vec3((*this)(0, j), (*this)(1, j), (*this)(2, j)); }
+inline SymMat3& SymMat3::operator=(const SymMat3& m)
+ { for(int i=0; i<size(); i++) elt[i]=m.elt[i]; return *this; }
+inline SymMat3& SymMat3::operator=(double s)
+ { for(int i=0; i<size(); i++) elt[i]=s; return *this; }
+inline SymMat3& SymMat3::operator+=(const SymMat3& m)
+ { for(int i=0; i<size(); i++) elt[i]+=m.elt[i]; return *this; }
+inline SymMat3& SymMat3::operator-=(const SymMat3& m)
+ { for(int i=0; i<size(); i++) elt[i]-=m.elt[i]; return *this; }
+inline SymMat3& SymMat3::operator*=(double s)
+ { for(int i=0; i<size(); i++) elt[i]*=s; return *this; }
+inline SymMat3& SymMat3::operator/=(double s)
+ { for(int i=0; i<size(); i++) elt[i]/=s; return *this; }
+// Operator definitions
+inline SymMat3 operator+(SymMat3 n, const SymMat3& m) { n += m; return n; }
+inline SymMat3 operator-(SymMat3 n, const SymMat3& m) { n -= m; return n; }
+inline SymMat3 operator*(double s, SymMat3 m) { m*=s; return m; }
+inline SymMat3 operator*(SymMat3 m, double s) { m*=s; return m; }
+inline SymMat3 operator/(SymMat3 m, double s) { m/=s; return m; }
+inline Vec3 operator*(const SymMat3& m, const Vec3& v)
+ { return Vec3(m.row(0)*v, m.row(1)*v, m.row(2)*v); }
+extern SymMat3 operator*(const SymMat3& n, const SymMat3& m);
+extern std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &out, const SymMat3& M);
+// Misc. function definitions
+inline double det(const SymMat3& m) { return m.row(0) * (m.row(1)^m.row(2)); }
+inline double trace(const SymMat3& m) { return m(0,0) + m(1,1) + m(2,2); }
+inline SymMat3 transpose(const SymMat3& m) { return m; }
+extern double invert(Mat3& m_inv, const SymMat3& m);
+extern bool eigen(const SymMat3& m, Vec3& eig_vals, Vec3 eig_vecs[3]);
+} // namespace gfx
diff --git a/debian/fireflies/fireflies-2.08/libgfx/include/gfx/symmat4.h b/debian/fireflies/fireflies-2.08/libgfx/include/gfx/symmat4.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e33ac14d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/fireflies/fireflies-2.08/libgfx/include/gfx/symmat4.h
@@ -0,0 +1,145 @@
+#if !defined(__GNUC__)
+# pragma once
+ 4X4 Symmetric Matrix class
+ $Id: symmat4.h 441 2005-05-03 18:05:36Z garland $
+ ************************************************************************/
+#include "mat4.h"
+namespace gfx
+class SymMat4
+ double elt[10];
+ inline int index(int i, int j) const
+ {
+ // if n=dim(), and if i<=j:
+ // index = ( n*(n+1)/2 - (n-i)*(n-i+1)/2 ) + (j-i)
+ //
+ if (i<=j) return (10 - (4-i)*(5-i)/2 + (j-i));
+ else return (10 - (4-j)*(5-j)/2 + (i-j));
+ }
+ // Standard constructors
+ //
+ SymMat4(double s=0.0) { *this = 0.0; }
+ SymMat4(const SymMat4 &m) {*this=m;}
+ // Descriptive interface
+ //
+ typedef double value_type;
+ typedef Vec4 vector_type;
+ typedef Mat4 inverse_type;
+ static int dim() { return 4; }
+ static int size() {return 10;}
+ // Access methods
+ //
+ double& operator()(int i, int j) { return elt[index(i,j)]; }
+ double operator()(int i, int j) const { return elt[index(i,j)]; }
