path: root/debian/fireflies/fireflies-2.08/src/scene.h
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'debian/fireflies/fireflies-2.08/src/scene.h')
1 files changed, 80 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/debian/fireflies/fireflies-2.08/src/scene.h b/debian/fireflies/fireflies-2.08/src/scene.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..10df4710
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/fireflies/fireflies-2.08/src/scene.h
@@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
+#ifndef _SCENE_H
+#define _SCENE_H
+#include "main.h"
+#include "control.h"
+#include "bait.h"
+#include "firefly.h"
+#include "tail.h"
+#include <gfx/quat.h>
+#include <vector>
+class Scene {
+ vector<Bait*> baits;
+ vector<Firefly*> flies;
+ vector<Tail*> dead_tails;
+ Control camera; // camera orientation
+ double curtime; // total time the program's been running
+ Vec3f wind; // current wind direction
+ Vec3f accel; // wind is changing
+ double wind_when; // time before next wind change
+ int mode_next; // the next mode to activate
+ double mode_when; // next time to activate a mode
+ double matrix; // -1 if not active, else a timer for how long
+ // the "matrix" mode has been active
+ Vec3f matrix_axis; // the axis to rotate around matrix-style
+ // options
+ RandVar smodes; // enabled modes for scene
+ RandVar bmodes; // enabled modes for baits
+ unsigned fast_forward;
+ unsigned minbaits;
+ unsigned maxbaits;
+ unsigned minflies;
+ unsigned maxflies;
+ double fsize;
+ double bspeed;
+ double baccel;
+ double fspeed;
+ double faccel;
+ double hue_rate;
+ double tail_length;
+ double tail_width;
+ double tail_opaq;
+ double glow_factor;
+ double wind_speed;
+ bool draw_bait;
+ Scene();
+ ~Scene();
+ // set default options (called from constructor)
+ void set_defaults();
+ // create the scene with the following parameters
+ // NOTE: the scene does not exist until this is called!
+ void create();
+ // add 'n' flies to random baits
+ void add_flies(unsigned n);
+ // remove 'n' flies from random baits
+ void rem_flies(unsigned n);
+ // resize the scene.
+ void resize(int width, int height);
+ // apply the camera transformations (translate+rotate)
+ void apply_camera();
+ // draw the scene (CREATE it first!)
+ void draw();
+ // animation: let t seconds elapse (fast_forward times)
+ void elapse(double t);
+ // animation: let t seconds elapse once
+ void elapse_once(double t);
+extern Vec3f world;
+extern Scene scene;
+#endif // scene.h