+ inline Vec4 row(int i) const;
+ inline Vec4 col(int i) const;
+ Mat4 fullmatrix() const;
+ operator double*() { return elt; }
+ operator const double*() { return elt; }
+ operator const double*() const { return elt; }
+ // Assignment methods
+ //
+ inline SymMat4& operator=(const SymMat4& m);
+ inline SymMat4& operator=(double s);
+ inline SymMat4& operator+=(const SymMat4& m);
+ inline SymMat4& operator-=(const SymMat4& m);
+ inline SymMat4& operator*=(double s);
+ inline SymMat4& operator/=(double s);
+ static SymMat4 I();
+ static SymMat4 outer_product(const Vec4& v);
+// Method definitions
+inline Vec4 SymMat4::row(int i) const
+ { return Vec4((*this)(i,0), (*this)(i,1), (*this)(i,2), (*this)(i,3)); }
+inline Vec4 SymMat4::col(int j) const
+ { return Vec4((*this)(0,j), (*this)(1,j), (*this)(2,j), (*this)(3,j)); }
+inline SymMat4& SymMat4::operator=(const SymMat4& m)
+ { for(int i=0; i<size(); i++) elt[i] = m.elt[i]; return *this; }
+inline SymMat4& SymMat4::operator=(double s)
+ { for(int i=0; i<size(); i++) elt[i] = s; return *this; }
+inline SymMat4& SymMat4::operator+=(const SymMat4& m)
+ { for(int i=0; i<size(); i++) elt[i]+=m.elt[i]; return *this; }
+inline SymMat4& SymMat4::operator-=(const SymMat4& m)
+ { for(int i=0; i<size(); i++) elt[i]-=m.elt[i]; return *this; }
+inline SymMat4& SymMat4::operator*=(double s)
+ { for(int i=0; i<size(); i++) elt[i] *= s; return *this; }
+inline SymMat4& SymMat4::operator/=(double s)
+ { for(int i=0; i<size(); i++) elt[i] /= s; return *this; }
+// Operator definitions
+inline SymMat4 operator+(SymMat4 n, const SymMat4& m) { n += m; return n; }
+inline SymMat4 operator-(SymMat4 n, const SymMat4& m) { n -= m; return n; }
+inline SymMat4 operator*(double s, SymMat4 m) { m*=s; return m; }
+inline SymMat4 operator*(SymMat4 m, double s) { m*=s; return m; }
+inline SymMat4 operator/(SymMat4 m, double s) { m/=s; return m; }
+inline SymMat4 operator-(const SymMat4& m)
+ SymMat4 temp;
+ for(int i=0; i<m.size(); i++) temp.elt[i]= -m.elt[i];
+ return temp;
+inline Vec4 operator*(const SymMat4& m, const Vec4& v)
+ { return Vec4(m.row(0)*v, m.row(1)*v, m.row(2)*v, m.row(3)*v); }
+extern SymMat4 operator*(const SymMat4& n, const SymMat4& m);
+// Misc. function definitions
+inline double trace(const SymMat4& m) { return m(0,0)+m(1,1)+m(2,2)+m(3,3); }
+inline SymMat4 transpose(const SymMat4& m) { return m; }
+extern double invert(Mat4& m_inv, const SymMat4& m);
+extern bool eigen(const SymMat4& m, Vec4& eig_vals, Vec4 eig_vecs[4]);
+} // namespace gfx
diff --git a/debian/fireflies/fireflies-2.08/libgfx/include/gfx/trackball.h b/debian/fireflies/fireflies-2.08/libgfx/include/gfx/trackball.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..1432ed71
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/fireflies/fireflies-2.08/libgfx/include/gfx/trackball.h
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+#ifndef GFXTRACKBALL_INCLUDED // -*- C++ -*-
+#if !defined(__GNUC__)
+# pragma once
+ Virtual trackball rotation control.
+ $Id: trackball.h 427 2004-09-27 04:45:31Z garland $
+ ************************************************************************/
+#include "baseball.h"
+namespace gfx
+extern void trackball(Quat& q, float p1x, float p1y, float p2x, float p2y);
+class Trackball : public Baseball
+ Quat lastquat;
+ Trackball();
+ virtual void update_animation();
+ virtual bool mouse_down(int *where, int which);
+ virtual bool mouse_up(int *where, int which);
+ virtual bool mouse_drag(int *where, int *last, int which);
+} // namespace gfx
diff --git a/debian/fireflies/fireflies-2.08/libgfx/include/gfx/vec2.h b/debian/fireflies/fireflies-2.08/libgfx/include/gfx/vec2.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..11b7ac7f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/fireflies/fireflies-2.08/libgfx/include/gfx/vec2.h
@@ -0,0 +1,158 @@
+#ifndef GFXVEC2_INCLUDED // -*- C++ -*-
+#if !defined(__GNUC__)
+# pragma once
+ 2D Vector class
+ $Id: vec2.h 427 2004-09-27 04:45:31Z garland $
+ ************************************************************************/
+#include "gfx.h"
+namespace gfx
+template<class T>
+class TVec2 {
+ T elt[2];
+ // Standard constructors
+ //
+ TVec2(T s=0) { *this = s; }
+ TVec2(T x, T y) { elt[0]=x; elt[1]=y; }
+ // Copy constructors & assignment operators
+ template<class U> TVec2(const TVec2<U>& v) { *this = v; }
+ template<class U> TVec2(const U v[2]) { elt[0]=v[0]; elt[1]=v[1]; }
+ template<class U> TVec2& operator=(const TVec2<U>& v)
+ { elt[0]=v[0]; elt[1]=v[1]; return *this; }
+ TVec2& operator=(T s) { elt[0]=elt[1]=s; return *this; }
+ // Descriptive interface
+ //
+ typedef T value_type;
+ static int dim() { return 2; }
+ // Access methods
+ //
+ operator T*() { return elt; }
+ operator const T*() const { return elt; }
+ T& operator[](int i) { return elt[i]; }
+ T operator[](int i) const { return elt[i]; }
+ operator const T*() { return elt; }
+ // In-place arithmetic methods
+ //
+ inline TVec2& operator+=(const TVec2& v);
+ inline TVec2& operator-=(const TVec2& v);
+ inline TVec2& operator*=(T s);
+ inline TVec2& operator/=(T s);
+// Method definitions
+template<class T> inline TVec2<T>& TVec2<T>::operator+=(const TVec2<T>& v)
+ { elt[0] += v[0]; elt[1] += v[1]; return *this; }
+template<class T> inline TVec2<T>& TVec2<T>::operator-=(const TVec2<T>& v)
+ { elt[0] -= v[0]; elt[1] -= v[1]; return *this; }
+template<class T> inline TVec2<T>& TVec2<T>::operator*=(T s)
+ { elt[0] *= s; elt[1] *= s; return *this; }
+template<class T> inline TVec2<T>& TVec2<T>::operator/=(T s)
+ { elt[0] /= s; elt[1] /= s; return *this; }
+// Operator defintions
+template<class T>
+inline TVec2<T> operator+(const TVec2<T> &u, const TVec2<T> &v)
+ { return TVec2<T>(u[0]+v[0], u[1]+v[1]); }
+template<class T>
+inline TVec2<T> operator-(const TVec2<T> &u, const TVec2<T> &v)
+ { return TVec2<T>(u[0]-v[0], u[1]-v[1]); }
+template<class T> inline TVec2<T> operator-(const TVec2<T> &v)
+ { return TVec2<T>(-v[0], -v[1]); }
+#if _MSC_VER>=1200
+// Normally, we use the <class T, class N> construct below to allow the scalar
+// argument to be different than the template type. This, for example, allows
+// the user to write things like v/2. Unfortunately, Microsoft VC6.0 (aka
+// v1200) gets confused by this. We used to include explicit versions for the
+// case of int's, but this was causing silent (and incorrect) coercion of
+// floats to ints.
+ template<class T> inline TVec2<T> operator*(T s, const TVec2<T> &v)
+ { return TVec2<T>(v[0]*s, v[1]*s); }
+ template<class T> inline TVec2<T> operator*(const TVec2<T> &v, T s)
+ { return s*v; }
+ template<class T> inline TVec2<T> operator/(const TVec2<T> &v, T s)
+ { return TVec2<T>(v[0]/s, v[1]/s); }
+ template<class T, class N> inline TVec2<T> operator*(N s, const TVec2<T> &v)
+ { return TVec2<T>(v[0]*s, v[1]*s); }
+ template<class T, class N> inline TVec2<T> operator*(const TVec2<T> &v, N s)
+ { return s*v; }
+ template<class T, class N> inline TVec2<T> operator/(const TVec2<T> &v, N s)
+ { return TVec2<T>(v[0]/s, v[1]/s); }
+template<class T> inline T operator*(const TVec2<T> &u, const TVec2<T>& v)
+ { return u[0]*v[0] + u[1]*v[1]; }
+template<class T> inline TVec2<T> perp(const TVec2<T> &v)
+ { return TVec2<T>(v[1], -v[0]); }
+template<class T>
+inline std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &out, const TVec2<T> &v)
+ { return out << v[0] << " " << v[1]; }
+template<class T>
+inline std::istream &operator>>(std::istream &in, TVec2<T>& v)
+ { return in >> v[0] >> v[1]; }
+// Misc. function definitions
+template<class T> inline T norm2(const TVec2<T>& v) { return v*v; }
+template<class T> inline T norm(const TVec2<T>& v) { return sqrt(norm2(v)); }
+template<class T> inline void unitize(TVec2<T>& v)
+ T l = norm2(v);
+ if( l!=1.0 && l!=0.0 ) v /= sqrt(l);
+typedef TVec2<double> Vec2;
+typedef TVec2<float> Vec2f;
+} // namespace gfx
diff --git a/debian/fireflies/fireflies-2.08/libgfx/include/gfx/vec3.h b/debian/fireflies/fireflies-2.08/libgfx/include/gfx/vec3.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..22d37394
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/fireflies/fireflies-2.08/libgfx/include/gfx/vec3.h
@@ -0,0 +1,184 @@
+#ifndef GFXVEC3_INCLUDED // -*- C++ -*-
+#if !defined(__GNUC__)
+# pragma once
+ 3D Vector class
+ $Id: vec3.h 427 2004-09-27 04:45:31Z garland $
+ ************************************************************************/
+#include "vec2.h"
+namespace gfx
+template<class T>
+class TVec3 {
+ T elt[3];
+ // Standard constructors
+ //
+ TVec3(T s=0) { *this = s; }
+ TVec3(T x, T y, T z) { elt[0]=x; elt[1]=y; elt[2]=z; }
+ // Copy constructors & assignment operators
+ template<class U> TVec3(const TVec3<U>& v) { *this = v; }
+ // This is now a standard constructor, except when compiling legacy MixKit
+ // code.
+ template<class U> TVec3(const U v[3])
+ { elt[0]=v[0]; elt[1]=v[1]; elt[2]=v[2]; }
+ // For MixKit code, we need these constructors instead.
+ // They SHOULD NOT be used in new code.
+ TVec3(const float *v) { elt[0]=v[0]; elt[1]=v[1]; elt[2]=v[2]; }
+ TVec3(const double *v) { elt[0]=v[0]; elt[1]=v[1]; elt[2]=v[2]; }
+ template<class U> TVec3& operator=(const TVec3<U>& v)
+ { elt[0]=v[0]; elt[1]=v[1]; elt[2]=v[2]; return *this; }
+ TVec3& operator=(T s) { elt[0]=elt[1]=elt[2]=s; return *this; }
+ // Descriptive interface
+ //
+ typedef T value_type;
+ static int dim() { return 3; }
+ // Access methods
+ //
+ operator T*() { return elt; }
+ operator const T*() const { return elt; }
+ T& operator[](int i) { return elt[i]; }
+ T operator[](int i) const { return elt[i]; }
+ operator const T*() { return elt; }
+ // Assignment and in-place arithmetic methods
+ //
+ inline TVec3& operator+=(const TVec3& v);
+ inline TVec3& operator-=(const TVec3& v);
+ inline TVec3& operator*=(T s);
+ inline TVec3& operator/=(T s);
+// Method definitions
+template<class T> inline TVec3<T>& TVec3<T>::operator+=(const TVec3<T>& v)
+ { elt[0] += v[0]; elt[1] += v[1]; elt[2] += v[2]; return *this; }
+template<class T> inline TVec3<T>& TVec3<T>::operator-=(const TVec3<T>& v)
+ { elt[0] -= v[0]; elt[1] -= v[1]; elt[2] -= v[2]; return *this; }
+template<class T> inline TVec3<T>& TVec3<T>::operator*=(T s)
+ { elt[0] *= s; elt[1] *= s; elt[2] *= s; return *this; }
+template<class T> inline TVec3<T>& TVec3<T>::operator/=(T s)
+ { elt[0] /= s; elt[1] /= s; elt[2] /= s; return *this; }
+// Operator definitions
+template<class T>
+inline TVec3<T> operator+(const TVec3<T> &u, const TVec3<T>& v)
+ { return TVec3<T>(u[0]+v[0], u[1]+v[1], u[2]+v[2]); }
+template<class T>
+inline TVec3<T> operator-(const TVec3<T> &u, const TVec3<T>& v)
+ { return TVec3<T>(u[0]-v[0], u[1]-v[1], u[2]-v[2]); }
+template<class T> inline TVec3<T> operator-(const TVec3<T> &v)
+ { return TVec3<T>(-v[0], -v[1], -v[2]); }
+#if _MSC_VER>=1200
+// Normally, we use the <class T, class N> construct below to allow the scalar
+// argument to be different than the template type. This, for example, allows
+// the user to write things like v/2. Unfortunately, Microsoft VC6.0 (aka
+// v1200) gets confused by this. We used to include explicit versions for the
+// case of int's, but this was causing silent (and incorrect) coercion of
+// floats to ints.
+ template<class T> inline TVec3<T> operator*(T s, const TVec3<T> &v)
+ { return TVec3<T>(v[0]*s, v[1]*s, v[2]*s); }
+ template<class T> inline TVec3<T> operator*(const TVec3<T> &v, T s)
+ { return s*v; }
+ template<class T> inline TVec3<T> operator/(const TVec3<T> &v, T s)
+ { return TVec3<T>(v[0]/s, v[1]/s, v[2]/s); }
+ template<class T, class N> inline TVec3<T> operator*(N s, const TVec3<T> &v)
+ { return TVec3<T>(v[0]*s, v[1]*s, v[2]*s); }
+ template<class T, class N> inline TVec3<T> operator*(const TVec3<T> &v, N s)
+ { return s*v; }
+ template<class T, class N> inline TVec3<T> operator/(const TVec3<T> &v, N s)
+ { return TVec3<T>(v[0]/s, v[1]/s, v[2]/s); }
+template<class T> inline T operator*(const TVec3<T> &u, const TVec3<T>& v)
+ { return u[0]*v[0] + u[1]*v[1] + u[2]*v[2]; }
+template<class T> inline TVec3<T> cross(const TVec3<T>& u, const TVec3<T>& v)
+ return TVec3<T>( u[1]*v[2] - v[1]*u[2],
+ -u[0]*v[2] + v[0]*u[2],
+ u[0]*v[1] - v[0]*u[1] );
+template<class T>
+inline TVec3<T> operator^(const TVec3<T>& u, const TVec3<T>& v)
+ { return cross(u, v); }
+template<class T>
+inline std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &out, const TVec3<T>& v)
+ { return out << v[0] << " " << v[1] << " " << v[2]; }
+template<class T>
+inline std::istream &operator>>(std::istream &in, TVec3<T>& v)
+ { return in >> v[0] >> v[1] >> v[2]; }
+// Misc. function definitions
+template<class T> inline T norm2(const TVec3<T>& v) { return v*v; }
+template<class T> inline T norm(const TVec3<T>& v) { return sqrt(norm2(v)); }
+template<class T> inline void unitize(TVec3<T>& v)
+ T l = norm2(v);
+ if( l!=1.0 && l!=0.0 ) v /= sqrt(l);
+template<class T> inline TVec2<T> proj(const TVec3<T>& v)
+ TVec2<T> u(v[0], v[1]);
+ if( v[2]!=1.0 && v[2]!=0.0 )
+ u /= v[2];
+ return u;
+typedef TVec3<double> Vec3;
+typedef TVec3<float> Vec3f;
+} // namespace gfx
diff --git a/debian/fireflies/fireflies-2.08/libgfx/include/gfx/vec4.h b/debian/fireflies/fireflies-2.08/libgfx/include/gfx/vec4.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..8875074e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/fireflies/fireflies-2.08/libgfx/include/gfx/vec4.h
@@ -0,0 +1,183 @@
+#ifndef GFXVEC4_INCLUDED // -*- C++ -*-
+#if !defined(__GNUC__)
+# pragma once
+ 4D Vector class
+ $Id: vec4.h 427 2004-09-27 04:45:31Z garland $
+ ************************************************************************/
+#include "vec3.h"
+namespace gfx
+template<class T>
+class TVec4 {
+ T elt[4];
+ // Standard constructors
+ //
+ TVec4(T s=0) { *this = s; }
+ TVec4(T x, T y, T z, T w) { elt[0]=x; elt[1]=y; elt[2]=z; elt[3]=w; }
+ // Copy constructors & assignment operators
+ template<class U> TVec4(const TVec4<U>& v) { *this = v; }
+ template<class U> TVec4(const TVec3<U>& v,T w)
+ { elt[0]=v[0]; elt[1]=v[1]; elt[2]=v[2]; elt[3]=w; }
+ template<class U> TVec4(const U v[4])
+ { elt[0]=v[0]; elt[1]=v[1]; elt[2]=v[2]; elt[3]=v[3]; }
+ template<class U> TVec4& operator=(const TVec4<U>& v)
+ { elt[0]=v[0]; elt[1]=v[1]; elt[2]=v[2]; elt[3]=v[3]; return *this; }
+ TVec4& operator=(T s) { elt[0]=elt[1]=elt[2]=elt[3]=s; return *this; }
+ // Descriptive interface
+ //
+ typedef T value_type;
+ static int dim() { return 4; }
+ // Access methods
+ //
+ operator T*() { return elt; }
+ operator const T*() const { return elt; }
+ T& operator[](int i) { return elt[i]; }
+ T operator[](int i) const { return elt[i]; }
+ operator const T*() { return elt; }
+ // Assignment and in-place arithmetic methods
+ //
+ inline TVec4& operator+=(const TVec4& v);
+ inline TVec4& operator-=(const TVec4& v);
+ inline TVec4& operator*=(T s);
+ inline TVec4& operator/=(T s);
+// Method definitions
+template<class T> inline TVec4<T>& TVec4<T>::operator+=(const TVec4<T>& v)
+ { elt[0]+=v[0]; elt[1]+=v[1]; elt[2]+=v[2]; elt[3]+=v[3]; return *this;}
+template<class T> inline TVec4<T>& TVec4<T>::operator-=(const TVec4<T>& v)
+ { elt[0]-=v[0]; elt[1]-=v[1]; elt[2]-=v[2]; elt[3]-=v[3]; return *this;}
+template<class T> inline TVec4<T>& TVec4<T>::operator*=(T s)
+ { elt[0] *= s; elt[1] *= s; elt[2] *= s; elt[3] *= s; return *this; }
+template<class T> inline TVec4<T>& TVec4<T>::operator/=(T s)
+ { elt[0] /= s; elt[1] /= s; elt[2] /= s; elt[3] /= s; return *this; }
+// Operator definitions
+template<class T>
+inline TVec4<T> operator+(const TVec4<T> &u, const TVec4<T> &v)
+ { return TVec4<T>(u[0]+v[0], u[1]+v[1], u[2]+v[2], u[3]+v[3]); }
+template<class T>
+inline TVec4<T> operator-(const TVec4<T> &u, const TVec4<T>& v)
+ { return TVec4<T>(u[0]-v[0], u[1]-v[1], u[2]-v[2], u[3]-v[3]); }
+template<class T> inline TVec4<T> operator-(const TVec4<T> &u)
+ { return TVec4<T>(-u[0], -u[1], -u[2], -u[3]); }
+#if _MSC_VER>=1200
+// Normally, we use the <class T, class N> construct below to allow the scalar
+// argument to be different than the template type. This, for example, allows
+// the user to write things like v/2. Unfortunately, Microsoft VC6.0 (aka
+// v1200) gets confused by this. We used to include explicit versions for the
+// case of int's, but this was causing silent (and incorrect) coercion of
+// floats to ints.
+ template<class T> inline TVec4<T> operator*(T s, const TVec4<T> &v)
+ { return TVec4<T>(v[0]*s, v[1]*s, v[2]*s, v[3]*s); }
+ template<class T> inline TVec4<T> operator*(const TVec4<T> &v, T s)
+ { return s*v; }
+ template<class T> inline TVec4<T> operator/(const TVec4<T> &v, T s)
+ { return TVec4<T>(v[0]/s, v[1]/s, v[2]/s, v[3]/s); }
+ template<class T, class N> inline TVec4<T> operator*(N s, const TVec4<T> &v)
+ { return TVec4<T>(v[0]*s, v[1]*s, v[2]*s, v[3]*s); }
+ template<class T, class N> inline TVec4<T> operator*(const TVec4<T> &v, N s)
+ { return s*v; }
+ template<class T, class N> inline TVec4<T> operator/(const TVec4<T> &v, N s)
+ { return TVec4<T>(v[0]/s, v[1]/s, v[2]/s, v[3]/s); }
+template<class T> inline T operator*(const TVec4<T> &u, const TVec4<T> &v)
+ { return u[0]*v[0] + u[1]*v[1] + u[2]*v[2] + u[3]*v[3]; }
+template<class T>
+inline std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &out, const TVec4<T>& v)
+ { return out <<v[0] <<" " <<v[1] <<" " <<v[2] <<" " <<v[3]; }
+template<class T>
+inline std::istream &operator>>(std::istream &in, TVec4<T>& v)
+ { return in >> v[0] >> v[1] >> v[2] >> v[3]; }
+// Misc. function definitions
+template<class T>
+inline TVec4<T> cross(const TVec4<T>& a, const TVec4<T>& b, const TVec4<T>& c)
+ // Code adapted from VecLib4d.c in Graphics Gems V
+ T d1 = (b[2] * c[3]) - (b[3] * c[2]);
+ T d2 = (b[1] * c[3]) - (b[3] * c[1]);
+ T d3 = (b[1] * c[2]) - (b[2] * c[1]);
+ T d4 = (b[0] * c[3]) - (b[3] * c[0]);
+ T d5 = (b[0] * c[2]) - (b[2] * c[0]);
+ T d6 = (b[0] * c[1]) - (b[1] * c[0]);
+ return TVec4<T>(- a[1] * d1 + a[2] * d2 - a[3] * d3,
+ a[0] * d1 - a[2] * d4 + a[3] * d5,
+ - a[0] * d2 + a[1] * d4 - a[3] * d6,
+ a[0] * d3 - a[1] * d5 + a[2] * d6);
+template<class T> inline T norm2(const TVec4<T>& v) { return v*v; }
+template<class T> inline T norm(const TVec4<T>& v) { return sqrt(norm2(v)); }
+template<class T> inline void unitize(TVec4<T>& v)
+ T l = norm2(v);
+ if( l!=1.0 && l!=0.0 ) v /= sqrt(l);
+template<class T> inline TVec3<T> proj(const TVec4<T>& v)
+ TVec3<T> u(v[0], v[1], v[2]);
+ if( v[3]!=1.0 && v[3]!=0.0 )
+ u /= v[3];
+ return u;
+typedef TVec4<double> Vec4;
+typedef TVec4<float> Vec4f;
+} // namespace gfx
diff --git a/debian/fireflies/fireflies-2.08/libgfx/include/gfx/win/gui-mfc.h b/debian/fireflies/fireflies-2.08/libgfx/include/gfx/win/gui-mfc.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..134916bd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/fireflies/fireflies-2.08/libgfx/include/gfx/win/gui-mfc.h
@@ -0,0 +1,120 @@
+#ifndef GFXGUIMFC_INCLUDED // -*- C++ -*-
+#if !defined(__GNUC__)
+# pragma once
+ Minimalist GUI framework built using MFC.
+ This package mimics the baseline GUI framework originally implemented
+ on top of FLTK in <gui.h>. It remains incomplete, and does not
+ support all the features provided by the FLTK-based version.
+ At this point, the two GUI implementations are close to
+ source-compatible, but not quite. The main difference is in the
+ startup issues -- main() vs. InitInstance().
+ $Id: gui-mfc.h 427 2004-09-27 04:45:31Z garland $
+ ************************************************************************/
+#include "mfc.h"
+#include "../gl.h"
+namespace gfx
+class Canvas : public CFrameWnd
+ int last_click[2];
+ Canvas();
+ CStatusBar *status_line;
+ int pixfmt;
+ HGLRC glcontext;
+ inline void make_current(HDC dc) { wglMakeCurrent(dc, glcontext); }
+ inline void finish(HDC dc) { SwapBuffers(dc); }
+ void immediate_redraw();
+ int decode_mouse_button(UINT flags, int which=0);
+ void do_mouse_down(int which, UINT flags, CPoint where);
+ void do_mouse_up(int which, UINT flags, CPoint where);
+ void do_mouse_move(UINT flags, CPoint where);
+ void post_redraw();
+ //
+ // Override selected MFC virtual functions
+ //
+ BOOL PreCreateWindow(CREATESTRUCT &cs);
+ //
+ // Define MFC event handlers
+ //
+ afx_msg int OnCreate(LPCREATESTRUCT lpcs);
+ afx_msg void OnDestroy();
+ afx_msg void OnSize(UINT type, int width, int height);
+ afx_msg void OnActivate(UINT state, CWnd *other, BOOL is_minimized);
+ afx_msg void OnPaint();
+ afx_msg BOOL OnEraseBkgnd(CDC *dc);
+ afx_msg void OnLButtonDown(UINT flags, CPoint point);
+ afx_msg void OnLButtonUp(UINT flags, CPoint point);
+ afx_msg void OnRButtonDown(UINT flags, CPoint point);
+ afx_msg void OnRButtonUp(UINT flags, CPoint point);
+ afx_msg void OnMButtonDown(UINT flags, CPoint point);
+ afx_msg void OnMButtonUp(UINT flags, CPoint point);
+ afx_msg void OnMouseMove(UINT flags, CPoint point);
+ afx_msg void OnChar(UINT ch, UINT repcount, UINT flags);
+class MfcGUI : public CWinApp
+ UINT timer_id;
+ MfcGUI();
+ virtual BOOL InitInstance();
+ Canvas *canvas;
+ float default_fps, target_fps;
+ void status(const char *format, ...);
+ void animate(bool will=true);
+ virtual void update_animation();
+ virtual void setup_for_drawing();
+ virtual void draw_contents();
+ virtual bool mouse_down(int *where, int which);
+ virtual bool mouse_up(int *where, int which);
+ virtual bool mouse_drag(int *where, int *last, int which);
+ virtual bool key_press(int key);
+} // namespace gfx
diff --git a/debian/fireflies/fireflies-2.08/libgfx/include/gfx/win/mfc.h b/debian/fireflies/fireflies-2.08/libgfx/include/gfx/win/mfc.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..9feb045f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/fireflies/fireflies-2.08/libgfx/include/gfx/win/mfc.h
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+#ifndef GFXMFC_INCLUDED // -*- C++ -*-
+#if !defined(__GNUC__)
+# pragma once
+ Support code for using MFC. At the moment, this just makes sure that
+ we include the right headers.
+ $Id: mfc.h 425 2004-09-27 03:40:06Z garland $
+ ************************************************************************/
+#ifndef _MBCS
+#define _MBCS
+#ifndef _AFXDLL
+#define _AFXDLL
+#include <afxwin.h>
+#include <afxext.h>
+#include "wintools.h"
diff --git a/debian/fireflies/fireflies-2.08/libgfx/include/gfx/win/wintools.h b/debian/fireflies/fireflies-2.08/libgfx/include/gfx/win/wintools.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..2fd683ed
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/fireflies/fireflies-2.08/libgfx/include/gfx/win/wintools.h
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+#ifndef GFXWINTOOLS_INCLUDED // -*- C++ -*-
+#if !defined(__GNUC__)
+# pragma once
+ Support code for handling various tasks under Win32
+ $Id: wintools.h 427 2004-09-27 04:45:31Z garland $
+ ************************************************************************/
+#include <windows.h>
+namespace gfx
+extern HGLRC create_glcontext(HDC dc);
+extern int set_pixel_format(HDC dc);
+} // namespace gfx